Charging for the lungs after bronchitis. Effective treatment of bronchitis with exercise. The main exercises of the Strelnikova complex

Many doctors consider breathing exercises an indispensable and indispensable part of the treatment of respiratory diseases. At the same time, many patients neglect similar exercises or are not familiar with them at all. according to the Strelnikova method is considered the "gold" standard of breathing exercises and is recognized by many medical institutions in the world.

Breathing exercises are performed both for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases, in particular, bronchial asthma and bronchitis. The main tasks of gymnastics:

  1. Improve the supply of oxygen to tissues by increasing the physiological capabilities of the respiratory system.
  2. Develop respiratory muscles.
  3. Reduce inflammation.
  4. Facilitate the expectoration of mucus.
  5. Strengthen vocal cords(important for singers).

Fundamentals of proper breathing

Proper breathing should be natural. To determine your individual pace, sit back and relax. Close your eyes and try to feel your breath that your body needs. In this case, it is not necessary to specifically involve the respiratory muscles or the stomach.

Pay attention not only to the rhythm, but also to the stages of the process. When you take a deep breath and fill the lungs with air, the stomach moves forward, and the diaphragm lowers. Then the ribs expand and the chest rises, and oxygen fills the middle space of the lungs. After that, the clavicles are raised.

Exhalation begins with the retraction of the abdomen and the rise of the diaphragm, and ends with the lowering of the shoulders.

Strelnikova's exercises for bronchitis

The following basic exercises will help ease breathing, clear the bronchi and bring them out:

  1. "Pump". It is performed standing with the body tilted down. Inhalation, as always, should be noisy and sharp. At the same time, the body should be slightly forward. Exhalation is done freely, and the body returns to its original position.
  2. "Hug your shoulders". For convenience, you are allowed to sit down. Hands should be raised and bent at the elbows parallel to the floor. A sharp breath is combined with the movement of the hands towards each other. When exhaling, the elbows are pulled back. Breathing is recommended to be performed alternately through the nose and mouth.
  3. "Palms". Lung warm-up exercise, in which several approaches are made of 4 sharp noisy breaths through the nose. At the same time, the palms should be clenched into fists. The break between breaths is up to 5 seconds. In total, you need to take up to 100 breaths.

Breathing rules according to the Strelnikova method

Before performing standard exercises, you need to know the general rules:

  1. Inhalation is done intensely and sharply, while it should be as natural as possible. In combination with the movement, inhalation should be done simultaneously with it.
  2. If the air needs to be expelled after a sharp and deep breath, it is better to do it through the mouth, not through the nose. Exhalation should be passive.
  3. Observe the rhythm of breathing. It can correspond to a step, a count (8.16 or 32) or a pulse.
  4. Take several breaths in a row that are easy for you.

The combination of breathing and exercise increases the absorption of oxygen, enhances tissue respiration and has a positive effect on many body systems.

As a treatment, gymnastics is done twice a day., approximately 1500 breaths each. To prevent diseases, it is enough to give her a few minutes a day every morning or evening.

Gymnastics for children

In the therapy of children, breathing exercises are extremely important. It allows you to reduce the amount and dosage of drugs prescribed by the doctor, as well as speed up recovery.

You can start after the normalization of body temperature. The complex starts with static exercises, given the age of the child, and then move on to dynamic. Specific exercises will be advised by the doctor. Children perform more efficiently if exercises are carried out in a playful way. The process of inflating a balloon or soap bubbles is well suited for this. ending respiratory complex in children with drainage massage.

Gymnastics in the elderly

In old age, exercise should be more gentle. It is also recommended to take breaks if the patient feels unwell. Elderly people may not perform oblique movements as deeply as the instructions require.

Exercise after bronchitis

After bronchitis, a person is often bothered by a residual cough. It is caused by the fact that the airways were not completely cleared, and the mucosal tissue did not have time to recover. Breathing exercises will help to remove the remnants of sputum, increase blood circulation and regeneration of bronchial tissue. Daily exercise will strengthen the respiratory muscles, raise immunity and increase resistance to infection.

The following exercises will be helpful:

  1. Fists need to be pressed to the stomach and, as you inhale, sharply push down, straightening your arms. On exhalation, the hands come back. Do 12 times for 8 breaths.
  2. The person takes a standing position, pressing the heels to the floor. With a sharp breath, the body turns to the right. Exhalation is free with the return of the body to its original position. The next breath is combined with a turn to the other side. The back should remain straight.

