The harm and benefits of diets: it all depends on you. The benefits and harms of modern diets

Each of us at least once in our lives adhered to a special type of nutrition - a diet. This could be due to a desire to lose weight or general recommendations doctor in case of any illness. Or maybe someone adhered to a religious fast - after all, this is also a kind of diet.

Let's consider diet options.

Therapeutic diet - as a rule, prescribed by the attending physician, in the case of preventing a disease or preventing the worsening of a disease that has already occurred. To prevent each disease, there are different diets, however, there are similar recommendations: do not abuse alcohol, eat smoked foods, drink sweet carbonated water. When choosing products in stores, you should avoid semi-finished products - since preservatives, flavor enhancers and dyes are often used in their production. Try to eat only fresh foods, preferably home-cooked ones. Well, then therapeutic diets can vary, depending on the type of disease - some people can’t eat citrus fruits, some people can’t eat chocolate, and so on.

Diet for the purpose of losing weight - usually the weaker half of humanity is subject to this. One day, a woman notices that her jeans don’t fit well on her, and her favorite dress is folded. Which means it’s time to lose weight. The compilers of such diets care little about the human body, which has suddenly decided to follow them. You need to understand that a sharp restriction in the diet of any food is fraught with consequences. And if you don’t eat these foods for a couple of months at all, and then, having lost weight, start eating again, all the kilograms, as a rule, come back, taking your colleagues with them.

“Diet” is literally translated from Greek as “way of life.” That is, the diet, in theory, is not a temporary phenomenon. This is a conscious choice of lifestyle that contributes to the achievement of certain goals. In order to lose weight, diet is usually not enough - you need to combine the right diet with physical activity, and this should enter human mode forever.

Religious fasting refers to certain days of the year on which you cannot eat meat, fish, or alcohol. In addition, this time should be devoted to cleansing the body in principle - doing good deeds, not quarreling with others. The time of fasting is a time of cleansing, both physical and spiritual.

The benefits and harms of diet

The benefit of any diet, undoubtedly, is that it is designed to cleanse the body of toxins, facilitate the functioning of the digestive system, and help burn excess fats. But it is in vain to think that all this will happen quickly. Cleansing the body is a long and energy-consuming process.

At the same time, the body, which has not been supplied with important substances for some time, will save them for future use at the moment when they begin to appear. Thus, after a diet, quite often, women complain that short term regain the weight and shape they had before the diet, at best. At worst, the weight increases.

To prevent this from happening, you need to choose your diet wisely and not limit yourself to frequently consumed foods. Try to maintain a balance of nutrients and microelements that enter the body with food.

A good step towards creating healthy image life is to start not eating after 6 pm. The digestive system needs time to rest. Three to four hours before bedtime, it is advisable not to eat at all. You can drink tea or mineral water.

So, a therapeutic diet is useful in any case. As for dieting for weight loss, options are possible. Of course, if your life situation requires urgent weight loss, you can very rarely use one or another food restriction, but you shouldn’t do this systematically. The body can respond to such torment not only by increasing body weight, but also by various painful reactions.

Many of us have at least once thought about the need to go on a diet. That overweight I want to lose weight, or remove my tummy, or correct my figure, or carry out preventive measures for my body. And here begins the search for the most effective, efficient and harmless diet. Most diets for weight loss are based on limiting the intake of a number of foods while increasing the intake of others, for example, kefir, apples, cucumbers. Depending on what product is the basis of the diet, it gets its name: kefir, apple and cucumber, respectively. Even if such a diet allows you to lose a few kilograms in a couple of weeks, this does not mean that your body will thank you.

The harm of diets

In frequent cases, people resort to a diet to lose weight, without taking into account the reasons that led to obesity. Choosing most effective diet , which promises to achieve results in a short time, they don’t even think about what consequences this can lead to. After all, an incorrectly selected table may not suit each individual organism. Many diseases, most often hidden, become aggravated during a diet aimed at losing weight, when the body does not receive enough necessary substances along with food.

Those products that are included in the daily human diet are raw materials used as vital energy and to maintain the body in normal condition. Each product has its own set of energy value, vitamins, microelements, which are necessary for the proper functioning of all systems. If a person is sitting on strict diet with a limited amount of food consumed, the risk of depletion of his vitality increases. By limiting our consumption of meat, fish, and dairy products, we cause serious damage to our nervous system and the functioning of the brain, since the proteins contained in these products are building material for nerves, organs, including the brain.

