How long does it really take to pump up abs for a girl? When is the best time to pump up your abs? How to eat right to get ripped abs

How many days you can pump up your abs to a six-pack depends on a person’s natural abilities and determination. Path to build beautiful body requires regularity, consistency and willpower.

The extent of the problem also affects how long it takes to get a flat stomach. But this is unlikely to be possible in a week or even an entire month. But you don’t need to strive for quick results, you need lasting results. And for this you will have to reconsider your entire way of life.

The secret of success rests on “three pillars”. This is diet, exercise and regimen. The most common abdominal exercises are planks, crunches, leg raises, bicycles, and vacuums.

Interesting! Even at the age of 60-70, you can develop muscles at the same rate as 40-year-olds. This is what American scientists from the University of Alabama, USA, think. In older people, 30-40% of muscles atrophy. But thanks to training, these atrophied muscles are put to work and grow. Thus, the muscles become visually larger, and they themselves are stronger. An example of an excellent physique is 73-year-old CrossFitter Jacinto Bonilla. He does workouts that many young people cannot do.

How long does it take to really achieve visible results: a few days, a week, a month, 2 months

It’s unlikely that anyone can pump up their abs in 30 days; it takes at least 60-90 days. To achieve visible abs on your stomach, you will first have to completely get rid of fat deposits. This may take a month or two regular training. This:

  • Cardio exercise 2-3 times a week (jumping rope, running, squats, lunges, cycling, swimming);
  • follow a diet in which more calories are consumed than consumed;
  • speed up metabolism with frequent split meals and daily walks;
  • drink more water – up to 2 liters per day.

Along with general weight loss, they are carried out strength exercises, including the press. The first to appear are 2 cubes, then 4, and only after a while 8 cubes appear on the lower abdomen. How long it takes to see results depends on conscientious exercise and adequate workload.

If there are no problems with belly fat, then the formation of a sculpted body will happen faster.

How long it takes to get six-pack abs depends on a number of factors, including your weight (as well as how high your body fat percentage is), your diet, and your workout regimen. You can see how the shape of your abs improves in a few days, or even in the first workout if there is almost no belly fat. It's a completely different matter when you have a decent percentage of body fat.

If you are slim and athletic body, then for the cubes to appear, you will need less time than it takes people with overweight. This is because the lower the percentage of body fat, the faster the abs will be visible, and the higher the weight, the more fat you will need to burn.

The exact percentage of body fat you need to achieve varies from person to person because everyone stores fat in different parts of the body. One person may have most of their fat in the belly area, while another may have much more fat on their thighs. If you have a small fat layer, usually it will take you less time to pump up your abs.

There is a lot of debate among fitness experts about how much body fat you need to have in order to see workout results. This figure is quite individual, but the average is 10-11% for men and 15-18% for girls.

In order to roughly understand how long it will take you to reach the above level, you first need to know your current body fat percentage. There are several ways to measure it, some of which are more accurate:

Caliper – you can purchase a caliper online for a fairly affordable price, calipers measure body fat quite well. The procedure consists of pinching the skin with a caliper in different places on the body and then using the data obtained to calculate the percentage of body fat. This method is very simple (and you can find more detailed information here). If you don't want to do it yourself, most fitness instructors will be able to help you with this.

Fat scales – You can also buy a scale that sends an electric current through your body and gives you an indication of your body fat percentage. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not entirely accurate, and the results can vary greatly.

Water displacement and DXA scanning– both methods provide very accurate information about the amount of fat in your body. With the first one, you climb into a container filled with water and the computer takes all the measurements. The second option involves x-raying the body and provides detailed data. The main problem with these methods is that they cost a certain amount of money, and it can be difficult to find places that perform these procedures.

Once you know your body fat percentage, now it's time to figure out how quickly you can reach your goal.

Calculate how long it will take for the abs to be visible

The first thing to do is calculate the amount of fat in your body. This is very easy to do - just multiply your weight by your body fat percentage (in decimal). For example, a person weighing 65 kg and 20% body fat will have 65 * 0.20 = 13 kg of fat.