All exercises are useful for fresh air. Maintaining optimal climatic conditions significantly increases the effectiveness of the technique.

Exercise video

The video clearly shows the exercises according to the Strelnikova method:

Initially, you need to learn how to cough through your nose, do not be surprised, but this is true, the mouth should be closed at this time

How to quickly get rid of a cough

How to quickly cure bronchitis and get rid of an annoying cough - these questions concern many, especially in the spring and autumn, when the body is weakened and needs vitamins. A lot of people don't try to find quick ways get rid of cough, but apply various methods to feel at least some relief, even if only for a little while.

Everyone knows that drugs sometimes do not have a special effect. Severe coughs are difficult to treat with pills and syrups, and the sputum seems to have developed a strong immunity to the drugs. If you still hope to find a drug that can quickly relieve you of a cough, then we have to disappoint you, today there are no effective medicines that can quickly eliminate this problem.

Even leading experts in the field of medicine have repeatedly voiced that absolutely all pharmaceutical preparations act on the placebo principle. But this is not a reason to give up, yet there are some techniques that can alleviate a person's condition during the period of illness. It is quite possible to cure bronchitis and get rid of an annoying cough if you perform some breathing exercises.

Effective ways to eliminate cough

During a cough, our body loses a lot of carbon dioxide, which is essential to maintain a normal airway. Insufficient CO2 causes irritation nerve cells and their receptors, which provokes the occurrence of a cough, at the same time, there is a decrease in the level of oxygen not only in the brain, but throughout the body as a whole. A persistent strong cough can cause pathological effects, the accumulation and intensification of which, in turn, provokes even more attacks. How to break this chain, cure bronchitis or any other respiratory diseases?

Effective Exercises atsevere or chronic cough

Initially, you need to learn how to cough through your nose, do not be surprised, but this is true, your mouth should be closed at this time. You also need to learn to cough with your mouth, while holding your nose with your fingers. These two simple exercises allow you to normalize the concentration of carbon dioxide in the body and calm the irritated receptors.

It is also necessary to learn how to inhale less air in order to increase the level of CO2 in the respiratory tract and enrich the cells of the body with oxygen. Such manipulations can cause some discomfort, but, nevertheless, this is a reliable way to quickly eliminate a cough.

PayAttention! The use of these techniques requires prior consultation with your doctor!

As soon as you get the feeling that an attack is coming, you need to find a comfortable place, sit down, relax and straighten your back, and then perform several simple exercises to help normalize breathing. Take a good breath, close your mouth and pinch your nose with your fingers, briefly holding your breath. The first short breath must be taken through the nose, connecting the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm, after which you need to exhale smoothly. Then repeat the exercise until you feel relief. The main task of this technique is to support moderate oxygen starvation, that is, throughout the whole time you should feel the desire to inhale more air. A short breath hold will enrich the cells of the body with oxygen and increase the level of carbon dioxide in the respiratory tract.

To stop a cough, it is enough to perform such exercises for only two minutes, this is really the most effective way to alleviate your condition. These techniques allow you to suppress even nighttime attacks, and to feel maximum relief, you need to monitor the position of your body when you go to bed. To suppress the urge to cough at night, you need to lie on your left side or on your stomach, but not on your back.

The above exercises are included in the Buteyko system, which has been known to everyone since Soviet Union. Such breathing techniques are effective not only for the treatment of prolonged, but also chronic cough, and this is confirmed by many patients who have experienced serious diseases (bronchitis, asthma, fibrosis, tuberculosis, lung cancer, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Almost all patients who regularly suffer from coughing confirmed that such exercises really helped them. Despite this, the Buteyko system has been criticized more than once, so it’s your right to believe in the effectiveness of this technique or not, but it’s better to do the exercises yourself and feel the result.

Of course, even a person who does not have a higher medical education may have a question - how is sputum removed from the body if the coughing process is hindered? It must be understood that the Buteyko technique allows you to normalize the oxygen balance in the body, thereby eliminating the cause of coughing and, accordingly, reducing the amount of sputum produced by the body. And you can speed up recovery with the help of additional exercises.

Effectivetreatment for bronchitis. Asthma Control Exercises

This complex will strengthen not only the body, but also restore health. It is better not to start practicing during the period of colds or more serious illnesses. But you can still perform several exercises that will help relax the spine, as well as the chest, thereby speeding up the process of sputum discharge.

