Exercises against slouching for children 12 years old. Therapeutic physical training for stooping in children. Causes of poor posture depending on age

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Correct posture is not only beautiful: it speaks about the health of the spine, the absence of... But a straight back has its first enemy - stoop.

This problem arises in the early stages of human development: in childhood. Curvature of the spine at the desk, then in front of the TV or computer. Having matured a little, young people often lower their shoulders, slouching, thereby spoiling their posture and spine. This is followed by a sedentary lifestyle, which improves posture health.

So, stoop is a problem with the upper spine, characterized by its curvature and often accompanied by scoliosis. Stoop (functional) – curvature of the spine without changes in the vertebrae themselves.

A healthy person has natural curves of the spine: the thoracic spine, with a convexity back, and the lumbar curve, with a convexity forward.

If a person leads an active lifestyle and the back muscles are strong enough, then a muscle corset creates ideal conditions for maintaining the correct position of the spine.

If the muscles are weak, then the natural curves of the spine take on even more curved forms and all the signs of a stooped person appear: a convex belly, a rounded back with strongly protruding shoulder blades, a lowered head and raised shoulders.

The first manifestations of stooping can be noted at school age, and if measures are not taken, then the initial stage (changes in the muscles) can turn into changes in the spine: the discs wear out, compressing the spinal nerves, which in turn leads to headaches and blurred vision.

Reasons why your back becomes slouched

The appearance of stoop has a number of reasons, which can be divided into two types:

  • physical;
  • psychological.

Physical deformities in most cases occur due to the lack of habit of monitoring one’s posture, as well as leading an incorrect lifestyle. Most often manifested due to:

But even if a person is physically healthy, there are problems psychologically - this may be one of the main reasons for stooping. Complexity, feelings of guilt, lack of self-confidence and strength - this is what can lead to functional kyphosis.

A person who cannot cope with the burden of problems that has fallen on him lowers his head and raises his shoulders, thus, trying to hide from the outside world, like a snail in a shell, can become a “victim” of stoop and then scoliosis.

How to identify a violation yourself

It is very important for parents not to miss the very initial stage - the emergence of a problem. Often adults can attribute a child’s malaise to his capriciousness or pretending. In fact, even mild discomfort can be a sign of developing stoop. One of the main symptoms is fatigue: the child cannot sit or stand straight for a long time.

Slouching is always accompanied by painful sensations, which, unfortunately, are often attributed to overwork and emergency measures are not taken to eliminate the problem.

So, painful sensations in the first stages go away even after a short rest, but the further you delay treatment, the stronger the pain will be, and the less rest will help. A person may even wake up after a night's sleep.

The most striking symptoms of stooping:

  • head tilted forward;
  • protrusion of the abdomen, uncontrollable by the person;
    rounded back;
  • shoulder blades, clearly protruding;
  • the chest is narrowed;
  • knees are half bent.

You can distinguish a stoop from a real one at home. To do this, you need to place a person against a wall and ask him to lean against the back of his head, heels, shoulder blades and buttocks. The same can be done on a flat surface in a lying position. If the curvature disappears, then the kyphosis is functional (correctable) and should be treated.

Establishing diagnosis

In order to accurately diagnose stoop, eye tests are not enough. To prescribe adequate treatment, it is necessary to do.

If this study does not provide comprehensive answers, it is worth undergoing a computed tomography scan.

Only after diagnosis can treatment begin.

What does traditional medicine offer?

Traditional medicine, after diagnosis, can offer several options for correcting crooked posture:

  • physical exercise;
  • massage;
  • swimming;
  • manual therapy;
  • prescribing painkillers and calcium-rich drugs;
  • wearing a corrective corset;
  • surgery.

What does alternative medicine offer?

As for alternative medicine, the main emphasis is on performing a number of exercises, using yoga asanas, regular swimming classes, psychological training and, most importantly, self-discipline!

How to get rid of stoop: a set of exercises

The main rule of beautiful posture is physical exercise in reasonable quantities, so that the muscle corset can hold the spine is in the correct position.

If it so happens that the stoop was once overlooked, you should start correcting it, and the sooner you do this, the better.

The most popular and effective:

Exercises with weights

The most effective:

  1. One of the most popular and proven over the years exercise with books on your head. Take a fairly weighty book and place it on your head. After this, walk around the room with this load for several minutes (start with five). Complicate the exercise every day by adding squats, for example.
  2. To straighten your posture you can use a backpack that holds cargo(it should stimulate the muscles, but not overstrain them). You need to walk around like this for a while (until you feel slightly tired). After regularly performing this exercise, your shoulders will straighten on their own.
  3. Starting position: lying on the floor face down. Put a load on your shoulders(women 0.5 kg, men 2 kg). Stretch your arms above your head and take another load in them. Raise your arms with the load about 10 times. Do the exercise slowly, tensing the muscles of your arms, back, and neck as much as possible.

