Fun of well done, cheerful daredevils. Family sports game-quest “Good fun Good games scenario

Camp championship in folk games.

GOAL: To develop a culture of health conservation and healthy image life through folk play.


    Meet the Russians folk games; learn to play them, following the rules.

    Develop agility, endurance, endurance.

    Influence a positive emotional mood throughout the lesson, using Russian folk music, as well as surprise moments, acting transformations of teachers.

    To cultivate a respectful attitude towards the traditions of the Russian people, the ability and desire to apply them in life; love for the native land.


    Introduction to Russian folk games.

    Watching animated and feature films about traditional Russian holidays.

Participants and conditions of the holiday:

LDPN boys participate in sports competitions. The support groups include LDPN boys and girls.

Two teams are formed - squads of 5 people each.

Teams must have a name, distinctive signs and the same uniform: smart shirts, embroidered sashes and hats.


The winner of each competition is the team - the squad that completed the task correctly and fastest. Overall result determined based on the results of all competitions. BehindIAndIIParticipants of the holiday are awarded with sushi and bagels. Whichever squad collected the most bags at the end of the holiday won.


To decorate the stadium, flags of different colors, a large canvas with the inscription “Hello to the competition participants!”, balloons,

Name sports festival"Good fun"

slogans calling for a healthy lifestyle: “In healthy body- healthy spirit! etc.

For the musical setting, funny melodies were recorded, the song “Heroic Strength”.

During musical breaks girls performing on wooden spoons. The girls are in bright sundresses and kokoshniks.

Equipment and Sports Equipment:

Balls; bits; targets; shields; rope.

Holiday program and stages sports competitions:

General construction. A Russian folk melody sounds.

Dear guests, dear guys, we welcome you to the youth games.

Please, dear guests! Please!

Have fun and joy!We’ve been waiting for you for a long time, we won’t start the holiday without you.

We have invited you to a festival of games and fun for every taste!

People are gathering! The holiday begins!

Today the beautiful girls have gathered, and the good fellows are strong, and they will compare their wits.

Show off your prowess!

Presenter No. 1 (Pretty girl in a sundress and kokoshnik):

Today, two squads will participate in our “Well Done Fun” holiday: the first we will call the Rusichi squad, the second - the Knights.

Presenter No. 2 (Pretty girl in a sundress and kokoshnik):

IN In some kingdom, in some state, on Russian soil, you will see good fellows of heroic strength and dexterity. And the jury will judge our heroes.

(Introduction of the jury members)

Let the jury decide the entire course of the battle

He will follow it without fail.

Who will be friendlier?

He will win in battle.

And they will present the participants of our competition with dry goods. And whichever squad at the end of the holiday collects the most bags wins.

Our friends have gathered to visit us and they are sitting in the red corner.

Hey, girlfriends, don’t be bored, get out the spoons quickly.

(Performance of spoon girls)

Presenter No. 1 (Pretty girl in a sundress and kokoshnik):

We continue the program

For guests, friends, for everyone.

Let's start the panorama

Amazing fun.

It's time for the competition. Let's check if the heroes are ready for the tests? Let's conduct a baptism of fire. In Rus', fairy-tale heroes bravely overcame fire, water, and copper pipes.

The words of the famous song about the epic hero, defender of the Russian land, echo far across the stadium, calling on the tournament participants to begin the duel.

“It’s not the menacing sky that frowns,

blades do not sparkle in the steppe -

these are the priests of Ilya Muromets

the disciples came out to fight"

And two formidable forces lined up against each other - the teams “Bogatyrs” and “Vityazis”, brave warriors, ready to show agility, endurance, dexterity and brave ingenuity. In anticipation of an unusual spectacle, spectators and fans surrounded the place of the fight from all sides.

Competition No. 1 “Heroic Tests”

Running with a sash (scarf)Ask anyone you want, but here in Rus'You belted yourself with a sash and called yourself a hero.

