Everything you wanted to know about jogging. Jogging is the key to health and longevity Positive effects on the brain

Doctors call jogging the most favorable view running for people who have never exercised.

He helps lose extra pounds, strengthen your cardiovascular system or just keep yourself in shape.

The main advantage of this type of running is that it is better to avoid running on hard surfaces.

How to jog correctly

Optimal running on paths in the forest or in the park, and on special tracks in stadiums. This option is more comfortable for the feet and saturates the body with oxygen. If running in the fresh air is not possible, it is better to exercise on treadmills in gyms.

Photo 1. Jogging in the gym on a treadmill. On the simulator you can change the speed and angle of inclination of the belt.


This sport does not involve excessive stress and often itself is a warm-up before more serious loads. However, do not neglect warm-up exercises before you start running. You can perform the following complex:

This complex will prepare the body for a long, slow run.


Jogging - slow running at speed about 8 km/h. Almost no flight phase, because when one leg leaves the ground, the other immediately descends on it.


While jogging, it is important to ensure proper breathing. If it becomes too frequent, it means that the tempo is too high. Experts recommend take 1 inhale or exhale for four steps. Depending on the runner’s lung capacity, the figure may vary.

Important! During systematic jogging breathing rate decreases to 5-6 steps, which indicates the fitness of the lungs.

At the same time, breathing should be comfortable when jogging. If there is not enough inhalation for 4 steps, you can breathe more often. Gradually the figure will get closer to normal. Inhale through either the nose or mouth, exhale through the mouth only. Breathing occurs through the lower abdomen or diaphragm.

When jogging you can talk calmly without shortness of breath is one of the ways to control breathing and optimal speed.

The essence of jogging according to Buteyko

The essence of the Buteyko method is reducing the depth of a person’s breathing by relaxing the diaphragm. When running, you need to breathe only through your nose. The inhalation is small, the chest and stomach do not move.

Breathing is shallow: the air reaches only the level of the collarbones. Inhalation lasts 2-3 seconds, A exhalation takes 3-4. After exhaling, the runner does pause for 3-4 seconds.

Position of arms and legs

  • Arms bent at elbows at right angles, move forward and backward by inertia.
  • Brachial the belt is relaxed.
  • The foot is lowered to the surface with the heel first, then rolls to the toe to push off.
  • When pushing off the leg is fully straightened at the knee.
  • The legs are carried out not far.

The runner's attention should be focused on the legs, the movements of the arms should not be emphasized. From the front, the hand reaches the middle of the chest or solar plexus, and the abduction ends when the hand remains in the ribs.


Best after running start walking for 10-15 minutes, and then do some stretching to relax the main muscle groups. The longer and more active the run, the longer the cool-down will be. This will reduce the possibility of muscle pain. If case permits, you can hang on the horizontal bar for a few minutes.

Photo 2. Example of a cool-down: 6 simple exercises to stretch the core muscles of the legs.

The main rule for beginners is don't make a sudden start. It is recommended to start your workout with a brisk walk and then start running. The load should increase gradually. If a long distance is difficult, you can and should switch to walking.

Important! Optimal increase in loads - 10-15% every week.

You should be careful when choosing shoes. High-quality running shoes will help you avoid injuries and feel comfortable.

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Time to run

A common question is what time is best to run. This is not significant, you can build on the general daily routine and personal convenience. The training process should be enjoyable.

From jogging in the morning doctors find only benefits. It helps to wake up the body and prepare the body for an active day. However, it is better to start training an hour after waking up when the body has time to wake up.

In evening time During the day, the body prepares for sleep, so you should not go out for a run too late, otherwise running will disrupt the biological clock. Physical activity decreases towards night. If you start running too late, the risk of insomnia increases. So it's better to go for a run three hours before bedtime.

If you wish, you can practice half an hour twice a day- in the morning and in the evening. If the training goes once a day, optimal duration 60 minutes.

How to run in winter

In winter it is especially important to do full warm-up before jogging to avoid injury. It warms up joints, ligaments and muscles, improving blood circulation. When running outdoors Avoid slippery surfaces.

To run for a long time, you need to use a special technique that allows you to use your musculoskeletal system as efficiently as possible. Jogging does just that. Thanks to it, many people have already lost tens of kilograms. It's your turn.

