Protection for snowboarding and skiing: your safety. Snowboard and ski protection - our guide Back protection for snowboarding

Many beginner athletes do not take into account how important protection is for a snowboard. Immediately after the first ride, people understand that they did not take care of safety in vain, because broken body parts make themselves felt. You should not deprive yourself of the opportunity to ride comfortably in the future, which means that special equipment is also needed.

Do you need snowboard protection?

As in any other traumatic form sports, protection for snowboarding is simply necessary. Active winter recreation can be difficult to leave bruises and bumps, from serious injuries no one is protected either. Uncontrolled descents and falls scare even professionals and, probably, that’s why only they approach equipment more responsibly than beginners. In the mountains the following parts suffer the most:

  • knees;
  • pelvic area;
  • elbows;
  • Hands;
  • head.

It follows that only these parts of the body require snowboard protection. Some argue that, having put everything on yourself, it becomes inconvenient to move, but this is just prejudice, and there is practically no instinct of self-preservation. As experienced snowboarders say: the smart one buys protective equipment first, and only then further attributes.

How to choose snowboard protection?

It is believed that best protection for snowboarding - this is a comprehensive outfit. All places that could possibly be injured (more than once) must be protected:

  1. The main thing is to protect those parts that are the most mobile, these are the hands and knee joints.
  2. The head must be in a helmet; many cases of head injury have been recorded and all cases were severe.
  3. The tailbone and back, because when you fall, these bones are subject to a load in the form of the entire mass of the person.

Snowboard pelvic protection

Special protection for snowboarding - shorts, which is no less important than a helmet. When you fall from your height, gluteal muscles and the pelvic bones receive serious stress. A person may never hit his head, but he will fall a dozen times, and this even applies to experienced athletes. Made from special material, lycra and polyester, the shorts protect not only from impacts, but also retain heat.

Secondary polymers perfectly serve as inserts, which in some places are also cushioned. They can be soft or hard, but only the second option can completely protect against injury. They are worn under sweatpants and fit tightly without interfering with coordination of movements. Buttock protection for snowboarding is selected individually, taking into account the following criteria:

  • age;
  • size;
  • price;
  • rigidity;
  • riding skills.

Back protection for snowboarding

As practice has shown, only experienced people buy this equipment, and this happens because the price for it is noticeably high, and amateurs simply do not want to spend money, because it is possible that this sport will not be to their taste. Professionals drive at high speed and prefer steep slopes and if they fall, they can cause much more harm. A snowboard backpack with back protection will ensure a soft landing at any speed.

Proper tailbone protection for snowboarding is made of plastic or a material very similar to foam. When putting on a vest, a person feels soft and warm, and when falling, it becomes firm and reduces the level of danger. Before purchasing, careful fitting is required, because the wrong size can interfere with movement on the board and maintaining balance.

Snowboard - knee protection

Knee pads in this type are considered mandatory. Considering that the snow itself is soft, the number of broken knees, unfortunately, does not become less. The hard plastic cup fits well on the foot and softens the impact. It all depends on the manufacturer, some rely more on safety, others on convenience. Still, there are options that suit both aspects. Knowing how to choose protection for a snowboard, a person will protect himself from many injuries and even fractures.

Snowboard face protection

While driving at high speed in winter time the main thing that needs to be protected is the eyes. Masks are sold in a wide variety and are selected individually according to face shape and personal preferences. Snowboard nose protection provides comfortable tracking of the road and a wide view. Manufacturers have taken care of a variety of designs that will appeal to men, women and children. The main functions that safety glasses should perform are:

  • do not allow any type of radiation to pass through;
  • reduce sunlight;
  • do not allow wind, ice and snow particles to pass through;
  • prevent injuries.

Snowboard wrist guard

Now snowboard gloves with protection are sold in any sports store, but until now the tradition of teaching how to fall correctly has not passed. The instructors explain in detail and show how to take the load on your hands so as not to injure your hands, and special gloves that clearly record every movement provide additional safety.

Currently, snowboard gloves are made with two types of wrist protection:

Snowboard is called olympic event a sport that involves descending mountains and snow-covered slopes on a snowboard. At first, these competitions were held only in winter, but some extreme sports enthusiasts learned to descend from sandy slopes in the summer (sandboarding).

Very often, athletes ride on unprepared slopes at great speed. That is why they use various equipment to protect against injury - helmets, equipment for arms, legs, joints, and back.

