Yulia Lysenko who is her husband. Yulia Lysenko: “When I gave birth and instead of a belly there was only one big “I”, I was in shock. About motivation to lose weight

Former “manufacturer”, TV presenter and mother of two daughters Yulia Lysenko spoke about meeting her husband and shared the secret of how she managed to lose weight after giving birth.

About life before and after “Star Factory”

I can’t say that life changed dramatically after participating in the project - I was too young. This was a huge boost to my career. Shows like this are a godsend for creative people. This is an opportunity to “shoot out” and do what you love. I'm glad that there are more and more of them.

The project gave me a huge experience and many new acquaintances. I was recognized, I was noticed, and this is the biggest plus. And also, after “Factory” I realized: there is no need to paint me purple (laughs). Girls, don’t spoil your hair and don’t even think about dyeing it until you turn grey.

About meeting my husband and family relationships

This is not the most romantic story. I remember that day well - I was invited to Sasha Tarasov’s (T-Killah) birthday, which he planned to celebrate outside the city. While filming for STS, they cut my hair into a bob, cutting off long hair, and repainted. I digested this beauty image all day, trying to get used to my new self. The shooting was supposed to start at 17:00, but we left the studio only at 22! I was so tired that I just wanted to fall asleep in the car. But Sasha insisted that I come.

I've arrived. By that time the barbecue was all eaten and the party was over. There were only a couple of guests left - one of the “long-livers” was my future husband. They studied in the same class with Sasha and knew each other almost all their lives. As it turned out later, we worked in the same company for a long time - we found many mutual acquaintances, but had never seen each other before. After the meeting, we started talking, going on dates, and walking in the park. Gradually it developed into a relationship.

I never ask how hard or easy it is for him to be with me. He is a businessman, I am a creative, active person.

And it’s normal that we may have slightly different interests. We treat each other with understanding and respect. I think my husband is lucky to have me (laughs).

About extra pounds

When I became pregnant, I didn’t notice that I was gaining weight: it appeared, but this is the norm! Thoughts that this is not the norm, but overweight, did not have.

When I gave birth to my daughter and instead of a belly there was only one big “I” left, I was shocked. I strongly recommend that all girls who are expecting a baby control their weight - with a belly you perceive yourself completely differently. Everything got better: my butt, my arms, my face. Now many people don’t believe that the curvy lady in the photo is me. We have to pull out the video from the archives and show everyone that this is really so.

About motivation to lose weight

I realized that I would lose weight after I couldn’t fit into my plaid trousers at home. Moreover, they were very free. Main secret To stay slim - don’t put everything off until tomorrow. If you decide that you need to lose weight, lose weight, and don’t look for excuses.

I refused immediately - it is unsafe for the body. I ate 4-5 times a day to speed up my metabolism.

If you eat little during the day, the body switches to “emergency” mode and does not give anything away - fats are not burned.

Two liters of water a day is a mandatory minimum!

As for the motivation to lose weight, I became it myself. I was always thin, so when I hung the photo on the refrigerator, I wanted to look the same again. By the way, great beauty hack! If it doesn't work on the refrigerator, put it inside near some junk food.

During my second pregnancy, I gained weight again and I didn’t expect it at all. I was sure: having lost weight the first time, I would not repeat my mistakes again. But hormones are such a terrible thing - it’s impossible to control yourself. I ate and couldn't do anything about it. The first month I went to the pool. I didn’t have enough for more - hormones and laziness took over. I had to put the subscription on the shelf and watch it from the side (laughs). You know, I still look at pregnant girls with thin arms, slender legs and I admire: how do they do it?

About daily beauty rituals

Every day, morning and evening, I wash my face with Sephora foam - after a night and a hard day, I definitely need to remove dust and excess secretion from the sebaceous glands from my face. I never apply cream, just rinsing my face with water - it clogs my pores. After washing I use a toner - it is necessary to restore pH. Then I apply the cream to my face and under my eyes.

On the principles of raising children

We raise children in strictness. I believe that they should not be pampered - I share the principle of “hedgehog gloves”. No matter how much I want to resolve something, I insist on my own and wait for the hysterics, screams, and falls on the floor to end.

Yes, it's hard. But the child must not be allowed to cross boundaries. I recently spoke with, and she said: “You need to talk to your child calmly - that’s the only way these dialogues will be of any use.”

Most often, the husband succumbs to provocations. When girls start crying and looking for support from him, a man’s heart can’t stand it. I keep the brand of a strict, unyielding mother to the end.

Interview and text: Natalia Kapitsa


Yulia Lysenko, a popular domestic TV presenter and journalist, was born in 1989 in Moscow. From childhood, the girl showed interest in creativity: she studied music and dancing.