Without “healthy fats,” the immune and circulatory systems will suffer, metabolism, memory and even mood will be disrupted. Healthy fats contained in products such as sunflower, olive oil, some types of fish (trout, herring, sardine, salmon, etc.), which are not combined with a number of strict diets. This is where depression begins, which appears already in the first or second week of the diet, deterioration in well-being, performance and physical activity.

The second negative side of a number of diets is following a strict set of products, which can neither be narrowed nor expanded, otherwise the effect will not be achieved. In this situation, it is not easy for people who are allergic to one or another food. Also, allergies can develop over time due to excessive intake of the same products into the body. The strictness of the diet can lead people with weak willpower to a breakdown, accompanied by excessive gluttony.

In order not to harm your body with an incorrectly chosen diet, you need to weigh the pros and cons, undergo a series of tests to identify disorders in the functioning of organs and systems, and, finally, consult with a specialist. Only literate nutritionist will be able to develop suitable diet , taking into account the presence of concomitant diseases in the patient.

The benefits of diets

If the new diet is compiled correctly, the benefits of the diet will be difficult to underestimate. Firstly, many diets (correctly chosen!) allow you not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also improve your well-being. If one of the reasons for gaining excessive weight is eating fast food and poor quality food, then the diet will help cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

From the point of view of psychological implications, a phenomenon such as diet allows a person to develop a sense of abstinence, rigor, endurance, perseverance, and moral improvement. After all, you will have to limit yourself in many ways, impose a “taboo” on those foods that were previously included in the daily diet. If you manage to control yourself, then you can consider that your willpower has passed the test.

At the heart of every diet is an emphasis on limiting the intake of various nutrients: fats, proteins or carbohydrates. Diets are also distinguished according to other specific criteria. The most famous are therapeutic, sports, preventive, children's, and for pregnant women. In these cases, as when prescribing diets for weight loss, the help of a specialist is needed to determine the appropriate set of products for the patient. For example, athletes will be prescribed a table with an increased amount of proteins or proteins. This element will be the main one in children's diet aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal system. Therapeutic diets are prescribed taking into account the disease and their main goal is to maintain a healthy state of the body and prevent exacerbations or relapses of the disease.

Thus, it is clear that diet is not only a way to lose weight, it is also an element of therapeutic, sports program. But in any case, it will be effective only when we are able to find a balance between possibilities and desires. For each individual person, the diet has its own goal and should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the body.

Everyone knows the fact that losing weight is one of the important topics that interests both women and men. Often, this is due to the fact that the media constantly talks about the obesity epidemic.

Currently, diets are especially popular. There are a huge number of ways quick disposal from excess weight. Unfortunately, unprepared person It can only last a couple of days. In this case, the body experiences serious stress. As a rule, after a short period of time, the weight not only returns, but can also add extra pounds. The longer the diet, the better result. The effect lasts longer, and much less harm is caused to the body.

Any diet will help you lose weight, but not always to the desired effect. The metabolic processes of each organism occur differently. The result may also depend on physical activity. In order not to harm your health, you should not constantly eat only low-calorie foods. It should be borne in mind that the diet should not last longer than the specified period. For each person, you can develop your own diet recipe by calculating the calorie content of the daily diet and taking into account the individual instructions. But there are also general rules.

How to start a diet correctly:

When starting any diet, you need to consult a specialist.

There should be a smooth transition from regular eating, especially if we are talking about a strict diet. You need to gradually eliminate foods high in calories.

Upon completion of the diet, the calorie content of food gradually increases.

When following a diet, you need to drink at least two liters of clean water per day.

Required Fresh air, frequent walks.

Meals should be shared. On average, at least 4-5 meals per day. Dinner should be 2 hours before bedtime.

Sweets, flour products, smoked foods, and drinks containing alcohol are excluded from the diet.

Benefits and harms

In many cases, existing diseases can worsen precisely when following strict diets, since the body does not receive the necessary substances due to food restrictions.

To maintain your health, a person needs to consume foods with sufficient vitamins and microelements every day. When a strict diet is followed, the body does not receive the protein it really needs. This could cause serious harm.