Where does the word "jog" come from?

We often hear different words, but do not go into detail about where this word came from. It's time to solve the issue of illiteracy, and we'll start with the phrase jogging. Trustsa in the Russian etymological dictionary means “quiet lynx”. This term referred to the gait of a horse when running slowly. The horse literally minces and shuffles its hooves on the ground, slightly moving its front legs forward.

Applicable to humans, this is a type of running in which a person almost shuffles his feet on the ground.

This type of running differs from others in the features of its step. This is what we will talk about.

The Americans also came up with their own word - jogging, which means “mincing”.

Features of jogging

Jogging technique is developed automatically if you allow the body to choose the easiest way to run. You will notice that your pelvis will move back, your steps will become very short, and your leg will no longer rise high above the path. Even if you don't know how to run correctly, your body will still choose the right option during a long run.

If you yourself want to understand what the technique of such running is, then listen:

  1. The push-off occurs with the foot, not the heel.
  2. The stride length is slightly less than when walking at an average speed
  3. The pelvis is laid back slightly, the body is tilted forward
  4. The arms are bent at the elbows at a right angle, close to the body. You don't want them to dangle from side to side, rocking your body.
  5. You need to look ahead. It is not allowed to look at your feet, since in this case the dynamics of running will negatively affect the cervical spine.
  6. On the way up, we reduce the length of the step, inhale and exhale deeper.
  7. On the descent we try not to accelerate, but the stride length can be slightly increased.
  8. We try not to raise our legs high. The height should be such that you won't trip. But not more. The same goes for the back - there is no need to overwhelm your legs.
  9. Breathing when jogging is as follows: 4 steps per inhale, 4 steps per exhale. You can do 3 steps, depending on the length of your legs.
  10. The jogging speed is 7–9 km per hour. With very large growth, one can reach 10, even more. And with a small one (less than 150 cm), 5–6 km per hour.
  11. Jogging doesn't push your body to its limits, but it does burn calories.

Running Clothing and Shoes

Let's decide on jogging clothing and weather conditions.

Naturally, clothing will greatly depend on the time of year. In summer, you need sneakers or sneakers with comfortable soles. Jogging in very springy sneakers is difficult, but not impossible. By the way, pay attention to the surface of the path. Rubber or natural trampled earth is best. Running through wild fields is strictly not recommended, as all sorts of surprises can be hidden in the grass in the form of holes, biological waste and other surprises. Asphalt is not the best option. Still, this coating is quite hard and can have a negative impact on the joints during long runs.

You need to dress in a comfortable sports suit. Jogging is a long activity. Prepare to protect yourself from mosquitoes if you run in a park or along a forest path.

During the hot season, it is important not to overheat, since a lot of heat is generated during running - you are moving actively, after all. And in the cold season, it is important not to overheat or freeze. Here everything is more complicated than in the summer. It is important to choose clothes that will breathe and retain heat. Typically, several layers of fabric help achieve this goal. That is, you put a T-shirt on your body, then a trowel, and only then a light jacket. The air cushion between the layers of fabric prevents you from freezing, while at the same time there is a slight ventilation. The best option is sports thermal underwear with all the necessary functions.

We do not recommend running in rain or ice - you may fall. Be careful in cold weather, you may get frostbite. For example, frostbite on the skin on the face or fingers. Since your feet will be in motion, they will not get cold, but do not forget to pay due attention to their thermal comfort.

You definitely cannot run in synthetic clothing that does not allow air to pass through, in rubber shoes or barefoot. Barefoot, you can step on glass and get hurt.

Jogging for weight loss

Many people practice jogging to lose weight. And this is an absolutely justified method.

Indeed, after 20–30 minutes of such running, fat begins to be burned. Those people who cannot take advantage of it due to their health conditions actively jog. After all, such running does not accelerate the heart more than 140 beats per minute. On average, it causes the heart to beat at a speed of about 120 beats per minute. This is the best option for fat-burning cardio.

Jogging for weight loss should be practiced 3-4 times a week. You choose the time of day yourself, but remember that you cannot run at night.

Choose a hilly area for running, so that the route (path) has both descents and ascents. It is advisable to know how far you are running.