By subtracting this number from the weight, we get dry body mass, for example, 65-13 = 52 kg.

We know his goal is 10% body fat, so we can figure out how much he should weigh. To do this, you need to take the lean mass value and divide by 0.9 (obtained by subtracting from 1 the desired percentage of fat in decimal format, that is, 1-0.9. If the goal was to achieve 12% body fat, it would be calculated like this: 1-0.12 = 0.88 etc.)

So, with 10% body fat his weight would be approximately 52/0.9=58 kg.

How long will it take to lose 7 kg of weight? Again, a lot depends on the individual and there is no standard number for everyone. Expected weight loss can be between 400g and 700g per week.

This means that within a period of 2 to 4 months you can see the appearance of cubes.

Of course, this number is not constant, some people can lose 900g per week or more, and this will lead to faster visible results.

There are two important points to note:

First, it is impossible to target fat loss to specific parts of your body (also known as targeted fat loss). So if most of your fat is in your belly, you won't be able to tell your body to burn fat in that area specifically.

Second: weight loss is not stable and permanent. You might lose 700g one week, but only 400g the next. This shouldn't be frustrating, and tracking your body fat percentage shouldn't become an obsession or a deterrent. Continue and gradually you will reach your goal.

Now that you know how long it takes to get visible abs, here are some tips for getting your abs looking great. In the article you will find information about what you should eat, what supplements you should take, how much you should do your abs, and what exercises you should do.


The amount of time it will actually take you to pump up your abs depends on your body fat percentage and diet. If at the beginning of your journey you have little subcutaneous fat, you'll likely see results sooner.

Achieving fitness goals takes time, it is very important not to give up or get discouraged ahead of time. The last few inches of belly fat (aka stubborn fat) are often the hardest to get rid of and will require patience. Don't stop, and everything will definitely work out!

How long it takes to pump up six-pack abs depends on your attitude to nutrition and sports, as well as your initial condition. If you're fairly overweight or have a high percentage of body fat, burning fat and bulking up will take longer than if you're already relatively lean.

The steps you need to take to reduce the amount of fat in your body are much more specific than what you would do to lose a few pounds and reach a healthy weight.

What you need to get six-pack abs

All 6 packs appear when the fat level is low enough to open the tendon segments that separate the rectus abdominis muscle.

Not every person has an anatomical predisposition to the appearance of cubes. In some people, the rectus abdominis muscle lacks folds that divide it into 6 separate parts. For others abdominal muscle may be twisted or damaged, and it will not make even cubes.

Steps to show off your abs

If your body fat level is average, simple steps will help reduce it to make the body structure healthier. Refusal of sugary carbonated drinks, limiting processed foods and increasing physical activity good for weight loss, but will not affect the achievement of beautiful abs.

To go from a lean body fat level (say, 12% for men or 21% for women) to what you need to get abs, you'll have to adapt to a more specific diet and workout routine. Meals will mainly consist of clean proteins and fresh produce, while refined carbohydrates, sugar, alcohol and restaurant meals should be the rare exceptions.

Almost daily workouts, sometimes twice a day, will contain cardio and strength training. Some of the cardio workouts will include high intensity interval training, during which you alternate between rest and short periods of maximum effort.

Strength exercises are necessary if you want to pump up your abs and achieve the required fat level for this. You do 3-5 workouts a week, some days focusing on specific parts of the body, such as training your legs.

Abdominal exercises should be part of strength training, but not the only focus. You should regularly pump up and train all major muscle groups using heavy scales. This ensures muscle growth, and what more muscle, the faster the metabolism is carried out - maintain slender body it will become easier.

You should pay attention to rest and recovery along with nightly sleep, as this is important for muscle growth and hormonal balance. You may notice that most of your time is spent working out or cooking - you will be sacrificing communication, hobbies, and free time. Do not forget that this regime will have to be maintained not only to achieve six-pack, but also after that to maintain the condition of the abs.

