Women breathe through their chests and men through their stomachs. How to learn to breathe correctly - the simplest method. – Blood saturation measurement

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How men breathe and how women breathe

The essence of breathing, as is known, is that the body absorbs oxygen from the air; this oxygen first combines with the blood, which carries it throughout the body; there, deep in the tissue, oxygen combines with carbon in the body, resulting in carbon dioxide, which dissolves in the blood, and the blood carries it out of the body into the air (or water). Essentially, breathing is nothing more than slow combustion, because combustion also consists of combining the carbon of a burning body with oxygen in the air, which also results in carbon dioxide.

Breathing is the source of all the energy that a living organism is capable of detecting. It can be compared to the operation of a steam engine, and the combustion itself occurs deep in the tissues, the role of the ash-blower supplying the burning tissues with oxygen is played by the blood and respiratory organs (in humans, the lungs), and the role of fuel is played by food, which, turning into blood, replaces the burnt body particles are new. Thus, two sides can be distinguished in breathing: the absorption of oxygen from the air and the release of carbon dioxide and tissue respiration, which occurs deep in the tissues.

The first process occurs in a person’s lungs and is accompanied by special respiratory movements. It is these movements that are meant when a person is said to be breathing. The mechanism of respiratory movements in humans is as follows. The lungs are two bushes made up of gradually branching tubes, which are called bronchi. As the tubes branch, they become thinner and thinner, and the thinnest, approaching the surface of the lung, end in a small bubble. The walls of the bubbles contain blood vessels that bring venous, i.e., carbon dioxide-rich blood. The gas is released into the air contained in the pulmonary vesicles, and when the air is exhaled, it is expelled from the lungs to the outside. The oxygen in the air in the pulmonary vesicles combines with the blood of the blood vessels of the vesicle, converts it into arterial blood, and the arterial blood is sent to the left atrium of the heart.

Rice. 9. On the left side of the picture only the pulmonary tubules are depicted without the general outer covering of the lungs; G - larynx; D - windpipe; B - bronchi.

The walls of the pulmonary vesicles are extremely extensible. If all the pulmonary vesicles, of which there are extremely many in the lung, expand, they will suck air into themselves through the pulmonary tubes and windpipe. If they begin to decrease in volume, that is, become smaller, they will push air out of themselves. The reason why they either expand or contract is the following: the lungs are placed in the chest cavity, which is completely closed and does not connect not only with the external environment, but also with the neighboring abdominal cavity. It is separated from the abdominal cavity by a continuous septum, called the abdominal barrier. Using a special mechanism, the breast cavity can increase in volume; this happens while a person inhales air. Since the chest cavity is closed, as its volume increases, a space with rarefied air is formed between its inner surface and the surface of the lung. The air in the lung bubbles strives to occupy this space, and since this is prevented by the tensile walls of the bubbles, this desire leads to the bubbles expanding. As they expand, they suck in outside air through the pulmonary tubes. When the volume of the chest cavity decreases - and this happens when exhaling - the pulmonary bubbles take on their previous appearance, that is, they decrease in volume and push out the exhaust air.

Rice. 10. The abdominal obstruction rose and pushed out the air.

Rice. 11. The abdominal barrier has descended.

Enlargement of the chest cavity is achieved in humans in two main ways: firstly, the chest wall is slightly raised upward and moved away from the spinal column, as a result of which the chest cavity increases from front to back, that is, in the space between the spinal column and the front wall of the chest. This is achieved by the fact that the ribs, attached to the spine at an acute angle, begin to describe an arc with their anterior ends, so that this angle becomes larger and the distance between the anterior ends of the ribs and the spinal column increases. The ends of the ribs, attached to the sternum, pull this bone along with them. The second way to enlarge the chest cavity is to lower the abdominal barrier down. It has the appearance of a dome, which protrudes convexly into the chest cavity. With the help of special muscles, the thoraco-abdominal barrier is made flatter, and its middle goes down. As a result, the chest cavity increases in the direction from top to bottom. When the middle of the abdominal barrier goes down, it puts pressure on the insides of the abdomen, causing the abdominal wall to protrude with each descent. Therefore, this type of breathing is called “abdominal” breathing, in contrast to raising the chest wall, which is called “thoracic” breathing.?

Correct breathing is the most important condition normal functioning of the entire body, since blood supply and how much oxygen the blood is saturated with depends on it. Proper breathing will help normalize metabolic processes and get rid of excess weight, strengthen immune system and increase the body's protective functions.

