Yulia Lipnitskaya husband. Figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya: where is she now, anorexia, photo. The character and private life of Yulia Lipnitskaya

Finished her career. According to a comment from the athlete’s mother that appeared online, Yulia informed the federation leadership about her resignation back in April. The reason for this decision was the figure skater’s illness. The athlete’s mother noted that Lipnitskaya underwent three months of treatment for anorexia.

The athlete’s mentor Alexey, in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, did not refute the information about the athlete’s decision to end her career.

“I’m not answering questions about Yulia’s departure yet,” Urmanov said.

Federation leadership figure skating Skating Center of Russia (FFKKR), after the test skates in Sochi, will meet with the athlete and her coach Alexei Urmanov to discuss the skater’s future plans, the general director of the FFKKR said.

“Lipnitskaya, as you know, will not participate in the test skates in Sochi. But after the skates we will meet and discuss with Yulia and Urmanov their future plans,” R-Sport quotes Kogan.

Previously, the honorary president of the FFKKR hinted that it was time for Yulia to hang up her skates.

“Lipnitskaya’s situation, in my opinion, is similar to the story of Adelina Sotnikova. The sooner she finally draws conclusions and makes a decision, the better it will be for everyone, so as not to fool people and fans. There is no need to mislead figure skating fans. Everyone understands that when there is, it’s difficult for Lipnitskaya to fight them,” said Piseev.

Last season, Lipnitskaya missed the Russian Figure Skating Championships due to injury. hip joint resulting from a fall on a slippery sidewalk while returning from training.

The main award of the athlete, which was won during her short career, was a gold medal at Olympic Games 2014. Yulia became the winner of the team competition together with Evgeniy, Maxim Trankov, and Nikita Katsalapov.

Lipnitskaya showed in Sochi best result in the short and free programs, scoring twenty points out of twenty possible.

The skater also won silver at the 2014 World Championships and gold at the European Championships of the same year.

Lipnitskaya's last start was the Moscow Grand Prix stage in November 2016, when she was forced to interrupt her free program due to problems with her leg and ended up finishing in last place.

It is worth noting that Yulia is not the only Sochi Olympics triumphant who is now experiencing difficulties in continuing her career. So, who won gold in the women's single skating will miss the 2017/18 season. This was announced by the athlete’s coach Evgeniy Plushenko.

“Adelina Sotnikova will not compete this season due to injury. We all hoped that we would heal this injury, but unfortunately it did not work out. The injury still bothers me, I can’t do full training, and it’s wrong to enter competitions in such a situation. Now we need to cure the injury, which still exists due to the fact that, unfortunately, the diagnosis was incorrect, Adeline has not recovered, and this damage worries her. She had a torn ankle ligament and a broken bone in her foot. Initially, they thought that Adeline would quickly recover from this injury. Initially, they did not put a plaster cast, and in general a completely different diagnosis was made.

Missing a season does not mean the end of a career,” Plushenko said.

The President of the FFKKR stated that in figure skating there are often cases when, after long break the returning athlete could again reach a high level.

“It happened so, no one is to blame for this. Zhenya (Plushenko) explained the situation in great detail - there was an injury, they did not begin to treat it quite correctly. Now she (Sotnikova) can skate, but she can’t train at full strength. Considering the time left, it will be unrealistic for her to enter this season.

He also emphasized that in history there were many examples of skaters returning to a high level. “We have many examples when athletes returned and competed again high level. The same (Italian),” noted Gorshkov.

Other news, materials and statistics can be found at winter species sports, as well as in groups of the sports department on social networks

Legendary performance Russian figure skater at the Sochi Olympics in 2014, made the young athlete a real star. A fragile girl in a spectacular red suit performed incredible jumps and spins to the music from the film “Schindler’s List.”

The phenomenal talent of the fifteen-year-old figure skater captivated millions of viewers around the world. However, in 2017, the athlete announced the completion of sports career, which became the most discussed news in the sports community. In this article we will find out why Yulia Lipnitskaya made this decision. The latest news of 2017 covers in detail the decline of the figure skater’s career, the difficulties and problems that she had to face.