The first fellow runs, girdled with a sash to the red maiden, runs around her and returns to the team, passes the sash to the second fellow, and so on until all the fellows have taken part in the competition.

The song “Heroic Strength” is playing

Competition No. 2 “Defeat the Serpent Gorynych”

More than once the heroes saved Rus' from the evil enemy. People have long composed epics and fairy tales about such heroes, glorifying their exploits.

I want to test your patience,

For dexterity and attention,

Accuracy and skill!

Throwing a ball. Get into the eye of the Serpent Gorynych and kill him.

Competition No. 3 “Bogatyrskoe pusher”.

We invite our heroes to the flea market. Pushing is not a market where people buy and sell things, but real competitions where strongmen push each other. Or rather, they measure their strength, pushing each other out of the circle.

The song “Heroic Strength” is playing

Competition No. 4 “Swing your arm, itch your shoulder”

Towns. Here is a toy, Russian kidushka,Make her a Russian town.Who will knock down the fastest?Will bring a point to the team.

A member of each team performs throws at the target from a position. The team with the most hits wins.

The song “Heroic Strength” is playing

Competition No. 5 “Heroic Strength”

Tug of war.

Udaltsov, guys, girlsWe call you to the rope.Ten on the left, ten on the right -Only the muscles are cracking.

The teams go out to the duel. Based on the results, the winner is revealed.

The song “Heroic Strength” is playing

Competition No. 6 "Wall to wall"

In the old days, one of the most beloved and popular types of Russian martial arts was considered a “wall to wall” battle. It was in such battles that the famous expression “elbow feeling” was born, a skill that is highly valued in civilian life. The task is to push the enemy’s wall over the line without breaking your formation and without allowing the enemy into your territory. Usually in fist fights Only the male population of villages and cities met “wall to wall”.

General formation, announcement of winners, rewarding.

Each competition was scored by the judges in one or two pieces and, each time, they were added to the next winners' collection.

Performance of girls - spooners.

Presenter No. 1 (Pretty girl in a sundress and kokoshnik):

Well done, heroes!

They showed off their bravery, showed their strength, agility, and mutual assistance.

After passing difficult tests that require a lot of strength, take the red place in the wide courtyard.

Presenter No. 2 (Pretty girl in a sundress and kokoshnik):

Rus' is famous for its delicious kvass.

We invite everyone to kvass

We have a noble treat:

Honey gingerbread, sweets,

Candy cockerels,

Printed gingerbread cookies,

So elegant

We greet you with bread and salt

We invite you all to visit!

Everyone drinks kvass and eats treats.

Presenter No. 1 (Pretty girl in a sundress and kokoshnik):

According to the results of the competition, “Bogatyri” and “Vityazi” scored an equal number of points, both teams coped with all the tasks superbly and received well-deserved awards. Let's wish our good fellows and red maidens new achievements and brilliant victories!

The “Good Fun” Eco-expedition ends in the playroom where the Eco-Tree is installed.

Presenter No. 1 (Pretty girl in a sundress and kokoshnik):

The results have been summed up and the winners have been revealed. Now we choose the “ecological symbol of the day” - multi-colored leaves that matches your mood and attach it to our Tree of Moods - our Eco-Tree.

Presenter No. 2 (Pretty girl in a sundress and kokoshnik):

Our “Well done fun” expedition has come to an end.

And at the end we will perform the Bereginya ritual, which is based on the traditions of folk culture.

“In the evening circle we light a symbolic lantern, remember all the worst and the best of the day; We mentally burn everything bad in the flame: we fill everything good with the heat of fire.

The holiday is over .

Presenter No. 2 (Pretty girl in a sundress and kokoshnik):

Thank you all for your attention,

For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter.

For the fire of competition,

Guaranteed success.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

Our speech will be short.

We say to everyone: goodbye,

See you again!

Galina Zvereva
Family sports game-quest “Well done fun”


Educational role and significance sports Games for shaping a child's personality and development are undoubtedly very important.