Musical education of Yulia Lysenko and participation in the “Star Factory”

My blog conveys the realities of a modern girl who works hard, combines motherhood, personal life, a successful career and at the same time does not forget to enjoy life.

Lysenko Yulia

At the age of five, Yulia began attending music school. After studying for 9 years at gymnasium No. 1507, the girl decided to connect her further education with music. First, Yulia graduated from the Moscow College of Pop and Jazz Art, and then from the Gnessin Academy.

In 2006, the Girl became one of the participants in the music show “Star Factory - 6”. After finishing the project, Yulia became interested in journalism.

TV presenter career

After the famous TV show, Yulia was invited as a TV presenter on the RU.TV channel. Over the years of her work there, the girl conducted many live broadcasts at the most striking and memorable events of the channel.

Now Yulia Lysenko runs a popular blog on the Internet under the motto “Family should come first!” She is also a presenter on the new TV channel “ZHARA”.

Despite her busy schedule and popularity, Julia manages to take care of her family. She has two wonderful daughters: Arina and Polina.

Yulia Lysenko is a graduate of Star Factory-6, former vocalist of the Ultraviolet group, journalist, blogger and mother of two children. Today the girl works on popular Russian channels and acts as a presenter at private events.

Childhood and youth

Yulia was born in Moscow on September 20, 1989. The girl demonstrated a penchant for creativity from a young age. She liked to sing and dance, so her parents sent her to music school. From the age of 5, music was present in Yulia’s life on a constant basis. Lysenko studied at a gymnasium with in-depth study of foreign languages, but did not show much interest or traction in any subject at school.

It so happened that Yulia managed to try her hand at the professional field without having any performing experience or skills. At the age of 16, she became a participant in the famous “Star Factory” project, and this determined the girl’s future fate. At the end of the show, the artist entered the Moscow College of Pop and Jazz Art, and then became a student at the Academy. Gnesins.

Participation in reality gave Julia the idea of ​​going into journalism. In parallel with obtaining a profile higher education the girl studied at a course for journalists.

Music and television

The year 2006 put a lot of things in place in Yulia Lysenko’s life. Having learned that Ostankino was hosting a casting for the show “Star Factory - 6,” the girl made a pass and got into the qualifying round. The judges liked the talented performer, and she passed the competitive selection without any difficulties.

The hit “Cool”, performed by Yulia in company with Mila Kulikova and Vika Kolesnikova, created a sensation at one of the show’s reporting concerts. Yulia did not manage to reach the final of the television project, but upon its completion, the producers invited the vocalist to become part of the Ultraviolet team.

The group did not last long and was not popular with listeners. The participants broke up, and in 2010 Julia decided to pursue solo creativity. The debut composition turned out to be the song “Orenburg R’n’B”, for which a video was immediately shot. The single was included in the rotation of Russian Radio, but did not cause a stir. So Julia realized that she was not ready to rush into the embrasure of show business and decided to focus on activities related to television and journalism.

Yulia Lysenko’s song “Orenburg R’n’B”

The girl took her first steps in the craft of writing in her youth. At the age of 14, she received an award at the All-Russian competition “The Word is Ours,” held for aspiring journalists. Yulia was also a laureate of the Moscow Media competition.

At a young age, she worked as a columnist and author of articles in magazines such as Yes, Elle girl, Bravo and other publications. At that time, music fascinated the girl more, so her energies were focused on learning. The “Star Factory” provided useful contacts and recognition, which opened many doors for some time.

So, at one of the social evenings, Andrei Sychev, director of Channel One, approached Yulia and offered to participate in the casting for the role of presenter of the RUTV music channel. After successful completion of the competition creative biography The girls began to be replenished with original scripts, live broadcasts and their own projects, which Lysenko produced.

The artist’s sense of humor, charm and professionalism was appreciated by the channel’s producers and its audience. Yulia has already celebrated her 10th anniversary as a journalist and continues to be in demand on television.

Personal life

The whole country was discussing Yulia Lysenko’s relationship with her colleague on the show “Star Factory”. The romantic story connecting the girl with a member of the group “” subsequently did not develop. The young people were together for 2 years, after which the couple broke up.

Yulia Lysenko’s personal life was no less successful than her career. The acquaintance with the future husband took place at the singer's party. He celebrated his birthday outside the city. By the time Julia reached the appointed place, the fun came to an end. At the event, she met the artist’s former classmate Alexander. Communication at the party was followed by dating and courtship, and soon a wedding took place.

