All horse breeds with photos and names. Description of horse breeds with photographs. Breeds of draft horses

  1. Arabic type (Arabic, English, Karabakh).
  2. Northern forest type (Finnish, Vyatka, Zhmudka).
  3. Mixed type(Oryol trotter, gonter).
  4. Mongolian type (Mongolian, Kyrgyz).

The walking group is represented by the following types of horses:

  1. Large Western working horses (Belgian, Percheron).
  2. Medium and small working horses (Ardennes, Danish).

Arabian racehorses

This is the best representative of its type of horse. Arabian racing horses were exported to all states with powerful horse breeding industries to improve the quality of local breeds. The homeland of these beautiful horses, - Dibia and the western banks of the Nile, from where they spread throughout Western Arabia.

The horse's height is not great - from 1,421 to 1,510 mm. Her wide forehead has a convex shape, her large eyes are very expressive, her small ears are very mobile, and her wide nostrils are quite large.

Some important characteristics of the body structure of the Arabian horse are shown in the table:

Anatomical region


Not swan, but light enough

Muscles are well developed


Well developed, sharply defined

The studs have sharply defined tendons

Long and thin

Solid, cup-shaped

Most often, horses of this breed are bay (up to 35%) and gray (up to 30%). All characteristics are perfectly transmitted to the offspring of Arabian racing horses. beneficial features breeds: strength, endurance, low demands and dry body.

English racing horse of Arabian type

English racing horses are beautiful slender shapes, lean structure, energy and running speed taken from eastern horses, as well as a massive body and tall stature, for which we should thank the local English horses.

The height of animals is from 1,510 to 1,730 mm. The offspring of the English racing horse fully inherits from their parents all their beneficial properties: tall stature, large lung and heart capacity, dense muscles, strong bones, lean build, ability to run energetically and quickly.

Finnish racing horse, northern forest type

These horses are capable of not only galloping quickly, but also being used for various agricultural work. Most often, representatives of the Finnish breed have a red color. Their height ranges from 1,480 to 1,550 mm.

Finnish racing horses are distinguished by a short, thick, well-muscled neck, rounded ribs, muscular and broad back. They have slightly drooping rumps, medium-sized heads, and strong and dry legs.

Vyatka racing horse, northern forest type

Well-knitted Vyatka racehorses are distinguished by their short stature and fast running.

The height at the withers of these horses ranges from 1,460 to 1,550 mm. The suit can be savras or dun. A small head on a muscular neck, a stocky body with a wide chest and a long, thick coat complete the appearance of this powerful horse, which can be used for various jobs where real effort is required. great effort.

Racing Oryol trotter of mixed type

The breed was created by crossing representatives of many other breeds by Orlov, after whom it was actually named. In Russia, the most popular type is the bushy type of Oryol trotter - large, massive animals with a beautiful head, expressive eyes, a high, beautifully curved neck, a wide chest and strong hooves. Their height ranges from 1,550 to 1,740 mm, and their weight is up to 676 kg.

Oryol trotters are distinguished by the beauty of running, enormous strength, agility and endurance during execution. heavy work. At the same time, horses have a very gentle disposition.

Mongolian race horse of Mongolian type

The breed's main breeding base is located in the steppes of Inner Mongolia, where there are excellent pastures. These horses are very numerous, numbering approximately 16,000,000 heads.

The size of representatives of this breed is not large. Their height is no more than 1,220 mm. A typical Mongolian horse has big head, wide forehead, straight neck, large ears, low fleshy withers, broad chest, straight back. The legs of these tough little animals are short, strong, muscular and dry.

Kyrgyz race horse of Mongolian type

The breed is similar to the Mongolian, but has some differences:

  1. Drier scalp.
  2. Higher at the withers.
  3. Moderate neck length, dry and light.
  4. Very hardy.
  5. Not picky about food.

Although the horse's build looks somewhat rough, it is characterized by agility, energy and high running speed. Feed is absorbed very well, so in the absence of serious physical activity, against the background of abundant feeding, can quickly become fat.