A running person must monitor his pulse and breathing. How fast breathing is is understandable, but the pulse needs to be measured. A heart rate monitor on your wrist will help you with this. It is inexpensive and anyone can afford it.

From a distance, the ups and downs will resemble interval training, helping to more effectively load the heart and trigger the metabolism to destroy subcutaneous fat.

We conclude: those losing weight need to run at least three times a week for 40-60 minutes on hilly terrain. We have already discussed how to overcome the climbs and how to behave on the descent.

Jogging for health

Much has already been said and written on the topic of the benefits of running. Let's remember:

  1. Increases blood circulation and trains the cardiovascular system.
  2. Improved well-being and mood.
  3. Musculoskeletal training and much more.

Therefore, jogging can be used for any of these purposes. We didn't include weight loss here because it's already obvious.

As for morning jogging, we can say that jogging is like an invigorating shower. Exercising at the beginning of the day understands the pressure, helps you wake up. A duration of 10–15 minutes is quite suitable for a sleepy body. Before going to bed, jogging will help you put your thoughts in order, calm down after a hard day, get physically tired and get a good night's sleep.

Among other things, jogging helps stabilize blood pressure. Even with flat feet, such running is not scary, like sprinting or interval runs.

Are there any contraindications?

Who shouldn't jog?

You already know how to run correctly, but who can run and who can’t is a question of particular importance.

You should not jog or otherwise run in the following situations:

  1. You had surgery a month ago or less. In special cases, even 2 and 3. This is especially true for abdominal operations, after which a suture remains on the peritoneum. Even after minimally invasive procedures (for example, laparoscopy), running is dangerous. Firstly, the seam may come apart. Secondly, inflammation may begin due to the fact that you sweat. So, wait for the seam to tighten.
  2. If you have flat feet of the 2nd and 3rd degree, you cannot run for a long time without special insoles! This injures the joints of the legs!
  3. At elevated temperatures, such loads should be avoided. Until your body temperature drops to normal, it will be too difficult for your body to cope with increased physical activity.
  4. With sprains, if it hurts to step on your leg, you should not run. Otherwise you can only make things worse. In this case, the phrase “it hurts, so it heals” does not apply!
  5. People with very high blood pressure should not jog. Before jogging, you need to reduce it, otherwise the risk of stroke is high. After all, when running, the pressure increases and the blood vessels may not be able to withstand it.
  6. Overweight people should approach jogging carefully. The problem is this: the weight is heavy, gravity and acceleration work against you. One careless move and you can get sprains or a crack in the bone. Therefore, first, lose a little weight on an exercise bike or through diet, and then you can start running.

Jogging or jogging is also known as an unpresentable-looking “shuffling run.” In this style, Soviet people tried to escape from heart attacks, excess weight and problems. In the USA, since the 70s of the last century, running has either become fashionable or been declared almost the cause of all the troubles of the American nation. The problem is that many people really believed that running is the only cure for heart attack, and by doing it only you can avoid excess weight. Therefore, the reputation of this type of activity has been significantly damaged by those who like to train and not keep to the regime. Running is very demanding on recovery, only then does it help to truly improve health and train the body. As for losing weight, running can be used as cardio exercise and a way to increase your calorie burn, but there is no point in trying to outrun a bad diet.

What speed of running can be called “jogging”? There is no specific data that would allow us to define this run as such. We don’t know the speed, so what kind of running is considered relaxed? Obviously depends on the physical fitness of the runner. Sometimes they say that the distance “run” by jogging can be quite calmly covered on foot, at the same pace.

The difference from walking is that running still has a flight phase, that is, the moment when both feet are off the ground and not touching it. This type of load can be well imagined if you run at a speed of approximately 6-7 minutes per 1 km, for most novice runners.

Jogging is synonymous with jogging, sometimes also called slow running. Actually, speed is subjective. More modern sources on running believe that jogging is running at the lower limit of the aerobic zone, not yet fast, but no longer just fast walking.

