Extracurricular activities in physical education. Extracurricular work in physical education at school Extracurricular work in physical education

In physical education classes, the main activity is to develop your body's athletic abilities. As a rule, students are given practical tasks during classes. Despite this, very often teachers require abstracts on physical education from their students. Especially if you are exempt from physical activity. This section contains the main abstracts on physical education that are most in demand.

The main task for the student is to choose a topic (unless, of course, the teacher himself gave it to you). This issue should be given special attention, since sometimes the content of the downloaded material leaves much to be desired. On our website we post only current abstracts on physical education. In addition, they are all placed in chronological order, so you can select and download the most recent one.

In addition to the physical education essay itself, we post a brief description. It describes the main content of the downloaded material, thanks to which the preparation time is significantly reduced.

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One of the most popular topics for essays on physical education is “The importance of physical culture and sports in human life.” This is due primarily to the fact that this work should describe: the basic principles of physical culture, as well as its benefits and application in everyday life.

The abstract “History of the Development of Physical Education” is also one of the most common and sought-after works in physical education lessons. This is primarily due to the fact that this material should tell about the emergence of this subject, as well as the principles of its formation.

Hardening is a very important part of physical culture. Its benefits can hardly be overestimated. However, precautions should be taken. That is why many teachers give their students a topic to write an essay on, “Hardening the body.”

Not so long ago, elements of martial arts were included in the school curriculum. Although various areas of this sport have been developed in Russia, it appeared in all schools several years ago. Since this area is quite new, many teachers ask their students to write an essay on the topic of martial arts.


“Organization of extracurricular activities in physical education at school.”

Khishchenko Yuri Viktorovich physical education teacher

MKOU secondary school No. 9 named after. N.K. Kalashnikov, Vysotskoye village.

Table of contents

Introduction 2

I. The essence and system of physical education for schoolchildren 3

II. Extracurricular activities in physical education 6

III. Organization of extracurricular activities 10

IV. Management of extracurricular activities at school 12

V. Planning extracurricular activities 13

VI. Control of extracurricular activities 15

Conclusion 18

Bibliography 19



Physical culture is part of a person’s lifestyle - a system of special exercises and sports activities aimed at developing his physical and spiritual strength. It is based on scientific data about the physical and mental capabilities of the body, on a special material and technical base that contributes to their manifestation and development. Physical culture, as part of general culture, is aimed at the harmonious development of all natural essential forces and the moral spirit of man. In the system of comprehensive personal improvement, it constitutes an important basis for full-fledged life activity: active work, normal family life, organized recreation and full creative self-expression. The mass character and universality of physical education is ensured by mandatory programs for the physical development of preschool children in kindergarten; a comprehensive program of physical education for students in all grades of general education and vocational schools; physical training in universities, sports societies, clubs and health sections; programs of sports schools, sections, clubs, systematic exercise at home and at work. A variety of national forms of physical education are widely used. Every civilized person from a young age should take care of his physical improvement, have knowledge in the field of hygiene and medical care, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

The essence and system of physical education for schoolchildren

Physical education is a purposeful, clearly organized and systematically implemented system of physical education and sports activities for children. It includes the younger generation in various forms of physical education, sports, military-applied activities, and harmoniously develops the child’s body in unity with his intellect, feelings, will and morality. The goal of physical education is the harmonious development of the body of each child in close, organic unity with mental, labor, emotional, moral, and aesthetic education. In the comprehensive physical education program for students in grades I-XI of a general education school, the main tasks arising from the main goal include: strengthening health, hardening, increasing performance; education of high moral qualities, the need for systematic physical exercise; understanding the need for physical education and health care; desire for physical improvement; readiness to work and defend the Fatherland; acquiring a minimum of knowledge in the field of hygiene, medicine, physical education, sports, and military-applied activities; training in motor skills and abilities, their use in difficult situations; development of motor qualities. The task of physical education is also the aesthetic development of children with the beauty of the human body, especially in the process of gymnastic and athletic exercises, in gaming and competitive situations. Physical education and sports activities help overcome difficulties during puberty among adolescents, the fight for sobriety among schoolchildren, against the use of drugs, toxic substances and tobacco smoking.

Physical education helps to overcome some of life's contradictions. The child, being by nature an active being who satisfies the natural needs of the body through movement, finds himself in a modern school and family in conditions of limited physical mobility, inactivity, passive contemplation and psychological overload, giving rise to physical inactivity, congestion in the body, obesity, pathological neuropsychic and cardiovascular changes. The consequence of insufficient attention to resolving this contradiction is various diseases, nervous breakdowns, heart attacks, physical weakness, moral apathy, reluctance to work, inability to work hard, intensive social and family life.

