Green onions in a plastic bottle without soil. How three generations grew greens on the windowsill. How to prepare planting material

A winter blizzard is raging outside your window, angrily throwing clods of frozen snow at the glass, and it’s spring on your windowsill. There is a small cute garden growing here with tasty and healthy herbs. What attracts the most attention is the original tall composition with mysterious exotic plants. Only by looking closely can you determine that the unusual plant is the most ordinary green onion, only grown in a very unusual way. This is one of the simplest, fastest and most decorative methods that tells you how to grow green onions in a window.

An original way to grow green onions

Onions grow quickly and are not very demanding in terms of temperatures and growing conditions. It has long been grown at home, on window sills and balconies. But the whole problem with forcing green onions indoors is the lack of space to place trays or jars of onions. But a very ingenious way was invented to grow green onions on the windowsill. This is a kind of vertical garden that fits in a regular plastic soda bottle.
When planting, a natural phenomenon was used - heliotropism, or the desire of all plants to grow upward, towards the light and sunlight. In this case, the sprouts of the onion lying on its side will still try to rise vertically. Using a similar principle, vertical column gardens are set up, where vegetables, strawberries and flowering plants are planted. The results are very decorative and useful compositions that take up very little space, but have enormous returns. In the case of creating a miniature vegetable garden from a plastic bottle, the design is very similar, but a monoculture is used - green onions. When all the greenery grows, a mysterious and funny structure appears on the windowsill - either a postmodern sculpture, or an exotic plant, or an alien from outer space. In fact, this is an absolutely utilitarian and simple structure designed to supply the whole family with green onions during the winter. What needs to be done and how to grow green onions in a plastic bottle?

Creating a frame

To create an original column garden you will need:
· A plastic bottle for any carbonated drinks.
· Stable flower pot.
· Land for seedlings.
· Drainage.
· Onion sets or selections, large sprouted onions for the top.
A plastic bottle can have a capacity of 1, 1.5 or 2 liters, it all depends on your desire, the amount of onions available for planting and the width of the window sill. The more space you have, the larger the bottle can be, and the more flavorful onion feathers you'll get.
The bottle and flower pot must be thoroughly rinsed and dried. If there are remains of drinks in the container, they will “bloom”, mold will spread in the soil and ruin your entire endeavor. Remove the cap from a cleanly washed bottle; it will not be needed, and cut off part of the bottom so that the rounding at the transition from the wall to the bottom remains intact. The center portion of the bottom of the bottle is actually cut out. We will fill the soil through this hole.

Next, holes for the bow are made throughout the entire volume of the bottle in a checkerboard pattern. They should be slightly larger than the diameter of the selected bulbs. You can cut them with a sharp knife, knock them out with a cutting mold of a suitable size, placing a hard object inside the bottle for stability. You can use your ingenuity and significantly speed up the process: cut holes with a hot metal tube of a suitable diameter. As a result, you should end up with a bottle covered with a network of identical holes. Don't be greedy and don't make the cutouts too frequent - too close together they will make the bottle soft and unstable. Nothing will come of such an idea. The whole point of this design is to maintain the strength of the bottle and create a network of cells for growing onions.
The finished base is turned upside down and placed in a flower pot. Since the finished composition will have a decent weight and vertical position, it must be very stable so as not to constantly turn over. To do this, the center of gravity must be shifted down. Ideally, use a solid clay pot and a few pebbles to secure the bottle.
The bottle, turned upside down, is “propped up” in the pot with stones and a layer of drainage is covered. It is necessary to absorb excess moisture. Drainage is also poured into the bottle itself; its layer can almost reach the edge of the pot. Then soil is poured into the pot and compacted well, watered and allowed to settle. This is necessary to ensure that the entire structure is as stable as possible. If necessary, add more soil. While working, you need to make sure that the bottle is positioned vertically, then it will be much more difficult to correct it.

When the installation in the flower pot is completed, it’s time to fill the bottle with soil. Here it is important to maintain the golden mean - not to compact the substrate too much, but also not to leave it too loose. It is easier to fill the container with slightly moistened soil; it can be sprayed from a spray bottle. The ideal filler is special soil for growing seedlings; it is quite loose, retains water well and is enriched with nutrients. To make the substrate more porous, vermiculite or foamed polystyrene - balls are added to it, as for making polystyrene foam. They are inert, do not absorb water, do not emit harmful substances and do not rot. Their main purpose is to make the soil permeable and prevent it from caking.
When the “construction” work is completed, all that remains is to decide how to grow green onions in a bottle.