“Healthy fats” are needed by the immune and circulatory systems to maintain metabolic processes body and memory state. But, they are found in many foods that are not compatible with most diets. As a result, performance and general condition may deteriorate already in the first week.

There is another negative side of many diets - food allergies, which can also occur when the body takes in excess of the same foods. This mainly happens due to the strictness of nutrition, which cannot be changed, because otherwise the effect will not be achieved. Under such conditions, some people may experience a reverse reaction - a breakdown accompanied by excessive consumption of food.

The main task of the selected diet is not to cause harm to the body. To do this, first of all, you need to consult a nutritionist who will help you develop a more suitable diet. After which you need to check your health status to identify possible violations.

If you approach the diet correctly, your well-being will improve, the body will be cleansed of waste and toxins that accumulate when consuming low-quality foods, your stamina will become higher, and your goal will be achieved - losing weight to desired result.

Sometimes we get confused – what diet should I choose for myself? And at the same time, it is advisable not to lose your health and even achieve the desired result - lose 5, 10 or all 20 kg! Particularly sophisticated “lovers” of diets, having tried a couple of dozen different ways“self-torture”, sometimes they cannot decide which one suits them best. We're not talking about girls who are just starting this thorny “path to beauty”!

And today we will try to help those who really need it decide which diet to choose for themselves (we do not take individuals who weigh 40 kg with a height of 180 cm and consider themselves “horribly fat”!).

Of course, it is unrealistic to cover all diets - but let’s look at the most famous ones in order to understand what this or that method of losing weight can threaten us with or, conversely, what good it will do for us - and we will try to answer the question: “So, after all, diets are harmful or benefit?

1. Kremlin diet (Russian version of the “Atkins diet”)

This is probably one of the most popular diets in our country. The essence of this diet comes down to limiting the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. The number of grams of carbohydrates in the food you consumed corresponds to the number of “points” that you can “eat” per day as part of this diet. For example, the food you ate contained 20 grams. carbohydrates – this corresponds to 20 “points”.

The diet has 4 stages: in the first stage, lasting 2 weeks, the amount of carbohydrates is minimal (about 20 “points”), during the next three stages the amount of carbohydrates is gradually increased.

Benefits of this diet: protein and fatty foods can be consumed in the quantities you are used to - due to the limited amount of carbohydrates, fats will be burned quickly. There will be no feeling of hunger, and muscle mass will persist (due to the presence of protein in the diet), but weight loss will be very fast. In addition, by eliminating carbohydrates from your diet, you will wean yourself off destructive sweets and baked goods!

The harm of this diet: Indulging in buns, chocolates and even simple bread will be problematic. But what about sweets and bread - even the amount of fruit will have to be limited! Therefore, there is a risk of vitamin deficiency and carbohydrate starvation, which will negatively affect performance, mood, nervous system, and memory. Excess fat can negatively affect the liver, excess protein can negatively affect the kidneys. The lack of fiber contained in fruits and cereals can lead to intestinal dysfunction. In addition, when the diet is stopped, all the kilograms lost through overwork come back again...

In addition, this diet is contraindicated for those who have problems with cardiovascular system, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.

2. Eating according to Montignac

This is also a fairly common diet, the author of which is attributed to the French nutritionist Michel Montignac.

The diet is based on the idea of ​​food compatibility (similar to the idea of ​​separate nutrition), but peculiarly “processed”. Montignac believed that the main reason for excess weight is high level blood sugar - which is why his diet is aimed at reducing this level. There are only two basic principles of such a diet: the first is to limit the consumption of refined carbohydrates (that is, white sugar, wheat flour, white rice and corn, sweet carbonated drinks). All other carbohydrates, including brown sugar, can be consumed without restrictions. And the second is not to mix carbohydrates with fats in one meal, since carbohydrates contribute to increased insulin production, and insulin promotes the accumulation of fats. Thus, it turns out that you can combine either proteins and fats, or proteins and carbohydrates. It is preferable to eat fruits half an hour before meals.

The diet consists of two phases: weight loss and weight maintenance. During the weight loss phase, it is necessary to limit the consumption of carbohydrates and fats, that is, eat cereals, lean meats, fruits, vegetables and dairy products. This phase lasts 2-3 months. Then begins the weight maintenance phase, in which you can eat everything, but with a limit on refined foods and with the right combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

In total, following this diet, you can lose up to 15 kg in 2 months.

