Is it possible for a girl to pump up her six-pack? How to pump up your abs correctly. We pump up the lateral abdominal muscles

Do you want to know how to pump up your abs to six-pack abs at home or in gym? Then read and apply our tips to pump up your abdominal muscles and make them sculpted.

Below you will find not the secrets of getting six-pack abs, but the real rules for training your abdominal muscles. These are proven tips on nutrition and training, thanks to which you can achieve results and finally pump up those treasured abs.

Let’s immediately decide that it doesn’t matter where you train, at home or in the gym. It makes no difference where you practice. The main thing is what you do and how in order to pump up your abs. If you are looking secret exercise for abs or supplements, then immediately leave this matter in the past. With the wrong approach, there is nothing to do with training, even the most effective exercise will not give results. But supplements will only be effective for a while, but we want to look good all year round.

What should you do to pump up your abs?

The secret to pumping up six-pack abs is not in exercises, exercise machines or miracle pills, but in proper nutrition, which will help remove excess belly fat.

The main secret of getting relief press, which many people and even trainers ignore, is proper nutrition.

The main rule to remember:

Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.

You can practice on your own all the time the best program abdominal workouts, but if your diet does not allow you to burn excess fat, then your cubes will not be able to appear on your stomach. That is, they are already there, perhaps not as prominent as they can become after training, but they are there and hidden under a layer of fat that we have to remove.

Read in more detail to understand what needs to be done. There you will also find nutritional recommendations.

Your success in getting a six-pack is actually 90% dependent on your diet.

You can work your abs hard and they will be very strong, but almost invisible under the layer of belly fat. Instead of looking for the next miracle program or supplement, focus on the principles proper nutrition. Well, you can’t do without the right training system either, so read our tips and put them into practice.

6 rules for pumping up abs on your stomach

1. Eat enough protein

Protein will help build lean muscle mass and burn excess subcutaneous fat, including on the stomach. Of all the macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats), protein has the highest thermogenic effect, that is, it helps burn fat best of all. In addition, the process of losing fat mass is accompanied by the consumption of a small amount of calories, which can lead to loss of muscle mass, which we do not need. And it’s protein that will help preserve muscles.

Consume 1 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

That is, with a weight of 80 kg, you need to consume about 150 grams of protein with food.

This is the main supplement you need to take if you want to see six pack belly fat. All professional athletes and competitive bodybuilders eat high protein foods and have better physiques! This applies not only to men, but also to women. We are all humans with the same DNA and muscle fibers, we all need protein to live a full life and also to burn fat!

Sources of protein can be ordinary foods: eggs, meat, fish, cottage cheese, legumes. You can also resort to additives that can be supplemented daily norm protein.

2. Consume Carbs Post-Workout

Many people mistakenly believe that carbohydrates are bad and that they make you fat. This is definitely a myth that needs to be busted!

Of course, eating too much of anything (even protein) can add weight, but natural sources of carbohydrates like buckwheat, rice and oatmeal are actually absolutely beneficial for your abs, especially when consumed after a workout. When do you eat carbohydrates after physical activity, when all glycogen stores are used up, they have little chance of being stored as fat.

Try eating moderate amounts of carbohydrates and vegetables along with other foods. This ensures that your body receives the vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fibers it needs to function and stay healthy.

3. Eat healthy fats

“Polyunsaturated fats must be present in the diet. They help fight excess weight more effectively.”

We found out above that in order to see abs on your stomach, you need to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat. And here it is important to understand that fat deposits accumulate more due to the consumption of large amounts of calories in general and excess carbohydrates in particular. That is, we don’t get fat because we eat a lot. fatty foods, but because we eat a lot of carbohydrates.

Moreover, consuming the right fats (mostly plant-based) helps speed up the weight loss process. Include in your diet healthy fats, from the following products:

Dietary fats from these sources will keep your insulin levels stable, which is important if your goal is to lose belly fat and reveal six-pack abs. This doesn't mean you should eat exclusively nuts and fish.

This means you don't have to be afraid to include healthy fats in your diet. Excluding fats from your diet will only negatively affect the burning of excess calories. A diet that excludes fats from the diet will definitely not help you lose weight.

