Why was I angry before because... Is this why I was angry before? Because I didn't have a bike! Quotes from the cartoon "Prostokvashino"

I’ve been racing MTB since I was 16 years old, but sometimes I was really drawn to the trails, and even on my second Avalanche I managed to ride a 300km marathon in my early years. But now I’m old, and I wanted to simplify the task for driving on the highways, and no longer engage in masochism. To buy the red rush I immediately liked, I went to Taganrog. By the way, I like Taganrog, but the pig people left rubbish near the water. I have always wondered why you can’t put garbage in a doorway, or a bag, and throw it into a can. Terrible mentality, they shit where they live, you can’t practically find this in Europe. Already during the day, a new sparkling handsome man stood in my yard

True, now I have some kind of bicycle warehouse
Of course, I couldn’t help but test it right away. I went for a ride around the city. Of course, the riding style, control, and rolling are very different from MTB. Each machine has its own task. The first thing that surprised me was the incredible roll-up, it’s super easy to drive 30 km/h in a straight line, even without rolling out. In principle, this is where the advantages end) The seating position is uncomfortable for a beginner; it’s not clear how to drive in the city. I reached my friend on the western one and was already happy with the progress.

Contacts crankbrothers in my avalanche are simply the pinnacle of technology compared to spd. It is very difficult to get into the road contacts; you can only get them in one position. In general, at first you feel somehow uncomfortable, as if you were given a powerful Porsche that you need to be able to control, instead of focusing on an automatic machine, where everything is clear and easy.

Everyone remembers and loves their favorite cartoons about adventures in Prostokvashino from childhood, and have been raising them for more than one generation. The main characters of the cartoon: Uncle Fyodor (a smart, good boy who loves animals), the cat Matroskin (the smartest cat in the world), the dog Sharik (a hunter and good friend), the postman Pechkin, the little galch (live telegram).

Quotes from this wonderful cartoon have become catchphrases that are widely popular among children and adults.

The animated series includes several episodes:

  • Episode 1 ""
  • Episode 2 « Vacations in Prostokvashino»
  • Episode 3 « Winter in Prostokvashino»

Quotes from the cartoon "Prostokvashino"

You are eating a sandwich wrong, Uncle Fyodor... You hold it with the sausage facing up, but you should put the sausage on your tongue, it will taste better...

Why are we all without milk and without milk, you can die!

This picture is of great benefit - it blocks the hole in the wallpaper!

So what? And the cat will be useful. He can catch mice!

And we don't have mice!

And we'll start it!

Well, if this cat is so important to you, please choose: either him or me!

Well, well, well, well... I choose you. I’ve known you for a long time, but this is the first time I’ve seen this cat!

To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary, and we don’t have money.

It’s better to buy meat at the store, there are more bones there

Hello, take me to live with you!

It must be taken to the clinic immediately for experiments!

Why are you carrying this in your chest?

We went mushroom picking, is that clear to you?

Of course, it’s clear, what’s unclear here... They would have gone with a suitcase!

It's me, postman Pechkin! I brought a note about your boy!

Don't worry, Uncle Fedor! Are there not enough boys like that?

Maybe a lot. But they don’t give bicycles for everyone! Now I will... measure your boy!

My health is not very good: sometimes my paws ache, sometimes my tail falls off...

They go crazy one by one. It's just that everyone gets sick with the flu.

Oh, I didn’t even know that cats could be so smart. I thought they only knew how to scream in trees.

Just think... I can also embroider. And on a typewriter, too...

Sorry! Why was I harmful? Because I didn't have a bike! And now I will immediately begin to become kinder. And I’ll get some kind of animal. To live more fun. You come home, she rejoices at you...

Vacations in Prostokvashino

Wait, citizen, kiss. Let's first sort out the conflict.

What kind of conflict?

And so-and-so! Look what they did to my hat!

Now it’s good to discard vermicelli through it.

Listen, Comrade Pechkin!

And you keep quiet! We need three people like you for a hat!

And I say, drink!

How to wash?

We need to get less dirty!

Well, maybe the boy feels bad without us?

It’s bad for us without him, but he feels good there. He has a cat there that you can grow and grow into. He is behind him - like behind a stone wall.

Yes, if I had such a cat, I might never have married.

Whiskers, paws and tail! Here are my documents!

Give me those candies over there! They are very wonderful.

Ugh! What a stupid thing it has become - I spent half a day running after it to take a picture!

That’s not enough, now you’ll have to run after him for half a day.

Why so?

And to give away the photo.

Don't shoot me with a gun! Maybe I’m just starting to live - I’m moving on to retirement...

Winter in Prostokvashino

Well well...

What's being done...

It's the end of the twentieth century...

And in our house we have one pair of felt boots for two. Well, just like under Tsar Pea!

We have the means. We are not smart enough. So I told this hunter - buy yourself felt boots! What is he?

He went and bought some sneakers - he said they were beautiful.

He did this... without thinking. What is our national village clothing in winter? Felt boots, wadded pants, a sheepskin coat and a hat, lined with fur. Even our students don’t wear sneakers in winter.

This is wrong. If the form is congratulatory, the recipient must first be congratulated.

Well, okay, okay... “Congratulations to you, Sharik, you’re a fool!”

Our apartment reminds me of a TV show. “What-where-when” is called.

Why so?

But you won’t understand what is lying around where, and when it will all end.

Well and what is it? What kind of folk art is this?

Eh! This is the Indian national folk hut - they call it “screw you”...

We made it. We, one might say, found him in a trash heap, washed him, cleared him of all the dirt, and he’s drawing us figs!

He's thinking about hares! Who will think about us? Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Krusenstern?

Let me ask, in order to improve education, who will Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern be?

