Types of women's knees. Women's knees: beauty recipes

The size and shape of beautiful women's knees depend on factors such as the structure of the joint, muscle structure and skin condition. There are a number of parameters by which you can determine the beauty of your knees. In a relaxed state, the shape of the knee should acquire a rounded shape, and its rear end should be thin and approximately match the thickness of the ankle. In this case, thickening of the rear part in comparison with the ankle is allowed - but only slightly.

An obligatory nuance is that the ankle should be graceful in comparison with the knee, but in no case thin.

Knees are also considered beautiful if there are no protrusions on the sides, and there is a small depression under the knee itself. The kneecaps should be well supported by the muscles and not move inward, creating the feeling of crooked knees. The knee itself should not be too large compared to the rest of the leg, as is the case with too skinny girls. When bending the leg, the beautiful knee should remain rounded, and not stick out with the angular part outward.

Caring for a woman's knees

To ensure that knees of any shape and size always remain beautiful and well-groomed, they need to be pampered. Because there are too few sebaceous glands in the knee area, the skin often becomes dry and inelastic, accumulating dead cells on its surface. They need to be exfoliated with gels, foams and scrubs that contain fruit acids. They stimulate cell division due to their biosubstances, as a result of which the skin of the knees is regularly renewed.

Do not care for dry knee skin with soap and hot water- they will dry it out even more.

In addition, scrubs, gels and foams for knee care can be replaced with natural honey scrub. It contains vitamins C and E, which will provide the skin with constant regeneration, hydration and healing. To prepare it, you need to mix one tablespoon of castor oil, honey and coarse sea ​​salt. The scrub should be slightly warmed and thoroughly rubbed into the skin of the knees, leaving them there for ten to fifteen minutes. After the time has passed, the scrub should be washed off with warm water.

It is also advisable to moisturize your knees twice a day with creams that contain panthenol, aloe, castor and sea buckthorn oil, vitamins A, K, E and PP, which will prevent dryness, peeling and aging of the skin of the knees. Thanks to this care, your knees will always remain beautiful and attractive.

Beautiful legs are what every woman dreams of. And by legs we mean not only the hips, but also the knees, which can spoil the appearance of the legs, even if they themselves are slender and long. Ugly and thick knees cause concern to many ladies, making it difficult to wear short skirts and shorts. What to do? Fortunately, there are various exercises for beautiful knees that help get rid of everything unnecessary, as well as additional methods.

Many believe that the presence of fat on the knees does not pose any health hazard, since they are located far enough from vital organs, and the whole point of the problem is psychological discomfort. This is partly true, but only partly. Every kilogram of weight that is considered excess by medical standards increases the load on knee-joint several times. In combination with fat above the knees themselves, this can lead to dangerous consequences, such as joint inflammation, osteoarthritis, arthrosis, increased risk of injury when moving and difficulty moving in general. Therefore, beauty is beauty, but first of all you need to take care of your health. Get rid of excess weight throughout the body is a must.

The beauty of women's knees is a combination of the shape of the legs and the condition of the skin. The main thing you will need is fitness, in particular, exercises for slender knees, which must be performed regularly, and only then can you achieve excellent results.

Also keep in mind that beautiful knees are only possible if your legs are healthy. Therefore, give up tight, uncomfortable, low-quality shoes, and extremely high heels. With the right and comfortable shoes, nothing will prevent you from having healthy legs, beautiful knees and an attractive gait.

The skin on your knees also requires care. In its absence, it can harden and become very hard, like the skin of the heels. Lubricate your knees with body cream or use various scrubs. The latter can be prepared at home using coffee, salt, honey and other ingredients.

Wraps will help reduce the volume of the knee. You can use cosmetic clay in combination with essential oils.

It will be quite difficult to lose weight specifically in the knees, since the body usually loses weight as a whole, so general measures are also necessary. One of them is a proper balanced diet. Avoid strict diets, as they do not bring anything good - only harm to your health and a very quick return of weight back.

For beautiful knees, like all other parts of the body, in the best possible way a fraction will do proper nutrition. Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, drink enough water, try to give up fast food, unhealthy sweets, baked goods, smoked foods, and fatty foods.

Limit salt intake in your diet, as it retains fluid in the body, thereby causing swelling of the limbs and, accordingly, an increase in their volume.

Train yourself to snack correctly and healthy: boiled egg, banana, plain yogurt, a small handful of nuts. These foods will not make you gain weight if you eat them in moderation.