Another subjectively created and aggravated contradiction arises between the normal goal of physical education as a means of achieving health, satisfying the needs for rest, communication, and activity, on the one hand, and the desire of some teachers-trainers and parents to use physical education and sports activities, often to the detriment of children, for satisfying their ambitious claims, on the other. They encourage, and sometimes force, children to play sports, cherishing the hope that the child will grow into an outstanding athlete, a participant in the national team and international competitions. On the basis of instilled illusions, a tragic situation arises of unfulfilled aspirations and hopes. Those who find themselves in a select circle often develop an ugly consciousness of their exclusivity and permissiveness, and fall into captivity of philistinism, materialism, and spiritual limitations.

Contradictions and their negative consequences are overcome by including children in the system of universal physical education, using all mechanisms and incentives for physical improvement. The main mechanisms of physical education are: physical education and sports activities, the system of relationships in the process of this activity and the spiritual communication that arises on its basis. Thanks to physical education and sports activities, muscles become stronger, the skeletal, nervous, and vascular systems are strengthened, the body’s resistance to diseases increases, physical abilities are honed, and the level of moral and psychological stability increases. It manifests such character traits as endurance, perseverance, self-overcoming and self-discipline, perseverance and hard work. The system of relationships, as a result of well-organized physical culture and sports activities, fosters moral qualities: collectivism, immunity against individualism and selfishness, selflessness and mutual assistance, restraint, modesty in victory, dignity in defeat. Communication satisfies the spiritual need for another person, for mastering the experience of comrades, forms public opinion, and unites children in the useful use of free time.

Activities, relationships and communication in physical education and sports work with children are pedagogically stimulated. The main motivation for a child’s activity is the desire to develop physical strength, maintain health, be a useful and active member of a democratic society, and help people thanks to the acquired physical education and sports skills. These stimuli combine with children’s natural desire for activity, mobility, and activity, which is best realized in socially significant forms of physical education and sports. In stimulating children to engage in physical education, it is also important that their result is a feeling of a surge of strength and vigor, an experience of physical pleasure. Children gradually develop an aesthetic sense, the ability to enjoy the beauty of the human body and create beauty. Experiencing the joy of victory over external obstacles and their own weaknesses gives schoolchildren a desire to work and fight. The bitterness of defeat encourages more and more attempts to achieve success and establish oneself in one’s own and public opinion. Physical education and sports activities of children are also stimulated by healthy ambition, the desire to be popular among their friends.

Extracurricular activities in physical education

In extracurricular work in physical education, basically the same tasks are set as in the lesson: promoting health, hardening the body, versatile physical development of students, successful implementation of the physical education curriculum, as well as developing certain organizational skills in children and the habit of systematic physical education and sports.

To organize and conduct extracurricular activities in physical education and sports, physical education teams are created in primary and secondary schools, and physical education clubs are created in primary schools. The leadership of the physical education team is entrusted to the team council and the physical education teacher, and the circle - to one of the primary school teachers. In addition, physical education organizers are elected in each class.

In general pedagogical terms, a number of areas can be distinguished in extracurricular work in physical education. One of these areas includes expanding and deepening the sanitary and hygienic education of students and the formation of relevant skills. It is necessary that, as planned, teachers, class teachers and medical workers conduct conversations with students about the importance of a proper daily routine, about body hygiene, about ways to harden and strengthen a person’s physical strength and health. The topics of sanitary and hygienic education also include issues of popularizing physical culture and sports and, in particular, organizing meetings with athletes, conducting conversations, reports and lectures on the development of the mass physical education movement, on the most important events in sports life, on the influence of physical education and sports on improving human performance, improving his moral and aesthetic development.

An important area of ​​extracurricular work in physical education is the use of the natural forces of nature (sun, air and water) to improve the health of students. For this purpose, schools conduct excursions into nature and organize hikes. Usually they are accompanied by informing children of certain knowledge and rules of conduct on a hike. On a hike, children acquire initial tourism skills (orienteering, organizing a vacation spot, cooking, etc.). It is better to plan walks and hikes to places where children can expand their knowledge about nature and hear stories from interesting people.

In the system of extracurricular activities, the sports improvement of students and the development of their abilities in various sports are of great importance.physical education and sports. This problem is solved by organizing the work of sports sections in gymnastics, sports games, athletics, etc.

An essential area of ​​extracurricular work is the organization and conduct of sports events at school. These include sports festivals, organization of school sports days, competitions, evenings, “health days”, “Health Weeks”, Olympiads, cycling relay races, cross-country races, etc.