I don’t know, but that’s the only name of the ship that my grandmother sailed on...

Hello! Guess who I am?
- Admiral. Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern - a man and a ship!
- Well, you’re really...

Your tuning table is strange: in circles.

And this is not their table. It's all overgrown with cobwebs. They have a chart like this on every pot. And even on the stove. Because they weren't talking.

And we have already made peace. We made peace when Uncle Fyodor was pulled out of the snow. Because working together for my benefit - it... unites.

Nowadays, what is the main decoration of the table?


Please pay attention! Please make smart faces! I'm starting a photo hunt for you!

Oh, what joy! On TV, an uncle with a big mustache gave your mother flowers.

I would like this guy with big EARS! I unscrewed my ears...

There are probably no people who do not know about such a wonderful vehicle as a bicycle. But few people understand that it has a number of irreplaceable qualities that are not characteristic of other types of transport, making it a good alternative, and sometimes simply an irreplaceable “comrade” that you cannot exchange for anything.

Why a bicycle? Everything is very simple. Think about how much time you spend in traffic jams getting to work or school. This factor does not depend on whether you have your own car or use public transport, because the roads are the same for everyone. Every morning you leave the house, get into the car, and as soon as you leave the yard or garage, you immediately find yourself in a huge traffic jam, reminiscent of the line for “Moscow” sausage in a Soviet store. I drove half a meter - I stopped, another two meters - I stopped again. A pointless waste of time and fuel. The noise of engines, exhaust fumes, beeps and sad faces of drivers as sleepy as you are - this is what surrounds you every day. If, upon waking up, you felt a charge of energy and a desire to do something, then, having arrived at your destination, you begin to realize that all that energy and positive attitude strangely transformed into fatigue and sadness, since you once again did not arrive on time.

In addition to all of the above, users public transport face even greater inconveniences. During the entire trip, which consists of several transfers from one crowded bus to another, they can also collide directly with each other in moments of an abrupt stop, when a desperate driver tries to “break through.” Naturally, at this second someone will definitely step on the neighbor’s foot. After which, the person whose shoes turned out to be dirty, not understanding who to blame for what happened, starts quietly but surprisingly eloquently blaming everyone, which makes the atmosphere on the bus even warmer. Overall, a very educational picture for eighth grade students. Here you can find literature and an opportunity to visually study Brownian motion solid. If in the first case a person who got to work by car, say, felt tired and sad, then an angry entity, who with difficulty got free from public transport imprisonment, who will not feel like a person for the next hour and a half, will experience something like despair mixed with wild indignation. An excellent cocktail that will give you energy for the whole day.

All these are jokes, of course, although as they say: “There is some truth in every joke.” It's no fun when it comes to the damage that vehicles cause to the environment. The car accounts for 17% of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere. In big cities, the damage caused by cars to the environment is greater than that caused by factories. And according to the World Health Organization, 1.2 million people die every year in road traffic accidents and about 20 million are injured.
The number of cars is growing every day, so the situation is only getting worse!

That's why I suggest you "change" to a bicycle! Firstly, if you plan your route correctly, you are much less likely to be late for work. Judge for yourself: average speed travel on a bicycle is 20 kilometers per hour, and this despite the fact that you can easily bypass those hated traffic jams in which you have to spend a lot of time. You will arrive at work on time, and no one will spoil your mood along the way! You will also save on tolls and gasoline. Secondly, a bicycle is an environmentally friendly transport. Perhaps, if you take the first step and show by your example that we need to take care of what nature gives us, then someone else will be inspired by this idea. Thirdly, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you simply need a bicycle! Physical inactivity is not a good thing, but this is excellent vehicle would help you get rid of low mobility. Therefore, pedal - and be healthy!

But we are not talking about a bicycle, but about an iron.
Do you like ironing? To be honest, I never liked this business, but I did it because I had to.
Although I learned it very early, at the age of five.
I remember we were about to move, my father, as a military man, was given an apartment, my parents slowly moved things in the evenings. One day, when I noticed a pile of laundry that needed ironing, I decided to master this task. Mom was happy!

So! I have never questioned the quality of the iron. There is and there is.
The other day I received a gift...

... a new Philips PerfectCare Xpress steam iron sent to me to test.
Philips, I love you!!!
Well, let's get started! I'm like a monkey and I usually grab my glasses new thing and I immediately start using it.
And today we will do everything the right way. Where are the instructions?
We have an iron with a powerful compact steam generator inside! First, let's check the water hardness level. I start the experiment immediately with the filtered one.

Hooray! Filtered is fine, the water is soft!

Just out of curiosity, I checked ordinary tap water, its level turned out to be of medium hardness (at the same time they checked the filter)))


The very first thing I liked was that there was no need to regulate the heating temperature of the iron or the steam supply. It was a discovery for me that the effect of ironing does not depend on the high temperature of the iron sole, but on the intense supply of steam. Those. I can iron calmly different types fabrics without changing temperature, waiting for the sole to cool down or warm up and without marks on my favorite things, which I have had to deal with several times in my life...
Constant automatic steam supply makes the process even easier. I used to always face the same problem when pressing the steam button too often would cause all my irons to start leaking. Hooray! Today only steam and no water!

Well, an equally important feature! We women manage to do a lot of things at the same time: ironing, and at this moment washing, preparing goodies and at the same time chatting on the phone with our beloved friend. And I'm no exception! This is what we discovered the first time we used it - if the iron is not stirred for several minutes, it automatically turns off.
She clarified in the instructions: “... if it was not moved in a horizontal position for 3 minutes or it stood vertically for 8 minutes.”

In short, I have no time to write here, I went to continue my favorite activity)))