Earning money from fishing. Fish day: how to make money selling fish, caviar and seafood. Step-by-step plan for opening paid fishing

Spinning rod and fishing rod. Fishing can be done at any time of the year. This hobby develops orientation, observation and good reaction. Professional fishermen do not use seines and nets. They use a spinning rod or a fishing rod, depending on what kind of fish they are fishing for. Avid fishermen have more than once thought that his hobby can bring not only moral satisfaction, but also a good income. But this is really so. There are many options for building a fishing-related business. The most common way is to sell the catch or sell dried and smoked fish. All that remains is to figure out how to sell fish and make good money from it.

Fish habitats. An experienced fisherman always knows where fish live, and rarely shares this information with anyone. He also knows how and what fish eat, spawning time, what type of water they like, and much more. Fishing is based on bait, and it must match the tastes of the fish. Experienced fishermen know a whole bait technology, which takes at least two weeks. Experienced fishermen prefer to fish with old, proven gear because they know exactly how to catch fish with a fishing rod without using various bells and whistles.

Places where fish are sold. An experienced fisherman always knows where fish live, and rarely shares this information with anyone. He also knows how and what fish eat, spawning time, what type of water they like, and much more. Fishing is based on bait, and it must match the tastes of the fish. Experienced fishermen know a whole bait technology, which takes at least two weeks. Experienced fishermen prefer to fish with old, proven gear because they know exactly how to catch fish with a fishing rod without using various bells and whistles.

Features of fish behavior. Undoubtedly, the fisherman wants to return with a good catch, please his family and earn money. Knowledgeable fishermen note that fish feed differently throughout the year. They know well what to pay attention to. As soon as the feeding period has passed, the fish begins to rest and rarely takes bait. Fishing is also affected by the temperature of the water in the reservoir and atmospheric pressure. Every fisherman knows the peculiarities of fish behavior. What she sees is how she hears. The entire catch depends on how the fish bites. An amateur fisherman who knows all the subtleties and secrets fishing, is able to turn a favorite hobby into a profitable business. Mini smokehouses are not expensive, which means you can sell smoked fish. Dried fish is especially popular in beer departments, and this is another option for making money.

It's no secret that there are fewer fish in our reservoirs and people themselves are to blame for this. The ruined environment and poachers have ruined industrial fishing. But caring people found a way out of this situation by making fishing a paid pleasure. This idea not only brings in income, but also uses the money to replenish the fish population. Paid fishing brings a good source of income for entrepreneurs and, in addition, this business idea is always in demand.

Business idea: paid fishing. How to make money fishing

Creating such a natural reservoir, growing fish in it and organizing paid fishing will require considerable financial expenditure. This business is very profitable. First you need to register a private entrepreneur and collect necessary documents. You may also need at least a small one-page website (landing page) on the Internet to attract customers. Landing - what is it, read more at.

As for the reservoir, there are two options:

First, a pond can be rented from a private person, but it is not a fact that at the end of the lease agreement, the lessor will not want to develop his business himself. He may not renew the lease period, since constant visits from fishermen and fish farming will bring the desired success. And those who have invested money and soul into this business may simply lose it.

The second option is to organize the project from scratch. To do this, you need to purchase a plot of land (see) with a beautiful area and create an artificial reservoir. Guidelines for creating artificial reservoirs can be found, or you can enter into an agreement with a company specialized in this area.

After all the stages have been completed, the fish are released into the pond and heavily fed, since fishermen prefer to catch large fish. The food also has great importance, it must have a balanced and correct set products.

Young fish are raised separately from adults, and after growing up they are released into a common pond. The pond requires constant care to avoid all sorts of diseases. Only compatible fish breeds are bred in one reservoir.

Greetings, dear friends!

In this article we will talk about ways to earn game currency (rubles) in Russian Fishing online!

What is in-game currency needed for?

In fact, for everything! You can buy for it: rods, reels, fishing line, travel guides, bait and much more!

And how can you earn it?

There are several ways to earn game currency! They are divided into two categories: with a donation and without a donation.