Belgian walking horse

Large workhorse. Its height ranges from 1,550 to 1,650 mm, and its average weight is 800 kg. Belgian breed may have different colors:

  1. I'm bay.
  2. Redhead.
  3. Roan.
  4. Voronaya.
  5. Gray.

These horses are distinguished by their precocity - by the age of two they can perform any work that adult representatives of the breed can do.

Externally, the horse looks very impressive, with a short and thick neck, not too muscular long back, forked, slightly drooping croup, dry, strong legs, with characteristic brushes.

Thanks to its great strength, the Belgian horse can carry heavy loads while remaining very agile. Has good immunity to colds, is not picky in terms of food, but uses its potential as fully as possible.

Stepper large Percheron breed

Representatives of this breed are bony, large animals of gray or black color. Their height at the withers ranges from 1,540 to 1,720 mm. Percherons are distinguished by their enormous strength, mobility and good character.

They have noble heads, prominent wide foreheads, soft ears and lively eyes. A thick mane grows on a long curved neck. The withers are pronounced, the chest is wide, the spine is short, and the hips are powerful and dry. The croup is muscular and wide.

One of the largest horses in the history of the Percheron breed was dr. Le Gear. Its mass was 1,370 kg, and at the withers it reached a height of 2,134 mm.

Danish horse

Horses of this breed can be used both for riding and for working with a team. These red animals have a height of 1,550 to 1,650 mm. The head is heavy, the forehead is wide, the eyes are large and the ears are long. The neck has a slight bend, the stomach and legs are quite wide.

Pronounced leg muscles coupled with small hooves and wide joints, provide the animal with grace and elegance.

In the chronicles of Ancient Rus' it was reported that all horses were divided into merciful, bag and driven. These definitions may well be considered the first horse breeds. But we will remember those that are known today.

Gracious, smart, motivated

Princes rode merciful horses; they were sent as expensive gifts for faithful service to their subjects, and only the highest ranks of the princes' squad had the right to own such a horse. Bag horses were used to transport goods - bags, packs, and military campaigns. Driving horses were commercial horses, they were clumsy, and therefore were only suitable to be used exclusively in convoys. The horse in Rus' was incredibly highly valued. Thus, in the 11th century, Prince Yaroslav the Wise published a collection of laws, which ordered the person guilty of killing someone else’s horse to pay 12 hryvnia to the treasury and another 1 hryvnia to the victim. What is the basis of domestic horse breeding today?

Don horse

Large, unpretentious, bursting with health, like the Cossacks themselves, Don horses were born for service. They form cavalry and mounted police regiments. Their ancestor is the steppe horse, which the Don Cossacks improved at the expense of Turkish, Persian, Karabakh, and Turkmen breeds that came to them in the 18th and 19th centuries during the Russian-Turkish wars. Then they were crossed with the Oryol breed, with purebred riding horses and Arabian half-breeds. One of the French generals who took part in the war of 1812 wrote that the horses of the Don Cossacks “are not inferior to them in art and seem to be part of their body.”

Oryol trotter

The creator of this breed is Count Alexey Orlov-Chesmensky. He dreamed of combining the beauty and grace of Arabian horses with the massiveness and power of Danish, Dutch, Norfolk and Mecklenburg horses in one horse. draft breeds. The ancestor of the breed was the Arabian stallion Smetanka, whom the count bought from the Turkish Sultan for 60 thousand rubles. For comparison: in those days, a groom received 3 rubles a year, and the total state income from horse trading was about 5 thousand rubles a year. Oryol trotters have spread widely in Russia. They were used, first of all, as roots in Russian troikas.

Russian riding

The Russian horse can be called the sister of the Oryol trotter. Its creator is also Count Orlov-Chesmensky, and its ancestors are the Arab Smetanka and the Akhal-Teke stallion Sultan. They were crossed with English Thoroughbred and Arabian mares respectively. The count horse breeder sought to create a horse suitable for war and dressage riding. By the end of the 19th century, Russian horses, dark colors, graceful, flexible, were frequent winners not only of Russian, but also international exhibitions. After the revolution and the Second World War, the breed practically disappeared, but was recreated in the 80s and 90s.