Exercises against slouching:

Wellness yoga

Yoga helps a person to improve the health of the entire body, so there are a number of asanas that help correct stoop:

Using massage

To more effectively treat stoopedness, it is important to combine different methods. One of the components is massage. Already after the first session, a person can feel significant relief: spasm will decrease, the muscles themselves will strengthen, blood circulation and lymph outflow will improve.

To begin with, a person needs to take a comfortable position and relax as much as possible. Only after this can the massage therapist begin work. Hands and back are lubricated with massage oil.

Movements should be smooth and very soft. Particular attention and accuracy should be shown in areas with curvature.

Basic movements when performing a massage:

  • tapping;
  • tingling;
  • rake-like movements with fingers;
  • pulling;
  • trituration.

A back corset for stooping is also a solution

Features of working out in the gym with a stoop

Physical training of a person must be done from a very early age.

By teaching the baby to exercise, parents not only take care of his health, but also the development of self-discipline in the future.

If it so happens that the moment was missed and slouching is already taking place, it is necessary to begin correcting it immediately.

It is important to remember that when performing exercises, the following rules play an important role:

  • training should be regular;
  • if there are any other problems with the spine, be sure to consult a doctor, who will indicate the exercises that can be performed based on health restrictions;
  • in the first months after the start of implementation, training should take place daily, then every other day;
  • all exercises are performed strictly as directed;
  • Lesson duration is from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours;
  • any of the exercises is performed 6-10 times;
  • weights exceeding 5 kg for men and 3 kg for women cannot be used;
  • It is strongly recommended not to use exercises to strengthen the chest muscles;
  • The main emphasis is on strengthening the muscles of the back, neck, shoulders, buttocks - to maintain a muscular corset and beautiful healthy posture.

We have a special approach to our children.

In order to solve the problem of stooping in children, the approach must be special. Taking into account children's activity and treatment should be unique:

What does this mean?

The results of neglected stoop may be:

Slouching is a fixable problem. The sooner you tackle it, the faster this process will be. At the first sign of a problem, you should start doing simple exercises, which will correct the muscle corset and improve your posture. The most important thing in achieving success is self-discipline.

Proper nutrition, morning exercises and an active lifestyle - this is the formula for a healthy, beautiful person, confident in himself and his abilities!

What is correct posture? How does posture affect human health? These questions are more relevant today than ever for modern people. Unfortunately, the more developed civilization is, the less need we have to move. And the human body needs movement to maintain the tone of the musculoskeletal system and the muscular frame.

That is why various sets of exercises are being developed to correct posture that can prevent or even correct disorders in the spine.

Correct posture is the key to health

Posture is the position of the body when walking, sitting or standing. Gradually, during life, it will form and many vital processes in the human body depend on it.

Examples of correct posture are athletes, dancers and just people involved in physical education. At the same time, they always have a straight back and an even, confident gait. Correct posture is sometimes called royal posture.

Many muscles are involved in the formation of posture. If it has been formed since childhood, a person will experience fewer problems with the functioning of blood vessels, heart, musculoskeletal system, lungs, and digestive organs.

Correct posture

Causes of poor posture

The causes of incorrect posture are divided into two groups:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

From birth, a person may have the following causes of incorrect posture:

  • Spina bifida in any part of the spine.
  • The fusion of the spinal processes, which are called spinous.
  • Formation of irregularly shaped vertebrae.
  • Non-fusion of vertebral arches.
  • Deformation of the vertebrae.

Causes and conditions that influenced the process of life:

Flat feet

  • habit of sitting in the wrong position;
  • furniture that does not correspond to a person’s height, especially if it has to be used for a long time;
  • received injuries resulting in damage to the spine;
  • improper development of bones and lack of necessary microelements in them;
  • complex infectious diseases;
  • incorrect development of the foot, namely;
  • defective development of the hip joint;
  • staying in the same position for a very long time;
  • inflammation of the joints of the spine.

Incorrect seating may cause poor posture

The causes of incorrect posture can be a child’s habit of sitting incorrectly in school or kindergarten since childhood. The lack of full physical activity also affects the formation of posture and its development throughout life, so incorrect posture needs to be corrected.

In the human body, almost all organs and their systems are interconnected.

How does posture affect a person’s overall health?

  • All internal organs are located in their places.
  • They do not press down or bend.
  • At the same time, the intestines always work correctly.
  • There is a normal outflow of bile.
  • There is normal blood circulation in all vessels.
  • The joint tissue is not damaged.