Planting bulbs in stock

This is the easiest and most enjoyable step in creating a vertical garden for growing green onions. Selected bulbs from sets or selections can be planted “as is” or pre-treated to speed up the germination of green feathers. To do this, the easiest way is to warm up the onion and treat it with biostimulants of natural origin.
You can warm up the onions without soaking, simply by placing them near the radiator for three days. In this case, it is quite difficult to control the intensity and uniformity of heating, and the onion itself will have to be turned over regularly so that it heats up on all sides.
In hot water, treatment lasts much less, about half an hour. This is enough to awaken the growth point and make it develop much faster. The temperature can be maintained no more than 50˚C. Crystals of potassium permanganate can be added to the water to disinfect the bulbs.
To stimulate increased growth and strengthen the immune system, the bulbs can be additionally treated with biostimulants. The most accessible of them is aloe juice.

Prepared and dried bulbs begin to be planted into the holes of the bottle, starting from the bottom for ease of work. The bulbs are deepened into the ground to a third of their height. As they grow, they will produce very long roots that will penetrate deep into the soil, bind it and firmly establish themselves in it. At first, while the roots are still quite short, they can slightly “push” the bulb out of its nest. This can be corrected with very light pressure. Proceed very carefully, young roots are fragile and break off easily.
When all the bulbs are planted on the walls of the bottle, the top can be crowned with a beautiful large onion, which will decorate the entire composition with a lush plume of onion feathers. The fact that the onion is virtually horizontal across the volume of the bottle should not confuse you. It is this fact that will give the bottle its original appearance. When the onions sprout, the green stems will bend and shoot upward. The entire bottle will be covered with a “forest” of green shoots and the vertical garden will look very elegant and decorative. Don't forget to place it close to the light, water it regularly and, of course, harvest tasty and healthy green onions.

Benefits of growing green onions in a bottle

When we learned in detail how to grow green onions on a windowsill, the question may arise: why is this necessary, because you can just plant the onions in a tray? Of course, to create such a decorative vertical garden for green onions, you will have to work hard, but it has a number of advantages over conventional plantings:
· The bottle holds more bulbs than a standard tray, and takes up several times less space.
· Caring for such a vegetable garden is much easier.
· Onions planted vertically receive much more light than those planted using the conventional method. You can turn such a structure in the light with one movement.
· Harvesting is much easier and more convenient than from a tray.
· Plants planted vertically are less susceptible to diseases, as they are actively ventilated.
· Children will really enjoy planting and caring for such an original vegetable garden, and this will instill in them not only the skills of caring for plants, but also teach them to regularly eat green onions.
· Such a vertical “flower bed” will serve as an excellent decoration not only for your window sill and balcony, but can also become the subject of an experiment in a kindergarten or school.

You can plant not only onions in a plastic bottle, but also the seeds of herbs, such as dill and parsley. You can get a very compact and elegant composition with a full range of tasty and aromatic herbs, and decorate the top with a decorative hot pepper bush, celery or colored and fragrant basil. The design will look very elegant, decorate your kitchen, while continuously supplying healthy spicy herbs to your table. And it’s not at all scary that there’s snow on the street and a blizzard howling, because it’s always summer on your windowsill.


Not everyone knows that you can grow green onions in a plastic bottle on the window. The rules for growing greens in an apartment are most often known only to experienced gardeners. And if you don't know how to grow green onions in a bottle yet, read on and learn a fun and easy way.

Growing onions in a plastic bottle consists of several stages:

  • preparing the container and soil;
  • planting a vegetable;
  • care during germination.

The process of preparing the container

Growing onions in a bottle on a windowsill is not very difficult. It is important to know several important nuances and requirements so that the harvest is rich and the greens are juicy.

Before planting onions, you need to prepare a container in which it will germinate. The bottle is taken from under water or food - 5 liters will be enough. You should not use cylinders after using chemicals, because green onions in a bottle can absorb chemical residues and harmful substances will end up on the family menu.

First you need to slightly cut off the neck of a five-liter container, then evenly cut holes in it. This is easiest to do on a frozen surface, so it is recommended to first expose the material to frost or keep it in the freezer. You can cut with a knife or sharp scissors. The shape of the holes is also not of fundamental importance and can be anything: oval, square or round. Don't make them too large. Some craftsmen do not cut out, but melt the PET with a soldering iron, so they get even, neat holes.

