Sayings quotes about hunters. Short phrases and quotes about hunting with meaning. Fishing is a linguistic process that proves the imperfect form of the verb to catch. Leo Frenklach

IN When hunting wolves, it’s not enough just to grin. L.S.Sukhorukov
IN Time spent fishing does not count towards life. L.P.Sabaneev
IN any communication with nature somehow sanctifies a person, even if it is expressed in such a crude form as hunting. N.K. Roerich
G To chase three birds with one stone means to become oblique yourself. G. Alexandrov
D For many, hunting is more important than prey. Konstantin Kushner
E If not for the power of the stomach, not a single bird would have fallen into the hunter’s snare, and the hunter himself would not have set the snare. Muslihaddin Saadi
E If you give someone a fish, you will give him food for one day. If you teach him to fish, you will provide him with food for life. John Kalench
E If you didn't shoot, you definitely missed. Richard Saunders
AND A woman who has never seen her husband fishing has no idea what kind of patient man she married. Edgar Howe
AND Of all living things, fish grow fastest, especially fish that have already been caught. Przekruj
L Personally, I love strawberries with cream, but for some reason fish prefers worms. That's why when I go fishing, I don't think about what I love, but about what the fish love. Dale Kaneghi
M A snake is a creature that can wait three hours straight for a bite and is unable to wait fifteen minutes for his wife to get dressed. Robert Orben
N A real man must not only kill a beast, but also cook it deliciously. Vladimir Borisov
N a real hunter wanders with a gun while he is alive and until there are no more animals on earth. Ernest Hemingway
N Even if you kill a jackal, you cannot hunt a lion. Silovan Ramishvili
ABOUT although... brings us closer to nature, teaches us patience, and sometimes even composure in the face of danger. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
ABOUT He who goes after a deer does not see the mountain. He who is hungry for gold does not see people. Chan sayings
P Usto is never in the forest, and if it seems empty, then it’s his own fault. MM. Prishvin
P ut is more important than achieving the goal. It is not the killed antelope that brings us happiness, but the excitement of the hunt. Ernst Heine
R A fish that sees a hook in every worm will not live long. Zbigniew Cholodiuk
R Fishing is the best excuse for early morning drinking. Jimmy Cannon
R fishing is a linguistic process that proves the imperfect form of the verb CATCH. Lev Frenklach

"You'll grab one of them, and they'll all grab you" is the reason why most predators stop hunting, facing the concave defensive crescent of the baboons.

Of all the animals, let the sovereign be like two: the lion and the fox. A lion is afraid of traps, and a fox is afraid of wolves, therefore, one must be like a fox in order to be able to bypass traps, and a lion in order to scare away wolves.

I feel this when I successfully shoot at every large animal: until I’m killed, it’s okay, I can even be very brave and resourceful, but when the animal lies down, I feel this same thing, a middle ground between fear, pity, and repentance.

Abyssinians with guns on their shoulders walk around with an independent air. They are conquerors; it is indecent for them to work. And now, outside the city, the mountains begin, where herds of baboons nibble on milkweed and birds with huge red noses fly.

The lion is the king of beasts, but he is hardly suitable for a pet. In the same way, love is too strong a feeling to become the basis of a happy marriage.

Could it not be that some higher beings are amused by a skillful turn of thought that has succeeded - albeit unconsciously - in my mind, just as the agility of a gopher or the frightened jump of a deer amuses me?

Searching for a place became my craft, my main occupation. I looked into all the offices in a row and said that I would agree to any job. As it turns out, this way of killing time is no worse than working.

Those who chase great wealth without ever finding time to enjoy it are like hungry people who are always cooking and never sit down to eat.

I am a Russian man, I don’t know half measures. If I do something, I love it and am passionate about it with all my heart, and if something doesn’t go my way, I’d rather die, kill myself in solitary confinement, and I won’t do anything pink with water.

Travel must be serious work, otherwise it, unless you drink all day long, becomes one of the most bitter and at the same time the most stupid activities.

The Circassians hate us. We drove them out of free pastures; their villages were destroyed, entire tribes were destroyed. Hour by hour they further go deeper into the mountains and direct their raids from there.

It is dangerous to joke with a dream: a broken dream can be the misfortune of life; chasing a dream, you can miss life or, out of crazy enthusiasm, sacrifice it.

Our monsters cannot be demonstrated. You cannot say - these are the monsters of my consciousness, because then they immediately turn into pets.

At the Pole, I more than once thanked fate for teaching me a lot. It’s not without reason that they say: knowledge will not lift your shoulders. At one time I tinned dishes, made boots, did laundry, washed floors, skinned a bear, and cooked dinner. Everything was useful.