Benefits of this diet: hunger is not felt, the body is provided with all the necessary nutrients, you can even eat baked goods and sweets (but in limited quantities), the diet normalizes metabolism (which then allows you to maintain weight).

The harm of this diet: it will be difficult to choose semi-finished products, ready-made meals and ready-made sweets - because these products, as a rule, combine proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

3. Separate food

The theory of separate nutrition was developed by naturalist Herbert Shelton. Proponents of this diet believe that the cause of excess weight is intoxication of the body, which occurs due to mixing incompatible foods during nutrition, which interfere with the digestion of each other and promote fermentation processes. The fact is that gastric enzymes that promote the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are different in nature - therefore, different enzymes are needed to digest protein, fatty or carbohydrate foods. If, in one meal, all three components are mixed at once - the enzymes neutralize each other's action - fermentation begins in the stomach and intoxication of the body occurs.

To avoid this, supporters of separate nutrition do not recommend mixing concentrated proteins (for example, nuts and meat, meat and fish), fats with proteins (that is, it is better not to eat fried meat), acids with proteins (for example, fish with lemon juice), acids with carbohydrates (that is, do not mix citrus fruits and sugar), concentrated carbohydrates and carbohydrates with sugars (there is no need to sprinkle bread with sugar, this also includes pies with jam), proteins with carbohydrates (meat with bread).

You need to eat melon separately, and milk either separately or not drink it at all. Proponents of this diet believe that an adult does not need milk in its pure form.

Benefits of this diet: health does not suffer from this diet - we get all the nutrients, the main thing is not to mix; the diet does not cause hunger; you get used to it quite quickly - and to maintain weight, it is necessary that separate meals are not a diet, but a way of life.

The harm of this diet: it may be difficult to get used to this diet in conditions modern life, where potatoes and meat, macaroni and cheese, pastries and other joys of life are promoted; When you get used to this diet, mixed food, once in your body, may no longer be absorbed.

4. Fractional meals

The principle of this diet is to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Of course, what matters here is not only the frequency and quantity of foods eaten, but also their quality - if you eat a cake 5-6 times a day, you are unlikely to lose weight... but health problems due to a lack of vitamins and nutrients receive. Therefore, the food must be correct - you need to limit flour, sweets, fatty, fried foods, and you should also completely avoid breaded foods and sweet sodas.

Benefits of this diet: This principle of nutrition is really reasonable, and all doctors agree on this. In addition, this diet allows you not to feel hungry and by the evening not to sweep away everything that is in the refrigerator. At the same time, you can not only lose weight, but also maintain weight (if you then adhere to this principle of nutrition throughout your life).

Harms of this diet: For working women who only have one lunch break, this diet is difficult to follow. Indeed, in this case, you will have to take small portions of food with you from home - and constantly chew at the workplace, which can lead to irritation of colleagues. In addition, this diet is for the patient, as it does not bring quick results– You will lose about half a kilo a week.

5. Kefir diet

There are 3 variants of this diet (called both “Mosfilmovskaya” and “Dolinskaya” diets), but its basis is unchanged - 1.5 liters of kefir, divided into several doses at equal intervals of time. With the first diet option, you will remain the most hungry - although not for long: for three days you will have to drink ONLY kefir - 1.5 liters every day. With the second option, it will be a little easier for you, however, you will need to follow it for 5 days: 1.5 liters of kefir + no more than a kilogram of fruit. The third option lasts a week, during which you drink the same 1.5 liters of kefir every day + you can afford either chicken, or apples, or eggs, or several potatoes, etc.

Benefits of this diet: the weight goes away. And quickly. And kefir is a pretty healthy product.

The harm of this diet: but the weight returns just as quickly after stopping this diet, when you immediately begin to pounce on cakes, pastries, fried potatoes and other unhealthy goodies! It may also cause stomach upset, so it is contraindicated for people with digestive problems. In addition, this diet is considered one of the most hungry and following it for a long time (more than 3 days) is generally dangerous for health! But it is quite possible to arrange a fasting day once a week to cleanse the body...

