Viktor Sergeevich Konovalenko: biography. Viktor Sergeevich Konovalenko. Biography of the best goalkeeper of the sixties Viktor Konovalenko legendary goalkeeper cause of death

In fact, both in Gorky’s “Torpedo” and in the USSR national team there is a legendary goalkeeper Victor Konovalenko for a long time played under number 20. In honor of his idol, the young “army man” took this number for himself. Vladislav Tretiak. But when both goalkeepers went to the World Championships in Stockholm in 1970 (Konovalenko as an “old man” of the national team, Tretyak as a debutant), one of them had to give up the “twenty”. The noble Konovalenko gave in without question, in a fatherly manner, taking for himself a not-so-familiar “one.” Two last championship He spent the world under this number.

In the history of hockey, only 34 players have become world champions five or more times. All of them played for the USSR national team, and 33 of them represented Moscow clubs. The only exception is Konovalenko. Perhaps he can safely be called the most titled non-Moscow hockey player not only in our country, but in the whole world.

Viktor Sergeevich was born in Gorky and died in Nizhny Novgorod, and this line perhaps best describes the fate of the great goalkeeper. Despite all the advantages (and sometimes responsibilities) of playing in Moscow teams, Konovalenko remained loyal to his city and club until the very end. From the early age little Vitya began playing hockey and football in the Torpedo children's team. At the age of 14, he went to work at the Gorky Automobile Plant in order to somehow help his big family, but this did not interfere with his training. At first, Konovalenko could not decide on his role, playing as a forward. But over time, he realized that playing on the last line was still closer to him. During his “field” career, the future Olympic triumphant became an excellent skater, which greatly helped him in his career as a goalkeeper - in his domain he was as fast as a cat.

Konovalenko began playing for the main team of Torpedo in 1956. The coaches placed their trust in the young guy by sending him out in one of the national championship matches, and he immediately proved that he could play at the master level. All the pucks that flew towards his goal that day were reflected. Since then, he has reliably joined the gates of the Gorky club and has never left it.

To the national team Soviet Union Viktor Sergeevich was admitted in 1961. Then at the World Championships our team missed out on the Canadians and Czechoslovakians, and the Soviet players only got European silver and world bronze. Since then, Konovalenko, who played three matches at the tournament, promised himself to receive only gold at the international level. And, I must say, he kept it. During his long career, he won two Olympics and eight world championships. The ninth could have submitted, but due to careless statements about the problems of the national team, he was excommunicated from games for a year for main team countries.

Not once after his debut championship did Viktor Sergeevich return home as a loser. To score against this man was a high honor for anyone, even the most skilled striker. Many famous players, having printed Konovalenko, called themselves happy people, and this was quite fair. The master had amazing goalkeeper intuition, he was collected, cool-headed, and never allowed emotions to take over the game. The opponent was not important to him - Konovalenko did not give in to either the Czechs, or the Canadians, or the Swedes.

He was the backbone of his team, with an incredible talent for instilling confidence in his teammates. The field players who performed with him admitted that they had never felt so free - they knew that the rear was protected like armor.

In addition, hockey experts believe that Viktor Sergeevich is responsible for the unique technique of reflecting the puck with the pads. At the moment of the throw, he turned the shield 45 degrees, and the projectile that hit him bounced into the corner of the site, where the defenders were already guarding him.

There was an opinion that Konovalenko was even superior in skill to his no less great follower, Vladislav Tretyak. So, for example, I thought Alexander Ragulin, noting that “Slava is more of an artist, but Vitya is still more reliable.” However, the two legendary goalkeepers always had the best relationship. If with your colleagues Victor Singer And Nikolay Puchkov Konovalenko communicated only insofar as he fell in love with young Tretyak immediately, like a father. He didn’t even spare the guy his “lucky” shirt with number 20.

Despite the enormous respect and recognition in his homeland, Konovalenko was not recognized in the world for a long time. The IIHF considered his game too simple and, despite all the “Russian Bear” titles, awarded him the title best goalkeeper World Championship only once - in 1970. Konovalenko’s performance at this tournament became a real revelation for fans and hockey players from all over the world. In the match with the Swedes, Victor received a very serious injury - multiple fractures of the bridge of the nose. The orderlies ran onto the ice, the goalkeeper, who did not want to leave the team, tried to run away from them, but fell and was sent to the hospital in an unconscious state. And yet no one could force him to stay in the hospital for more than a day. Already in the next fight, the calm and confident Konovalenko again stood in the “frame”. The game with the Finns turned out to be difficult, and the wound, as the doctors expected, opened. But, despite the fact that the question of the winner was decided in the middle of the meeting, Viktor Sergeevich survived to the end.

