Breaking out of hunger in 21 days. Prolonged fasting and recovery from it. Good afternoon everyone

The most popular reason for prolonged fasting is the desire to lose weight. Indeed, it is fasting that contributes to a powerful cleansing of the body from harmful substances, as well as its improvement. There are many advantages and benefits of this method, but we must not forget about the right approach, because for unprepared people this can turn out to be an unbearable test and a strong psychological shock. Next, we will look at the types of fasting, features of the process, reviews and results of 21 days of fasting.

Why 21 days?

Long-term fasting is a refusal to eat for a long period of 14 days or more. Fasting for 21 days is practiced for health purposes. During this time, deep cleansing and relief from chronic diseases occurs. Modern medicine officially recognizes fasting as a treatment method. However, before you begin this kind of unloading, you need to consult a doctor, since this is a rather extreme method and not suitable for everyone. 21 days of therapeutic fasting promotes:

  • Normalization digestive system.
  • Stabilization hormonal levels.
  • Getting rid of allergies and inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Getting rid of toxic substances.

In this case, there may also be side effects, which are expressed:

  • Dizzy;
  • weaknesses;
  • drowsiness;
  • temperature changes;
  • hair loss;
  • fainting;
  • joint pain.

Reasons for fasting

In addition to the main reasons for fasting, such as losing weight and regaining health, there are others. Many people resort to fasting for 21 days to cure specific illnesses. For example:

  • cardiovascular;
  • urolithiasis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • rheumatism;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • sore throat;
  • smallpox;
  • sore throat;
  • scrofula;
  • flu;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus and many others.

When trying to get rid of these diseases, you should not resort to self-medication. Here it is necessary full control and accompanying doctor.

What happens during 21 days of fasting:

1. Rest of the gastrointestinal tract. Changes in the body begin from the first 3 days. This may be accompanied by painful sensations, but it is during this period that the gastrointestinal tract is renewed.

2. During fasting, the body copes with neutralization faster colds and various inflammations. Thus, immunity is increased.

3. Studies show that with prolonged fasting, some patients got rid of cancerous tumors. The best way the effect of food refusal affects skeletal system, neuroses, hormonal disorders.

In general, therapeutic fasting for 21 days is used:

  • for health improvement;
  • cleansing;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Long-term fasting has its pros and cons, which everyone who begins this procedure needs to know.

Positive sides:

1. Rejuvenation occurs.

2. Cleaning.

3. Healing.

4. Health improvement.

5. Losing excess weight.

6. There are cases of cessation of infertility.

7. Complete normalization of digestion.

8. Production of healthy cells.

9. Improved mental health.

10. Activation of the body's internal resources.

Negative aspects of the wrong approach:

1. Severe weakness.

2. Loss of consciousness.

4. Low blood pressure.

5. Sleep disturbance.

6. Pale.

7. Hallucinations and impaired perception are observed.

Caution before diet

To avoid harm to the body, before long-term fasting, you must agree on the timing of the diet with your doctor. You should start early and carefully monitor the body’s reaction. 21 days of fasting requires special preparation; before the diet, you should exclude harmful foods, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine.

Also, before fasting, you need to switch to vegetarian food and drink water in the right amount. We must not forget that prolonged fasting also requires moral preparation. Psychological attitude can make this process easier.

What is the main criterion is the belief that the diet is really necessary, for this you should undergo a medical examination. The decision should be agreed with your doctor and follow all medical recommendations.


Fasting for 21 days requires careful preparation so that the body does not receive severe stress during the diet. Basic recommendations state that before long-term fasting you should:

  • Exercise daily.
  • Adjust the menu.
  • Avoid fatty and dairy foods (a raw food diet would be ideal).
  • Drink more natural juices and water.
  • You can take laxatives.

At this stage, the body already achieves a feeling of lightness and a clearer state of consciousness.

Types of fasting

Types of long-term fasting can vary depending on your goals. Each type also has its own implementation system and features:

1. Medicinal or on the water). This type of fasting is characterized by complete refusal of food, and in extreme cases, liquid. It is carried out until the body is cleansed and requires food after cleansing. The duration of fasting depends on a person’s ability to tolerate hunger. This practice entails powerful health-improving changes.