Russian trotter

If the Russian horse is the sister of the Oryol trotter, then the Russian trotter is his son. This breed developed at the beginning of the twentieth century on the basis of the Oryol, crossed with the American Trotter and the Dutch Friesian. American trotters, although inferior to Oryol's in beauty and gracefulness, were superior in speed. Therefore, Russian horse breeders began to crossbreed mares of the Oryol breed with fast Americans. Their mixed-breed children began to regularly outpace the Oryol ones, but still turned out to be slower than the American trotters. Over the past twenty years, due to unsystematic crossings of Russian and American trotting breeds, the agility of horses has increased, but their appearance has also changed: the breed has ceased to be purely Russian. Nevertheless, the Russian trotter remains the most common breed in our country.

Russian heavy truck

Despite the fact that he is small in stature: better assistant A peasant cannot find anything better than a Russian heavy truck. Unpretentious, prolific, early ripening and at the same time energetic, it is capable of pulling a load weighing up to twenty and even up to twenty-six tons. It is as efficient as a small tractor, but more economical. Some experts consider the Russian draft horse to be the ideal draft horse.

People domesticated horses many years ago, and during this time many new, beautiful and unusual breeds of these creatures were developed. From the very moment they are born, horses amaze us with their incredible beauty, grace and intelligence. Bringing benefits to their owners, horses quickly made people understand their importance and indispensability, both in the household and as a means of transportation. Their popularity came in the Middle Ages and became less relevant with the development of industry and the advent of the first machines in the nineteenth century. But in addition to the undeniable benefits, horses, especially purebred breeds, have always been pleasing to the eye. A gorgeous mane, a majestic figure and incredible speed glorified their breed, making it in demand today. So, the top 10 most beautiful horse breeds. Enjoy reading!

The oldest breed on Earth. These draft horses are the largest, strongest and heaviest horses. Since the twelfth century, the English government has been concerned about the preservation of these horses, which were called “great”. When Henry VIII was in power, he issued laws that did not allow the breeding of individuals shorter than 1m 54 cm. Work to improve the breed was carried out constantly, even records dating back more than a thousand years have been preserved. Thanks to the mixing of blood and through selection, today the Shires look exactly like this - powerful and beautiful! The height of this heavy truck reaches 185 cm, weight reaches about 1200 kg. He has a large head, a short but strong neck, powerful back, strong pumped up legs with beautiful friezes, strong hooves. The most common breeds are bay, black, and karak. There is a white stripe on the muzzle; friezes are white. Now the shires are the national treasure of Great Britain and are a symbol of England. And their remarkable strength is demonstrated only at holidays and shows.

A very ancient breed with unique qualities, bred by the warlike Rathore clan of Rajputs. Strict selection rules have given the world an amazing horse that can survive in desert areas, is unpretentious in food, can tolerate thirst, heat and cold, and with all these qualities can cover long distances very quickly. Long graceful legs help to move easily on the sand, and even if the horse falls through, it will not touch the hot surface with its belly. They have excellent orientation, remember where their home is, and there are cases when Marwaris helped lost riders. A feature of the Marwar horse is the unusual shape of its ears, curved inward, so that their tips are connected. Maybe that’s why Marwaris have very sensitive hearing, which also helps in dangerous moments. Marwaris, on average, grow up to 163 cm, sometimes 173 cm, they have a thin neck, a large head, and a straight profile. A very beautiful and elegant breed. In the thirties of the twentieth century, the Marwar horse almost disappeared, but the Indian government was seriously involved in preserving this breed, and today the number of livestock has increased significantly. Many Russians dream of having such a beauty, but acquiring it is not so easy.

A well-known sporting breed with a breeding history that dates back many centuries. Initially they were used as war horses, they were massive, very strong horses, they easily carried knights in heavy armor. Later, the need for these qualities of the Hanoverians disappeared, and in the eighteenth century, George II founded a state stud farm, where they began to breed a strong and large horse not only for war, but also for agricultural work. In the next century, the blood of English riding horses appeared in the veins of the Hanoverian horse. Next, the breeders began to purposefully consolidate useful riding qualities, since due to the development of mechanization of agriculture, the demand for them has sharply dropped. Today Hannover is in the top three in eventing, traveling and jumping competitions. Only horses with a balanced temperament are allowed for breeding. That is, “upbringing” among the Hanoverians at the genetic level. Externally, a very beautiful breed, tall (up to 175 cm), with a long graceful neck, large expressive eyes, and a strong muscular body. They are also very loyal and devoted friends.