Many sports games have been around for a long time. Over time, games are adjusted, improved, and become more interesting for children.

Movable sports games come from natural movements person: jumping, climbing, running, throwing, walking, etc. In other words, these types of games are very close to children, they discharge negative emotions and static behavior of the child, as well as improve the health of his body.

The most important thing is that the children have fun! And if it’s interesting, there will be results.

Goals and objectives:

1. Organization of healthy recreation for children. Organize leisure time for children and parents.

2. Develop a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, the ability to have fun and have fun.

3. Instilling in children an interest in physical education and sports.

4. Development of dexterity, strength, activity, ingenuity and attentiveness.

5. Fostering a sense of collectivism, goodwill and mutual assistance.

6. Nurturing the need for games.

Progress of the game:

The event takes place on sports field(the hall where sporty-game props and equipment, Sports Equipment: transfer

Leading: We welcome you and are glad to see you at our family-sports quest« Well done fun» . It’s so good that we all gathered together, putting aside many urgent matters and worries for a while.

Our families will take part in various competitions today. These are the friendly and wonderful families that are participating today, let’s applaud them.

Your task is as follows. Go through all the stations, answer various questions at each station, complete sports task, get a letter, reach the finish line, add a word ( youth, take a photo as a souvenir and receive a medal.

Let's remember that it will be easier for you and me to overcome life's difficulties if we are together. We wish everyone success!

Leading: To begin with, I suggest a small warm-up (for everyone families, then family teams travel to stations in any order, where they are met by volunteer presenters).

From time immemorial, Russian people have been healthy and strong - this helped them endure all hardships and difficulties. Besides, they have always been strong. For someone strong people- these are those who have discovered harmony within themselves; for some, they are honest and noble people who are able to come to the aid of others. There are many proverbs about health in the Russian language. Let's try to remember them.

Take care of your dress again and your health from a young age.

If you lose your health, you won’t be able to make up for it.

Live with reason, and you don’t need doctors.

If you want to be healthy, toughen up.

If you are sick, get treatment, but if you are healthy, take care.

Leading: Great, well done! Let's hit the road.

Volunteer presenter: And so the competition "VOLLEYBALL".

You know that berries, fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals.

Most vitamins enter our body only with food. That's why berries, vegetables and fruits should be included in your diet regularly.

Exercise: Determine which vitamins we are talking about, then throw the ball over the net. For every correct answer and accurate throw the team receives a token with a letter.

1. This vitamin is for growth. It also helps our eyes see well and preserve vision. You can find it in milk, carrots, green onions.

(Answer : vitamin A)

2. This vitamin is hidden in garlic, cabbage, onions, and in all vegetables, fruits, and berries. “Whether in the garden or vegetable garden you will find me. And whoever goes to the forest in the summer will bring us in a basket!”

(Answer : vitamin C)

3. This vitamin preserves our teeth. Without it, a person’s teeth become fragile and soft. It can be found in milk, fish, cottage cheese. When we sunbathe in the sun, we also get it.

(Answer : vitamin D)

Volunteer presenter: And now a competition for our teams "CATERPILLAR".

1 person (can be an adult or a child) walks in a ring "Caterpillar", and the person walking next to you is asked a question.

1. Who is a caterpillar?

*Mosquito larva

Butterfly larva

Dragonfly larva

2. Where are the caterpillar's eyes located?

On the sides of the head

on the back of the head

no eyes at all

3. How many pairs of legs do most caterpillars have?

4. What do caterpillars not eat?



5. How many muscles does a caterpillar have?

About 10000

6. How long can the silk thread of a silkworm reach?

Up to 100 meters

Up to 1500 meters

Up to 500 meters

7. Are caterpillars able to live in winter?

8. What type of caterpillar does not exist?

Caterpillar "burning rose", Caterpillar-coquette, Caterpillar-charming

9. Can caterpillars bite?

10. What do some types of caterpillars look like?

On a palm tree

On a cactus

Volunteer presenter: Next competition "BOATS".

