Weight is not a hindrance. Weight is no barrier: six sports that value fat people. athletes whose excess weight did not prevent them from making a dizzying career in big sports

It's no secret that having extra pounds is now considered shameful and unfashionable. But these plus-size girls bloggers are not going to feel insecure and insecure. And this is proven by their blogs about style and beauty, which are increasingly gaining popularity. Perhaps someone will now say that it’s time for them to lose weight instead of admiring themselves. But the girls stand their ground. Excess weight is not a reason to become a gray mouse who does not take care of himself. I suggest you get to know them now and see serious evidence of their popularity!

Here is the author of the blog “Reflections of a Curvy Lady”. High-heeled shoes, bright neon colors in clothes, high-waisted skirts and handbags are her favorite items in her wardrobe. She believes that every woman simply has to be admirable.


Gabi Gregg is one of the most stylish beauties in New York. She has good taste, as well as an unconventionally bold look at what a woman should look like fat girl. Gabi is now 25 years old. She is the owner of size 56 and is not shy about publishing photos of herself in a swimsuit. Moreover, she encourages her plus-size readers to do the same.

“P.S. This is fashion"

Liz Black is a very bright and extraordinary girl. And everything proves this - her hair color, swimsuit or long dress that flutters flirtatiously in the wind. Like previous girl bloggers, Liz believes that becoming gray only because you have excess weight- not a reason.

My new girl- yoga trainer, meaningful look, long legs...Who doesn’t remember the humorous song by the group “Underwood”? However, in practice it turns out that not everyone who has mastered yoga, slim and fit. Valerie Sagun from San Francisco - exception to the rule, charming size girl plus, who managed to control her body better than other skinny women.

Valeria has been practicing yoga for four years, and recently she has actively started sharing her achievements in social network Instagram and tumblr blog. Headstands and handstands, excellent stretching and flexibility - more than 80 thousand subscribers have already managed to appreciate the extraordinary abilities of this chubby. The girl says that she began to popularize her classes in order to conduct a kind of experiment, to see if people are ready to take yoga lessons from a person who does not outwardly meet established standards. Valeria loves her body the way it is, she is sure that this is how she should live.

Valeria says that yoga has become a way of liberation for her. Having achieved success, she was convinced: similar physical exercise you can exercise at any weight, loss extra pounds has ceased to be an end in itself, now the girl simply enjoys herself. Having believed in herself, Valeria mastered other extreme entertainment- skydiving and rock climbing.

The girl receives thousands of reviews, often women write to her who, inspired by what they saw, began to study themselves. Valeria believes that her calling is to help people, so now she wants to take training courses in the state of Arizona and form her own group.

When excess weight is not a hindrance

10 athletes whose excess weight did not prevent them from making a dizzying career in big sports

There is an opinion that in big sport Only ideal athletes achieve success. But it is not always the case. There are extremely funny exceptions to this pattern. Take Maradona, one of the greatest footballers in history, who suffered from excess weight for almost his entire career. However, did you suffer? If so, then this did not particularly affect his game - it was almost impossible to take the ball away from this agile fat man. And, if we dig around, we can find such examples, or more precisely, such “athletes” in almost any game sport - football, basketball, hockey, water polo. Actually, this photo selection is dedicated to them - overweight people who managed to make a dizzying sports career.

Zaza Janashia is a Lokomotiv legend and one of the brightest forwards Russian football late 1990s. It's scary to remember, Zaza celebrated every one of his goal scored... somersault. How he did it, no one still knows.

Well, what is the rating without Shaquille O’Neal? If we start listing all the credentials of this basketball player, we risk losing you for a couple of tens of minutes. He won absolutely everything there is to win in basketball. Well, except that he didn’t become the winner of the VTB United League Cup.

Eliza may be a bit of an outlier on this list. It falls a little short on the “greatness” scale. But still: it was thanks to the confident play of their captain that the Italian national team won a historic victory at the 2012 European Water Polo Championships.

Gilbert Brown, nicknamed the Grave Digger, is a legend. American football and the New England Patriots, winner of Super Bowl XXXI and a big fan of triple cheeseburgers. The man in whose honor one of the Wisconsin restaurants put the Gilbertburger on the menu, weighing 93 (Brown's game number) ounces, that is, more than 2.5 kg.