You can grow onions in a bottle at home either horizontally or vertically. The second is more popular and is used more often by gardeners.

Place the first layer of soil at the very bottom of a plastic bottle. You can buy soil in special stores; just fine, treated soil for indoor leafy plants will do. Some housewives use paper or sawdust instead of soil - this also contributes to an excellent harvest.

Head seating

Now that everything is ready, all that remains is to plant the onion in the bottle and wait for the light green young feathers to sprout. A layer of onion heads is placed on the first layer of soil. More than twenty onion heads can be planted in 5-liter bottles. The onion in the bottle should be laid out so that each head fits its own hole. The bulbs must be whole and not rotten. Otherwise, they will contaminate the ground and other fruits. If some of the heads have already sprouted a little before planting them, you can pour hot water over the bulbs, remove the scales on them, and check for rot. And only then plant it.

The first tier is covered with a small layer of earth, in which a new layer of bulbs is placed. Planting in rows is repeated several times, as long as the bottle size is enough. The multi-tier design saves space and allows for convenient harvesting.

Important Rules

Five important requirements for how to plant a bow on a feather:

  1. The bulbs need to be selected in such a size that they are not very small. Heads that are too small do not cover the holes and the soil may spill out of the bottle.
  2. The sprouts of the planted vegetable should peek out slightly from the “windows”.
  3. This greenery loves sun and warmth. If we grow onions in a plastic bottle on the window, then we place it on the windowsill on the south or east side. A pot located in a dark place grows longer and produces a less lush harvest.
  4. There should be a distance of about three centimeters between the layers of bulbs. The topmost layer does not need to be buried deep into the ground, just deepening it a little is enough.
  5. Before planting, the bulbs must be soaked in water, so they will germinate faster and produce roots. It is important to keep the soil well moistened.

If you do not neglect these rules, the planted bow will shoot arrows within a week.

How to care for greens

How to grow onions in a plastic bottle so that there are a lot of them and they are juicy? Proper care both in the garden and at home allows you to have a good harvest.

It is important to water the green onions on the windowsill correctly, because the quality of watering affects the vegetables.

Water must be poured into the center of the container, since if you water around the edges, the roots may begin to rot and the soil may become moldy.

Water the greens in the morning. This time has a beneficial effect on the taste and aroma of the pen. Watering does not have to be done every day. You just need to make sure that the ground is not dry and hard. Loosening the soil is very beneficial for root plants. The sprouted shoot should be left alone. It is necessary to do all the loosening and fertilizing procedures before it sprouts feathers.

Fertilizing your greens will also be helpful. Sawdust and sand can be mixed with the soil in which onions are planted on greens. This plant loves potassium, ammonium nitrate, magnesium, and nitrogen fertilizers. The fertilizer is diluted in water or sprinkled on the ground in the form of dry powder in small quantities. A week before collecting feathers, you need to stop fertilizing the soil.

There is nothing supernatural about caring for onions. This is an unpretentious green and does not require much effort.
Now you know exactly how to grow green onions at home. If you fulfill all the requirements, then the family will eat healthy greens all year round almost for free, and the window will display chic green decor in plastic bottles.

For many gardeners, growing vegetables seems like a no-brainer. But what to do if, apart from the balcony, there is nothing in the apartment or the construction of a greenhouse in the country is too expensive for the family budget?

There is a very simple and cheap way - planting plants in plastic bottles. Follow these instructions, and soon you will have a luxurious vegetable garden on your windowsill.

Seedlings in a bottle


  • plastic bottles
  • nails
  • pliers
  • ruler
  • metal wire
  • marker
  • gravel
  • soil for planting


  1. Wash the bottles, remove labels and glue from them.

2. Place marks with a marker where the holes will be located.

3. Cut a rectangle on the side of the plastic bottle. The neckline should not be too deep.

You can make the beds hanging. To do this, step back 1 cm from the hole for the plants and make punctures to attach the metal wire.

4. Make 8 punctures along the bottom of the bottle and fill the bottom with gravel for a drainage effect. If you are going to hang bottles or place them on a windowsill, take care of the pallet.

5. Pour the soil into the bottle in which you will plant the plants.


1. As a rule, plants with short roots are planted in plastic bottles. Start the experiment with onions, because they are the most unpretentious.

