Is natural bodybuilding bad for the heart. How bodybuilding affects the heart. Beta blockers reduce heart rate

A large number of doctors believe that bodybuilding negatively affects the heart and the cardiovascular system as a whole. In their opinion, while performing an exercise, an athlete can hold his breath, while the heart continues to work at an increased rate, without oxygen. Oxygen starvation can lead to a heart attack.

It would seem that this statement is correct and has a right to exist, but in practice everything turns out quite differently.

Modern scientists completely disagree with these conclusions, explaining that the effect of bodybuilding is comparable to moderate cardio training. But statistics show that many athletes suffer from heart disease. Scientists explain such a high percentage of those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system by the use of steroids.

Science experiment

They selected people who had no experience in playing sports. Everyone had problems with overweight. They were asked to perform three types of training:

  • Interval aerobic exercise(aerobic)
  • Moderate aerobic exercise (aerobic)
  • (anaerobic)

As a result of the study, it turned out that if your goal is to improve health, then you should engage in bodybuilding or include training program moderate aerobic exercise.

Both types of training had the same load on the heart. It is preferable to engage in bodybuilding, since you kill two birds with one stone: you strengthen the cardiovascular system and strengthen the muscles, which play an important role in circulating blood throughout your body. Frequent contraction of muscle tissue improves blood flow to body tissues.

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A person’s lifestyle directly affects his health. Vitamins are needed to maintain physiological processes in the body and ensure normal metabolism. All people need them, but athletes need them in higher concentrations.

When and why are heart vitamins prescribed to athletes?

When performing physical exercise at an easy pace, the heart contracts about 140-150 times per minute. During running or weight training, the contraction frequency increases to 175 beats. Athletes train long and often, so the heart needs to be supported with special vitamins.

After sports training In athletes, cardiovascular indicators return to normal, which cannot be said about an untrained person. Due to heavy loads, he feels a rapid heartbeat.

In athletes with constant physical activity the heart valve is overloaded, so there is a risk of development and premature wear of the vessel walls. For this purpose, special vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed to maintain normal functioning of the heart muscle.

In addition, people who experience heavy stress on the body need a large supply of vitamins.

They help achieve specific physical problems. Vitamins improve performance indicators and increase overall muscle tone.During physical overload, so that the body can quickly recover, professional athletes use vitamins in injections. Within 20-30 minutes the effect of the drug appears. As a result, the athlete can return to training, while the time to recuperate is reduced.

For athletes, it is very important to choose vitamins that stimulate cardiac activity. In addition, in addition to vitamin complexes, athletes should receive useful substances along with food. The diet of many athletes is carefully thought out. The necessary vitamins will not only strengthen the heart muscle, but also provide the body with useful substances.

Useful vitamins and minerals for the heart

Every day we eat food that contains various vitamins and microelements. Many of them are not absorbed in the body: some lose their qualities during heat treatment, and the other part is lost when absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, you have to take vitamin-mineral complexes. What vitamins does the heart need for normal functioning?

Basic beneficial vitamins for heart function:

  • Vitamin A. Performs various functions in the body, namely: regulates the activity of the heart muscle, lowers cholesterol levels and maintains the condition of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin C. Is a powerful antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, strengthens the myocardium, and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • B vitamins. Of all the B vitamins, the following are especially beneficial for the heart: B1, B5, B3, B6. They help restore heart rhythm, provide vascular tone, and prevent blood clots.
  • Vitamin E. This antioxidant controls redox processes in the body. Normalizes heart rate, increases the firmness and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. In addition, this vitamin prevents the formation of blood clots against the background of a decrease in blood viscosity.
  • Vitamin F. Improves blood circulation, acts as a cardioprotector, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and weakens inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Vitamin R. Rutin belongs to the class of flavonoids. In combination with vitamin C, it reduces bleeding and vascular permeability, and prevents capillary fragility.
  • The vitamin-like substance coenzyme Q10 has a beneficial effect on the heart. It is a fat-soluble substance that has powerful antioxidant effects. Concentrated in large quantities in the liver and heart.

More information about which foods are good for the heart can be found in the video:

To ensure normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, the human body must contain sufficient quantities of minerals and trace elements: potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc. These are the main useful microelements that ensure the smooth functioning of the heart of any person.