Hunting is an excellent form of both individual and group recreation and a wonderful means of maintaining healthy mind in your body. Where else can you feel so healthy, full of strength and energy, if not while hunting? You never return to work as rested and full of energy as after a weekend or vacation spent hunting. These phrases and quotes will help you immerse yourself more fully in the world of a hunter.

81 phrases about hunting

  1. A poacher who shoots rabbits can ruin a great hunt. (film “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”)
  2. In love affairs, the hunter becomes the game. (Oscar Trout)
  3. When hunting wolves, it’s not enough to just grin. (L. S. Sukhorukov)
  4. Anyone who hunts should be advised to put themselves in the shoes of the animals they hunt. (Zopa Rinpoche)
  5. Everyone is born, but not everyone is fit to be a hunter. (Oscar Trout)
  6. Any communication with nature somehow sanctifies a person, even if it is expressed in such a crude form as hunting. (N.K. Roerich)
  7. They say that hunting big game is more fun than hunting small game. This means that the larger the game, the stronger the hunting ardor. How should elephant catchers and whalers feel? (Jules Verne)
  8. It is said that even when hunting a rabbit, a lion does not hold back all his strength. (Edward Elric)
  9. To an ardent hunter even a birch stump seems like a hare. (Elena Usacheva)
  10. Even when hunting a rabbit, the lioness will give it her all. (anime "Kill or Die")
  11. Even when hunting elephants, sometimes you have to crush fleas. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)
  12. For many, hunting is more important than prey. (Konstantin Kushner)
  13. Until the lion tells his side, the story of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. (African proverbs and sayings)
  14. If it were not for the power of the stomach, not a single bird would fall into the hunter’s snare, and the hunter himself would not set the snare. (Muslihaddin Saadi)
  15. If you hunt, think like the hunted. On the contrary, if you are the victim. (Ain)
  16. If you feel that the hunt is going too easily, that the trail of the beast itself falls under your feet, then know: the one you have designated as your victim is already looking at the back of your head. (Luis Sepulveda)
  17. If you want to catch game, you better take your time. Be silent and wait, she will probably become curious and stick her nose out. (Lee Harper)
  18. There are several ways to hunt. Some hunt for dowries, others watch for auctions, others capture souls, and others sell their clients, tying them hand and foot. (Honore de Balzac)
  19. Law of hunting. Never follow the noise. Go where it's quiet. (Elena Usacheva)
  20. And essentially, who is a hunter? This is a monster that has defeated another monster, nothing more. (L. D. Troitsky)
  21. Sometimes the hunter himself becomes the prey. (Liang)
  22. Every predatory animal knows how to hunt. And the ability to set traps is an entire art. (Ernest Heine)
  23. When you beat an animal just for the sake of hunting passion and excitement, it is not much different from real murder. (James Oliver Curwood)
  24. When you're hunting, don't make a lot of noise. (Never Alone)
  25. Only the hunter will understand who goes with him more than once - the full path forward and the miserable path back. (Neil Gaiman)
  26. Better a bad day hunting than a good day at work. (Luis Sepulveda)
  27. Favorite recreation is hunting. There is always the opportunity to walk around, take a walk, hide, wait. (Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin)
  28. Humans are the only hunters who kill even when they are not hungry. (Steven Spielberg)
  29. A wise hunter sometimes lets go of his prey, but only when he has enough strength to catch a new one. (game "Vampire")
  30. On a hunt, anything can happen until it comes to it... (Foma Evgrafovich Toporishchev)
  31. When hunting, we endure both wild cold and scorching heat, we despise both sleep and bliss, we strengthen our strength, exercise our body so that it becomes more flexible - in a word, this activity does not harm anyone, and gives pleasure to many. (Miguel de Saavedra)
  32. In hunting, as in life, the main thing is to be able to wait. (Neil Gaiman)
  33. People go hunting not for prey, but for peace of mind. (Oscar Trout)
  34. A real hunter wanders with a gun while he is alive and until there are no more animals on earth. (Ernest Hemingway)
  35. A real hunter in the wild is like a good owner in the yard. (Ernest Heine)
  36. A real hunter must not only get game, but also cook it deliciously. (Elena Usacheva)
  37. Do not forget: the position is always only for the hunter and never for the game. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)
  38. Only those who do not have a gun miss. (Neil Gaiman)