2. Lettuce leaves grow well with plenty of watering, maintaining their bright taste and juiciness. Be sure to make drainage and select a bottle of the right size. We hide the seeds in the ground to a depth of 1 cm, sprinkle with soil and cover with cling film until sprouts appear. In 3 weeks, expect a green harvest.

3. Many gardeners are happy to resort to this method growing strawberries. There are a lot of advantages: weeds are not disturbed, the risk of plant disease is reduced, and the berries practically do not need to be sprayed. By making such a simple design from a plastic bottle, you can get a good harvest right on the balcony.

It is advisable to use ready-made planting soil specifically for berry crops. No more than one bush should be planted in a container. There are no special recommendations for caring for strawberries; they require standard watering and fertilizing measures.

4. Fresh crispy cucumbers can be grown without leaving your apartment. Prepare the soil: it should be porous and loose, you can buy it ready-made in the store. For cucumbers, you should take 2 or 5 liter bottles so that the plant has space.

Fill the cut top of the container with soil, plant seeds or seedlings in it and place the lid down (after removing it) on the bottom of the bottle. Pour water into the lower part so that the neck part reaches it. Cucumbers in bottles require the same care as greenhouse ones. You can also grow cucumbers in bottles as shown in the picture.

Now that you know how to grow vegetables in plastic bottles, you can enjoy fresh herbs from your balcony.

Without greens, any dish seems dull and unappetizing, but in winter, high-quality fresh parsley or dill is difficult to find. The twigs and leaves quickly turn yellow, and even with good appearance there is no aroma. Therefore, we decided to tell you how to grow green onions in a plastic bottle. From the photo you will understand everything, but if you have any questions, you can watch the video.

A little preparation, following some simple rules, and in just 3-5 days beautiful greenery will grow on your windowsill, which will delight you with its productivity and juiciness for a long time.

The method of growing green onions in a plastic bottle or jar, described below, is also interesting because it will help save space, which means you can place much more planting material on one windowsill.

So, we will need:

  • empty five liter plastic bottle,
  • scissors,
  • soil mixture for seedlings,
  • onion heads.


1. We need to make a container for growing onions from a five-liter plastic bottle, but it will not be quite ordinary. Starting from the bottom of the bottle, cut out round holes on the bottle.

2. The holes do not necessarily have to be the same; later onions will be inserted into them, and they are also of different sizes.

3. The holes need to be cut to the point where the bottle begins to narrow. At this point we begin to cut off the top of the bottle along the circumference to create an open container.

4. Now we begin to fill the container with soil mixture for seedlings. Universal soil for plants and flowers, which can be found in any store, is also suitable for this. We spread the soil up to the first holes, pressing it down lightly.

5. Then we select the appropriate size bulbs and insert them into the holes. If the bulbs are slightly unsuitable, for example too large, then you can adjust the holes to the desired size using scissors.

6. When the bulbs of the lower tier are inserted, pour in the next part of the soil mixture, press down, and then water it a little.

7. We continue the actions described in paragraphs 6 and 7 until we reach the very top of the container.

8. The top of the container, filled with soil, will also serve as a place to plant onions. We place several bulbs there and water them thoroughly.

9. Place our unusual container on the windowsill and be patient. Although you won't have to wait long. After just 1-2 days, the bulbs will take root and the first sprouts will appear on them.

10. And already on the 4-5th day, juicy greens will appear, not yet so large in size, but already suitable for consumption. On day 7, the onion pyramid will turn green abundantly, the main thing now is not to let the soil dry out, so we will water it about every other day.

11. You will be surprised how quickly green onions grow on the windowsill in a plastic bottle, so think in advance about how you will use it. For example, I not only use fresh greens, but also freeze them for future use. Remember that the natural taste and aroma of green onions grown with your own hands on the windowsill cannot be compared with what is offered in the store. Happy planting and excellent harvest!

Green onions grown in a bottle in a window have all the beneficial properties that they have in a garden bed.

If the owner has minimal agrotechnical knowledge, then it is possible to diversify the diet on the family table and significantly reduce material costs.

This vegetable crop still attracts botanists, although it has long proven the truth of the popular saying that it can cure seven ailments.

  • Sahara
  • proteins
  • mineral salts

People have been including onion feathers and ripened bulbs in their diet for a long time. Thanks to its taste, chefs love it - to give their dishes a spiciness, which also helps food to be easily digested. Although doctors warn against excessive consumption of vegetables for diseases in the gastrointestinal tract. Despite the bitterness of the onions, watermelons are equal to them in sugar content.