6. Japanese salt-free diet

This diet has little to do with traditional Japanese cuisine, but is quite reasonable and effective, so it is also used (albeit with minor variations) in medicine. As for the principles of this diet, it is designed for 13 days, the menu for which is described in detail. And to get the desired effect, this menu must be strictly adhered to. Japanese diet salt-free diet includes: 300-400 gr. rice per day, seafood, fish, chicken or beef (boiled or steamed), green vegetables, berries, lactic acid products, eggs and beans, 200 gr. rye or wheat bread. These products can be consumed unlimitedly. But potatoes, carrots, beets should be limited to 1 piece. in a day. You can drink tea and coffee in any quantity (the main thing is not to add sugar), but sweets, pastries, pasta, spices, sweet fruits, hot and sour foods should be completely excluded. In addition, all dishes should be prepared without salt and sugar.

Benefits of this diet: Many people associate it with the "Atkins diet" due to the restriction of carbohydrates, but it is rather a more sensible version of the "Atkins diet" - since there are enough vegetables to digestive system worked fine. In addition, fat consumption is limited, which is also good for the liver. In a week, following this diet, you can lose up to 5 kg, and also due to the elimination excess liquid swelling goes away from the body (as a result of eliminating salt), and in general, the skin begins to look better. In addition, despite the low calorie content, there will be no acute feeling of hunger.

The harm of this diet: firstly, it can be confused with another diet known by the same name, which resembles the “Atkins diet” and the “Kremlin diet”. In that diet, bread, carrots, and berries are not limited, but are completely excluded, which can have a bad effect on health. Secondly, at the beginning of a diet it can be very difficult to resist eating sweets. Moreover, if you break down after finishing the diet, the weight will quickly return. Thirdly, the diet is very strict and does not allow violations, so it is suitable only for very disciplined people. Fourthly, the diet leads to a deficiency of protein, calcium, vitamins C and group B, so it cannot be used for digestive problems, cardiovascular diseases and sensitivity to coffee.

7. Don’t eat after...

There are many variations - do not eat after 14-00, 16-00, 17-00, 18-00, 19-00, 20-00. The diet is based on the calculation of human biorhythms, and provides that what is eaten in the morning will be used up during the day, and what is eaten in the evening will be stored as fat. This principle has a reasonable basis, but not for night owls who go to bed at 2 am. Even the option “not to eat after 20-00” will not work for them, because 3-4 hours before bedtime the body simply needs to eat something. In addition, if the only option to eat normally is in the evening after work, then this diet will be quite difficult. Although, you can always change if you wish.

Benefits of this diet: the weight comes off - slowly but steadily. The only “but” is that this diet is not suitable for a temporary diet, but for a lifestyle in general. In addition, if you forbid yourself to eat at certain hours, you will somehow reduce the daily calorie content of food. This diet is ideal for those who get up early and go to bed early.

The harm of this diet: as already mentioned, people who do not have breakfast in the morning and make do with snacks at work are unlikely to be able to follow this diet without first changing their diet. Also, if a person is a night owl and goes to bed late, then this diet is not for him. The disadvantages of such a diet include the fact that it does not take into account the caloric content of the duck’s diet.

8. Chocolate diet

This diet is simply a salvation for those with a sweet tooth! It turns out that you can lose weight by eating chocolate alone! This diet came to us from Spain, and its diet includes 5 cups of instant coffee without sugar with skim milk and 80-100 grams. (in different variations) dark chocolate. You can lose 1-3 kg per day. But it is not recommended to stay on this diet for more than a week.

Benefits of this diet: Those with a sweet tooth can lose weight without giving up their habits!

The harm of this diet: you cannot follow it for a long time, since eating only one product leads to a deficiency of nutrients in the body. In addition, it is not so much fat that is lost as water - due to the consumption of coffee, which greatly dehydrates. As a result, after finishing the diet, weight can quickly return. This diet is also contraindicated for hypertensive patients, as coffee and chocolate greatly increase blood pressure.