For a long time, a family consisted of more than one generation. There were grandmothers, grandfathers, mother, father, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They lived together and helped each other. Some kept up with the housework, others worked in the fields, older brothers and sisters protected young.

We lived cheerfully, we respected old age, youth were protected. The families were large and strong. We found a lot of evidence of this. Let us at least remember the popular proverbs. So "Proverbs".

It's time to read part 1 of the proverb, the participant continues part 2 of the proverb about family, gets into the boat, runs to the finish line, returns. The second team member must continue the following proverb to get into the boat. The two of them run to the finish line, return for the next one, etc.

And so they began...

*Family in a heap – (not even a cloud is scary)

*No treasure needed - (when there is harmony in the family)

*House to lead – (don't shake your beard)

*When the family is together - (and the heart is in the right place)

*In the family and (the porridge is thicker)

*Alone in the field (not a warrior)

Volunteer presenter: The next competition is called "CUBES" (modules).

You need to build in one minute "tower", who has higher, but first you need to guess the riddle. I guessed right, put the cube, etc.

The team with the tallest and most stable wins. "tower" (teams compete).

And the riddles will be about family. After all, Family is the most important thing we have.

Riddles about family are always interesting, because they tell about the people closest to you, their characters and moods. After all, mom and dad, grandparents, sister and brother are, first of all, our best friends who should not offend each other.

1. Who never gets tired of loving,

He bakes pies for us,

Delicious pancakes?

This is ours. (grandmother)

We put the cube.

2. I’m not alone with my mother,

She also has a son

I'm too small next to him,

For me he is the eldest. (Brother)

We put the cube.

3. He did not work out of boredom,

His hands are calloused

And now he is old and gray -

My dear, beloved. (grandfather)

We put the cube.

4. Who's with mom's sister?

Does he come to us sometimes?

Looking at me with a smile,

Hello! - he tells me. (uncle)

We put the cube.

5. Who is the cutest in the world?

Who do children love very much?

I'll answer the question directly:

Ours is the cutest of all. (Mother)

We put the cube.

6. The school has a difficult program,

But it will always help. (dad)

We put the cube.

7. She works during the day,

In the evening she is the wife,

If it's a holiday, she's a lady

Who is this? My. (Mother)

We put the cube.

8. The photo is worth

In a golden frame,

Whose gaze warms the sun?

The look of a loved one. (grandmothers)

9. Without what in this world

Can't adults and children survive?

Who will support you, friends?

Your friend. (family)

We put the cube.

10. Who is not joking, but seriously

Will a nail teach us to hammer?

Who will teach you to be brave?

If you fall off your bike, don’t whine,

And scratched my knee,

Don't cry? Certainly. (dad)

Volunteer presenter: Great well done, we see that in your families everything is in order with intelligence. Then let's continue. And now the competition "Ring throw - cactus". I name a word from famous fairy tales, and you must complete the statements and throw the ring.

“Mouse - (norushka”)

"Princess Frog"

"Sivka - (burqa)»

"Little guy - (from the nail)»

"Horse - (hunchback)»

"Boy - (with a finger)»

"Tablecloth - (self-assembled)»

"Ivanushka - (fool)»

"Carpet - (airplane)»

"Baba Yaga - (bone leg)»

"Wand - (lifesaver)»

"Snake - (Gorynych)»

"Boots - (fast walkers)»

"Vasilisa - (Beautiful)»

Volunteer presenter: Are you in a good mood today? They say that « Good mood- half health!.

We are very glad that everything is fine with you! among the people They say: "In a healthy body healthy mind", “Everything is great for a healthy person”.

A healthy person is handsome and pleasant to talk to, easily overcomes difficulties, and truly knows how to work, study, and relax.

And so we go to "FISHING".

Your task is to be very careful when conducting this competition, because numbers will be heard here.