Today Julia is a happy wife and mother of two children. The TV presenter’s husband is businessman Alexander Kravtsov. Together they are raising their daughters Polina and Arina. Lysenko adheres to the theory of tight-knit parenting. She acts as a strict parent who knows how to get obedience and understanding from children. When communicating with her daughters, Yulia clearly outlines the boundaries of what is permitted, while the girls’ father more often follows their lead.

Yulia Lysenko now

With the development of popularity social networks journalists received an additional information source. With their help, it has become easier to express your own opinion and share interesting news with the public. Yulia Lysenko was among those who took advantage modern technologies. The girl became a blogger.

In your account in "Instagram" she posts photos and writes interesting posts on various topics. Photos in a swimsuit in the profile alternate with images taken on vacation and with her beloved family. But most of all on the page there are photos of Yulia herself. The girl dedicated her blog to beauty, proper nutrition and self-care, serving as a living example of what a modern lady should look like.

Julia began sharing her experience with followers after her first pregnancy. Noticing the changes that her figure was undergoing, the journalist wondered how to quickly and without harm to her health return to her former shape. This became the inspiration for a new direction in the artist’s activities.

Yulia Lysenko works on the TV channel “Your Home”

Julia talks about her own experience and acts as a motivator for girls who dream of ideal parameters. Today, Yulia’s height is 174 cm and her weight is 54 kg. The TV presenter herself says that she dedicates the blog to ladies who combine motherhood with professional implementation and personal life.

Now Yulia Lysenko continues to work as a TV presenter. The artist collaborates with the TV channels “Heat” and “Your House”. In 2019, she appeared on new broadcasts, to the delight of the audience who fell in love with the star.


  • "I love you so much"
  • "Orenburg R'n'B"
  • "Two Venices"
  • "Moths"
  • "Give me back my sun"


  • Participant in the show “Star Factory-6”
  • Ex-soloist of the group "Ultraviolet"
  • Host of the “HR Department” program on RU.TV
  • Host of the “Order Table” program on RU.TV
  • Host of the “Home Smartly” program on the “Your Home” channel

website: Your before and after photos are impressive! I don’t ask the reason for losing weight for you, as a television person; looking good is one of the responsibilities of a professional television presenter. But what motivated you to lose weight?

Yulia Lysenko: I gained weight so quickly that I didn’t have time to get used to being “big.” Therefore, when I physically felt how much I had grown, when I could no longer fit into even loose lounge clothes, it was as if I woke up from my well-fed and calm life and decided to go on a diet.

Yu. L.: My usual weight was 55 kilograms, then I recovered to 65. In the first months I gained less than a kilogram, I had terrible toxicosis and I could not eat anything, even water made me sick. But then, at one moment, I realized that it was over. That’s when I went into overdrive: I could eat two pizzas at night, my hormones were raging, and I didn’t fight them. Before giving birth, I thought that after pregnancy most of the kilograms I had gained would go away, but I only lost the weight of the baby.

website: You lost 36 kilograms and became even slimmer than before. How did you manage that?

Yu. L.: Of course, a radical change in diet played a role. I sat down on protein diet and adhered to a separate diet, gave up carbohydrates: she didn’t even eat fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and drank a lot of water.

In order not to lose motivation, I needed quick results, so I followed the diet very strictly, and it bore fruit - after just six months I lost 36 kilograms.

Even many of my friends stopped recognizing me. Before this, I always had cheeks, but now my face has sunken, causing my facial features to look different. Sometimes, looking at my old photos, I can’t believe it’s me.

Yu. L.: Now I don’t even know how I survived this diet. The most important and difficult thing in this process is to narrow the stomach. I was determined to achieve results, so I bravely endured several days of a very limited diet.

Yu. L.: 2-3 times during the entire diet I broke down - pasta and chocolate bars were used. But then I asked myself: do I really not feel sorry for my work? And then, I agreed with myself that I would lose weight, consolidate the result and then I would be able to afford the “forbidden”. But the funny thing is that when you completely change your eating habits and learn to appreciate the taste of healthy food, you no longer want it.

Yu. L.: To be honest, I don’t understand how you can eat too much. Now I can eat a little chocolate at night and not suffer from remorse. Oddly enough, I am not gaining weight, although I no longer go on any diets and do not limit myself in anything. Apparently proper nutrition I cleansed my body well and accelerated my metabolism, and now I don’t put on extra pounds. Of course, it happens that I gain a couple of kilograms during a vacation, but they go away easily once you have a fasting day.