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What kind of breathing is correct for a person?

The breathing that a person uses is of two types: chest and diaphragmatic. It is believed that women mainly breathe from the chest, and men from the stomach, i.e. They use the diaphragm for this - a muscle located between the abdominal and thoracic cavities. However, as research shows, most often representatives of both sexes use mixed breathing, mostly chest breathing.

Meanwhile, newborn children breathe only with their stomachs, but this skill is lost with age. Doctors explain this by everyday prejudices, when a person is required from a young age correct posture and a retracted stomach. The desire to appear slimmer and further makes people suck in their stomachs, use tight clothing and belts, depriving themselves of the ability to breathe with their stomachs and switching to chest breathing. A person switches to chest breathing involuntarily and in the event of stressful situations, experiencing fear, anger or excitement.

By breathing with your chest, you limit the amount of oxygen entering your lungs, literally holding back and preventing the pulmonary lobes from fully expanding. When you begin to breathe correctly, with your diaphragm, oxygenated blood begins to circulate faster throughout your body, a sign of this is the cessation of tinnitus and an increase in the temperature of the extremities.

Hypertensive patients should use with caution diaphragmatic breathing, since there is a risk of increased intrathoracic and intrapulmonary pressure. When exhaling, you should not let it go all the way

During respiratory vibrations, the diaphragm, contracting and stretching, massages the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, including the intestines. People suffering from constipation note that within 2 weeks after they switched to diaphragmatic breathing, bowel function stabilized. The functioning of the heart, gall bladder and pancreas is normalized, and blood circulation in the pelvic organs is improved.

Diaphragmatic breathing should be accompanied by tension in the abdominal muscles, especially in the area below the navel. Working the muscles in the waist area will prevent the deposition of fat deposits. But do not confuse tension with drawing in your stomach, which will return you to chest breathing. When breathing with the help of the diaphragm, try not to pull in your stomach, learn to voluntarily relax its muscles so that it can work actively. With relaxed abdominal muscles, excess blood leaves the solar plexus, breathing becomes smoother and deeper, digestion is normalized, anxiety disappears, and your sleep becomes calm and sound.

How to learn to breathe correctly

Learn proper breathing and you can train yourself with the help simple exercise performed in a lying position. Wear comfortable clothes that do not restrict breathing and lie on your back with your knees slightly bent. Relax and mentally examine your entire body from the top of your head to the tips of your fingers and toes. Start breathing with your belly. Close your eyes and concentrate on the breathing process, feel how some muscle groups tense and relax during it. Feel the contraction and relaxation of the abdominal and lower back muscles.

Your diaphragm is actively involved in the breathing process; when you inhale, this dome-shaped muscle tenses and lowers, allowing your lungs to fully expand. At the same time, the abdominal muscles relax, it increases in size and becomes round. As you exhale, the abdominal muscles tense, and the diaphragm relaxes; its dome, rising, compresses the lungs, pushing air out of them. As a result of this method of breathing, a slow progressive filling of the lungs with oxygen occurs. Breathe while simultaneously controlling the work of the diaphragm, try to feel and understand the work of the entire respiratory system involved in this process.

Correct chest breathing

Hello! Today we will talk about how to breathe from your belly. Health, beauty of the body, and mental state depend on proper breathing. Many people are breathing chest, which leads to internal tension, restlessness, anxiety, and disruption of work internal organs. Therefore, it is important to learn how to breathe correctly through the abdominal cavity.

Diaphragmatic breathing is useful not only for athletes: singers, actors, and TV presenters are taught a special technique. I will tell you how to learn healthy breathing techniques and why they are beneficial. Give me a little attention and in a few weeks you will feel a surge of strength and energy.

Diaphragmatic breathing includes several rules for performing various exercises that have a beneficial effect on the physiological and psychological state of a person.

Do not think that air absorption occurs in the stomach. You can only inhale it with your lungs. The abdomen moves due to the movement of the diaphragm, which separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. When inhaling air, the stomach becomes rounded, and when exhaling it returns to its original state.

Benefits and harms

Oddly enough, technology has not only many advantages, but also its disadvantages. There are also contraindications, but first things first.