2. Post. Translated, it means “prohibition” and is observed under religious principles with the intention of purifying the body and soul. A person limits himself to certain foods that are considered harmful. Posts vary in duration and conditions.

3. Medical fasting. Includes medical technicians with the addition of massage, physiotherapy, physical exercise, swimming and other procedures. In this case, you are allowed to drink mineral water. A course of such fasting takes place outside the home, under the supervision of a doctor. The technique is selected for the patient’s condition, taking into account his medical history.

4. Diet. It can be considered both from a medical point of view and from a general point of view, with the selection of a specific diet in accordance with the recommendations of doctors or health status. Diets are used for the purpose of losing weight, as well as during the rehabilitation period. The term “fasting” is not entirely appropriate here, but the range of foods that can be consumed is greatly reduced.

Water fasting

This regime can be very stressful for an organism that is not accustomed to such experiments. Nevertheless, the results of water fasting for 21 days are impressive. In just 10 days, as a rule, at least 7 kg are lost, cellulite is eliminated, and the blood and liver are cleansed.

In 21 days of fasting (you can see photos of the results in the article), the problem of excess weight is solved. In this case, the process must take place under strict medical supervision. It is recommended to maintain normal condition with honey and lemon juice, which are added to water when drinking. It's not only best method losing weight, but also a great way to bring the body into good physical condition.

During the first days, as a rule, a painful state sets in, but then the body receives a new surge of strength and desired result.

Correct entry

It is necessary to prepare for fasting for a period of 21 days in advance. Ideally, 2-3 months before the start you should give up bad habits, play sports, take a walk every day. Next, adjust your diet in favor of plant foods, eat more raw vegetables, you can include boiled beets in your diet. Physical activity should be moderate and avoid overexertion.

The first ease appears when the body is ready to adapt to changes. The body will begin to rebuild, such changes may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. This manifests itself in the form of nausea, insomnia, dizziness, strong feelings of hunger, stomach pain, and irritation.

During a hunger strike, the body actively secretes fluid and loses weight. It takes self-discipline to resist the urge to eat. You may need the help of a psychologist.

  • In the morning, do not eat anything, drink a lot of water.
  • Take a laxative.
  • In the first days, spend more time sleeping.
  • Go outside only when you have a surge of energy (a weakened state can be dangerous for walking).


Already on the 5th day the body begins to switch to internal reserves of vital activity. It produces energy thanks to internal reserves. The urge to eat becomes rare. There is a change in sensations. After the 10th day you must be under the supervision of a doctor.

During the fasting period, plaque may form on the tongue, which must be removed by rinsing the mouth. Also during this time, the entire body is cleansed. To avoid causing side effects, you should not make sudden movements. You need to sleep a lot.

There are times when the body cannot stand it. To prevent hunger psychosis or complete weakening, you should carefully break the hunger strike.


Getting out of a long fast correctly and gently is very important point. At this stage, a special menu is selected that must be followed so as not to harm the body. The exit from fasting on day 21 should proceed gradually, with a certain set of products.

On the first day, it is better to start eating grated vegetables and drinking herbal infusions. Portions should be small, you need to eat 100 grams every 2-3 hours.

The volume of products should be increased gradually. On the second day, you can start your meal with a vegetable salad. At lunchtime it would not hurt to take liquid food; vegetable soup would be the best option. In the evening you can eat an apple.

On the third day, the diet can be significantly replenished. For breakfast, porridge or grated vegetables are suitable. Lunch can be supplemented with cereal, then during the day you can make a snack of cottage cheese and nuts, and in the evening drink kefir and have a vegetable dinner.

On the fourth day, food can be seasoned with oil. Fruits and vegetables are recommended for consumption. It is also necessary to drink natural juices, herbal infusions, water with honey. You can add fats for dinner. Portions should be moderate.

On the fifth and last day, the body gets used to its normal diet. In order not to overstrain the gastrointestinal tract, you should not overeat.

Products that will help you gently break out of long-term fasting:

  • Grated cabbage with carrots.
  • Boiled beets.
  • Braised cabbage.
  • Stewed tomatoes.
  • Whole wheat bread.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Carrot juice.
  • Buckwheat.

After fasting, it is dangerous to eat fish, meat, cheese, milk, butter and other heavy foods.

