Vitamin complex sports. Pharmacy vitamins for bodybuilders, which drugs are best for athletes to choose. Pharmacy vitamin and mineral complexes

For the most part, athletes pay a lot of attention to the caloric content of their diet, since heavy physical activity requires large energy expenditures.

However, along with this, athletes often completely forget about such important substances as vitamins, without which it is simply impossible to model a sculpted torso.

Vitamins and minerals for bodybuilding can increase not only the physical, but also the emotional endurance of the athlete’s body.

The first mention of bodybuilding (bodybuilding) was noticed at the end of the 19th century, but this sport became popular only in the middle of the 20th century thanks to Charles Atlas, who tested the system of classes and training he developed on his own body, and I must say quite successfully. Subsequent popularization of the training complex was carried out in comics about superheroes.

What does a bodybuilder need?

First of all, it should be noted that along with proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, the athlete’s body must receive a balanced supply of vitamins and minerals, which must be taken for the full absorption of nutrients, especially when doing bodybuilding. Therefore, an athlete’s diet should contain a complex of healthy products (and in fairly large quantities):

  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • eggs, cereals (porridge, bread), bran;
  • seafood, lean meat, liver;
  • all types of legumes and nuts, as well as oils of animal and vegetable origin; fruits, vegetables, citrus products, herbs.

It is important to know that during the first year of training, you should protect yourself from taking dietary supplements, so vitamins and minerals for a beginner jock should come from natural foods. In addition, a balanced diet will provide all the necessary minerals: magnesium, chromium, copper, calcium, iron, phosphorus, B12 and other important substances.

So what vitamins and minerals are necessary for bodybuilding - this is the entire list of groups B, C, as well as fat-soluble substances of groups A and E. Let’s take a closer look at some of them.


It is known that tocopherol is a complex of fat-soluble substances that perform important functions in the body - one of them is ensuring the complete absorption of fats and proteins, which has a beneficial effect on muscle growth, especially during the recovery period after heavy strength training. In addition, vitamins for bodybuilders, in particular tocopherol, can increase the body's endurance, and also provide the main male hormone testosterone.

With a lack of vitamin E, hypovitaminosis may develop, accompanied by hypotension and muscle weakness.


Vitamin B1 is a water-soluble substance necessary for stimulating carbohydrate metabolic processes and is easily absorbed by muscle cells. With the help of thiamine, carbohydrates entering the athlete's body are fully processed and do not accumulate in the form of lipids. You should not be afraid of an overdose of B1, since its excess is easily excreted in the urine.


Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) ensures the full growth of muscle tissue, as it synthesizes their main component protein, and it is also a participant in protein-fat metabolism. The need for B6 increases after heavy strength training. By releasing energy, it increases performance and endurance. Excess B6 is excreted in the urine in the same way as B1.

Vitamin B12

B12 is the main participant in creating a relief body. By burning fats entering the athlete's body, B12 improves energy metabolism. This is not the only role of vitamin B12 in bodybuilding - the substance supplies oxygen, as well as necessary nutrients, to muscle tissue cells, stimulating their activity. In addition, just like B6 and B1, it is needed for muscle contraction and coordination of movements.

Both vitamins B6 and B12 are necessary in bodybuilding, as they are essential in the process of building muscle tissue, and also improve energy metabolism. These substances belong to the group of water-soluble substances, the excess of which is excreted from the body with liquid.

Quite often you can hear from athletes themselves that vitamins B12 and B6 are best taken in the form of injections, however, as for group B, in bodybuilding they are still recommended to be taken orally, in order to avoid hypervitaminosis (B12 administered by injection in large doses can accumulate in the body ).

For strength and energy

Training with dumbbells, barbells, and exercise machines requires a lot of effort and energy, so in order to restore the body’s resources and activate recovery processes, by visiting specialized pharmacy stores you can buy vitamins and take them additionally.

The pharmacological industry offers a wide range of various vitamin complexes, both domestic and foreign. These drugs, while not being steroids, increase the effectiveness and tolerance of training. Vitamin complexes for bodybuilding are usually available at pharmacies without a prescription.

The best vitamins for heavy sports are all representatives of group B (especially B6 and B12), ascorbic acid, as well as tocopherol and retinol, which can be purchased in specialized institutions, both individually and as part of multivitamin complexes. When taking the complex, you should strictly adhere to the permissible daily dosage, and you can combine them with each other only after consulting a nutritionist.