Correct posture also affects the state of a person’s psycho-emotional background. A straight back and good posture gives confidence and will prevent the development of depression.

Read also

Features of exercises to correct posture at home

Before choosing any complex, you should consult a doctor. He will be able to assess deviations from correct posture and create a set of general developmental and therapeutic exercises. The load and type of exercises for home exercises may depend on this.

The following factors must be taken into account when selecting exercises at home:

  • Patient's weight. With a large amount of excess weight, the load on the spine will increase. Therefore, the patient must try to get rid of extra pounds.
  • While practicing, you need to monitor your posture. But at the same time, try not to strain your muscles so that your back doesn’t hurt.
  • To consolidate your success, you can use a special posture corrector. It will support and shape the spine and your posture will always be under control.
  • You need to pay attention to the position of your head. It is held high, but not raised unnaturally. At this moment, the gaze should concentrate at eye level. You can choose an object on which to concentrate your gaze.
  • You need to get into the habit of straightening your back while walking., sitting or standing. This should also be done during the rest period.
  • Visual elements are used to maintain habits and stimulate posture correction activities. These can be special posters at home or in the workplace. You can set reminders on your phone.

Correct sitting position

Stories from our readers!
I want to tell my story about how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable pain in my lower back. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment! A few months ago I got a cramp at the dacha; a sharp pain in my lower back didn’t allow me to move, I couldn’t even walk. The doctor at the hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, herniated discs L3-L4. He prescribed some medications, but they did not help, the pain was unbearable. They called an ambulance, they put a blockade and hinted at an operation, I kept thinking about this, that I would turn out to be a burden for the family... Everything changed when my daughter gave me an article to read on the Internet. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this. This article literally pulled me out of my wheelchair. In recent months I have started to move more; in the spring and summer I go to the dacha every day. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis,

Physical therapy to correct stooping

The main reason for stooping in people is weakness of the back muscles. Therefore, physical therapy exercises should mainly be aimed at strengthening them and straightening the spine.

With the right approach and perseverance, results will already be noticeable within a few days of starting classes.

What you need to pay attention to:

  • Initial body position.
  • During exercises you will almost always feel your arms and legs.
  • A set of exercises should take about minutes.
  • To do without expensive simulators, you can use improvised means. You can lean on the wall, and make dumbbells from plastic bottles with sand.
  • During the exercises, monitor your posture and perform them only with a straight back.
  • If the exercise is performed against a wall, you do not need to touch the back of its head. It is enough to hold it straight.
  • To begin with, standing against the wall should last for at least 2 minutes. Gradually increasing the time during the course of exercises.

After the back muscles reach the desired tone, your posture will improve. If you get into the habit of watching it and doing special exercises for prevention purposes, your posture will always be correct.

Impeccable posture is an opportunity not only to look attractive, but also to avoid many health problems. Slouched shoulders and a hunched back provoke the development of diseases of the spine and internal organs, lead to poor circulation and other negative consequences.

How to correct your posture and learn to keep your back straight in any situation? You can get answers to these and other questions right now by carefully studying the article.

What is posture?

Human posture is a habitual position (vertical position of the body), maintained at rest and during movement. Its formation begins from an early age and continues throughout life.

An upright posture in a casually standing person indicates the absence of diseases of the spinal column. It is important that the assessment of the condition of the spine occurs in a standing position, with heels closed and shoulders apart.

Attention! A slouched back disrupts the functioning of the respiratory system - the chest is compressed, and the lungs do not open when inhaling.

According to statistics, poor posture occurs in 70% of cases in school-age children (6-12 years old). Being among the group most likely to develop spinal curvature, they need to strictly follow preventive measures and exercise regularly.

Remember that when we first meet, others judge us based on our appearance—and good posture will allow you to stand out from the crowd.

How to check your posture?

  • Check if your ideal posture matches yours. Stand in front of the mirror sideways, move your shoulders back at a slight angle, pull in your stomach and straighten your chest. See if you can draw a straight line from your ear to your ankle, passing through your shoulder, hip and knee.
When checking whether your posture is straight or not, it is recommended to follow the recommendations:
  • Head and neck. Keep your head vertical, slightly extending it upward. If the line drawn from the ears passes through the front of the chest, then move it back slightly;
  • Shoulders and arms. Place your arms at the sides of your body. If your arms spontaneously drop to the front of your chest, then move your shoulders back a little. Remember, is this how your hands are positioned when you walk?

  • Pain, discomfort. If you have a straight back, then the pectoral muscles do not tense and there is no pain. When the spinal column is curvature, the muscles of the upper back are subject to a large load, which causes discomfort, which intensifies in the evening.

However, not all people who have incorrect posture experience pain, since the human body is able to compensate for acquired changes and literally “adjust” to them.