Results of fasting 21 days

Giving up food is a fairly useful procedure that leads to a clear improvement in well-being. The results and reviews of 21 days of fasting undoubtedly prove this. A positive result consists of the following signs:

  • Improved sleep.
  • Clarity of mind.
  • Removal of waste and toxins.
  • Normalization of body functions.
  • Weight loss.
  • Curing diseases.

The results of water fasting for 21 days are the most maximum benefit For human body. This allows you to improve your metabolism and improve your work internal organs in order. However, this experiment is considered quite risky. To test your body's endurance, you should start with a 3-day fast. Then, gradually increasing the time of fasting, you can prepare the body for a long-term refusal to eat.

Methodology the right way out from fasting Author unknown

Approximate scheme for breaking fast for a period of 21 days /according to Nikolaev/

1. Juices (carrot, grape, apple) on the 1st day are consumed diluted in half with water; in the 2nd - undiluted; 4-5th day - fruits and carrots - pureed; on the 6-7th day - cereal porridge - buckwheat, millet, rice, "rolled oats" (it is recommended to chew them thoroughly and for a very long time).

2. The juice should be drunk in small sips; “chew” it, savor it, mixing it with saliva, which is very important.

3. The diet from the 10th to the 30th day can be varied depending on the availability of products, adhering to a vegetable and dairy diet with a maximum content of vitamins and mineral salts.

4. If fresh fruits and vegetables are unavailable, they can be replaced with an appropriate amount of canned or dried ones, but they must be chewed even more thoroughly. It is advisable to increase your walks by fresh air.

5. Instead of kefir, it is permissible to consume any lactic acid products.

6. Ingredients of the vinaigrette per 500 g portion (divided into two equal parts): boiled potatoes - 250 g, raw grated carrots - 100 g, boiled beets - 80 g, raw cabbage - 50 g, vegetable oil - 15 g, onions - 5 g.

You can add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the vinaigrette.

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Gaining great popularity among people trying to keep their bodies in good shape. water fasting. It is useful for the losing weight society, which has problems with overweight and chronic diseases.

The diet for the entire period of fasting includes only water. Everyone sets the time limit individually for themselves, as long as the body can withstand without harm to health. The maximum period of abstinence from food is 21 days; more is contraindicated.

The longest recorded number of days of abstinence from food is 90 days.

21-day fasting is contraindicated for women of childbearing age, expectant mothers, and nursing mothers.

How water fasting works

Fasting involves complete abstinence from any food. Only drink water that is purified, not carbonated, and not from the tap. You can fast from 1 to 21 days, depending on the state of the body and the health of the person. Due to lack of food, the body begins to consume its own reserves on the third day.

This method of refusing food will help the body get rid of many chronic diseases, completely cleanse itself of harmful impurities, and restore youth and health to the body. One “but”, you must strictly follow all the rules of fasting, otherwise it can lead to irreversible consequences.

You can fast several times a year, precisely entering and exiting the hunger strike.

How to prepare for fasting

Before you begin water fasting, you must be examined by your doctor. Taking tests and a medical examination will allow the doctor to make sure that fasting will not harm the body.

If everything is in order, you can set a date for starting water feeding. If a person lives alone, it will be easier for him to cope with this, and if he lives with a family, then you can agree in advance with the household about support and separate meals.

You shouldn’t suddenly give up food; your body needs to be prepared. A few days before the start of fasting, you must give up fatty, fried, baked foods, as well as any pastries and carbonated drinks. Stop drinking coffee and alcohol, as well as smoking. Drink plenty of fluids, preferably water.

The norm for a person is 2 liters per day. The so-called entry into fasting begins with a number of preparatory activities:

1. During the day before fasting, you can eat food, but you should refuse dinner. Before going to bed, do a cleansing enema with 2 liters of cool water. The enema will have to be used periodically throughout the entire period of water nutrition. It is worth remembering that the enema water should not be hot or very warm; ideally, it should be at room temperature.

2. The morning of the first day of fasting should begin with cleansing the intestines with laxatives. You can use herbal infusions of hay. After cleansing, you can no longer eat food.

Periods of fasting on water

The first period lasts the first few days. The body gradually gets used to the lack of food. Unpleasant sensations occur: dizziness, nausea, sleep disturbances, severe weakness, which gradually disappear. Constant thoughts about food do not give rest and periodic pain in the stomach appears.