Physical education and health activities can be carried out during school hours and extended days, as well as in the form of extracurricular activities. The first includes, directly, a physical education lesson, physical education minutes during lessons, physical exercises and outdoor games during the big break, in after-school activities.

The comprehensive physical education program for students in grades 1-11 of a general education school includes extracurricular forms of physical education and sports. It determines the content of classes in school sections of popular sports, physical training groups and physical education clubs. This means that extracurricular work is mandatory and requires physical education teachers and additional education teachers to fulfill program requirements, and students to pass standards to improve sportsmanship in the chosen sport.

Sections of other school programs do not include extracurricular work with students, but almost all schools have various sections, clubs, groups, and clubs functioning within their ranks.

The main goal of extracurricular activities is to organize leisure time for schoolchildren that has a healing effect.

Classes in sports sections and clubs are held mainly on a lesson-type basis, i.e. they have an educational orientation, content, time and place; the leading figure is a specialist teacher, who expediently, based on pedagogical principles, organizes classes, teaches, educates students, directs their activities in accordance with the logic of solving the intended problems; The contingent of students is constant and relatively homogeneous. However, such classes are characterized and determined by features that arise primarily from the fact that the choice of subject matter, attitude towards achievement, as well as the expenditure of time and effort directly depends on the individual inclinations, interests, abilities of those involved, as well as on the peculiarities of regulating the budget of personal free time , the expenditure of which is not always amenable to unified regulation. Nevertheless, even in such a situation, the preferred forms of organizing the process of physical education are often lesson forms, especially when it is necessary to ensure a clearly ordered formation of knowledge, abilities, and skills and to strictly influence the development of motor and related abilities. Lesson forms of classes, as follows from what has been said, represent the most favorable opportunities for this.

Classes organized in the context of a voluntary physical education movement of a lesson type are more variable. They are modified depending on the profiling of the content in the direction voluntarily chosen by those involved in accordance with their individual aspirations (sports improvement, or prolonged general physical training, or physical education and conditioning training, or classes aimed at achieving specific goals), as well as depending on a number of variable circumstances ( changes in the student’s lifestyle, specific opportunities for allocating time for classes, conditions for their equipment, etc.) This determines the uniqueness of the forms of lesson classes used. In different situations, they differ significantly, in particular, in the ratio of structural elements, methods of organizing the activity of those involved, the level and dynamics of the loads imposed, the volume and nature of the distribution of time spent.

Extracurricular activities in physical education include: sports sections in various sports (football, basketball, volleyball, handball, athletics, cross-country skiing, rhythmic gymnastics, choreography, ballroom dancing, shaping, various types of martial arts, etc.), sports clubs, general physical training groups, sports clubs, teams, etc.

Organization of extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities can be organized in several ways: in the form of sports sections, sports clubs, physical training groups, sports clubs, teams, individual and tutoring classes. To achieve any effect from the work process, as we know, 4-5 lessons per week are required, plus the opportunity to check the achieved results in friendly matches and competitions.

Many schools place a lot of emphasis on extracurricular physical education activities. Health weeks and Health holidays are held, which include school sports competitions. These are “Fun Starts”, cross-country skiing, autumn cross-country, competitions in volleyball, basketball, football, pioneer ball, table tennis; bicycle relay races, formation review and songs, etc.

Sports games, relay races, competitions are often components of collective creative activities.

The folk game “Lapta” is very popular among schoolchildren of different ages. Military sports games on the ground are interesting and exciting.

School students actively participate in district and regional competitions, where they often take prizes. Traditionally, students of the Medyn school defend the honor of the district at the finals of the military sports games “Zarnitsa” and “Eaglet”, the competition “The Most Athletic Class”, and the winter combined event.

Teams from the Medyn Secondary School are regular winners of “Conscript Days”, participants in the “Cross of the Nation”, “Russian Ski Track”.

Every year on Health Day, schoolchildren go on hiking trips.

The main task that physical education teachers set for themselves is to cultivate a conscious attitude of students towards their health, its constant strengthening, the disclosure and development of individual motor abilities, skills and abilities. Not only physical education lessons help to form a healthy lifestyle, but extracurricular activities and the involvement of students in sports sections and clubs also play a big role here. At the Medynskaya Secondary School, students are engaged in various sports sections: volleyball, basketball, general physical training, football, skiing, weightlifting, table tennis, checkers, chess. Additional general physical training classes are held several times a week.

The school traditionally hosts sports competitions and games, relay races and cross-country races, and championships in various sports. The children take part in sports relay races and fun starts with pleasure. School championship competitions are held annually in basketball, football, and volleyball. Friendly basketball matches with students of the Stepanovskaya secondary school have become traditional.