5 common myths about cubes

Last week I met a friend of mine for breakfast who got his abs transformed a few months ago and now looks like the Terminator.
Our conversation quickly turned to comparing notes on working on getting the dice. We were amazed at how much misinformation there is about losing weight and burning fat, and what's worse is that many of the facts have been believed by people for many years. After analyzing the situation, I decided to destroy the 5 most common myths about cubes.

Myth #1: You can burn belly fat by running.

“I need to lose weight, I’ll start running.”


My love/hate relationship with running, where I challenge myself to run further than before, is a terrible way to burn fat. Running and losing weight in themselves are absolutely polar goals (when in last time have you seen a pumped-up runner on long distances and it wouldn't be David Gogging?)
If you don't believe this, take a look at the research I did on Google Images. First image is by Steven Kiprotich, gold Olympic medalist V marathon running 2012. In second place is Usain Bolt, who took olympic gold in sprints at 100m, 200m and distances 2*100m.

Who would you like to be like?

Long-distance runners often tend to be either simply skinny or have a combination of bodily thinness and body fat. Very few of them manage to be strong and pumped up along with running.

Triathletes combine these two characteristics quite well, but they are discussed separately.

Unfortunately, misunderstandings about running as a means of weight loss are not only common, but also ineffective in and of themselves. There are more and more people who are captivated by this myth, and they are trying to lose weight and exercise at the same time. The circle of thoughts usually follows in this order:

“I don’t like running” –> “I need to lose a couple of kilograms” –> *Decides to run to lose weight* –> *Doesn’t lose weight* –> *Hates running* –> *gets disappointed in futile attempts to lose weight* –> “I don’t like running ”

Do not misunderstand me. I'm not against running, and adding running to your workouts will make you better at it, but it won't help you burn fat. In fact, if you have excess weight, you can even harm yourself with excess pressure on the ligaments during training.

Myth #1 debunked. What to do instead?

Stop two-hour races. If you want to burn fat, 20 minutes fast run or jumping rope will work better than running 15 km in a row.

Myth #2: Crunches are an effective tummy-busting exercise.

When I see a person doing crunches for 20 minutes and naively wanting his tummy to become flat, I either scream or cry (although, rather, I just scream).

Myth No. 2 debunked. What to do instead?

Raise your back. To tone your abs, lift your back and do full-body exercises that engage your core and stabilizer muscles. This will give you much more results than if you spent an hour doing 1000 crunches. The plank is another great exercise; do different types of it instead of crunches.

Myth #3: To lose weight, you need to go to the gym.

There are more gyms on the streets now than there have ever been in history, and people are still out of shape and overweight. You don't need a gym to lose weight and get six-pack abs—you just need to start moving.

Go outside, play outdoor games, do your usual movements or exercises with your own body weight.

If you want to lose weight, you don't need any equipment. Get off the treadmill and go outside for a run. Instead of bench presses, do push-ups. Substitute squats with tons of extra weight for regular squats or lunges to start with.

Not only are gyms unnecessary for working out, but they give people even more excuses not to exercise. How many times have you planned to go to the gym, but instead thought:

  • "It is too far"
  • “There are so many people there, whole crowds.”
  • “I won’t know any of these people.”
  • "I do not know what to do"
  • “They don’t have the equipment I like.”
  • “I’m shy among professionals”

There is no need to work out at the gym, unless you are trying to build muscle mass. You can do everything for weight loss by doing exercises without additional weights in your apartment or even garage. And if you really need a gym, the next door playground can become your home hall.

Myth No. 3 debunked. What to do instead?

Wherever you are, make the most of what you have. I decided to do the workouts, including the abs, at home so that there would be no excuses and the only reason I would skip a workout would be laziness, but it's not worth it. It is quite possible to get six-pack abs with just discipline and different exercises with its own weight.

Myth No. 4 – There are exercises that “kill” the tummy

No exercise will make abs appear. This is true.

Abs are a game of body fat percentage.

Most people need to reach about 10% body fat before their abdominal muscles become defined, and this is determined by diet and nothing else. The annoying and sad truth is that belly fat is created in the kitchen. If you want to believe anything else, you will likely be very disappointed and end up spending a lot more money on innovative non-pharmaceutical products that promise workout boosts.