Interestingly, this fearless goalkeeper played without a mask for a significant part of his career. I had to put it on only after the introduction of new rules. One of the Olympic champion's favorite masks looked like the head of a large bear. This gift was given to our goalkeeper by his Canadian colleague Seth Martin, whom Konovalenko idolized.

In ordinary life, he loved to dance, did not really like to study, and only in the frame of the goal did he feel like a fish in water. Viktor Sergeevich’s wife said that he was never offended by anything, and took non-calls to the national team as a given - it means there is someone better. Moreover, he was a true patriot, not leavened or ostentatious. When the anthem played in the house, Viktor Sergeevich stood up, and his wife and daughter followed him.

Viktor Sergeevich fell in love with young Tretyak immediately, like a father. He didn’t even spare the guy his “lucky” shirt with number 20

And his urban patriotism was almost stronger than his national one. Moscow at that time had enormous opportunities and took the best, and for entrenched provincials the door to the national team was often closed. But Konovalenko was an exception here too, a real Gorky landmark that neither years nor power could budge.

Injuries greatly bothered the hockey player; sports medicine was poorly developed at that time, and equipment often could not protect against hard collisions. The goalkeepers suffered the most: once his friends tried to count the number of scars on him and lost count at the fifth dozen. But Konovalenko kept his pain to himself; even his relatives did not hear any complaints from him. In addition, he was a man of few words in life (like most goalkeepers). His favorite phrase was “everything is fine” - this is how he answered almost all questions about the matches.

Konovalenko played his farewell match in 1973. After finishing sports career switched to coaching work, worked with young hockey players and became a goalkeeper coach. Last years During his life, Konovalenko worked as the director of the Torpedo automobile sports palace.

Towards the end of his life, Viktor Sergeevich’s vision deteriorated and he developed a leg disease, but he continued to work. He died at his workplace during a regular planning meeting on February 20, 1996.

During his lifetime, Viktor Sergeevich was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Badge of Honor. The Automobile Sports Palace in Nizhny Novgorod is named after Konovalenko, where his bust is also installed and the game jersey with number 20 is immortalized. A boulevard in the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod is also named after him. In 2007, the great hockey player was inducted into the IIHF Hall of Fame.

11.03.2018 The legend of Nizhny Novgorod hockey was born on March 11, 1938

Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, two-time Olympic champion, eight-time champion world championship, silver medalist of the USSR championship as part of Torpedo Viktor Sergeevich Konovalenko never betrayed his home team and city. He was considered a legend during his lifetime.

Worked since age 14

From a very early age, Vitya Konovalenko began playing hockey and football in the Torpedo children's team. At the age of 14, he went to work at the Gorky Automobile Plant in order to somehow help his large family, but this did not interfere with his training.

From the age of 18 - in the main team

Konovalenko began playing for the main team of Torpedo in 1956. The coaches placed their trust in the young guy by playing him in one of the national championship matches. He immediately proved that he could play at the master level. All the pucks that flew towards his goal that day were reflected.

From the age of 23 - in the national team

Viktor Sergeevich joined the national team of the Soviet Union in 1961. Then at the World Championships our team missed out on the Canadians and Czechoslovakians, and the Soviet players only got European silver and world bronze. Since then, Konovalenko made a promise to himself to receive only gold at the international level and kept it. During his long career, he won two Olympics and eight world championships.

Konovalenko's unique technique

Hockey experts believe that Viktor Sergeevich is responsible for the unique technique of reflecting the puck with pads. At the moment of the throw, he turned the shield 45 degrees, and the projectile that hit him bounced into the corner of the site, where the defenders were already guarding him.

Best Goalkeeper - Once

Despite enormous respect and recognition at home, Konovalenko was not recognized at the international level for a long time. His game was considered too simple and, despite the title of “Russian Bear,” he was awarded the title of best goalkeeper of the World Cup only once - in 1970.