The body as a whole experiences shock. This is characteristic of the first stage of fasting. A person can lose up to 2 kg of weight per day. Active life and playing sports can only harm the body. During the entire fasting cycle, you should reduce physical activity, especially if weakness only increases.

If the body has coped with the first stage, the second period of fasting begins. This period lasts until the 10th day of fasting. The feeling of hunger is no longer so acute, but thoughts about food do come to mind. The weight comes off, but not so intensely, up to 1 kg per day.

The body begins to consume internal reserves. Fat begins to break down inside the body. According to the majority of water fasters, during this period bad breath, a metallic taste and a gray coating on the tongue appear. This is not scary, but the body’s behavior should be monitored under the supervision of a doctor.

Such symptoms may not occur during repeated fasting. A decrease in blood pressure is often observed. Sudden movements and big exercise stress may lead to increased dizziness. If the pressure does not return to normal, it is better to stop fasting at this stage.

During the second period of fasting, it is advisable to undergo examination by a doctor. Blood and urine tests change their values ​​in better side. By the end of the second period, the person feels much better. The final period lasts from 14 to 21 days, depending on the setting of the fasting period.

The human body is completely rebuilt for its own nutrition. Weight loss is not significant, 0.5 kg per day, but it happens. During this period, relief comes and the painful condition goes away.

Ending the fast

Breaking out of fasting should begin gradually. Don't immediately pounce on food and empty the refrigerator. It is advisable to start introducing liquid food in the form of juices, drinks with pulp, pureed fruits and vegetables, gradually increasing the dose.

Approximate output diagram:

1. First day. In the morning, a glass of juice diluted with water, half an hour later, some fruit, if desired. Breakfast should start with liquid porridge in water or finely mashed carrots. Half an hour before lunch, drink a glass of herbal decoction, for example, mint with honey. Lunch: 100 g of vegetable salad without oil and the same amount of vegetable soup with water. For dinner, you can consume a fermented milk product and eat 1 apple.

2. Second day. You should start like the first, but you can add a teaspoon of butter to the porridge. For lunch you can try 150 g of soup or buckwheat porridge with water. You can also have 1 glass of kefir for dinner and 1 walnut for dessert.

3. Third day. Breakfast is repeated in the same order as the first days with the addition of a few nuts to the diet. For lunch, you can add 100 g of cottage cheese and a crust of rye bread to vegetable soup. For dinner you can repeat 50 g of cottage cheese with cabbage salad and fresh cucumbers, for dessert kefir and a handful of nuts.

Benefits of water fasting

If fasting were not beneficial, there would probably not be so many supporters of this method of cleansing the body of waste, toxins and excess weight. The body, while digesting food, does not have time to remove harmful substances from the external environment. Fasting is aimed at cleansing the body, forgetting about food.

In the process of refusing food, dead cells first disappear in the human body, then damaged and diseased cells, and healthy and functioning cells remain. For the person who needs to lose weight quickly excess weight, water fasting perfect way, if there are no contraindications.

But fasting will be useful not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for people with numerous chronic diseases. Water fasting has an anti-inflammatory effect, controls and normalizes the functioning of the stomach, and puts things in order. immune system, restoration of mental health, enlightenment of thinking and clarity of mind.

The harm of fasting on water.

21 days of fasting is a long and difficult process that not everyone can endure. If improperly prepared, breaking a hunger strike can lead to great harm to health. If you abstain from food for a long time, you should be under the supervision of a doctor.

In some cases, side effects from fasting have been recorded: anemia, decreased immunity, anorexia, bulimia, severe dizziness, constant nausea, frequent fainting, weakness throughout the body.

It is worth knowing that not everyone can use this method of cleansing the body. It is strictly prohibited if the body is severely depleted, for elderly people, with problems with the cardiovascular system, chronic gastritis, gallstone disease. For this reason, it is recommended to visit a doctor and undergo an examination before fasting on water.

First of all, before you start fasting, get examined by a doctor. The doctor will make a conclusion, after conducting a series of tests, whether to allow or prohibit the diet. Drink only purified and non-carbonated water. Drink as much water as possible, about 1 glass of water every hour.

