I weigh more than 300 kg watch online. Real weight loss stories

Food addiction- this is the scourge of our time. At 34 years old, American Nikki Webster considered herself a real drug addict. Food had been the meaning of her life since childhood, but when her weight exceeded 275 kg, the situation became critical.

Nikki couldn't control her insatiable appetite. There was no question of any diets; the poor fellow never had the patience for that. Only fatty, sweet, super-calorie foods in large quantities.

Overweight made Webster's life hell. Over time, it became difficult for her to get out of bed, shower, and walk on her own. The woman had to move in with her parents. Strangely, their daughter’s unhealthy eating habits didn’t bother them at all. They even rebuilt the staircase to bring Nikki's food up to the second floor.

“My body has become a burden to me. It constantly hurts, whether I sit or lie down. I get tired very quickly... But I just can’t stop eating, and it’s unbearable. I know my weight is killing me. My sister Courtney forbids her children to see me, so that the terrible sight of their aunt does not traumatize the children’s psyche,”— Nikki shared her misfortune.

The turning point in the woman’s life came after she was invited to take part in the TV show “My 600 lb life”.

Nikki decided to have surgery to remove part of her stomach. Together with her father Terry, she left her native Arkansas and headed to Texas for a consultation with Dr. Nazardan, a rare specialist who treats the most severe cases obesity.

At the consultation, Webster was told that she would have to lose 20 kg on her own before she could undergo surgery. The woman went on a strict diet and after 3 months was ready for the gastric bypass procedure.

Before the operation, the woman was haunted by some fears and concerns. She was afraid that she would fall back into her old habit of overeating or that she might not even make it through the surgery. But everything went well. A year later, Nikki managed to lose 90 kg!

To consolidate the result, Webster additionally communicated with a psychotherapist. She needed to get to the root cause of her obesity in order to eradicate her food addiction forever.

And her successes did not end there. After Nikki lost a total of 160 kg, doctors approved surgery to remove excess skin. Another minus 25 kg on the way to healthy life!

Unfortunately, Nikki had to undergo further surgery as she suffered internal bleeding after the skin was removed. Everything went without complications, and the woman quickly recovered.

When you look at this cutie, it’s hard to believe that just a couple of years ago she was an obese, unhappy woman weighing about 300 kg. Today Nikki weighs 90 kg. She watches her diet and feels amazing.

And recently our heroine found female happiness. Nikki's boyfriend, Marcus, proposed marriage to her.

Nikki Webster's example proves that there is nothing stronger than motivation, faith and perseverance. They are capable of grinding any bad habit and laziness. Purely visually, but only if it does not interfere with life.

In the documentary series of the TLS channel “I weigh 300 kg, what happened next 4” in the new season, the participants were people whose total weight significantly exceeds 300 kilograms. They were gaining mass long years, and breaking away from the habit of eating huge quantities of food while lying on the couch is not easy. This is exactly what the TLC team did and set themselves the goal of not only helping obese people lose weight, but also telling everyone their stories.

Real weight loss stories

Each of the participants wants to change their lives, but often only in words and is in no hurry to make real efforts. It is worth noting that this is largely the fault of close relatives who indulge and buy a lot of food. Dr. Nazarden has his own clinic, which deals exclusively with obesity problems and has gained vast experience over 40 years.

Operations using the technology of Dr. Nazarden

Before the operation, the patient is usually given some time to show real achievements and lose weight from his 340-370 kilograms to 320 or even less. It is this step, most of all psychological, that shows that the mood is excellent and if the operation is carried out there will be a positive prognosis. The size of the previously huge, insatiable stomach after suturing narrows to the size of a small apple. At the same time, a person is satisfied with much less food and does not feel empty.

Gastric bypass surgery - what next?

After the new heroine, Pauline will have to overcome herself and sit not only on strict diet, but also engage in regular physical exercise and even go to the gym. After the first stage, if the process of fat loss is going well, you will have to suture the sagging skin in several stages if you want to lose weight to an average static weight. Nazarden warns that any delay with a weight of more than 300 kg is life-threatening, because it creates a large load on the heart and there is a risk of simply not surviving until surgery. Look fascinating stories losing weight and finding out what happened to the show’s characters next, it’s interesting that filming one episode takes from 1 to 2 years.

Do not lie! We know very well how easy it is to find an excuse for skipping a workout or how easily we allow ourselves to eat fast food. Sometimes people get carried away with this to the extreme, dangerously ignoring their health. But even if you already have difficulty walking and don’t even get out of bed, this doesn’t mean that you can’t get back into normal shape!

The television program “My 600-lb Life” is a series about real people who have severe forms of obesity, but are trying to change it. Some of the final photos are so incredible that you won't believe the before and after photos are of the same participants.