The “Safe Wheel” sports competitions have become traditional. Such competitions strengthen contact between students in classes and cooperation between the school and the traffic police.

For students in grades 5–7, physical education sessions are held at each lesson. During breaks, everyone can come to the gym and tennis class. Tennis tables are also located in the school corridors, where children can get some dynamic exercise between lessons.

Systematic extracurricular physical education activities help improve children's health.

In recent years, close ties have been established between the Medyn Secondary School and Children's and Youth Sports School No. 2. Students attend not only sports sections, but also the sports school has created special conditions for conducting physical education lessons, homeroom hours, public holidays and competitions.

Students of Medynskaya Secondary School also attend sports sections and clubs at DDT and Medynskaya Sports School.

Management of extracurricular activities at school

Direct management of the section is entrusted to the teacher, who solves all problems related to the organization of classes, namely:

independently selects and uses the chosen teaching methodology;

bears responsibility for the safety of those involved;

conducts selection (may refuse a student to take classes in a section);

sets the date and time of training (in agreement with the school management);

makes a decision on participation (or not participation) in any competition;

bears responsibility for the results of his students in competitions in front of the management.

The rights and responsibilities of the school management include:

creating conditions for the smooth operation of the section;

being responsible for the creation and functioning of the section to municipal authorities;

if necessary, stop the work of the section.

Physical education teachers conduct sections on various sports during extracurricular hours (from 2 to 4 hours a week), as well as additional physical training classes 24 hours a month. The main goal of sections and classes is to improve the overall level of health. The strategic objectives are: increasing the sports skills of schoolchildren.

Planning extracurricular activities

Planning extracurricular activities is one of the most important prerequisites for realizing the goals and objectives of physical education for schoolchildren. Classes in the section require the participants to mobilize motor and moral-volitional qualities. The trainer needs to know and rationally use general and specific principles of training, as well as skillfully apply them in practice. "Do no harm!" - says the first commandment of the trainer-educator.

Planning is the first step in building training sessions. This is how the coach would like to see the work process. Planning is like chess: you need to think several moves ahead at once. The plan is drawn up not for one or two workouts, but for the entire work process. But the longer the plan is designed for, the more difficult it is to predict exactly what the specific features of the planned process will actually be; At the same time, if you plan only for the near future, perspective disappears. This is where the main difficulty lies. What is calculated and analyzed on paper does not necessarily translate into practice. In addition, in the planning process it is important to take into account specific background data. Initial data on the specific state of the contingent of students and their preparedness to implement target settings; motivational and personal attitudes.

In order to successfully solve the problems of physical education, it is necessary that from lesson to lesson students are offered a sufficient load, which, on the one hand, would have a cumulative effect and, on the other hand, would not be excessive. The dosage of training loads is purely individual. It depends on age, physical condition, etc.

Thus, in addition to the general pedagogical principles, which carry fundamental requirements for conducting classes, specific principles of education play an extremely important role, the implementation of which leads to the solution of the main goal of physical education, and ignoring them leads either to the degradation of the physical qualities of the athlete, or, what is much worse, , to deterioration of health and even to pathologies.

Let us list the specific principles of physical education and their characteristics:

1. the principle of a balanced increase in loads. Instructs to take into account changes in load parameters in relation to the laws of adaptation to it. Repeated repetition of the same load does not lead to the development of motor qualities. Therefore, the load parameters must be constantly increased;

2. the principle of matching pedagogical influences to the age of the students;

3. the principle of systematic alternation of loads and rest. Provides rational alternation of activities;

4. the principle of gradually increasing loads. Provides for a gradual increase in the volume and intensity of loads, systematic complication of the motor tasks being solved as the functional capabilities of the body increase.

Control of extracurricular activities

As noted earlier, planning only indirectly indicates the result of the education process, i.e. on how the process should unfold during training work, in accordance with the laws of physical education in theory. But in practice, as often happens, things don’t work out as previously planned. The practicing teacher must constantly compare the current results with the planned ones and, if necessary, introduce adjustments to the plans. Designed to help the coach with this, control of classes.

The process of educating schoolchildren (not only physical education, but education in general) is very subtle and complex. This is why planning results sometimes diverge from the actual results of practical work. As soon as any link (coach, management, student) lowers the requirements for its duties, everything will go wrong.

In modern literature, one can count dozens of names of types and varieties of control: pedagogical, medical, biological, anthropometric, biochemical, biomechanical, psychological; preliminary, operational, current, stage-by-stage, final, which indicates insufficient ordering of the ideas associated with it. We consider control as a really existing relationship between the subject and the object of education, therefore we will distinguish 2 types of control: “pedagogical control” and self-control of students, and pedagogical control naturally plays a leading role.