The simplest exercise and, perhaps, the most enjoyable is the “rollers” (rolls lying on your back in different directions and back and forth), you need to move slowly and at the same time make sure that your back is as round as possible. But this exercise is recommended only for those who do not have any problems with the spine. With the help of this massage, it will be possible not only to reduce cough, but also to completely heal the entire body, since in the process of rolling there is pressure on the nerve roots spinal cord, which are responsible for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. "Rollers" allow you to improve your well-being and help you wake up in the morning in a good mood.

Just a few exercises will help your body get rid of serious ailments:

  • deflections. Performing back bends of the body, the chest opens, and there is an improvement in the functioning of the lungs and heart. By bending the upper spine during an asthma attack, the process of exhalation is facilitated. On the contrary, if it is difficult to inhale, then it is necessary to lean forward and bend in the lumbar region (if such movements are not contraindicated);
  • inverted poses. To ensure a good outflow of mucus from the lungs, you need to stand on your head or shoulders, and in last case you can also improve blood circulation and activate immune system;
  • "camel". This posture allows you to free the nasal passage, clear the pharynx and lungs, and also activate the facial tissues;
  • "a lion". With help this exercise it is possible to activate the tissues of the larynx, bronchioles and trachea, get rid of tonsillitis, reduce inflammation in the throat, and strengthen cartilage thyroid gland;
  • "fish". This posture helps to restore breathing, as well as improve the functioning of all respiratory organs (pharynx, larynx, nasal passage).

For achievement maximum effect exercises must be done comprehensively, while not forgetting about relaxing techniques, for example, about the “corpse” pose. If you are seriously concerned about your health, we advise you to take a closer look at the exercises, sometimes this is the only way to solve the problem, when no medication or any other means can no longer help get rid of the disease.published

Breathing exercises give good results in the complex treatment of bronchitis, allowing you to reduce the dosage of medications and speed up the healing process. Breathing exercises stimulate the movement of the ciliated epithelium and improve the rheological qualities of bronchial mucus, which contributes to the rapid removal of sputum and contaminants from the respiratory tract. In addition, breathing exercises help to turn on the hidden reserves of the respiratory system, accelerate their regeneration after an illness, and restore free breathing.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova with bronchitis

Breathing exercises Strelnikova helps in the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. Initially, her exercises were created to restore the voice of singers and artists after injuries, but it soon became clear that, if performed regularly, breathing exercises promote recovery from bronchitis, correct the patient's condition during and even help alleviate the patient's condition during a heart attack.

Basics correct breathing according to Strelnikova:

    Active short inhalation and natural passive exhalation. Air is inhaled through the nose, making a short strong and noisy movement, and exhaled through the mouth;

    The respiratory movement should coincide in time with the inhalation;

    Observe the rhythm of breathing according to the rhythm of the march;

    Breathing exercises performed sitting, lying or standing, depending on the condition of the patient; to increase efficiency, it is recommended to carry them out in the fresh air, you can even while walking.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis

As an independent treatment for acute bronchitis, breathing exercises are not used, but exercises can be performed already two days after the start of antibiotic therapy. Effective exercises of Strelnikovskaya gymnastics, which make it possible to facilitate expectoration and make breathing free:

    Cams. Starting position - standing with arms down, legs apart shoulder-width apart, relax the muscles. They take a strong short breath through the nose, at the same time clenching their hands into a fist. They exhale through the mouth, without making additional efforts, while exhaling, the fingers are unbent. The exercise is repeated four times in a row, after a break of 5 seconds, the next approach is made. It is necessary to do 6 approaches.

    Dropping cargo. The exercise is performed from the starting position standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hands held on the belt, hands clenched into a fist. During a short and noisy breath, the shoulder muscles are tensed, after which the arms are lowered, at the same time unclenching their fists and stretching out their fingers, as if getting rid of a heavy burden. When exhaling, the lips slightly open, take their original position. The number of approaches is 12, 8 breaths and exhalations are taken in one approach.

    Ball pumping. Starting position as for the exercise "Cams". During an active sharp breath, the body is tilted forward, the head is lowered, rounding the shoulders, and the arms are pulled forward and relaxed so that they hang down. In total, you need to do twelve approaches, eight inclinations and breaths in each. The game form of this exercise for children is carried out with a ball, which must be inflated during each breath. So it will be easier for the child to learn the correct technique for performing the exercise, and gymnastics will not be a burden to him.