Potassium normalizes blood pressure and work nervous system, and magnesium reduces the risk of developing tachycardia and strengthens the muscle tissue of the heart.Selenium and zinc help absorb other nutrients and prevent free radicals from damaging heart tissue. A sufficient supply of these vitamins will ensure normal functioning of the heart muscle.

Vitamin complexes: review of drugs

To maintain the tone of the heart muscle and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, it is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes. The lack of certain microelements in the body can be compensated with the help of vitamin complexes. They can be taken not only for prevention, but also as part of combination therapy.

Popular vitamin complexes for the heart:

  • Vitrum Cardio Omega 3. Is a hypolipidemic agent. Reduces the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood. The constituent components are polyunsaturated fatty acids that support the cardiovascular system.
  • Antiox. This complex contains vitamins A, C, E, as well as zinc and grape pomace extract. Antiox prevents the development of heart diseases and improves microcirculation in the blood. Due to the high content of vitamin A, the drug should not be taken for a long time, otherwise hypervitaminosis may occur.
  • Will direct. This is a multivitamin complex, the action of which is aimed at restoring the heart muscle and improving its contraction. When biologically active substances enter the body, the risk of developing atherosclerosis and other cardiac pathologies is reduced.
  • Ascorutin. A combined drug that strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The composition includes 2 components: ascorbic acid and rutin. The product accelerates tissue regeneration, normalizes carbohydrate metabolism and increases the body's protective functions.
  • Cardiohealth. The dietary supplement supplies the body with folic acid, retinol, ascorbic acid, zinc, selenium and other beneficial components. This complex of vitamins normalizes blood circulation, restores heart rhythm and lowers cholesterol levels.

Before using vitamin-mineral complexes, you should consult a cardiologist. Some drugs have contraindications.

Proper nutrition for the heart

Every person's diet should contain healthy foods for heart. Such products are: fish, pomegranate, spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, legumes, avocado, etc.

By consuming certain types of foods, you can restore normal activity of the heart muscle and strengthen blood vessels:

  1. IN different types fish contain Omega-3 fatty acids. They can be found in flaxseed oil. They are much healthier than the saturated fats found in meat. Regular consumption of fish reduces the likelihood of heart attacks.
  2. Avocados and walnuts are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. With sufficient consumption of them in food, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases.
  3. Broccoli contains coenzyme Q10, which helps withstand high energy loads.
  4. Spinach contains vitamin B9, which strengthens the cardiovascular system and helps restore lost performance.
  5. The following useful berries and fruits include: barberries, grapes, cherries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, cranberries, chokeberries, apples, pomegranates, etc. They strengthen immune system, walls of blood vessels, and also improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The listed products should always be included in the daily menu.

The heart muscle works every day and in modern conditions it is difficult for it. To strengthen the heart muscle and minimize the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases The following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Eat regularly and properly. The diet should contain only healthy foods with plenty of fiber.
  2. Do a contrast shower once a week.
  3. Regularly perform activities to harden the body. You can douse yourself with water in the morning or keep your feet in cold water.
  4. Sleep at least 9 hours a day. Complete rest - important element not only in strengthening the cardiovascular system, but also the immune system.
  5. Physical activity should be regular. Overtraining should be avoided.
  6. Measure blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  7. It should be remembered that smoking and drinking alcohol negatively affect the functioning of the heart muscle, which also reduces strength indicators.

If you constantly adhere to the above tips, you can ensure normal functioning of the heart, strengthen the immune system and improve blood circulation.

The vast majority of athletes prefer to train in a natural way, namely, without the use of steroids, and in order to improve the quality and speed of recovery after training, they use only some, relatively harmless, non-doping drugs, including creatine, protein, amino acids, gainers, free sold in specialized stores sports nutrition. For the same purposes, athletes widely use a number of medications that are available in regular pharmacies and are available without a prescription.

But, nevertheless, despite the relative harmlessness and availability of such pharmaceutical drugs, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions attached to them and it is advisable to consult a doctor about their use before taking them. This article reviews the main medications used in bodybuilding, discusses their significance and effect on the athlete's body, contraindications and possible side effects.

Being a stimulator of biochemical processes, it can have a beneficial effect on the athlete’s cardiovascular system. The drug increases the force of heart contractions, increasing stroke volume and coronary blood supply, and has anabolic and antiarrhythmic effects. Riboxin improves blood supply to muscle tissue, normalizes energy metabolism, activates metabolic processes in the myocardium, as well as a number of enzymes. In addition to its positive effect on the heart, Riboxin improves the regeneration of muscle tissue. But for effective recovery after heavy exercise, riboxin alone is not enough, so it is recommended to take it in combination with potassium orotate.