If you don't change your eating style, your reflection won't change either. Sorry to take off your rose-colored glasses, but it's true. In my 15 kg weight loss in 2 months, I never did a workout longer than 30 minutes. I just developed a permanent system intensive training and radically changed the way I eat. If you are looking best exercise on the press, here’s what I was able to “find:”

“The best ab exercise is stop-eating-so-stuff.” Chris Shugart

Myth No. 4 debunked. What to do instead?

If you're trying to find that one exercise that will get you a six-pack better than anything else, take a closer look at your diet. The Paleo diet is a good place to start.

Myth #5:You'll never be able to get your hands on the dice.

The biggest myth: you think you can't do it. When you see others' results, you immediately think to yourself:

  • Looks really hard
  • Anyone else can do this, but not me
  • Surely they were lucky with their heredity; I don’t have such genetics.

Rave. I say this because I was also in this person’s shoes. Hell, when I started, I never thought I could do this until I received the photos from the photo shoot. But still, you always seem to be challenging the impossible, and it seems impossible until the moment you actually achieve it.

“It will seem impossible until you achieve it”– Nelson Mandela.

It's easy to believe and say that it is impossible to become the owner of all six packs if you sit with a can of Red Bull and wash down Oreos with it.

Of course, nothing will work with Red Bull and cookies. Need to WhatThat change!

But by changing habits, you change the result. Burning fat and getting a six-pack are hard processes, but simple in essence. You just need to know what to do and want it badly enough.

While scrolling through my feed, I came across another (hundredth?!) article about how to pump up six-pack abs with seven or ten exercises in just a month. I wondered how realistic this was for me, and I decided to ask two different coaches. Both eventually said that in my case specifically, even despite all my preparation, such relief press I will have it... in a year.

Why after a year? Yes, because first I would need to gain weight while actively training, and then start cutting off. The reason is shortage building material for cubes like these. If we talk in simple language, I turned out to be too thin. I would need to eat while sitting on proper diet, and not eating cakes, at the same time actively train and then polish the results, adhering to a diet that would allow you to discover all this beauty.

However... However, it is impossible to gain weight only in the place where it is necessary, no matter how much you want, so along with getting six-pack abs, I risked becoming more voluminous almost everywhere. But everything else suited me quite well, so I decided not to suffer too much and stick with what I have now.

But this is my case. I think many girls with my physique face something similar, the so-called ectomorphs - thin people with thin bones, thin long muscles and a small amount of subcutaneous fat. If you are a mesomorph, then articles in the style of “Abs in just 30 days” may well work. Especially if you have been leading before active image life. Endomorphs, people with a high percentage of body fat, will also find it quite difficult to achieve the desired shape. Perhaps even more difficult than for ectomorphs.

In any case, this goal is realistic for all types, it just all depends on the training plan, nutrition and, of course, time.

The story of Irina Amosova

I've never really thought about my abs as separate from my entire body. I have a problem with typing muscle mass. When I came to the trainer, I weighed 49–50 kg with a height of approximately 174 cm. He said that I needed to gain about 6–8 more kg. Now I weigh 53–54 kg, and that’s it, the weight has stopped completely. I understand, of course, that it's simply a matter of me not being able to eat enough to gain more. I don't want to force myself to eat. It seems to me that this is somehow not very cool. At one time I was drinking protein shakes, but on this moment Until then I stopped. I started having problems with the skin on my face (not because of the protein), so I had to temporarily exclude all possible allergens. With the press, in the best case, it was possible to achieve this - in a tense state, of course.

I have three workouts a week. Previously, every time I did additional abdominal exercises after training and periodically at home, but now I’m generally going through a period when I’m a little tired and desperate in terms of training, so I decided to do abdominal exercises only after training my legs. It turned out to be about twice a week - nothing at all, in general.