The series itself was originally intended to be five episodes with four participants, but due to its popularity, new episodes were produced. Each person who appears on the show weighs about 600 pounds or more (270 – 320 kg) at the beginning and tries to reduce the numbers to a healthy level. Some stars of the program lost 161, 224 or more kilograms.

They proved that it doesn't matter how big your goals are as long as you have the right attitude and desire. A shock awaits you below!

#1 Christina Philips was 708 lbs, down to 183 lbs, 322 kg - 83 kg

#2 Amber Rachdi was 660 lbs, down to 236 lbs, 300 – 107 kg

#4 Donald Shelton was 675 lbs, down to 295 lbs, 306 – 295 kg

#5 Melissa D. Morris was 653 lbs, down to 178 lbs, 296 – 80 kg

#6 Chuck Turner was 693 lbs, down to 433 lbs, 314 – 196 kg

#7 Laura Perez was 541 lbs and has dropped to 380 lbs, 245 – 172 kg

#8 Nikki Webster was 649 lbs, she lost weight to 236 lbs, 294 – 107 kg

#9 Bettie Jo was 654 lbs, she lost about 200 lbs, 296 – 90 kg

#10 Henry Foots was 750 lbs, he dropped to 250 lbs, 340 – 113 kg

#11 Paula Jones lost 553 lbs, she got down to 269 lbs, 250 – 122 kg

#12 Diana was 601 lbs, she lost weight to 223 lbs, 273 – 101 kg

#14 Olivia Cruz was 580 lbs, she lost 200 lbs, 263 – 90 kg

#15 Zsalynn Whitworth was 600 lbs, she's down to 300 lbs, 272 – 136 kg

#16 Ashley Dunn-Bratcher was 725 lbs, she's down to 470 lbs, 328 – 213 kg

#17 Brittani Fulfer Was 605 Lbs, He Dropped To 400 Lbs, 274 – 151 kg

#18 Charity Pierce was 800 lbs, she lost weight to 500 lbs, 362 – 226 kg

#19 Tara was 606 lbs, she lost weight to 278 lbs, 275 – 126 kg

#20 Paula was 533 lbs, she lost weight to 379 lbs, 249 – 171 kg

#21 Joe Wexler was 792 lbs, he's down to 374 lbs, 359 – 170 kg

#22 Chay Guillroy was 579 lbs, Chay went down to 378 lbs, 262 – 172 kg

#23 James was 728 lbs, he lost weight to 352 lbs, 330 – 160 kg

#24 Penny Saeger was 494 lbs, she lost weight to 454 lbs, 224 – 205 kg

For example, Amber Rahdi in photo #2 weighed 301 kilograms when she first appeared on I WEIGHT 300 KILOGRAMS in early 2015, and today she has lost about 200 kilograms.

Amber herself said that she couldn’t even get into her parents’ minibus without a stepped, specially converted interior and seat. Doctors said that she could die by the age of 30, and she was 24... Terribly frightened, feeling how life was slipping through her fingers, she was able to do it herself. Today she is rapidly losing weight and quite a pretty girl!

Amber has her own Instagram where she posts photos - @amberrachdi, https://www.instagram.com/amberrachdi/?hl=ru

They lost 3-6 as much weight as I did! Incredible! We will not discuss the reasons why they became so thick. The main thing is that they picked themselves up and pulled themselves out! They did it. We hope they don't go back to their old way of life.

We are not talking about three to five kilograms, but several hundred. What brought them to this state, how and why they decided to change everything, and what difficulties they will have to face on the way to a new life, says new season project, which starts on April 11 at 21:00 on TLC.

Lee Saton, 325 kilograms

“I’m killing myself and my beloved woman,” these are not the words that Lee Satong dreamed of saying at the age of 42, but in reality this is exactly what happened. Every morning begins with his beloved Renee Kieser bringing him a sanitary duck, because Lee cannot quickly get up and walk to the toilet on his own - his weight of 325 kilograms has practically immobilized him. After that, having gathered his strength, getting out of bed on the fifth attempt and armed with walking sticks, he very slowly makes his way to the bathroom. In the shower, he sits on a chair - he is shaking from tension - and waits for Rene to wash him, lifting each multi-pound fold so that no bedsores form. After that, Lee goes back to bed and waits for Renee to put cream on him, because the skin is breaking from the constant friction. Then it’s time for breakfast - it’s prepared by Sister Lee, who specially comes to look after two incapacitated adults. Two, because Renee herself weighs 250 kilograms.