The term “pedagogical” in this case emphasizes that control is carried out by a specialist teacher in accordance with his professional functions using those means and methods that he can and should skillfully use on the basis of the special education received and practical experience in the specialty profile. Main aspects of pedagogical control:

control of guiding principles and parameters of influences;

control of the “object and effect of influences” (must identify and trace the relationship between pedagogically oriented influences and their effects, evaluate their compliance or non-compliance with the planned results);

monitoring the initial level of capabilities and readiness of students to implement the assigned tasks;

pedagogical self-control;

control of external environmental factors;

control of motor activity and interactions directly related to it;

monitoring the dynamics of functional changes in the body of those involved, the effect of current influences and the general results of physical education;

control over the formation of knowledge, skills, abilities, development of abilities, improvement of personal qualities of those being educated.

Control over the extracurricular work of your own research will be as follows:

1. the main selection criteria for the section is, first of all, the desire of the student himself to participate in classes and fulfill the requirements of the trainer; as well as the doctor’s consent to engage in a certain sport.

2. control over the effect of loads is individual for each child. For this purpose, various methods of medical observation are used: pulsometry indicators, monitoring external signs of fatigue in children, etc.;

3. conducting control classes dedicated to passing regulatory requirements in order to find out about the readiness of students to implement the assigned tasks, as well as about the success of solving the chosen training methodology;

4. control by the coach of his own actions, norms of pedagogical ethics, educational information and, again, compliance with the planning and results of training;

5. it is important to remember that natural environmental and hygienic factors, when training is properly structured, act as additional means of physical education, so classes are conducted either outdoors or in a clean, ventilated room;

6. control of theoretical knowledge is carried out, as well as the ability to successfully interact with partners in the process of team play.

Subjective control is no less important in the process of physical education. The formation of skills will be most effective if certain patterns of formation of motor skills are observed.

According to the learning management theory, each action consists of 3 parts:

1. approximate;

2. executive;

3. control and adjustment.

The indicative part performs the function of an action program, on the basis of which the executive part is executed. And the control and correction function monitors the execution of the action, the result of the action is compared with the program task and is assessed by progress towards the goal. If there is a mismatch between the orientation and executive parts, the correction is directed to the executive part. When the indicative and executive parts are coordinated, but the result of the action is not successful, the correction is aimed at the indicative part.

Learning is most effective when the teacher manages the formation of an indicative basis for actions


The physical development of a person creates the prerequisites for full-fledged mental work. A physically healthy person can perform better in productive work, overcome heavy loads, and tire less. Along with the implementation of physical development, physical education is designed to arouse in students the need and interest in physical education and sports, to promote a deep understanding of the psychophysiological foundations of physical development and health promotion, as well as mental, moral and aesthetic development. In this sensephysical education acts as a multifaceted process of organizing active physical culture and health activities of students, aimed at strengthening the need for physical education and sports, understanding their psychophysiological foundations, developing physical strength and health, as well as developing sanitary and hygienic skills, habits and a healthy lifestyle.

In general, it should be noted that the influence of educational activities on the physical development and education of students depends on the effective use of the entire variety of means and methods that help solve this problem.


    Aragofskaya E.I., Rezanova V.D. Physiology and physical education. M.: "Enlightenment". 1968 – 215 pp., ill.

    Vavilova E.N. Learn to jump, run, climb, throw. M.: "Enlightenment". 1983 – 174 pp., ill.

    Merry Z.A.Game accepts everyone. Minsk, Polymya. 1985 – 58 p., ill.

    Grishin V.T. Games with ball and racket. M.: "Enlightenment". 1982 – 112 p., ill.

    Gubert K.D., Ryss M.G. Gymnastics and massage at school age / Manual for teachers. M.: "Enlightenment". 1981 – 230 pp., ill.

    Gussmov A.Kh. Physical education and health group. M.: "FiS". 1987 – 190 pp., ill.

    Ermak A.A. Organization of physical education. M.: "Enlightenment". 1978 – 130 pp., ill.

    Ivanov S.M. Medical supervision and physical therapy. Med., 1976 – 102 p., ill.

    Keneman A.V., Khukhlaeva D.V. Theory and methods of physical education of children of preschool and school age. M.: "Enlightenment". 1985 – 201 p., ill.

    Kolareva Z.I. Physiology of higher nervous activity of a child. 1968 – 130 pp., ill.

    Laizane S.P. Physical education for kids. M.: "FiS". 1978 – 118 pp., ill.

    Leskova G.P., Notkina N.A. The influence of physical education on the physical condition and mental performance of children. M.: "FiS". 1983 – 120 p.