Jogging requires the skill of planting the foot and keeping the body in a straight, somewhat relaxed, but neutral position:

  • The spine is straight, a slight tilt of the body forward is ensured by flexion at the hip joint;
  • The press is tightened;
  • You need to start, pushing off with the front part of the arch of your foot, and land on it;
  • Running on a full foot is allowed, but it is better to land on the front of the arch of the foot;
  • The arms move freely along the sides, they are bent at the elbows;
  • The step length is chosen to be average, not too long and not too short;

It is advisable that when lifting off the ground, the leg is fully extended at the knee. Jumping high and pushing hard off the ground is not recommended in this style of running.

Muscles that work when jogging:

  • Soleus, biceps and quadriceps femoris, gluteus – the whole massif;
  • Arm and core muscles as stabilizers;
  • Abs as a stabilizer

You won’t be able to “pump up” your muscles by jogging; you will only tighten them, strengthen them, improve their tone, but you won’t get huge calves, big hips and buttocks.

Does running strengthen your heart muscle? The latest research proves that running helps get rid of health problems, but it does not lead to “pumping” of the heart muscle and thickening its walls.

Jogging is a healthy activity that allows you to:

  • Reduce high blood pressure;
  • Improve the blood supply of all muscles, ligaments, organs and tissues;
  • Reduce stress levels;
  • Relieve depression;
  • Help in losing excess weight;
  • Strengthen muscles and ligaments;
  • Improve posture;
  • Serve as a prevention of flat feet;
  • Relieve symptoms of intellectual fatigue;
  • Improve cognitive function;
  • Accelerate recovery after strength training;
  • Improve oxygen supply to tissues and organs;
  • Normalize the psycho-emotional state

They say running is cheap, attractive and helps improve your health. Arthur Lydiard introduced it into American usage; he was the first to write a book about how to run correctly for the average person, and created the first running clubs. But the main popularizer was Jim Fix. The problem with Jim was that he liked to drink, was overweight, and smoked long before he started running. When Jim died at the age of 52 from a disease associated with heart failure, ordinary people and doctors took up arms against the race.

At this time, Kenneth Cooper's aerobics won hearts and minds; it was simpler from the point of view of the social component, it was done in groups, and former running fans loved it. But jogging again won a place in the hearts of ordinary citizens when it was discovered that the functioning of the mind improves if you run about 5 km every day. Nowadays, jogging is quite a fashionable hobby among businessmen, IT specialists, and other successful people. The reason is precisely the improvement in cognitive function.

Arthur Lydiard himself lived a long life, and did not give up training until old age. The Russian popularizer of running, Academician Amosov, was also a long-liver. Well, everyone says about poor Jim that he realized it too late.

Many people have heard of the “runner’s high,” a special state of euphoria that comes while running. Many people run just because of it, and not because of the health benefits, and not for the sake of strengthening muscles. The runner's high is a scientifically proven fact; it is the nervous system's response to the surge of endorphins from physical activity.

It has been proven that people who regularly run do not experience headaches, do not suffer from minor muscle pain, and do not experience problems with seasonal depression, which seems to “cover” people when the lack of sunlight becomes apparent.

Many scientists associate the runner's high not only with an increase in the production of endorphins, but also with the fact that being in the fresh air, a person involuntarily “heals” his endocrine system. He runs and gets great emotions, but under the sun's rays vitamin D is produced. It is this that helps improve the functioning of the hormonal system, helps normalize mood, and allows you to get rid of prolonged depression.

By the way, this is precisely what is associated with the fact that running can help patients with depressive and subdepressive conditions cope with their problems.

The right choice of place will make your jogging safe:

  • No need to run along highways, highways and railway tracks. So you run the risk of being hit by a vehicle and getting poisoned due to an unfavorable environment;
  • Asphalt is a poor surface for a beginner; soft forest soil or a running track surface would be better suited;
  • In slippery times, use shoes with tread; in winter, use special sneakers for winter running;
  • There is no need to run on steep slopes or difficult trail routes if you are new to jogging and just learning to jog.