How to choose

When choosing a multivitamin complex that is right for you, first of all, you should get advice from a specialist, and also pay attention to the composition of the drug at the pharmacy. In principle, all complexes intended for athletes are approximately similar in composition, the only difference is in the amount of content of a particular substance.

Popular brands of vitamins for bodybuilding and weightlifting according to conditional rating:

    • The first place in terms of the content of useful substances is occupied by the vitamin and mineral complex “Vitrum” - it is indicated for use by athletes during heavy physical activity (the basic component is B12).
    • Second place can be given to the Undevit complex - one of the inexpensive, but quite effective drugs often used in bodybuilding.
    • The third place of honor is occupied by “Alphabet Effect” - a vitamin and mineral complex developed specifically for athletes, which also contains B12 in sufficient quantities.

In addition to these three complexes, the rating can be supplemented with other drugs; we have considered only the most popular of them. If you prefer to purchase vitamins individually (not in combination), then you should know how to take and combine vitamins for bodybuilding.

Initially, you should take into account the fact that fat-soluble substances (A, E, D, K) tend to be accumulated by the body, and therefore do not require daily use; they should be consumed strictly following the dosage. Water-soluble substances, on the contrary, are quickly absorbed, and their excess is excreted in the urine.

Always keep track of how much vitamins you took so as not to take too much. It would also be useful to know the most successful vitamin combinations for an athlete:

  • B1-B2-B3;
  • B1-B2-B6-C;
  • B6-B12-C.

This combination will give the athlete-bodybuilder the opportunity to achieve the desired result in a shorter time, and helps to enhance the positive results during the training process.

Vitamins in bodybuilding are often undeservedly relegated to the background, and in vain, because they play one of the leading roles, but their thoughtless use can even be dangerous for an athlete, so strictly follow the dosage and do not neglect the consultation of a nutritionist.

Sports vitamins are necessary not only for professionals, but also for those who are just embarking on the path to improving their figure. The fact is that intense training consumes a huge amount of nutrients found in the human body. After just a few sessions, athletes begin to experience malaise, weakness, headaches and drowsiness. In this way, the body makes it clear that it lacks certain microelements that must be constantly replenished.

Some of the required components are contained in food, but this is not enough for serious training. Before you start taking a complex of sports vitamins, it is worth considering what natural substances your body needs under increased stress.

What vitamins do those who play sports need?

To prevent training from having a detrimental effect on health, it will be useful for men and women to find out which microelements have a positive effect on the athlete’s health:

  • Vitamin C. This organic compound is the most important for any athlete. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that protects the body's cells from destructive influences, which are precisely sports activities. In addition, this component accelerates the regeneration process and is responsible for the production of collagen (a protein compound). Thanks to vitamin C, the athlete will suffer much less from joint injuries and sprains. In addition, this organic composition improves the absorption of iron by the body.
  • AT 6. Pyridoxine is an active vitamin that accelerates the metabolism of protein compounds. Men should receive at least 2 ml of B6 per day, and women - about 1.5 ml. Most pyridoxine is found in chicken eggs, liver, rice and fish.
  • IN 1. Thiamine is necessary for the rapid growth of muscle tissue. In addition, B1 contains muscle proteins, which athletes often take to produce hemoglobin. Thiamine is extremely important for women and men who are actively involved in sports. In order to get B1 from food, you need to include brewer's yeast and cereals in your diet. A man should receive at least 1.5 ml of thiamine per day, and a woman - about 1.1 ml.
  • AT 3. The most active sports vitamins are supplements in this category. B3 is involved in more than 60 different metabolic processes in the body. In addition, this vitamin nourishes the athlete’s muscle tissue. To get this component from natural sources, you should include mushrooms, tuna, milk and chicken eggs in your diet. A man needs about 19 ml of B3 per day, and a woman needs 16 ml.
  • Vitamin D. This organic component allows for better absorption of calcium, which is also necessary for athletes. To get as much vitamin D as possible, you should drink large amounts of milk and stay in the sun.

Natural sports vitamins also include components of group E and A.

If we talk about specialized supplements, they differ depending on the gender of the athlete. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity are recommended to take the following supplements.