    Cat dance. Starting position - standing with relaxed lowered arms, legs apart shoulder-width apart. During inhalation, the arms are bent at the elbows, and the hands are clenched into a fist, squat, turning the body to the left. On exhalation, they return to their original position, on the next inhalation, the exercise is repeated with a turn in the other direction. Based on the name of the exercise and the nature of the body movements, you can offer children its playful form - in the process of performing, imagine yourself as a cat stalking prey.

    Strong hugs. Starting position - standing with straightened shoulders and feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands in front of your chest with a slight bend at the elbows, palms facing down. During a short noisy breath, the fingers are strongly compressed and the hands are pulled as far as possible behind the back, as if in an attempt to hug oneself. On exhalation, take the starting position. At correct technique performance hands move parallel to one another. Do 12 trips of 8 breaths.

    Tilts. Starting position - standing with straightened shoulders, legs apart shoulder-width apart, and arms lying along the body. When inhaling, they lean forward, the arms are pulled forward to the level of the knees, while exhaling they return to their original standing position, but do not freeze, but continue to move the body back, slightly bending in the lower back, while taking the hands behind the back. After that, they become straight again and take a new breath.

    Head turns. The exercise is performed from the starting position while standing, the arms are relaxed along the body, the abdominal muscles are tense, the back is straight, the legs are shoulder-width apart. They take a short and intense breath, while turning the head to the left, exhale calmly, returning to the starting position, and immediately they take a new breath with a turn in the other direction.

    Head tilts. Starting position as for the exercise "Turning the head". With a sharp and short breath, the head is tilted, pressing the ear to the left shoulder, exhaling smoothly, returning to the starting position and, without a pause, inhale again and tilt the head to the right. In total, twelve sets of eight breaths each are done.

    Head tilts back and forth. The starting position is the same, while inhaling, tilt the head so that the chin is pressed against the chest, exhale calmly, returning to the starting position. Repeat 12 sets of 8 times, between inhalations and exhalations in one approach do not pause. Head movements should be smooth and calm.

    Cheerful dance. The exercise is performed from a standing position with relaxed hands and shoulder girdle, bring the legs together. While inhaling, take a step forward with the left foot, transferring the weight of the body to it. The left leg is slightly bent, the right leg is on the toe, the arms bent at the elbows are taken forward and to the left. When exhaling, they return to the starting position. Without a pause, at the next breath, they take a step with the other foot, repeating the movement of the hands in the opposite direction. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

    Step forward. Starting position as for the exercise "Cheerful dance". During active and noisy inspiration left leg bend at the knee and pull it to the stomach, at the same time crouching a little on the right leg, when exhaling, they return to the starting position. During the next inhalation-exhalation, change legs.

    Step back. The starting position is the same as for the Step Forward exercise. Now, while inhaling, the leg is taken back, trying to bend it so that the heel touches the buttock, while squatting on the other leg. On exhalation, return to the starting position. They start the exercise with the left leg, on the next breath they change the leg.

An exercise that allows you to quickly calm down a coughing attack at the first stage of its occurrence: the starting position is standing or sitting, the palms lie freely on the stomach so that the umbilical fossa is located between them. Each time, before the cough starts, slightly press your palms on your stomach from top to bottom, as if trying to “push” the cough into the floor.

After completing a set of breathing exercises, it is recommended to complete the gymnastics with the exercises “Hug your shoulders” and “Pump”. In the treatment of chronic bronchitis and obstructive pulmonary disease, it is recommended to perform all Strelnikova's gymnastics exercises daily in the indicated order. During the exercises, it is necessary to monitor your well-being - gymnastics should not bring discomfort and discomfort.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis in video format:

Features of working with children

Respiratory gymnastics is of great importance in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system in children. If treatment is carried out only with medications, the healing process may slow down, since sputum is not removed in time from the respiratory tract. The respiratory organs finally finish forming by the age of twelve, so severe bronchitis in early age can provoke further pathologies and is generally more difficult to treat.

Gymnastics Strelnikova not only helps to strengthen the processes of self-purification of the bronchi, but also strengthens the respiratory muscles. A child can perform exercises together with an adult, so that breathing exercises for bronchitis do not seem tiring and boring to him, classes are held in a playful way. Therapeutic gymnastics practice only when the child's condition has stabilized - the exacerbation is behind, the body temperature is normal, and from the beginning drug therapy at least three days have passed.