Following these rules will help you get the most out of your jogging:

  • Warm up in a warm place during the cold season, perform rotation in all working joints, several squats, lunges, push-ups. In warm weather, warm-up can be done in the fresh air;
  • Before the start - a small light stretch of the calf, thigh muscles, and oblique abdominal muscles, several deep bends forward to slightly stretch the back;
  • Start jogging at a very slow pace; beginners start with fast walking;
  • The entire workout takes no more than half an hour at first;
  • After warming up for 10 minutes, the pace is increased to the lower threshold of the aerobic zone, for people 20-35 years old this is no more than 140 heart rate beats per minute;
  • A jog takes about 20 minutes, then a cool-down, moving at an average pace, switching to a walk and stretching the main muscle groups;
  • Contrary to popular belief, jogging every day is too much. For a beginner, it is enough to do light jogging 3-4 times a week;
  • Jogging can be complemented by any gymnastics with your own body weight, amateur exercises in the gym, or yoga;
  • If a person runs about 30 km a week, he needs a separate stretching lesson.

How to minimize shock load:

  • Never run in shoes that are not designed for running. “Natural running” performed by a beginner amateur means increased load on the spine and joints; it is better to train in specialized running shoes;
  • Master the movement from the front of the arch to the heel,
  • Don't push off the ground too quickly, move smoothly
  • Contrary to popular belief, knee pads, ankle braces and other types of braces do not protect against impact loads;
  • The athlete must choose sneakers that match the type of sole to the shape of the foot, and must have a gel or other elastic fixation

Running clothes are selected according to the season. In winter, this includes thermal underwear, winter running tights, a fleece jacket, and a weather-appropriate outer layer. In temperatures down to minus 10, they run in ordinary softshell jackets, without down; they wear a down jacket when the temperature is lower. It is important to cover your ankles by wearing warm gaiters, and be sure to wear a hat, gloves, and a neck buff.

In autumn, the uniform is lightened; at above-zero temperatures, they do without thermal underwear, paying attention to shoes (they should not get wet, wet feet cannot be felt while running, but this is precisely the cause of colds) and a raincoat, if necessary.

The warmer it is in spring and summer, the less clothing you wear. Some runners are comfortable with cropped tights, others with shorts, it depends on the structure of the thigh muscles, not on the style. Women must wear sports bras to protect their breasts from stretching and chafing, but otherwise there are no requirements for underwear.

The golden rule of an amateur runner is that it is better to spend money once on a set of normal running clothes than to spend the entire season treating colds, abrasions and calluses, or struggling with wet jackets and sneakers.

Running shoes need to be changed regularly. Most manufacturers recommend doing this after a couple of active running seasons.

  • A person has a cold, the cold has not been cured, or it is just beginning;
  • Chronic diseases have worsened;
  • There are musculoskeletal injuries, sprains, and bruises;
  • Diagnosed with heart and vascular diseases;
  • Malaise does not allow active movement

In the latter case, the training should be postponed. In all other cases, consultation with a doctor is required. There is no consensus regarding pregnant women. Western obstetricians and gynecologists allow their patients to jog if there are no health-threatening conditions. Domestic people advise to switch to walking.

Serious running requires normal nutrition. That is, a person must initially make a choice: if he runs to lose weight, he should forget about speed and limit himself to jogging several times a week and short distances. If the goal is to increase speed and run longer distances, following a calorie deficit diet is not rational. Then they eat according to need, providing a sufficient level of energy with the help of carbohydrates. Run regularly to reap the benefits of this activity.

Research by Danish scientists claims that jogging prolongs a person's life. But several conditions must be met. Jogging should be regular and movement should be moderate. Active running creates additional stress on the heart, and this is of no use.

Even jogging for an hour, with weekly regularity, gives amazing results. This statement has been confirmed in practice by the Danes. Observations were carried out on 2 thousand people who regularly engage in this type of running.

Jogging: benefit or harm

The results of long-term observations of running one hour a week showed:

  • a man's life expectancy increases by more than 6 years;
  • a woman's life - for more than 5 years.

But cyclists, on the contrary, in order to increase their life expectancy, need to pedal very actively, to the limit of their physical capabilities.

Jogging, what does it mean?

Jogging (jogging) - slow, easy running, average speed about 6-9 km/h. People call it shuffling running. It is considered a popular sport for people who have never done running.

This style does not require special training. If to practice sprinting you first need to study the technique of movements, the effect of speed and distance on the body, conduct preliminary preparation... Then jogging does not require special skills and abilities.

Running is recreational, it is an amateur activity and has nothing to do with sports. Its main task is to strengthen the vascular and cardiac systems. There are no rules either. Each person runs in a manner that is comfortable for him. But there are still recommendations and they should be taken into account.