Enormous stress

After a landmark performance at the Olympic Games, the athlete deservedly became Olympic champion in a team tournament. The President personally congratulated Yulia Russian Federation, and numerous sports fans made her the main heroine of the Olympics. Unprecedented fame fell on the fifteen-year-old figure skater, and millions of fans began to follow her career. Attention of Russian and foreign press was riveted to every performance of the young talent, to every jump.

Having become a legend of the Sochi Olympics, Yulia struggled to keep high bar. However, mistakes and unsuccessful performances constantly haunted her. The athlete took each new failure very seriously and was constantly worried about the unjustified hopes of her fans.

In 2015, at the Russian Championship, the talented girl managed to take only 9th place. In the same year, in the Grand Prix, she also did not show the best result, becoming only fifth. Such results lead to Julia moving to another coach. Commenting last news 2017, that Yulia Lipnitskaya left the sport, many athletes consider the change of coach a turning point.

For a long time, Lipnitskaya trained under the guidance of the famous trainer Eteri Tutberidze. However, the conflict between them had been brewing for a long time. The heavy psychological stress that Yulia faced after the Olympics required constant help and participation. Perhaps the coach could not pay enough attention to the champion, as she was preparing other members of the Russian team.

In relation to Yulia, the coach’s position was based on continuing hard work, despite dizzying successes. Tutberidze demanded from her ward a high workload and development of skills that were necessary for the young figure skater.

In 2015, the athlete moved to Alexey Urmanov, who is considered an excellent specialist. He pays a lot of attention to his ward, trying to help her cope with psychological stress and restore peace of mind. At the same time, the intensity of training decreases slightly. However, the change of coach did not help Yulia regain her former glory; at the Russian Championship in 2016 she took only 7th place. Aggravated old injuries and new falls led to Lipnitskaya missing several significant competitions and the Russian championship in 2017.

Yulia Lipnitskaya, figure skater, D laws of physiology

The phenomenon of Yulia Lipnitskaya, who won the hearts of millions of spectators with her performance, lies not only in her skating technique. A real star The young figure skater was helped by her inner strength of spirit, charisma and artistry. After her triumphant victory, Julia faced many difficulties and obstacles that greatly complicated her advancement in the profession. Thanks to strong character The champion struggled with circumstances for a long time, but at some point she gave up.

A peculiarity of the female body is that at a certain age, body weight begins to increase. This is common to almost all women, as nature prepares them for future motherhood. Frail and slender figure skaters also have similar problems. At a certain age they begin to gain weight and only help them stay in shape. strict diets and grueling workouts.

Starting in 2015, Julia began to rapidly gain weight, and this process was associated with hormonal changes in the body, and it was very difficult to influence it. The athlete began an active fight against extra pounds, but daily jogging and refusing to eat did not bring desired result. Excess weight greatly affected the girl’s performances; her lightness and flexibility disappeared. It became difficult for Yulia to perform the incredible rotations that became her calling card.

Trying to regain her former shape, the skater began to severely limit her diet. However, this decision resulted in serious health problems. According to the latest news in 2017 about Yulia Lipnitskaya, the girl was seriously diagnosed with anorexia. The disease developed gradually, undermining the athlete’s vitality and affecting her mental balance. Lack of nutrients has led to muscle weakness, making difficult jumps has become almost impossible. At one of the performances, the famous figure skater was unable to complete the program, as her legs were cramping from constant hunger strikes.

Health problems led to the fact that Julia was forced to undergo treatment for anorexia. The girl spent three months in one of the European clinics, and upon returning home she announced the end of her sports career. The main reason for this decision, according to the figure skater’s mother, was serious health problems. After completing treatment, Yulia did not lose the weight she had gained, tired of exhausting diets.

The news about the retirement of the legend of the Sochi Olympics excited the entire sports community. Some athletes and coaches expressed their versions of what was happening, but it is impossible to deny the seriousness of the athlete’s illness. Having gained weight, Yulia will never be able to achieve phenomenal jumps and spins, and it is impossible to constantly be in a state of anorexia.

Future plans

The talented athlete began figure skating at the age of four. The girl showed amazing abilities and flexibility early on, so the family had to move to Moscow to further develop her talent. Julia devoted most of her life to sports, so her decision to give up her favorite activity forever surprised not only her fans.