  39. There is no better hunt than hunting a person. Anyone who has learned and loved the hunt for armed men will no longer want to know anything else. (Royce)
  40. Danger only adds to the joy of hunting! (William Thackeray)
  41. When going hunting, always remember that someone might start hunting you. (Alexandra Lisina)
  42. Hunting is a human desire, the ability to hunt is a quality valued in a man. (Elena Usacheva)
  43. Hunting is not a sport. In sports, both participants in the game are aware of their participation. (Paul Rodriguez)
  44. Hunting is a prototype of war: hunting also has its own military tricks, ambushes and traps, so that you can defeat the enemy without risk to yourself. (Miguel Saavedra)
  45. Hunting is killing with passion. (Nikolai Kozlov)
  46. Hunting is exciting not when you kill an animal, but when you leave it alive. (James Oliver Curwood)
  47. Hunting is not much different from a walk in the forest. There are similarities, only the hunt always ends in blood. (George Martin)
  48. Deer hunting would be a wonderful sport if deer had rifles. (William Gilbert)
  49. Hunting is worse than captivity. (Alexandra Lisina)
  50. Hunting brings us closer to nature, teaches us patience, and sometimes even composure in the face of danger. (Ivan Turgenev)
  51. Hunting became a mandatory attribute of power. The ideal way in order to resolve issues and agree on everything while no one sees you. Official escapism. (Alexey Navalny)
  52. Hunting is more exciting than shooting. (film “Die Another Day”)
  53. You can only hunt adult animals. This is the ancient law of the Shuar people. (Luis Sepulveda)
  54. A hunter is a man who defends his love of nature with a weapon in his hands. (Alexandra Lisina)
  55. A hunter is not just a man with a gun; first of all, he is a man with a big soul. (Ernest Heine)
  56. A hunter is a person who defends his love of nature with a weapon in his hands. (Oscar Trout)
  57. A hunter should always be a little hungry, because hunger sharpens the senses like nothing else. (Luis Sepulveda)
  58. The hunter does not ask the prey for permission. (Tsybin)
  59. A hunter will never give up hunting. Never. (John Winchester)
  60. He is not a Greenpeace hunter, but his love for nature is more reliable and stronger because he lives among it and is simply vitally interested in ensuring that animals, birds and fish do not disappear! (Ernest Heine)
  61. The hunter often faces surprises and dangers. At critical moments, he has to use everything that comes to hand, just not to miss the prey. (Rudolf Erich Raspe)
  62. Hunter: A person who demonstrates his love of nature through a telescopic sight. (Baurzhan Toishibekov)
  63. The hunters were the result of human fear. (Hideyuki Kikuchi)
  64. Through this activity, hunters develop bodily strength, keen hearing, keen eyesight and good health. (Xenophon)
  65. First rule big hunt: Don't come close. (Matt Wozniak)
  66. Until the prey runs away, it is not prey. (Gray-man)
  67. It is commonly believed, for some unknown reason, that hunting is somehow connected with the manifestation of the masculine principle in a person. (John Steinbeck)
  68. Of course, the hardest thing about hunting is being the hunter and not the hunted. (James Rodriguez)
  69. A gun can take the body of a bird, but not the bird. (Henry Thoreau)
  70. I myself am not a hunter, getting up at four o’clock in the morning, going into the forest and shooting with a shotgun at some big-eyed roe deer that has not harmed anyone is madness. People are crazy. They really are dangerous, believe me. (John Updike)
  71. The most interesting thing in the process of seduction is not the finale, but the hunt for the victim. (Joanne Harris)
  72. The best hunter is the one who has personal scores with the victim. (Andrey Tamantsev)
  73. Considering yourself a big game hunter and shooting at crows - what rudeness! (Daniel Keys)
  74. So, when he went hunting, he always said: a bad hunter pursues, but a good hunter waits. (Terry Pratchett)
  75. A toast on a hunt should be short, like a command, like a shot, otherwise there will be no time left for rest. (film “Peculiarities of the National Hunt”)
  76. A good hunter cannot be afraid of the forest. (James Clemens)
  77. Man prefers hunting to capture. (Blaise Pascal)
  78. The more difficult the hunt, the sweeter the victory. (Roman Tyshkevich)
  79. The honor of the hunter is that he protects and protects his prey, he hunts nobly and honors the creator of all living things. (Emil Kovacs)
  80. What is hunting if not the desire of one soul to find another soul and completely subjugate it to its power through death? (Dan Simmons)
  81. The energy that boils during the hunt... A dangerous reward that goes hand in hand with death, isn't it? (Shougo Makishima)

Video: funny incidents while hunting

This video will show the funny things from the film “Peculiarities of the National Hunt”: