Water in a public swimming pool - requirements for its quality. Disinfection of water in the pool How to disinfect pools

There are various methods for purifying and disinfecting water in public and home pools, which involve the use of special equipment and reagents. However, each of them has a number of limitations. They are not suitable for every pool. What matters is its type (open, closed), the volume of the bowl, the maintained water temperature, the frequency of water procedures, and other factors. How effective and safe are the disinfection methods used in practice? So what should you choose? Let's look together at the most popular technologies and chemicals for cleaning and disinfecting pool water.

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It is considered the most accessible and effective way processing. To purify the water in the pool, time-tested chemistry is used - chlorine-containing reagents. Free chlorine, as well as its compounds, perfectly fight microbes; purified water fully complies with the requirements of sanitary standards.

However, a similar reagent, long used for cleaning and disinfecting water in a swimming pool:

  • does not destroy spore-forming microorganisms,
  • causes addiction to microbes and viruses, which requires the use of increased doses of chlorine,
  • causes the formation of toxic chlorination products (chloramines), leading to the appearance of a persistent odor of chlorine, as well as irritation of the eyes, respiratory tract, skin,
  • promotes the formation of carcinogenic and mutagenic substances in water.

Alternative cleaning methods

Active oxygen cleaning

After introducing an oxygen-containing reagent (hydrogen peroxide) into the water, free oxygen is released, which fights pathogenic microflora and does not irritate the eyes and skin. There is no formation of by-products. However, such a pool disinfection system is also expensive.

In addition, the reagent decomposes quite quickly in water and is inferior to chlorination in efficiency. Accordingly, if you want to guarantee the microbiological safety of water, you need to use higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, which is no longer entirely safe. Therefore, this disinfection method is almost never used in large, warm pools with high loads.


Ozone quickly eliminates various viruses, fungi, bacteria, demonstrating high activity (much higher than that of chlorine and oxygen). Does not cause irritation to the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and throat (with the exception of high concentrations of the substance), gives the water a pleasant blue tint and shine. However pool water purification with ozone- not a cheap pleasure. Increased ozone content in the air creates harmful conditions for pool visitors. The reagent has a short-term effect due to its instability and inability to accumulate in aquatic environment. Most often used in combination with chlorine. Fire and explosion hazard (!).

Ultraviolet treatment

A reagent-free method of disinfecting and purifying water, based on reducing the ability of pathogenic microorganisms to divide, without developing their resistance to solar radiation. Ultraviolet purification of pool water is safe, economical, and does not change the physical and chemical composition of the water. Disinfection occurs simultaneously when water passes through a UV emitter. Further, after passing through the UV emitter, the water is left without protection. Therefore, UV cleaning must be performed in conjunction with chlorination or another reagent disinfection method. Please note that a large number of suspended particles in the water (water turbidity) sharply reduces the effectiveness of UV irradiation. Ineffective against resistant microorganisms.

Disinfection by salt electrolysis

Disinfection is carried out with a chlorine-containing reagent, which is produced during the electrolysis of a solution of table salt. The installations can operate using the flow electrolysis method or with the formation of chlorine particles in a separate container. The cleaning method is effective and simple, but it is expensive and requires the installation of a large amount of special equipment, including chlorine control systems, protective systems to prevent leaks. Salt electrolysis is often used to clean indoor and outdoor public swimming pools in hotels, sanatoriums, and health care facilities. Disinfection of water using salt electrolysis entails all the disadvantages associated with the use of chlorine-containing reagents.


A method of chlorine-free pool water purification based on the work of silver and copper ions. They are released in the pool filtration system under the influence of a small electrical current. Silver kills viruses and bacteria, and copper reduces the growth of algae and also removes the smallest dispersed particles. Ionization has a prolonged effect, is odorless, and does not cause irritation. However, it is not fully known how metal ions act on the body. Experts recommend it only as an option for small pools. To purify water in large swimming pools, the use of chlorine or other reagent disinfection methods will additionally be required. The method itself is expensive.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Under the influence of ultrasound, pathogenic cells are destroyed and die, regardless of the degree of water contamination. However, the high cost and complexity of ultrasonic treatment makes the method little popular.

PerfectBalance - an innovative technology for cleaning and disinfecting swimming pool water of the 21st century

The use of a complex of 4 PerfectBalance reagents ensures the microbiological safety of pool water, prevents the appearance of algae, and maintains the purity and transparency of the water. Simple rules Using the PerfectBalance swimming pool maintenance system will make its operation a pleasant experience, bringing benefits and pleasure when swimming.

Preparations and products for cleaning and disinfecting pool water PerfectBalance – without chlorine:

  • Completely destroy viruses and bacteria, ensuring safe bathing (BactoFree product).
  • They perfectly remove cloudiness, clarify water, making it transparent (ClearWater).
  • They perfectly clean the sand filter and cartridge from biological contaminants (CleanFilter product).
  • They are guaranteed to destroy algae, stopping their growth in the water and on the walls of the bowl (AlgoFree product).

PerfectBalance – high-quality water purification and no chlorine

Healthy eyes. Does not irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes. The composition of the water is chemically balanced and non-aggressive.

Free breathing. Does not cause irritation to the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. There is no unpleasant odor, nasal congestion, or dry throat. People with allergic diseases can swim.

Velvet skin. Does not irritate the skin. Moisturizes her while bathing. Gives a pleasant feeling afterwards.

The PerfectBalance water purification system is currently successfully used in public and private swimming pools regardless of the volume and degree of loading. Being extremely safe and effective, the PerfectBalance system is very popular when treating water in children's pools and fitness club pools.

An artificial swimming pond filled with tap water poses no less a danger to the human body than drinking raw liquid flowing from a tap. Such water contains many organic impurities and a huge number of chemical elements. The lack of means for disinfecting swimming pools will lead to rapid flowering, proliferation of microorganisms and banal mechanical pollution of water.

One of the most important indicators for all substances that come into contact with human skin, hair, etc. is pH - acid-base balance. It reflects the ratio of acids and alkalis in a substance. Normally, the pH should be 7.2-7.4. But in different areas, even artesian water used to fill swimming pools differs significantly in acid-base balance from the standard value.

A pH in the range of 7.2-7.4 enhances the effect of chlorine-free disinfection of pool water.

The acid-base balance is adjusted using special preparations - correctors. To reduce alkalinity in a reservoir, “pH-minus” granules are used, to increase - “pH-plus”. Regular maintenance of the reservoir and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards will stabilize the acid-base balance for a long period.

How to disinfect pool water without chemicals

If previously the liquid in swimming ponds was purified primarily with bleach, today this method is practically not used. This chemical element is too aggressive. It causes unique damage to the skin, hair, respiratory system, vision, etc. Dangerous chlorine has been replaced by innovative, absolutely safe methods of disinfection and water purification. The most popular of them are:

  • ozonation;
  • UV disinfection of swimming pools;
  • installation of automatic systems.

Ozonation of water

Ozone is a fairly strong oxidizing gas. This allows this substance to participate in the decomposition reactions of organic dirt, which precipitates into an insoluble sediment. Passing through the sand filter, the sediment settles on it, and the water in the bowl becomes clean.