7. Donchak (Don horse)

One of the oldest Russian breeds, it was bred by the Don Cossacks in the 18th and 19th centuries. The “source material” was the horses of the Cossacks from the Don, which they took from nomadic tribes, and then bred them in a herd, where they found trophy horses of different breeds: Persian, Turkmen, Persian, etc. And later, to improve the breed for Don fillies, only purebred stallions (Arabian, Streltsy breeds) were “attracted”. Donchak dogs have a calm disposition, they get along well with children, they are often used in horse riding training, they have good health, they are hardy (they cover up to 300 km per day), unpretentious and strong. The height of the donchak reaches 165 cm, rib cage wide, straight back, golden-red color, there are markings on the head and legs. Perfect for show jumping amateur sports. Now this handsome man is a real decoration of the Russian cavalry!

This horse is the embodiment of true nobility. After all, they were the faithful companions of knights and warriors from time immemorial. From time immemorial, these noble beauties have always been close to all European thrones. Caesar highly valued these horses. Horses in ancient Greek depictions of military battles and campaigns very much resemble this famous breed. Iberians are brave, balanced and intelligent, very kind and love their owners. They come from the Iberian Peninsula. The average height is 162 cm, there are taller individuals, Long neck, straight or hooked nose, and, most importantly, beautiful almond-shaped eyes. Their mane and tail are very long, strong legs, have excellent balance. The elegant and incredibly flexible Iberian can often be found at all kinds of shows, performances, screenings, and bullfights. Nowadays there are three subtypes. The color depends on the subtype and can be from gray to dark bay. Representatives of this breed took part in the creation of all breeds of riding horses, although now it is not the most famous breed.

They were the most popular in Germany for many centuries. They worked on developing just such a breed for many years, starting around the 13th century. Initially, this peasant horse was appreciated by farmers for its strength, calm disposition, and reliability, and only then was appreciated by the military for its intelligence, abilities and courage. In those days, Holsteins had a lot of different bloods mixed in them: Spanish, German, Asian. Thoroughbred English stallions were actively used in breeding in order to achieve desired result. In the eighteenth century, crossbreeding (with the Yorkshire horse) resulted in improved carriage and disposition of the Holstein. Today this breed is unique sporty look, which, thanks to selection, perform well on Olympic Games and achieve high awards there. They are particularly successful in show jumping and dressage. Externally, it is a large animal, height reaches 172 cm, with a strong back, broad chest, well-developed muscles, light or dark bay, maybe gray or karak. They can rightfully be called the property of the German people, for their qualities and abilities.

4. Friesian horse (Friesian)

This “black pearl” was bred in Friesland (northern province of Friesland, the Netherlands). An amazing beauty was born back in the 16th - 17th centuries, after crossing the Spanish horse and a heavy “cold-blooded” breed. A very unusual, beautiful, graceful and good-natured breed. Individuals of this species are quite tall: at the withers 1 m 50 cm - 1 m 65 cm, only black, large, massive, with high legs, with a long back, big head and long, but strict ears. The hooves are black and large, onto which long, lush brushes fall, framing strong legs. Frieza’s “calling card” has always been and is a long and thick mane and tail.

3. Oryol trotter (Oryol trotter)

The pride and main symbol of domestic horse breeding is the Orlov Trotter. Its uniqueness and value lies in the fact that it is bred only in Russia, as it has a limited gene pool. This horse belongs to the breed of light draft horses and is distinguished by the high agility of a lynx, which is transmitted genetically. The most famous Russian horse breed was bred at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries under the direct leadership of Count A.G. Orlov. and is still an example of competent selection. Orlovtsy are obedient and attached to people, self-possessed, but at the same time quite purposeful, courageous and temperamental. Oryol trotters are among the largest individuals. Their height reaches 170 cm. They have a lean physique, proud posture and gracefulness in movement. Common colors are light gray or dapple gray, bay, black, less often - red and roan color. The most thoroughbred horses have repeatedly become winners or prize-winners at status competitions. Oryol residents are recognized at international horse auctions.

