The All-Russian Postal Spartakiad took place in the capital

On July 18, at the Burevestnik stadium in Moscow, a All-Russian stage corporate sports days of Russian Post. Postal workers competed in team sports: mini-football, volleyball and relay running, as well as in individual disciplines: table tennis, 100 and 1000 meters running, kettlebell lifting and multisport (set of GTO exercises).

More than 260 employees of the enterprise took part in the competition - winners of the macro-regional stages of the competition. The organizers of the Spartakiad were the Russian Post and the Trade Union of Communication Workers of Russia.

In table tennis, 100 meters, 1000 meters and multisport, both men's and women's competitions were provided. The winners received the opportunity to have a free holiday at the Pochtovik boarding house (Gelendzhik), and were also awarded medals, diplomas and gifts.

“I really want Russian Post to be not only innovative and customer-oriented, but also sporty. This is very important because sport is a litmus test for a company's team spirit. And we need it very strong on the path of our development. Of course, the Spartakiad should become an annual event,” said Nikolai Podguzov, General Director of Russian Post.

Nikolai Podguzov played in the mini-football and volleyball teams of the enterprise management apparatus (AUP).

“Sport unites. The unified team of Russian Post must work effectively to improve the well-being of postal industry workers. Russian Post lives, works and plays sports. A healthy lifestyle will help improve work results,” said Anatoly Nazeikin, Chairman of the Trade Union of Communication Workers of Russia.

Photo source: TV channel “360”

The mini-football tournament aroused the greatest interest among spectators and participants of the Spartakiad. As things stand this summer football tradition, after a stubborn struggle best team was determined in a penalty shootout. According to the results of the competition, the team from the North Caucasus macroregion took first place. The AUP team won silver, and the Volga-2 macroregion won bronze.

In the relay, the fastest and most well-coordinated team were athletes from the North-West macroregion.

In volleyball, the team from the Ural macro-region won gold, the team from the Management Apparatus won silver, and the team from the North Caucasus macro-region won bronze.

Photo source: TV channel “360”

The fastest at a distance of 100 meters was Evgeniy Nikulin, chief specialist of the department of methodological support of direct marketing of the Russian Post Office, and the fastest was Tatyana Efimova, postman of department No. 192171 of the St. Petersburg Post Office.

Evgeny Nikulin admitted that he managed to win first place with great difficulty: “All the competitors are very worthy. There are a lot of athletic guys working at the Post Office. I hope that such events will be held on a regular basis. Sport is life, I have been involved in sports since childhood, and I am glad that we have such initiatives at the Post Office. I would like to appeal to everyone who was unable to participate, who did not reach the finals, and to those who played today. There are no victories without defeats. Continue to work, toil, to compete, and victories will come.”

Photo source: TV channel “360”

At a distance of 1000 meters, Igor Chebunin, acting deputy general director of Russian Post for logistics, was the first to finish. Among the girls, the fastest one here was Daria Ogloblina, the leading specialist of the group for documentation support and planning of the contract department of the Federal PS of the Stavropol Territory.

In multisport top scores showed Valery Kizin, postman for mail support and exchange of the Tulun Post Office, and Ksenia Gaskova, 1st category HR specialist at the Ulan-Ude Post Office.

In table tennis, first place among men was taken by Dmitry Kurbatov, head of the internal control department of the Federal Post Administration of the Stavropol Territory, and among women - by Angela Valieva, head of the secretariat of the general director of Russian Post.

Photo source: TV channel “360”

Viktor Gusev, head of the repair and construction department of the Ryazan Post Office, won in kettlebell lifting.

According to the results of the postal Spartakiad, the most productive were employees of the North Caucasus macroregion. They won first place in the team competition. The Spartakiad challenge cup is sent to the capital of the macroregion - Stavropol.

“The best athletes of the Russian Post from all over the country came to Moscow, and the competitions were very intense - the Olympics passed in one breath. Many thanks to the management for organizing the event!” - noted the head of the internal control department of the North Caucasus macroregion Dmitry Kurbatov.