We play and strengthen the baby's breathing

If it is necessary to carry out breathing exercises with a small child, then the main thing is to captivate him with the process, giving the exercises a playful form. So, as a breathing exercise, children can be offered to blow soap bubbles or inflate balloon, launch sailboats in the bath, using your own breath as wind. 10-15 minutes of such exercises daily are enough, and after a few weeks you will find the first results. The respiratory muscles are strengthened, the process of inhalation is normalized and oxygen exchange in the tissues is enhanced, the respiratory organs restore their function.

To consolidate the effect after breathing exercises, it is recommended to carry out a drainage massage - with light tapping movements of the palms, walk from the front and back of the chest. This stimulates the process of expectoration and sputum discharge.

Education: Moscow Medical Institute. I. M. Sechenov, specialty - "Medicine" in 1991, in 1993 "Occupational diseases", in 1996 "Therapy".

Chronic bronchitis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the bronchi, which is manifested by a wet cough with sputum discharge and a feeling of lack of air. Exercise therapy is an effective treatment option for chronic bronchitis. used for diseases of the respiratory system, includes gymnastic and breathing exercises.

Exercise therapy and chronic bronchitis

Exercise therapy successfully complements the basic therapeutic methods for diseases of the respiratory system. Main Effects physiotherapy exercises are:

  • Improving gas exchange processes in;
  • Restoration of elasticity and resilience of the walls of the bronchial tree;
  • Regulation of the movements of the diaphragm, intercostal, dentate and other muscles that provide respiratory movements;
  • Improving the blood supply to the lung tissue, which helps to thin the sputum;
  • Reducing the risk of possible complications bronchitis;
  • Slowing down the progression of the disease;
  • Increasing the availability of medications by stimulating blood flow;
  • General body toning, immunity training;
  • Acceleration of the processes of regeneration of the inner lining of the bronchi.

These tasks are not only for exercise, in order to have a therapeutic effect on the body, breathing exercises are also prescribed. However, it should be taken into account that there are a number of contraindications for exercise therapy against the background of chronic bronchitis:

  • Purulent cavity (abscess) in the lung;
  • Hemoptysis or the risk of its development;
  • Collapse (atelectasis) of a large area of ​​the lung;
  • Accumulation of a large volume of inflammatory fluid in the pleural cavity surrounding the lungs;
  • The expressed insufficiency of respiratory function of the III degree.

In acute bronchitis and during an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis against the background of a high temperature reaction and severe shortness of breath, gymnastics should not be done.

Exercise therapy for children with bronchitis

Due to the weakness of the respiratory muscles in children, the process of discharge of bronchial discharge is usually difficult, which can provoke the development of complications. Therefore, in childhood main exercise therapy task in the pathology of the respiratory system is to strengthen the muscles and improve the outflow of mucus from the bronchial tree.

children younger age it can be difficult to explain the need for classes, in this case, gymnastics should be carried out in an entertaining way:

  • Blow soap bubbles;
  • Inflate balloons;
  • Control a boat made of paper in the water using directed breathing.

Invite your child to perform some exercises from the arsenal of yoga, they may seem interesting to him:

  1. Beetle: Sit on the floor, place your palms on your waist, turn your torso to the sides with each breath, while moving the arm of the same name back.
  2. Crane: Extend the handles in front of you. Inhale: raise them above the head, exhale: lower them, accompanying this with a lingering sound “uuu”.
  3. Flight: Run while flapping your arms. Gradually reduce the speed and go to the step.

A set of yoga exercises should be repeated at least 5 times. The child will be more willing to engage in this process if one of the adults is involved in this process.

Exercise therapy for bronchitis for adults

Therapeutic gymnastics in adults includes training that improves the general condition, activates blood circulation and reduces the viscosity of the bronchial discharge. bronchitis (accompanied by bronchospasm) helps to expand the lumen of the structures and restore their normal patency. Classes are recommended to be carried out twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.


Evening training should be carried out no later than an hour before going to bed, so as not to provoke insomnia.

An important condition for the effectiveness of classes is their conduct in a quiet, cool room. The optimum temperature is 10-18°C. It is best to do the exercises on an empty stomach.

The combination of exercise therapy with aromatherapy will achieve best results. Coniferous oils are suitable for this purpose - spruce, fir, juniper, cedar. They will allow you to solve such problems as removing sputum from the bronchi, expanding their lumen, and reducing inflammation. A few drops of oil drip into the aroma lamp and set it in the room where the training takes place. The only thing to consider is the individual susceptibility of the organism to essential oils. Possible allergic reactions impose restrictions on their use.