Various comments regarding this incident greatly upset Lipnitskaya. Some colleagues believe that Yulia simply did not have enough character for further development. Having become the youngest champion in the history of Russian figure skating, she stopped training at the proper level. The skater does not comment on such statements, but her efforts to return to her former positions speak for themselves. Julia did everything she could, but circumstances turned out to be stronger than her.

Still, the vast majority of fans and colleagues support the athlete, wishing her recovery. Julia has done quite a lot for domestic sports, contributed to Olympic victory, flashing with a bright star. The latest news about Yulia Lipnitskaya covers what the famous figure skater is doing now.

After completing her sports career, Julia is trying to learn to live in an ordinary world, free from constant training and exciting performances. According to rumors, one of the companies involved in the restaurant business offered the girl to take a leadership position in one of the areas. The athlete has not yet responded to this proposal, enjoying her free life without physical activity and diets.

Discussing the figure skater’s appearance, some netizens spoke out about Yulia’s possible pregnancy. However, this information turned out to be just rumors, which the athlete herself wrote about in social network. Lipnitskaya reacted quite sharply to speculation about her interesting situation and stated that she was no longer going to exhaust herself with diets for the pleasure of her fans.

Considering the latest news about Yulia Lipnitskaya today, it should be noted that in 2017, the Olympic champion became the owner of her own apartment in the capital. For her achievements at the Olympic Games, a representative of the construction company Sezar Group presented the girl with the keys to her own living space in the southwest of Moscow. Having learned that the Olympic champion dreamed of purchasing an apartment, the company decided to give her a gift. This was a real surprise for the figure skater, who was sincerely happy about the apartments in the new building.

The athlete was especially pleased with the location of her new home. Yulia loves nature very much and has been fond of horse riding since childhood, so the large forest area located next to the new apartment was a real surprise. The happy owner of her own living space is happy to note that she is already looking forward to long walks along the green alleys.

Currently, the skater is passionate about renovating and arranging her home. She wants to create a large, cozy space filled with light. According to Yulia, she always dreamed of having her own apartment, since after moving to the capital, she and her mother always had to rent housing. Many see the athlete’s future career in sports journalism or show business, perhaps she will choose coaching.

Yulia Lipnitskaya is a famous figure skater from Russia who performs in singles. During her short career, she has already won many significant titles and awards. She gained popularity in 2014 after winning the team competition at the Sochi Olympics. The article will present short biography female athletes.


Yulia Lipnitskaya was born in Yekaterinburg in 1998. Four years is the age at which the girl learned what figure skating. Yulia Lipnitskaya came with her parents to the local Lokomotiv school and stayed there to study. Marina Voitsekhovskaya and Elena Levkovets became her first coaches. It was they who contributed to the full disclosure of Lipnitskaya’s potential.

Yulia’s mother, Daniela Leonidovna, did not even suspect that her daughter had a penchant for figure skating. She did not plan to make her a professional athlete. The woman just wanted to keep Yulia busy with something fun and useful, as well as improve her health.

Soon the Lipnitsky family moved to Moscow. This was due to the fact that the coaches saw great potential in the girl. Upon arrival in the capital, Yulia was assigned to Sports School No. 37. The future champion was placed in the group of Eteri Tutberidze, who specializes in training singles skaters.

Carier start

Figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya is genetically gifted with good stretching and incredible flexibility. These qualities helped the girl master the most complex elements that experienced and adult athletes master and hone for years. Well, by the end of 2009, Yulia was performing all triple jumps perfectly. At the same time, the girl took part in the Russian championship and was among the top five winners. The next season Lipnitskaya competed as an adult athlete. And quite successfully: Yulia managed to take fourth place.

In 2011-2012, the skater went to Poland for the Grand Prix and took first place there. After that, the girl won exclusively prizes. In Italy, the athlete again took gold. Then came the victory in Canada, where the girl performed well and was significantly ahead of her main rival.

Soon, figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya went to the Russian Championship with the goal of taking a prize. And she succeeded - the girl won silver. And then the athlete took gold at the Junior World Championships. Moreover, Lipnitskaya managed to beat the clear favorite of the tournament.