Benefits of jogging for men and women

Jogging is equally beneficial for male and female bodies. It actively engages the external muscles. Their work closely interacts with internal organs and the nervous system (central, autonomic).

As a result, classes lead to:

  • weight loss;
  • increasing the body's endurance;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • activation of blood circulation;
  • strengthening the heart muscle and increasing heart volume;
  • strengthening the walls of small and large vessels;
  • increased muscle mass;
  • strengthening metabolic processes in the cells of the body;
  • strengthening immune forces, hardening the body;
  • saturation of cells and tissues with oxygen;
  • relief of the condition during hormonal changes (menopause);
  • strengthening the endocrine system;
  • increasing life expectancy.

It is a preventive measure for diabetes mellitus. Activation of the metabolic process helps remove waste, toxins, harmful substances, i.e. the cleansing process improves.

Fresh air and movement strengthen the nervous system, improve emotional mood, improve sleep and performance. Helps quickly cope with depression.

Regular exercises help normalize blood pressure and improve the condition of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Thus, shuffling running literally uses the entire body. Positive dynamics are observed not only in muscle tissue, the functional state and psyche are affected.

Benefits for weight loss

Shuffling running is considered a good help if you want to lose extra pounds. Provided that the nutrition is adjusted, and jogging training is carried out in compliance with the duration of classes and regularity.

How much to run: To get results, you will have to run 3 times a week for 45-50 minutes. But no more than an hour and a half. Prolonged exercise leads to fatigue and wear and tear.

Jogging not only helps fight cellulite and excess weight, it helps tighten the skin and gives tone and mass to the muscles.

How many calories does running burn?

  • Jogging consumes up to 400-500 kcal. for an hour of running.
  • When running in place, up to 400-500 kcal/hour is burned.
  • When walking - up to 200-250 kcal.
  • When running uphill - up to 600-700 kcal per hour of running.

Average numbers are given. Burning calories occurs differently for everyone. It depends on the duration of the classes, the pace of movements, and the correctness of the training.

Harm of jogging and contraindications

  • congenital heart defect,
  • spinal injury,
  • varicose veins,
  • progressive myopia,
  • glaucoma,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • chronic kidney diseases,
  • after a stroke or heart attack.

During classes, you must follow the running technique. Too frequent jogging leads to loss of elasticity of the cartilage tissue in the knees. Pain appears in the knee joint and feet. Knee and ankle injuries may occur. You can eliminate these manifestations by following the rules:

How to start running correctly

Think about your health

Before any physical activity, it is important to remember about your health. Existing chronic problems in the body can not only reduce all efforts to zero, but also add trouble.

Therefore, if you have chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor. Isn't it harmful?

If you know that you are healthy, then during exercise you need to monitor two indicators: blood pressure and pulse. Measure your heart rate before and after running, morning and evening. The pulse should only increase while running.

Blood pressure should be measured at least once a day. Normally there should be a difference of about 40 units between the upper and lower pressure.

Before running you need to warm up your muscles

Despite the fact that shuffling running is a warm-up in itself. Still, you should perform several muscle warming exercises. For example, 5 simple exercises:

  1. Arm rotations (circular). 4 times forward and backward. Perform these approaches 7-8 times.
  2. Throwing your left hand forward and your right hand back (repeat 8 times). Then change hands.
  3. Run in place, raising your knees as high as possible (15-20 seconds).
  4. Running in place with the shin pulled up to the buttocks (15-20 sec.)
  5. Running with straight legs stretched forward (10-15 sec).

Exercises help you get into the running rhythm faster. The second exercise activates the work of nerve cells.

Running technique

The jogging technique is easy, somewhat reminiscent of stomping in one place. Short stride length up to 60-80 cm, low speed up to 6-9 km/h. If the speed changes, the step length increases accordingly.

Shoulders should be straightened, the body should be in a vertical position. The foot must be placed on the ground either with the entire foot or by rolling it from heel to toe. Everyone finds a more convenient option for themselves.

Watch your shoulder line as you run. It should be straight. You should not follow the movement of your arm with your shoulder forward. This will put stress on the spine (lumbar) and may cause pain after exercise.