The daily intake of fat in the diet should be about 20% of the total calorie content.

Combining protein products, with vegetables containing fiber and slow carbohydrates, you can speed up your metabolism and turn your body into a fat-burning machine 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The best part about all of this is that you can achieve all this without supplements, abdominal machines, or doing 100 useless crunches.

4. Proper nutrition is the key to six-pack abs

To burn fat and show six-pack belly fat, it is important to eat a balanced diet consisting of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Protein helps build additional muscle fibers and maintain existing muscle mass, while intensive combustion calories. It's arguably the most important macronutrient of all, mainly because your body, if you don't have enough calories, will burn muscle along with fat, thereby slowing down your body's metabolism.

Counting calories can be challenging, so an easy option is to eat most of your carbs after your workouts.

When you eat carbohydrates after a workout, your body quickly absorbs them, using them to restore wasted energy, promoting muscle growth, rather than storing them in fat stores. These carbohydrates also help your muscles recover quickly, giving you best result faster.

Many people believe that eating fat can make you fat, but in reality, healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as nuts, fish oil and olive oil will actually help you burn more fat than a low-fat diet.

Eating the right fats keeps your insulin levels stable, which helps keep you from storing extra fat in your body.

The last dietary tip is to include enough fiber and raw vegetables during every meal. Vegetables contain tons of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are very important for building toned body and sculpted abs.

5. Stop doing abs.

At first glance, this is strange advice, because in order to develop a six-pack, you need to pump up your abs, but in reality this is not the case. To see the relief cubes on the stomach, you need to remove excess fats, which hides the muscles underneath. And what will be more effective here is not 1000 crunches on the floor, but heavy multi-joint exercises, which consume more energy and, as a result, lead to weight loss due to fat deposits and help build additional muscle fibers, which help increase calorie expenditure.

It's stupid to waste an hour of your time on a hundred useless crunches when you can spend that hour on exercises that are more productive for burning fat.

How many times a week should you pump your abs?

In general, you should work on your abs for about 20 minutes, two or three times a week. There is no point in pumping your abs more often! Below are the best multi-joint exercises you should include in your fat-burning workout routine:

  • Barbell Squat
  • Lunges with dumbbells
  • Barbell deadlift
  • Standing press
  • Tilts
  • Close grip barbell press
  • Pull-ups
  • Bench press
  • Push ups

6. Use intense cardio workouts to burn fat and reveal six-pack abs.

The best method for burning fat is to do long-term cardio at a slow to moderate pace. This is a suitable method of loss excess weight, however, there is much The best way. Combining interval training with abdominal muscle training will give a better effect.

During the active recovery period after interval training, do abdominal exercises. For example, if you are doing sprint intervals on a stationary bike or treadmill, run for 30 seconds at your maximum speed.

Step off the machine and immediately perform 20 crunches on the ball. Then get back on the machine and run it again. Repeat 5-8 times.

Workout to burn fat in the gym

You can change abdominal exercises during breaks, such as twists, crunches, planks, etc.

A set of exercises for training the abdominal muscles


In conclusion, the key to getting six-pack abs is a proper balanced diet, doing basic exercises and intense cardio training. This is the secret of how to pump up your six-pack abs, which works when training at home and in the gym.

Abs complex for those who love them

If I haven't convinced you that you need to concentrate on proper nutrition and basic strength exercises to burn the maximum amount of fat, then here is an interesting set of exercises for abs at home.

Fatty, sweet, floury - this is the price of the treasured cubes on the stomach. If you don’t exclude this from your diet and don’t start monitoring your nutrition at all, any workout will be like a poultice for the dead. Everyone has abs, but they are hidden under a layer of fat. You need to eat more often, in small portions and under no circumstances starve, so as not to slow down your metabolism.

Do some cardio

Abdominal cubes become visible only if the thickness of the abdominal fat does not exceed 1 cm. Therefore the main task- get rid of excess fat. By the way, it’s also good to pump up your abs - these exercises involve your core, arms, and legs. You just need to understand that it is impossible to burn fat locally (this is the most persistent fitness myth!). What you need is moderate cardio 2-4 times a week for 45-60 minutes at a heart rate of 130-150 beats per minute.