Breathing through the chest does not allow us to completely enrich the body with oxygen. We use less than half the volume of our lungs, inhaling air quickly and superficially, which causes insomnia, atherosclerosis and other health problems. Diaphragmatic air absorption has a number of advantages:

  • Improved gas exchange. With shallow breathing, cell nutrition is reduced to a minimum, and the efficiency of gas exchange decreases. Therefore, lethargy arises constant fatigue. Correct movement The diaphragm provides the body with energy, enriches it with oxygen, improves immunity, and helps fight disease.
  • Allows you to relax. The sympathetic nervous system must. But during quiet moments in a person's life, the sympathetic system should decrease and the parasympathetic nervous system should increase. If this does not happen, then stress for a long time does not leave the person, so the sympathetic system is excited, suppressing the parasympathetic. With proper breathing, the parasympathetic system can be stimulated to relax to achieve inner peace.
  • It is a “pain reliever”. The muscles become tense and severe pain appears, gradually turning into chronic pain. Deep breathing effectively relieves pain.
  • Tones muscles. During inhalation and exhalation, all parts of the body must function in order to maintain healthy immunity and muscle tone. Diaphragmatic breathing involves muscle work abdominals, backs, pelvic floor, diaphragm.

  • Improves posture. To correctly perform the air absorption technique, you must not slouch: your shoulders must be relaxed, your back straight, and your pelvis not protruding.
  • Depressant. Deep breaths and slow exhalations during abdominal breathing calm the central nervous system.
  • . Oxygen enters the body.


The abdominal breathing technique should be learned gradually after consultation with a doctor. People suffering from hypertension are contraindicated to breathe from the stomach. After all, the lungs and heart are subjected to a strong impact, which increases intrathoracic and intrapulmonary pressure. After the first exercises, you may experience weakness and dizziness.

Correct belly breathing technique

For relaxation, stress relief breathing exercises can be done at home, taking any position.

  1. Take a deep breath through your nose, sticking your stomach out, and count to three.
  2. Hold your breath for a count of three.
  3. Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of six.

Exhalation takes twice as long as inhalation. This is necessary to enrich the body with oxygen and cleanse it of carbon dioxide.

In yoga

The inhalation begins at the navel, and you feel your stomach swell. Slowly move to the chest. The chest expands, fills with oxygen, and then the throat expands. As you exhale, change the sequence: throat, chest, stomach.

In oxysize

Take a deep breath with your stomach, expanding abdominal cavity. Without ceasing to inhale air, take three deep breaths, drawing in the maximum amount of air. A second of rest, make the lips into a tube. Make one exhalation from the abdominal cavity, then three exhalations from the chest.

In qigong practice

Practice includes various exercises, breathing exercises.

  • "Frog"

We take a Turkish pose, joining our hands in a lock, placing our elbows on our knees. Touch your forehead to your joined palms. Exhale and immediately inhale with your stomach through your nasal passages. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. The exercise is performed on an empty stomach, the number of workouts is 2-3 per day for 10-15 minutes.

  • "Wave"

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Inhale air through your chest, drawing in your stomach. Next, exhale, expanding and inflating the abdominal cavity, while the chest retracts. The body resembles a wavy line. Exercise helps eliminate hunger.

How to breathe in a “vacuum”

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees.
  2. As you exhale, draw in your stomach, trying to bring your navel as close to your spine as possible.
  3. Hold the position for 15 seconds.
  4. The exercise is repeated 3 times.

Through constant training, you can learn to hold the press position for up to 1 minute. This exercise has an advantage: in a vacuum state you can take deep and shallow breaths, exhale every 5 or 8 seconds.

In fitness, bodybuilding

At strength exercises You cannot hold your breath so that the brain does not experience oxygen starvation, blood pressure does not increase, and the effectiveness of the training does not decrease.

  1. Inhale air through your nose at the moment of least muscle effort, completely filling your lungs.
  2. Exhale completely through your mouth at the moment of the power move.

Common mistakes and what you need to know

You should begin breathing exercises gradually so that the body gets used to the increased volume of oxygen.

People starting to do breathing exercises should know that they are performed on an empty stomach. Constantly skipping workouts will not accustom your body to abdominal breathing.

Before mastering the technique of diaphragmatic breathing, you must consult a doctor and check your health for the presence of cardiovascular diseases, hernia, and ulcers.

Those who want to lose weight study this breathing technique, but leave their diet the same. Without a balanced nutrition program for weight loss, you cannot achieve the desired result.