Preparation for the Olympics

Julia began to prepare for the most prestigious competitions in the world in advance. At the same time, she competed in tournaments. So, in 2012-2013, the girl showed excellent figure skating in Finland. Yulia Lipnitskaya also won in France and China, but in the adult category.

The victory in Paris turned out to be a double benefit for the athlete: she not only received the maximum level, but also won gold. But unfortunately, the girl did not compete in the Grand Prix final. The young figure skater was injured. Because of this, she had to miss not only the final, but also the 2013 Russian Championship. Only at the very end of the season was the athlete able to reach fifth place in the Czech Republic. This was her first performance since the injury. Well, then the girl fully recovered and only took prizes.

New victories

The World Championships were very successful for her. In Milan, Julia won silver. Naturally, after the injuries she received, the athlete needed some time for rehabilitation. But the girl recovered quite quickly and entered the Olympic season as a winner.

European Championship 2014

At these competitions, figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya won gold medal. Moreover, the athlete was many points ahead of her main competitors. The girl skated her program perfectly, and her victory was well deserved. It is noteworthy that at this championship athletes who competed with Lipnitskaya were many times more experienced than Yulia. She turned out to be the youngest skater there.

One of the reasons for Lipnitskaya’s victory at the European Championships was the support of her mother. Daniela Leonidovna accompanies her daughter to all competitions. They are together when Julia wins and when she falls. In her interviews, the athlete said many times that her mother is the most important person for her.

Olympics in Sochi

The fact that the heroine of this article will represent Russia there was a completely expected decision of the Figure Skating Federation. The girl achieved results that many athletes could only dream of. Julia became the main hope of our figure skating team.

On February 6, 2014, the team competition. Both programs of Yulia Lipnitskaya were skated perfectly by her. Among her colleagues on the national team, she brought the largest number of points, which ultimately helped the Russians become Olympic champions. Moreover, for completing the most difficult elements, Yulia received maximum bonuses. So the heroine of this article became the youngest Olympic champion in the country. But the competition did not end there for the girl. Ahead was a performance in single skating. And the athlete fully concentrated on them.

On February 20, 2014, the decisive, last skating took place. Yulia Lipnitskaya performed to the soundtrack from the legendary film “Schindler’s List”. The girl's jumps were perfect, and her spins were unique. But a couple of moments before the final, the athlete fell. This is how the Sochi 2014 Olympics ended for her. Yulia Lipnitskaya ended up taking only fifth place in the sum of the two programs. And Adelina Sotnikova confidently won that Olympics. She became the first girl in the history of domestic women's skating (singles program) to win a gold medal for the country.

Despite the defeat, Julia achieved incredible success for her age. All fans and admirers of figure skating are firmly convinced that more than one Olympics awaits the young athlete. And even if this time she didn’t make it to the podium in the individual championship. But already in 2018 she will have a new chance to win gold for the country.

After the Olympics

The defeat motivated Yulia even more. She understood that her main victories were ahead of her. Therefore, the girl continued training, preparing for the Grand Prix in China. There, Yulia Lipnitskaya, whose biography is known to all figure skating fans, became the leader after the presentation of her short program. But the next day there was an unfortunate fall, due to which the girl failed in her free performance. Nevertheless, she secured second place in terms of total points.

Probably the reason for the disappointing defeats in Russia and Barcelona was accumulated fatigue. At home based on the results free program the girl only got to fifth place. Thus, Yulia did not automatically qualify for the national team to travel to the European Championships.

Light and dark stripes

Lipnitskaya started the new season at the Finnish Trophy. There the athlete was able to take second place. Two weeks later, Yulia took sixth place at the Skate America Grand Prix stage. Luck also turned away from the skater at the national championship: she ended up only in the middle of the table. Lipnitskaya was included in the Russian national team as a reserve athlete.

Only in March 2015 did luck smile on the skater again. At the Tyrol Cup in Innsbruck, Australia, Julia took gold. But then the dark streak began again. The Russian woman performed unsuccessfully at the Nepela Memorial in Bratislava. According to the results of the competition, she took second place.

In October, everyone learned that the heroine of this article would not take part in the Grand Prix in Chicago. Some ill-wishers spread rumors that Yulia Lipnitskaya suffered from anorexia. That's why she can't compete. But this is not true. In fact, the athlete’s long-standing back injury worsened.