Don't chase reps and sets

It is believed that without breaking your technique, you can do no more than 20 repetitions of the abdominal exercise. The rest will be of no use - you will perform the next repetitions at the expense of the hip flexors, which are not at all useful for this. In total, you should spend no more than 10-15 minutes on your abs before, during or after training. For beginners, it is generally enough to perform just a couple of light exercises in two approaches. And in any case until next workout The abs should receive at least 48 hours of proper rest.

Work with weights

The abs on your stomach are no worse than other muscles, which means that if you want to gain mass, load them extra weight. It can be used in bending the body while standing at a block or lifting the body in a Roman chair. Crunches on incline bench can be performed with a weight plate or dumbbell. And if you manage to attach weights to your legs, do leg lifts with weights, just be very careful!

Work out your abs no more than 1-2 times a week

If you train with weights, more frequent training on the abs will not allow the muscles to recover. Mandatory components of training for weight gain are proper nutrition and proper rest. In classes, you only prepare your muscles so that, thanks to nutrition and rest, they increase in size.

Re-learn the crunch technique

We all know these exercises since school lessons physical education, but in most cases we do them ineffectively. Simply fold your body towards your feet, bending in hip joints, - meaningless. Correct technique- when you curl up like a snail, contracting your abdominal muscles and pressing your chin to your chest. And at the same time you need to push up chest, and not stretch your head - it is because of this mistake that many beginners have a sore neck the next day after abs training. And finally, you should not lean too far back on an incline bench - this is dangerous for the spine.

Don't forget about your back

The golden rule is that you need to pump up your abs along with your back. If, in pursuit of six-pack abdominal muscles, you don’t notice anything around you, then very soon the spine, having strong muscles on one side and weak ones on the other, may suffer due to uneven load. Working on your cubes - take care of transverse muscle belly, strong muscles back and scapula fixators. At a minimum, do it regularly.

Know your limits!

Dried abs with cubes - rather, men's history. It is not only extremely difficult, but also dangerous for women to strive for such a picture. If a girl can guess the top two cubes on her stomach, that’s still normal. But no more! Violation of fat balance, failure in metabolic processes and a threat to the health of the reproductive system - sculpted belly It's not worth all this. And if your friend/acquaintance/trainer has all the abs on her stomach and doesn’t have any health problems, this doesn’t mean at all that you will get “male” abs painlessly. We are all different!


Use the equipment

In abdominal exercises, elastic shock absorbers will help dampen the jerking force, which is dangerous for the pelvic flexors. And reliance on or

Six-pack abs are the cherished dream of most gym goers. It is to achieve these very cubes that they pump up their abs, go on cutting diets and take fat burners. However, in order to achieve a six-pack, regular abdominal exercises are often not enough.

A set of exercises for abs

The set of yoga exercises presented below for developing abdominal muscles and working out the abs is recommended to be performed at home, as a morning warm-up. Remember that the goal of these exercises is to create a connection between the abdominal muscles and the brain, and not at all the number of repetitions performed.

During training, you should keep your abs in conscious tension. Gradually, you will learn to feel and tense not only the entire abs, but also its individual segments, which are the cubes - including those associated with the muscles of the legs and pelvis.

1. Half squat with arms extended up. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms straight up, then, as you exhale, begin to squat down, imagining that you are sitting on a chair. Make sure that your knees do not go beyond the line of your toes. Breathing slowly, maintain the pose for 30-40 seconds. Keep your abs tense.


2.Warrior poseI". Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Place your right leg forward, bending it at the knee, then move it left leg back, turning the toe 45 degrees. Point your tailbone down, then raise your arms up. Make sure your hips are pointing straight forward. Tighten your core muscles and maintain the pose for 30-40 seconds.


3. Tiger pose. Stand on all fours, palms under shoulders. Look forward, neck in a neutral position. As you inhale, tighten your abdominal muscles and point your right leg up, slightly arching your back. Hold for 10-20 seconds, then, tightening your abs even more as you exhale, pull your leg towards your elbow and round your back. Perform 3-5 approaches on each side.