In the match with the Swedes, Victor received a very serious injury- multiple fracture of the bridge of the nose. The orderlies ran onto the ice, the goalkeeper, who did not want to leave the team, tried to run away from them, but fell and was sent to the hospital in an unconscious state. And yet no one could force him to stay in the hospital for more than a day. Already in the next fight, Konovalenko again stood in the “frame”. The game with the Finns turned out to be difficult, and the wound opened. But Victor survived the match to the end.

My wife and daughter stood up during the anthem

Konovalenko’s wife said that he was a real, not leavened or ostentatious patriot. When the anthem played in the house, Viktor Sergeevich stood up, and his wife and daughter followed him.

I stayed with hockey until the end

Konovalenko played his farewell match in 1973. After completing his sports career, he switched to coaching, worked with young hockey players and became a goalkeeper coach. He died at his workplace during a regular meeting on February 20, 1996.

A boulevard and hockey arena. Under the arches of Torpedo’s home arena, a golden personalized banner was raised, and its number “20” was forever taken out of circulation in the Nizhny Novgorod club. In 2007, the hockey player was inducted into the IIHF Hall of Fame. Viktor Sergeevich was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Badge of Honor. In 2012, he was posthumously awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.”

Dad. How the famous goalkeeper Viktor Konovalenko remembered his former partners

Yesterday it was 15 years since Viktor Konovalenko passed away - legendary goalkeeper Gorky's Torpedo, whose name is associated with the USSR national team's record nine-year winning streak at the World Championships and Olympic Games. He passed away before reaching the retirement age of 60...


Yesterday it was 15 years since the death of Viktor Konovalenko, the legendary goalkeeper of Gorky’s Torpedo, whose name is associated with the USSR national team’s record nine-year winning streak at the World Championships and Olympic Games. He passed away before reaching the retirement age of 60...

Viktor Sergeevich died at work in the Ice Palace, where he worked as a director. During the morning surgery, he fell, struck by a heart attack, with the words: “But aren’t they...”. The day before, his native Torpedo, which he had never betrayed during his 16-year career, lost again...


“We met Victor in 1965 under very funny circumstances,” recalls the two-time Olympic champion Boris Mikhailov.-Then I had just made my debut in Lokomotiv Moscow, and Konovalenko was already considered the best goalkeeper in the country, winning the World Championships and Olympics. We play with his Torpedo. The score is 1:1, Sergeich presses the puck to the ice, and I hit him on the hand. He lifts the trap and I push the puck into the goal. The referee, not noticing anything, counts the goal. And then Victor, with his stick at the ready, runs after me. Roars: “I’ll kill you, new guy!” I thought it would definitely kill me...

Then we met on the national team. Victor did not forget that incident, but did not take revenge - this is not in his rules. I remember him as a very kind and cheerful person. The veterans called him “the guy from Kanavin.” This is an area in Gorky. I won’t forget Victor’s mask, in it he looked very much like a bear. They said it was given by the famous Canadian goalkeeper Seth Martin. But this is unlikely - the Canadian’s mask was probably made to order, to suit his face.

Everyone in the team loved Sergeich. Including a great coach Anatoly Tarasov, otherwise I would hardly have forgiven him for his small weaknesses. Victor smoked like a locomotive.


“I remember very well how Konovalenko came to the national team,” says the two-time Olympic champion Boris Mayorov.– It was in November 1960. We played with the Canadian team Chatham Maroons for two friendly match. The great one played in the first one Nikolay Puchkov, and we lost 3:5, and on the second we put Viktor, who urgently flew to Moscow either from Novokuznetsk or from Novosibirsk, where his “Torpedo” was staying.

I remember that Tarasov, surprised by the suspicious calm of the debutant, after dinner decided to go into his room to talk face to face. But, approaching the door, I heard snoring. The next day we defeated the Canadians 11:2...

This is all Victor - balanced, self-confident. And he was greeted favorably by the team, although in those days hockey players from the regions were invited to join it only on major holidays. I don’t remember that Konovalenko, having missed the puck, expressed dissatisfaction, as some Goalkeepers: they say, who gave it to him to quit? On the contrary, he remained equanimous. Therefore, none of the partners reproached him for his mistakes in return.