In November, the skater decided to change her mentor. Now, instead of Eteri Tutberidze, Alexey Urmanov began to actively prepare Yulia. All classes take place in Sochi.

No matter how light and dark stripes alternate in Lipnitskaya’s life, this skater undoubtedly has a brilliant future. Both Russian and foreign fans of Yulia are sure of this. Not long ago, the Guardian newspaper wrote about the athlete’s abilities. The publication called her a rising star and an unusually talented figure skater who will soon eclipse even the famous Evgeni Plushenko.

Personal life

As soon as figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya moved to Sochi, significant changes emerged in this area. The girl left her mother's care. Judging by the photo on her Instagram, the athlete not only has time to train hard, but also to rest.

Lipnitskaya spends her free time with Vladislav Tarasenko (a colleague), who periodically visits Sochi. There are rumors that the young man dreams of moving to a southern city.

Yulia Lipnitskaya, whose biography is presented above, does not hide from others that her first love appeared in her life.

Read also:

Yulia Lipnitskaya is a talented, titled athlete, winner of various figure skating competitions at local and international levels, the youngest winner of the European Championship in the history of figure skating. Yulia has many fans around the world, but recently many have been interested in the latest news about Yulia Lipnitskaya, whose anorexia required serious treatment (before and after photos can be seen below). This is due to the great excitement surrounding the champion’s departure from the sport.

Rumors about leaving the sport

Rumors that the figure skater was leaving the big sport came as a big shock to both her fans and colleagues, because the young athlete’s career had just begun, and there were still so many accomplishments and brilliant victories ahead. Figure skating coach Alexander Zhulin said in an interview that the decision to end the champion’s career was correct and deliberate, since it was influenced by a number of reasons:

  • according to Zhulin, it was not so easy for the young girl to cope with the world fame that fell overnight, she did not even have an idea of ​​​​how to communicate with the press and colleagues;
  • According to Zhulin, this decision was influenced by Yulia’s completely rash departure from coach Eteri Tutberidze, who was quite tough with the young skater and it was precisely this toughness that she needed so much;
  • and the third reason for leaving the sport, Zhulin named Lipnitskaya’s natural tendency to be overweight.

Photo: Yulia Lipnitskaya and Eteri Tutberidze

The girl began to grow up and gain weight, and this is simply strictly prohibited in sports and has the worst impact on the quality of training and performances. Zhulin reported that Yulia began to struggle with overweight, fell ill with anorexia, for which she was treated in Germany, after treatment she gained weight again. And, according to Zhulin, the athlete’s time has already been lost and she understands this, which is why she decided to leave figure skating.

For several months, all the media were full of headlines that Yulia Lipnitskaya, suffering from anorexia, left the sport! However, until now, photos before and after anorexia have not been provided. True, the athlete herself did not react in any way to such information, categorically refusing any comments.

Her coach and great professional Alexei Urmanov chose not to talk about whether Yulia Lipnitskaya was leaving the big sport, only sparingly noting that he did not know the latest news about the athlete.

Great interview

She confirmed the latest news about her retirement from the sport in 2018 only after a long silence, and finally gave a detailed interview, which the Russian Figure Skating Federation posted on its website in September. Yulia Lipnitskaya gave a link to it on her Instagram page, writing a short and warm post with words of gratitude to all fans of her talent.

In an interview, Lipnitskaya admitted that the decision to leave big sport was extremely difficult for her, but today her health comes first. She confirmed that she had indeed been diagnosed with anorexia and that over the past few years she had been struggling with the disease under the supervision of doctors and experienced psychologists.

Yulia also admitted that not everyone in her close circle understood and accepted her decision to voice her diagnosis, but the girl believed that such an action would be the most correct in the current situation, because sooner or later information about the disease would still become available to the general public.

The figure skater said that she was tormented by fears of the unknown; she did not know how her career in sports would develop and whether she would continue to perform at all. Although at the very beginning of the illness, she, her mother and coach were sure that the figure skater would certainly return to the ice, and would achieve a lot in the sport, and improve a lot in her performances.

Yulia says that only health problems prevented her from realizing herself in sports. The girl admits that she was always very shy, shunned too many people, and was not ready for the fame that fell upon her so quickly. In the end, the skater suffered from severe nervous exhaustion, which provoked the disease.