Problems with overweight Lee had since childhood: when he was two years old, his parents divorced, his mother left, and his father soon remarried. The stepmother had three children, Lee and his brother - in total, the new family had 5 children of different ages, who, in theory, were supposed to look after each other. But for Lee, everything was different: at the age of 9, he experienced sexual harassment from his stepbrother, but could not tell anyone about it - it was simply not customary in the family to share his fears, emotions and experiences. Lee's salvation was food: he stole it from the refrigerator and locked himself in his room. This gave him a feeling of calm, security, even happiness, and by the age of 10 he weighed more than 100 kg. When his father came to his senses and hung a chain on the refrigerator, this did not stop Lee: he still managed to find food that was hidden from him, because in big family There are always large supplies of food. At this rate, by the age of 17, he had gained almost 230 kilograms. Lee understood that this was not normal, but he could no longer stop; for the next 10 years, all he did was constantly eat. The alarm bell first rang only when Lee began to lose mobility and the ability to move independently. That's when he realized: it was time to change something. Lee went to a weight loss clinic. There he met Rene.


Rene Kieser, 250 kilograms

Like Lee, Renee has always been overweight for as long as she can remember. She had a difficult childhood: her mother suffered from a mental disorder, screamed at night, hallucinated, and instilled inexplicable horror in her daughter with her behavior. Food became a defense mechanism for a frightened child - Renee was so used to using this form of escape from reality that as a teenager she already weighed about 130 kilograms. When the girl was in school, her mother left the family, but this only worsened the situation: she did not answer her daughter’s letters, called only a few times a year and spoke only with her father, and once even told her husband that she left him only because daughter because I couldn’t live next to her anymore. Renee was crushed by grief: she began to torment herself with endless attempts to understand what was wrong with her, why her mother did not love her, what she had done wrong.

Renee convinced herself that she was bad child: It’s her fault that the family broke up and the parents are unhappy. Renee dropped out of school and got involved in parties and parties, began to eat even more - constantly, around the clock, without even trying to stop. All she remembers from that period of her life is food: by the age of 18, Renee had gained 180 kilograms, and by the time her father fell ill and died, the weight had exceeded 225 kilograms. Renee realized that she simply could not cope with another stroke on her own, so she and her brother Michael went to a weight loss clinic. There she met Lee, he was Michael's roommate.

Lee and Rene: 575 kilograms for two

Rene and Lee very quickly found a common language: they were interested in each other, they spent a lot of time together, talked, discussed their problems and did not notice how their relationship from friendship turned into something more. However, according to the rules of the clinic, any manifestations of emotions and sympathy were prohibited: no kisses (even on the cheek), holding hands, walking, etc. The couple had to choose: either love or professional help. They preferred the first - they couldn’t wait to finally be together for real and it seemed that they could handle everything else themselves, especially now that they were together. Rene and Lee left the clinic without achieving any results, and in the 11 years that they were together, neither of them lost a single kilogram: on the contrary, the weight only increases every day. They are obsessed with each other - and with food. Their whole day is subordinated to meals: main and intermediate. Rene wakes up and waits until she can eat, then more, then more, and then go to bed. So it goes day after day, week after week, year after year. This is how their life goes.

Lee compares food to the best massage you can imagine after a hard day: when it's over, you want more and more. Therefore, as soon as he finishes one portion, he immediately starts the next one, practically without feeling full. Lee moves around the house using a power chair or, very rarely, a walker. Renee is 70 kilograms lighter, so she is still a little more mobile, but, unlike Lee, she cannot breathe on her own, so she constantly keeps an oxygen tank with her. The only entertainment available to the couple besides food is a trip to the store. Of course, for food supplies. Such forays turn into a real test. Difficult and humiliating. Everyone looks at them, turns around, shakes their head disapprovingly, as if saying: “Why are you picking up a whole cart of these harmful things, you can’t even walk anymore.” Outside the house, the couple feels like two trains that suddenly find themselves in the middle of a highway surrounded by cars.

Houston, we have problems.

When Lee and Renee finally realized how tightly they were locked in a prison of their own body from which there was no hope of liberation, they began planning an escape - gastric reduction surgery. Lee dreams of one day officially marrying Renee, but cannot propose to her according to all the rules, because he is not able to get down on his knee. Renee wants to start living for herself at least at the age of 40 - since childhood, she has found time to take care of everyone except herself. They no longer want to be completely dependent on Sister Lee, who looks after them and comes to their rescue whenever they need help, which is almost all the time. The couple goes to Houston to see the famous doctor Nazardan, who has already saved dozens of people. Along the way, Renee and Lee stop several times for fast food. Even on the threshold of a new life, they cannot give up their habits.