All participants unanimously appreciated high level physical training rivals, friendly atmosphere sports festival and excellent organization of the event in general.

Sports character. Appeared in the socialist states of the twentieth century. Nowadays it is held on the territory of post-Soviet countries.

The Spartakiad is designed to promote a healthy lifestyle, popularize sports, and give athletes the opportunity to compete. There are several types of such events.


The Spartakiad is a competition first and foremost. The concept itself appeared in the twenties in Germany. Among left-wing activists, the image of the gladiator Spartacus, who led a slave uprising in Ancient Rome. Competitions were named in his honor. They took place exclusively between representatives of the communist and socialist parties. Then this definition became popular

In the twenties olympic movement has fallen into disrepair. At the 24 games there were no athletes from Germany or its allies in the First World War. In addition, representatives of the RSFSR were not invited. Officially International Olympic Committee justified this by non-recognition of the new regime in Russia. In response to this, the Soviet ministry itself announced a boycott of the Games. In response to this, a sports competition began to be held in the country. This movement developed by analogy with the Olympic one. It was believed that working class competitions should be held separately from bourgeois shows. This idea appealed to the pro-communist sports clubs worldwide.


The Spartakiad is held in a variety of categories. Workers from the same factory, students from the same school, military personnel, and so on can compete in it. Sports disciplines are most often duplicated. However, the Spartakiad is an event that can be organized by everyone. Therefore, the types of disciplines and their number differ. The most common is the classic version. It involves competitions in all types of athletics: running, jumping, shot put, relay race. Team sports are also the most popular.

Representatives of different teams (universities, schools, military units, factories, etc.) participate in the sports competitions.

That's why standings general, not individual. That is, by occupying a certain place in a discipline, an athlete brings points to his team’s treasury. Unlike the Olympics, not only the first three “medals” count. Each place corresponds to a certain number of points. For example, if an athlete came second to last, he still earned points for his team. The team that scores the most points wins.

In schools

The Schoolchildren Spartakiad should first of all develop a love for sports and team spirit in children. Competitions in this format allow for a departure from classical disciplines. Types such as pull-ups, standing jumps, and others may be included.

Often, everyone can take part in such events, not just the best in a given sports discipline.

In accordance with Soviet system education, the goal of the Spartakiad is not to identify the strongest, but to unite the team and youth. Therefore, the result of competitions is often the victory of “friendship”, and not of a specific team. Such competitions can also be held among students of the same school. Besides sports competitions The program also includes entertainment activities.

Among athletes

The Summer Spartakiad in Russia is a serious tournament. It is conducted among students of higher educational institutions. However, the majority of young athletes study at universities (sports or ordinary). Therefore, winning such a tournament is considered a serious achievement.

As part of the Spartakiad, competitions are held in team events sports But the main emphasis is on athletics. Therefore, athletes prepare for the tournament throughout the entire season. The tournament is designed to show intermediate results, since summer time many athletes are at training camps.

The Youth Spartakiad gives an objective idea of ​​the number of athletes and their results. This is also a great chance for fans to attract attention by demonstrating their best results.

Two hundred brave professionals of oil pipeline transport showed a serious struggle for leadership in another, no less important field of activity - in sports.

The summer regional sports competition for employees of Transneft PJSC was held for the fourth time, and twice already representatives of the regional sector of the Volga region have gathered on Samara soil. Athletes from four subsidiaries of the company - joint-stock companies (JSC) Transneft-Privolga, Transneft-Prikamye, Svyaztransneft and Transneft Finance LLC. At stake is the right to defend the honor of the Volga region at the IV Summer Spartakiad of Transneft PJSC in Moscow.

Fair fight

“A very warm welcome, helpful people, wonderful communication,” smiles the athlete from Kazan, employee of Transneft Finance LLC Gulshat Gaifetdinova. - But competitions are competitions: everyone wants to win, and I am no exception.

Gulshat coped with the task: she became the winner of the women's chess tournament. Besides chess panel of judges it was necessary to determine the best of the best in mini-football, table tennis, swimming, athletics, basketball and volleyball. This year, billiards was included in the competition program for the first time, which, of course, could not but please fans of this beautiful sport.