Riboxin can replace ATP. The drug is effective in combination with potassium orotate. It is taken for 1-3 months according to the regimen of 0.2 g 3-4 times a day.

The drug is a stimulator of endogenous biochemical processes and is classified as a metabolic drug. It is produced mainly in tablet form and is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The average dosage for an athlete is 1.5-2 g per day. Essentially, potassium orotate is a common mineral salt found in the tissues of any living organism. The drug helps strengthen the cardiovascular system and has an anabolic effect, allowing the athlete to recover faster after training. The drug increases diuresis and improves appetite. The drug is not particularly effective for noticeable progress of a bodybuilder, but, nevertheless, in general it is beneficial for the body, is well tolerated by the athlete and has no side effects.

The drug is taken according to the following scheme: an hour before meals, 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is 21-24 days.


Mildronate is classified as a cardioprotector. The drug is designed to increase the athlete's performance, compensating for the manifestations of mental and physical fatigue syndrome. Mildronate normalizes metabolic processes and regulates cellular immunity. As a rule, mildronate is prescribed at a rate of 15-20 mg per kilogram of weight. The drug is taken as prescribed by a doctor, so it is recommended to consult before you start taking it.

The daily dosage of the drug is determined at the rate of 15-20 mg/kg of body weight, which is on average 1-2 g, taken in 4 divided doses. Course duration is 14 days, repeated after 2-3 weeks.

Agapurin is available in tablet form and is relatively inexpensive. Drugs based on a similar active ingredient are trental and pentoxifylline. Agapurin is taken separately from other drugs. It increases vascular tone, reduces blood viscosity and increases blood flow speed, which is important for an athlete who feels the maximum pumping of working muscles. The drug is used mainly by experienced bodybuilders - agapurine should be taken carefully, following the instructions, in order to avoid side effects of the drug.

In bodybuilding, Agapurin is taken according to the following scheme:

  • on training days 3 times 2 tablets;
  • on rest days, 3 times 1 tablet.

The duration of the course of Agapurin is 20 days. After a 4-week break, the course is repeated. Take the tablets with plenty of water. To avoid side effects, it is forbidden to take the drug without consulting your doctor.

The plant grows in the western and eastern parts of Siberia, in the Altai mountains and in Central Asia. It contains phytoexidones - substances identical to steroid compounds that have a pronounced anabolic effect. activates protein synthesis and its accumulation in the tissue of muscles, heart, liver and kidneys. The drug helps increase physical endurance and intellectual performance. Long-term use of Leuzea strengthens the vascular bed and thereby improves overall blood circulation. The drug reduces the heart rate. Leuzea is part of a dietary supplement called Leuzea-P. One tablet of the supplement contains about 0.85 mg of the active substance - ecdisthene, the cost of supplements is in sports stores varies between 700-1800 rubles.

The drug is capable of causing hypoglycemia (a drop in blood sugar levels) and is more effective than individual RA adaptogens. Since hypoglycemia causes a release of somatotropic hormone, taking Manchurian aralia helps achieve a high anabolic effect - the athlete’s appetite improves and body weight increases. The drug is classified as an anabolic stimulant. Aralia tincture is sold in every pharmacy. Take it in a dose of 20-30 drops in the morning on an empty stomach and an hour before training.

As for vitamins taken individually:

Thiamine (B1) participates in the activities of the main body systems: cardiovascular, nervous and digestive. Affects growth and energy balance. A lack of vitamin B1 causes irritability, lack of appetite, increased fatigue and associated health disorders.

Cyanocobalamin (B12) increases protein synthesis and its accumulation in tissues, is an effective anabolic agent.

Pyridoxine (B6) plays an important role in metabolism and normal functioning of the nervous system.

Ascorbic acid (C)– an antioxidant and reducing agent involved in metabolic processes.

B vitamins are available in injection form; as a rule, an ampoule contains 1 ml of a substance of 5% concentration. It is unacceptable to administer all vitamins simultaneously on one day - each vitamin is administered sequentially on a separate day, adhering to cyclicity. Injections are given intramuscularly; the administration of B1 and B6 may be somewhat painful.