As a result of ozonation, a powerful disinfection of the reservoir occurs. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae and other microorganisms are removed from it. The gas, which has not reacted with pollution, gradually evaporates from the surface of the reservoir, and the water becomes clean and safe.

Ultraviolet cleaning

The use of ultraviolet lamps makes it possible to completely remove harmful microorganisms not only from the reservoir, but also from the room (if the pool is indoors). To be convinced of the effectiveness of this method, it is enough to remember the UV treatment of operating rooms, manipulation rooms and wards in medical institutions. Approximately the same effect is achieved when disinfecting liquids in artificial swimming pools.

Often, both methods – UV and ozonation – are used for complex water purification.

To ensure that your swimming pond always remains clean and safe, the specialists of the Correct Pools company will install effective system cleaning and disinfection at a good price. We will offer the best chemicals and units, install them quickly, with high quality and inexpensively, and undertake warranty and post-warranty maintenance of the hydraulic facility. Contact us and your pool will be cleaner than ever!

Performance of ozonation system for swimming pool

Currently, throughout the world there is a refusal to use chlorine-containing reagents in the water treatment of swimming pools. This is due to the negative impact on humans of by-products of the reaction of chlorine with impurities in water, especially toxic organochlorine compounds. The same situation occurs with the use of bromine.

The most environmentally friendly and safe for humans method of water treatment for a swimming pool is ozonation.

In Europe alone, more than 30,000 swimming pools are already treated exclusively with ozone. Almost every regulatory document regulating the use of various technologies for disinfecting swimming pools gives preference to methods alternative to chlorination (mainly ozone and ultraviolet treatment).

There are two fundamental parameters when using ozonation in swimming pools that must be taken into account when calculating equipment performance:

  • the dose of ozone in water should ensure disinfection of water and removal of organic matter;
  • the concentration of dissolved ozone in water is safe for swimmers, but is incompatible with the life of bacteria and viruses.

The dose of ozone treatment varies in various regulatory documents ranging from 0.4 to 1 mg ozone/l and depends on the treatment time and water temperature.

The concentration of residual ozone at the entrance to the pool bowl is regulated in the ranges of 0.05 - 0.15 mg/l. By almost all standards, ozonation is used as the main method of disinfection, provided that the filtration system in the pool provides 4-fold water exchange per day.

There are several types of circuit solutions for the use of ozonation in pool water treatment.

Treatment of pool water with a low dose of ozone

In such systems, ozonizers with low productivity and low ozone concentration are used. The water treatment scheme looks like this:

In these systems, ozonizers based on mercury UV lamps or weak discharge ozonizers are most often used to produce ozone.

All water passing through the filtration circuit is treated with ozone. The performance of the system is selected based on the performance of the filtration pumps and the permissible ozone concentration at the outlet into the pool bowl.

In SanPin this norm is prescribed and corresponds to 0.1 mg/l. That is, for every 10 m3/h of pump group productivity, the installation should have a productivity of no more than 1 g/hour.

But this concentration (0.1 mg/l) is not enough to ensure complete water purification in the short lifetime of ozone (half-life 15-30 minutes), therefore, with this circuit solution, ozonation is used as an addition to reagent water treatment.

Treatment of water with a high concentration of ozone followed by destruction using a carbon filter

This method is widely used all over the world, but has one drawback - ozone does not enter the pool bowl at all, and therefore the aftereffect is ensured by additional treatment with reagents. Water treatment scheme:

In this system, only part of the water is taken for ozonation - 1/4 of the power of the filter circuit, provided that water exchange in the pool occurs within 6 hours.

In the contact chamber, water is saturated with ozone to a concentration of 1 mg/l.

The contact chamber itself must ensure that the treated water stays in it for at least 5 minutes, so these chambers are often large in size. Such a high concentration of ozone makes it possible to rapidly disinfect water from all types of bacteria and viruses. Before returning to the main line, the treated water goes to a carbon filter for complete destruction of ozone.

To calculate the productivity of ozone equipment with such a water treatment scheme, it is necessary to proceed from the volume of the pool.

Each volume of water per day must receive a treatment dose of at least 1 g/m3. That is, the calculation can be presented in the formula: pool volume/24.

Hence the rule follows that for every 25 m3 of pool volume, the ozone installation must provide an ozone productivity of at least 1 g/hour with a flow of treated water of 1 m3/hour.

Ozone treatment followed by UV activation of ozone

In these systems, part of the water taken from the filtration circuit is treated with an increased dose of ozone (0.4-1 mg/l), followed by UV activation of oxidation processes.

This activation is carried out by UV radiation from mercury lamps at a wavelength of 254 nm, which makes it possible to convert excess ozone into short-lived and highly active OH* radicals.

Ozone + UV activation preparation scheme:

The use of UV activation makes it possible to abandon the use of large contact chambers, leaving only a system for dissolving ozone in water (static mixer in the diagram).

By selecting the necessary parameters of UV radiation, it is possible to ensure that after shock ozone treatment the residual concentration of ozone in the main line is maintained (no more than 0.1 mg/l).

This amount of ozone ensures the safety of bathers, but is incompatible with the life of bacteria and viruses.

Water in a public swimming pool - requirements for its quality

Moreover, in this scheme it is possible to temporarily turn off the UV installation for the purpose of shock treatment of the walls of the pool bowl during the absence of bathers.

The performance of the installation is calculated in the same way as in the previous scheme, and depends on the volume of the pool. For every 25 m3 of pool volume, the productivity of the ozone system should be within 1 g/hour, but no more.

Such systems are currently quite widely used both in Russia and abroad.

The use of OH* radicals in water treatment ensures the flow of natural processes oxidation existing in nature. Many international standards have already introduced the concept of Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) - intense oxidation processes. This is the safest and most effective water treatment technology.

Currently, the most effective devices for implementing AOP technologies are based on the use of radiation in the vacuum ultraviolet region at a wavelength of 172 nm from excimer xenon lamps. Such systems allow you to obtain ultrapure water.


  1. European Standard.

    Chemicals used for treatment of swimming pool water – Ozone. pr 15074:2004(E)

  2. Florida state pool code 01/02/08
  3. DIN 19627:1993. Ozone-plants for water treatment.
  4. DIN 19643-3:1997. Treatment of water of swimming-pools and baths –Part 3: Combination of process: Flocculation, ozonization, absorbing filtration, chlorination.
  5. DIN 19643-3:1999.

    Treatment of water of swimming-pools and baths –Part 4: Combination of process: Flocculation, ozonization, absorbing filtration, chlorination.

  6. Department of health NSW (Australia). Public swimming pool and spa pool guidelines.
  7. European code of practice for the design, construction, operation, management and maintenance of aquatic facilities. May 2007.
  8. SanPin

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Chlorinating pool water

Chlorination is an affordable and effective method of disinfecting pool water. But the safety of the method directly depends on the correctly performed procedure and dosage of funds. Let's look at how to chlorinate pool water step by step.

Preparatory work: where to start

If you have visited a public swimming pool, you have probably often noticed the unpleasant smell of chlorine.

This happens for two reasons:

  • excessive contamination;
  • increased acidity of water.

The struggle with the first problem is clear: regular cleaning of the pool walls and installation of a filtration system.

Disinfection and cleaning of swimming pools - products and special devices, different methods

But what about the acidity level?