This drug was developed by a domestic manufacturer. "Aevit" is a complex consisting of three groups of different vitamins that must be taken at different times of the day. Experts believe that this plan for taking nutritional components is the most effective. In addition, the risk of an allergic reaction is minimized.

These sports vitamins for men contain about 10 different organic compounds and 12 minerals. All these components were selected specifically for representatives of the stronger half of humanity. In addition, “Aevit” contains an extract of Siberian ginseng root, which improves the body’s endurance and charges it with the necessary energy.

When taking this vitamin complex, the risk of sexual dysfunction is eliminated.


Do not confuse the brand of this manufacturer of vitamin complexes with the slang name for anabolic steroids - “pharma”. There is nothing in common between them.

“Pharmamed” takes second place in the ranking of sports vitamins, since its composition contains a number of components useful for men. Representatives of the stronger sex should pay attention to the Men's Formula line, which was developed specifically to solve the main male problems in the process of playing sports:

  • “Active day” - to get a boost of energy.
  • “Anti-stress” - normalizes sleep, arterial and nervous systems. It has a calming effect on the male body.
  • "Potential Forte" - enhances erection and libido. Testosterone production increases.
  • "SpermActin" - increases the fertilizing ability of sperm.
  • "Prostate Forte" is a multivitamin complex that prevents prostate diseases.

Men's Multivitamin

These sports vitamins are produced by Infinite Labs, a company that has been developing supplements for the stronger sex for many years.

This complex contains a lot of mineral elements, amino acids and other components necessary for men. One can of Men's Multivitamin lasts for 2 months. Supplements are taken 2 times a day.

Among the benefits of these vitamins, men noted:

  • improvement of the condition of the skin and hair;
  • increasing the body's resistance to various infections;
  • increasing endurance and energy;
  • beneficial effect on the thyroid gland and liver;
  • strengthening muscles and ligaments;
  • increased sexual desire.

Elite Vita

Many beginners and professional athletes call this supplement the best sports vitamins. The thing is that this complex contains not only standard organic components, but also antioxidants, amino acids and enzymes.

Elite Vita contains extracts of eleutherococcus, ginseng and milk thistle. All these components increase the body’s stability, normalize metabolic processes and provide men with the energy necessary for training.

Elite Vita also enhances brain activity and restores the functioning of the heart and liver.

The supplement was developed by Sculptor Nutrition, which has been specializing in sports nutrition for a long time.

Men should also pay attention to the following vitamin complexes:

  • Animal Pak from Universal Nutrition;
  • Opti-Men from sports nutrition manufacturer Optimum Nutrition;
  • Active Sport from MHP.

If we talk about which sports vitamins are best for the fairer sex, then you should pay attention to the following supplements.


This complex was developed by Optimum Nutrition specifically for women. The supplement contains a huge amount of a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the active components, athletes achieve excellent results.

The main advantage of Opti-Women is that nutrients are instantly absorbed into the blood rather than dissolved in gastric juice. After just a few days of taking it, women begin to feel an influx of energy.

In addition, Opti-Women:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • does not disrupt hormonal levels;
  • improves the condition of hair and skin;
  • strengthens nails.

Multivitamin for Woman

This supplement was developed by Bio Tech. Multivitamin for Woman are specialized women's sports vitamins, which contain numerous mineral and organic components.

These supplements strengthen the immune system well, making training much more effective. In addition, Multivitamin for Woman:

  • strengthens hair and nails;
  • improves mood;
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • gives energy even if the woman is on a strict diet.

Since female athletes often suffer from hormonal imbalances, the manufacturer has developed a unique formula, thanks to which the drug does not have a negative effect on the female body.

Vita-min Plus Women

These sports vitamins for women were developed by Olimp. The main advantage of the additive is its low cost and excellent characteristics. The drug helps stabilize the body's metabolism and does not disrupt hormonal levels.

Vita-min Plus takes into account all the daily needs of the fairer sex. After taking vitamins, women not only improve their physical but also their emotional state, and also strengthen their nails and hair.

The drug contains B vitamins, which restore the functioning of the nervous system. Thanks to this, athletes do not suffer from neuroses, stress and mood swings.