    Litvinova M.F. Russian folk outdoor games. M.: "Enlightenment" 1986 - 175 pp., ill.

    Minskikh E.M. Games and entertainment in an after-school group. M.: "Enlightenment". 1984 – 202 pp., ill.

    Mushkova E.L. Gymnastics for children under 14 years old. Med., 1974 – 76 p., ill.

    Bekina S.I., Lomova T.P., Sokovnikova E.N. Music and movement. M.: "Enlightenment". 1983 – 104 p., ill.

    Osokina T.I. How to teach children to swim. M.: "Enlightenment". 1985 – 86 p., ill.

    Osokina T.I. Physical education at school. M.: "Enlightenment". 1978 – 170 pp., ill.

    Osokina T.I., Timofeeva E.A., Furmina L.S. Games and entertainment for children outdoors. M.: "Enlightenment". 1981 – 190 pp., ill.

    Fonareva M.I. Development of movements of a preschool child. M.: "Enlightenment". 1971 – 107 p., ill.

Plan diagram of the annual training cycle



Types of training

Number of competitions

Admission, transfer and control tests

Total for the week, hours


























































































































































































































































































Volleyball Fundamentals for Schoolchildren program for teenagers 14–17 years old

The work program of the volleyball section is compiled on the basis of a standard program and recommendations developed by specialists in the field of physical education, regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and adapted to the specific conditions of the group’s functioning.

The work program of the volleyball section includes an explanatory note, educational and thematic work plans for each year of study and applications. The explanatory note shows the place of volleyball in the physical education system; the goals and objectives of the section’s work were determined; methods for diagnosing the results of the educational and training process. The appendix contains options for control tests for individual age groups of students and a list of recommended literature.

An integral part of physical development and formation as a person in adolescence is the physical education of schoolchildren. One of the means of physical education is sports games. One of the most popular sports games that have become widespread, including in everyday life, is volleyball.

    Volleyball is one of the most exciting, popular sports. It is distinguished by rich and varied motor content. To play volleyball, you need to be able to run fast and jump high. Instantly change the direction and speed of movement, have strength, agility and endurance. Volleyball exercises improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthen the skeletal system, develop joint mobility, and increase muscle strength and elasticity.
    Constant interaction with the ball helps improve deep and peripheral vision, accuracy and spatial orientation. An instant reaction to visual and auditory signals develops. Playing volleyball requires players to demonstrate maximum physical capabilities, volitional efforts and the ability to use acquired skills. Positive emotions appear: cheerfulness, vigor, desire to win. A sense of responsibility, collectivism, and speed of decision-making develops. Due to its emotionality, playing volleyball is a means of not only physical development, but also active recreation. The widespread use of volleyball is facilitated by simple equipment: a small court, a net, a ball.

The program is intended for teenagers 13-17 years old.

The form of classes is group.

Goals and objectives of the section


Increasing the level of physical development of adolescents.
Sports reserve training


Strengthening the health and hardening of the body of adolescents
Ensuring an optimal level of physical performance and physical qualities for a given age
Improving overall physical fitness
Development of special physical abilities
Teaching the basics of volleyball technique and tactics

Methodological support of the program

The preparation of a young volleyball player is carried out through education and training, which are a single pedagogical process aimed at developing and consolidating certain skills, at achieving an optimal level of physical development and high sports results by students. Successful implementation of the educational and training process is possible if the principle of unity of all aspects of training is observed, namely, general physical, special physical, technical, tactical and moral-volitional.

Successful solution of educational and training tasks is possible using two groups of methods: general pedagogical and sports.

General pedagogical or didactic methods include the method of clarity, systematicity, accessibility, individualization of training with unity of requirements, the method of advanced development of physical qualities in relation to technical training, the method of early mastery of complex elements, the method of proportionality, i.e. optimal and balanced development of physical qualities.
Sports methods include: the method of continuity and cyclicity of the educational and training process; method of maximizing and gradually increasing requirements; method of wave-like dynamics of training loads; the redundancy method, which involves the use of training loads that exceed competitive ones; method of modeling competitive activity in the training process.

The setting of tasks, the choice of means and methods of training are the same for all students, subject to the requirements of an individual approach and an in-depth study of the characteristics of each student. It is necessary to particularly carefully identify the individual characteristics of students when teaching the technique and tactics of the game, while presenting the same requirements in terms of mastering the basic structure of a technical and tactical technique.

During the training session, work is carried out on several types of training at once. The lesson necessarily includes general physical training, as well as special physical training. During the lesson, work can be carried out on technical, tactical and moral-volitional training of young athletes.