You can drink warm water or at room temperature. Do cleansing enemas once a day before bed, preferably until clean water comes out. It is forbidden to drink alcohol on fasting days.

It is recommended to quit smoking. Smoking constricts blood vessels and has a bad effect on the gastric mucosa. Be sure to take a warm shower, as unwanted substances leave the body through sweat through the skin. It is necessary to rinse your mouth frequently with herbal infusions to remove plaque and unpleasant odor from the mouth.

It is useful to use chamomile, calendula, thyme and mint. It is not recommended to use a toothbrush while fasting, as this can damage tooth enamel. It is better to use clean wipes to wipe your teeth. It is recommended to postpone taking medications during the diet, unless there are specific instructions from the attending physician.

It is best to visit a doctor periodically throughout the fast and undergo examination. Spend more time in the fresh air, visit baths and saunas, and get a massage. It is allowed to do gymnastics or yoga, but not strong physical culture. It is better to reduce the load on the body on fasting days.

Sleep more, at least 8 hours a day. Starving people admit that with this method of cleansing, sleep becomes better and more sound. It is advisable to stop wearing synthetic clothing and use items made from natural fabrics. During fasting, a number of disease symptoms may worsen, body temperature may rise, and dizziness may appear.

At such moments, you can drink a glass hot water adding a teaspoon of honey or lemon juice to it and make a cleansing enema. By observing those who are starving, one can come to the conclusion that their well-being improves, their tone and clarity of mind increase, their mood improves and they feel lightness throughout their body. If a fasting person does not have such sensations, but only a deterioration in his condition, it is recommended to end the hunger strike.

But it is worth remembering that the exit should be gradual, starting with natural juices for several days. In general, it is worth noting and taking note - how many days does the fast last - the same number of days you should leave it. It is necessary to mention one more regularity - the body itself must tell you when it is necessary to stop fasting.

A strong feeling of hunger appears, the coating on the tongue and the absence of feces disappear after a cleansing enema. Strictly observe the way out of fasting on water. You should not resort to eating heavy food and in large quantities - this will lead to the futility of the diet and irreversible consequences, including exacerbation of chronic diseases. If you quickly consume a large amount of food, the weight will return double.

Opinion of the hungry

Those people who use this method of fasting note that not only their health has improved, but also psychological changes have occurred. The body becomes lighter from getting rid of extra pounds. There is no need to be afraid that wrinkles and sagging body will appear, this will not happen.

Today, there are several methods of medical professionals who have tried fasting on themselves and recorded it in their books. Everyone can use these books and find a lot of useful information for themselves.

Such figures are: Paul Bragg, Marv Ohanyan, Yuri Nikolaev, Professor Stoleshnikov and many others, Russian and foreign figures. Clearly, the majority of hungry people leave positive reviews about this method of cleansing the body and return to already experienced sensation more than once a year.

Many Russian and foreign pop and film stars resort to the water fasting method. Maybe that's why they always look young and fit.