Exercises for thick knees: an effective complex

Initially, if you want to make your knees thin, you cannot do without this type of activity such as cardio training. By promoting the uniform burning of excess fat throughout the body, they also form beautiful legs, slender and toned. Accordingly, your knees will also look much more attractive. Great helpers beautiful legs- This is running and jumping rope. In addition, it is important to include in your program training complexes, aimed directly at the formation of beautiful and sharp knees. Let's consider what exercises should be used in this case.

Exercise 1

Sit on the edge of a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Slowly straighten one leg while pointing your toes forward. Repeat for each leg 50 times.

Exercise 2

Stand up, bend your legs slightly at the knees and rest your hands on them. Raise your right leg onto your toes and make it. Do the same for the left one.

Exercise 3

Stand straight at the support, spread your legs wide and bend them slightly at the knees. Raise your right leg onto your toes. Make it 15-20 rotations in each direction. Repeat the same for the second leg.

Exercise 4

You need to stand on your toes and within five minutes walk them in place, while accelerating the pace of walking.

Exercise 5

Stand up straight, lean against some support. Rise up onto your toes with one foot, then do the same with the other. Total repeat 15-20 times.

Exercise 6

Stand up straight, keep your back straight. Grab some support and lift your right leg so that it forms a right angle with your torso. Hold this position and bend your knee 15-20 times. For the second leg we do the same.

Exercise 7

Lie on your back with your feet together. Try not to move your feet. Smoothly bring and spread your knees. Repeat at least 15 times.

Exercise 8

Stand up straight, keep your back straight. Place your hands on your belt and place your feet together. Including your toes and heels in the work, smoothly spread your legs to the sides. Repeat 40-50 times. If possible, this exercise can be done on a special simulator.

Exercise 9

Stand up, straighten your back, place your arms along your body. Bend your right leg at the knee and gently lift it towards your stomach. If necessary, you can help yourself a little with your hands. For the second leg we repeat the same thing. Total to do 15-20 times for each leg.


The shape and size of women's knees depend on several factors: the structure of the joint, muscle structure, and skin condition. And if, alas, nothing can be done about it, then we are quite capable of putting the muscles and skin in order.

Women's knees: beauty recipes

Women are often unhappy with their knees because the skin is too dry and flaky: there are very few sebaceous glands in this area, which would make it elastic and tender and help it renew itself in a timely manner. Therefore, over time, layer after layer of dead cells accumulate on the skin of women's knees. “I would advise cleaning this delicate area with foams and gels, but not with soap or hot water, which will dry it out even more,” explains Olga Anokhina, cosmetologist at the Madame and Monsieur beauty salon.

Once a week, exfoliate women’s knees with scrubs with fruit acids (you can take one intended for the face). “They not only exfoliate well, but are also rich in biosubstances that stimulate cell division and the appearance of new ones,” says Olga Anokhina.

You can replace them honey scrub : The vitamins E and C it contains improve skin regeneration. Mix 1 tablespoon each of honey, castor oil and coarse salt (preferably sea salt), heat slightly and rub into the skin on your knees. Leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Twice a day, moisturize your skin with creams containing panthenol, sea buckthorn oil, aloe, and castor oil. “Vitamins A, E, K and PP in their composition will help maintain skin health and prevent dryness and flaking,” comments Olga Anokhina.

Fitness for beautiful women's knees

Another problem of women’s knees—excess volume—must be addressed comprehensively. “If this is the result of swelling, an overgrown fat layer or stagnation in the circulatory and lymphatic systems, except cosmetic procedures and needed proper diet and exercises,” says Olga Anokhina.

In order for women’s knees to decrease in volume, it is important to include at least half an hour of intense cardio in the workout. “, or will help dry out in general, including in the knee area,” explains Ekaterina Soboleva, fitness director sports club Zupre.

But a set of exercises that work the muscles in this area in isolation will help you beautifully outline women’s knees. It will take no more than 20 minutes a day. And will suit a person of any level physical training. Those who have recently suffered a knee injury or are overweight should first consult a doctor.

A set of exercises for beautiful women's knees

To complete the complex you will need : a chair with a backrest, a shock absorber band (or an elastic bandage), two kilogram dumbbells (or liter water bottles) and a step platform (or a small stable bench).

Warm-up: knee rotation

Initial position. Grab dumbbells (or water bottles) and stand in front of a chair with your arms crossed with weights on your shoulders. Feet shoulder width apart.

How to do it. Extend your arms forward, lean your torso slightly forward, and lower yourself into a squat until your buttocks lightly touch the chair. Keep your knees directly above your feet. Get up and continue doing the exercise at this amplitude. Do 3 approaches By 15 reps.