  • Look at your feet – is your foot overpronating? If the arch of the foot is almost flat (flatfoot), then it indicates a curvature of posture. Deformation leads to an increase in the load placed on the feet, which provokes their “flattening” (literally).
    It is important that flat feet are a clear sign indicating poor posture. Additionally, pain may occur in the ankles, lower legs and even hips.
  • Evaluate your own mood! Scientists from San Francisco conducted a study with students based on common body language positions. They have proven that a slouched person has an increased feeling of depression and general lethargy appears, in contrast to someone who walks straight with his head held high.

Types of posture disorders

Types of posture disorders Inherent Features
Scoliotic (asymmetrical) Manifests itself in asymmetry between both halves of the body (right/left).

Other signs:

- the height of the shoulder girdles is different,

- different positions of the angles of the blades,

Asymmetry of triangular waist lines.

Interestingly, in the supine position the scoliotic defect disappears.

Sagittal – associated with a decrease or increase in the curvature of the spinal column. Different types of posture


increases, and at the same time decreases lumbar lordosis.

Other signs:

- raised shoulder girdles,

- shoulder joints are tilted forward.

Round back

The disorder is associated with an increase in thoracic kyphosis and a lack of lumbar lordosis.

An additional sign is slightly bent legs (the person is not aware of this).

Round-concave back

It is expressed in an increase in all curves of the spinal column.

An important sign is stretching of the anterior abdominal wall (the stomach seems to protrude forward).

Flat back

It is expressed in a decrease in each curvature of the spinal column.

An important feature is the almost complete absence of a waistline.

Plano-concave back

The disorder is associated with a decrease in thoracic kyphosis, but remains in a normal or enlarged state.

Externally it is expressed in an increase in the level of pelvic tilt.

Causes of stoop

Poor posture is caused by certain reasons, which may be:
  1. External (purchased). Associated with a lifestyle disorder, weakening of the muscle corset and incorrect position of the body during the day - lack of physical activity, poor diet, neglect of outdoor recreation.
  2. Internal. They are directly related to the dysfunction of internal organs and body systems - chronic diseases, radiculitis, tuberculosis, visual defects, hearing defects, etc. Internal causes can be acquired - injuries, fractures, bruises.

Less commonly, uneven posture is a consequence of congenital causes - intrauterine pathologies that disrupt the formation of the spinal column. The result is that the vertebrae acquire a wedge-shaped shape, the appearance of new (so-called “extra”) vertebrae, etc.

Interestingly, in children, curvature of the spinal column can be caused by prolonged monotonous activities (for example, playing on the computer, reading or doing homework), if during their performance the load exerted is unevenly distributed on the torso.

Remember that beautiful posture is the result of long-term work on yourself, and identifying the cause of its curvature is an important stage in straightening it!

Can it be fixed at home?

How can you correct your posture at home? It is important to eliminate all negative factors leading to its curvature (for example, if your professional activity is carried out in a sitting position, then perform physical exercises while standing every 1-1.5 hours).

To achieve an effective result on how to get rid of stoop, follow the following recommendations:

  1. Lean into each leg with equal strength. Uniform distribution of the load on the spine prevents it from sagging.
  2. Keep your shoulders back, slightly back. Slouching, a person brings them forward, closer to the chest, which provokes curvature of the spine.
  3. Try to keep your head upright. By following this advice, you will see for yourself that breathing will become much easier.
  4. Reduce the time you spend in high-heeled shoes (from 7 cm). It significantly increases

    load on the spinal column.

Do you often carry large items or heavy packages? To prevent disruption, try to distribute the load equally in both hands, while trying to keep your back as tight as possible.

How to straighten your posture at home? Perform muscle strengthening exercises daily, wear a rigid corset, and do hyperextension (exercises to straighten the muscles in the back and hips).

At home - it is possible, but you must strictly adhere to the given recommendations. If you forget about them, give yourself a reminder (for example, set an alarm on your phone or ask family members to monitor you).

How to correct slouching in a child at home? Here it is necessary to involve parents - it is important

so that they monitor the situation in which children do homework, play, read and even have lunch.

How to correct posture - treatment

How to straighten your posture? Treatment is carried out after identifying and eliminating the functional cause of its curvature.

Methods to get rid of stoop:

  1. Orthopedic devices. Wearing corrective and supportive corsets, following medical recommendations, will straighten your back.
  2. Performing exercise therapy. Therapeutic exercises are the most effective method to remove stoop.
  3. Massage. It is aimed at relieving muscle spasms and restoring microcirculation, which is important for spinal deformities.
  4. Surgery. There are surgical techniques to straighten the spine, but they are implemented only according to a doctor’s indications.