In addition, Vita-min Plus contains magnesium, copper, calcium and folic acid. All these components alleviate premenstrual syndrome and reduce pain during menstruation. They also have a positive effect on chest pain, flatulence, insomnia, menopause and hypersensitivity.

Rating of vitamin manufacturers

Among the numerous companies offering sports nutrition courses, the following rating can be made:

  1. The first place is occupied by the American manufacturer Optimum Nutrition, which is under the auspices of such a “giant” in sales of cheeses and food products as Glanbia.
  2. In second place is the Polish company Olimp, which has been supplying sports vitamins around the world since 1990. The main advantage of this manufacturer is the high degree of process automation. Thanks to modern equipment, laboratory specialists tirelessly develop the latest vitamin complexes.
  3. Third place goes to Universal Nutrition. This American company was founded in 1977. Today the manufacturer is one of the three largest suppliers of high quality sports nutrition.

How to take vitamin and mineral supplements correctly

Before starting to take sports medications, men and women should consult a specialist. All vitamins in this category are produced for different groups of people. Those drugs that are suitable for professionals are not recommended for novice athletes. The same goes for older people.

If we talk about the timing of intake, then organic components must be added to the diet at the stage of gaining muscle mass and in the process of burning fat.

Before starting the course, you must carefully study the label and annotation for the vitamins. They should be taken strictly according to the instructions. As a rule, vitamin and mineral complexes are designed for 1-2 months. After this, you need to take a break for at least 4 weeks. Otherwise, the substances will accumulate in the body in large volumes, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

What drugs are best for athletes?

Itamins support immunity, stimulate, increase energy reserves and promote. Those sold in stores are often expensive, but every athlete can independently assemble a similar complex by visiting an ordinary pharmacy.

On pharmacy shelves you can find separate groups of vitamins:

Pharmacy vitamins for athletes are an affordable and effective way to replenish the supply of essential substances in the body.

For gaining muscle mass, water-soluble ones (B and C) are suitable, since muscle cells lose them daily. During and it is necessary to maintain the level of fat-soluble components (D, E, A, K) in the body.

Vitamin complexes for athletes

On the market you can come across an abundance of various pharmacy vitamin complexes. The most popular drugs in the ranking:

Includes vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, C and microelements. A cheap and effective product that is widely used in bodybuilding and is suitable for representatives of various sports disciplines. The rules of administration and dosage can be found in the instructions. Sold without a prescription.

Alphabet Effect. Designed for athletes with constant physical activity. Tablets are taken in the morning, afternoon and evening. Contain elements from different groups (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D, A, E, C, PP). Great for bodybuilding.

Getimax Energy. The product contains extracts of green tea and ginseng. Great for women.

Undevit. It is very popular due to the presence of 11 vitamins in its composition (groups A, B, C and E). Low cost and high efficiency attract most athletes.

Vitrum Performance. Often found on store shelves, it stimulates mental and physical activity. Contains vitamins A, E, C, M, B1, B2, B5, B6, H and others.

Dynamisan. In addition to vitamins, the product contains ginseng extract, minerals and. The drug increases efficiency and concentration. Recommended for athletes and bodybuilders. Contains: vitamins A, K1, C, D3, B1, B2, B6, B12, H and many microelements.

Pikovit. The product contains vitamins A, D3, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, PP and microelements. Sold without a prescription.

The Leovit and Evalar companies offer their line of drugs: vitamin complexes for men and women, oils, elixirs, jelly, teas, chewing pills, protein bars and much more.

There are also special enriched amino acid complexes on sale. These drugs promote effective muscle growth, and the vitamins in their composition increase endurance and strengthen muscle fibers.


Excessive consumption of fat-soluble vitamins can cause hypervitaminosis, as a result of which substances are not consumed and accumulate in the body. Overdose symptoms:

Before purchasing certain pharmaceutical products, you should consult with your doctor, nutritionist or personal trainer. Instead of good athletic results, uncontrolled use of medications can lead to health problems.

When training on simulators, working with barbells and dumbbells, and in general during any intense training activity, recovery processes in the body can be activated in various ways. pharmacological agents. Exist pharmaceutical drugs, stimulating the body’s adaptation to extreme conditions and accelerating recovery processes. These include ginseng extract and tincture(use 10-12 drops in 3 doses per day for 10-15 days), e Eleutherococcus extract(take 2 ml daily half an hour before eating for 3 weeks). After a 10-day break, you can repeat the course. Similar drugs are Aralia extracts, Leuzea And lures; in addition, they have a stimulating effect on the nervous system.