Chlorine, when it gets into water, reacts and hypochlorous acid is formed. If the Ph level is elevated, the acid concentration increases and combined chlorine is formed - chloramine.

It is this that causes burns to the mucous membrane and is the cause of the pungent odor.

Therefore, when starting to chlorinate the pool water, check the Ph level. Use drip or electronic type indicators (you can find them in specialized stores). The recommended Ph value is 7.2-7.6. Adjust the acidity by means of increasing or decreasing the value.

How to carry out chlorination

Having prepared the water, proceed to chlorination.

Remember that the free chlorine content, according to sanitary standards, should be in the range of 0.3-0.5 mg/l. This concentration will destroy microorganisms in water and will not harm the health of humans and animals. There will also be no unpleasant odor.

It is difficult to manually obtain the desired value. An accurate dosage of chlorine-containing substances is necessary.

The requirement can be met by using chlorinators.

Modern chlorination systems designed for domestic needs have the following capabilities:

  • harmlessness to the environment and humans;
  • dosage accuracy;
  • possibility of automatic control;
  • programming (disinfection will occur on the day and time you set);
  • durability.

The disadvantage of disinfecting pool water using chlorination is the need to constantly monitor the chloramine content and Ph level.

Test using indicators every 2-3 days.

For household needs, use the following reagents:

  • sodium dichloroisocyanurate
  • calcium hypochlorites;
  • trichloroisocyanuric acid.

The simplest microorganisms develop immunity to chlorine concentrations. If the dosage remains constant all the time, the bacteria will adapt and begin to multiply despite control measures.

To prevent this, carry out “shock” disinfection - adding reagents with an increase in dosage by 1.5-2 times.

Several technologies are now used to purify and disinfect water. Both individually and in various combinations with each other. Each technology has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss in this article.

Water chlorination

Water chlorination is based on adding chlorine-containing substances to water; it is the oldest, most common and most reliable reagent method of water disinfection.

The method is based on the ability of free chlorine and its compounds to inhibit microbial enzyme systems that catalyze redox processes. In Russia, in 99% of cases, the water in any pool is chlorinated to some extent, even in a pool with sea ​​water, since chlorination is the most reliable and affordable way to comply with accepted sanitary standards.

Advantages of the chlorination method:

  • reliability and wide range of effects on microorganisms.

    Chlorine is capable of destroying and destroying the vast majority of known pathogenic microorganisms;

  • chlorination treats not only the water, but also the surfaces of the pool itself, in contrast to ozonation, electrolysis and ultraviolet treatment, when only water passing directly through the disinfection device is treated, and the surfaces of the pool remain a risk factor;
  • prolonged action.

    Chlorine lasts a long time in active form in water (free chlorine*);

  • inexpensive and accessible way.

Disadvantages of the chlorination method:

  • chlorination does not destroy spore-forming microorganisms (unlike, for example, ozonation);
  • When maintaining a constant level of chlorine in water, over time, pathogenic microbes become “accustomed” to these chlorine concentrations.

    To solve this problem, periodic treatment with increased doses of chlorine (chlorine shock) is used;

  • Toxic chlorination products (chloroform, chloramines*) are constantly formed in water, which must be constantly “fighted”.

*Reference: Free chlorine is part of the total chlorine contained in water that has not been processed by algae, bacteria and other organic matter. Free chlorine has great disinfecting power. Chloramine, or combined chlorine, is the part of chlorine bound by ammonium compounds that come from sweat, urine, and sunscreen.

It is chloramines, and not excessive chlorine content, that cause the smell of chlorine in the pool. Chloramines also irritate the eyes and skin. The content of combined chlorine should not exceed one third of the total chlorine.

Water disinfection using active oxygen

The operating principle of the cleaning method using active oxygen: an oxygen-containing reagent is injected into the water, which decomposes in the water, releasing oxygen, which reacts with biological contaminants.

At one time, this gentle method was very popular in Europe and Russia.

Advantages of disinfection with an oxygen-containing reagent:

  • Quite effectively destroys harmful microflora living in the pool bath;
  • does not irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and skin due to the absence of chloramines;
  • no harmful by-products are formed.

Disadvantages of disinfection with an oxygen-containing reagent:

  • expensive compared to chlorination;
  • the oxygen-containing reagent decomposes very quickly in an aqueous environment.

    As a result, higher doses have to be used;

  • lower activity compared to chlorination, which again leads to an increase in the dosage of the reagent;
  • an overdose of an oxygen-containing reagent (hydrogen peroxide) has more unpleasant health consequences than an overdose of chlorine; periodic chlorination is still required.

Ozonation of water

Ozone is a gas that is the most active form of oxygen.

Ozone is one of the most powerful oxidizing agents that destroys bacteria, spores and viruses. At its core, water purification with ozone is equivalent to a multiply accelerated procedure for natural water purification.

Advantages of the ozonation method:

  • a wide range of effects on microorganisms (ozone destroys virtually all bacteria, viruses and organic substances), and the activity of ozone is many times higher than that of oxygen and chlorine.

    For example, pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed by it 15-20 times, and spore forms of bacteria - 300-600 times faster than by chlorine. The polio virus is killed by an ozone concentration of 0.45 mg/l in 2 minutes, while from chlorine at twice the concentration in only 3 hours;

  • chloramines are not formed, which irritate the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • ozone, unlike chlorine, does not leave any odor;
  • ozone treatment makes the water shiny and gives the water a blue tint (chlorination gives it a greenish tint);
  • an overdose of ozone is not a problem, since after the treatment is completed, the ozone is converted back into oxygen;
  • Ozone treatment does not add any additional foreign substances or chemical compounds to the water.

Disadvantages of the ozonation method:

  • ozone does not have a prolonged effect, since it is an unstable gas and quickly decomposes into ordinary oxygen without accumulating in the aquatic environment;
  • ozonation of water is much more expensive than traditional chlorination;
  • pool surfaces remain a risk factor, since only water passing through the device is disinfected;
  • ozone is toxic when inhaled; at high concentrations of ozone, damage to the respiratory tract, lungs and mucous membranes is observed, and the chronic effects of micro-concentrations of ozone on the human body have not been sufficiently studied;
  • In addition, pure ozone is explosive.

    For these reasons, working with ozone requires careful safety precautions.

In public swimming pools, an ozone generator can only be used in conjunction with a chlorine station. Water treatment using ozonation combined with chlorination is an excellent option for large pools.

Thanks to ozone treatment, the water in the pool will be clear, clean and effectively disinfected. All that remains is to maintain a small concentration of chlorine to prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the pool and the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, the formation of chloramines will be minimized, and, consequently, the smell of bleach and irritation of the skin and eyes will be less.

Ultraviolet water treatment

Currently, UV irradiation of water is one of the most promising reagent-free methods of water disinfection.

UV disinfection of water occurs using the ability of UV radiation to penetrate the walls of a cell, reaching its information center - the nucleic acids DNA and RNA. UV disinfection of water involves the absorption of radiation rays by nucleic acids, while the DNA and RNA of pathogenic microorganisms lose their ability to divide, i.e.

the cell's ability to reproduce is lost. Ultraviolet water disinfection is considered one of the cleanest methods of water purification.