Yulia Lipnitskaya, when asked about her future plans, said that now her priority is only study. She is actively studying English language with a tutor, a little later he wants to try to find himself in some areas not related to ice.

World recognition

Yulia Lipnitskaya's career in big sport both replete with brilliant victories and truly tragic moments, which are full of the latest news.

The future champion was born in 1998 in the city of Yekaterinburg. At the age of four, little Yulia’s mother, Daniela Leonidovna, took her to the figure skating section, where the girl immediately showed remarkable talent. To realize her unconditional talent, the girl’s family moved to the capital. There, Eteri Georgievna Tutberidze became the talented girl’s mentor, who immediately noted the little figure skater’s extraordinary flexibility and unique capabilities when performing individual elements.

Photo of Lipnitskaya before anorexia
  1. After two years of hard training at the Junior Grand Prix stage, held in Poland, the athlete won her first gold medal. Further, at the stage in Italy there was a medal of the highest standard, and in the Grand Prix finals held in Quebec, Yulia became the first. At the 2012 Russian Championships, the figure skater won the second step of the podium. At the same time, she won the highest step of the podium at the Russian Junior Championships and the World Junior Championships. In 2011-2012, the figure skater won top medals at all international competitions. It was a real success and her first steps towards deafening world fame.
  2. In 2012, in October, the athlete won an absolute victory at a tournament held in Finland. In November, she was awarded gold at the Grand Prix stages in China and France. But Yulia did not participate in the Grand Prix final due to an injury. For the same reason in next year the athlete also missed the Russian Championships held in Sochi.
  3. The figure skater opened the Olympic season with magnificent victories at the tournament held in Finland and at the Grand Prix stage in Canada. At the Russian Championship, Yulia won silver only because she made minor mistakes in performing elements of the program. But in 2014, at the first European Championships in her career, the figure skater completely rehabilitated herself and won a resounding victory, beating famous skaters; the 15-year-old girl was the youngest among the participants in the competition.
  4. At the Olympic Games in Sochi, held in 2014, Lipnitskaya became absolute champion. The President of the country gave the athlete a standing ovation and personally congratulated her on her impressive successes. World fame fell on Yulia Lipnitskaya, her photos were placed on the cover of many foreign publications. Yulia was included in the top three most famous people of the year according to the largest search engines Google and Yandex. Authoritative European publications named Yulia athlete of the year, so there was reason to make the young winner’s head spin.

Crucial moment

After winning the Olympic Games, Lipnitskaya began to be haunted by failures in her career and personal life; she made mistakes in competitions, taking far from the most prestigious places. The girl perceived each new failure extremely painfully. As a result, Yulia decided to change her coach, since the demanding and result-oriented Tutberidze did not give the vulnerable athlete any concessions.

The figure skater moved to a professional and talented coach Alexei Urmanov. This, according to the athlete’s colleagues, was a turning point in her career. Urmanov, unlike Tutberidze, is a gentle person and devoted a lot of time to bringing Lipnitskaya’s mental balance back to normal, while the intensity of training decreased somewhat.

Julia was never able to come to sports uniform and, having received several injuries, missed important competitions in 2018. The champion resisted all difficulties and failures, but the young body eventually gave up.

In 2015, the athlete began to experience natural physiological changes in her body and she began to rapidly gain weight, which caused a refusal to eat and anorexia. At first, the girl struggled with weight in every possible way, when she already had difficulties performing her signature rotations, Yulia decided to greatly reduce her diet, which subsequently led to anorexia.

Yulia Lipnitskaya today

But, despite all the difficulties, the athlete’s life is getting better. Judging by numerous photos, Yulia Lipnitskaya has now successfully overcome anorexia and is leading a full life as a young girl. He learns to live away from intrusive attention and the constant pressure of responsibility, looking for his calling in various fields.

Photo: Lipnitskaya now

In any case, the fate of Yulia Lipnitskaya and the fact that she suffers from anorexia never ceases to excite her many fans, and the latest news about the champion suggests that perhaps fans will soon discover a new side of her: the athlete is thinking about becoming sports commentator. The figure skater, with her perseverance, will to win and ability to overcome difficulties, will definitely face new achievements.