How to correct posture in an adult? Use several methods at the same time - change your lifestyle, choose a corrective corset and exercise regularly.


There is a common misconception that surgery is the solution to the problem of how to quickly correct posture. In reality, elimination of deformities through surgical treatment is used extremely rarely.

When can good posture be the result of surgery?

  • ineffectiveness of other correction methods,
  • complex forms of curvature,
  • pronounced stoop.

Surgical intervention is prescribed if the curvature of the spinal column leads to negative consequences for the body and the occurrence of pathologies.

How do surgeons straighten their back? The patient must undergo all medical and laboratory tests, a full examination and an x-ray. Taking into account the state of the disorder, its severity and concomitant pathologies, surgery is prescribed.

Orthoses and posture correctors

Forming correct posture is possible with the use of orthoses and special correctors.


  • supportive,
  • corrective.

The purpose of orthoses is to relieve stress from the spinal column. Posture correctors are worn for about six months and are replaced if growth increases (for example, when a child wears an orthosis).

The reclinator is used for the treatment of hyperkyphosis, kyphoscoliosis and for the prevention of spinal column deformities. The corrector is not visible under clothing (it is worn over underwear), and can be worn for up to 4 hours daily.

Manual therapy

How to straighten your posture? Manual therapy (“hand treatment”) is an opportunity to eliminate spinal deformities. The doctor, using his hands locally on the joints of the spine and muscles, eliminates disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Manual therapy is an effective way to correct stooping in an adult. However, its prescription and implementation can only be carried out by doctors! When choosing a chiropractor, find out his qualifications and work experience.

Correction of posture using manual therapy occurs over a course - a number of sessions are prescribed, during which a specialist examines the patient’s body, identifies the cause of the deformation and eliminates it.


How to improve your posture? An effective way is physiotherapy - physical exercises recommended to be performed in combination. It is selected taking into account the personal characteristics of the human body structure (for example, if you need to focus on exercises for the cervical spine).

To perform the exercises, it is enough to use a sports tape (an alternative is an elastic bandage), a gymnastic stick, and small dumbbells weighing up to 2 kg.

The most optimal set of exercises to strengthen your back muscles and straighten your posture:

  1. Stretching (preparation). Take the gymnastics tape by the ends and pull alternately in different directions. Stand on one end of the tape, and try to raise the other as high as possible. Gradually make the exercise more difficult by placing the band behind your back.
  2. Take a gymnastic stick, put it on your shoulders and throw your arm over it. Start by swaying in different directions, then move on to turns, gradually increasing their steepness and adding inclinations.
  3. Take a lying position and take a dumbbell in your hands. Perform 10-15 swings one at a time, then another 10-12 swings at the same time. After completing the exercise, remain in the same position, but spread your arms in different directions.
  4. Roll over onto your stomach and press your arms to the sides of your body. Alternately lift your upper and lower body. After several executions, complicate the task - try to fix your torso in an elevated state for a few seconds.

When performing a set of exercises for posture, maintain regularity (for example, every morning and evening) and accuracy. If possible, join a gym - modern equipment and the help of an experienced trainer will help you improve your posture.

Is it possible to straighten the spine by doing physical exercises?

  1. Spend 5-6 minutes every day hanging on the horizontal bar. When performing the exercise, do not strain your arms - try to relax as much as possible and stretch down.
  2. Stand up, take a deep breath, rise onto your toes and stretch your arms behind your head. As you exhale, lean (not sharply!) forward. It’s great if you can touch your forehead to your knees.
  3. "Cat". Straightening your posture with this exercise - kneel with your hands on the floor. Exhale smoothly while arching your back downwards. Then inhale while arching your back upward.
  4. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and spread your arms out to the sides (palms down). Slowly bend in different directions until you feel tension in the side muscles.
  5. Sit on the floor with your knees bent. Wrap your arms around your legs, placing your chin on your knees. Move your head back and then return it to its normal position. It is important to repeat the exercise at least 10 times.

How to hold your back correctly - prevention for straight posture

In order for you to maintain ideal posture, you must:

  • organize the workplace correctly (provide proper lighting, choose comfortable furniture, etc.),
  • control the position of the body during work,
  • taking into account your own physique, choose an orthopedic pillow and mattress,
  • wear orthopedic shoes and comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement,
  • Do physical exercises regularly to develop your back muscles.

When thinking about how to control correct posture, it is important to note the prevention of injuries and other diseases of the spinal column. The content may differ for men and women.

How can a girl stop slouching? Along with the above methods, start dancing, swimming or gymnastics. It is recommended to pay special attention to Pilates, which was originally developed to solve back problems.