Elbows should be pressed to the body, arms bent at the elbows, hands in a fist. The muscles of the shoulder girdle are relaxed. When running, arms with bent elbows move intensively forward.

It’s better to start studying alone. This makes it more convenient to choose the required pace of movement for yourself, listening only to your body. If after exercising your body feels lethargic and drowsy throughout the day, this is a sign that the body has been given too much stress.

Jogging is not work. It should bring joy, a surge of strength and energy. In the absence of a surge of strength, the pace should be reduced.

Monitor your pulse and breathing

Heart rate and respiration readings can indicate the body's response to stress. If these indicators change sharply, then the pace of training can be reduced slightly. The pulse should first increase.

If the load is moderate, it will soon decrease slightly. This is a normal reaction of the body. What should your pulse be? When jogging for health purposes, your heart rate should be in the range of 120-140 beats per minute.

The breathing rate changes along with the pulse. The normal breathing rate is considered to be one inhalation and exhalation for 4 steps. In trained people, the breathing rate decreases - one inhalation and exhalation follows 6 steps.

Choose comfortable shoes

Properly selected shoes will allow you to get the maximum effect from your run. It is most convenient to have sneakers on your feet; they must have shock-absorbing soles.

It creates a springy effect, promotes traction on the ground, and protects joints from damage from the impact force during landing.

When choosing sneakers, pay attention to the weight of the shoes; it should not exceed 0.5 kg. It is much better if the sole is made of helium material.

You can run only after a light snack. Running on a full or hungry stomach is not allowed. Food should be rich in essential minerals and vitamins. Take water with you, drink before running, while jogging and after. Just a few sips.

It is more beneficial to run in a park area. The air there is cleaner, it is saturated with phytoncides and oxygen. Squares, quiet streets without traffic, and stadiums are suitable for jogging.

Try to avoid routes with steep slopes and descents; it is more convenient when the trajectory is in a horizontal plane. Then it will be easier to control your pulse, breathing and blood pressure.

It is better to start with a minimum time (10 - 15 minutes), changing running to walking. Increase the load gradually.

The video shows the correct jogging technique:

I wish you health and longevity, dear readers!

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Jogging, or jogging, is one of the most healthy and popular sports. It is often used to eliminate extra pounds, as well as for general health improvement of the body. Jogging is a slow run, the speed of which is 7-9 km/h. Almost anyone can do it, since it does not subject the body to such intense stress as sprinting. But to get the best results from this sport, you need to know how to run correctly.

Benefits of jogging

This running method helps eliminate a lot of ailments and other health problems, improve muscle tone, strengthen joints and the skeletal system, and improve blood circulation. Jogging has a powerful effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, trains the heart, makes the skin firmer and the muscles more elastic.

During training, more oxygen begins to flow into the lungs, which nourishes all organs and tissues, helps remove toxins and speeds up metabolism. When jogging, almost all the muscles of the body are involved in the work. If you do it regularly, your body will become fit and slim.

Slow running is a great way to combat hated fat deposits. Long-term training helps remove harmful toxins and metabolic products from the body, and along with them fat masses. Jogging for weight loss is included in almost all complexes of the fight against excess weight. Jogging has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, it strengthens the nerves, normalizes sleep, improves the functioning of brain cells and is a good means of preventing stress.

How to run

You need to jog taking into account certain rules that will help moderate the load on your joints and prevent possible injuries. The success of training depends on many factors - from the right shoes to the location of the training.


Before you start jogging, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo examinations. Even such a harmless sport as jogging has its contraindications, so not everyone is allowed to practice it.

If no dangerous health problems have been identified, and the doctor has given permission, you should take proper care in choosing clothes and shoes. Clothing must be selected depending on the weather conditions: in the hot months it should be light and not very tight. On sunny days, it is recommended to run in a hat that provides eye protection from the sun.

An extremely important point is the choice of suitable shoes. When the foot hits the ground, it is subjected to a strong shock load, sending a pain impulse into the knees and spine. Therefore, you need to choose high-quality sports sneakers that will be equipped with a textured sole and shock-absorbing inserts that soften the impact.