In 1998 in Nagano, during the Olympic competitions, snowboarding was included in the Olympic program for the first time.

Thoughts on protection

Protection for a snowboarder is very important - this is the first thing a wise rider acquires. When going out on the slope for the first time, many people forget about knee pads and helmets. They think that such an amazing event will not be spoiled by anything. After repeated falls, athletes begin to experience pain in broken body parts. As a rule, the first thought about equipment appears at this moment.

Those who have already been injured during training begin to think about protection in advance. They don't look back at their skilled friends who ride without a helmet or damage. And rightly so: protection for a snowboarder ensures the athlete enjoys riding. Equipped riders do not need to treat bruises.

Protection for the beginner snowboarder

I wonder if tailbone protection is important for snowboarders? When purchasing equipment, many people do not want to spend a lot of money. They don’t know if they will like snowboarding or if they will have the money, spirit and time to continue. Therefore, we will now decide on the minimum cost of equipment for beginners, taking into account ensuring safety and maximum pleasure received from skiing.

Amateur training is carried out at ultra-low speeds with a colossal number of falls from heights of average height. Riders primarily land on the following body parts:

  • wrists (all athletes instinctively fall on their arms outstretched forward);
  • knees (while learning to ride on the front edge);
  • butt (while learning to ride on the back edge).

Therefore, protection for a snowboarder must protect what gets hurt the most.

Knee pads

Knee pads are special pads for the knees. This equipment usually consists of a cup made of hard plastic. She is the one who takes on the basic impact force. According to the version, the product can be equipped with soft inserts made of foam material, which are placed on the bottom, top and sides of the knee.

The knee pad is attached in three ways:

  • Straps on the bottom and top of the knee - a budget option. Such a fastening is not considered reliable; it may move during a side impact and not fulfill its purpose. Suitable for snowboarders who ride at minimum speed.
  • Stocking. Here the elbow is located in the middle of the fabric tube, which is equipped with various inserts. This modification is more reliable than the previous one, but has a very awkward appearance.
  • In a hybrid way. In this case, the stocking is attached with straps to the top and bottom of the knee. This is the most expensive and reliable option.

It is necessary to note the excellent modernization of hard knee pads, which are inclusions of elastic raw materials placed between a plastic cup and the knee. This can be foam rubber or other raw materials that soften the blow and absorb its power. Some riders use pieces of fluffy polyethylene. After two or three workouts, they split lengthwise due to falls. But it is quite pleasant to land on them, as they are soft and comfortable.

Knee pads cost from 700 to 2500 rubles and more. Those who are about to try snowboarding for the first time can use volleyball or roller skating equipment.

Non-profile products are popular due to their thickness. The plumpest volleyball knee pads cost about 300 rubles - this is not the highest price for unbroken knees.

Wrist guard, shorts

Protection for a snowboarder is essential to get through the constant falling phase. After all, if training is not accompanied by injuries, the athlete learns faster and rides with pleasure.

  1. Protective shorts are special equipment equipped with inserts made of various materials (hard plastic and elastic synthetics). This equipment protects the lateral surfaces of the hips and tailbone from injury; it is comfortable to sit on the lift, especially if it is wet. Shorts cost from 1,600 to 3,500 rubles, depending on the raw materials and number of protective inserts, thickness of protection, manufacturer and design. Of course, more expensive does not mean better. It is known that Russian enterprises create effective products at an affordable price. When choosing this product, you need to focus on comfort, thickness, and quality of seams.
  2. Providing wrist protection consists of one or two plates placed in a case. They are made of plastic or steel and are attached to the hand in the form of a fingerless glove. This protection for snowboarders plays a very important role, as it fixes the hand and prevents it from excessively arching. In fact, this equipment prevents sprains and fractures. The plates are invisible under the glove and are very comfortable. Their price is small - from 600 rubles, but it is known that efficiency does not depend on cost.

As a result, protection for beginner snowboarders costs approximately 3,000 rubles. If you take some things from friends, it will be much cheaper.

Protection for aces

By increasing speed, athletes increase the risk of injury. Of course, they rarely fall, but critically, there are collisions at speed with other snowboarders, and even with skiers. To stay healthy during training, riders stock up on extra equipment.