I will also tell you my story of fasting. So, the source is 175.63 kg. I am a happy owner of this type of figure, when all the excess weight is distributed evenly along my entire length)) from the top to the heels - two kg is a minus, two kg is a plus - they are not particularly noticeable on me. But, at some point, either after reading books or watching enough glossy magazines, I decided not only to lose weight, but to test my strength. Make fun of yourself - in the good sense of the word. There were personal troubles, I stood at a crossroads in life, and in order to cleanse the spirit, karma, thoughts, and at the same time the flesh, I decided on such an experience)) The fasting period was clearly defined - 21 days, the goal was set - to cleanse everything and everyone. Three days before the start, I reduced my diet and gradually switched to light food, kefir, yogurt, etc., the day before I cleansed myself in a well-known way. So, the first day - the third day: I was hungry, I could hear the aroma of food a kilometer away, but I stubbornly held on. I waited for the fourth day, which seemed to be a turning point and was supposed to fight off the feeling of hunger. Pipes! After the fifth, on the sixth and seventh days there was already a feeling of complete weightlessness, weakness in my muscles, apathy and depression, it was extremely difficult for me to even speak. On the eighth and ninth days, as a bonus, insomnia was added to all the listed symptoms)) I tossed and turned, groaned, counted sheep, including myself in the list, but! The desire to defeat my ego was still stronger... about the tenth day, the equator, the hunger subsided a little, but I still wanted to eat. I went to the store and bought all kinds of chocolate bars, candies, Snickers, bounty and other sweet delights. At home, she carefully put everything in a box of “lusts” and... continued her ordeal. The most interesting thing is that more than anything in the world at that moment I wanted not sweets, marmalade, chocolate, but bread! simple rye bread. And also regular oatmeal, steamed with water. But I persistently walked towards my goal. My head didn’t clear, no - all my thoughts just receded - there was simply nothing to think about)) I continued to go to work, but it was very, very difficult to actually do anything. By the fifteenth-seventeenth day, I had completely gotten rid of normal sleep, my stomach stuck to my spine, the boss said, “Enough! You’re being carried around by the wind!” But I was adamant - in moments of weakness the same sensor was triggered - you can’t throw all your efforts down the drain for so many days. I counted the days and strung them like beads on a thread - another day, another day, another, another, well, another, well, another... and now the longed-for twentieth day - my mother is hysterical when she sees me, and I am in anticipation of something Great))). At night, in short moments of oblivion, I have the same nightmare - I eat!! I wake up in a cold sweat..So, the twenty-first day is the finish! I did it. There is strength, there is will, and there is also willpower. I tried to gradually “come out” of hunger, but even a piece of apple in my dead stomach lay like a stone. Kefir and yoghurt were a salvation. Nevertheless, for the next six months I continued to “start” my stomach)) By the way, during the period of hunger I lost 7 kg. In the next couple of months I was about another half a kg in the red. But in general, there are no yo-yo effects - I have remained at a weight of 57-58 kg for the last two years. I “fed” my hair, teeth and skin with vitamins and fish oil, ate a lot of seafood and red fish, and oatmeal. Honestly, I don’t regret this experiment, but! - young ladies - I do not advise anyone to repeat my experience, because firstly it is dangerous, secondly it is very difficult both morally and physically, and thirdly there is a chance not to stop. And you need to be very strong in spirit and in good health.

Good afternoon everyone!

I finally decided, I will fast for 21 days!

I already have some experience with therapeutic fasting; I have been fasting one day a week for about two years, once I fasted for three days, and this year in January I fasted for four days.

What I have (or rather, I had, the fast was successfully completed) on board))): height 176 cm, weight 107.2 kg, psoriasis and, in addition, hypertension. Blood pressure at the start of fasting is 154/94.

The beginning of the fast was 06/17/2013, I entered the fast as usual, without preparation, on the first day I drank a laxative salt solution in the evening, on the second and subsequent days I did cleansing enemas in the morning and evening. Every day after work I walked in the park for an hour, trying, of course, not to strain myself too much. I felt normal for the first 5 days, experience and my psychological preparation had an effect. I want to stop here separately, the most important thing in my opinion is to prepare mentally for fasting, and everything else is trivial, I began to prepare myself immediately after welcoming the new year 2013 and to be honest, I succeeded in this.

By the evening of the fifth day, after work, for some reason, the pressure rose and the pulse increased (and by the way, the pressure after that remained stably high for about a week, even reached 171/101, the pulse reached 99), although, to be honest, I felt ok, usually during fasting, blood pressure and pulse decrease, but here is something strange, can someone more experienced in this matter tell me what and why this happened? I did exercises in the morning, although not always, sometimes when the pressure was high I gave up on this matter. I also took a shower in the morning and evening and gave myself a massage.

On the evening of the fifth day I went to the dacha, it became harder to breathe in the city, I wrote a statement - and went on a short-term vacation!

By the way, strange things continued to happen, I read a lot of literature on fasting, I also read a lot of reviews and descriptions on the Internet, everyone writes about an acidotic crisis (the smell of acetone from the breath), as well as a terrible body odor, and so, I didn’t have any one or the other. Maybe I just washed myself often?))) My tongue was covered with a white coating, but my breath smelled unpleasant. I realized that the crisis had passed on the ninth day, the weight dropped by only 200 g, before that it fell from 1 to 1.5 kg per day, and in the first three days the weight generally dropped by 6 kg.