There was a period when I somehow fanatically worked on the press and every time I asked the trainer for some new exercises, read a lot of articles on the Internet, tried, but nothing really yielded results. My trainer always tells me that my only problem is that I don't eat enough. I train well, but then I don’t give my muscles what they need. This all upsets me a little, and I give up, since the training is quite hard, and the results are probably noticeable only to me. Of course, I haven’t given up training, I go because I like to exercise, and albeit slowly, my body is changing for the better.

It’s difficult for me to say what kind of abs I want in shape. I try not to be guided by photos of other girls, since we are all so different in our body types. I just want my whole body to become more sculpted and appetizing, athletic. And to be honest, I still haven’t realized whether my abs are noticeable at all in a relaxed state. :)

The first story is not over yet, and after a short break, Irina is again on the way to her goal.

Oh, those abs! Who doesn't dream about them? After all, this is one of the indicators of standard physical beauty. According to opinion polls, almost 50% of those involved in fitness list “pump up abs” as their main goals for visiting the gym. Moreover, there are approximately equal numbers of men and women among them. And of course, everyone wants to get the desired relief quickly and without special effort. Is it possible to do this?

How long will it take to work out your abs?

ATTENTION Do not overload the body. If you exercise too often and intensely, the muscles will not have time to recover. This threatens pain throughout the body and even ruptures muscle fibers. For beginners, it is better to start with three 20-minute sessions per week, then increase the number of workouts to 4-5 with a duration of 40-50 minutes.

Let’s say right away that you won’t be able to achieve your goal without effort. To get “iron” abs, you have to work hard. Literally and figuratively. The speed of obtaining results will directly depend on the intensity of training. The more often you practice and the longer each session is, the faster the result will be achieved. After 1–2 weeks, you should not expect noticeable changes - muscles grow rather slowly. But after a couple of months of systematic training, you will be able to boast of pumped up abs.

A set of exercises for the press

You can exercise both in the gym and at home: you don’t need any special equipment for training. A mat, a horizontal bar (if available) and a bench will come in handy. We will provide an approximate list of exercises that are suitable for both men and women.

Exercises for pumping up the upper abs

To pump up your upper abs, you need to focus on exercises with lifting the body, as well as crunches.

  • Body lift 90° . Starting position: lying on the floor on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other. Hands behind your head. Inhale and exhale, lift your body (back straight) to your knees. Fix your body for two counts at a control point perpendicular to the floor, while inhaling, slowly lower to the floor without relaxing your muscles. Perform 2-3 sets of 15 repetitions.
  • Straight crunches. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Perform partial lifts (30°) of the upper body, keeping the lower back and feet pressed to the floor. Try to keep your abdominal muscles tense at all times. Perform 3 sets of 15–20–10 reps. When performing this exercise, it is not necessary to clasp your hands behind your head; if it is difficult, you can slightly pull them forward. After a month or two, when you get used to the load, you can complicate the exercise.
  • Crunches with legs raised. Starting position: lying on your back, pelvis raised perpendicular to the floor, legs bent at the knees (calves parallel to the floor). Hands behind your head. As you exhale, lift top part body (similar to the previous exercise). Make sure your legs don't drop. This exercise puts a parallel load on the gluteal and thigh muscles. Perform 3 sets 15–15–10 times.

Exercises for pumping up the lower abs

To train the lower rectus abdominal muscles, you need to perform exercises with leg raises.

  • Reverse crunches . Starting position: lying on your back, arms extended along the body, palms facing down, legs raised perpendicular to the floor and bent at the knees. Lift up bottom part body, pulling your knees to your chin. Do not lift your shoulder blades and palms off the floor. Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions. This exercise can be made more difficult by performing it while hanging on a horizontal bar.
  • "Pop-Up Float" . Starting position: lying on the floor, legs raised up and slightly bent, back pressed to the floor, arms too. Tightening your abs, “push” your lower body up, lifting your pelvis. Try not to relax your abdominal muscles. Perform 3-4 sets of 15 reps.
  • "Scissors" . Starting position: lying on your back, raise your straight legs 30°. Tightening the muscles of your legs and abs, make short, strong swings of your legs and “run” through the air. You need to perform at least 3 sets of 35–50 repetitions.
  • V-raises (pocket knife exercise) . Starting position: lying down, arms extended behind the head, palms up. As you exhale, simultaneously lift your body and legs, maintaining balance on your buttocks. Ideally, your fingers should touch your toes. This exercise strains all parts of the abs. Perform 2-3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Don't forget about warming up and cooling down: warming up your muscles before training and stretching exercises afterwards will make your muscles more elastic and avoid injuries.