Well, if with a donation, almost everything is clear here! You invest real money in the game Russian Fishing, buy unique things and sell them! Although, to be honest, you still need to know what to buy and what to sell in order to get maximum benefits at minimal costs! This I will describe the topic a little later in another article!

Now let’s look at ways to earn game currency in Russian Fishing online without donating! This is what most players do! I’ll say right away that some methods are quite routine, but effective)

So let's get started:

The first way to make money in Russian Fishing online which I will describe, there will be trade! Yes, exactly trade!

1) Why exactly?

Because you can buy goods cheaper and sell them at a higher price! This method requires some capital, which you can get by reading the rest of the article! Why did I write about this method first? Because you will have to be able to trade even if you do not specialize in it !

2)Where can I trade?

Mostly fishermen sell at the KLYAZMA fishing base! Although this can be done anywhere! You can also exhibit goods at a Flea Market (but they take a percentage there)!

Second way to earn money, which I will describe, you will make money by catching and selling crayfish! This method is ideal for both beginners and experienced players!

1) What is the point?

The point is that you catch crayfish, make a crayfish neck out of them and sell them to other players!

(that’s why I wrote about trading first)!

2)Where to catch crayfish?

It is best to catch doggy style on Fishing base DEMA!Location: Frog Pool!

You can see approximate casting locations in the picture! But in general, you just need to cast to holes near the shore (0.5 m)!

After all, quantity is important to us, not weight! You need to fish with a worm, which is always in abundance)
You can take fishing rods of even bamboos (1 kg each), so a beginner can start fishing!

3) How much can you earn from cancer cervixes?

Now the neck is trading for about 4,000 rubles apiece (which is very bad, before it was 6-8 kopecks)! But the price is set by general demand, so we can’t do anything!

Some players manage to catch 300-350 pieces per day! Just count it)) You can earn about a million rubles per game day! And for a beginner this is generally a lot of money!

I personally caught a maximum of 200-250 per day, and not all at once, because the place needs to be fished!

Now let's move on to the third way to make money in Russian Fishing!This is earnings from catching and selling qualifying eels!

This may be unexpected for you, but you can make good money on eel! According to approximate calculations, it turns out less than on crayfish, but you don’t have to constantly pull the fishing rod! And they give you more experience for eel! I’ll immediately answer the question of who buys eel and why! Ordinary players buy up a qualifying eel to increase karma (when you release a qualifying eel, you get +15 karma)!

1) Where and what to catch a qualifying eel?

They catch eels mainly on the Volga! Location: Fishing place!

I’ll tell you right away about the holes! Everyone has their own and they need to be caught! I recommend a hole of 8.88 m, I fish on it myself! You can ask the players at the location for other holes (there are always a lot of them there) or look at the fish catcher!

In most cases, eels are caught using Caviar (it’s cheaper and better)! But you can also use Crayfish neck, pieces of meat (you can catch catfish)! You can also feed: Cake + Caviar + Garlic!

It is advisable to have fishing rods from 50 kg! An eel can be caught at a maximum of 10 kg, but other fish of larger sizes can catch it!

2) Approximately how much can you earn?

I know players who catch 40-50 eels a day! (This is with very good fishing)!

On this moment A qualifying eel costs 20,000 rubles! Just count! About a million per game day! (In addition, you’ll get some good experience)! But first you have to catch it!

The fourth way to make money in Russian Fishing online- this is how to make money by fishing for fish soup!

Everyone who pumps up the level needs an ear! So there will be demand)

1) Where and what to fish with?

This fish is suitable for the ear: Perch, Salmon, Roach, Pike perch, Bersh, Pink salmon, Grayling, Siberian grayling, Black Amur in weight from 1 kg to 2 kg! The easiest way to catch roach! This is the simplest and most profitable way!

In order to make fish soup, you need a pot, which you can buy in the store!

You can catch roach at the Lake base, Birch Backwater location!

You need to fish with dough (best) or with maggots or caddis!

Groundbait: Large roach + bait (which we use) + garlic! But there may be other options!