They belong to a beautiful and ancient breed. The first representatives appeared on the Arabian Peninsula in the 4th-7th centuries. This breed is always recognizable for its spectacular exterior - a small head with expressive eyes, a long neck with a graceful curve, a high tail, which the horses raise up during fast run. Their mannerisms and graceful movements always fascinate. Arabians are short in stature - no more than 1.53 cm at the withers, but at the same time they are extremely hardy, therefore they often participate in horse races on long distances, lasting up to six days. They are very smart, have excellent memory and are well versed in the area. They are famous for their loyalty, humility and friendliness. Arabian horses are also famous for their good health and longevity. They usually live up to thirty years, and mares retain reproductive function even in old age. They are found mainly in gray colors of all shades, a little less often - bay, red, and less often black.

The horse breed comes from Turkmenistan and was bred about five thousand years ago. This is not only one of the oldest breeds of horses that have survived to this day, but also quite rare, and, therefore, very expensive. Akhal-Teke people are also famous for their incredible beauty. Due to its slender build and tall height (approximately 160 cm), this breed is called the “supermodel” of horses. Horses of this breed have the finest skin and short hair with a characteristic metallic tint. The colors are very different - from the common - bay, black, red and gray to the rare - nightingale, dun, karak. It is especially worth highlighting the gorgeous Akhal-Teke beauty of Isabella color. In addition to their spectacular appearance, these animals are also distinguished by their working qualities. Their endurance is surprising, they are not picky about the quantity and quality of food, and adapt well to dry climates. Akhal-Teke people have a fiery temperament. They are proud and rarely allow strangers to approach them. They require a subtle approach. They do not accept rudeness and neglect, but if you manage to earn the trust of these handsome men, you will receive a faithful and devoted friend. In addition, these horses are very smart and very obedient to their owners.

Horses are perhaps the most graceful animals among mammals. Today's selection is dedicated to man's best friends. The most beautiful breeds horses. Top 10.

10. Shire (English draft horse)

Horses of this breed are distinguished by their high growth (165-185 cm at the withers, sometimes up to 219). It is considered the tallest horse in the world. Descent from fighting knight's horses, descendants of the horses of the Roman Conquerors and is one of the oldest heavy breeds. The name comes from the English “shire” - county. The Shire Gorse or Cart Gorse breed, descended from local mares and Dutch stallions, is very famous and widespread. Despite his ancient origin, it is not entirely homogeneous in mass. Its type is highly variable - from a horse of extraordinary size and weight, suitable only for riding at a walk, to large and folding ones, suitable for both the plow and the cart. The color is varied; characterized by a bald spot on the head and white stockings, more often on some hind legs. All parts of the body are developed proportionally; A very important element is the wide chest, back and the same sacrum. They eat well and hold their bodies firmly. Some of the breed's shortcomings - dampness, strong friziness and not always sufficient stockiness - will probably soon disappear, since specimens with these defects are valued significantly lower. Crossing Shires with blood mares is very common in England and produces suitable breeding stock. draft horses.

9. Iberian horse

The birthplace of the Iberian breed is the Iberian Peninsula, and since Portugal and Spain are located on the peninsula, their influence on the breed is clearly visible. Accordingly, today there are already two subtypes of the Iberian horse: “Andalusian” (or purebred Spanish) and “Lusitano” (or purebred Portuguese). Thanks to their innate elegance and incredible flexibility, horses are often used in a variety of show performances, harnesses, bullfighting, show jumping (where the stallion Novillero took 12th place in the top twenty show jumping horses in the world in 1983), as well as higher school. Experts believe that the Iberians took part in the formation of all breeds of riding horses, and their direct descendants are: “Appaloosa”, “Kladruber”, “Lipizzan”, “Quarter”, “Peruvian Paso”, “American Saddlebred”, “Paso Fino” , as well as "criollo".

