Funny letters about sports. Certificates and diplomas. Sports certificates - specific for each tournament

Here is a collection of ready-made texts for literacy sports achivments. All names and surnames are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them. The appearance of the samples is the same as it should look on the sheet (text layout, signatures of responsible persons, etc. are observed). At the end of the page you will find design recommendations.

Sample thank you letters are also available on the website.

Option #1

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education for children

Children and youth sport school


Adrianova Vikentia,

took 1st place in regional competitions among youths

cross-country skiing

in honor of the opening of the ski season at a distance of 1.5 km with a result of 1675 seconds.

Director of MBOU Youth Sports School

M. E. Khrapov


Option No. 2


Vorobyov Voldemar PU-181

recognized as the best passing player

in zonal competitions of the NPO Spartakiad

in volleyball among rural PUs.

Director of NPO PU-181

O. O. Leikin


Option No. 3

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education

"Children and youth sports school "Reserve"


Venediktov Izolda

(kindergarten No. 19)

took third place

in jumping over obstacles with a result of 18 r./44 sec.

in the 3rd stage of the 6th Spartakiad

municipal budget preschools

educational institutions

Director of MBU-14

Children's and Youth Sports School "Reserve"

A. Zh. Galianov

Option No. 4


Gerasimov German

Took 1st place in the Shimanovsky Championship


dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the Victory in

Great Patriotic War.

And. O. Head of Administration


R. Z. Mukhin

Option #5

Department of Education of the City of St. Petersburg

State budgetary educational institution

additional education of the city of St. Petersburg

"Center for Patriotic and Civic Education"


National team


took 2nd place

at the final city chess competition

Spartakiads "Future Grandmaster"

studying educational organizations

Department of Education of the city of St. Petersburg

in the 2019-2020 academic year


P. K. Konkov

Option #6


Gladiator team

took 1st place

in sports competitions

sprint cycling


83rd anniversary of the formation of the Vologda region

90th anniversary of the formation of the Vologda region

and the 872nd anniversary of the formation of Vologda


education department

E. F. Dikobrazov


June 2019

Option No. 7

Council of the Moscow regional organization ROSTO (DOSAAF)

city ​​of Tobolsk


Demyanov Denis

student of the Tobolsk Fishery College - winner in the individual competition in the archery competition among student teams during the week of defense-mass and sports work dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day in 2018.

Chairman of the Moscow Council

regional organization ROSTO (DOSAAF)

S. T. Efremov


Option No. 8


student of grade 9 "B"

Zinoviev Kazimir

in the category best scorer

XII school winter tournament in hockey

among 7-11 grades.

Director of secondary school No. 172

O. E. Sudeikin

Teacher organizer

K. A. Mamaev

Sh. Shch. Yurikov

January 2019

Option No. 9

Department of Education

Administration of the city of Tuapse


Team of students

Municipal budget

General educational institution

"Secondary school No. 91",

took 1st place

at the city mini-football festival

as part of the "City Games"

among 10th grade students

to count towards the Schoolchildren Spartakiad


Department of Education

R. Kh. Klimentyev

Tuapse - June 2019

Option No. 10


Group of companies "Fur-Z"

OJSC Fur-RP Group for participation

in city sports events

and achieving prizes in overcoming the 200-meter

obstacle courses.


UIA " Sports Complex"Gait"

L. Ts. Tsyplakov


Option No. 11


Leonidov Luka

for determination, the will to win, hard work in training,

composure, nerves of iron,

faith in sports, yourself and luck,

and 1st place in

children's regional bicycle race

“Try to catch up!”

Director of OAU


G. Z. Shapkina

Togliatti, 2019

Option No. 12


Longinus Methodius

Most Valuable Player in Open

basketball tournament for the Cup

newspapers "Epoch"

Head of Administration

Surgut Municipal

I. Zh. Milanov


Option No. 13

"Triumph" Award

in the category “Forward to the heights of sport!”


Moiseev Mitrofan

student of grade 11 "B"

We sincerely wish you health,

dreams come true and new victories for the benefit of your family, our school and the Motherland!

Head teacher

U. E. Ulyanova

Option No. 14


young figure skater

Nazarova Ulyana

for hard work, diligence, demonstrated character and

2nd place in the regional open championship figure skating on skates

dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the liberation of Stavropol from the Nazi invaders.

(age group born 2002-2004)

Ch. Judge

P. F. Skripkin


Order No. 28 of 01/21/2019

  • The main text is laid out in the center of the page.
  • In the text, it is permissible to highlight some words in bold (for example, the first and last name of the recipient, the name of the sports discipline).
  • After the main text, on the left side, indicate the position of the responsible person (see as in the samples).
  • On the right edge at the bottom of the page indicate the surname of the responsible person and his initials.
  • The signature and seal are placed at the center at the bottom of the sheet.
  • The number and date of the order (if any) can be placed at the bottom, both on the left and in the center.
  • The last entry on the page will be the date and locality (where the sporting events took place). The date can be written in full or just the month and year, or just the year.

Blank letter templates are designed specifically for filling out, but first you need to download and print them. In this article you will find interesting and beautiful sports, school certificates, universal and for kindergarten, original and unique.

In Russia, the concept of literacy (grammata) came from Byzantium, where once all important documents were called this way - be it a decree of the head of the city, a certificate for something, any legal acts.


You and I are familiar with this word from childhood: already in the Soviet past, the tradition of presenting certificates of honor at any important events was introduced. True, the letter templates did not have a special design: they had a simple appearance, and at that time the letter could only be printed to order at a printing house. For filling, either a handwritten font was used, or the entire text was also printed to order.

Today, you can receive a beautiful and bright certificate of honor as confirmation of your success, for example, as evidence of victory in competitions, contribution to public activities, or for participation in a certain event. Any of the letter templates presented below can be printed either on your own laser color printer, and then filled in by hand in a beautiful handwritten font, or you can take the file to a printing house with a sample text.

It will be a pleasant surprise for anyone to receive a certificate for free, especially a well-deserved one. Preschool children are given certificates for kindergarten, bright and colorful, marking their achievements in the preschool institution - participation in a competition, quiz, Sports Olympics. Of course, such a personal document will delight the baby!

Certificates for school will be relevant for schoolchildren - these can be documents about participation in olympiads, competitions and relay races. Moreover, versatility makes it possible to use any of the images presented below.

Participant sports competitions You will be pleased with the beautiful sports certificate indicating the place taken by the participant. Free templates empty certificates You can download, print, and then fill out at your discretion on our website.

All certificate templates are divided into sections:

  • For kindergarten;
  • Sports;
  • School certificate templates;
  • Universal, which can be used for any event.

All templates have a .jpg format and a size that fits perfectly on an A4 sheet.

You can print a blank certificate either on regular printer paper (with a density of at least 120 g/m2), or on photo paper or cardboard.

Blank certificate templates for kindergarten

Diplomas for kindergarten will be relevant for children who are graduating from kindergarten preschool. This section contains only unique author's certificates developed by our portal specifically for graduates of kindergartens or development centers.

Sports certificates awarded to winners or laureates sports competitions. This includes dancing, wrestling, group performances, and any other sport or competition. Certificates for sports can be downloaded and printed directly from the website on a color printer and filled out at your discretion, since required document is presented in the form of a blank template and has a convenient format for printing - A4. It is better to take paper either for photo printing, or very high quality and thick, but not for printers. See interesting templates:

School certificates: templates to fill out

Current gift for school competitions is a document confirming the student’s achievement. School certificate, or rather, a template for filling out with a thematic design is filled out manually and printed on a laser color printer on A4 paper. Thick office paper (at least 160 g/m2) is suitable, but it is best to use photo paper - this way the student’s document will retain its attractive appearance for a long time.

Most popular look awards are sports certificates and diplomas. After all, they begin to be awarded from kindergarten age, and then the person who loves active image life, can replenish their number in his personal archive throughout his life, even without becoming a professional athlete.

Sports diplomas: an incentive for the future

Even if the participant did not win the main prize, the memory of the atmosphere of the competition will preserve him sports diplomas and certificates.

A specially prepared document - diploma a4- will be confirmation of the most direct involvement in a certain sporting event and an incentive for future victories.

If the athlete is still very young, then certificates and sports diplomas and will become his main rewards. The “piggy bank of rewards” begins with them, and therefore it is necessary that these products be special and inspiring.

Sports certificates - specific for each tournament

In accordance with the significance and scale of the competition, award products are selected for them.

Decide where buy certificates for the event? Our store has a wide selection:

- colorful forms for those who distinguished themselves sports holidays schoolchildren and preschoolers;

- award certificates for participation in competitions different types sports (football, biathlon, skiing, etc.);

- suggests certificates and sports diplomas with various emblems and symbols.

Certificate for sports achievements can be decorated with images of regional emblems and flags, which will immediately indicate the location of the tournament, or have elements in the design state symbols. Such products are suitable for honoring participants in events at the regional, republican, and international levels.

Where to buy certificates and sports diplomas of the best quality?