On a note

Don't forget about proper nutrition: What do pumped up abs mean if they are hidden by a layer of fat? A balanced diet is always useful, especially when you need to get into perfect shape.

In addition to weight control, it is also important aerobic exercise. Beautiful cubes are wonderful, but it will be better if they look harmonious on the athlete’s pumped-up body, and do not stand out among the flabby muscles.

Be aware of a few pitfalls of abdominal exercises:

  • The abdominal muscle fibers adapt very quickly to the load, so you need to constantly increase the load without, however, crossing the line of overtraining. Once a month you need to change the set of exercises;
  • without anaerobic exercise It is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve “convex” cubes;
  • when performing exercises on upper press many beginners, and even experienced athletes, make the mistake of starting to use psoas muscle. This is fraught with serious spinal injuries.

In order to avoid mistakes in abdominal training, it is better to consult a trainer who will show you how to correctly perform this or that exercise. The instructor will also advise you on how to correctly compose a lesson complex. Our Gold`s Gym clubs employ experienced professionals who will always help a beginner athlete with advice. Also at your service are well-equipped gyms where you can perform abdominal exercises and develop other muscles. Behind perfect body- Come to us!

Beautiful fit figure and sculpted abs are the dream of almost all overweight people. Not everyone can do systematic training, since to achieve the goal you need to practice every day and make every effort to do so. To have perfect abs, you should do exercises correctly, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and diet.

While improving their figure, many people are interested in the question: how long does it take to pump up your abs to a six-pack? Everything will depend on several indicators. If there are fat deposits on your stomach, then you need to sit on strict diet and only then proceed to intense exercise.

If a person is not overweight, but wants to have a six-pack on his stomach, then he can immediately start training. In both cases, the press needs to be pumped systematically. For the first time, beginners should not overdo it too much; physical activity should be added gradually. Otherwise, abdominal pain and general malaise may appear.

What does it take to build beautiful abs?

Rhythm and intensity play a major role in the process of pumping up the abs and creating sculpted abs. Masters advise practicing at this pace - you need to do 15 lifts in half a minute, take a half-minute break and repeat the exercise again. For beginners, 20 minutes a day will be enough to get six-packs on your stomach; you need to increase the training time to 40 minutes.

To pump up your abs to six-pack you need to:

  • great desire;
  • exercise regularly;
  • perform exercises efficiently;
  • stick to rhythm and intensity;
  • combine physical activity with proper nutrition.

For the most effective results, the training system needs to include some Sports Equipment, namely: weights, expander, dumbbells or gymnastic roller.

So, how long will it take to pump up your abs?

It all depends on regular training; those who work hard every day will be able to see the desired result in just 1 month. If you pump your abs 10-15 times a month, then maximum effect will occur only after 3 months. It’s difficult to answer the question of how long it takes to pump up your abs:

  1. It makes no sense for very overweight people to take it until they lose weight. This may take 1 year or more.
  2. Light overweight is removed faster with specially developed diets and physical activity. Therefore, the first results can be seen after 1.5-2 months.
  3. Slim people do better, they can pump up their abs in just 2 weeks, and by 3 weeks they should have their first six-pack. To do this, you need to pump your abs 2 times a day for 20 minutes.

The most important thing is the load. Under systematic loads in gym or at home, pumping up the abs at half strength and slowly, the result may turn out to be weak.

Abs in a month - reality or myth?