Useful video - 1 simple exercise with high efficiency

Getting Started

During the first few workouts, exercise should be carried out carefully, giving the body the opportunity to adapt to physical activity. It is better to repeat the whole complex at a slow pace, first 5 times, then, gradually increasing the number of repetitions, bring them to 14.

Performance special exercises Exercise therapy for bronchitis is recommended to be preceded by percussion massage, which will increase the effectiveness of further classes. However, if this option is not possible, then you need to conduct an initial warm-up, which will give impetus to the entire workout.

Preliminary warm-up

  1. We press the nostrils with our fingers to the nasal septum to make breathing difficult. Within 3 minutes we breathe through the narrowed nasal passages.
  2. We fold the lips with the letter "O", leaving a small hole between them. Breathe through your mouth for 3 minutes.
  3. We take a nasal breath, exhale air through the same "surprised" lips. Then vice versa: inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose.

After each completed exercise, do not forget to take a 20-second pause - this is the time for even, deep breathing.

Exercise therapy for chronic bronchitis, a set of exercises

  • Introduction
  1. We stretch our legs, sitting on a chair, put our hands to the shoulder girdle. We inhale deeply, take our hands to the sides, up, bend back. During an extended exhalation, we return to the previous position.
  2. In the same starting position, we carry out rotational movements in shoulder joints, 4 times forward and backward.
  3. Sitting with arms lowered on the sides of the body, while inhaling we stretch them up, during a long exhalation we lower them down.
  4. We sit on a chair with a back, place our palms on the waist. We turn the body alternately in different directions (3 times), reaching the back of the chair with the elbow joint.
  • Main part
  1. We sit on a chair, bend our arms in elbow joints. When inhaling, we raise our elbows up, exhaling through the lips that form the letter “O”, lower them to the body, slightly squeezing the ribs from the sides.
  2. From the same position we withdraw upper limbs on both sides. On an inhale, pull up to chest bent leg, grab it with your hands and do not press it very hard. The exhalation is accompanied by the sounds "pfff".
  3. Walking in place, raise your hands through the sides above your head by 2 steps during inhalation, while exhaling (4 steps) we lower them, pause in breathing - 4 steps.
  4. In a standing position, put your palms on the lower ribs from 2 sides. We inhale deeply. On the exhale, we imitate the sound “xha” and squeeze the chest.
  5. While inhaling, we stretch our arms through the sides above the head, while exhaling, we lean forward, we take out the floor with our fingertips. Exhalation is accompanied by the sound "pfff".
  6. I put my hands on my stomach. We train diaphragmatic breathing. Inhaling, we protrude the abdominal muscles forward, exhaling, we retract and press the anterior abdominal wall with the palms of our hands.
  7. We take gymnastic stick, get on your knees. Inhale: raise the stick above your head in straight arms. Exhale: sit down on your heels and lower the stick.
  8. In the same position, we raise the stick up while inhaling, while exhaling, we alternately sit down to the right, then to the left, while retracting the stick in the opposite direction.
  • Final part:
  1. Step in place, pull your hands up as you inhale, as you exhale, return down.
  2. Continue walking in place with your favorite breathing exercises.
  3. Standing alternately shake (shake) the legs, all muscle groups of which should be relaxed.

Here is an example of simpler exercises for the lungs and bronchi, which are performed in a supine position:

  1. Inhale: move the upper limbs to different sides. Exhale: select bent legs to the anterior chest wall, "catching" them with your hands.
  2. The arms lie flat on the sides of the body. Inhale: stretch them up above the head. Exhale: return your hands to the bed, but raise one leg.
  3. Bend your legs at the knees and hip joints. Inhale: tear off the buttocks from the bed, leaning on the feet. Exhale: return the pelvis to the bed.
  4. Exhale: sit down lying position. Inhale: Lie back.

Video - Strelnikova's breathing exercises. Full complex

Breathing exercises for chronic bronchitis

Breathing exercises for bronchitis are designed to solve several problems at once:

  • Regulate the function of the lungs and muscles that provide respiratory movements;
  • Improve blood circulation;
  • Stabilize metabolic processes;
  • Activate immune defense;
  • Reduce puffiness;
  • Bring the level of hemoglobin back to normal;
  • Facilitate the excretion of mucus.