By the way, the most pleasant moments were in the mornings, I stood on the scales and watched the excess weight come off, it’s fantastic! Since I started talking about pleasant things, I would like to mention the not so pleasant moments. This is an enema, to put it mildly, I was very tired of doing them, but seeing what was coming out of me, I stubbornly continued to do them, and all these days what came out was solid blackness, all 21 days there was blackness, a nightmare, where everything came from is unclear, but apparently , it was my organs that secreted all this rubbish and I stubbornly washed it out. My body, apparently, is the same joker as me, the whole second week that I was at the dacha, as soon as I did the enema, I lay down on the bed and waited until it cleared up better, and then ran to the toilet (it’s there in the yard, meters 30 to go) I immediately started sneezing))), it happened both in the morning and in the evening, as soon as I rushed to the toilet, I immediately started sneezing))), this is a nightmare, I don’t advise anyone to try it))), but I always managed)))! !!

The week passed quickly, and I went to Moscow again, the third week was more difficult, I went to work, I was mildly weak, sometimes I felt dizzy, but overall I felt fine, my blood pressure dropped, by the way, I spent all this time driving.

And then July 8th came, my tongue still hadn’t cleared up, the psoriasis plaques had turned pale, especially on my hands, the blackness was still coming out of me, I concluded that the fast was not over, I was thinking of holding out for another week, but as soon as I mentioned it to my girlfriend (she just left for a session in another city for 4 weeks) she immediately reminded me of my promise. I promised to fast for three weeks, I had to start going out, although I had the strength to continue.

In the morning I squeezed carrot and cucumber juice, diluted it with water 1/1 and drank it all day, about two liters. On the second and third days, carrot and apple juice, not diluted with water, also two liters a day, I felt normal until Wednesday afternoon. After lunch I felt somehow uneasy, weak, nauseated, dizzy, it felt very lousy, in the evening after work I peeled a cucumber and ate it, a little later I chewed cabbage, barely crawled to the bathroom, washed myself and went to bed at 9 pm. I didn’t sleep very well, I woke up exhausted and feeling just as bad, I could barely force myself to go to work, I ate two cucumbers and four small apples the whole day, I had no appetite, I did everything through force, my whole throat was very sore, my voice disappeared, In general, he could barely move his legs. The evening went the same as the previous one(((. On Friday morning it became a little easier, but still not very good, the whole day was like a carbon copy, I forced myself to eat, ate carrots, cabbage, apples and cucumbers. The evening was like that same carbon copy, there was a feeling that someone increased gravity by 50 percent, could not lift an arm or a leg, cooked soup from cabbage, carrots and onions with force, did not add salt, ate with force, a rare disgusting thing))).

On Saturday morning I went to my parents, I was feeling much better, I ate oatmeal and cooked it with milk diluted with water. I bought some nuts: cashews, walnuts and pine nuts, and began to eat little by little, as well as vegetables, fruits, a little bit of everything, but still no appetite. Mom is shocked, but I never told her that I had been fasting for 21 days, I was afraid for her health))) She thought that I had some kind of special diet. I spent almost the whole day at the dacha, worked actively physically, and in the evening I felt surprisingly normal. On Sunday it was also work, but in the evening I was knocked out, again someone increased the gravity))).

The work week began on Monday, in principle, since Monday my health has improved, everything has returned to normal, today is Wednesday, July 17, 13, I slowly eat everything only vegetable, I cook various porridges: rice, buckwheat, millet, I won’t eat meat for at least two more month, or maybe I won’t do it at all, it’s the second week of release, everything is just wonderful.

Now let's summarize: on this moment my weight is 88.7 kg., -18.5 kg.!!!, my height has not changed))). For the third day now, my blood pressure has been 119/69, pulse 75 (aww, the doctors who told me that I was doomed to take pills for hypertension all my life, where are you?). Psoriasis is slowly receding, for the next 2-3 months I will not eat: potatoes, bell peppers, eggplants and tomatoes, I read that if you have psoriasis it is better not to consume these foods, also alcohol, I want to give it up altogether. I run, jump, my body is light and flexible.

P.S. On next year I will fast again for 21 days, or maybe 28. Accordingly, I will also not give up one-day fasting once a week, I will continue, I will try to keep my total within 90 kg, although this is also a lot, I need to continue to lose weight, everything is still ahead... .

If you have any questions, write, I will be happy to answer (in the comments)