For snowboarding protection, professionals prefer a helmet. It is known that at low speed it is almost impossible to fall and injure your head. At impressive speed it can be thoroughly smashed. A helmet often saves you from trouble. It is made of hard plastic, which is able to absorb the full force of the push and prevent a concussion. Most cases prove its real effectiveness.

Neglecting a helmet

Many snowboarders neglect their helmet, and therefore their safety. They say that the product is too large mass, so it is uncomfortable. But when they go to the mountains, they still buy it, because they don’t want to go to the hospital.

It is known that there are many cheap models of lightweight helmets. For example, the Head version weighs only 365 grams, but is very convenient and inexpensive.

Some athletes say they don't look good wearing a helmet. Today you can find a product that will create an unforgettable style for the rider. You can match the helmet to the color of your eyes, hair, suit... When you are protected, you can move mountains!

Useful property of a helmet

The helmet has one more useful property: it insulates the head in windy and frosty weather. Riders often ask the question: “Can I wear a hat under a helmet?” Many people know that because of it, the helmet can move when falling.

Of course, you can wear a headdress under protection without loss of safety, provided that it fits you securely and comfortably. The hat also softens the blow when falling, because it is an additional layer. If the helmet you are wearing shifts, you need to purchase a different size or model.

In stores that sell snowboard protection (helmets, clothing), you can find special balaclavas that look like hats or light balaclavas. Sellers often tell you that helmets can be adjusted in size. This is not bad, but you shouldn’t rely on this nuance, because the product should be comfortable and fit snugly to the head.

Audio system

An audio system can be built into the helmet. Its most important purpose is the dialogue between riders while riding. They are necessary in order to call for help if necessary and not get lost. They use headphones and a walkie-talkie for this.

Unfortunately, many athletes this opportunity They are used for other purposes and a player is built into the helmet. Thus, they increase the pleasure gained from skiing, but reduce safety: the snowboarder begins to be inattentive to the details of the route, and the risk of collision and injury increases.

So how to choose a helmet? When trying on, it is necessary to pay attention to the size and weight of the product (the helmet should fit snugly to the head, but not squeeze it and not disturb the athlete).


Snowboard protection is, in fact, sold in any sports store. What is a mask? It protects the eyes and part of the face from snow, head wind and minor mechanical damage. Usually it is needed by professionals who ride at high speeds.

Many people say that a mask is harmful because it reduces the viewing angle. It's wrong to think that way. Firstly, this nuance depends on the product model. Secondly, the view is narrowed due to snow and air currents getting into the eyes, and not due to poor equipment.

The mask is selected under the helmet so that there is no gap between the products. For example, the Head helmet works great only with a Scott mask.


It is known that the visor with which the mask is equipped has a large number of characteristics: contrast, color, light transmission, sharpness, viewing angle, and so on.

There are two types of visors:

  1. Spherical. In it, the reflection blurs towards a circle with a “fish eye” effect. Spherical masks provide a wide viewing angle and are considered the best for vision: they do not distort the image, as they form a sphere around the eye. They are expensive.
  2. Cylindrical. Here the reflection reminds outer surface cylinder, as it extends vertically. This product can be purchased at a low price.

Sellers can recommend mask models equipped with a replaceable visor. In general, it is very difficult to choose a visor for a specific mask model (usually outdated), it is cheaper to purchase a new one. Therefore, it is better to purchase a good product the first time, rather than having to change visors.

Back protection

What is back protection for a snowboarder? It is used by professionals who ride at high speed. After all, on crowded slopes, when performing tricks, you can collide with colleagues and fly several meters.

Back equipment is made in different versions. The simplest, but quite effective, is the placement of several movable plates on the straps and a wide waist belt. This is inexpensive and effective protection. The more expensive model is equipped with plates attached to the back using a thin fabric vest. This equipment is also part of the “turtle”, which protects the athlete’s chest and arms from injury.

Previously, this product was made of hard plastic. Today, lighter raw materials that resemble foam are used. It is very soft, but at the moment of impact it becomes hard. Many riders do not risk using this option, so they ride in plastic.

Before purchasing, be sure to try on the back protection; it should fit tightly and not move under pressure. In general, any product may seem comfortable, but not fit your figure, so you need to look for a comfortable model.

Chest protection

It’s impossible to tell everything about snowboard protection, but we’ll try to figure it out the most important points. In order to go down the mountain on a simple soft snowboard, many people wear chest protection. At high speeds, the slightest mistake, a stone on the road or incorrect weight distribution can cause the rider to fall. Driving a couple of tens of meters by inertia on your own chest is not a pleasant experience.