8. Hanoverian horse

All over the world, the Hanoverian breed is recognized by its brand in the form of the Latin letter “H”. This is the most numerous warm-blooded breed in Europe. It was founded in 1735. in Celle “for the glorification of the state” by the Hanoverian prince and later King of England George II (1727-1760). Today, 8,000 mares are brought to the Zell stud farm for mating each year. It is the most popular sporting breed in the world. It can be seen on most international competitions in show jumping and dressage. This is the result of German meticulousness: the Hanoverian breed was carefully created over approximately 300 years - for different but specific purposes. This breed was bred from ugly stock, improved by crossing with suitable thoroughbred Saddlebred, Arabian and Trakehner horses. They have an almost ideal exterior, in which the features of the English thoroughbred are clearly visible. One of the most important features is that the producers' character is tested. Only horses with a balanced temperament are allowed for breeding. Horses of the Hanoverian breed are leaders on the world stage in dressage, and many of them also compete in show jumping and eventing.

7. Holstein horse

The birthplace of Holsteins is considered to be a factory in Traventhalle, founded by the Prussians in 1867, which is no longer in operation. Now Elmshorn has become the main base for breeding the breed. This is one of the oldest breeds of German warmbloods, already several hundred years old. Work on the breed began around the thirteenth century, and in the 17th century the Holstein horse was in great demand in Europe. Then they contained different blood: German, Naples, Spanish and Oriental, which was poured into local mares. Initially, this horse was especially valued by German farmers for its strength, poise, reliability, as well as by the military for its courage and abilities. Later in the 18th century they were crossed with Yorkshire post horses, resulting in distinctive movements, improved posture and good temperament. Holsteins became famous as strong post horses and army riding horses. Holsteins, unfortunately, are not as popular among horse breeders as others warm-blooded breeds, so their breeding area is not so extensive. This may be the reason for the lack of diversity in this breed. Holsteins achieved their greatest fame in dressage and show jumping. However, their historical endurance makes them popular in carriage racing. The most outstanding representative of the breed was the large bay gelding Meteor. Starting at the age of 9, he won medals at three Olympic Games. With the exceptionally talented rider Fritz Tiedemann, Meteor proved to be an outstanding example of the Holstein breed.

6. Budennovskaya horse

Horse breed. Bred in 1948 at the stud farms named after S. M. Budyonny and the First Cavalry Army, Rostov region. Originally bred as a harness horse, for use in the army, but now it is better known as a riding, sporting horse. The most characteristic color for Budennovsky horses is red in various shades, from dark terracotta to the color of river sand. The special beauty and effectiveness of the red color is given by the golden hue, which the Budennovsky horses inherited from the Don horses. Currently, this is a sports breed. Due to its versatility, it can be found in various disciplines. In terms of numbers, the breed ranks third among sport horses. Horses are in great demand among domestic and foreign buyers and athletes; they are successfully sold for export, where they are used for walking and sports.

5. Don horse

A riding draft horse breed, bred in the 18th-19th centuries in the territory of the present Rostov region by the Don Cossacks. Along with the Oryol trotter, one of the most distinctive factory breeds in Russia. The basis for the Don breed was horses of the steppe type, which for a long time were improved by Oriental stallions, and then by thoroughbred riding and some other factory breeds. Eastern (Turkish, Persian, Karabakh, Turkmen) sires came to the Cossacks as war trophies during the Turkish Wars. The Don breed combines large height (160-165 cm at the withers) and elegance. They are distinguished by good health and strength, with a bright oriental breed. The color of modern representatives of the breed is exclusively red and brown in different shades, often with a characteristic golden hue with a darker mane and tail. Don horses are well suited for show jumping, eventing, amateur sports, racing, hobby classes and teaching children horse riding, they can be used not only under saddle, but also in light harness. Very well suited for mounted police and cavalry. In Soviet times, they took part in cart races.