Breathing is the basis of our life and an unconditioned reflex. Therefore, we are used to not thinking about how we do it. And in vain - many of us do not breathe quite correctly.

Do we always breathe through both nostrils?

Few people know that a person most often breathes only through one nostril - this occurs due to changing nasal cycles. One of the nostrils is the main one, and the other is an additional one, and then the right one or the left one plays the role of the leading one. The leading nostril changes every 4 hours, and during the nasal cycle, the blood vessels contract in the leading nostril and expand in the secondary nostril, increasing or decreasing the lumen through which air passes into the nasopharynx.

How to breathe correctly

Most people breathe incorrectly. In order to teach your body to breathe most optimally, you need to remember how we all breathed in childhood - when breathing through our nose, the upper part of our abdomen gradually lowered and rose, and the chest remained motionless.

Diaphragmatic breathing is the most optimal and natural for a person, but gradually, as they grow older, people spoil their posture, which affects the correctness of breathing, and the muscles of the diaphragm begin to move incorrectly, squeezing and limiting the lungs.

In order to learn to breathe not from the chest, but from the stomach, you can try a simple exercise: sit or stand as straight as possible, put your hand on your stomach and breathe, controlling its movement. In this case, you can place your second hand on the chest and observe whether it moves. Breathing should be deep and carried out only through the nose.

Today we know about a modern disease - computer apnea, which occurs due to improper breathing. Scientists estimate that up to 80% of people who use computers may suffer from it. While working at a computer, a person may involuntarily hold his breath, concentrating on details that are important to him. At the same time, some people feel a little dizzy - these are the first signs of apnea. Restricted breathing during concentrated work causes an accelerated heart rate, dilated pupils and can lead to obesity and even diabetes. Doctors recommend monitoring your breathing while working at the computer.

How long can you not breathe?

It is generally accepted that a person can do without air for 5 to 7 minutes - then irreversible changes occur in brain cells without oxygen supply, leading to death. However, today the world record for holding one's breath under water - static apnea - is 22 minutes 30 seconds, set by Goran Colak.

There are only four people in the world who can hold their breath for longer than 20 minutes, and all of them are former record holders. This discipline is fraught with mortal danger, and in order to hold the air for more than 5 minutes, athletes require years of training. To combat the urge to inhale air, they try to increase their lung capacity by 20%.

This sport requires maximum dedication: record holders train in still and dynamic breath-holding twice a week, follow a special diet high in vegetables, fruits and fish oil. It is also necessary to train in pressure chambers so that the body gets used to existing without a sufficient amount of oxygen - oxygen starvation, similar to what climbers experience in rarefied air at high altitudes.

It is highly recommended that untrained people try to hold their breath for a long time or fall into conditions of oxygen starvation. The fact is that the body requires approximately 250 milliliters of oxygen per minute at rest, and when physical activity this figure increases 10 times.

Without the transfer of oxygen from air to blood, which occurs in our lungs with the help of alveoli in contact with blood capillaries, the brain will cease to function normally within five minutes due to death nerve cells. The problem is that when you hold your breath, the oxygen that turns into CO2 has nowhere to go. The gas begins to circulate through the veins, informing the brain about the need to inhale, and for the body this is accompanied by a burning sensation in the lungs and spasms of the diaphragm.

Why do people snore?

Each of us has encountered a situation when another person prevented us from falling asleep with his snoring. Sometimes snoring can reach a volume of 112 decibels, which is louder than the sound of a running tractor or even an airplane engine. However, snorers are awakened by a loud sound.

Why is this happening? When people sleep, their muscles automatically relax. The same often happens with the uvula and soft palate, as a result of which the passage of inhaled air is partially blocked. As a result, vibration of the soft tissues of the palate occurs, accompanied by a loud sound.

Snoring can also occur due to swelling of the laryngeal muscles, leading to a narrowing of the larynx and air passage. Snoring can occur due to structural features of the nasal septum, for example, curvature, as well as due to diseases of the nasopharynx - enlarged tonsils, polyps and colds or allergies. All these phenomena one way or another lead to a narrowing of the lumen used for air intake. Also at risk are overweight people and smokers.

Diseases and bad habits can cause not only snoring that is unpleasant for others, but also serious illnesses. The detrimental effects of snoring on the brain have recently been discovered: Scientists have found that because snoring causes less oxygen to reach the brain, snorers have less gray matter, which can lead to decreased mental performance.