Has adaptive properties dibazole- synthetic drug (taken 0.01 g once a day for 7 days, followed by a week-long break).

For heavy training loads, to normalize metabolism and increase performance, it is recommended to use vitamins, which have great restorative power.

Vitamins for bodybuilding and fitness

Here is the daily requirement for vitamins (in mg) for bodybuilding athletes:

They have proven to be very effective in terms of restoring the body. vitamin complexes, produced by domestic and foreign industry - such as “Undevit”, “Kvadevit”, “Megagrisevit”, “Supradin ROSH”, “Unicap M”, etc.

In addition to multivitamins, these complexes contain minerals and trace elements, necessary for metabolic processes. You should take only one of these complexes, since excessive consumption of vitamins can have a negative effect on the body.

During intensive training activities with “iron” and on simulators, regardless of the systematic intake of vitamin complexes, you can also take a number of individual vitamins. First of all, these are the most necessary vitamins for bodybuilding: C, PP and B15. If there is noticeable fatigue of the nervous system, vitamins B1, B6, B12 are recommended for therapeutic purposes.

Some athletes use drugs, having anabolic properties. Their use is permissible only on the recommendation of a doctor. First of all, we should highlight “Inosine” (made in Japan). The domestic industry produces an analogue of Inosine - Riboxin. Researchers have found that Inosine increases the ATP content in cells, promotes the contractile function of the heart muscle, intensifying blood flow and oxygen supply to the muscles. The drug has a positive effect on energy and protein metabolism. Take "Inosine" from 6 to 12 tablets per day, before eating, in three servings. The course is 30 days.

The use of "Inosine" in combination with potassium orotate (orotic acid) is justified. This drug is used both for purely preventive purposes and to eliminate cardiac dysfunction under increased stress on the body. Orotic acid is also indicated for liver dysfunction (caused by cardiovascular failure). During intensive training, athletes take two tablets 3 times a day, an hour before eating.

Close in its action to “Inosine” is AMP (adenosine monophosphoric acid). The anabolism of AMF is higher than that of Inosine. Taken after training before meals, 0.025 g 2 times a day for three weeks. Methylurocil is used for the same purpose as potassium orotate. The therapeutic dose is 2-3 tablets per day for 3 weeks. For athletes weighing over 90 kg, the dose can be doubled.

The following drugs enhance recovery processes and improve performance:

  • MAP (muscular adenyl drug) - can replace Inosine, take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day, preferably in combination with potassium orotate;
  • ATP (1% solution in ampoules) – injection every other day for 2 weeks;
  • phosphoden (adenosine monophosphate) - 2 tablets 3 times a day;
  • glutamic acid - up to 2 grams per day a quarter or half an hour before training;
  • methionine - 0.5-1.5 grams 3 times a day, in short courses of 10 days, half an hour - an hour before meals.

Glutamic acid, and methionine, in addition to neutralizing and removing metabolic end products formed in myofibril cells as a result of training and increased metabolism, actively promote the removal of steroids and the subsequent formation of conjugates.

To normalize metabolism, it is recommended to take amino acids. They are a plastic material for protein synthesis. "Starkprotein" (Sweden) is the most effective drug containing a complex of amino acids. Take 2 capsules, 2 - 3 doses per day, for 20 days.

Actively influences energy processes, ensures increased performance, prevents heart rhythm disturbances panangin. Use this drug 1-2 tablets, 2-3 times a day, for 3 weeks.

To drugs that promote energy storage, relate:

  • cerebrolecithin (requires 3-6 tablets per day);
  • lipocerebrine (1-2 tablets, take 3 times a day, lasting 10-20 days). In his book “Development of Maximum Muscles and Their Outlines,” A. Schwarzenegger recommends taking lecithin in the pre-competition period, when training for relief.

"Essentiale Forte" contains phospholipids, enhanced by a complex of vitamins B and E. The drug is usually used in 1-2 capsules, with a frequency of 3 doses per day, strictly with meals. The average course duration is up to 20 days.