I ask a riddle, you name the answer, and only then, using a fishing rod, you need to catch as many fish as possible in one minute.

1. We went to the market.

Selected goods there:

3 carrots, 2 parsley,

Pumpkin, beets, celery.

How many vegetables will there be? (8)

2. Four laughing mice

Very friendly girlfriends

We went out into the field for a walk.

Five more came running.

They sang very amicably,

There were all of them exactly... (9)

3. Five kittens are digging sand,

Three are sunbathing in the sun,

Two swim in the water

How many are there? Tell me? (10)

4. So the hedgehog planned to make friends

Invite to the anniversary.

I invited two bear cubs,

Three squirrels and five hares.

Count quickly

How many friends does the hedgehog have? (10)

5. We all know the fairy tale "Turnip".

We'll try, guys.

Name all the heroes for you:

Granddaughter, Bug, cat,

mouse. grandfather and grandmother are with him.

Well, try it guys

Call everyone the same number? (6)

Leading: Now our competitions are over, it’s time to sum up the results, and I introduce the floor - the jury.

Leading: Ours is over sports festival. And may the world of movements give you vigor, health, happiness from everyday communication with physical education and sports.

Compiled by the teacher-organizer



Department of sports and educational associations


sports festival

"Good fun"

Voronezh, 2013

Scenario of the sports festival “Well done fun”

dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the birth of Russian statehood

AndDefender of the Fatherland Day

Author-compiler: Petrina S.A., teacher-organizer of the sports department

educational associations

Date and time: 02/17/13, 10.00.

Venue: FOC DTDiM

Participants: presenters, students, teachers.

Design: on the wall of the sports and recreation center - the name of the holiday “Well done fun”, designations using cones “Start”, “Finish” and serial numbers of teams.

Technical means: 2 radio microphones, 1 headset, camera, video camera.

Equipment: 2 tables, 6 chairs, 2 dart stands, sports equipment (skittles, jump ropes, hoops, balls, boxing gloves, Darts sets (2 pcs.), tennis balls).

Musical arrangement: phonograms of bells, fanfares, songs “Our Heroic Strength” by A. Pakhmutova, “I Look into the Blue Lakes” in Spanish. E. Shavrina, Russian folk melodies.

Goal: development of patriotic qualities manifested in active sports and recreational activities.


Instilling interest in Russian history, including military history;

Formation of readiness to defend the Motherland;

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle and sports;

Promoting a value-based attitude to health;

Involving more students in department associations;

Uniting the children's team.


On the wall is the name of the holiday: “Well done fun.” There is a table with a “Jury” sign, a microphone and chairs. Cones indicate “Start”, “Finish” and the serial numbers of the teams. Sports equipment has been prepared, darts are on stands. Musical accompaniment in the hall. All participants have sports uniform and a change of shoes with white soles. Participants prepare demonstration performances in their areas.

The progress of the holiday

Lyrical Russian folk music sounds in the hall, the audience takes their seats, and the teams line up.

The song “I look into the blue lakes” sounds in Spanish. E. Shavrina.

A signal sounds (bell ringing).

(The host behind the stage reads an excerpt from the poem “The Word about the Destruction of the Russian Land”)

Oh, light-blond, red-decorated

The Russian land is ours!

A wondrous wonder - your lakes,

Turbulent streams, rivers, streams.

You are famous for your clean oak groves,

And your mountains are high and steep.

The hills are green and the fields are spacious.

Oh, our glorious Russian land!

(Musical number “Merry Korogot” “Sudarushka”)


Our holiday was opened by an exemplary children's group, laureate international competitions and festivals, choreographic ensemble “Sudarushka”.

Our native land can do a lot! She can feed you warm and tasty bread, give you spring water to drink, and delight you with the vast expanses, but she cannot protect herself.Therefore, the defense of the Fatherland, native land- the duty of those who eat her bread and drink her water, admire her beauty and call her dear mother.