Yoga classes will help a woman maintain her posture. Exercises not only train and strengthen muscles, but also increase the flexibility of the spine. Can't attend classes? Remember the simplest activity - carrying a stack of books on your head.

How can a man stop slouching? According to statistics, men are 25% more likely to suffer from stooped posture compared to women. An effective way to learn to maintain posture is to start training on a horizontal bar (for example, doing pull-ups by placing the bar in front of your chest).

A slouched man is immediately visible, so to eliminate the curvature, it is recommended to exercise in the gym with dumbbells, bringing them behind the back or to the belt line (exercises are performed in a sitting position).

Knowing how to maintain correct posture can help prevent curvature of the spinal column.

Remember, the best treatment is prevention!


Video - how to fix slouching?

Complications and consequences

What does poor posture lead to?
  • disruption of blood supply to internal organs and vital systems of the body,
  • sprain of the ligaments located in the hip joint,
  • deformation of the chest,
  • gradual development of signs of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) - general weakness and rapid
  • fatigue,
  • causes the abdominal organs to displace from their places,
  • Muscle pain appears, intensifying with prolonged standing or sitting.

Incorrect posture can lead to weakening of the muscle corset, which is directly related to a person’s physical activity.

Is it possible to correct posture at 16, 20, 25, 30, 40 years old?

Children, teenagers and adults can straighten their spine. The main thing is to take this responsibly, following all the recommendations and exercises. Regardless of age, follow the 30-minute rule.

It consists in the fact that you cannot sit in one place for more than half an hour. Every 30 minutes, get up for at least 2-3 minutes - walk around the room, drink tea, do a few squats.

Slouching in a teenager and an adult can have the same cause. Regular muscle warm-up accelerates blood circulation, which leads to a reduction in the load on the spinal column.

Is it possible to correct your posture at 40 or by 16? Yes, but you need to control the position of your back even when walking. Keep it straight, knees relaxed and buttocks slightly squeezed.

To improve your posture at 30, try to imagine that from the top of your head there is a thread that is pulling you and your shoulders upward in a complex manner. Remember to control yourself while sitting. Remember that your lower back should touch the back of the chair.

Correcting stoop in adults is more difficult than restoring posture in adolescents. This is due to the fact that with age the spinal column strengthens, and the body adapts to its deformations.

Slouching is unsightly: the shoulders are rounded, the height becomes visually smaller, in girls the breasts seem saggy, the tummy sticks out. And it seems like nothing, it’s just a matter of appearance, but incorrect posture also harms health, deforming internal organs, worsening the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

There are many reasons for this disease: congenital, acquired, physical and psychological. But don’t worry, in most cases everything can be corrected with exercises for stooping, even at home.

Checking the condition of the spine

The simplest test is to stand near a wall. If there is a baseboard under the wall, stand by the door or find another option. Press yourself against a vertical surface so that your heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head simultaneously touch it.

  • If it works, and you can fixate yourself like this for at least a minute, then everything is not too critical, and to correct your posture you just need to do special gymnastics and learn to control yourself.
  • If you cannot touch any part of the body, or it causes obvious pain, it is better to consult a doctor, possibly take an x-ray and select a special treatment to straighten the spine.

Why does stooping occur and what to do about it?

In this paragraph we will not touch upon congenital causes: if a person has different leg lengths, the structure of the intervertebral discs is disturbed, or abnormal muscle development, exercises cannot correct this, or they are too specific. Let's talk about acquired disease.

In childhood

In children, stooping usually appears after 6-7 years, when the thoracic spine is finally formed. The reason is long hours spent with a tablet or phone in hand, when the child leans towards the screen, or carrying a heavy backpack on one shoulder.

If you don’t notice anything, the child may develop kyphosis or scoliosis, but at this age everything is easily corrected: the joints and vertebrae are flexible, and daily 20-minute exercises are enough to strengthen the muscles.

However, sometimes the reasons are psychological. It is useless to shout “Don’t slouch!” if the reason is fear, uncertainty, or emotional tightness. In this case, to remove stoop, it is better to do gymnastics together, or to understand the reasons for internal tightness.

During adolescence

A young body begins to grow quickly, and sometimes bones develop faster than muscles. That is why a teenager should be sent to swimming or introduced to some kind of sport, this will help make the figure harmonious.

Sometimes children are embarrassed by their height and cannot stop hunching over, as if trying to be smaller. This is solved psychologically. The body is still growing, and if you take it in time, everything can be fixed.

In adults

The problem here, most often, is a sedentary lifestyle or work where you need to bend over a table, machine, equipment, etc. How to fix a slouched back? Exercises, special exercises for stooping, and constant monitoring.