Advantages of the ultraviolet water disinfection method:

  • UV irradiation is highly effective against pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria and viruses, and decomposes organic substances;
  • microorganisms do not develop resistance to UV radiation;
  • UV radiation decomposes chloramines;
  • UV irradiation, even in high doses, does not change the chemical composition of water (unlike oxidative methods) and does not lead to the formation of harmful by-product chemical compounds;
  • the method is safe for health;
  • The UV disinfection method is quite economical.

Disadvantages of the ultraviolet water disinfection method:

  • you need to monitor the level of iron and, if necessary, purify the water from iron;
  • some organisms are highly resistant to UV radiation;
  • if there is a coarse impurity in the water, then it can play the role of a kind of shield for pathogenic microbes that will not receive the required dose of radiation.

    Under these conditions, for high-quality water disinfection, it is necessary to use additional (to remove impurities) stages of water purification prior to ultraviolet disinfection;

  • pool surfaces remain a risk factor, since only water passing through the device emitting UV rays is disinfected;
  • UV disinfection acts simultaneously during direct irradiation, i.e.

    does not have a prolonged effect.

UV water disinfection is used today both as an independent method of water purification and in combination with other disinfection methods. In large public swimming pools, ultraviolet water disinfection is used together with chlorine disinfection. This combination of methods can significantly reduce the content of free chlorine in water, necessary for high-quality disinfection, as well as reduce the concentration of chloramines.

In small private pools, it is possible to completely avoid chlorine disinfection.

Disinfection based on ionization of pool water

Ionization is the process of splitting off the smallest particles of a substance. Purifying pool water using ionization is one of the most advanced methods today.

Pool water purification

The principle of operation of the ionization disinfection method: under the influence of a weak current in a block of electrodes embedded in the pool filtration system, copper or silver ions are released. With the flow of water, these ions enter the pool bowl. Silver ions destroy bacteria and viruses, and copper ions prevent algae growth. All foreign impurities are also removed from the water.

Advantages of water disinfection using ionization method:

  • prolonged action - silver and copper ions remain in an active state for quite a long time, purifying the water in the pool, which reduces the need for additional disinfection of water using chemicals, in particular chlorine;
  • the quality of water after ionization meets drinking water quality standards;
  • when using an ionizer together with an ozonizer, the use of chlorine substances in small pools can be completely abandoned;
  • no odor;
  • silver and copper ions do not irritate the skin and mucous membrane of the eyes, respiratory tract;
  • absence of allergic reactions;
  • Copper ions also act as a coagulant (they glue together the smallest mechanical particles due to electrostatic forces, forming larger ones that are captured by filters).

Disadvantages of water disinfection using ionization:

  • the effect of metal ions on the human body has not been fully studied;
  • in large pools additional disinfection with chlorine is still necessary;
  • systems do not combine well with other disinfection systems.

The method of co-ionization and chlorination of pool water has become quite widely used in public and private pools.

Ionization together with ozonation is used less frequently due to the rather high cost of the equipment.

Materials and technologies | №4 (66) "2012

Warm pool water is an excellent environment for the proliferation of microorganisms, many of which pose a serious danger to human health. Fortunately, people have developed methods for water disinfection, thanks to modern technologies This process does not occur periodically, but constantly.

A little school chemistry

Everyone knows that water is disinfected with chlorine and that it is a poisonous gas. It is worth remembering that it was first used as a weapon of mass destruction in the First World War at the Battle of Ypres in 1915, which led to the death of about 6 thousand people in a few minutes.

But with chlorination - the most common and proven method of disinfecting pool water (as well as in domestic and drinking water supply) - it is not the toxic properties of chlorine that are used, but the oxidizing ones. When it interacts with water, the reaction occurs: H2O + Cl2 = HClO + HCl.

Hypochlorous (hypochloritic) acid HClO, depending on the pH of the environment and other conditions, decomposes according to the formula:
HClO=HCl+O (for hydrochloric acid and atomic oxygen) or HClO=H+ +ClO– (with the formation of hypochlorite ion ClO–).

Thus, when water is chlorinated, microorganisms, in addition to free chlorine, are affected by hypochlorous acid, its anion and atomic oxygen, a strong oxidizing agent.

From theory to practice

The use of chlorine gas for water disinfection is attracting less and less attention from consumers, as it has many disadvantages: the difficulty of accurate dosing, the danger of transporting and storing cylinders, the irritating effect of chlorine on human mucous membranes and skin.

In the practice of disinfection and water purification by chlorination, preference is often given to other chlorine-containing reagents. There are plenty of options: the list of recommended disinfectants published in SanPiN “Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements for design, operation and water quality. Quality control”, in addition to chlorine gas, includes a number of drugs.

It includes, in particular:
– bleach - Ca(Cl)OCl (a mixture of hypochlorite and calcium chloride);
– inorganic salts of hypochlorous acid - sodium hypochlorites NaClO, calcium Ca(ClO)2) and lithium LiClO;
– chlorine preparations of organic origin - derivatives of isocyanuric acid: two-thirds calcium hypochlorite salt (DTHC), sodium salt of dichloroisocyanuric acid (DCCA).

The disinfecting properties of the reagents are assessed with active chlorine. This concept refers to chlorine, which is found in unstable chemical compounds and can be involved in disinfection reactions. Such reactions include not only those involving chlorine, but, for example, oxidation by atomic oxygen formed during the decomposition of hypochlorous acid. The more active chlorine a reagent contains, the more effective it is, which means the lower the total amount chemical substances entering the water during disinfection.

Chlorine gas (Cl2) is considered to contain 100% active chlorine. The most famous disinfectant - bleach (bleach) - contains about 30%. There are compounds in which the active chlorine content is much higher than this value. For example, chlorine dioxide ClO2 in its pure form contains more than 260% active chlorine - taking into account all the useful derivatives of the chemical reactions in which this substance enters.

Chlorine liquid and tablets

Chlorine gas is an effective disinfectant that has long been widely used to disinfect water at large water treatment plants. But even there, not to mention swimming pools, other chlorine-containing reagents are increasingly preferred. Let's look at them in a little more detail.

Sodium hypochlorite in its pure form contains about 95% active chlorine. But it is produced industrially in the form of solutions with a 10–18 percent concentration of active chlorine. Technical sodium hypochlorite contains a significant amount of alkali (pH = 12–13), and its use requires correction of the acid-base balance. In addition, over time, the concentration of active chlorine in it decreases (oxygen “leaves” from the reagent). Therefore, a method was developed for producing sodium hypochlorite from ordinary table salt directly at the point of use - using electrochemical installations. The solution at the outlet of such a device is low-concentrated: in terms of active chlorine - 0.5–0.9%.

Since sodium hypochlorite is a liquid product, it is easy to use with automatic dosing stations. Calcium hypochlorite is available in powder, granule or tablet form. Technical neutral calcium hypochlorite produced in accordance with GOST contains at least 60% active chlorine. It is also produced according to other regulatory documents, with an active chlorine content of 45–70%.

The advantages of reagents based on calcium hypochlorite are the possibility of long-term (manufacturers' warranty - from a year) storage, ease of transportation, low alkalinity (i.e., adjusting the pH level of pool water does not require the same costs as when using sodium hypochlorite).