4. Seated spinal twist. Sit down, straighten your legs, place both hands on the floor behind your back. Bend your left leg and place it with outside in the area of ​​the right knee. Tighten your abs, then, as you exhale, tighten your abs even more and carefully turn your body to the side. Raise your elbow bent right hand to the left knee. Hold for 30-40 seconds and change sides.


Since the abdominal muscles are made up of slow muscle fibers, their training requires, first of all, various static exercises. Besides, slim stomach unattainable without proper nutrition and control over consumed carbohydrates.

You will need:

How to pump up six-pack abs at home? Anatomy

In order to pump up your abdominal muscles properly, exercise alone will not be enough.

To begin, pay attention to the anterior abdominal wall. Here you can find a huge amount of fat deposits. And, no matter how actively you try to pump up your abs, the cubes will not appear, and no one will notice the result of your work. No, they may appear, but, unfortunately, they will be hidden behind a layer of fat.

No matter how sad it may sound, even a couple of centimeters will be enough for camouflage.

What's the solution then? Drying. Of course, following it, you most likely will not be able to pump up six-pack abs in a week. But, while on a diet without carbohydrates, the results will come soon - it all depends on you.

Essentially, a lot also depends on your physiology.

  • If you have abdominal obesity, you can get a sculpted belly by spending a whole six months on it.
  • If you are a thinner person, it may take you one month or even less to achieve results.

Just divide the process into two stages - and pumping up muscles. And in order to pump up all 6 cubes of your abs, you need to work on each muscle group separately. Also, it is important to know how to do it without harming your health.

How to pump up your upper abs

In this case, all exercises in a lying position and lifting the upper body are perfect.

Take the following position - lie on your back, press your lower back to the floor, keep your hands behind your head and bend your knees. Then begin to lift your shoulder blades and shoulders, while keeping your elbows in different directions. Do 3 sets, 20 reps each.

You won't be able to pump up your abs if you don't work out your oblique abdominal muscles. Crunching exercises are ideal.

Take almost the same starting position, but straightening your legs and keeping them in the air. Raise up top part torso and stretch diagonally with the opposite elbow towards the knee. Then bend your knee and bring it towards your elbow, touching it lightly. This exercise is a little difficult, so 6 sets of 6 times will be enough to get started.

How to pump up your lower abs

Now let's try to pump up the lower cubes.

you can use different ways– on the horizontal bar, in a lying position, etc.

It all depends on your sports training. While in the gym, do not look for a horizontal bar there, but rather do more useful exercises. And, of course, if you want to pump up your six-pack at home - supine position is the most suitable option.

Lie on your back, pressing your shoulders and lower back firmly to the floor, and begin to straighten your legs and pelvis. About 20-30 movements will be enough. If we are talking about a horizontal bar, then in this case you will need to raise your legs forward, pulling your knees towards your stomach. These exercises will quickly get rid of your protruding tummy.

Tactics and strategy

To get six-pack abs, there is no particular need to exercise every day. Your body requires time to recover. As a rule, after a good and productive workout on initial stages your muscles will ache - give them a rest for 2-3 days. Later, when the slight pain disappears, you can do the exercises daily.

Generally, optimal training should last 10-20 minutes, with warm-up and other exercises.

In the process of pumping up muscles, to achieve even greater results, you can combine your power training s and that will help burn unnecessary calories.

Abdominal cubes are a “decoration” not only for men, but also for women. Therefore, every person wants to have beautiful abs. But how to achieve it? And how long does it take? In fact, it doesn’t take much time to pump up your abs, especially if the person is not overweight. This may take 1 or 2 months, depending on how the person studies. And now we’ll talk about how to pump up your abs a month before getting six-pack. But first, a few words should be said about nutrition, since it plays an important role in this seemingly difficult matter.

How can a girl at home get beautiful abs in 1 month?