The most suitable variety

Glucosides and essential oils imparted bitterness to the plant. But not all varieties are too bitter and make you cry.

The secret of their differences is in the varieties:

  • sweet
  • semi-sharp
  • acute

For salads, a vegetable with a sweet taste is used, but the content of sucrose in large quantities in all varieties is regulated by glucosides. Sweet species are grown in the southern regions, but they are not suitable for sale in places far from where they grow, since they ripen late and do not tolerate travel well.

Producers have found a way out in canning to supply sweet onions to the northern regions. Other varieties have an advantage over their sweet counterpart in lasting throughout the winter, if stored correctly.

The spicy varieties bred by the farmers of our country received recognition and name:

  • Saratovsky
  • Penza
  • Ostersky
  • Strigunovsky

The semi-acute types include:

  • Myachkovsky
  • Danilevsky

To avoid vitamin deficiency during the cold winter, craftsmen grow green onions in a bottle on the kitchen window. Because besides being tasty, it’s also healthy.

With its medicinal properties, the plant is capable of:

  • destruction of viruses and infections
  • increased appetite
  • improving digestive abilities
  • reduction of hypertensive crises
  • increased sexual activity

People have developed more than three hundred varieties.

For home conditions, cultivation is more suitable:

  • chives
  • shallot
  • onion

Traditional healers have been using the plant for a long time, easing problems with:

  • eyes
  • ears
  • respiratory system
  • skin

Onion juice is used to treat:

  • neurasthenia
  • rheumatism
  • insomnia
  • relieve inflammation

You can list for a long time how this vegetable is useful for a person; it is important to learn how to grow it in your kitchen.

Secrets of successful cultivation

Gardeners share their successful methods so that many followers can properly grow green onions on a window in water. The technological procedure begins with the selection of seeds; strong, dense bulbs without putrefactive traces are needed.

The root system of each fruit with a good, large shape is taken into account. If you prefer a plant with greens that have already hatched, the process for obtaining a harvest will happen much faster. You need to pay attention to the onion skin, it should shine.

When examining vegetables, if healthy specimens are observed, but without sprouts, they do not need to be rejected; it is enough to help them with additional cuts. The upper part is removed with a knife; it is parallel to the roots; this procedure will speed up the germination of the first shoots. Depending on the choice of method for obtaining an agronomic result, the vegetable is soaked or left in its original form.

Only planting in the ground requires pre-treatment of the seeds in an aquatic environment. they do not like too hot an environment, so the owner should take into account a similar fact and should not place seedlings on a windowsill heated by a hot radiator, as their vigorous growth will decrease or stop altogether.

The optimal temperature is +15 ... +20. For initial forcing, it is allowed to increase the temperature to 23 degrees, but after greenery appears, the heating must be reduced.

All plants need light; usually onions have enough light from windows if they are located in the south. The lack of light rays will become noticeable by the frailty, yellowness of the hands, then leave the electric lamp on. You should not immediately start plucking onion feathers; the growth rate may slow down. You need to wait 20 days after planting; cutting from the sides of the bush is recommended; it is better not to touch the center.

The choice between water and land

Planting begins after determining its method. Even on the windowsill you can organize original garden beds; for this, you choose simple containers and fill them with soil.

For those who have no desire to bother with soil selection, the hydroponic method is suitable, almost everyone has observed it since childhood. This is an installation on windows made of jars, glasses filled with water and onions stuck into dishes. To preserve the bulb for a long time with good reproduction, without rotting of the base, you need to follow simple rules.

If the housewife’s plans do not include organizing a large plantation, it is enough to pick up a glass, mug, jar and pour one third of water into it. Placing a cloth there will allow the liquid to flow through it to the roots of the onion.

For unique beds, any plastic containers are suitable, regardless of their shape - round or square. Take a sheet of cardboard and cut mounting holes in it. The size of the circles must correspond to the planting material. The container is filled with liquid to such a height that the roots are completely or partially submerged in water. The box is closed with a lid with slots, and the bulbs are installed in them.

Even in simple plates of water, vegetables can produce green shoots. They are placed tightly in a vertical position, water is added no colder than the temperature in the room, it should not cover the entire fruit, but only its root.