Classes are preferably carried out at least twice a day. The duration of the course of breathing exercises should be a little less than a month. Here is an indicative list of breathing exercises for the treatment of chronic bronchitis.

  • Introductory stage:
  1. 4 times slowly and deeply inhale and exhale alternately through the nose and mouth. The break between one breathing movement is 10 seconds.
  • Main part:
  1. Clasp your hands in a lock. Slowly inhaling, stretch, freeze for a couple of seconds, then exhale.
  2. We walk on the spot, trying to raise our knees higher, raising and lowering our hands, for 5 minutes. Breathing is full, even.
  3. Spread your legs shoulder width apart. While inhaling, we lean forward, stretching our arms horizontally. On the exhale, we straighten up, arch a little and put our hands back.
  4. Alternately, we swing our arms back and forth. Inhale through your mouth, exhale through your nose.
  • Final stage:
  1. To resume normal breathing, stand up straight, feet together, relax. Gently tilt the body alternately in different directions. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

If there is no time

For people who do not have the opportunity to allocate enough time to train the respiratory muscles, a simplified version of the exercises was developed:

  1. Inhale deeply through the nose, slightly closing the nasal passages on both sides, exhale through the mouth.
  2. Alternately breathe in one nostril, holding the other.
  3. Breathe through the lips forming the letter "O". At the height of inhalation, hold your breath for a couple of seconds.
  4. Inhale with a wide open mouth to lift the muscles of the abdominal wall. Exhale through the nose.
  5. Inflate balloon, filling it with air as much as possible in one exhalation.

What else can you do

  1. Walking. This is one of the options for exercise therapy, effective in chronic bronchitis. You need to pace in place, rhythmically, in fast pace if health permits. If you feel short of breath, dizzy, weak, slow down and gradually stop exercising. Especially helpful. It should be practiced for about an hour every day.
  2. Massage. Percussion (percussion - see video) massage of the anterior chest wall helps to remove accumulations of bronchial discharge, prevents congestive processes in the lungs, and has a beneficial effect on the respiratory muscles. It is especially useful to carry it out before a session of exercise therapy.

Regular systematic exercise therapy and breathing exercises for chronic bronchitis is the right way to defeat the disease. These techniques will help to stop the development of the disease, reduce the frequency of relapses and reduce the likelihood of complications.

Useful video - Percussion massage for bronchitis

Bronchitis is a disease in which, due to inflammation of the bronchi, a large amount of mucus and inflammatory secretions accumulate in their lumen. The natural physiological reaction of the body to such a situation is a strong cough, which is necessary to clear the bronchi clogged with sputum and restore their patency for air.

Often bronchitis is accompanied by an obstructive syndrome: narrowing of the bronchial lumen due to swelling of the mucous membrane and spasm muscle fibers passing in the wall of the bronchi. Treatment of bronchitis consists in thinning sputum, accelerating its excretion, removing bronchial obstruction, if any, and in the fight against pathogens: mainly viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

Not all patients know that not only mucolytic drugs, but also special methods of breathing exercises, which not only accelerate sputum discharge, but also stimulate the speedy recovery of the bronchial mucosa, successfully cope with the task of cleansing the bronchi from the accumulated inflammatory secretion. In acute bronchitis, breathing exercises will speed up recovery, in chronic bronchitis it will prevent exacerbation of the disease. The effectiveness of a number of breathing exercises for the treatment of obstructive diseases of the respiratory system in both adults and children has been proven - not only obstructive bronchitis, but also bronchial asthma. Breathing exercises will help prevent respiratory diseases in children, help strengthen the muscles involved in breathing.

Respiratory gymnastics for cough, bronchitis, bronchial obstruction can be performed according to various author's methods. They may differ in their exercises, but the essence and results are usually the same.

What tasks does breathing exercises perform in bronchitis?

Breathing exercises help to perform several tasks at the same time:

  • reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process in the bronchial mucosa;
  • stimulate blood circulation, including capillary;
  • stimulate the cleansing of the bronchi from the accumulated inflammatory secretion and mucus;
  • restore the drainage function of the bronchial tree;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • increase hemoglobin levels.

Features of breathing exercises in children

Breathing exercises are among the safest and most effective methods bronchitis treatment for children. Respiratory diseases in babies are dangerous primarily because of immaturity, insufficient strength of the respiratory muscles, and therefore the removal of sputum from the bronchi slows down, and, accordingly, the recovery process becomes more difficult.