“Sport has become an integral part of the lives of our employees,” says Evgeniy Garashchenko, Deputy General Director for Personnel Management and General Issues of Transneft Volga JSC. - Spartakiads help strengthen friendly ties among Transneft PJSC employees, and the company’s management does everything possible to involve employees in healthy image life. By investing in sports, we invest in personnel. Practice shows that people who are active in sports also perform well in productive activities.

"To Moscow!"

The winners of the Spartakiad will go to Moscow in August this year, where the final competitions will be held. best athletes PJSC Transneft from all over Russia. The winner of the regional sports competition in the team competition - in terms of the number of medals - was the team of Transneft Privolga JSC.

The company's athletes won volleyball and basketball tournaments and several types of athletics competitions. Sergey and Anastasia Igolkin left no chance for their opponents in the doubles tournament table tennis, and Alexander Chipigo became the best among swimmers not for the first time. The triumph was preceded by serious preparation; on the eve of the Spartakiad, sports training camps were organized for the national team.

During this time, we were able to play together, find a common language with teammates from other cities,” says Alexander Voropaev, head of the central warehouse of the Volgograd National Research University of Transneft Volga JSC. - The result is obvious: before we did not rise above third place, but this year we became first, beating our rivals from Transneft-Prikamye JSC.

By the way, Alexander Voropaev once participated in the USSR youth basketball championships. This sport, according to Alexander, is an integral part of his life, as well as his professional activity. There are many such enthusiasts in the team. For example, the operator of the Transneft-Privolga oil pumping station, Alexey Pechnikov, has been skiing since childhood and was a member of the youth team of the Samara region.

Sport for me is a way of life, but I’m not the only one: I had to compete fiercely with my colleagues for the right to participate in the Spartakiad,” admits Pechnikov. “We performed well here, now the main thing is not to lose face in Moscow.”

Technician of Transneft Volga JSC Olga Gorshkova is also going to the capital with a good mood. She conquered the difficult distance of 400 meters.

I athletics adore! I’ve been training since I was 12 years old, I’m in my first adult category, and on the treadmill I forget about everything! - the winner does not hold back her emotions. - How to combine work and sports? Easily! There is always time for our favorite activity, and the management supports us in everything. In 2016 in Moscow I was second - the strongest athletes of the company gather there, and it’s not easy to resist them. But we will try!

Raising healthy children is everyone's job preschool. It is impossible to imagine the life of a child in kindergarten without noisy holidays, entertainment, competitions, interesting games and fun rides. Some develop ingenuity, others - ingenuity, others - imagination and creativity, but they are united by a common goal - nurturing in the child the need for movement and emotional perception of life.

The main heroes of the event were pupils from seven kindergartens in our city: 2,10,12,51,54,60,77.

The atmosphere of the Spartakiad on this day was unusually festive. Shortly before the start of the competition, the teams lined up to warm up, walking in step.

It is noteworthy that the teams prepared for the Spartakiad responsibly: they had uniform attributes, uniforms, each institution had its own name and motto.

Children competed in relay events such as 30-meter run, long-distance bag throw and standing long jump. It was interesting to observe with what excitement and diligence the guys took part in each type of competition. All teams showed agility and speed. But the strongest always wins. Their comrades, young fans, supported the players with positive chants.

The children were able to realize their physical potential, show ingenuity, and demonstrate team play. Of course, the kids’ competition brought smiles of tenderness on the faces of those present, including parents. The athletes themselves tried their best.

The most exciting and solemn moment of the competition, the culmination of the sports festival, was the announcement of the winners.

Based on the results of the competition, the students were recognized as winners Kindergarten No. 54 in the main types of competitions:

Gorelov Maxim - 1st place in throwing sandbags at a distance

Alexey Baranov - 3rd place, standing long jump.

A friendly atmosphere, smiles of participants and fans, support from adults is the key sporting achievements. And I want to believe and hope that such meetings will instill in children feelings of camaraderie, empathy, collectivism, and of course friendship. The guys will meet again on sports grounds.

Good luck!