What you need for containers

To plant onions in the ground you will need materials in the form of:

  • flower pots, boxes, plastic or ceramic containers, equipped with a bottom with holes to allow excess liquid to flow out
  • drainage
  • soil with vermicompost

Preparatory work is carried out for planting:

  • the bottom of the container is covered with drainage 4 cm from the base
  • Next comes the soil layer, which is not filled to the edges in the amount of 3 cm
  • the soil is watered
  • fruits are placed with roots in dishes
  • the onion is sprinkled with earth, only the tops are left untouched
  • the planting is watered again
  • installed on

Regular watering should be ensured; the soil around the bulbs should be loosened. It is taken into account that the reproduction of one bulb continues for two months, then the fruit is replaced.

Nuances with packages

The ingredients you will need to prepare are:

  • bulbs
  • polyethylene bag
  • composition of wet sawdust

Sawdust is purchased in stores selling pet supplies. They are pre-soaked in boiling water and kept covered for some time until the water cools down. Then the liquid is drained, the remaining moisture is squeezed out of the substance and the sawdust is folded at the bottom of the bag.

After cutting the onion neck, which provides reinforcement for feather growth, the fruits are densely placed in the sawdust layer, not completely buried, but only the root base.

The next stage involves saturating your “vegetable garden” with carbon dioxide; for this you need to exhale there, as you usually inflate balloons. Then secure the neck of the bag with an elastic band and place it in a warm, bright place. Within a week, the root system will strengthen and feathers begin to grow.

Bottle operations

A vegetable garden built from ordinary food plastic looks like a kind of column.

For this we select:

  • any container emptied from a drink - the volume depends on the needs of the gardener - 1.5 l or 2 l is suitable
  • dishes with a wide neck and a stable bottom
  • seedling soil
  • drainage composition
  • any size bulbs

Depending on the size of the window sill, select and place the appropriate volume of container, from which the result will be a fragrant onion feather:

  • The plastic container and pot in which flowers are usually grown are washed.
  • The bottle is freed from the cap and turned over to cut off the center of the bottom without touching the rounded transitions.
  • Circles for the bulbs are cut out along the area of ​​the walls. The circles should be the size of the fruits, and it should be ensured that they fit freely into them. The plastic is easily cut with a sharp knife. It is better not to make too many holes; they will reduce the stability of the container.
  • Now you will need an additional flower pot with a small drainage layer poured, compacted with soil on top, which needs to be watered. A structure with cutouts is installed in it, with the bottom up and the neck down. It is necessary to firmly fix the onion column, support it with available material, let it be several stones.
  • Fill the bottle with drainage at the level of the edge of the pot, sprinkle the soil in it for greater stability.
  • You need to hold the bottle until you are confident in its strong vertical position.
  • After this, you can freely begin filling - the soil should not be excessively loose and you should not overdo it with its density. As a filler, you can use soil suitable for seedlings.

It is important that its consistency corresponds to the golden mean in density. Purchased soil is good because it is enriched with substances necessary for seedlings and disinfected.

To make the soil porous, gardeners use foamed polystyrene balls, mixing them with. These elements are also designed to provide the soil with better permeability. Before planting the bulbs, the structure is spilled with water.

Proper planting of crops

Before planting onions, each farmer makes his own, unique to him, manipulations.

It can be:

  • warm up slightly near a hot battery
  • hold for half an hour in a liquid heated to 50 degrees.
  • cut
  • accelerate germination by treating with biostimulants
  • plant without pre-treatment

After all the procedures, the seeds are dried and begin to be inserted into the holes. It is necessary to deepen the third part of the fruit, which will soon take root and bind the soil base into one whole.

At the first moment, you will have to hold each specimen so that it does not fall out of the cells until it settles firmly in the nest. After a few days, young roots will appear, which must be handled with care.

Row by row, planting ends with the last bulb at the top. When 20 days have passed, the owner will encounter the miracle of his handiwork. If at first there was nothing surprising, just onions sticking out of the holes, then later the shoots under the influence of sunlight will be directed upward, the walls of the bottle will be covered with green onion feathers, forming a decorative, exotic bush.

Of course, this column is placed on the brightest window, regularly rotated so that uniform shoots are formed, and do not fight for the light rays, bending in all sorts of ways. You should not forget to water on time, so that your painstaking work does not go to waste; onions constantly need to drink.

Such a structure will not only benefit the family budget, it will pleasantly surprise friends with its appearance. In addition, this delicious, beautiful onion flowerbed will become the pride of your home.

How to grow onions in a bottle - presented in the video:

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