By doing these basic exercises you can achieve desired result in just 1 month. So, your daily workout will only take 30 minutes, let’s start:

  1. Lying on the floor, you need to bend your legs at an angle of about 60 degrees, put your hands on the back of your head and raise your body so that you can touch your forehead to your knees. At the exit you need to fix the position for 3 seconds. We do 3 sets of 18 times.
  2. Take a lying position, bend your knees, and place your hands at your temples. Slowly rise, turning the body so that left hand reached to the knees, and then the right one. You need to do 15-20 exercises in each direction.
  3. You need to lie on the floor and stretch your arms along your body. Slowly and simultaneously raise your torso and legs until your forehead touches your knees. We freeze in this position for 2 seconds. We do 2-3 sets of 20 exercises.

It is worth remembering that each workout should be combined with 6 meals a day. Otherwise, the body will not have enough nutrients to build muscle tissue.

Your goal and features of abdominal training

Before you start training, you should familiarize yourself a little with anatomy. The press consists of muscle group, which is divided into four muscles:

  • internal oblique;
  • external oblique;
  • transverse;
  • straight.

Each muscle is responsible for its own system of movements, and they should be pumped up by using various exercises. The rectus muscle should contain the cubes themselves; it is responsible for the work of the pelvis and back (lower back). Located over the entire surface of the abdomen transverse muscle, with which you can get a flat effect. It needs to be pumped up using exercises in which you need to raise your legs high.

The external oblique muscle is pumped up using exercises such as different types twists, turns and leg lifts. I slant intrinsic muscle can be pumped up using circular movements pelvis, bending and turning the body.

How long does it take to pump up a girl’s abs?

Everyone's body constitution is different, so to create perfect abs some will need only 2 weeks, while others will need as much as 2 months. If a girl is not overweight, eats right and leads a sports lifestyle, then the task can be solved quickly.

By using a standard system of exercises and exercising regularly, you can pump up beautiful abs to cubes in a month. Training should be carried out 6 times a week, preferably twice a day.

You don’t have to go to the gym, you can do the exercises at home, you need to pump up your abs for 20-25 minutes in the morning and evening. This way you can save time and money.

Pumping up your abs to get rid of your belly

People who suffer because of extra pounds, pumping up the press will not help. Fat deposits They won’t get rid of it on their stomach. However, exercise will help keep your muscles toned so that your stomach does not protrude. To do this you need to do the following exercises:

  1. Lying on the mat, hands behind your head, bend your knees and spread them slightly to the sides. Raise your torso and reach with your right elbow towards your left knee. And then vice versa, we press the left elbow to the right knee. We repeat the exercise 15 times in 3 approaches.
  2. We lie down on the floor, bend our legs at the knees and place them shoulder-width apart. Now, tensing our abdominal muscles with strength, we lift our body off the floor and stretch our arms forward as far as possible. We do 3 sets of 15 times.
  3. You need to lie down on the mat and put your hands behind your head. Slowly raise the pelvis, while the lower back should be in its original place, and return to its normal position. Now we change the course of the exercise: we leave the pelvis in place and raise the lower back, trying to strain the abdominal muscles as much as possible.

By performing the above exercises, you can remove an unwanted external flaw (your stomach will stop sticking out), tighten your abdominal muscles and pump up your abs.

How to pump up your abs to six-pack

Today there are several basic and fundamental exercises developed by experienced trainers and professional athletes, with the help of which you can achieve a beautiful relief on the stomach. These training methods are best done in the gym.

Straight crunches

You need to lie on the mat, bend your knees and press your feet firmly to the floor. Hands behind your head, now smoothly lifting your shoulder blades off the floor, we begin to pump up your abs. 20 exercises, 2 sets.

Reverse crunches

We work out the abs (lower), lie down on the floor, arms along the body, and legs at the knees. At an angle of 90 degrees, we raise our legs up and slowly pull our knees into the chest area, while the abdominal muscles should be tense. Now you should lift your pelvis, pressing even harder bent knees to the chest. We do 3 sets of 15 times.