We dedicate our holiday to Russian warriors and Russian warriors who defended the Motherland during the years of difficult trials, to boys, young men and men - our contemporaries, who, if necessary, will also, without hesitation, stand up for the defense of the Motherland.

Let's greet the participants of our holiday.

(Command View)

"Sea all-around"

Military-industrial complex "Varyag",

Yacht Club "Storm"

f/k "Star"

"Wrestling with belts"

« Greco-Roman wrestling»

Let me introduce our sponsors:

- Administration of DTDiM,

Federation wrestling on the belts of the Voronezh region.

And the jury members:(performance.)

Leading (behind the scenes):

So that people can know

About the affairs of my native country

In a narrow monastery cell,

Within four walls

About the land about ancient Russian

The story was written down by a monk.

The chronicler comes out, bows on 4 sides and reads the scroll (chronicle).


In 862, the northern Slavic tribes met in council to decide who to choose as their prince. After much deliberation, shouting and arguing, it was decided to call on the Varangians.

So, Rurik became the first prince, and the lands of the Slovenes, Chuds, Krivichis and others began to be called by the name of his tribe - Rus'.


Dear participants! You are all descendants and successors of the heroic deeds of your ancestors, you are all Russians, Russians. Let's look at your strength, dexterity, courage. Are you ready for your first fun?

(Children answer: “Yes!”)

Fun No. 1

(“Jump rope.” When jumping rope, you go the distance to the finish line, run back and pass the rope to the next team member)


Reade set Go!


Come on, judges, tell me which team is not only the fastest, but also the most dexterous and skillful?

( The jury sums up the fun).


The great Russian princes played a major role in the formation of the Russian state: Vladimir the Red Sun, Alexander Nevsky, Yaroslav the Wise, Vladimir Monomakh and many others. Each prince relied on his warriors.

Brave and skillful warriors were selected for the prince’s squad. The service was considered honorable. Therefore, with early years children were taught to wield a sword, spear, bow, and the art of horse riding. Let's show ours too physical training, and the judges will decide who is worthy to serve in the princely squad.

Fun No. 2

(“Darts”. The team approaches the starting position, receives 3 darts, makes 3 warm-up throws and 3 scoring throws)


Attention! On starting position Teams No. 1 and No. 2 are invited, teams No. 3 and No. 4 are being prepared (No. 5 and No. 6)(Energetic Russian folk music plays)


And now the jury will decide which team is worthy of serving the prince, who turned out to be the most accurate.


Well done boys! I see many of you deserve to be called princely warriors.

Rus' had many external enemies: the Volga Bulgars, the Polovtsians, and the Pechenegs. The fertile lands and the beautiful girls gave them no rest. So they attacked, robbed goods, and took people away.

(Demonstration performances of the “Soaring Eagle School of Wushu”)

Leading: Pupils of the Soaring Eagle Wushu school demonstrated their skills to you.


As soon as trouble comes to the Russian land, the prince raises his squad. The main motto of the Russian princes has always been: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword. This is where the Russian land stood and will stand.”


And now, attention! Let's see how harmonious and united our teams are and whether they can adequately meet the enemy.

Fun No. 3

(“Centipede.” Everyone stands at the back of each other’s head, bends down, clasps their hands around the belt of the person in front and runs the entire distance like a snake. The winner is the team that ran the distance without breaking their hands and was the first to line up in the starting position, raising their hands up).


Reade set Go!(Energetic Russian folk music plays)


What will the jury tell us? Which team turned out to be the most united?

(The jury sums up the fun).

Chronicler: Each warrior in the squad leaned on the other’s shoulder and felt the support and help of his comrades. If one was wounded or died on the battlefield, another immediately took his place, because only together they were strong.


Fun No. 4

(“Running in hoops in twos.” The whole team is divided into 5 pairs, the first pair climbs into the hoop and runs the distance to the finish line and back. They get out of the hoop, pass it to the next pair, etc.)