Snoring can lead to fatal diseases such as sleep apnea, or sleep apnea. A snorer can have up to 500 pauses in breathing per night, meaning they won't be breathing for a total of about four hours, but they won't be able to remember it. Apnea causes a lack of oxygen in the blood, and people suffering from it constantly do not get enough sleep and feel tired. During moments of holding their breath, sleepers fidget restlessly in their sleep, but do not wake up. Breathing resumes with loud snoring. Gradually, a lack of oxygen will lead to heart rhythm disturbances and excessive stress on the brain, which can cause strokes and heart attacks. Because of all these dangers of snoring, people have long tried to fight it: there are even special machines that record the volume of the environment and wake a person if he snores.

Why do we sneeze with our eyes closed?

Interestingly, many people do not notice that when they sneeze, their eyes automatically close. Scientists recently conducted a study that explains why you shouldn't sneeze with your eyes open. It showed that in the process of sneezing, which involves many muscles of the abdomen, chest, diaphragm, vocal cords and throat, such strong pressure is created that if the eyes are not closed, they can be damaged. The speed of air and particles flying out of the nasal passages when sneezing is more than 150 km/h. The process of closing the eyes is controlled by a special part of the brain. Moreover, scientists were able to discover the relationship between sneezing and a person’s character: those who sneeze secretly and quietly are pedants, patient and calm, and those who, on the contrary, sneeze loudly and boomingly, are typical enthusiasts with many friends and full of ideas. Only loners, decisive and demanding, independent and prone to leadership, sneeze quickly and without trying to restrain themselves.

Why do we yawn?

Breathing is sometimes associated with some unusual effects, such as yawning. Why do people yawn? The function of this process was not known for certain until recently. Various theories have suggested that yawning helps breathing by activating oxygen supply, but scientist Robert Provin conducted an experiment in which he disproved this theory by having subjects breathe different mixtures of gases.

Another theory is that yawning when tired is a specific signal that synchronizes the biological clock of a group of people. That is why yawning is contagious, as it should set people up for a common daily routine. There is also a hypothesis that yawns from their sudden movements jaws cause increased blood circulation, which helps cool the brain. By applying a cold compress to the subjects' foreheads, the scientists significantly reduced the frequency of yawning. It is known that fetuses often yawn while still in the mother's womb: perhaps this helps them expand their lung capacity and develop articulation. Yawning also has an antidepressant-like effect, and yawns are often accompanied by a feeling of slight release.

Where are the dangers of breathing exercises?

Yogis warn that practicing pranayama breathing yoga, can be dangerous without proper preparation. Firstly, during practice you need to keep your back straight in certain positions, that is, already master yoga asanas. Secondly, this breathing technique so powerful that it can have a profound effect on the physical and emotional state of the body. In addition, there must be clean air in the place of practice, and a number of restrictions are imposed on the practitioner: you cannot practice pranayama under 18 years of age, high blood pressure, injuries, illnesses, etc.

There are other breathing practices that are potentially hazardous to health. For example, holotropic breathing, which suggests plunging into an altered state of consciousness through hyperventilation - rapid breathing, which can cause many side effects, for example, brain hypoxia, and is highly not recommended for people with chronic cardiovascular diseases.

Breathing is the most important process of life. Thanks to it, the body is saturated with oxygen - an integral participant in all reactions and processes occurring in it. The ability to breathe is gifted from birth, but the vast majority of people, according to physiologists, do not do it entirely correctly.

In other words, oxygen is inhaled only in the quantities necessary to maintain life, and most chemical reactions simply do not take place due to its lack. This leads to exhaustion, deterioration of health, and shortened life.

A vital physiological process, as a result of which organs and cells are saturated with oxygen. And the deeper the inhalation, the more oxygen enters the body, and the saturation process occurs faster.

In the process of enriching the body with oxygen, a by-product such as carbon dioxide is released, which is removed through exhalation. Therefore, the more efficiently a person exhales, the faster carbon dioxide is eliminated.

Being an unconditioned (innate) reflex, breathing is not controlled by the brain, but occurs unconsciously. If the amount of carbon dioxide in the body increases, and there is not enough oxygen, then the person begins to breathe faster. This condition is typical for stressful situations and high physical activity.

Lack of oxygen inhibits all metabolic processes occurring in the body and negatively affects well-being and health. This explains the high interest in proper breathing and the relevance of this topic.