Disadvantages - a significant increase in water hardness, the danger of liming the water heater, lining and pool equipment. The risk of liming is eliminated by maintaining the water pH between 7.0 and 7.4.

Reagents based on calcium hypochlorite are added to the pool water manually or using semi-automatic dispensers. An example of a modern form of this disinfectant is the 7-gram lozenges of the hth brand (manufactured by Arch Water Products), used, in particular, in Easyflo dispensers. The average content of active chlorine in them is 69%. The product contains an additive that counteracts the formation of limescale.

Sodium salt of dichloroisocyanuric acid is a common disinfectant today. When interacting with water, it releases active chlorine, which, according to the above mechanism, forms the same hypochlorous acid. Isocyanuric acid, which remains in the water after the release of active chlorine, plays the role of a stabilizer that prevents the destruction of chlorine (for example, under the influence of sunlight). It is added to water and as a separate reagent.

DHCC contains 60% active chlorine. Based on it, instant granules, tablets, and powder for the so-called shock chlorination are produced.

The second common drug in this group is trichloroisocyanuric acid (TCCA) - a slowly soluble agent with 90% active chlorine content. It is used mainly to maintain a working, or long-term, concentration of a disinfectant.

Chlorination is usually associated with an unpleasant odor and sore eyes. This idea about this method is often formed after visiting a pool where the water treatment technology has not been worked out or is broken. Modern reagents, correct calculation and precise maintenance of the dose, compliance with the conditions under which the action of the chemistry is directed, reduce undesirable effects to a minimum.

The reason for the pungent odor and irritating effect on the mucous membranes and skin of bathers is mainly not in the reagents added to the water, but in chloramines - reaction products of organic and ammonia contaminants with active chlorine. High-quality water purification from suspended matter (clarification), algae and correction of the acid-base balance ensure comfortable swimming, and at the same time saving on disinfectant reagent.

Modern “smart” chemistry for swimming pools solves the problem of water treatment in a comprehensive manner. For example, the Multilong product (tablets packaged in a dispenser cartridge) from Bayrol includes both fast- and slowly-soluble chlorine-containing substances, a flocculant for effective water clarification, and an algae remover.

From the halogen group

In addition to chlorine, bromine-containing reagents are widely used for water disinfection. Bromine is close to chlorine in chemical activity and is similar to it in the type of reactions that occur in pool water. However, their products do not have an unpleasant odor, and bromine does not form compounds with ammonia and other nitrogen-containing substances, which in the case of chlorination are responsible for the characteristic “chlorine” odor. Bromine compounds are resistant to sunlight, so when used in outdoor pools, stabilizers are not required to be added to the water. Another important advantage of bromination is the reliability of disinfection at high pH values.

Manufacturers of disinfection chemicals offer various preparations based on bromine compounds. Thus, Bayrol produces slow-dissolving tablets Aquabrome Tab for prolonged disinfection, as well as Aquabrome Algicide liquid for combating algae.

According to the mentioned standards, during disinfection, the bromine content in the pool water should be 0.8–1.5 mg/l.

"Soft" chemistry

Atomic oxygen, released when certain compounds are dissolved in water, is a very strong oxidizing agent. Treatment of water with such active oxygen provides not only disinfection, but also the decomposition of organic substances and algae present in the water. At the same time, there are no unpleasant phenomena associated with water chlorination: irritation of mucous membranes and skin, pungent odor. The advantages of this method include the lack of influence on the pH level.

However, the effectiveness of preparations with active oxygen is inferior to chlorination and depends more on the content of suspended matter (and therefore the number of users), the presence of algae, and water temperature. Pools where this method is implemented require more careful care with the organization of uniform, without the formation of stagnant zones, water circulation and scrupulous control of the concentration of the disinfecting agent. In addition, these drugs are more expensive than chlorine-containing ones. So for now, the use of active oxygen is limited mainly to individual pools of relatively small volume. And here it is usually combined with periodic shock chlorination (but active oxygen is also used for shock disinfection).

Active oxygen reagents are produced in the form of powders, granules (tablets) and liquids. As a rule, they consist of two components, one of which plays the role of an activator. For example, the already mentioned company Arch Water Products offers slowly dissolving active oxygen tablets based on potassium peroxymonosulfate (potassium monopersulfate), for the “work” of which it is necessary to add a special liquid activator to the water, which also performs the function of an algaecide (suppresses the growth of algae).

From chemistry to physics

Air oxygen is also used to disinfect water - in the form of ozone, the oxidation potential of which is almost twice as high as that of chlorine. Ozone neutralizes any microorganisms, including chlorine-resistant spore-forming bacteria and viruses, deodorizes water, oxidizes suspended matter, and promotes their coagulation.

Ozonation can be called a method that is at the intersection of chemical and physical disinfection of water, because ozone is a chemical reagent obtained under the influence of electrical discharges right at the place of its use. At the same time, it quickly, even before entering the pool bowl, decomposes, turning into ordinary oxygen. In other words, ozone does not have a prolonged effect, so you still have to add other reagents containing chlorine, bromine or active oxygen to the water.

It should also be taken into account that ozonation consumes electricity and requires qualified equipment maintenance. But its use improves water quality and increases the comfort of using the pool. When ozonation and chlorination are combined, the required concentration of residual chlorine in the water is reduced to 0.1–0.3 mg/l (SanPiN, which means that you can swim in the pool without any eye pain without swimming goggles. (Residual chlorine is an indicator of the content of active chlorine in water after the completion of its binding processes. According to SanPiN, its value during disinfection by chlorination should be from 0.3 to 0.5 mg/l.)

Ultraviolet treatment of water can reduce the concentration of residual chlorine to the same values. This method is widely used in various areas of water treatment - in installations for the purification of drinking and industrial water, wastewater, etc. This method itself is completely reagent-free and does not have a negative effect on the composition and “organoleptics” of water. With a sufficient dose in a certain range of ultraviolet radiation (the optimal wavelength for disinfection is 253.7 nm), microorganisms of all types are destroyed in a few seconds.

But the lack of a prolonged action does not allow the use of UV treatment as the only means of disinfection in pools with water recirculation (which is acceptable, for example, in flow-through pools filled from a water supply). Domestic regulations require combining this method with dosing chemicals into water. This combination provides reliable disinfection with a minimum content of chemical disinfection by-products. Ultraviolet treatment not only makes it possible to reduce the amount of chlorine reagent supplied to the water, but also promotes the decomposition of chloramines.

According to SanPiN 2.1.2. 1188-03, the ultraviolet dose during disinfection must be at least 16 mJ/cm2. Installations offered for swimming pools typically provide more than 30 mJ/cm2. They are compact and easy to use and maintain. Lamp life is 9–15 thousand hours. The devices are installed in the water circulation circuit after the filter and before the water heater. Sometimes a UV disinfectant is combined with an ozonizer - and the oxidative “power” of ozone is added to the bactericidal effect of ultraviolet radiation.

Copper and silver ionizers are also offered as additional disinfectants. Their action is based on the ability of heavy metal ions to kill microorganisms by penetrating their protoplasm. In parallel, they exhibit the properties of an algaecide and a coagulant (copper). But it should be borne in mind that heavy metals can accumulate in the tissues of the human body, causing harmful effects and causing a number of diseases. Sanitary services establish their maximum permissible concentration in drinking water (for silver - 0.05 mg/l).