Of course, there are still a great many diets - only the most famous ones are collected here. And, as you can see, each diet has its pros and cons, so when choosing a means of losing weight, be sure to weigh the pros and cons and think about which diet is best for you. And also, before you start mocking yourself (whatever one may say, but any diet, even a chocolate one, is restrictive), do not forget to go to the mirror, look at your beloved self and answer the question to yourself: “Is it necessary? is this for me? Will I be happier if I lose these miserable 5 kg? Or maybe I should not fight with myself, but be proud that I have feminine curves, beautiful breasts, rounded hips that drive men crazy?! After all, no one has such a cute fold on his stomach as I do, no one has such rosy cheeks! And this is precisely why I am not like others!” And think about whether you are ready to exchange your individuality in order to become “like everyone else” by making fun of yourself and, perhaps, ruining your health?...

Many of us have at least once thought about the need to go on a diet. Either you want to lose extra pounds, then you want to remove your tummy, or you want to correct your figure, or you want to take preventative measures for your body. And here begins the search for the most effective, efficient and harmless diet. Most diets for weight loss are based on limiting the intake of a number of foods while increasing the intake of others, for example, kefir, apples, cucumbers. Depending on what product is the basis of the diet, it gets its name: kefir, apple and cucumber, respectively. Even if such a diet allows you to lose a few kilograms in a couple of weeks, this does not mean that your body will thank you.

The harm of diets

In frequent cases, people resort to a diet to lose weight, without taking into account the reasons that led to obesity. Choosing the most effective diet, which promises to achieve results in a short time, they don’t even think about what consequences this can lead to. After all, an incorrectly selected table may not suit each individual organism. Many diseases, most often hidden, become aggravated during a diet aimed at losing weight, when the body does not receive enough necessary substances along with food.

Those products that are included in the daily human diet are raw materials used as vital energy and to maintain the body in normal condition. Each product has its own set of energy value, vitamins, microelements, which are necessary for the proper functioning of all systems. If a person is sitting on strict diet with a limited amount of food consumed, the risk of depletion of his vitality increases. By limiting our consumption of meat, fish, and dairy products, we cause serious damage to our nervous system and brain function, since the proteins contained in these foods are the building material for nerves and organs, including the brain.

Without “healthy fats,” the immune and circulatory systems will suffer, metabolism, memory and even mood will be disrupted. Healthy fats are found in foods such as sunflower, olive oil, and some types of fish (trout, herring, sardines, salmon, etc.), which cannot be combined with a number of strict diets. This is where depression begins, which appears already in the first or second week of the diet, and deterioration in well-being, performance and physical activity.

The second negative side of a number of diets is following a strict set of products, which can neither be narrowed nor expanded, otherwise the effect will not be achieved. In this situation, it is not easy for people who are allergic to one or another food. Also, allergies can develop over time due to excessive intake of the same products into the body. The strictness of the diet can lead people with weak willpower to a breakdown, accompanied by excessive gluttony.

In order not to harm your body with an incorrectly chosen diet, you need to weigh the pros and cons, undergo a series of tests to identify disorders in the functioning of organs and systems, and, finally, consult with a specialist. Only literate nutritionist will be able to develop a suitable diet, taking into account the presence of concomitant diseases in the patient.

The benefits of diets

If the new diet is compiled correctly, the benefits of the diet will be difficult to underestimate. Firstly, many diets (chosen correctly!) allow you not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to improve your well-being. If one of the reasons for gaining excessive weight is eating fast food and poor quality food, then the diet will help cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

From the point of view of psychological implications, a phenomenon such as diet allows a person to develop a sense of abstinence, rigor, endurance, perseverance, and moral improvement. After all, you will have to limit yourself in many ways, impose a “taboo” on those foods that were previously included in the daily diet. If you manage to control yourself, then you can consider that your willpower has passed the test.

At the heart of every diet is an emphasis on limiting the intake of various nutrients: fats, proteins or carbohydrates. Diets are also distinguished according to other specific criteria. The most famous are therapeutic, sports, preventive, children's, and for pregnant women. In these cases, as when prescribing diets for weight loss, the help of a specialist is needed to determine the appropriate set of products for the patient. For example, athletes will be prescribed a table with an increased amount of proteins or proteins. This element will be the main one in children's diet aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal system. Therapeutic diets are prescribed taking into account the disease and their main goal is to maintain a healthy state of the body and prevent exacerbations or relapses of the disease.

Thus, it is clear that diet is not only a path to weight loss, it is also an element of a therapeutic, sports program. But in any case, it will be effective only when we are able to find a balance between possibilities and desires. For each individual person, the diet has its own goal and should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the body.