If it doesn’t work on the Lake, then you can still fish at the Khoper base, Cow Beach location! A hole of 4.44 m between alcohol and gear! Throw the dough to the bottom!

2) How much can you earn?

A barrel of fish soup costs about one million rubles! Let’s take away the purchase of an empty barrel (200,000 rubles)!

One fish gives from 10 to 20 servings of fish soup (If the fish weighs 1.56 kg, we get 15 servings)! The barrel holds 600 servings!

In a day, with good fishing, you can catch fish for 1-2 barrels of fish soup!

So consider it)

There are still a lot of ways to make money in Russian Fishing online, I will try to describe them in future articles.

The Russian Sea group of companies has managed to become the largest in the Russian fish and seafood market, copying the experience of foreign partners. Now she herself is going to go international.

The best fish is sausage. But not for Maxim Vorobyov, who made his capital from seafood. Over the course of 10 years, he managed to turn a small supplier into Russia’s largest importer and producer of fish and seafood.

Now Maxim Vorobyov owns two formally independent enterprises - “Russian Sea” and “Russian Fish Company”, which will soon merge into a single whole. “A company is like a child,” Dmitry Denezhkin, General Director of the Russian Sea Group of Companies, explains the need for change. “When it was small, we developed using our own strength. Then it became clear that this was no longer possible: our own resources were no longer enough. Meanwhile, the market is growing. There is only one thing left: to take the child out into public.”

By “bringing it into the public eye,” Dmitry Denezhkin means turning Russian Sea into a public company. According to management, this should happen in 2009. However, the company's divisions, without waiting for the appointed date, are already drawing up long-term plans for using the money from the future IPO.

On your own

The fish importer's BUSINESS began in 1997, when brothers Maxim and Andrey Vorobyov registered the Russian Fish Company. They bought fish in Norway and then imported it through the Baltic countries to Russia. During this period, most of the large state-owned fishing enterprises found themselves on the verge of bankruptcy. The market was free, and the brothers' business quickly went uphill.

For a couple of years, the company was engaged only in the import of fish and its further resale in ports. But this did not bring too much profit, so the Vorobievs decided to develop a distribution network throughout the country. “There were two options: to enter into contracts with local trading companies or create our own branches,” says Dmitry Dangauer, general director of the Russian Fish Company. “Working with third-party companies was not so risky, but we decided to invest money only in ourselves.” By 1999, the company opened branches in Lyubertsy, Voronezh and the Far East.

Now the management of the Russian Fish Company is confident that they made the right choice of strategy. The company is the largest supplier of fish, controlling about 8% of the Russian market. It accounts for about 40% of the salmon and trout market and up to 30% of the so-called pelagic fish (herring, capelin, mackerel). Recently, the company has been actively developing supplies from China and Vietnam, importing from there hake fillets, pollock, as well as tilapia and pangasius, new to Russia.

Access to high-quality imported raw materials at one time allowed the Russian Fish Company to reach a fundamentally new level: to create its own processing production.


THE RUSSIAN SEA GROUP OF COMPANIES was created in 1997 by brothers Andrey and Maxim Vorobyov. In 2000, Andrei Vorobyov left the company, selling his share to his brother Maxim, who today is the main owner of Russian Sea.

The group's activities are concentrated in three areas: wholesale trade in fish and seafood (“Russian Fish Company”); production of products for the final consumer (“Russian Sea”) and fish farming (“Russian Sea - Aquaculture”).

The Russian Fish Company is owned by the Cypriot Corsico Limited, and the Russian Sea is owned by another Cypriot company, Aurora Industries Limited. Cypriot companies, in turn, are owned by RS Group Ltd., registered in the Virgin Islands. The latter belongs to Maxim Vorobyov and 16 other individuals - the leaders of the group, who received the right to buy out 5% of the shares as options.

The company owns a plant in Noginsk. Production accounts for 30% of its turnover, the remaining 70% comes from the distribution division.

The group's turnover in 2006 amounted to $350 million, EBITDA - $29 million. Turnover at the end of 2007 - $640 million, EBITDA - $60 million.