  • To a man It is often more comfortable to work out in the gym, where he pumps up the muscles so that they keep the spine straight.
  • To the girl Most likely, home gymnastics will do. Women by nature are more flexible, they enjoy going to yoga, they try to maintain their posture so that their tummy does not stick out and their breasts seem more attractive.
  • In older people problems with posture often arise against the background of other diseases of the spine or internal organs, and most often, general treatment is required. But a gentle warm-up, stretching and simple exercises without strain can relieve pain and allow you to straighten up.

Top 5 exercises for any age

In fact, almost all movements that are aimed at strengthening the spinal muscles and arching the spine will be effective. You can create your own complex to eliminate slouched back, or do the ones we suggested every day.

Forward facing bends

This is a simple warm-up exercise that is great even for older people. The point is to support yourself with your hands, take a long step and slowly bend forward. Start doing this from the wall, then you can do it with a chair, leaning on the back. Stretch, opening your shoulder blades. Do 8-10 approaches.

From a lying position

This is how we correct not only problems with posture, but also with intervertebral discs and clamps. Lie on the mat on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, tense your legs and do the “Boat” (Superman), arching at the lower back and lifting your palms and feet.

For those over 50, lifting your legs may be difficult, in which case you should try doing a backbend with a chair. Place a chair in front of you, lie on your stomach so that your hands are on both sides, approximately in the middle of the seat. Bend over, raise your arms, place them on a chair and stretch. Fix your body for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

Sitting on my knees

The most effective exercises for slouching are sometimes very simple. Sit on the floor on your knees, grab your feet with your hands and try to stretch, starting from your shoulders. Bring your shoulder blades together, bend, lower your arms. You can return to the starting position, or simply sway while sitting like this.

On all fours

One option is the “Cat” exercise. Bend as if trying to crawl under a low obstacle. We start forward, bend the thoracic region, then move the body a little forward and bend at the lower back, raising the chest. Now the same thing - back.

The second version of gymnastics against slouching is to lift your straight leg up in the same position, throw your head back, and stretch. We change the leg. 6-8 times is enough to start with, then increase the repetitions.

With a stick

Not everyone has gymnastic sticks, but that doesn’t matter. For example, a mop handle, a vacuum cleaner pipe, a piece of water pipe or something similar will do. Place it behind your back and hold it with bent elbows as you twist from side to side.

By the way, one of the reasons why a person slouches is simple forgetfulness to keep his back straight. If you don’t know how to stop slouching, sit with this stick in front of the TV or even at the computer, and as soon as you try to bend, it will put pressure on your spine. Typing this way is not very convenient, but watching TV series or using the mouse is fine. This will help you become accustomed to the correct posture.

You can, of course, buy a posture brace or corset, but a stick is much cheaper.

Finally, we’ll tell you about another way to learn to walk upright without slouching.: Put an old notebook (or a book, if you don’t mind) on your head and walk around the house like that. If you drop it, it means that without noticing it, you are slouching. Try to maintain the correct position.

Try to see what happens if you make this set of exercises your daily exercise. Many people note that after just a couple of weeks they began to hunch much less, and after a month their back became noticeably stronger.

Watch the video to do the exercises correctly, start small, and control the sensations. Soon you will become much more flexible, and it will become easier to keep your back straight. Stooping can and should be corrected at any age!

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Good posture in a child is the key to the health of his spine.

That is why attentive parents are always concerned with the question of what to do if their child is slouching. After all, stooping can develop into scoliosis, and this disease, as we know, is difficult to treat and brings a lot of trouble. The women's site "Beautiful and Successful" today will try to tell all mothers about the dangers of poor posture, how to prevent stooping in children and how to deal with it if it has already developed.

Why do children start to slouch?

It can not only lead to the child having severe back pain in the future. In addition to pain in the spine, stooped children often begin to suffer from various chronic diseases due to malfunctions of the internal organs: improper curvature of the spine leads to them being displaced, the blood in them begins to circulate worse, so their functions are impaired. To prevent stooping, it is very important to understand how it develops.

In children of different ages, the causes of stoop may differ.

  1. In children under 3 years of age, incorrect posture may be the result of some kind of disorder during intrauterine development, the result of an illness (for example, rickets), or improper care of the baby during the period of its motor development. Doctors say that it is very important for babies under one year to learn to crawl before they can stand. Oddly enough, banal crawling for a baby is one of the most effective methods of preventing lordosis and kyphosis.
  2. Experts in the field of orthopedics consider a sedentary lifestyle to be the main reason for stooping in children of preschool and primary school age. Unfortunately, instead of actively running and jumping on the street with their peers, modern preschoolers very often sit motionless in front of the TV at home or, even worse, spend the entire day bent over a gadget. What you need to do if a child at the age of 4 has already begun to slouch is to take the tablet away from him and offer him to play with a ball.
  3. Posture in children aged 9-10 years and older is often impaired due to excessively rapid growth (bones become heavier, and muscle mass is not yet enough to firmly hold the spine), complexes about being too tall, or being addicted to the computer.