Slow running, like sprinting, must begin with a thorough warm-up. The exercises don't have to last long, but all parts of the body need to be stretched. If the warm-up was done correctly, the muscles will be warmed up and prepared for the upcoming loads, which will help protect yourself from possible injuries during the race.

Before starting each run, you should perform simple flexibility exercises and warm up muscle tissue - body turns, bending from side to side, squats. The duration of the warm-up should be about 6 minutes, during which you need to thoroughly prepare your muscles and ligaments for running, as well as fill them with energy.

If training takes place in the morning, additional attention should be paid to the spine and joints, since they are in a “numb” state after a night’s sleep. To get them into working shape, it will be enough to perform several rotational movements with the body, legs and arms.

Body position

In any sport, the position of the torso, head and limbs is of great importance. Jogging is necessary with the correct position of the shoulders, head, hips and torso:

  • Head. When running, you don’t need to lower your head, you need to look straight ahead. To avoid accidentally tripping, you can sometimes glance at the ground. If the race is long, it is not recommended to turn your head frequently, as this can lead to disorientation, severe overload of the body, and even loss of consciousness.
  • Shoulders. You need to keep them level, in a relaxed state. This shoulder position will help you conserve energy throughout the long run. You cannot run with your shoulders pressed to your body - this will lead to overexertion and rapid fatigue.
  • Torso. The body must be pulled up as much as possible, kept straight and perpendicular to the ground. This will help reduce unnecessary stress on the internal organs, as well as clear the airways.
  • Hips. If the torso and head are kept in the correct position, the hips themselves will be held in the desired position. They cannot be tilted forward - this will lead to increased stress, discomfort and back pain.

If the body position during jogging has been chosen correctly, the workout will be easy, enjoyable, and the body will not ache or be painful after exercise.

Running technique

During jogging, arms and legs should act harmoniously, in a single complex. Your elbows should be bent at an angle of 90°, but you should keep them relaxed. You should move your hands in one line - forward and backward. You cannot swing your arms around, because this will lead to rotation of the body, which wastes precious energy.

The position and action of the legs are affected by the speed and distance of the race. If it is small, your knees need to be raised high enough. This step allows you to develop high endurance and speed. If you're running a long marathon, you'll need to use your ankles more than your knees. In any case, you need to run without feeling tension in your legs. Overloading yourself when running, especially for beginner athletes, is highly discouraged, since excessive stress can lead to cramps.

Jogging, despite its higher speed, has much in common with race walking. You need to run with your arms bent at the elbows, and their movements should be intense and swinging.

The ankle should be completely relaxed the moment it touches the ground. The swing leg should bend strongly at the knee and slowly straighten as it lowers to the surface. When lowering the foot, the heel should first touch the ground, and then the entire plane of the foot. This technique is perfect for beginners of this sport. Professional athletes can run with their entire foot touching the ground, but this technique requires some training and experience.

Breathing and pulse

Speed ​​and correct body position are not all that a beginning runner needs to take care of. It is also important to monitor your pulse and breathing. When jogging, it is recommended to inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose. The breathing rate depends on how developed the lungs are. Typically, inhale and exhale every 2-4 steps. To avoid shortness of breath, breathing should be deep. Correctly chosen breathing is determined by an easy test: if you can run and talk calmly at the same time, it means the load has been distributed as needed.

The pulse should be kept around 120 beats per minute. To monitor your heart rate, it is recommended to get a simple heart rate monitor. If your heart rate exceeds this value, you should slow down or start walking.

It is best to jog in a forest or park area, where the air is clean and saturated with oxygen. If there are no such places nearby, then stadiums, squares, and streets with light traffic are quite suitable. The chosen route should not have steep ascents and descents. When running along a horizontal path, it is much easier to control speed and fatigue.

You should start jogging for 10 minutes a day, alternating between running and walking. Gradually, you will need to increase the duration of running and reduce the duration of walking. Jogging for weight loss will be effective with three 40-minute workouts per week. It is advisable to jog in the morning, half an hour after getting up. Before running, you can drink a cup of coffee (no cream or sugar), which will give you extra strength and help you shed extra pounds faster.

People with the following diseases should not jog: congenital heart defects, spinal injuries, arthritis, varicose veins, progressive myopia, glaucoma, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, arterial hypertension, or previous stroke or heart attack.