I must say that Viktor Sergeevich played better in a sweater with the letters “USSR” than in his Gorky. I scored against him often and a lot. Once I even scored four goals in Gorky!


“Viktor Sergeevich is the idol of my childhood,” admits the best goalkeeper of the 20th century Vladislav Tretiak, who shared bread and salt with Konovalenko in the USSR national team for two seasons. “I really liked the way he defended the goal. A kind of boletus fungus. And when Tarasov took me to the national team and I met Konovalenko in it, I was immensely happy. I addressed him as “you”, just like Alexander Palych Ragulin. I was on first name terms with the others. He called Viktor Sergeevich nothing other than dad.

I also took number 20 to CSKA in honor of Konovalenko. But in the national team we could not play under the same number, and Victor gave me his “twenty”. Before the 1970 World Championships in Stockholm, where I made my debut.

At that tournament, in the match with the Swedes, when we were losing 1:2, forward "Tre Krunur" Nilsson drove into Victor's head at full speed. The unconscious father was taken to the locker room and then taken to the hospital. Then the doctor Oleg Belakovsky told how Konovalenko, barely regaining consciousness, asked to go on the ice. At the hospital, he took 37 x-rays, after which metal staples were inserted into the broken bridge of his nose. Doctors insisted on bed rest. And Victor and Belakovsky returned to the hotel that evening and... went out to the next match with the Finns. The opponents couldn't believe it!

The Finns still hit Sergeich on the mask, again the fragments were displaced, medical intervention... However, the question of whether Victor would continue to play was not even raised. He took part in the match with the Czechs and in the decisive match against the Swedes, to whom we had previously lost 2:4. We took revenge, and journalists chose Konovalenko to the championship all-star team for the first time in his long career!

I was 18, he was 32. But we got along great. He doesn’t talk much, he liked to play solitaire before the game, and I, on the contrary, liked to sleep. At the 1971 World Championships in Switzerland decisive match The coaches put me with the Swedes. Victor didn’t even show it, although he was probably scratching his heart. But he drank quite a lot after the victory, and I looked after him.


“Our Vitek is a human being, a talent: extraordinary, something like a bear,” says the master of our coaching department Vladimir Yurzinov. – I played with him in the youth team, we went to America together. And Tarasov liked to tinker with goalkeepers after training. After these classes, Konovalenko returned to the locker room barely alive. “Anatoly Vladimirovich, I can’t, I’m tired,” Victor once complained. In response, Tarasov frowned: “If you’re tired, go work at the Gorky Automobile Plant.” After that, we forgot the word “tired”...

At the 1963 World Championships in Sweden, Victor was late for the game with the hosts, trying to clear a draw puck, and the Swede easily scored into an empty net. Anyone else in Konovalenko’s place would have fallen apart, but Victor, on the contrary, played confidently. We took the gold. Alas, in 1969 we did not have to play again in Stockholm at the World Cup. Instead of Konovalenko, they took a Spartak player there Victor Singer.

Konovalenko himself recalls this story in his book “The Third Period”:

– Before March 8, we were given two days off. Muscovites have gone home, and I, the only nonresident, what should I do? Having bought gifts, he flew to Gorky to visit his wife and daughter. After lunch I lay down to take a nap and asked to wake me up for the night train. But either I didn’t hear the alarm clock, or my wife overslept. In short, I missed the train. And in the morning, as luck would have it, the weather was bad. I joined the team only in the evening. Chernyshev He immediately ordered me to go to the Sports Committee. Without explanation, I was suspended for the rest of the season and suspended for a year. There was no talk of any World Cup. Then he promised himself to return to the national team. And he did it.


Five years ago, Valentina Dmitrievna, Konovalenko’s widow, spoke in an interview about family life with a great goalkeeper:

“He confessed his love to me twice: when he proposed and shortly before his death. Victor never talked about pain, but his knee tormented him throughout his career - a meniscus, a torn ligament. Then arthrosis began. One leg was dry and bent. Moreover, my vision began to fail. My daughter and I had to pick him up from work. When he was in big sport, we lived normally. Nothing was earned for later life...



Born on March 11, 1938 in Gorky. Goalkeeper. He played for Torpedo (Gorky) from 1956 to 1972. He played 450 matches in the USSR championships. Silver medalist of the national championship in the 1960/61 season.