Reade set Go!(Energetic Russian folk music plays)


So, which team won this fun?

(The jury sums up the fun).


After the feats of arms, the princely squad could relax and have a great time, and even with overseas guests!


Dear friends, overseas guests from the Kingdom of the Thirtieth have arrived to congratulate you on the holiday!

Students of the Aikido association demonstrate their skills.

(Demonstration performances "Aikido")


I also invite all teams to have fun by taking part in

fun fun #5

(“Strong in spirit.” The first participant gets down on all fours, a tennis ball lies in front of him, blowing on it, he walks the distance to the finish line, takes the ball in his hand and runs back to the team, passing the baton to the next one).


Reade set Go!(Energetic Russian folk music plays)


The jury gives the floor. Which team is the most strong in spirit?

(The jury sums up the fun).


According to tradition, before the battle, the strongest warriors of the opposing sides met one on one to measure their strength. From history we know about such a duel between the hero of the Battle of Kulikovo - the monk of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery of Peresvet and the Tatar warrior Chelubey. We offer a duel between captains.

Fun No. 6

(“Duel of captains.” Wearing boxing gloves, the captain runs to the finish line, punching a basketball, puts the ball down, performs 10 push-ups and runs back to the team with the ball).


Reade set Go!(Energetic Russian folk music plays)


The jury gives the floor. Which team's captain won this match?

(The jury sums up the fun).


Dear friends, once again the choreographic ensemble “Sudarushka” gives you its art.

(Musical number “Russia”, “Sudarushka”, during the performance of which the jury sums up the overall results of the fun)


And now the most pleasant part of our holiday is awarding the winners! The floor is given...

(Team awards)


Our holiday has come to an end. We honor the defenders of the Motherland of all times: from the warrior Alexander Nevsky, to the soldier of the Russian Army, from the warrior who fought the enemy on the Kulikovo field, to the fighter of the Great Patriotic War.


We will always be grateful to those who defend their people, their home, their land. Happy holiday to you, dear boys, young men and men!


Attention, teams! To the circle of honor, step by step!

(The teams perform a lap of honor to the song “Our Heroic Strength”, go out, the holiday is over)

Scenario sports program"Good fun"

Target: organize healthy rest for children; develop strength, agility, endurance, mobility; cultivate a sense of mutual assistance; cultivate a love for Russian folk culture and Russian traditions

Inventory: stopwatch, volleyballs, skittles, tennis balls, rope, ropes, hoops, jump ropes, balloons, rubber inflatable balls.

Progress of the event:

To the sounds of a sports march, the teams line up in one line


Hello! Hello! Hello!
Today here on the sports field
We are sports, skills are compatible.
We celebrate this glorious holiday with you
We will dedicate it to wonderful games.


We see friendly faces here
We feel the sports spirit all around us
Everyone here has the heart of an Olympian
Here everyone is a friend of sports and art.


He will win the competition
Who is accurate, dexterous and strong
Shows all his skills
Whoever is tempered in spirit and body.

Leading: Let us open our sports festival"Good fun"

Sports part:

1. Relay with turns.(The first participants run to the finishing pin, run around it 2 times and return to the team. The next participants run. Who is faster?)

2. Collect the skittles. (There are pins placed along the distance for each team. The first participant, having reached the first pin, takes the pin and returns to the team. The next player runs to the second pin and takes it with him. So until all teams have collected all the pins)

3. Leave the painting. (at the finish line there is a sheet with a pencil. At the command of the leader, the first players run to the sheet with a pencil, write their name on the sheet and return to the team. Who is faster?)

4. Towards each other.(The team is divided into 2 parts and stands opposite each other. At the signal, the first participant runs to the second participant, who is opposite. Passes the baton to him. The second participant runs to the third from the team. Etc. The team whose halves are the first to exchange the others wins in some places.)

5. Running with a sash

Ask anyone you want, but here in Rus'
You belted yourself with a sash and called yourself a hero.

6. Walking on all fours

The strength of the thighs must be shown,
You need to run while sitting.

7. Sack Run

In the old days there was a custom
Test dexterity
Who closed his legs in a bag
He will reach the edge!

8. Hockey

Our great-grandfathers knew hockey
And they dashed the rag ball.

9. Rope

Udaltsov, guys, girls
We call you to the rope
Ten on the left, ten on the right
Only the muscles are cracking.

10. "Badminton". Running while throwing a balloon with a badminton racket.

11. "Ball"

Here's a more difficult task,
Wiser and more complex.
So that you can go forward,
Need to balloon lead.

Participant moving forward until the counter is knocked out gymnastic stick balloon and back in the same way (the result is determined by the first person to reach the finish line)

I see from the outside
The teams are equal in technology.
I want to take a quick look
Whose captains are smarter?

12. "Who is faster"

What a miracle - hop and skip!
Look, the bag has moved!
Hey, grab him, catch him,
Hurry up and grab the bag!

The teams line up at the starting line in a column and, when the whistle blows, each race team member jumps in a bag to the stand and returns in the same way, passing the baton to the next participant.

13. Tug of war

Leading: The teams ran, jumped, completed the given task perfectly, setting a high tone for us with the competition. Today everyone deserves the highest praise, all teams showed unity and the will to win.

Leading: But in all competitions there is someone better. Now we will ask the panel of judges to sum up the results of the seven past competitions.

Leading: The jury is given the floor to sum up the results.
one member of panel of judges announces results)


Thank you all for your attention
For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter.
For the fire of competition
Ensure success.
Now the moment of farewell has come,
Our speech will be short.
We say goodbye to everyone,
See you again!

Game program “Well done fun”

    Promoting children's health.

    Nurturing love for physical culture and sports, feelings of friendship.

    Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

    Determining the strongest team.

HOST: Good afternoon, guys! I am glad to welcome you to the sports game “Well done fun”

HOST: Attention! Detachment "Berkut" to conduct sports game“Good fun” is ready? Your motto!
Is the “Vityazi” squad ready to host the sports game “Good Fun”? Your motto!

HOST: The homework was to form teams and come up with names for them. Commands to the starting point!

/Two teams line up at the starting line. Each team is led by a captain.

1. Relay race with turns. (The first participants run to the finishing pin, run around it 2 times and return to the team. The next participants run. Who is faster?)

2.Collect the skittles. (There are pins placed along the distance for each team. The first participant, having reached the first pin, takes the pin and returns to the team. The next player runs to the second pin and takes it with him. So until all teams have collected all the pins)

3. Leave the painting. (at the finish line there is a sheet with a pencil. At the command of the leader, the first players run to the sheet with a pencil, write their name on the sheet and return to the team. Who is faster?)

4.Toward each other. (The team is divided into 2 parts and stands opposite each other. At the signal, the first participant runs to the second participant, who is opposite. Passes the baton to him. The second participant runs to the third from the team. Etc. The team whose halves are the first to exchange the others wins in some places.)

5. Passed it on - sit down. (the captain stands opposite the team. He has a ball in his hands. At a signal, the captain throws the ball to the first player. He, having caught the ball, returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second player. The player does the same as the first.)

6. Horse racing. (Relay participants must quickly put on a skirt and jump rope to the finish line and back.)

7. Help your neighbor. (participants are divided into pairs. At the leader’s signal, the first pair blindfolds one of the participants. The second helps the first. Thus, the pair must walk to the finish mark and back.)

8. Relay with the ball. (participants are divided into pairs and hold the ball with their stomachs. Thus, they reach the finish line and return to the team. Who is faster)

9. Porters. (the team is given a “load” (balls, pins, buckets). At the leader’s signal, the first players run with the load to the finish line and back. Transfers the “load” to the second)

HOST: Well done guys, friendship won! Now let's all play the game "Tail of the Dragon" together.

/Summing up the sports game. Presentation of prizes.