Currently, various methods are used to stimulate recovery processes and improve performance. pharmacological complexes. Now, having understood in detail which pharmaceutical drugs are used in bodybuilding and fitness for what purpose, we will present several of the most common combinations, used for large volume and intensity loads.

During training to develop strength and muscle fibers:

1st complex:

  • Inosine or riboxin
  • Methionine
  • Potassium orotate
  • Lipocerebrin
  • Unicap M or Supradin ROSH
  • Protein concentrate, 2 times a day, 100 - 150 g.

2nd complex:

  • Methionine
  • Phosphodene
  • Essentiale forte
  • Vitamin E
  • Potassium orotate
  • Vitamin B15
  • Protein concentrate, 2 times a day, 100-150 g.
During training in the gym to improve the relief:

1st complex:

  • Riboxin
  • Lecithin
  • Potassium orotate
  • Unicap M
  • Folic acid

2nd complex:

  • Panangin
  • Lecithin
  • Glutamic acid
  • Undevit
  • Vitamins Bl, B6, B12, B15.

3rd complex:

  • Methionine
  • Lecithin
  • Riboxin
  • Vitamins Bl, B6, B12, B15 kvadevit
  • Protein concentrate, 2 times a day, 100 g.

During active physical activity, the body requires additional amounts of micronutrients, among which special attention should be paid to vitamins. Let's look at which of them are best for athletes to take.

The importance of vitamins in bodybuilding

Vitamins are organic compounds contained in food products in the form of micronutrients, the absorption of which helps maintain life. The human body is not capable of synthesizing these elements, so they should be taken in the form of products or additionally.

The main functions of these micronutrients during bodybuilding are as follows:

  • catalyzing hypertrophic processes in muscle tissue;
  • energy synthesis;
  • prevention of destruction at the cellular level;
  • regulation of metabolic processes;
  • prevention of injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • regulation of the functioning of the muscles and nervous system.

Did you know? Vitaminology-a branch of life sciences that studies the structure, functions, mechanisms and uses of vitamins.

Types of vitamins

Vitamins are usually classified according to their chemical structure and nature of absorption, as a result of which there are 2 types:

  • water-soluble (hydrovitamins);
  • fat-soluble (lipovitamins).

Additionally, vitamin-like substances are determined that do not have all the properties of vitamin compounds and can be classified as one of the main types.

Did you know? Some substances are mistakenly considered vitamin compounds. Thus, L-carnitine is only related to group B, since it is independently synthesized in the body, and B14 and its belonging to vitamin compounds is disputed in the scientific community.

Water soluble

Water-soluble vitamins are micronutrients that dissolve in liquid and act as catalysts in biochemical reactions. These include vitamins C, B, P and the vitamin-like compound N.

Vitamin Purpose Daily requirement Dosage in bodybuilding Food sources
C ((dehydro)ascorbic acid) Improving immune functions, strengthening the cardiovascular system, counteracting stress, collagen synthesis, promoting iron absorption.70–80 mg200–300 mgSweet peppers, citrus fruits, cabbage, .
B1 (thiamine) Synthesis of protein and hemoglobin, regulation of the body's energy consumption.1.5 mg2.5–5 mg,peas, wheat, liver.
B2 (riboflavin) Regulating macronutrient metabolism, improving endurance.2 mg3.5–5 mgMilk, liver, cabbage, eggs.
B3 (nicotinic acid, niacin, PP) One of the metabolic regulators, controls the nutritional processes of muscle tissue.20 mg50 mgMilk, eggs, liver, champignons, .
B4 (choline) As a component of lecithin, it participates in the formation of cell membranes and blood plasma.400–500 mg1500–2500 mgYolk, soy, fish, .
B5 (pantothenic acid) Participation in oxidative processes, acetylation, synthesis of fatty acids and hemoglobin.5–7 mg15–20 mgBeef meat, liver, kidneys, milk, eggs, vegetables.
B6 (pyridoxal, pyridoxine, pyridoxamine) Participation in protein metabolic processes stabilizes sugar and cholesterol levels.2 mg20 mgChicken, eggs, liver, fish, .
B7 (biotin, H) Regulating the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and amino acids, the synthesis of protein, glucose and fatty acids, improving the condition of the skin, nails and hair.80–100 mcg250–300 mcgSoy, mushrooms, sardines, yolk, liver.
B8 (inositol, inositol) Improves the functioning of the nervous system, fat metabolism, reduces cholesterol.500–600 mg700–900 mgBrown rice, oatmeal, wheat germ, .
B9 (folic acid) Participation in the synthesis of nucleic acids and amino acids, regulation of cell division.400–500 mcg600–800 mcgGreens, beans, peas, yeast, lettuce, cabbage.
B12 (cyanocobalamin, oxycobalamin) Impact on the metabolism of proteins and fats, regulation of blood formation and reduction of cholesterol levels.3 mcg10–50 mcgLiver, sea fish, eggs, .
B13 (orotic acid) Stimulation of protein synthesis.1.5 mg5 mgDairy products, cottage cheese, liver.
B15 (pangamic acid) Regulates cholesterol levels and fat accumulation in the liver and blood.100–500 mg200–250 mgAlmonds, beans, brown rice, wheat, pumpkin seeds.
P (flavonoids) Improving the functioning of the circulatory system and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.35–50 mg70–100 mg, tangerines, buckwheat, rose hips, lettuce, currants.
N (thioctic/lipoic acid) Participation in carbohydrate metabolism, regulation of glucose absorption.1–2 mg5–7 mgCream, beans, liver.