Diabeton MV is a pharmaceutical drug sold freely. One of the strongest anabolic steroids. As a medicine it is used as a pancreas stimulant in the complex treatment of diabetes mellitus. Bodybuilders use this drug to maintain high level anabolism in the off-season. In terms of effectiveness, it is close to insulin injections, and in terms of general action, it is similar to methandrostenolone. The drug allows the athlete to quickly gain weight.

Available in the form of 30 mg tablets. Start with a dose of 30 mg per day, which can be increased if necessary. next course(the course lasts one and a half to two months) can be increased to 60 mg. Diabeton MV should not be taken with other medications. Take it with breakfast once a day. The anabolic effect of diabeton is to stimulate the production of one of the anabolic hormones - insulin. For the drug to be effective, it is recommended to eat at least six meals a day with a small amount of fat and a high amount of protein. While taking Diabeton, it is prohibited to follow low calorie diets to avoid the development of side effects of the drug, in particular hypoglycemia.

Tamoxifen is classified as an antiestrogen. The drug is used by bodybuilders to increase testosterone levels in the body, which blocks estrogen. Tamoxifen is used in combination with other drugs for the most effective impact long courses, for at least 6-8 weeks. Tamoxifen becomes especially popular among bodybuilders during cutting, as it accelerates and enhances fat burning processes. In cases where an athlete has a tendency to retain water due to the use of anabolic steroids, taking tamoxifen becomes mandatory. The drug is also valuable in bodybuilding because it allows the bodybuilder to effectively increase muscle density. Like any highly effective drug, tamoxifen has many side effects and contraindications, so it should be taken strictly as prescribed by a sports doctor.

Indications for taking glycerophosphate as a medicine are fatigue, dystrophy, and rickets. For a bodybuilder, the drug is valuable because it accelerates the absorption of protein and improves metabolism. Calcium glycerophosphate also helps increase appetite. While taking the drug, it is necessary to limit fats in the diet, replacing them with proteins. It is recommended to take the drug in courses. There are no analogues of calcium glycerophosphate. The approximate daily dose of the drug is calculated based on the ratio of 100 mg for every 8 kilograms of weight. The daily dosage of calcium glycerophosphate is 1000 mg for a weight of 80 kg. It is divided into 5 doses, one tablet (200 mg). Time to take the drug: morning 2 hours before training. The course for weight lasts 1.5-2 months.

In terms of action, trimetazidine is close to the well-known mildronate, but is much cheaper than the latter. The drug promotes greater oxygen delivery to cells, preserves intracellular potential, counteracts the formation of free radicals, and increases the athlete’s endurance. Taking the drug allows you to significantly increase the load and intensity of training. Trimetazidine can be replaced with a similar agent containing , which, however, will not be an equivalent replacement in terms of effectiveness. It is possible to combine the drug with other drugs.

Vinpocetine is a drug that corrects cerebral circulatory disorders. The active ingredient of the drug is apovincaminate. Vinpocetine has a direct effect on metabolic processes in brain tissue. It has a vasodilating effect and improves blood supply to brain tissue. Vinpocetine increases tissue resistance to hypoxia, activates glucose utilization and the exchange of serotonin and norepinephrine in brain tissue. The drug prevents platelet aggregation, thereby reducing blood viscosity. Vinpocetine has a positive effect not only on the brain, but also muscle tissue, contributing to their better supply of oxygen and nutrients. The drug is usually taken in a dose of 5 to 30 mg 30 minutes to an hour before training. Vinpocetine does not have side effects classic “energy drinks” in the form of insomnia or hand tremors.

The mechanism of action of metformin is based on its ability to suppress gluconeogenesis in the liver, prevent the absorption of glucose in the intestine and its better utilization in muscle tissue. Accelerates the process of transition of glucose into glycogen. Reduces appetite, due to which weight decreases or stabilizes. Does not have a hypoglycemic effect. Before use, the athlete should consult a doctor, as the drug has many contraindications and may have side effects.

We go to work or school, do household chores, physical exercise, we eat regular foods. In all this everyday life, we rarely think about what harms one of our main organs - the heart. What impact does our work, habits, sports activities, diet, regular worries? The chief cardiologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honored Doctor of Russia and Tatarstan, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan Albert Galyavich tells us about all this.