Two-time Olympic champion (1964, 1968), world champion (1963–1968, 1970, 1971).

Knight of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Order of the Badge of Honor.

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Konovalenko Viktor Sergeevich was born in 1938. Viktor Sergeevich Honored Master of Sports of the USSR - 1963, goalkeeper. In 1956-1972, Konovalenko played for the Torpedo team (Gorky). He played more than 450 matches in the USSR championships. Konovalenko silver medalist at the 1961 national championship. In 1970 he was recognized best hockey player countries. Viktor Sergeevich World champion 1963-1968, 1970 and 1971, European champion 1963-1968 and 1970, second prize-winner of the European Championships 1961 and 1971, Winter champion Olympic Games 1964, 1968.

Konovalenko played 54 matches in the World and European Championships and the Winter Olympics. Konovalenko Viktor Sergeevich was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Badge of Honor. The famous hockey player died in 1995.

Konovalenko's game was outwardly simple. So simple that the LIGH (now the IIHF) never bothered to name Victor the best goalkeeper of the World Championship. Only once, in 1970, a journalistic referendum in Stockholm awarded Konovalenko the palm.

Konovalenko did not perceive the words “you are posted as a sentry at the gate” simply as a line from a song. In 1970, in a collision with a Swedish striker, Victor received a very serious injury. A stretcher appeared on the ice, but Konovalenko ran away from the orderlies. And in the next match - with the Finns - he went on the ice, although the wound could have opened. The wound opened, but Victor - although the question of the winner was decided by the middle of the game - guarded his post until the end, as befits a sentry...

“During the years of serving with the national team, Victor had Viktor Singer and Viktor Puchkov as understudies. However, although Konovalenko was in a higher class than them, he never showed it. When Vladislav Tretyak was brought to them, Konovalenko’s behavior began to clearly sound his father’s notes. Even his own I gave the shirt with number 20 to Vladislav." /A. V. Tarasov /.

Anatoly Tarasov recalled his first meeting with Konovalenko, when the future constant guard of the national team’s goal answered almost every question from the coach: “Everything is fine.” “Normal” was the favorite word of Viktor Konovalenko, an outstanding goalkeeper.

He died at the “hockey” post, being a director ice palace sports "Torpedo" in Nizhny Novgorod in his office. This palace is now named after him.

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He died in his “hockey” post, being the director of the Torpedo ice sports palace in Nizhny Novgorod in his office. This palace is now named after him.

Konovalenko Viktor Sergeevich was born in 1938. Viktor Sergeevich Honored Master of Sports of the USSR - 1963, goalkeeper. In 1956-1972, Konovalenko played for the Torpedo team (Gorky). He played more than 450 matches in the USSR championships. Konovalenko silver medalist at the 1961 national championship. In 1970

year he was recognized as the best hockey player in the country. Viktor Sergeevich World champion 1963-1968, 1970 and 1971, European champion 1963-1968 and 1970, second prize-winner of the European Championship 1961 and 1971, champion of the Winter Olympic Games 1964, 1968.

In the World and European Championships and in the Winter Olympics

Konovalenko played 54 matches in the 2010 Games. Konovalenko Viktor Sergeevich was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Badge of Honor. The famous hockey player died in 1995.

Konovalenko's game was outwardly simple. So simple that the LIGH (now the IIHF) never bothered to name Viktor Lu

the best goalkeeper of the world championship. Only once, in 1970, a journalistic referendum in Stockholm awarded Konovalenko the palm.

Konovalenko did not perceive the words “you are posted as a sentry at the gate” simply as a line from a song. In 1970, in a collision with a Swedish striker, Victor received a

very serious injury. A stretcher appeared on the ice, but Konovalenko ran away from the orderlies. And in the next match - with the Finns - he went on the ice, although the wound could have opened. The wound opened, but Victor - although the question of the winner was decided by the middle of the game - guarded his post, as befits a sentry, until

“During the years of serving with the national team, Victor had Viktor Singer and Viktor Puchkov as understudies. However, although Konovalenko was in a higher class than them, he never showed it. When Vladislav Tretyak was brought to them, Konovalenko’s behavior began to clearly sound his father’s notes. Even his own shirt