Business card for the competition Dad Mom I am a sports family. Extracurricular activity “Dad, Mom, I - a sports family. Team "Malina" - Prikazchikov family

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Sports festival for children and parents.

Goals: Formation in students of a culture of maintaining and improving their own health.

Tasks: Development of relationships between parents and children.

Equipment: Balls, hoops, jump ropes, planks, toilet paper, trash cans.

Preparation for the holiday: An invitation is sent to each family.

Dear parents! (Name, patronymic of mom and dad)

We invite you to the holiday “Dad, Mom, Me” sport family", which will take place on April 7, 2016 at 13.00 at the school.

We kindly ask you to be in full force; if you do not come, the celebration may not take place. The future of your children is in your hands.


Classroom teacher

The progress of the holiday

Leading: Dear friends! Let me open our “championship” in family triathlon: “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family.” Before us are slightly cheerful, in some places fit, in some places collected, but undefeated, and even invincible in some ways, and in what exactly, we will find out later - our dads. Here come the moms! They are always in shape. Constant training in triathlon makes itself felt: the stove, running to the shops, doing the laundry. And even the annual respites on March 8th do not unsettle them. And finally, team captains! This is them from the cradle long years They were hardened by constant training and united their parents into a friendly team, setting more and more new tasks, constantly increasing the load. But it’s not for nothing that they say: “It’s hard to learn, but it’s easy to fight.”

Team Presentation Competition

Team captains represent their families.

  1. Invincible.
    Motto: when we are united, we are invincible.
  2. Unity.
    Motto: Unity is our strength.
  3. Monolith.
    Motto: perseverance and work will grind everything down.
  4. Cheerful.
    Motto: looking at each other, we will smile and soon we will reach victory.
  5. Friendly.
    Motto: courage, friendship and enthusiasm, be attentive and quick.

Leading: The teams introduced themselves. Thank you! Let's meet the jury. (Administration, class teachers, physical education teacher).

Competition "Warm-up"

All participants stand in a circle. And they pass the ball to the person standing opposite. Children can catch and pass the ball with both hands, and parents can hit the ball using the rules of the game volleyball. (Game time is 5 minutes. The jury monitors the loss of the ball).

Competition "DaddyMobile"

Leading: The fact is that you, dear participants, went on a multi-day hike. But the journey was long and our captains were tired. They need a break. The participants’ task is to carry the children with clasped hands to the wall of our hall and back. So, get ready, attention, march!

  1. Participants run to the finish line.
  2. At the finish line, the task is to identify road signs from the pictures.

Competition for dads “Kick on goal”

At a distance of 10 m, hit the football goal with the ball. Three attempts are given, each hit is worth 1 point.

Competition for mothers “Get in the basket”

At a distance of 5 m, hit the basketball basket with the ball. Three attempts are given, each hit is worth 1 point.

Competition for captains “Throwing at the target”

At a distance of 15 m, hit a tennis ball basketball backboard. Three attempts are given, each hit is worth 1 point.

Competition "Relay with hoops"

Each team receives a hoop. One dad runs first in the hoop, runs around the obstacles and comes back. Mom gets into the hoop. Do the task together. The captain is the last to join the team. Whose team will complete the relay faster?

Competition "Erudite"

Teams compete in knowledge of issues related to healthy lifestyle.


  1. How many people in football team? (11)
  2. How many times a day should you brush your teeth? (3: twice in the morning, once in the evening).
  3. What should you do to avoid getting the flu? (Do not overcool, take vitamins).
  4. What words does the name of the game basketball come from? (From English words"basket" - basket and "bol" - ball).
  5. How many people are on the volleyball team? (6)
  6. How to maintain good vision? (Do not tire your eyes, follow the rules of sitting when reading and writing, do not read while lying down).
  7. First aid for sunstroke? (Take a shadow to the victim and place a wet, cold towel on his forehead)
  8. What is the name of the sailboat? (Regatta).
  9. In what year and in what city of Russia was the Olympics held? (Moscow, 1980).
  10. List as many winter ones as possible Olympic events sports? ( Figure skating, biathlon, ski race, speed skating, etc.)
  11. First aid for a broken arm. (Fix the fracture site, apply a splint and bandage).
  12. How is butterfly swimming style translated from English? (Butterfly).

Competition “Cross the river on ice floes”

Each team is given 2 “ice floes” (boards). Dad stands on one bank, mom stands on the other. The captain must switch places between mom and dad. Dad stands on the planks, and the child moves them forward one by one. Mom is transported in the same way.

Competition "Mummy"

Moms receive a roll of toilet paper. They must bandage their child from head to toe like a mummy. Quality and speed are taken into account.

Competition "Collect garbage"

After judging the Mummy competition, the child tears the paper on himself. Together with dad, they must collect all the garbage as quickly as possible. Mothers rest and control the process.

Leading. Our eventing championship has come to an end. The jury summed up the results and the title of “The Most Athletic Family” was awarded to the winning team. The rest of the families also receive diplomas in various categories.

  • The bravest family
  • The strongest family
  • The most resourceful family
  • The most Friendly family

Svetlana Guteneva
School-wide event “Dad, Mom, Me - a sports family”

« Dad, Mother, I - sport family»


Instilling love for sports;

Formation of healthy lifestyle;

Spending time together between children and parents.


3 jump ropes

Target, 9 tennis balls

3 gymnastic benches

9 boards

Goal 50*80 and soccer ball

3 buckets, 15 tennis balls, 3 brooms

3 daisies with 20 petals of different colors.


Good afternoon dear friends. Today we are holding a competition - a competition " Dad, Mother, I - sport family" At all times, man has strived for healthy image life, wanted to know the limits of his capabilities, without being afraid to challenge fate. And he often emerged victorious. A sport is LIFE, HEALTH, RISK, SEARCH, VICTORY.

We have problems with no sports,

And we all love him.

Exercise every day

We will study.

It happens like this:

Getting ready for school

We're filling our briefcase

All sorts of nonsense.

The load is not light, but

We develop muscles.

Our legs are strong

But my hands hung down.

The lesson lasts an hour:

Muscles become numb.

To warm up at this hour

Raise your hands: once!

Then we slowly get up

Let's squat quickly.

And when we don’t know the answer

We shoot with our eyes.

We are so excited

Handles fall all at once.

Bending down, we lift,

Abdominal Press We strengthen ours.

Running helps everything:

Both study and work.

And so we run

We're going to the dining room.

From the cafeteria back to class,

Well, we're going for a run!

All the calories burned

Our strength is leaving us.

But we are so persistent

Look at us all!

Because physical education

We use it every hour.

Children really need sports!

We with We are strong friends in sports.

Sport is an assistant, sport - game,

Physical education - hurray - hurray - hurray!

To grow and harden,

Need to play sports.

Toughen up, kids.

Good luck! Physical training!


So, it’s time to introduce the jury of the competition “ Dad, Mother, I - sport family» (jury presentation)

Today, none of the participating teams will be left without a memorable prize. We have established prizes for the youngest and oldest participant, the most dexterous, the strongest, the most accurate, the most skillful.

After each stage of the competition, the jury will count points and provide information on the progress of the competition. After the last competition, the jury will announce the final results of the competition. The team with the most points based on the sum of all competitions wins. If the points are equal, the Jury appoints an additional competition between team captains.

Our competition begins. Three family teams take part in it.

First competition BUSINESS CARDS for family teams. I have no doubt that the calling cards of our teams are their charm, wit, ability and talent, hard work and, undoubtedly, the ability to present oneself. So let's see who can do it best. Maximum score 5 points.

Team business card "Bumbarash"

To the sound of a march, a team comes out with a chant.

Captain: Who walks together in a row?

Team: This is ours, this is ours

Friendly, brave crew!

(Turning to face the audience and building a living pyramid, the team speaks)

Mother, my dad and me,

We sport family.

With physical education, We're friends with sports,

We don't need a doctor at all.

Team business card "Strongmen"

(On the chest there is an emblem - boxing glove. Sing)

You, me, you and me,

You, me, you and me,

Together we are all very friendly family.

All family is nearby today

And we wish other teams:

“Be happy, friends!”

You, me, you and me,

You, me, you and me,

It is important that we can hold hands.

If everyone lived alone,

It's been in pieces for a long time now

Our school fell apart from boredom.

Be strong, healthy, skillful and brave

We consider it the main family business.

Team business card "Cheerful"

(They run out to cheerful music, balloons in their hands)

Mother: Sport- the best cure for illness!

Dad: Who with sports friendly, he never bothers!

Child: If in peace and harmony to your family,

So, in the family has a sporty lifestyle!

All: We are strong friends with everyone family

With sun, air, water!

(release balls)

SECOND COMPETITION: "Relay for teams"

When you go to storm the relay race,

Victory is not very visible to us.

But you will still achieve victory,

No feathers or fluff to you guys!

Stage 1: dad, holding the ball between his knees, jumps to the hoop, puts the ball into it and returns back.

Stage 2: mom runs to the hoop, takes a jump rope in it, jumps over it, and returns back.

Stage 3: the child jumps rope to the hoop, puts the rope in the hoop, picks up the ball and returns to the team with the ball.

The team that finishes the relay first and makes no mistakes wins.

The jury announces the results of the first competition "Team calling card"


I invite participants to prepare for the throwing relay.

Well, the next game

Requires the player

Dexterity, skills,

Great inspiration!

(On the wall of the hall there is a target with a diameter of 80 cm. Teams line up in columns one at a time. Each team receives 3 tennis balls. Each team member throws 3 times. One hit is 1 point. Teams throw in turns)

The jury announces the results of the second competition "Relay races for teams"


Here are the heavy balls,

Immediately visible: strongmen.

We will develop hands,

Pass the ball to each other.

(Teams sit on benches with their backs to the audience and the jury. Team captains are given a basketball. At the signal, the players pass the ball behind their backs with both hands to a partner sitting next to them. When the ball reaches the last participant, he quickly stands up with the ball in his hands, runs around the bench and sits down in front of the captain. If a participant drops the ball, he must pick it up and continue passing. The passing continues until all players are in place. The captain who has made the dash sits on the bench and picks up the ball.

The team with the best time wins.

The jury announces the results of the 3rd competition "Throwers Relay"


Anyone can walk through a swamp!

But how to get through without getting your feet wet?

Cheerful laughter, desire to win

They will help you and guarantee success!

Each team has 3 boards. Participants take turns moving along the planks to the mark and running back. The team that finishes the crossing first wins.

The jury announces the results of the 4th competition "Ball Race"


Guess what the next competition will be called.

I'll start, you finish

Together, answer in unison.

Someone ran wild

And without the ball he flew into...

And Petya slams the ball with his foot!

And pleased the boy in...

The boy laughs merrily,

A large...

But the guy doesn't care about the bump,

Again he runs after...

Fun football game

Already scored the first...

So, our next competition is called... FOOTBALL.

Dads are invited to participate in the competition. A 50*80 gate is installed at a distance of 11 meters from the starting line. Each dad has three attempts. Each goal scored brings one point to the team.

The jury announces the results of the 5th competition "Swamp"


Who is not afraid of obstacles?

Who is so eager to win?

Who is the strongest in the world?

Who is the fastest in the world?

These are dads and their children!

Dads and team captains are invited to participate in the competition.

Dad holds a hoop in his hands. On signal dad should roll a hula hoop, and the child should jump into it from one side and the other. You reach the mark and change places. The team that completes it faster and without violations wins.

The jury announces the results of the 6th competition "Football"


Running is very different

But always so beautiful

Fast, slow and medium,

Steeplechase, hurdle,

And the one wins

Who is not behind in anything.

Just passion, hard work

They will lead you to victory.

1. Jumping on one leg.

Overcoming a gymnastic bench in length, lying on your stomach, intercepting both hands and pulling up your torso.

Five jumping ropes in place.

Rotate the hoop 5 times.

Hitting the ball 5 times.

6. Running backwards, climbing through the hoop and running along the bench.

After the captain, all other team members overcome the obstacle course. The team that completes the relay first wins.

The jury announces the results of the 7th competition "Together with Dad"

NINTH COMPETITION "Captains Competition"

Take a closer look, friend.

Then we start the captain competition.

Be brave and be clever

We are all sure, then you won’t lose.

Stage 1: The captains knock down the pins with the ball. Three tries. The one with the most pins knocked down is counted.

Stage 2: The captains run to the mark, placing a pin on both palms, returning back, holding the pins in their hands. (5 points, 4 points, 3)

Stage 3: The captains squat to the mark and return running. (5 points, 4 points, 3)

The jury announces the results of the 8th competition "Combined Relay"

TENTH COMPETITION "Humorous Relay Race"

Humor is an interesting thing. It seems there is nothing more frivolous. Now we will hold a humorous relay race in which all family. But first, I'll ask one question to each team.

Name the first female pilot.

What is the name of Baba Yaga's flying machine?

Name Baba Yaga's best friend.

Well done, you did a good job. So, our final relay will be called "Baba Yaga"

Mother as you move, unfolds from a plastic bucket 6 tennis balls and comes back.

A child rides a broom.

Dad uses a broom to collect balls into a bucket. The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

The jury announces the results of the captains' competition.


I look at the fans, how they actively support their teams. Therefore, we cannot ignore them, a competition for fans.

5 fans per team are invited, line up in a column one at a time.

Each team must collect a daisy of its own color. (The eyes and leaves are laid out with the colored side down. The first participant runs out, finds a petal of the desired color, puts it in the middle and returns to its place. This continues until the entire flower is folded).

The team of fans that collects the flower first brings the team of players 5 points, the second - 4 and the third - 3.

While the jury sums up the results of the humorous relay race, the fan relay race and calculates the final results, a dance group performs in front of you.

(If teams have the same number of points in tug-of-war)

The jury gives the floor.

The smartest team

The friendliest team

The most fun team

Gifts for fans (Candies).

Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the excitement of competition,

Guaranteed success.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

Our speech will be short.

We tell you: "Goodbye,

See you happy, new meetings!”

“Dad, mom, I am a sports family!”

MOTTO: “Sport helps us everywhere: in the family, in school and at work!”

There are no barriers or distances for sports!

It is understood by the peoples of the whole earth!

He is the treasure of our entire planet!

Sport gives happiness, friendship and love!

Target : bringing families together, involving students in systematic activities physical culture and sports. Through various forms of work, contribute to the overall improvement of children's health by bringing children and parents closer together through joint games.

Tasks: 1. Develop children's interest in physical exercise through the organization of a sports festival, to contribute to the accumulation of motor experience; learn to master the body’s defenses; develop healthy lifestyle skills, active rest and leisure; identify the winning team. To develop the functional abilities of the body, the ability to control one’s body, to be dexterous, flexible, courageous and resilient.

2. Involving parents in sports life schoolboy. Teach the ability to transform, relax, relieve fatigue and become more confident in yourself and your abilities.

3. Foster a sense of collectivism (bring children together in a joint wrestling), a feeling of love and pride for your family, respect for the parents of the class. Actively involve parents in joint child-adult activities.

The progress of the holiday

(Cheerful music sounds). Fans are seated in gym. (The music fades out).

Ved: Good afternoon dear friends. Today we are holding a competition - the competition “Dad, Mom, Me - a Sports Family.” At all times, people have strived for a healthy lifestyle, wanted to know the limits of their capabilities, without being afraid to challenge fate. And he often emerged victorious. And sport is LIFE, HEALTH, RISK, SEARCH, VICTORY.

Welcome, dear guests!
We wish you fun and joy.
We've been waiting for you for a long time,
We don’t start the holiday without you!

Participants enter to the sounds of a sports march and applause from the audience. sports competitions and are built in designated areas. (Each team has its own uniform).

Ved: The mass character of sport is the key to the family’s labor victories, Have a good mood and excellent health. Today at our holiday we are pleased to welcome friendly sports families: ... (family surname and name of the captain - child).

Leading: So, it’s time to introduce the jury of the competition-competition “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family” (jury presentation)

Today, none of the participating teams will be left without a memorable prize. We have established prizes for the youngest and oldest participant, the most dexterous, the strongest, the most accurate, the most skillful.

After each stage of the competition, the jury will count points and provide information on the progress of the competition. After the last competition, the jury will announce the final results of the competition. The team with the most points based on the sum of all competitions wins. If the points are equal, the Jury appoints an additional competition between team captains.

Ved: Your progress will be assessed by a jury consisting of: 3 person (representation of jury members).

Ved: Our competition begins. They take part in it3 family teams.

First competition BUSINESS CARDS family teams. I have no doubt that the calling cards of our teams are their charm, wit, ability and talent, hard work and, undoubtedly, the ability to present themselves. So let's see who can do it best. Maximum score 5 points.

So, we present the floor to our participants... (participants take turns saying the team name and motto).

Ved: Exercising is beneficial, and fun physical activity is doubly beneficial. After all, every minute of exercise prolongs a person’s life by one hour, and by fun - by two! And even with minutes. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself. So, good luck!

2 COMPETITION: “Relay for teams”

When you go to storm the relay race,

Victory is not very visible to us.

But you will still achieve victory,

No feathers or fluff to you guys!

Stage 1: dad, holding the ball between his knees, jumps to the hoop, puts the ball into it and returns back.

Stage 2: mom runs to the hoop, takes a jump rope in it, jumps over it, and comes back.

Stage 3: the child jumps rope to the hoop, puts the rope in the hoop, picks up the ball and returns to the team with the ball.

The team that finishes the relay first and makes no mistakes wins.

The jury announces the results of the first competition “Team Calling Card”

Ved: Do you remember how the frog traveled in the fairy tale “The Frog Traveler”? She forced the ducks to take a stick in their beaks, and she, clinging to it, took off with the flock. In this relay, the participants will have to do approximately the same thing.

3rd competition “Frog Traveler”

Dad and mom carry a stick on which the child sits, holding onto the necks of the parents. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

The jury sums up the results.

4th COMPETITION “Together with Dad”

Who is not afraid of obstacles?

Who is so eager to win?

Who is the strongest in the world?

Who is the fastest in the world?

These are dads and their children!

Dads and team captains are invited to participate in the competition.

Dad is holding a hoop in his hands. At the signal, the dad must roll the hoop, and the child must jump into it from one side and the other. You reach the mark and change places. The team that completes it faster and without violations wins.

The jury announces the results of the “Football” competition


I look at the fans, how they actively support their teams. Therefore, we cannot ignore them, a competition for fans.

5 fans per team are invited, line up in a column one at a time.

Each team must collect a daisy of its own color. (The eyes and leaves are laid out with the colored side down. The first participant runs out, finds a petal of the desired color, puts it in the middle and returns to its place. This continues until the entire flower is folded).

The team of fans that collects the flower first brings the team of players 5 points, the second - 4 and the third - 3.

5th The competition is an all-around “Taste of Victory!”

Everyone should experience this taste! Participants “spider” (father, mother and child stand with their backs to each other, clasping their elbows) run to the mark, return back along the “ice floes” (given 2 diapers for each family - they move by stepping on one diaper with the whole family, pulling the second one forward and then jump onto it, etc.). At the finish line, a drink called “Taste of Victory” awaits them (labels made by the organizers of the competition). The team that drinks the drink through a cocktail straw the fastest wins.

The jury sums up the results.

6th contest : Relay race "Running with a balloon."

Rolling on the floor balloon, we return as usual.

7th contest : Relay race “Whose jump is next?”

It's the distance that matters here, not the speed. The first participant does a standing long jump, the next participant jumps from the place where the first one landed; the third one starts jumping from the place where the second one landed, etc. And then we measure the entire distance from the first participant to the last.

8th contest : Relay "Steeplechase".

Climb through the hoop, run along the path between the objects, jump rope once and return back as usual.

9th contest : Relay race"Cinderella"- for mothers

On the table in front of each of the participants there are plates, one of them with a set of cereals and nuts. On command, mothers must divide them into separate plates.

At the end of the competition, the judges summed up the results:

While the jury is summing up the relay race and calculating the final results. (If teams have the same number of points in tug-of-war)

Leading: I thank everyone for their participation and give the floor to the jury members.

The jury gives the floor.

Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the excitement of competition,

Guaranteed success.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

Our speech will be short.

We say to you: “Goodbye,

See you happy, new meetings!”

Score sheet



1 competition “Business Card”

2nd competition “Relay for teams”

3rd competition “Frog Traveler”

4 competition

"Together with Dad"

5 competition

"Taste of victory"

6 competition

"Running with a Balloon"

7 competition

8 competition

"Running with obstacles"

9th competition “Cinderella”


Sports assistant!

Sport – health!

Sport is a game!

Physical training!

Sports holiday.

1. B healthy body- healthy mind.

2. To keep your day in order, start it with exercise.

3. Follow the regime of work and life - your health will be stronger than granite!

4. Strong in body - rich in business.

5. When you combine sports with business, you are healthy in body and soul.

6. Health and work go hand in hand.

7. Sport is a helper!

Sport – health!

Sport is a game! Physical training!

8. Move more - you will live longer.

9. If you do physical education, you will forget about illnesses.

10. Cheerfulness, grace and plasticity - this is what gymnastics gives us!

11. Sports and work go hand in hand

12. Whoever plays sports gains strength

On the entrance wall of the hall there is a poster “Compete, don’t be timid, whoever is stronger will win!”

On the central wall “Heroes are not born, heroes are made”

1 student: How is the family alive today?

You can't overcome all problems.

And sometimes we forget

What's in the worries and worries?

The main thing is to save the family.

2nd student: The house we live in

The best house in the world.

Good memory of him

We carry it all our lives in our hearts.

Leading: You all know how useful it is to do physical exercise, how necessary it is to do exercises, to be outdoors, but how difficult it is sometimes to overcome yourself, get up early, do a few exercises, douse yourself with cold water. We put all this off until later. What if we try to study together, as a family? Maybe then it will be easier?

3rd student: The house we live in

This is a very noisy house.

After various things in the morning

There is always a game going on!

4 student: Dad, mom, like children,

These minutes await themselves.

They're going to play, I'm sure

Missing a day off.

5th student: And at the holiday, friends,

We can't live without games.

More passion, more laughter

Let the fun be in full swing.

Leading: The holiday is approaching - Defender of the Fatherland Day. I congratulate all boys and men on this holiday. I wish you health, happiness, prosperity.

IN sports festival Team “Brave” and Team “Brave” take part.

“Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”

(The holiday can be held in any class primary school)

1/We have no problems with sports,

And we all love him.

Exercise every day

We will study.

2/ It happens like this:

Getting ready for school

We're filling our briefcase

All sorts of nonsense.

The load is not light, but

We develop muscles.

3/ Our legs are strong,

But my hands hung down.

The lesson lasts an hour:

Muscles become numb.

To warm up at this hour

Raise our hands: one!

4/ Then we slowly get up,

Let's squat quickly.

And when we don’t know the answer

We shoot with our eyes.

5/ Out of excitement we have

Handles fall all at once.

Bending down, we lift,

We strengthen our abdominal press.

6/ Running contributes to everything:

Both study and work.

And so we run

We're going to the dining room.

From the cafeteria back to class,

Well, we're going for a run!

7/ All calories burned,

Our strength is leaving us.

But we are so persistent

Look at us all!

Because physical education

We use it every hour.

8/ Children really need sports!

We are close friends with sports.

Sport is a helper, sport is a game,

Physical education - hurray - hurray - hurray!

9/ To grow and harden,

You need to play sports.

Toughen up, kids.

Good luck! Physical training!

    Team business card "Bumbarash"

To the sound of a march, a team comes out with a chant.

Captain: Who walks together in a row?

Team: This is ours, this is ours

Friendly, brave crew!

(Turning to face the audience and building a living pyramid, the team speaks)

Mom, my dad and me,

We are a sports family.

We are friends with physical education and sports,

We don't need a doctor at all.

Team business card "Strongmen"

(On the chest there is an emblem - a boxing glove. They sing)

You, me, you and me,

You, me, you and me,

Together we are all a very friendly family.

The whole family is here today

And we wish the other teams:

“Be happy, friends!”

You, me, you and me,

You, me, you and me,

It is important that we can hold hands.

If everyone lived alone,

It's been in pieces for a long time now

Our school fell apart from boredom.

Be strong, healthy, skillful and brave

We consider it the main family business.

Team business card "Cheerful"

(They run out to cheerful music, balloons in their hands)

Mother: Sport is the best cure for illness!

Dad: Those who are friends with sports never bother!

Child: If there is peace and harmony in your family,

This means there is a sports lifestyle in the family!

All: We are strong friends with the whole family

With sun, air, water! (release balls)


“Malina is the strongest team!
We firmly believe in our success!
We will spare no effort!
Let's show what we can do!”


“We are already 15 years old.
This is not a secret at all!
The deadline is serious and long.

We do everything with soul.

We are unstoppable in business,

We are building a house for our loved ones,

We love to relax together

Pamper our children.

Dad sets up a tent for us
Mom is cooking dinner for us.

Well, my brother Gleb and I,

Everyone is ready to give advice.

We've all been to the gym,

at the skating rink, diving into the pool.

In the evening we read fairy tales.



"We modest athletes- We don’t eat, we don’t dance.
And we will show our hobbies in ourselves.
Football, fishing, boxing and skiing.
We are a healthy family
Inseparable as water.
And even if you slam, even if you burst,


“Dad, mom, brother and I - we are a sports family.
And on a sunny morning and a cloudy afternoon,
We are friends with sports and live together.
Dad's skiing, mom's fitness,
My brother has football, I have wrestling.
Sport is power! Sport is health!
Sport is a game! Physical training!"


“We are Smorodin’s team.
Dad, mom and three I are our glorious family!
We are friendly, brave, dexterous, skillful.
We are strong for each other,
And quickly we are eager to fight

Today we ask everyone to keep their fingers crossed for us,
Because we want to become winners!”

Sections: Cool tutorial

The progress of the holiday

Organizational fee. Greeting participants and guests.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad that, putting aside all your business, you came to our holiday. A guest is a guest, a guest receives special honor and respect, especially since a large friendly family came to us.

1st participant.

How is the family alive today?
You can't overcome all problems.
And sometimes we forget
What's in the worries and worries?
The main thing is to save the family.

2nd participant.

The house we live in
The best house in the world.
Good memory of him
We carry it all our lives in our hearts.
Let warmth and good light
They will be there for a thousand years!

Leading. You all know how useful it is to do physical exercise, how necessary it is to harden yourself, do exercises, and be outdoors, but how difficult it is sometimes to overcome yourself, get up early, do a few exercises, and douse yourself with cold water. We put everything off until later. What if you try to study together, as a family? Maybe then it will be easier?!

1st participant.

The house we live in is
This is a very noisy house.
After various things in the morning
There is always a game going on!

2nd participant.

Dad, mom, like children,
These minutes await themselves.
They're going to play, I'm sure
Missing a day off.

1st participant.

And at the holiday, friends,
We can't live without games.
More passion, more laughter
Let the fun go on!

Jury presentation

Leading. And now I will introduce you to the jury of the competition “Dad, Mom and I - a sports family” (presentation of the jury).

Today, none of the participating teams will be left without a memorable prize. The team that completes the first task receives 3 points, the second - two, the third - one. After each stage of the competition, the jury will count points and provide information on the progress of the competition. After the last stage, the jury will announce the final results. The team with the most points based on the sum of all competitions wins. If the points are equal, another stage is announced. We didn’t forget about the fans and established a prize for the best support group. We wish the competition participants success!

1st competition “Business Card”

Leading. Two family teams (representation of teams) take part in the sports festival.

The first competition is business cards for family teams. I have no doubt that the calling cards of our teams are their charm, wit, ability and talent, hard work and, undoubtedly, the ability to present themselves. So let's see who can do it best.

2nd competition “Warm-up”

Mom, my dad and me,
We are a sports family.
We are friends with physical education and sports,
We don't need a doctor at all.

The second competition is called “Warm-up”. The word “physical education” is given. You need to make as many words from it as possible. The winner will be the team with the last word. Thinking time is 1 minute (a summary is made after each task).

3rd competition “Relay for teams”

Let's start the relay race.
You need agility and speed for this.
Hitting, jumping and running...
From the audience - applause and friendly laughter.

Inventory: 3 volleyball ball, 3 hoops, 3 jump ropes (one per team).

Dad, holding the ball between his knees, jumps to the lying hoop, puts the ball in it, takes the jump rope, jumps over it, returns to the team and hands the jump rope to mom.

Mom, jumping rope, runs to the hoop, puts the rope in it, takes the ball, holds it between her knees and jumps back to the finish line. Until all team members have run. The team with the best time wins.

41st competition “Ball Race”

Presenter: the next competition is “Ball Race”

Here heavy balls,
It’s immediately obvious that they are strongmen.
Let's develop our hands
Pass the ball to each other.

Inventory: 3 balls (one per team)

The team stands in one line. Dads are given balls. At the signal, the ball is passed with both hands over the players' heads. When the ball comes to the last participant, he quickly takes the ball, runs around the whole team and stands in front of the first participant. The passing of the ball continues until the first participant takes his place. The team with the best time wins.

5th competition “Swamp”

Anyone can walk through a swamp!
But how to get through without getting your feet wet?
Cheerful laughter, desire to win
Will help you and guarantee success!

Inventory: 6 hoops (2 hoops per team)

Mothers and children participate in this competition. You need to get through the swamp without getting your feet wet. Mom takes two hoops. Throws the first hoop, steps into it, throws the second hoop, steps into it, takes the first hoop, throws it forward, and so on. The team that spends less time and doesn't step on the ground wins.

6th competition “Symbol of the Year”

I would like to wish the guys:
Don't become a little rat in the Year of the Rat,
Be a kind, affectionate child,
Study only perfectly,
Always behave yourself
And don't offend anyone
And love and respect everyone!

And so, the next competition is called “Symbol of the Year”. Three people from each team participate. There are sheets of paper and 3 pencils on the tables. At a signal, each family member picks up a pencil and begins to draw the symbol of the year, and we count out loud to five. When the whistle blows, everyone stops drawing, and the jury evaluates each team’s drawing.

7th competition “Together with Dad”

Who is the strongest in the world?
Who is the fastest in the world?
Who is so eager to win?
There is only one answer.
Come with dad together
Take the hoop in your hands
And lead to victory.

Inventory: 3 hoops (one per team)

Fathers and children participate in the competition. Dad is holding a hoop in his hands. At a signal, dad begins to roll the hoop towards the line, and the child jumps into it from one side and the other. In the opposite direction, the participants change places. The team that runs through the hoop the most times wins.

8th competition “Move the candy”

Well, what about the next game?
Requires the player
Dexterity, skills,
Great inspiration.

Inventory: 3 plates of flour, one candy for each player.

Each team has candy in a bowl with flour. Each team member needs to transfer the candy with their mouth to a clean plate without their hands. The team with the best time wins.