Yu. L.: No secrets or miracles, beautiful figure- this is a lot of work. Many people fail to lose weight because they cannot stand eating without pleasure. I immediately decided that I would not have a “tasteless” diet. I tried to prepare my rather limited dietary set of foods as tasty as possible, and not throw a piece of meat into the water and convince myself that I needed it to be slim and beautiful. In order not to break down, you need to eat with pleasure, not with resignation.

website: Did such rapid weight loss affect your body tone?

Yu. L.: Of course, I faced the problem of stretch marks, I had to get rid of them with the help of a laser. Therefore, I strongly recommend that all pregnant women regularly moisturize their skin, preferably with oils and, of course, massage, go to the pool and do special gymnastics.

Yu. L.: During the entire time I was losing weight, I went to the fitness club only 15 times; I was on such a strict diet that I simply did not have the energy to go to the gym, and neither did I have time. I don’t understand how I can manage to go to the gym with my schedule. At ten in the morning I’m at work, at 7 my working day ends, by the time I get home, by the time I play with the child, put her to bed, it’s already eleven in the evening. I’m not one of those who will go to training at 12 at night or on my day off, although I understand how important it is.

website: Nowadays among girls there is a certain fetish for round buttocks, pumped up abs, strong hands...How do you feel about this fashion on athletic body? Do you like fitness girls' bodies?

Yu. L.: The girl should be fit, with appetizing curves. I believe that the abundance of muscles in female body- it too. I don't want to be a jock and I don't think it's sexy. I like the figures of Victoria's Secret models, they are truly feminine.

website: To support your Instagram followers who have become mothers and are now watching their figure, you organized a #Postpartum contest on Instagram, in which you invited them to share the results of their weight loss after pregnancy. It still attracts an audience to this day: there are now almost 4,000 photos under this hashtag! Tell us what this competition meant to you?

Yu. L.: After losing weight, I was overwhelmed with questions about how I did it. I wanted to show that my experience is not unique, and there are many girls who have achieved equally great results, so that they motivate those who are just at the beginning of their journey, confused and do not believe in themselves.

I myself was very impressed by the photos that my subscribers posted. Sometimes it was impossible to believe that it was possible to be so transformed.

And these are all ordinary girls, not Hollywood stars with an army of nutritionists, trainers and plastic surgeons. With this competition, I managed to instill in many people the idea that it boils down to the following: if these girls could do it, you can too, and for me this is the most valuable thing.

website: What advice do you have for our readers who are just preparing to become mothers and at the same time want to stay in shape after pregnancy?

Yu. L.: I wish to find a goal that will motivate you to lose weight, believe in yourself, and not rely on nutritionists, trainers and, God forbid, pills. Everyone has a different income, but believe me, everyone can lose weight without much investment. Get a blood test and choose a diet based on your individual characteristics. Add home workouts to it. I studied according to the program " Perfect abs in 8 minutes" and " Perfect buttocks in 8 minutes." Just three weeks of simple exercises using these videos yielded great results; my body looked better than when I went to the gym. I also recommend this program to those who do not have time, these very effective and affordable videos are freely available on YouTube.

The dream of the TV presenter of the Zhara channel, a participant in Star Factory-6, will soon come true - she will move to live outside the city. Several years ago, Yulia purchased a plot of land in an elite area of ​​the Moscow region. And this spring I bought a “box”, came up with a layout and erected walls. On this moment All communications have been installed, the basic finishing has been completed, furniture has been ordered. All that remains is finishing work on an area of ​​460 square meters. m. Yulia is in a hurry, she wants to celebrate the New Year with her family in the mansion.

“There are only two months left, and this figure is terrifying! – Julia shared with StarHit. - But I think we’ll break through! I didn’t intend to allow strangers to plan my fortress, so I came up with the interior design project myself. The process turned out to be not easy: it is one thing to imagine, quite another to implement. My mother helped me - she drew drawings with me. We were lucky with the construction team: they finished the repairs at our parents’ place and came to us. Thanks to their skills, I was able to realize everything I wanted.”

On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a fireplace room, a living room and several rooms for utility needs. The second floor is the sleeping area. “A huge room for me and my husband,” continues Lysenko. – It has a large “dressing room”, a spacious bathroom and, of course, the dream of all girls – a spacious dressing room.

The bedrooms of daughters Arina and Polina are connected by one bathroom. It has large windows, allowing a lot of light inside. When we started doing all this, I understood why they say that renovation tests the strength of a relationship: it was difficult not to quarrel with my husband - from the first time we did not agree on a single issue. But we learned to give in and listen to each other.”

The couple have already decided what gift their daughters will receive from Santa Claus after they move. “Arina wrote a letter to her grandfather asking for a dog. Her wish will come true. Moreover, the year of this particular animal is ahead.”