Exercises for beautiful knees: straight squats

Initial position. Stand straight, feet wider than shoulder width, toes pointing to the sides, hands on your waist. Body weight on external sides stop.

How to do it. Keeping your back straight, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Your knees should be above your feet. Now rise slightly until your hips are at a 135 degree angle to the floor. Drop back into lowest point. Execute 3 approaches By 20 reps.

Knee extension with shock absorber

Initial position. Place a chair to your right, stand straight, place the loop over your left foot, and secure the free edge with your right. Right hand rest against the back of the chair, the left one on your belt.

How to do it. Keeping your back straight, bend left leg in the knee and lift it off the floor. Overcoming the resistance of the shock absorber, straighten your knee and extend your leg forward. Perform 15 repetitions, then the same number on your left leg. This will amount to 1 approach. Do 3 approaches.

Ecology of life. Fitness and sports: If you are not lazy and start doing exercises regularly, then you will not be ashamed of your knees...

You can make your knees beautiful with a set of exercises that can be easily done at home. All you need is a step platform and a pair of dumbbells.

Knees, just like the face, can reveal age and physical fitness. Not every woman decides to wear a short skirt and shoes, preferring to hide the fatty overhangs above the knees under trousers.

However, the problem is easy to solve. And you don’t have to exhaust yourself to do this. long workouts in gym. It is enough to devote only 15–20 minutes a day to classes and within a month you will be able to flaunt in a skirt and catch the admiring glances of passers-by.


The first and simplest exercise involves rotating your knees. You need to stand straight with your heels and knees together. Lean forward slightly, clasping your knees with your palms and performing a large circle with them, first in one direction, then in the other. Repeat 15–20 times.


The most best exercise for the legs, including the knees, are squats. There are several various techniques performing this exercise, but for beginners it is better to start with a half squat.

After a few days of training, you can pick up dumbbells or use 1.5-liter water bottles for this purpose.

At first, it is better to train with a chair: stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and holding dumbbells or bottles in your arms extended downwards. Raising your arms and placing them in front of you, lean forward slightly and lower yourself into a squat until your buttocks lightly touch the chair. Return to the starting position and do 3 sets of 10–13 reps.


Stand near a wall or some other support and raise your leg up so that it makes a right angle with the floor level. Perform 15–25 knee bends. Repeat the exercise for the other leg. Now try to do it while standing on your toes. In this case, it is recommended to raise the leg not only forward, but also to the side and back.


Kneel down, keeping your back straight. On the count of “ones,” slowly tilt your torso back, feeling the stretch in the muscles above your knees. Having reached the most extreme point, when it is no longer possible to maintain balance, return to the starting position. For beginners, perform only 10 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 30 and performing in three approaches.


Exercise "Plie" gives good load on inner part hips. To perform it, you need to stand straight with your feet wider than your shoulders, pointing your toes to the sides, and placing your hands on your belt. Without bending your back, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Now rise slightly and return to the lowest point again. Perform 3 sets of 15–20 reps.


To perform this exercise, you will need a step platform or some other elevation. Place your right foot on it and leave your left foot on the floor, lifting your heel off the floor. Keep your arms extended along your body. On the count of “one”, stretch them forward, squat in a half-squat and completely transfer your body weight to your straightened right leg, as when walking up the steps. Lift the left one off the floor, straightening the body. Repeat the exercise 15 times for each leg. After resting, perform two more sets of 15 reps.

If you are not lazy and start doing exercises regularly, then you will not be ashamed of your knees. published

Consultant doctor Dr David Ashton comments to dailymail.co.uk about the painful appearance of celebrity knees.

These women likely exist in a constant state of denial. Anatomically speaking, as we get older, starting at age 30, we naturally lose muscle mass. This is called sarcopenia. This is inevitable, but may occur less noticeably due to such physical activity like tennis and hiking.

"Aging" of legs

There are key muscles, particularly the vastus lateralis and vastus muscle medial, which work down the thigh to either side of the knee. To put it bluntly, if you don't give your legs the right amount of stress, you'll end up with protruding kneecaps, like those pictures from an anatomy textbook.

Alexa Chung

Look at the athletes. They have perfectly “built” legs, even if they are very thin. These are muscles.

Maria Sharapova

Besides beauty, the lack muscle tissue leads to you becoming very weak as you age. A third of women over 50 fail a simple test of the ability to rise from a chair without using their hands.

The fact that Hollywoods have very little body fat only highlights the lack of muscle around the kneecaps. But "forever diets" could be a flop for those knees because, according to Dr Ashton, some skinny stars are "technically" obese, meaning they could suffer from high level cholesterol. This may appear as bumps in the knee area.

Sarah Jessica Parker