9th competition “ Balloon

Running is very different
But always so beautiful
Fast, slow and medium,
Steeplechase, hurdle,
And the one wins
Who is not behind in anything.

Inventory: 3 balloons, 3 rackets (one item per team)

Each team has one balloon and racket. By pushing the balloon with a racket, you need to run to the mark and return to the team; the team that shows the best time wins.

10th fan competition “Hold the string”

Leading. So the competition has come to an end. While the jury sums up the results, let's play with the fans.

Hey, fan, don't be sad!
Show us your dexterity!

Equipment: chairs, rope.

Two of the guys sit on a chair with their backs to each other. There is a string stretched under the chairs and through the entire space between them. Children run around the chairs to the music; when the music stops, they quickly sit on their chair and pull the string, trying to get ahead of their opponent.

Final part.

The result of the competition is summed up. The host and jury present certificates and gifts.

Let it all be just a game
But we wanted to say with it:
A great miracle is family!
Keep it, take care of it!
There is nothing more important in life than a goal!

Family business card

Welcome to the teamfamily (surname) "Zadorinka" We


A- artistic

D- friendly

O- optimistic

R - decisive

I - proactive

N - resourceful

K - creative


We are a cheerful family -

Dad, mommy and me.

We came to compete

We are ready to compete.

We don't sit idle -

We'll make everyone around happy.

The desire to win

And cheerful laughter

They will help us

And they guarantee success.

Our motto: We stand by each other -

Don't stand in our way!

There are two children in our family -

Not a moment of peace.

Youngest daughter Julia

Stayed at our house.

Eldest daughter Alina

Represents 2 "A" class.

I am Alinka! Good afternoon

Greetings to all of you, friends!

I am a second-grader, I am eight years old.

My beloved family is with me.

I dance and sing

I live a very fun life.

I go swimming,

I'm interested in dancing.

I study well and excellently.

I will introduce my parents to you personally.

My mother Oksana

Any craftswoman!

Tender, beautiful, graceful and modest.

She cooks deliciously and sews beautifully.

With my sister Yulechka

is waiting for me from school.

My dad Roma is smart, hardworking,

Enjoys sports

He doesn't like to be sad with us.

He plays with his daughters.

My dad protects our peace -

Protects our homeland

Can he play football?
Maybe read a book
Can you heat up the soup for me?
Can he play checkers?
Maybe even wash the cups,
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
For me there is always a hero -
My best dad!

Parents stand aside, on the screen there are slides with photographs accompanied by a soundtrack.)

So that you don't get bored here

We have put together a presentation for you.

There's mom, dad, sister and me,

In a word – our friendly family!

We never lose heart

and we help each other. .
We have fun living together -

and work - and be friends

And six months ago

A stork flew into our garden.

He brought me a little sister

Little Yulechka

(After slides or in the background of slides)

My family is the most beautiful in the world.

A caring husband - he has hundreds of talents.

We have charming children.

Our home is always filled with comfort.

And if any difficulties arise,

We solve them together as a family.

Our children help us with this

And that’s why we have peace in our family.

Wife : -To have such a husband,

Luck for me

You are reliable and brave,

And strong as a wall!

I am very, very proud of my husband

And I will happily admit this to everyone again!

Husband : If you ask, who is Oksana?

I will answer you simply and without any pretense.

Oksana is a successful lady in life,

Who loves our children!

I always feel good with you

My beloved wife,

You are my golden happiness

With you the storm is not scary!

In her love she is omnipotent and simple,

You have intelligence and beauty,

It’s a wonderful skill to give our hearts,

Warm our family with a smile.

(The phonogram sounds, spouses and daughter hold hands and sing to the tune of "Songs about Bears"
Our family lives in dear, dear Transnistria,
He doesn’t know grief and troubles, he lives together
We read books together, we go to the cinema together.
On holidays we sing and dance, on weekdays we find things to do!
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-... We are a friendly family!

Mom washes clothes, daughter sweeps the floor,
Dad cooks dinner while listening to football.
Work is quick, everyone is used to work.
And we know how to relax, barbecue in the forest!
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-... We are a friendly family

In general, we think it’s clear

What an interesting life we ​​have.


We have our own secret of happiness -

There is no boredom in our house!

Rivals, rivals, we salute you!

If you want, be the first, but only after us!

As you know, judges never lose,

So let this day not be an exception.

Smile, relax, forget about business.

We will show you talents -

Don't break it to smithereens!

Hey fans! Do not be sad!
You will support the team!
Raise the posters.

We love you! Be more fun!

Stomp your feet, clap harder!