The Russian Sea group of companies: created a branch network for the supply of imported and domestic fish throughout the country;

Used access to imported fish to develop its own production;

Copies Western products, adapting them to the tastes of Russian consumers;

Launched a project for the artificial cultivation of trout.


THE VOLUME OF THE RUSSIAN FISH MARKET has changed significantly over the past 18 years. If in 1989 a resident of the USSR ate at least 40 kg of fish per year, today only 18 kg. For comparison, the average Japanese consumes about 65 kg of fish annually, and the average European consumes about 45 kg. The total capacity of the Russian market is about 4.5 million tons, or 400 billion rubles. According to Timur Mitupov, head of the investment and analytical group Norge-Fish, in Moscow in 2005-2007 the increase in fish consumption averaged 50%, in St. Petersburg - 25%, and on average in Russia - 15%.

In total, there are about 5.5 thousand fish processing enterprises in Russia. The largest players are ROK-1, Meridian, Marina and Russian Sea (in total about 12% of the market).

According to the Federal Customs Service of Russia, fish imports in 2007 reached 30 billion rubles. Thus, fresh, chilled and frozen fish for 11 months of 2007, when compared with the same period in 2006, was imported by 25.7% in volume and 41.8% in value.

Competitive bone

A LOCATION for the enterprise was found in Noginsk, near Moscow, by purchasing an abandoned vegetable storehouse there. The re-equipment cost $6 million - borrowed and working capital were invested. The successful start was hindered by the crisis: the plant, registered under a new legal entity - “Russian Sea”, began operating in December 1998. Therefore, in Noginsk at first it was necessary to produce the cheapest type of product: salted herring, which was sold by weight. And in 1999, the company began producing the first branded products in branded packaging - Stolichnaya herring.

“At first we wanted to distribute herring through wholesale companies, but their catalogs consisted of several thousand items, and our product was simply lost,” recalls the current general director of Russian Sea, and in 1998 the director of Russian Sea Delivery LLC, Svetlana Fedoseeva. Then we decided to do distribution ourselves.” The company, which did not have its own vehicles, hired private drivers, printed advertising brochures for managers - and sent them to conquer the market.

At first, things were not going well: competitors had too strong a position for a company producing only herring to be of interest to stores. The Russian Sea's original recipe for herring fillet, which did not use so-called “ripening intensifiers” that speed up the salting process and simultaneously dissolve small bones, helped “Russian Sea” get into retail. Fish prepared without “ripening agents” has a taste that is more familiar to Russian consumers and does not crumble when cut with a knife. “We have turned these qualities into a competitive advantage. I taught managers to tell them that we do not use “ripeners” and to show small fish bones present in the fillet as proof. The logic is simple: if a substance can dissolve a bone, then it is unlikely to be good for our health,” explains Svetlana Fedoseeva. As a result, the company was allowed into stores, and in 2000 it was already selling 1 million packages of herring per month.

Everyday delicacies

IN 2000, one of the founders of the company left it for the government service. Andrei Vorobyov became an assistant to the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Sergei Shoigu, and two years later he sold his share to his younger brother. In the same year, the company dared to conduct an experiment on the domestic market - it began producing smoked red fish, popular in the West. The market situation in general contributed to the constant expansion of the range: the demand for seafood and fish began to grow by 20–30% per year since the early 2000s. In 2004, the company launched the production of pollock caviar and seafood preserves, and in the last two years, Russian Sea has increased its assortment with premium products - for example, Mediterana seafood preserves (squid, mussels, shrimp and octopus in various sauces and fillings) and capelin caviar “Umaisagi”. “We regularly visit international exhibitions, look at the new items. We take note of the best samples, adapt them to the tastes of Russian buyers and release them onto the market,” Svetlana Fedoseeva explains the technology.

Experts are confident that the company has chosen the right strategy. “The greatest growth in consumption is demonstrated by seafood: mussels, squid and all kinds of cocktails; the popularity of salmon species - salmon, trout - continues to grow. Moreover, fish delicacies are gradually moving from the holiday diet to the everyday diet,” says Natalya Fedorenko, head of the marketing department of the Marina company, which processes fish and seafood.