How to breathe correctly - Video

What is breathing like?

Various organs can be involved in the respiratory process. Depending on this, the following types of breathing are distinguished:

  1. diaphragmatic (abdominal);
  2. thoracic (costal);
  3. clavicular

Abdominal breathing is based on contraction and relaxation of the large muscle of the diaphragm, which separates thoracic region from abdominal. When you inhale, the diaphragm contracts, air fills the lower region of the lungs, the stomach inflates, and when you exhale, on the contrary, the muscle relaxes, the stomach retracts.

Costal breathing is carried out due to contraction pectoral muscles and an increase in the diameter of the bronchi and bronchioles during the “absorption” of oxygen, their narrowing when carbon dioxide is released from the lungs. This type of breathing is the most common, but it is not correct.

With clavicular breathing, which fills with air only top part lungs, the least amount of air enters. Inhalation occurs when raising, and exhalation occurs when lowering the collarbones.

What is correct breathing?

A physiologically correct process in which both the diaphragm and the chest are involved. When these two organs are activated, oxygen fills the lungs to the maximum, and the diaphragm simultaneously “massages” the pancreas, heart sac, kidneys, spleens, lungs and liver.

Breathing correctly means inhaling air not through your mouth, but through your nose. When air enters through the mouth, gas exchange in the body worsens. Nasal breathing, on the contrary, activates the diaphragm and maximally saturates the cells with oxygen. The design of the nasal cavity is such that all air passing through it is filtered from viruses, bacteria and dust.

Only diaphragmatic breathing, with its inherent entry of air into the body through the nasal cavity, is correct and healthy. And, despite the fact that breathing is an unconditioned reflex, everyone can master it. It is especially important for those who devote themselves to healthy and active image life.

Breathing during intense exercise

The effectiveness of training and the athlete’s well-being directly depend on accelerated metabolic processes that require large amounts of oxygen. If during physical intense loads breathing becomes rapid, air enters through the mouth, which means that the body is sorely lacking oxygen. This is fraught with both a decrease in the effectiveness of training and stress for the whole body, which is accompanied by increased stress on the heart muscle and blood vessels.

This condition is especially dangerous for bodybuilders and is characterized by weakness and loss of strength, rather than a feeling of pleasant fatigue after performing deadlifts. And if a person does not know how to breathe correctly, then achieving any significant results both in sports and in healthy image life is impossible. It is necessary to breathe correctly not only during training, but also outside the gym.

Basics of proper breathing

Breathing training is based on two main principles:

  1. the first inhalation is performed energetically, and subsequent inhalations and exhalations are carried out smoothly and slowly;
  2. exhalation should always be twice as long as inhalation.

Along with these rules, there are other recommendations that will allow you to most effectively master how to breathe correctly:

  • you need to do either fresh air, or in a well-ventilated area;
  • you need to start mastering the techniques while lying down; you can sit or stand only after the exercises have been mastered well enough;
  • You need to train at least twice a day for five minutes;
  • the rhythm of breathing should be controlled both during exercise and in everyday life;
  • Gradually increase the intervals between your breaths, setting yourself the goal of achieving the deepest possible breaths.

Learning to breathe with your stomach

An effective method for mastering the technique of healthy and physiologically correct diaphragmatic breathing for a beginner is to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. take a supine position;
  2. bend your knees;
  3. put your hands on your stomach;
  4. exhale vigorously;
  5. take a slow breath, focusing on the navel, making sure that air enters the body not through the chest, but through the diaphragm as the stomach rises;
  6. exhale smoothly, drawing in your stomach.

You need to repeat the exercise at least 6-7 times.

Learning to breathe with your chest

The starting position is similar to performing a diaphragmatic breathing exercise. The difference is that the hands are placed not on the stomach, but on the chest. Training chest breathing involves taking slow inhalations and exhalations, during which all attention is concentrated on the ribs.

You need to constantly control your breathing, not limiting yourself solely to performing the presented techniques. The main goal in mastering correct and healthy breathing is to bring this process to automatism. From the start of classes to the moment when a person, without thinking and without any control, begins to breathe as deeply as possible, can take from one to three months.

There are also more complex breathing techniques aimed at mastering all types of breathing during inhalation and exhalation. Yogis and professional divers can breathe through the chest, diaphragm and collarbones at the same time. This once again proves that human capabilities are limitless.

How to breathe in bodybuilding - Video