Finally, we note that SanPiN mentioned in the article prescribes the disinfection of water in recirculation pools using a chemical method (literally “introducing a disinfectant agent”). However, the document does not exclude the use of other treatment methods if they provide the required water quality, as confirmed by hygienic studies.

Experts' comments

Dmitry Zuev, director of the Chemoform representative office:

“What is the most important thing for all swimming pool visitors? Of course, confidence in the purity of the water and safety. Reliable disinfection must be combined with the comfort of using the pool, without causing discomfort to swimmers. This is exactly the task that the German company Chemoform sets itself. Today the company has a whole range of high-quality water care products in its arsenal. Its products are well known in European countries (in particular in France, which accounts for the bulk of exports). The company's drugs are also popular in Russia.

Chemoform's production program includes product lines for private and public swimming pools. This is truly “smart” chemistry that allows you to maintain water in ideal condition. For private swimming pools, the company's laboratories have developed preparations for long-term and shock disinfection based on chlorine and active oxygen, supplied in the form of granules, tablets and solutions. At the same time, the company has a flexible approach to creating disinfection products.

So, in some cases, for chlorination of water, Chemoform offers a preparation based on calcium hypochlorite, in others - trichloroisocyanuric acid, in others - sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate. The content of active chlorine in them reaches 90%. The composition of the drugs is optimized for specific conditions of use. Their effective use is ensured by a wide range of related Chemoform products, including stabilizers, activators, pH correctors, dispensers various types etc.

In case of an overdose of a chlorine-containing reagent, you can use “Stop-chlorine”, which quickly eliminates the excess reagents. The basis of Chemoform disinfectants for public swimming pools is liquid sodium hypochlorite, supplied using automatic chemical control and dosing stations. Experience with their use shows that a high-quality and pure chemical product can create a truly comfortable environment in the swimming pool water and the surrounding air.”

Mikhail Strukov, technical director of EURO-POOL:

“Automation plays a great role in ensuring reliable disinfection of pool water. Among the new products on the Russian market is Pool Pilot, a multifunctional water treatment process control system developed by specialists from the German company IKS ComputerSysteme. It is available in two versions - for disinfecting water with active oxygen and chlorine.

In both cases, the system monitors the condition of the water and adjusts the pH value. In addition, Pool Pilot controls the filter unit pump, coagulant supply, and water heating according to a given program. The system is easy to set up, has a full-fledged keyboard and digital display, can be connected to a computer and included in the “smart home” structure. The user can monitor the status of the water treatment plant via SMS.

Another highlight of the system is the Aquaview sensor module for remote control of water treatment directly from the pool room. It is noteworthy that Pool Pilot was originally designed to control marine aquariums. It is so accurate and reliable that it is trusted with the lives of their inhabitants, who are very sensitive to the state of the water. Technical support for Pool Pilot users in Russia is provided by EURO-POOL, the official representative of IKS ComputerSysteme.”

Elena Sadovskaya, manager-consultant of the sales department of the Marko-Pul company:

“Today, according to the requirements, the water in the pool is close to drinking water. At the same time, water treatment in swimming pools is impossible without the use of chemicals. Only high-quality drugs, the composition and procedure for use of which are carefully thought out, can be combined with one another. Otherwise, toxins are formed in the water, which negate the emotional and health benefits of visiting the pool.

The Marco-Pul company represents Bayrol brand pool chemicals in Russia. This German company invests the lion's share of its profits in research papers and has the world's widest range of pool water treatment chemicals.

Various means and methods help in disinfection. For example, water is treated with chlorine or bromine. In private pools, reagents containing active oxygen can be used instead. To reduce the consumption and concentration of chemicals in water, additional disinfection with ultraviolet light or ozone is used. But the most reliable method of disinfection remains “classic” chlorination, especially in cases of heavy contamination. When treating water with chlorine, not only a bactericidal effect is achieved, but also the oxidation of organic impurities not retained by the filter. Their removal occurs by dosing coagulants (for Bayrol - “Superflock” and “Quickflock”). To ensure that the use of chemicals is effective and not accompanied by the formation of harmful substances, means are used to correct the pH of the water.

The Bayrol company produces a full range of products for water purification in swimming pools - from chlorine to peroxide (with active oxygen), offering several types of preparations of each type - for prolonged and shock disinfection, private and public pools, manual and automatic dosing, combined, etc. d."

Dmitry Pereprosov, head of the service department of the OLPULS company:

“Disinfection is a technological stage of water treatment in a swimming pool, to which great importance is attached. When choosing a method, you need to consider whether it provides:
– constant disinfection in the pool itself;
– removal (oxidation) of organic impurities that are not captured by the filter unit;
– simple and reliable measurement of the disinfecting effect of equipment or reagents on pool water.

Taking into account these requirements, it is impossible, for example, to consider ultraviolet disinfection absolutely reliable. Even with well-organized water exchange, it is not possible to pass the entire volume of pool water through an ultraviolet installation. The consequence of this is slimy deposits on the walls and bottom of the pool. The disinfecting effect cannot be measured.

Ozone is a strong oxidizing agent, but it does not meet all of the above requirements. In addition, it is a poisonous gas. It can be supplied to a swimming pool only in absolutely insignificant quantities - less than 0.01 g / cubic meter. m. A good ozonizer is always equipped with an activated carbon filter to destroy residual ozone. So, constant disinfection is not carried out, and when ozonating, it is also necessary to dose a chemical reagent, for example chlorine, into the water.

Among the proposed means of disinfecting water in swimming pools is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). In advertising, the advantage of using this drug is the fact that no additional “ballast” substances enter the water: the compound breaks down into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2). However, hydrogen peroxide must be stabilized. Under the influence of such a stabilizer, the oxidizing ability of the substance is greatly reduced. In general, very little is known about the bactericidal and algicidal effects of the drug. It is not approved for use in public swimming pools.

But chlorine is reasonably allowed for use as the only disinfectant for water in swimming pools of all types. The disadvantages of this method, according to users, are the “chlorine” smell, irritation of the mucous membranes, etc. However, the “culprit” for this is not chlorine itself, but chloramines (compounds of dirt and chlorine). Pure chlorine in clean water does not smell or cause other unpleasant sensations.”

Sergey Kromin, chief engineer of Aquaterra LLC:

“As you know, chlorine is an effective, reliable and relatively cheap means of disinfecting pool water. But chlorination (by automatic stations or manually) is recommended to be supplemented with ultraviolet irradiation.

Our company offers UV disinfectants Blue Lagoon manufactured by Van Erp (Netherlands). This series includes several modifications: for private and public swimming pools, with and without a timer to track the operating time of the UV lamp, and with amalgam lamps. UV radiation in the short wavelength range (253.7 nm) has a bactericidal effect - it kills bacteria, viruses and other primitive microorganisms and prevents their further reproduction. This allows you to reduce chlorination of the pool to a minimum - a tenfold reduction in chemical costs is possible.

UV radiation does not change the organoleptic properties of water and breaks down the combined chlorine formed in the water, thereby eliminating the unpleasant chlorine odor in the pool. The internal surface of the installation body is made of stainless steel, which reflects ultraviolet radiation, which further increases the irradiation efficiency by 35%.