Versatile physical training is carried out throughout the entire educational and training process. All exercises are divided into general developmental, preparatory, introductory and basic. General developmental and preparatory exercises are aimed primarily at developing the functional characteristics of the body, and leading and basic exercises are aimed at developing technical skills and tactical abilities.

In the process of teaching technical techniques, a combination of the method of holistic learning and learning in parts is used. First, the technique is studied as a whole, then they move on to its component parts and finally return to performing the action as a whole. In the process of improving technology, tactical skills are formed.

The distribution of time for all sections of work is carried out in accordance with the objectives of each training session; in accordance with this, training time is distributed by type of training when developing current planning.

Diagnostics of the effectiveness of the educational process

In order to objectively determine the level of training of student athletes and timely identify gaps in their training, it is advisable to regularly conduct comprehensive testing of young athletes.

Twice a year (December and May) control tests on general and special physical and technical training are conducted in educational and training groups. Assessment of physical development is carried out using the generally accepted method of biometric measurements. The level of preparedness of students is expressed in quantitative and qualitative indicators of technical, tactical, physical, theoretical preparedness.

Diagnostics of the results is carried out in the form of tests and control exercises. For this purpose, variants of tests and control exercises developed by leading domestic experts are used. Sample versions of tests and exercises are given in the appendix.

One of the methods for monitoring the effectiveness of classes in the section is the participation of students in educational, control and calendar games. Control games are held regularly for educational purposes. Calendar games are used for the purpose of using learned techniques and tactical actions in competitive conditions. Calendar games are held according to the game plan at the district and city levels.

To determine the level of physical fitness of students, the results of tests for jumping ability, speed of movement, range of throwing medicine balls and accuracy of hits with a tennis ball, as well as hanging pull-ups are taken into account. To determine the level of technical readiness, exercises are used to accurately hit the ball during passes, serves, and offensive strikes.

Current control is of great importance, in which the main place is occupied by observation of how technical and tactical techniques are being mastered, and how students apply them in the game.

Brief summary of the course being studied

1. Physical culture and sports in Russia.
Development of physical culture and sports in Russia. Outstanding achievements of Russian athletes.
2. History of the development of volleyball.
Characteristics of volleyball as a means of physical education for youth. The history of volleyball. Development of volleyball in Russia and abroad. The largest volleyball competitions in Russia and the world.
3.The influence of physical exercise on the human body
Brief information about the structure and functions of the human body. Systematic physical exercise is an important condition for improving health, developing motor skills and achieving high sports results. Hardening the body
4. Volleyball player hygiene
Hygiene of clothing and shoes when playing volleyball. Athlete's self-control. Causes of injuries and their prevention in relation to volleyball. Providing first aid (to the doctor).
5. Technical training.
Teaching technique is the most important task of educational and training work (with the help of preparatory and introductory exercises). Volleyball technique consists of special techniques:
- movements,
- submissions,
- transmissions,
- offensive strikes,
- blocking.
6. Tactical training
Tactical training of a volleyball player represents a gradual complication of the conditions in which players have to act both individually and in interaction with other players. The formation of tactical skills is:
- the ability to make the right decision and quickly implement it in various game situations,
- the ability to observe and, based on observations, immediately take response actions,
- the ability to interact with other players to achieve victory over the enemy.

Basic techniques for playing volleyball and how to perform them:
- movements,
- receiving an attacking blow
submission acceptance,
- serving the ball,
- offensive strikes,
- blocking.
Attack tactics and defense tactics:
- individual actions,
- group actions,
- team actions.
7. Rules of playing volleyball
Rules of the game of volleyball. Judging methodology. Terminology and referee gestures.
8. General physical training.
Exercises to develop speed: smooth running, combined running with changing speed and directions, cross running, general developmental exercises
Jumping exercises: standing long jumps, standing and running jumps with reaching objects, jumping over an obstacle.
Strength exercises: exercises with weights for the arms and legs.
Gymnastic exercises: exercises without objects, exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, exercises for the muscles of the legs and pelvis. Exercises with objects: with jump ropes and balls. Exercises on gymnastic apparatus. Acrobatic exercises: rolls, somersaults, stances.
Sports games: basketball, football
Outdoor games and relay races
9. Special physical training.
- jumping exercises: imitation of an attacking blow, imitation of blocking,
- exercises with medicine balls and tennis balls,
development of reaction speed, observation, coordination: changing game actions and movements at the coach’s signal
- games and relay races with obstacles.
10. Control tests.
- Control tests on general physical fitness
- Control tests on technical training
11. Control games and refereeing practice. Competitions between groups. Refereeing during friendly games: keeping minutes, performing the duties of the first and second referees, line judges.
12. Competitions. Participation in competitions at various levels. Refereeing during the game

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Extracurricular activities in physical education

Extracurricular activity is a system of organized physical exercises conducted by the school with students outside of school hours.