4. Oryol trotter (Oryol trotter)

A famous Russian breed of light draft horses with a hereditary ability to trot quickly. Bred in Russia, at the Khrenovsky stud farm (Voronezh province), under the leadership of its owner Count A.G. Orlov in the second half of the 18th - early 19th centuries, using the method of complex reproductive crossing using Arabian, Danish, Dutch, Mecklenburg and other breeds. In 2006, the breed turned 230 years old. Known for its use in Russian troikas as roots. Oryol horses are always popular at international horse auctions. Oryol trotters are also used under saddle as pleasure and sport horses. Thanks to the ability to beautifully bend their necks and hold their heads, Oryol horses look good in harnesses and are widely used in driving. These are beautifully built, harmonious, quite temperamental and good-natured horses. They have a proud posture, graceful, elegant high movements, a lush mane and tail. Oryol trotters inspired the work of many writers - L.N. Tolstoy, A.I. Kuprin and others. An example of a literary work is the book by Pyotr Shiryaev “Taglioni’s Grandson” about the Oryol trotter Flattery. Oryol trotters are depicted in many works of fine art. Russian artist Nikolai Sverchkov especially often turned to Oryol residents in his work. The following films are also known: “Strong” and “The Trotter”.

3. Arabian horse (Arabian thoroughbred horse)

An ancient breed of riding horses, bred on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula in the 4th-7th centuries AD. A special difference between the Arabian horse and other breeds - in addition to the concave head and large eyes - is the so-called “cock” tail, which the horse raises high with any type of fast gait. The Arabian horse is a long-liver among the breeds of domestic horses. Many of the representatives of this breed live up to 30 years. Mares retain the ability to reproduce until old age and are distinguished by their fertility. The Arabian horse is popular throughout the world and is distinguished by its endurance, especially in races of more than 100 miles. Arabian horses are used primarily in racing and trail riding, as well as recreational riding and recreational equestrian horses. Many horse breeds still continue to be improved by crossing with the Arabian breed. Breeding work today is aimed at preservation and development best qualities Arabian breed, as well as a slight increase in height.

2. Akhal-Teke horse (Ahal-Teke)

A riding horse breed, bred on the territory of modern Turkmenistan (Ahal-Teke) presumably about 5,000 years ago. This is the oldest of the cultivated breeds, which influenced many breeds - the Arabian, thoroughbred riding horse (or English racing horse), etc. It is, along with the thoroughbred riding horse and Arabian, one of the purebred breeds, since it is the standard riding horse and has not been used for 5000 years. had crosses with other breeds. It is well adapted to dry, hot climates and acclimatizes well in other conditions. In appearance, representatives of this breed cannot be confused with other horses. Thanks to their shapes Akhal-Teke horses compared to greyhounds or cheetahs. Long lines predominate throughout the appearance. The Akhal-Teke has become a horse with an extremely fine mental organization. He is smart, proud and not used to showing off his feelings, but is capable of devotion and affection for his master. Many athletes, accustomed to more phlegmatic and trouble-free half-bred horses, consider Akhal-Teke horses to be difficult to work with. Like real desert horses, Akhal-Teke horses easily endure thirst.

1. Friesian horse (Friesian)

A breed of horse developed in Friesland, a province in the north of the Netherlands. Brought out in the 16th and 17th centuries by crossing Spanish horses with the local heavy “cold-blooded” breed of horses, during the period of occupation of the Netherlands by Spain. In the West, these horses are sometimes called “black pearls”, because the Friesian is one of the most beautiful and unusual draft breeds in the world. The Friesian horse breed was twice on the verge of extinction, but was saved by Dutch horse breeders. Friesians are heavy-duty horses. These are hairy horses, i.e. they have friezes hanging from their legs. The grace and harmony of these horses is inspiring. These horses create a sense of splendor and majesty for many who see them for the first time, simply taking their breath away. Even the smallest frieze looks down on the world around it. The frieze is tall, slender and impressive. At the same time, the proud black giants are good-natured, do not spoil the life of their rider with excessive ardor, and are very comfortable to ride. This long mane and tail seemed to only happen in pictures in children's fairy tale books, but here it is in reality.

Breed- a group of animals of common origin, which is characterized by a set of specific characteristics and properties that are inherited. Animals of the same species, but different breeds, can differ strikingly from each other in type, appearance, body size, and performance.

From the history

In the article " History of the origin of horses", we have already mentioned that this species was domesticated around the beginning of the 4th millennium BC. e. Already by the second half of the 3rd millennium BC. e. we can talk about the emergence of new breeds of horses, specially bred by people.