A small addition made in the form of a “turtle” or a protective vest helps the athlete feel safe and confident at any speed and not be afraid of injuries.

Technologies and manufacturers

Protection for snowboarding is made using various technologies. For example, comfortable and soft knee pads become hard at the moment of impact. Technologies appear from different areas, much was borrowed from motorcyclists.

When purchasing a product, you can specify the manufacturer’s brand: Rossignol, Uvex, Red, Burton. Well-known companies' products are always expensive.

In general, everyone is interested in seeing how any technology works to protect a snowboarder; everyone chooses their own option. Some people prefer brands, others prefer prices. Some people do not like Dainese products: they say that this company makes heavy helmets and frivolous knee pads. But this company is the leader in the protection market, primarily for motorcycles. In general, people usually pay attention to how the equipment is made and whether it fits comfortably. It is important to remember that having equipment is much better than not having it.

Often, under the impression, people forget about safety. But after many falls, they begin to experience pain caused by abrasions. For this reason, snowboard protection should be a priority early on in order to choose the right one.

Selection of equipment

As a rule, the limbs, back and tailbone are affected by falls. These are quite painful places, because all the force of the blow is transferred to them. You can get hurt while driving, you don’t have to be a beginner to do this. A poorly prepared slope, hidden rock, or weather conditions can disrupt your trip, causing injury.

Beginners rarely approach the choice of protection with due attention. They ride at low speeds and actively hit the snow, which after frequent repetitions can cause severe abrasions. You can choose both comprehensive and selective snowboard equipment.

Safety shorts

Such products are presented on the market to protect the thigh area. They are made in the form of shorts with special inserts. The impact is absorbed by hard plastic elements. They also come in resilient synthetic materials and are placed in areas where injuries are most common. In addition, snowboard shorts provide additional insulation for the buttocks, which is useful on the lift, where the benches are usually wet and cold.

Also, snowboarding shorts don't have to be expensive. A high price does not always mean corresponding quality. It is necessary to individually check each model for defects and the thickness of the product. The seam should not stand out from the overall material, and the equipment itself should not be chosen too thick.

For injuries to knees and wrists

The use of knee pads is used in different types sports They are usually made of hard plastic and softener, which absorb the full force of the impact. They are also often complemented by protective layers on the sides. Today there are three types of fastening of such products:

  • Velcro. The most budget option, which is more suitable for beginners. He doesn't provide full protection, and upon impact, the mounting base may shift, exposing body parts to damage;
  • stockings. They are worn completely on the leg and are more reliable equipment. True, this type of protection looks more cumbersome;
  • stockings with straps. A fairly expensive option that provides a greater level of protection.

Also among the softening elements is often foam rubber. You need to choose them according to your own. At a beginner level, you can get by with budget models. The wrist is protected from impacts using special gloves. Inside them there is an iron or plastic plate, closed in a softened case. When you fall, there is practically no pain felt, and the wrist remains intact.

Snowboard shin guards are often combined with knee guards. Such equipment is often used by athletes who practice extreme skating. A good option are slalom extended knee pads.

Options for more experienced

The longer a person rides, the higher his speed. Experienced riders fall somewhat less often, but their falls are characterized by more dangerous consequences. Often, snowboarders themselves collide with each other on the slopes or lose their way, which creates the risk of serious fractures.

Typically, when moving slowly, the risk of getting a head injury is extremely low, but it increases several times with increasing speed. It is the helmet that helps to properly protect a person from such dangerous injuries. The principle of operation of such equipment is similar: the hard material (plastic) takes the brunt of the blow. Of course, the helmet is heavy and can create inconvenience, but its benefits are worth it.

Another positive feature of this accessory is protection from the cold. In severe frosts, its soft layer forms insulation against strong winds. Many people wear a hat under such equipment, but because of this, the helmet does not receive proper fixation and can move when moving, and this already increases the risk of injury. If the size of the equipment does not match the physiological characteristics of the person, only then can a hat come in handy.

Protect your face and back

In such cases, it is correct to use a special mask. It is able to protect the snowboarder from getting hard flakes of snow and headwinds into the eyes and face. This is especially noticeable at high speed. The mask is not often chosen due to the opinion that it reduces the natural viewing angle, but right choice equipment will not have such shortcomings. It is important to wear the mask tightly. It should not have any noticeable gaps.