Now there is quite active promotion of a sports lifestyle. Very young boys strive to build up muscles and be like Arnold Schwarzenegger, girls are passionate about treadmills. Is sport bad for the heart?
- To answer this question, it is important to distinguish power training and cyclic loads. Exercises with various types of weights - kettlebells, dumbbells, as well as pull-ups, push-ups, bench presses, squats with a barbell, planks, and deadlifts are harmful to the heart. During the same dumbbell lift, blood pressure rises, the heart has to push blood out of the vessels. Over time, it becomes more and more difficult for the heart to do this. Blood stagnates in the left ventricle, causing it to increase in size. Such changes are common in weightlifters. There is even a special concept - “the heart of a weightlifter.” Another point: the more the heart pumps blood, contracts, works, the faster it wears out. If you exercise regularly 3-5 times a week power loads, after a few years, pathological changes in the functioning of the heart may begin.

- How do cardio exercises affect the heart?
- To maintain heart health, it is enough to devote 150 minutes a week to moderate intensity exercise. This could be walking, swimming, skiing, running, cycling, yoga. During cyclic exercise, the body is saturated with oxygen, blood pressure levels are normalized, the elasticity of the heart increases, and the cardiovascular system is strengthened. Regular moderate intensity exercise is very beneficial, unlike strength training.

Heart risks exist not only when playing sports, but also in everyday work. Representatives of which professions are most susceptible to heart disease?
- These are professions where there is risk, constant emergency situations, round-the-clock work. More often than others, air traffic controllers, railway dispatchers, machinists, pilots, drivers, metallurgists, and builders face heart disease. The risk category includes emergency services workers, shift workers - security guards, police officers. Sedentary work and overtime work have a negative impact on the condition of the heart. It has been proven that representatives of professions related to mental activity live longer: writers, scientists, writers, composers.

- Albert Sarvarovich, what does stress do to our heart? Is it true that regular stress is the path to heart attacks?
- Chronic stress, regular nervous shocks, tension contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases - from rhythm disturbances, atherosclerosis to heart attack and acute heart attack. Worries, negative emotions, and quarrels cause a surge of adrenaline, rapid heartbeat, constriction of blood vessels and, as a result, increased blood pressure. Some people, after stress, notice that they experience shortness of breath, a nagging and aching pain in the heart, and increased anxiety. You need to try not to quarrel with anyone, and calmly react to something bad.

I would also like to talk about nutrition. It is known that, for example, animal fats are harmful to the heart. What, on the contrary, is useful?
- Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. These are mackerel, herring, salmon, walnuts, beans, avocado, flax seeds. They strengthen blood vessels, reduce the level of so-called bad cholesterol, and lower blood pressure. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants that protect blood vessels from damage. Spinach, asparagus and other green leafy vegetables, garlic, tomatoes help normalize heart function. Olive oil, nuts, dried apricots are good for blood vessels.

For heart health, it is worth limiting the consumption of saturated fats - chicken skin, meat, egg yolk, fast food, palm oil. Trans fats are harmful - they are found in confectionery, chips, cookies, cakes and so on.

Eating salty foods, soy sauce, store-bought seasonings, and pickles also negatively affects the functioning of the heart. Finally, excess sugar, for example, is one of the causes of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. As for drinks, alcohol, especially beer and vodka, have an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the heart.

By the way, it has been proven that people who have a negative attitude towards life and arrive in bad mood, are more susceptible to heart attacks or strokes. So try to always remain positive and smile.

By regularly pumping blood through the entire body, the heart creates such monstrous pressure that it can push a stream of blood to a length of 9 meters. It is incredibly resilient: constantly and without rest it contracts, contracts, and contracts - up to 40 billion times a year.

Such a fantastically large load does not go in vain and is the reason for the very gloomy statistics of cardiovascular diseases in the modern world. “Motors” very often either use them incorrectly or destroy their “motor resource” by operating in the wrong mode. Meanwhile, it is very easy to adjust the functioning of the heart and train it.

A trained heart increases functionality and endurance. Sometimes a person is very physically strong, and after working for 30-60 seconds he is all sweaty and begins to choke, although there seems to be strength in his muscles. This happens especially often among those guys who engage in martial arts. You look, the person seems to be healthy, and a minute later he’s all red and with his mouth open - take him and do whatever you want with him. Why is that?