Respiratory gymnastics for acute bronchitis, including obstructive, the child should begin after the subsidence of the inflammatory process, when the body temperature returns to normal, the general condition of the baby will improve - approximately on the second or third day of drug treatment of the disease. Need to be carefully monitored correct execution breathing exercises, so that after gymnastics the child qualitatively coughs up sputum. They start with static exercises and then add dynamic ones to them. Depending on the general condition, the exercises can be performed in the supine position, sitting on the bed or standing.

In chronic bronchitis, it is important to exercise not only during an exacerbation of the disease, but also during remission, which will help strengthen the respiratory muscles and the baby's immunity.

It is recommended to do breathing exercises in special groups of physical therapy, where an experienced instructor will teach the child and his parents the necessary exercises and check the correctness of their implementation. In addition, in a group, the child is usually more interesting to do. But if there is no opportunity to attend exercise therapy classes, do not despair: the exercises can be performed at home, having previously mastered them according to the descriptions. You can motivate your baby to do homework if you do gymnastics with him.

Breathing exercises for the bronchi and lungs according to Strelnikova

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova is a Soviet opera singer who suffered from heart disease, accompanied by regular attacks of suffocation. She independently developed and tested on herself a set of breathing exercises that relieved bronchospasm and eliminated suffocation. Strelnikova's technique has passed the whole complex of clinical trials, its effectiveness has been tested by time and by thousands, if not millions of patients of all ages. Despite the fact that initially the set of exercises was intended for those who suffer from bronchial obstruction syndrome (asthma, obstructive bronchitis), it turned out to be effective in almost all diseases of the respiratory system: bronchitis of any origin, tonsillitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, pneumonia, etc. d.

Rules for performing Strelnikova's exercises

the breath should be sharp, short, strong, if the breath is taken through the nose - it is noisy and intense, if through the mouth - soft and quiet;

exhalation, on the contrary, should be slow, smooth;

inhalation must be accompanied by movement.

The main exercises of the Strelnikova complex

Complex A.N. Strelnikova includes a huge list a variety of exercises, among which it is worth highlighting a few of the most popular, which are useful for everyone to master.

Hands - the exercise can be done standing or sitting on a chair with a straight back. The arms are bent at the elbows, palms point away from you. For each active, noisy breath, the palms are clenched into fists, for a soft exhalation they open. One approach - 8 such breaths, it is recommended to perform a complex of 20 approaches.

Shoulder straps - like palms done standing or sitting on a chair. Feet should be placed side by side, hands should be kept on the belt, clenching your palms into fists. On inspiration, the cookies drop sharply, the fists are unclenched, the fingers are straightened and spread out, the arms and shoulders should be tense. Each approach - 8 breaths, complex - 8 approaches.

Pump- starting position standing (you can sit), hands on the belt. After a sharp, loud breath, exhaling smoothly, you need to slowly lean forward, and then return to the starting position. Each approach - 8 exhalations, complex - 8 approaches.

It is convenient to master Strelnikova's set of exercises using the video:

Breathing exercises Buteyko

The Soviet physiologist Konstantin Buteyko in 1952 developed a system of breathing exercises to eliminate the state of hyperventilation, which, according to the researcher, underlies almost a hundred various diseases and pathological conditions of the body. Dr. Buteyko believed that modern man suffers from a lack of carbon dioxide in the blood, and special, shallow breathing with long pauses between breaths will help solve this situation. Methods of breathing exercises according to Buteyko are applicable not only for the relief of bronchial asthma attacks, but also for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis, the prevention of exacerbations of chronic bronchitis. The special convenience of the Buteyko technique lies in the fact that it can be used at any time: on the way to work, at home, on a walk, during a work break. Buteyko gymnastics can be practiced from the age of 4.

Buteyko breathing exercises

Exercise 1: hold your breath when you feel a lack of air and, making small superficial breaths, try to “hold out” in this state for as long as possible.

Exercise 2: you need to walk around the room, holding your breath until a feeling of lack of air appears. Breathe at a normal pace and repeat the exercise.

Exercise 3: breathe shallowly, gradually increasing the time of such breathing from three minutes to ten.

Buteyko exercises should be repeated three times a day and more often. Breathing exercises can be combined with simple gymnastics, more about it in the video:

Breathing exercises do not cancel the traditional methods of treating bronchitis, but can significantly speed up recovery, reduce the need for drugs, and if performed regularly, it serves as a good prevention of acute bronchitis and chronic exacerbations.