More experienced riders require more back protection. To prevent injuries, manufacturers produce special plates that are attached to the back with belts. They may take the form of movable elements on the vest. Such inserts have a rigid structure and prevent back injuries.

This type of equipment is called “turtle” because its shape is similar to the shell of this animal.

The turtle protection for snowboarding has an ergonomic shape that ensures precise repetition of all curves on the spine and in the front of the body. When using such equipment, it becomes impossible to sharply bend the back when falling. And also the athlete’s body is reliably protected from damage that occurs as a result of a collision with solid objects.

Such protection is capable of distributing the force of an impact over the entire back, which significantly reduces the likelihood of serious problems with the spine, ranging from a banal bruise to a fracture that will lead to disability. Still, safety has a price, and no matter how high it may seem to you, you must pay it, because restoring your health will be much more difficult.

No matter how experienced a snowboarder is, back protection is a must. You shouldn’t rely on luck when talking about safety and health.

Turtle back protection can be of the following types:

  1. The flexible protection includes plastic plates that do not interfere with the athlete’s movements, so he can freely bend his back in different directions. This type of equipment is well suited for freestyle enthusiasts.
  2. The hard version of protection is created from the same materials as the previous version. But the design contains metal reinforcement, which not only increases the level of protection, but also limits the athlete’s movements.
  3. Built-in protection is found in jackets and backpacks. Such equipment is an innovative solution that recently became available to the public. The solution is interesting, but not particularly reliable, since the protection will only work if it fits well and is firmly attached to the body. It is difficult to achieve this effect with a backpack, as well as with a jacket. Therefore, you should not experiment and risk your health by choosing protection whose reliability is in doubt.
  4. Comprehensive protection is presented in the form of an item of clothing, the design of which resembles a vest. This vest implements combinations consisting of various protective elements. The simplest option is presented in the form of a vest with a “turtle” and padding in the elbows and chest. When creating more expensive models, “turtle” back protection, inserts in the collarbone area, and a support system in the form of lumbar girdle, inserts of varying degrees of rigidity for the chest and shoulders.

Modern snowboard protection offers a large selection of products that provide comprehensive protection. Their selection should be carried out individually so that there are no gaps or poor-quality fastening. This is a necessary measure to prevent injury on a fast descent.

Beginners often neglect protective equipment, but it is important to provide yourself with a full set of equipment from the very beginning of skiing, gradually improving it with more advanced models. This will help you stay healthy on the descent.

Protection for snowboarders helps the athlete psychologically prepare for a difficult trick or descent when skiing. The Trajectory website and retail stores offer protective equipment from such famous brands as Burton and Dainese, as well as brands G-Form, Biont, Komperdell and others. From us you can purchase a complete set of snowboard protection - from the top of your head to your toes. The catalog contains men's, women's and universal equipment, as well as protection for children.

Areas of protection and equipment

Beginner riders should first of all take care of protecting their tailbone, wrists and knees, since these are the areas where the most falls occur during the learning process. Therefore, a protective kit for snowboarders at the “beginner” level for skating looks like this:

  • shorts or pants;
  • knee pads (in case of shorts);
  • Wrist protection for snowboard gloves.

Shorts and pants, among other things, reduce the risk of injury and bruises on the hips. And, for example, the Biont and DaineseKid models also have pads in the buttocks and lower back.

Looking for pro protective gear? The set of snowboard protection will depend, among other things, on your riding style. So, for freestyle and jibbing, maximum protection is important. Here it is worth paying attention to Dainese jackets, which provide comprehensive protection to the entire torso. Polypropylene protectors are located in four zones:

To this are added rigid plates along the spine and an aluminum cellular core.

It is also worth considering the brand's vests and G-Form T-shirts. T-shirts can be used as a base layer. Thanks to special shields, they help absorb shock loads in the area of ​​the shoulders, collarbones, chest and ribs. But to protect the snowboarder from the back, in this case it is necessary to buy a shell.

For professional athletes it's important to remember pelvic bones and tailbone, so we return to pants and shorts. And grabs without risk to your wrists will allow you to make Burton gloves.

It’s rare on the Internet where you can find such a selection of snowboard protection as on the Trajectory website. We are always happy to help you choose equipment for snowboarding. Order snowboard protection online and receive your order in Moscow, St. Petersburg or other cities of Russia, as well as in Belarus and Kazakhstan.