Extracurricular tasks:

  • assist the school in fulfilling its educational tasks;
  • promote health promotion, hardening of the body, and all-round physical development of students;
  • deepen and expand the buildings, abilities, skills acquired by students in physical education lessons;
  • educate and develop organizational skills among schoolchildren;
  • organize healthy recreation for students;
  • instill in students a love of systematic physical education and sports.

To achieve mass enrollment of students in extracurricular activities, a variety of forms of organizing and conducting classes with children are used, taking into account their age, health and physical fitness. A system of extracurricular activities in physical education has been created, which includes various forms of work. The main forms are: hikes, classes in general physical training groups, sports competitions, physical education holidays, classes in sports sections.

There are two types of extracurricular activities:

Systematic classes –classes in physical education clubs, classes in sports in sections, classes in groups of general physical training.

Occasional classes –monthly health and sports days, competitions, walks, excursions, sports festivals.

Extracurricular activities havespecific organizational and methodological features:

· Extracurricular activities are based on voluntary principles;

· Extracurricular activities are based on the activity of schoolchildren with constant monitoring of their activities by the administration, physical education teachers, and school teachers.

Extracurricular activities are designed to solve the following tasks:

· Involving as many schoolchildren as possible in systematic physical exercise;

· Expansion and improvement of knowledge, skills, abilities, physical qualities acquired in physical education lessons;

· Formation of skills and habits to independently use available means of physical education in everyday life;

· Choice of sports specialization;

· Preparation of school assets.

Forms of work organization.

Physical education clubsorganized for primary school students.

The educational and training work of the circle is aimed at solving the following problems:

· Activation of the motor mode of younger schoolchildren;

· Expanding the range of physical education classes;

· Mastery of new motor skills acquired by students in physical education lessons;

· Formation of interest in physical education.

The basis of the content of the classes is the physical education program, but the main place is given to outdoor games. No more than 25 students are involved in one circle. Classes are held 1-2 times a week, lasting 40-60 minutes in grades 1-2 and 60-90 minutes in grades 3-4.

In each circle, students are divided into groups according to their level of physical development and preparedness.

General physical training sectionsare created for those who want to improve their physical fitness. Groups are formed of 20-25 people in accordance with age, gender, level of physical fitness. Classes are held 2 times a week for 45-60 minutes.

Sport sectionsare created for students who want to regularly engage in one or another sport.

During the training sessions the following tasks are solved:

· Involving the most prepared schoolchildren in systematic sports activities;

· Promoting the improvement of students in their chosen sport;

· Preparing schoolchildren to participate in competitions for the school team;

· Preparation for instructor work and refereeing.

Classes are held 2-3 times a week for 60-90 minutes, in the form of a lesson and independent training on the instructions of the trainer.

The section accepts schoolchildren from the main medical group who have received a doctor’s clearance to attend classes.

Mass physical education and sports events.

Mass intra-school physical education and sports events include health and sports days, physical education holidays and various sports competitions, which occupy a special place in extracurricular activities in physical education.

In a comprehensive school, there are competitions within a class or section, and between classes.

According to the nature of the competition, competitions can be personal, team or individual-team.

Physical education holidaysare an effective means of promoting physical education and sports among students. The holiday should demonstrate the achievements of the school physical education team and summarize its work over a certain period of time.

The practice program consists of the following activities:

· Opening of the holiday (parade of participants, ceremonial part);

· Demonstration physical education and sports performances;

· Mass sports competitions;

· Mass games, sports entertainment;

· End of the holiday (awarding the winners, closing ceremony).

Health and sports days in schools should solve the following main tasks:

· Strengthening the health and improving the physical development of students;

· Increasing children's interest in physical education;

· Active recreation for students.

Features of health days:

The main criterion for health and sports days is their mass character.

Their duration should not exceed three hours for grades 1-4, four hours for students in grades 5-9, five hours for students in grades 10-11.

Holding health days requires the joint efforts of the entire teaching staff.


The effectiveness of extracurricular work is ensured if the following conditions are met:

  • close connection with educational work (continuity of content, organizational and methodological techniques, etc.);
  • accessibility of classes and a variety of forms that ensure the inclusion of a wide range of students in physical education and sports activities;
  • continuity of principles and methods of the entire system of extracurricular educational work with the wide participation of the student body;
  • involvement of parents and bosses in the logistics of providing conditions for classes, in the management of sections and teams;
  • clear management by the administration and teachers of the activities of the school physical education team.