Oblique crunches

We work the upper part of the press. You need to lie down on the mat, strongly tense your abdominal muscles, and lift your body, turning your body to the left. When repeating the exercise, turn the torso to the right and so on, alternating both sides. We do 4 sets of 12 times. Systematically doing these effective exercises, you can pump up your abs to beautiful abs in a month.

How often do you pump your abs?

With maximum effort, you can get “iron abs” in 4 weeks. The speed of obtaining results will depend on intensive training. You need to pump your abs often. The more often and longer the classes last, the faster the goal you have set for yourself will be achieved. During the first 2 weeks, the abdominal muscles will tighten, and after 3 weeks you will be able to boast of ideal relief.

Training frequency by week:

  • 1 week – 10 minutes twice a day;
  • Week 2 – 20 minutes twice a day;
  • Week 3 – 30 minutes twice a day;
  • Week 4 – 40 minutes twice a day.

Anyone who has the desire, motivation and strength can pump up their abdominal muscles. The main thing is to choose the right exercises!

Look effective complex exercises for abdominal muscles:

We pump up the press at home

Despite the fact that working out in the gym is much more comfortable, many people prefer to work out their abs at home. Carrying out the most simple exercises you can get amazing results.

"Lifting legs up to 45 degrees"

You need to lie on the floor, put your arms along your body and lift your legs up. The main condition is that the legs must be straight. First, we perform the exercise 10 times in 2 approaches. Then it will be necessary to increase the approaches to 3 times 30 lifts.


We lie down on the floor, put our hands behind our heads, now maintaining balance in the buttocks, and as we exhale, raise our legs and body at the same time. As you inhale, your fingers should touch your toes. We do 3 sets of 20 times.


We lie on our backs and slowly raise our legs up. Tightening your abdominal muscles, you need to make strong swings of your legs - back and forth (crossing them). We do the exercise 40-50 times, 4 approaches. To create beautiful abs, it is also useful to run, jump rope and add aerobic exercise to your workouts.

How to eat right to have sculpted abs?

Exercise can be useless if it is not combined with proper nutrition. To quickly create relief on the stomach, you need to follow special diet. You need to eat 6 times a day, between lunch and dinner - an afternoon snack (16:00), and after dinner - a small snack (20:00).

The afternoon snack should be light and low in calories, e.g. oatmeal, egg or cookies. And for the second dinner it is better to eat something from fruits, berries or drink kefir.

Table: Complete diet for a week

Menu for the whole weekBreakfast 08:00Lunch 13:00Dinner 18:00
MondayToast and glass of yogurt120 g boiled rice, salad with vegetable oil (pepper, white cabbage, cucumber).100 g of boiled rabbit, a glass of grape juice, 50 g of baked eggplant.
TuesdayLow-fat cottage cheese and green tea.100 g boiled chicken and 80 g millet.Tomato and onion salad in olive oil, a glass of tomato juice.
Wednesday100 g of boiled beef and weak tea.120 g boiled fish (low-fat), salad with vegetable oil (cabbage, onions and peas).120 g of boiled rice, an apple and 1 glass of juice.
Thursday100 g of boiled beef and green tea.Vegetable soup and bran bread.120 g boiled turkey and 100 g millet.
FridayToast and 1 glass of kefir.2 medium baked potatoes, 120 g of boiled fish and 50 g of carrot salad.180 g of salad in vegetable oil (tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet peppers) and 100 g of boiled veal.
Saturdayoatmeal cookies - 2 pieces and herbal tea.100 g boiled rabbit and 120 g rice.180 g boiled chicken fillet, any fruit salad - 120 g.
Sunday80 g cheese, toast and green tea.120 g of boiled rice and 150 g of salad with sunflower oil (tomato, cucumber, sweet pepper and onion).180 g of boiled beef and a salad dressed with vegetable oil (Peking cabbage, cucumber and greens).

Also, when intensely exercising, you should drink purified water, about 5-6 glasses per day. Proper nutrition will help achieve the desired results.

In order to pump up your abs and build up your ideal definition, you need to choose an effective training method. It is worth remembering about proper nutrition and healthy image life. By following these rules, you can get in shape and achieve your desired goal in a short period of time.