Text: Ilya Plokhikh

Even if you have a free and uninterrupted water source, regularly replacing the contents of the pool is not the best solution. Firstly, fresh water will warm up to a comfortable temperature for quite a long time. Secondly, it will quickly turn green again and become clogged.

So there is two cleaning methods– physical and chemical. The first is used to eliminate large particles, and the chemical method is used to disinfect water and combat the appearance of algae.

Physical method

Using a water vacuum cleaner and a net, all applied solid debris visible to the human eye is removed from the surface: leaves, twigs, insects, etc. This procedure is daily if the pool is outdoors.

To clean from smaller particles, it is necessary to install a special filter that will retain most of the dirt. Most often, the cleaning system comes complete with the pool.

Filtration systems There are different types:

  1. Sand filters. Cleaning is carried out through quartz sand grains located inside the pump.
  2. Grains of debris from the stream are retained in the sand, and clean water passes on. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the need for weekly washing of the filter pump itself, which requires access to an unlimited source of water. Also, a sand filter has a small effect - it does not retain the smallest grains.

  3. Cartridge filters. They are the most popular among buyers in terms of price-quality ratio. They are a little more expensive than sand ones, but they filter water better, do not require as frequent washing, and are also easy to clean.
  4. The cleaning system consists of several cartridge plates that trap particles of debris. There are also disposable cartridges that are disposed of after use, and a new one is installed in the pump.

  5. Diatoms. This type appeared relatively recently. Today, such filters are the most expensive and most effective in terms of removing the smallest particles.
  6. The principle of operation is similar to the first type, but here, instead of sand, special soil (crushed plankton shells) is used. The disadvantages are rapid clogging, and it is not always possible to completely clean such a filter. It is also worth noting the need for proper disposal of the contents, because... it is considered a hazardous waste. To clean and replace the cartridge, it is better to contact a service center.

For normal flow circulation, regardless of the type, the filter pump must operate for at least 6 hours every day!

Chemical cleaning method

There are a number of products for chemical processing of different directions. For high-quality water treatment, it is necessary to purchase a whole series of preparations.

Pool care using chemicals includes several stages:

  1. pH control. A special device allows you to determine the acidity value. The norm is considered to be a value from 7 to 7.4 units. Depending on the indicator, a drug is added to the water that raises or lowers the pH. The value must be checked once a week.
  2. Water disinfection will help prevent the appearance of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Disinfectants are created on the basis of chlorine, bromine or active oxygen. Chlorine preparations are the most accessible, but have a specific odor and can cause allergic reactions. Bromine has no odor, but its price is slightly higher. Active oxygen, although more expensive than others, is considered the most gentle and at the same time effective option.
  3. Coagulation Helps eliminate tiny particles. A substance added to water glues the smallest particles into “flakes”, after which they are retained by the filter.
  4. Fighting water blooms, bottom siltation and algae. For this purpose, algaecides are used - substances that destroy aquatic vegetation. The product is poured into the pool immediately after filling it with water.


From time to time, a coating of mucus, grease and dirt will form on the walls and bottom of the pool. To eliminate it, you can use a special bottom vacuum cleaner.


How to drain water from a frame pool? Water is removed through a special drain valve, located in the pool body. A hose or pipes are attached to it, which are best connected directly to the sewer system.

Also, when discharged through a hose, water can be used to water the garden, if it does not contain a large amount of chemicals. Or, if there is a special drainage hole, direct the flow there.

Water heating

How to heat a pool? To heat water in frame pool, the most popular methods are solar heater and heat pump.

If in the region in summer time If the weather is clear, it makes sense to install a solar heater. It must be located in a place where it will be exposed to direct sunlight for at least 4 hours. The principle of operation is simple - the device contains sensors that control the level of light and heat.

When the required indicators are reached, the pump begins to pump water from the pool into the collector, which heats it and discharges it back into the tank. After the water temperature reaches the desired level, the flow passes outside the heating element. Among the advantages of this method are efficiency and ease of operation.

Second option - heat pumps. They work on a similar principle: the device accumulates heat from the environment - from the ground, reservoir or air - and uses it to heat the water. For a summer cottage, it is better to purchase an air source heat pump. It is environmentally friendly, economical and capable of operating even at low temperatures above zero.

Covering. Insulation

How to cover a frame pool? How to insulate? Water itself can retain heat for a long time. To keep it at the required level or accumulate, and also to keep the contents clean, it is recommended to cover the pool. The cover also prevents evaporation, which helps reduce chemical costs.

Let's consider several covering options for frame-type pools:

  1. Film covering.
  2. In this method, a solar heat-saving film with a bubble structure is laid on the surface of the water. The light one is used only to retain heat, the dark one absorbs sunlight, thereby slightly warming the water. As a result, water does not evaporate, heat does not dissipate in the air, and the bowl itself is protected from large debris.

  3. Trampoline cover.
  4. In this case, a thick canvas is thrown over the pool, which is attached around the perimeter to special fixing bolts. This coating It also allows you to maintain water temperatures, but is labor-intensive to install.

  5. Polycarbonate covering, pavilion.
  6. It is an arched aluminum structure with polycarbonate walls. How to cover a frame pool with polycarbonate? This structure can be applied to pools of any size and shape, and can be chosen in any color tone. The structure runs on rails located along the pool. Locking doors are built into it.

    This option will allow you to not depend on the weather, protect against debris and animals getting inside, and with additional heating it will be possible to use the pool in the cold season. Among the disadvantages are the relative bulkiness of the structure, the need for preliminary preparation of the building surface on which the rails will be located, and the high price.

Winter storage

Is it possible to leave a frame pool for the winter? Or does it need to be cleaned? Exists two possible options wintering. The first is to drain the water, wash, dry, disassemble and hide until the onset of the swimming season. And the second, most preferable, is to preserve the structure and leave it to winter in the yard.

Conservation occurs in several stages:

Pool cleaning

First of all, you need to drain the water and thoroughly wash the bottom and walls of the pool using auxiliary tools. chemicals, preventing them from getting out.

After cleaning, rinse the chemical tank thoroughly with clean water several times. Then you can start cleaning the metal frame, stairs, lamps and other attributes.

The choice of cleaning agent depends on the pool lining. Particular care should be taken when handling the film surface. Each of these drugs is quite aggressive, be sure to wear gloves and rubber boots! Before the procedure, do not forget to disconnect all wires and put them behind the walls of the pool.

Pouring water for preservation

Water is drawn to the usual level. As soon as the tank is full, turn on the filter pump in backwash mode.

Follow the instructions strictly! If used incorrectly, there is a risk of completely damaging the filtration system.

After backwashing is completed, the filter is switched to compaction mode, then to normal mode. At this moment, the preservative substance is poured in. After this, normal flow circulation should continue for several hours.

At the end of filtration, the water is drained a little so that its level is about 10 cm below the nozzles.

Installation of a water expansion compensator

Objects that compress under external pressure can be used as compensators. For example, plastic bottles or foam blocks. Usually a weight is tied to them with a rope to sink them a little.