Cardiovascular system and endurance

The heart is, in a broad sense, an electrical “pump” that constantly drives blood through the pipes (vessels) of the body. This system, in general, is why it is called cardiovascular. Its task is to supply all cells and organs of the body with the necessary amount of oxygen and other nutrients necessary for life. Once you understand this, you will be able to see and understand several dependencies that are important for understanding the effective functioning of the heart:

  • The larger the body, the more blood it needs.
  • The more blood is needed, the larger the heart is needed, or the more often it must beat.
  • The larger the heart, the more blood it pumps at a time (more oxygen at a time).
  • The smaller the heart, the more often one must contract to pump the required volume of blood.
  • The larger the heart, the less often it must contract to pump the required volume of blood.
  • The less often the heart contracts, the less it wears out over a lifetime.

For bodybuilders or other amateurs power types sports, this is especially important: in their case the situation is complicated by a large number muscle mass. Every extra 10 kg. muscles require about 3 liters of additional oxygen per minute.

In an ordinary person, 1 liter of blood carries an average of 160 ml. oxygen. If you multiply this amount of oxygen by the amount of blood pumped per minute (which, by the way, depends on heart rate), you will get the amount of oxygen delivered by blood per minute. If the load is very intense (180-190 heart rate per minute), then most average people will get about 4 liters of oxygen per minute.


Now imagine two twin brothers on a treadmill. One weighs 70 kg, and the second is a jock and weighs 80 kg. So they ran. For the first, 4 liters of oxygen is enough for a comfortable run, but for the second (“jock”), for comfort, you need to pump not 4, but 6-7 liters of blood (to nourish the muscles). And the heart (if it is the same size as its brother’s and contracts at the same speed) will not have time to satisfy all organs with a sufficient amount of oxygen. Kachek will very quickly begin to choke and will be forced to slow down.

How to fix it? Either reduce oxygen consumption (lose weight), or increase the volume of the heart and blood distilled at a time. This, in fact, is the meaning of training the heart - to increase its internal volume.

  • The larger the heart volume, the more nutrients the heart receives at a time.
  • The larger the heart volume, the less often it can contract.
  • The less often the heart contracts (works), the less it wears out.

L and D - cardiac hypertrophy

Please note that it is said to increase the volume, not the size of the heart. These are very important things. Because the first is very useful, and the second, on the contrary, is very harmful. The fact is that cardiac hypertrophy can be good and bad. When the increase in volume occurs due to stretching of the walls of the heart muscle (L-hypertrophy), this is very good: it allows you to pump more blood at a time - which is what we need. But when the heart grows due to thickening of the walls of the heart muscle (D - hypertrophy) - this is extremely bad: the so-called myocardial hypertrophy due to a diastole defect. Let's not fool our heads with terminology, let's just dwell on the fact that this causes a heart attack.


How to train your heart? How to achieve good hypertrophy and avoid bad?

Everything is extremely simple. There is no need to work at a pulse close to maximum (180-190 beats). You need to work long and often at an average pulse (110-140) beats per minute. For most, a pulse of 120-130 beats per minute is most often ideal. An ordinary healthy person at rest has a pulse of 70 beats per minute. When such a person begins to do some kind of cyclical long-term work (training with weights, running or walking quickly), his pulse begins to increase in order to supply all the organs of the body with an increased amount of oxygen due to the load. His pulse reached 130 beats per minute. A person in this situation can stabilize the load and continue working without increasing intensity. If he continues this training for an hour, the “flexibility” of his heart will begin to improve. The muscles will drive a huge amount of blood through the heart and it will gradually begin to stretch. If you train this way often (from 3 times a week for 60 minutes), then over time the heart will stretch and its volume will increase significantly. Accordingly, the volume of blood pumped per pulse will increase. Along with it, endurance will also decrease, and the number of heart beats at rest will decrease.


Stretch your heart

How much can you “stretch” your heart? Twice is very likely. 50% guaranteed. In an ordinary person, most often the heart volume is about 600 ml. A trained athlete has 1200 ml. - a fairly common result. Strong athletes (MSM skiers, runners) have 1500-1800 ml. - Olympic champion level.

How quickly can you “stretch” your heart? For a pronounced result, half a year (6 months) is enough. With three workouts a week for 60 minutes, in half a year the heart stretches by 30-40%. If you can do this kind of training every day, then expect an increase in your heart rate of 50% or more. In general, there is a very simple rule: the more time during the week the heart works at the desired pulse rate (120-130), the more and faster it stretches. With such an “easy” training regimen, no harmful changes occur in the heart. In this mode, due to the constant pumping of a large amount of blood, it is forced to “stretch” in volume. Be prepared: over time, due to habituation, you will have to increase the intensity of training in order to remain in the desired zone(120-130 pulse beats).