Poor posture can also be a consequence of the student’s incorrect posture while reading and writing, wearing a backpack that is too heavy, or a hereditary disease - joint hypermobility syndrome. Sometimes children begin to slouch after suffering injuries or infectious diseases.

But whatever the reasons for poor posture, as soon as the child begins to slouch heavily, it is important for parents to immediately take measures to combat the problem.

The child began to stoop heavily: what should be done?

In all cases when a son or daughter has any health problems, the site recommends that mom and dad first visit the doctor. Only a specialist can give a clear answer to the question of what to do if a child constantly slouches.

For their part, parents should actively engage in the prevention of poor posture. To do this, it is important to ensure that the baby does not sit still for more than 15 minutes. He just needs to change his position as often as possible. It is very useful for children to work with plasticine, pencils and scissors while standing, so you can buy a desk or table for them with adjustable height.

When the baby gets tired of standing, you can invite him to lie on the floor on his stomach and lie there for a few minutes, while playing with some toys. By the way, children really like to lie in this position.

Exercises on a wall bars, hanging ladder, etc. are of great benefit for developing correct posture in a child. In order for children to develop good posture, they need to often walk outside, where they can slide down a slide, overcome various obstacles, run and jump.

If a student has already begun to noticeably stoop, he should be enrolled in some kind of school. But to correct postural disorders that have already begun to manifest themselves noticeably, visits to the section alone will not be enough.

There are simple ones that can be performed to correct the curvature of a child’s spine at home.

  1. For children aged 1 year and a little older, exercise on a fitness ball would be a good preventive measure. You can simply place your baby on this gymnastics machine and roll it either on its back or on its stomach.
  2. Walking on your heels. This is a very simple exercise and also a very fun activity that you can do with mom and dad. Walk with your baby on his heels around the apartment every morning for 2-3 minutes, and after a couple of weeks you will notice that he begins to slouch less.
  3. Push ups. This simple exercise perfectly strengthens the spine. Girls can do push-ups instead.
  4. Swinging your arms, bending your body, bending your body. During these exercises, all tissues of the body are stretched, which has a beneficial effect on the spine and posture.
  5. The “Bicycle” exercise perfectly strengthens the abs and forms correct posture. It can be performed by babies who have just turned one year old. Riding an imaginary bike is quite fun. The whole family can go on such a small trip every morning.
  6. Exercises on the horizontal bar: hanging, pull-ups, doing a hanging corner. It is believed that these exercises are more suitable for boys, but some of them can also be done by girls.
  7. Stand against the wall. To align the spine, girls can stand against a wall for several minutes, pressing the back of their head, shoulder blades and shoulders against its surface.
  8. The gymnastic bridge is an exercise that can be done by both girls and boys. Even little ones as young as 4 years old can easily overcome him.
  9. Throwing a ball is another good, easy exercise that can help children stop slouching. In an apartment, this exercise can be replaced by playing children's darts.

It is enough to perform some of these exercises for five minutes every day in addition to basic sports activities, and your baby’s posture will quickly improve.

For serious posture problems, orthopedic doctors usually prescribe a course of treatment for children, which may include the following therapy methods:

  • Therapeutic exercise. It is performed in medical institutions under the guidance of a competent trainer. This method gives the most noticeable result, but you will have to wait about a year, and sometimes several years.
  • Massage. For many years now, there have been special techniques recommended for children who slouch. Massage helps eliminate congestion in the spine and muscles, as well as relieve back pain. It is an excellent auxiliary method of combating stoop.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures. They are aimed at eliminating pain.
  • . A child who slouches should be fitted with a corset by an orthopedic specialist. Such a device fixes a certain area of ​​the spinal column in a physiologically correct position, due to which the posture is corrected. In difficult cases, it is recommended to wear a corset for quite a long time: a year or more.

In other words, when a child begins to stoop heavily, what needs to be done first is to force him to move as much and as actively as possible, to be outside for at least 3 hours a day.

There are especially cautious mothers who are constantly afraid that their child will fall while running, will strain a joint while doing gymnastics, will sweat a lot while jumping. They constantly restrain their children, rejoicing when the child sits quietly in the sandbox during the entire walk. And then they are surprised that the child has such poor coordination of movements and that he is constantly sick. It is these mothers who risk turning their children into regular orthopedic patients.

Therefore, our site encourages all parents: be active yourself, dance, ride a bike, ski and skate, swim and set an example for your children. Let them grow up mobile, healthy and very energetic!