It is best to place expansion joints from bottles or plastic canisters in the center of the tank, and place pieces of foam at a short distance (10-15 cm) from the side of the pool, distributing them evenly around the entire perimeter. In total, the length of the foam strip should be at least half the perimeter of the body.

Dismantling of the entire hydraulic system (filters, pumps, heating units, etc.)

When dismantling a sand-type filter, it is necessary to pour quartz sand into a separate vessel, then thoroughly clean it of the smallest grains of sand and dry it.

Final procedures for preparing the pool for conservation

The skimmer and nozzles are closed with special “winter” plugs. All niches for lamps and skimmers must also be covered with pieces of foam plastic. Parts of the hydraulic system that cannot be dismantled are freed from residual water and plugged with special plugs.


The coatings described above are suitable for this purpose, with the exception of the film type. It should be noted that the coating must be strong enough to withstand the weight of snow and other precipitation.

To re-open the pool in the spring, you need to wait until the ice has completely melted.

So, we have looked at the main points for caring for frame-type pools. Let's sum it up:

  1. It is necessary to regularly clean the water from large debris caused by the wind. In this case, a filtration system must be installed, the pump of which must run at least 6 hours a day.
  2. Chemical treatment includes water disinfection, coagulation and algae prevention. Constant monitoring of acidity levels is also necessary.
  3. Periodically, the bottom and walls of the pool bowl must be cleaned of mucous deposits using a bottom vacuum cleaner.
  4. Water is drained through a special system leading directly to the sewer or to a drainage pit.
  5. Heating is carried out using a solar collector or a heat pump. Also, to maintain the water temperature and protect from external pollution, the pool must be covered.
  6. It is better not to disassemble the structure for the winter, but to preserve it. At the beginning of a new swimming season, you must wait until all the ice has completely melted before preparing for use.

Video about how and with what to clean the water in a frame pool at the dacha, how to care for the water.

If you follow all these rules of maintenance and proper operation, a frame-type pool will serve your family for many years.

Swimming in a pool is one of the most popular types recreation and sports. However, we are only at initial stage understanding the chemical processes in swimming pool water and the risks to which its visitors are exposed. This is due to the complexity of the chemical composition of water, which increases as water moves from a natural source to a pool filled with visitors.

Source water, containing low concentrations of hundreds of substances of natural and anthropogenic origin, is subjected to various types of treatment, including disinfection, at a water treatment plant. Next, the water enters the swimming pool, where it again undergoes changes depending on the operating conditions of the pool, as well as as a result of disinfection and contact with pool visitors. As a result, the source water undergoes a significant transformation, and each pool has a unique set of water characteristics, making it very difficult to determine the degree of benefit or harm from visiting it.

A significant complication of the chemical composition of pool water and its potential toxicity is due to the presence of visitors who bring personal hygiene products (lotions, sunscreens, etc.) into the water, and also release biological fluids (saliva, sweat, urine), as well as skin particles during swimming. and any kind of pollution located on the surface of the skin.

Sharing a pool with many people leads to the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms in the water. For water treatment and water disinfection, it is common to use various disinfectants, as a result of the interaction of which with organic substances present in water, they form disinfection by-products (DPO) waters, the toxicity of which has been the subject of research for several decades.

Methods for purifying pool water

Water to fill the pool bowl and compensate for losses comes from public water distribution networks. The recirculation and water treatment system in the pool includes water purification, which involves the removal of mechanical impurities and disinfection by physical, chemical or biological methods to prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Water treatment schemes are determined by water quality and the characteristics of the recirculation system and must meet the requirements of efficiency, simplicity and safety.

Water purification methods:

  1. Physical cleaning carried out to remove mechanical impurities by means of fast and slow filtration in ascending and descending flows using single-layer (quartz sand) or multi-layer (gravel, sand, coal) filter media, as well as membrane filtration.
  2. Chemical cleaning is carried out only in the case of non-retrofitted systems and involves the use of aluminum sulfate and sodium carbonate to form flocs in order to retain them during the rapid filtration of fine and ultra-fine suspensions. If the water in the pool is not heated for 5-7 days, treatment with copper sulfate is recommended to destroy algae cells.
  3. Biological treatment water in the pool is to use membrane filters that trap pathogenic microorganisms in the process of slow filtration as a result of the formation of a biofilm on the surface of the membrane 1-3 days after starting the system. In such cases, subsequent decontamination may not be necessary.

Water disinfection

To disinfect swimming pool water, chlorine, chlorine dioxide, sodium or calcium hypochlorite, bleach, bromine, chlorinated isocyanurates, bromochlorodimethylhydantoin, ozone, ultraviolet radiation, mixed oxidants, proprietary disinfectant tablets and reagents from various manufacturers (for example, TwinOxide) are used. General requirements Disinfectants include rapid inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms, high stability, absence of toxic side effects, and preservation of the organoleptic characteristics of water and air when used.

Methods of water disinfection:

  1. Chlorine. The most commonly used disinfectant is chlorine, which has a number of advantages in terms of inactivating microorganisms. The disadvantages of chlorine include problems with the safety of its use. In addition, excessive chlorine content in water leads to the formation of disinfection by-products (trihalomethanes, for example), which have carcinogenic properties. Excess chlorine is also associated with poor air quality in indoor swimming pools.
  2. Chlorine dioxide known as an effective disinfectant for drinking water and food products. In pre-treatment processes, this reagent helps remove iron and manganese from groundwater and eliminates unpleasant tastes and odors from water. Chlorine dioxide ensures the destruction of a number of precursors, the presence of which in water leads to the formation of disinfection by-products of trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids.
  3. Bromine is a strong oxidizing agent with a high level of bactericidal activity. Effective when it is necessary to remove microscopic and filamentous algae.
  4. Sodium hypochlorite refers to effective disinfectants obtained by electrolysis. Sodium hypochlorite solution is characterized by a pH of 8-8.5, a maximum equivalent chlorine concentration of 6-8 g/l and stable properties during long-term storage. Advantages of sodium hypochlorite: safety of use and ease of storage. The main disadvantage of using sodium hypochlorite is the increase in pH above 8.2 10-14 days after disinfection, which leads to coagulation of aluminum oxide.
  5. Ultraviolet disinfection water in the pool (wavelength 100-300 nm) is carried out using mercury lamps. Along with good bactericidal properties, the method eliminates interaction with the components of water in the swimming pool and, accordingly, minimizes the formation of disinfection by-products.
  6. Ozone is a highly effective disinfectant. It is used in many cases to inactivate bacteria, viruses and remove algae. As a result of ozonation, the taste, smell and color of water improves.
  7. TwinOxide reagent is a solution containing chlorine dioxide, developed at the University of Duisburg, Germany, and recommended for use in swimming pools. This reagent completely inactivates bacteria and viruses, removes biofilm, and does not cause allergic reactions. The use of TwinOxide does not cause unpleasant odors and does not lead to the formation of trihalomethanes and other by-products of water disinfection. An overdose of the reagent is not associated with a risk for pool visitors and does not lead to the formation of free chlorine and chlorine-containing compounds, which limits the use of traditional chlorine-based disinfectants. The reagent is recommended to be used after preliminary disinfection by ozonation or ultraviolet treatment. The reagent is recommended to be used monthly for disinfection. sand filters or activated carbon filters installed in the pool water treatment system.