Before Renee and Lee undergo gastric bypass surgery, which reduces gastric volume by 90%, Dr. Nazardan puts them on a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet that is low in carbohydrates and high in protein. In addition, they are shown basic activity, at least the simplest exercises. Renee must lose 34 kilograms, Lee - 68. Only after this can we carry out surgical intervention. The couple enthusiastically accepted all the instructions: they chose video games as exercise - ones in which you not only need to press joystick buttons, but also wave your arms to activate motion sensors. At first they were able to play for a few minutes a day, but gradually they got used to it and could devote up to half an hour to studying.

Renee was very afraid not for herself, but for Lee: hot-tempered and emotional, he easily loses his temper when he doesn’t get what he wants. Therefore, Renee was afraid that he would not be enough for a long time, and they definitely could not avoid conflicts. However, in the first month everything went like clockwork: they added to the daily physical activity doing simple exercises with an expander rope, walking around the house, overcoming unbearable pain in every joint. They also made it a rule to have dinner in the kitchen, and not, as before, in bed. Lee got up from the table hungry: the portions were simply microscopic compared to those to which he was accustomed.

Difficult to heal - difficult in battle too

In the fourth month, the couple returned to Dr. Nauzarden: Renee lost 33 kilograms, Lee - 64. However, along with the positive dynamics, health problems emerged: Renee began coughing up blood and complained of chest pain. Doctors diagnosed pneumonia, and Renee had to stay alone in the clinic for several weeks - Lee was forbidden to be around so as not to get infected. This became one of the most difficult tests for them, since over the past 11 years the couple had not been separated at all. Finally, five months later, Lee was allowed to undergo surgery: he underwent gastric bypass, reducing its volume by 90%, that is, from a huge watermelon he turned into tennis ball. Thus, saturation occurs much faster and with less food - a person fills up with literally three or four spoons of the dish.

However, the long-awaited operation did not become a salvation and a panacea: when the first euphoria passed, Lee returned to his previous lifestyle - he began to secretly eat fast food more and more often, and later he stopped hiding from Rene and ate junk food openly. The couple began to experience difficult times: conflicts, quarrels, reproaches, newly gained pounds and endless despair of a vicious circle. It even got to the point that Lee, enraged by another round of reproaches, began to raise his hand against Rene. The girl gave an ultimatum: either Lee copes with her appetite and temperament, or she leaves. Lee realized his mistakes and agreed to undergo psychotherapy.

When Renee fully recovered from pneumonia and reached the required weight, she also underwent surgery. The two of us fight extra pounds It turned out to be simpler: Lee lost weight to 184 kilograms, and Rene - to 127: between them they managed to get rid of almost 260 kilograms! In addition, Renee was finally able to live a full life without an oxygen tank and felt the desire to take care of herself: buy new clothes, do makeup, choose a new hairstyle. If this continues and the couple manages to maintain the pace of progress, they will soon be able to get closer to their dream: for the first time in 11 years life together have sex. In addition, Lee plans to propose to Renee if he can lose enough weight to ask for her hand in marriage, like in the best romantic melodramas, by getting down on one knee. What the future holds for Renee and Lee, as well as many other heroes trapped in their own bodies, watch in the program “I weigh 300 kg” from April 11 on Wednesdays at 9:00 pm on TLC!

It's easy to make excuses for skipping a workout or slacking off on a diet, and if you ignore your health too much, it will end up seriously deteriorating. But that doesn't mean you can't get back into shape after a minor or major slip. I Weigh 300kg is a reality show that focuses on morbid obesity and people's attempts to change their lives. Some of the transformations are so incredible that you may not want to believe your eyes.

Amber Rushdie weighed 300 kg, and now weighs 107 kg

Before losing weight, Christina Philips weighed 320 kg, and after 83 kg

Marla Mtsants was 360 kg, but became 136 kg

Donald Shelton weighed 306 kg, and now weighs 133 kg

Melissa D. Morris was 296 kg and became 80 kg

Chuck Turner weighed 314 kg, and now weighs 196 kg

Nikki Webster weighed 294 kg, and now weighs 107 kg

Laura Perez was 245 kg and became 172 kg

Betty Jo weighed 296 kg before losing weight, and then began to weigh 91 kg

Paula Jones weighed 250 kg and now weighs 122 kg

Before losing weight, Henry weighed 340 kg, and now 113 kg

Diana weighed 272 kg and was able to lose weight to 101 kg

This woman weighed 272 kg and was able to lose weight to 136 kg

McCamey weighed 272 kg, and now weighs 167 kg

Olivia Cruz weighed 263 kg and was able to lose weight to 91 kg

Ashley Dunn-Bratcher weighed 329 kg and was able to lose weight to 213 kg

Brittany Fulfer weighed 274 kg and lost weight to 181 kg

Charity Pierce weighed 362 kg and was able to lose weight to 136

This woman weighed 262 kg and lost weight to 171 kg

Paula weighed 242 kg, and now weighs 169 kg

James weighed 330 kg and lost weight to 159