Fat soluble

Fat-soluble vitamins are micronutrients that dissolve in fat and have cumulative properties. Lipovitamins are considered to be A, D, E, K and vitamin-like polysaturated acids omega-3 and omega-6 (F).

Vitamin Purpose Daily requirement Dosage in bodybuilding Food sources
A (retinol, retinoic acid) Strengthening bones, improving vision and preventing ophthalmic diseases, positive effects on hair, skin and teeth.1000 mcg1500–2000 mcgCarrots, fish oil, liver, yolk.
D (calciferols) Prevention of cancer and rickets, normalization of work and prevention of disorders of the nervous system, strengthening of the bone frame.10 mcg20 mcgEggs, cottage cheese, fish oil.
E (tocopherols) Prevention of damage to cell membranes, strengthening the cardiovascular system.15 mg80–100 mgWhole grain products, nuts, beans, peas.
F (essential fatty acids) Improving metabolism, general strengthening of the body, improving skin quality.1000 mcg150 mcg, tuna, trout, herring.
K Increasing blood clotting, strengthening bone tissue, accelerating protein synthesis.100–120 mcg150 mcgLettuce, greens, broccoli, spinach.

The most important vitamins for bodybuilding

During heavy physical activity, bodybuilders should increase the amount of vitamins they take from outside:

  • Group B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12);
  • N (biotin).

For different purposes (for example, for gaining weight, for active exercise, or for strengthening bone and cartilage tissue), separate micronutrients from this list will be required.

Important!Before taking any of the complexes, you should take a test for vitamins and microelements in the blood and consult a doctor to determine your individual needs and prescription of the drug.

For gaining muscle mass

When actively performing strength exercises to increase muscle mass, the athlete needs vitamins:

Under intense loads

To maintain body functions during intense exercise, you should consume vitamins:

To prevent injury

Injury prevention involves maintaining and strengthening the skeletal system and joints. For this purpose, the body requires vitamins:

Rules for taking vitamins

Vitamins should be taken with caution, taking into account a number of factors. Basic rules of admission:

  • it is better to consider specially designed multivitamin complexes, since when using different drugs independently without taking into account their compatibility, health problems may arise;
  • should be washed down with drinking water at room temperature;
  • vitamins are taken in a course, the duration depends on the type;
  • There should be a break of several months between courses (the exact timing is set by the doctor);
  • should not be taken during the course of antibiotic treatment;
  • do not exceed the recommended dose;
  • It is better to take medications at the same time every day;
  • Water-soluble vitamins are taken 2 times a day, lipovitamins - 1 time a day.

Important! Strict adherence to consumption standards prevents the development of hypovitaminosis or hypervitaminosis.

Complex of effective pharmaceutical vitamins

Multivitamin complexes for athletes can be bought not only in sports nutrition stores, but also in pharmacies. Among the most effective are:

Rating of the best drugs

The best sports vitamin complexes for bodybuilders are:

It is important for bodybuilders to pay attention to vitamins in the diet, since insufficient amounts in the body can disrupt vital functions. Taking them correctly and in a timely manner will help make your body beautiful and your health strong.