Some of them, due to their qualities, are used in agriculture for various jobs. In some places, certain breeds of horses are bred as production animals for meat and milk. Quite a few horses with the appropriate breed characteristics perform in equestrian sport and show performances.

Breeds are grouped into breed groups based on certain common characteristics. There are several classifications of breed groups. The most used today is the one proposed by Charles Darwin back in 1859. According to it, all horse breeds are divided into aboriginal (natural, local), factory (artificial) and transitional - depending on the degree of human influence on their creation. A unified classification of horse breeds has not yet been fully developed; there are several variations of it.

Aboriginal breeds, in turn, are divided into steppe, mountain and forest - depending on the natural living conditions of the horses. Among the factory and transitional breeds, based on the nature of their performance, riding, trotting, draft, riding and draft horses are distinguished.

Almost every country in the world can boast of its own original breed. It is clear that man-made breeds can exist for a very long time, or they can disappear over time due to a number of circumstances. So, we will no longer see the Rostopchinsky riding horse, Streltsy, Black Sea, Herrenhausen, Senner, Flemish, Norfolk and many others.

Currently, there are more than 250 breeds of horses and ponies in the world, bred for a wide variety of purposes. Of course, it is difficult to even list them all, so we will focus only on a few - the most famous and widespread.

Quarter horses (quarter horses) are the general name of originally cowboy horses, bred taking into account the specifics of the work of shepherds. Among other features, such horses had to be capable of exceptionally high-speed dashes at short distances(1/4 mile) and subsequent sudden stops to control the movement of the herd.

Native horse breeds

These animals are well adapted to the natural conditions of a certain area, are quite versatile, and have a number of average qualities. They are distinguished by their short stature and great endurance, since they were formed in an environment of year-round living in the open air, often with a lack of food, temperature changes, and long journeys, unlike horses kept in stables. As a rule, humans took little part in the development of such breeds.

Among the mountain native breeds can be called Kyrgyz, Altai, Tuvan, Hafling, Karabakh, Hutsul. The forest ones include Vyatka, Yakut, Polesie, Estonian, Pechora, Mezen. Bashkir, Kazakh, Mongolian, Canadian, Argentinean, Transbaikalian, Buryat are considered steppe.

The Mustang is not actually a wild horse, but a feral one. According to one version, colonists brought it to the New World from Europe back in the 16th century.

These breeds were bred by man specifically for certain economic purposes: military operations, transportation of heavy loads, long journeys, agricultural work, etc. Generation after generation, people selected individuals with certain qualities from the offspring of horses, created the necessary conditions for keeping and training them, and carefully cultivated the necessary properties and rejected unsuitable ones. The result was highly specialized breeds that were very well adapted to perform specific tasks. Factory breed horses usually require extensive human care.

Horse breeds steel Akhal-Teke, Arabian, thoroughbred riding, Terek, Ukrainian riding, Yomud, etc. These horses are quite dry, light, with long limbs, energetic, free and very fast movements.

Trotting breeds- Oryol, Russian, American, French, Dutch and other trotters. Their main feature is the ability to move for a long time at a fast, flying trot. By the way, most of them were developed not so long ago, in the 18th–19th centuries.

Harnessed They consider Clevelanders, Frisians, Tories, Belarusian, Finnish, Voronezh sled dogs. These are horses of medium height and massiveness, bred to work in various types of harnesses, transport carriages and agricultural work. Their main gaits are walk and trot.

Horse-drawn horses are slightly heavier in type than riding horses, and sometimes have an elongated body. They can equally successfully carry riding loads and be harnessed to a carriage. These are Budennovskaya, Donskaya, Trakehner, Hanoverian, Kustanai, Kabardian and other breeds.

Heavy trucks- Soviet, Russian, Vladimir, Lithuanian heavyweights, shires, percherons, ardennes, Clydesdales, Brabançons, Suffolks. As the name implies, the main specialization of these massive horses is to transport loads over long distances at a leisurely, steady pace and at a gentle trot.

For example and comparison, consider several native and factory breeds in the table below

Aboriginal horse breeds


Factory horse breeds