Sea depths

SINCE THE BEGINNING of this year, a cat has been telling Russian consumers about the advantages of Russian Sea products from TV screens. The new advertising campaign, whose slogan “Russian Sea is a seafood restaurant in your home,” was developed by the McCann Erickson agency. “The character came to mind immediately. Who is the main fish expert? Of course, a cat,” explains the idea of ​​the video, agency copywriter Alexandra Pakhomova.

As the company expects, expanding the range and advertising support, which, according to some estimates, will cost about $10 million per year, will allow the company to maintain the growth dynamics of the company that took place in 2007, when revenue almost doubled - to $640 million, compared to $350 million in 2006.

But there is no longer enough own money to develop the company. Therefore, in June, Russian Sea placed bonds for 2 billion rubles. at a rate of 9.5% per annum for five years, although analysts predicted no less than 12–13%. “Let's be honest: the company was lucky with time - there was excess liquidity in the banking system. Now this can’t be repeated,” says Tatyana Bagrovskaya, an analyst at BrokerCreditService Management Company.

Most of the money raised went to finance working capital. “It was summer, we needed to buy caviar and fish for the whole season. In addition, we decided to build a second plant in Noginsk, which required another 350–380 million rubles, and part of the funds was spent on creating our own aquaculture,” says Dmitry Denezhkin. In 2007, the company bought the Segozerskoye farm in Karelia and began industrial trout farming there. Russian Sea has already invested about $8 million in the project. The company's management promises that 3 thousand tons of fish will be grown in Karelia in the near future. So far this is a trial balloon - over 110 thousand tons of trout from Norway and Chile are imported into Russia annually.

According to the company, the bonds are only the first step on the path to publicity. In 2009, Russian Sea should go public. “So far all growth has been entirely organic. We do not have separate investment capital that we could use to acquire businesses or finance large-scale projects. But such capital can be obtained through an initial placement,” Denezhkin has no doubt.

To enter an IPO, the company still needs to prepare IFRS reporting and completely reorganize its structure. Today, the Russian Sea, which is engaged in production, and the Russian Fish Company, which continues to supply Russian and imported fish to the regions, are formally not connected with each other at all.

The management of Russian Sea is in no hurry to make forecasts regarding the amount it expects to attract. In response to the question of what the money will be used for, the heads of departments begin to list plans by rote: increasing the assortment, expanding the distribution network of the Russian Fish Company, which just this year grew from 23 to 40 branches, building another processing plant, creating a large logistics center in Noginsk, increasing the capacity of the Segozerskoye farm. But these are all flowers. Well, the desired berries are nothing less than a struggle for leadership with global companies.

Catch up with Norway

LAST summer, Russian Sea almost acquired a foreign shareholder by signing a preliminary agreement to sell a 20% stake in one of the largest fishing companies in Norway, Austevoll Seafood ASA. However, at the end of August the deal fell through.

“During the negotiations, it became clear that we were worth more than we initially agreed, so we took advantage of the formality and walked out of the deal, promising to return to it in 2008,” says Dmitry Denezhkin. According to him, attracting investors does not cancel plans for an IPO. On the contrary, one of the conditions that the Norwegians set was the transformation of the Russian company into a public one. But for now, Russian Sea officials believe that they were too hasty in finding a partner: the company is growing too fast to sell it at a fair price.

However, the Norwegians should hurry up with their proposals. The management of the Russian Sea itself dreams of reaching the international level. Thus, Dmitry Dangauer considers the opening of subsidiaries of the Russian Fish Company in neighboring countries to be a matter of two years. And the revenue of the entire group at the end of 2008 should grow to $1.2 billion. Thus, the company will leave its main Russian competitors far behind and will begin to compete with international corporations. The world's largest fishing company, Marine Harvest, had revenues for 2006 of just over $2 billion. The Russian Sea believes that in five years they will also be able to reach this figure.