Exist universal tips, which effectively help not only to lose weight, but also to pump up the right muscles press in the shortest possible time. It is especially difficult for girls to build up the muscle area of ​​their abdomen to such an extent that cubes appear there, due to the characteristics and structure of their body: protein absorption and muscle growth occur much more slowly than in men. However, there are no impossible tasks that will prevent you from coping with the question of how a girl can pump up her abs in a month. The following recommendations will help you:

  1. Every day of the month you should go to bed and wake up at exactly the same time. Make sure your body and body get enough sleep during your allotted bedtime. Sleep with an open window to allow air to circulate well throughout the room.
  2. Wake up so that you have enough time for all morning procedures. Stress is your first enemy in healthy regimen day.
  3. Getting started morning exercises In order to properly and effectively pump up your abs, be sure to start with a warm-up, after which you thoroughly stretch your muscles.

Components of abs diet

Along with food, it is necessary to receive the entire spectrum of vitamins, valuable minerals, vital fiber, the optimal amount of water, as well as the well-known set of nutritional supplements. If you practice an unbalanced diet, then health problems are inevitable. A person is bothered by the feeling of hunger; he cannot build beautiful body in training. The diet must certainly include vegetable dishes, various fruits (fruits with a high GI must be kept in moderation), all known types of cereals, and most importantly proteins. Most experts call for split meals; you can eat about 5 times a day, in small portions. Also, for each type of food there should be right time. It is advisable to consume any carbohydrates before lunch. Meals in the second half of the day should be filled primarily with proteins. If you indulge in foods rich in carbohydrates in the afternoon, you will definitely not be able to use up the calories you have received. They will be stored in fats. You should definitely exclude from your diet all foods and dishes that are not beneficial.

Information for men

It is quite possible to create beautiful abs in a few months and remove overweight. It all depends on the person's motivation. You need to spend at least a quarter of an hour a day pumping your abs.

Ab crunch exercises for girls

Lie on your back, bend your knees slightly apart so that your feet remain pressed to the floor. Place your palms on the back of your head, but if your level of training is low, they can be placed along your torso. Raising your shoulders and torso, try to reach your right shoulder to your left knee. Hold for a few seconds, return to the starting position, then repeat on the other side.

Leg raise abdominal exercises for girls

To pump up abs, it is useful to raise your hips. Lie on the floor on your back, palms behind your head or extend your arms forward. Raise your legs at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. The movements should be smooth, linger in the upper position for a while, then slowly lower your legs to the floor.

Do you want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you

Ab crunch exercises with dumbbells for girls

Dumbbell Crunch: Lie on your back on the floor or mat with bent knees. Hold a light dumbbell in each hand, extending it out to your sides. Exhale and slowly lift your head and upper body off the floor, extending the dumbbells above your feet toward the ceiling. Getting six-pack abs requires both flexing your muscles and losing fat.

Bicycle press exercises for girls

Favorite exercise from childhood. Lie down with your hands behind your head. Your legs should be at a 45-degree angle, keeping them as low as possible. Next, imitate riding a bicycle. Muscles must be worked abdominals. It is recommended to do this for as long as possible.

Abdominal exercises: abdominal stretching for girls

Lie on your stomach, stretch your legs and rest your elbows. Slowly raise your legs one at a time to the maximum at a slow pace, try to feel the load in the muscles. Repeat 3 sets, 10-15 reps each.

Useful information for losing weight

Lower abs exercises for girls

Sit on a chair, squeeze a stool of acceptable weight with your feet and lift it off the floor. Hold the stool for 7-10 minutes. This is very difficult, but the result will please you. It is recommended to do 2-3 times.

Remember that the “cubes” are demanding in terms of changes in the number of repetitions, breaks between sets and weights. Try to record the results of your achievements, keep a training log.

In addition, do not forget about safety - careless execution of exercises on the abdominal muscles often leads to back problems. Stop training if you notice any signs of pain. Try to complete your workout abdominal muscles back exercises.

Great workout for getting abs on a girl in 30 days

Maintain and tone your core with these great ab workouts in 30 days. Do the exercises 3 times a week for the next month. You can do them on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Remember that six-pack abs require changes in repetitions, rest periods, exercises, and weights used.

You should do:

  • Raise your legs for 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Scissors 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Leg swings 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Plank 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Reverse crunches 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Mason twist 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest.
  • Do 4 rounds of exercises.

Important: Take 10 seconds of rest between exercises.