Charles Barkley is often called the greatest NBA player who never won a championship ring. However, everything else, including olympic gold 1992 and 1996, he won. 11-time NBA All-Star. What is there to talk about here?

The peak of this great Brazilian's career came at the 2002 World Cup, where he looked like this. Excess weight did not prevent Ronaldo from becoming best player tournament and the winner of the Golden Ball at the end of the year.

If Ronaldo overweight acquired closer to the middle of his career, then Ailton has always been like this. In his personal archive we are unlikely to find photographs with six packs on his stomach, but there is a title (medal) of German champion and a prize top scorer Bundesliga 2004.

They say that if Sergei Gomolyako had watched his weight, he could have become one of the main stars of Russian hockey in the 1990s. However, why “could”? For many, this is what he is. Two-time champion Euroleague hockey, champion of Russia, four-time participant in All-Star Games. Difficult in Russian hockey of the late 90s, find a more inventive and out-of-the-box striker on the court than Gomolyako. All those who saw him in action will not let him lie.

Teresa Almeida, nicknamed Ba, became one of the symbols of Rio 2016, and her photographs were published by absolutely all major publications on the planet. It's no joke, Phelps, with his 23rd Olympic gold, was of much less interest to fans and journalists. It was thanks to the enchanting performance of its goalkeeper that the Angola team won two victories in a row at the start of the Olympic tournament - and eventually reached the playoffs. Of course, Teresa and her teammates were not destined to win medals. But this is not surprising - the Russian team, to which the Africans lost in the quarter finals, was simply impossible to stop at that tournament.

For reference

The VTB United League was created by VTB Bank together with Russian Federation basketball in 2008. In the 2017/2018 season, 13 clubs from 5 countries - Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia and Kazakhstan - are taking part in the tournament.

In general, you can look graceful in the toilet, if you wish... But to see yourself 30 kg more in the mirror is, sorry. And yes, I am ready to endure all this when it is inevitable, but I do not agree to see all this after the “bundle of happiness” is already living its life outside my body. Therefore, based on the experience of three children, I developed a plan to deal with my body, which is falling apart faster and faster with each subsequent child. It's unpleasant, but good news– this is that everything ingenious is simple.

The secret is not to eat! I think no one was surprised now, but apparently this is precisely the most difficult part of the plan. It’s so hard to deny yourself a bun when there’s such a good excuse about “I just gave birth!” Or not only...it happens that an excuse works for years, and then it’s too late to change anything. The husband is used to it, he looks at the beauties with hunger and hopelessness, you, noticing his gaze, think that it’s not going anywhere, and you sit and eat further. And so, from a pretty, slender, laughing woman you turn into a big middle-aged married lady... and all this in a year or two! I really don’t like this prospect anymore, so I’m sharing my well-developed plan, one might say worked through sweat and blood, with those who are also not attracted by this prospect. So, here are the commandments for you.

Let's start with the basics: as I already said, don't eat! No need to make excuses breastfeeding, you can feed and eat what is healthy. And you don’t need to think that your child is Hercules, and he needs 10 kg of porridge with butter a day. No, he needs the basics, and not that much. Let your body share what it has accumulated, and there is something there, believe me. Therefore, you need to eat not a lot, not fatty foods and not buns, but protein and vegetables. There is no harm from them, but there is benefit. And it’s good for the child. So, don’t waste time on yourself, and stop filling your belly with anything.

Point number two: nothing happens right away. And I really want to. Corsets can help you! I learned how to put on a corset and shapewear right away in the maternity hospital. Preferably on the same day, as soon as you can get out of bed. Leaving out the aesthetic factor, this will simply help the uterus contract faster and tighten the skin. The longer you walk with a relaxed belly after childbirth, the longer it will stay that way. We don’t need this, so the corset is first size L, and after a week or two we go to M. And then it’s not far from S. But at the same time, you will be slim already in the maternity hospital, and this is so nice! By the way, sleep in a corset too. I know it’s not as comfortable as wearing prenatal pajamas, but it’s necessary. After a month or two, you can sometimes sleep in pajamas. But it’s better anyway - in a tightening. So you need to buy it in advance and put it in your bag along with diapers and a pacifier.

Point number three: my least favorite. Sport! I hate sports, but after the second one I started going to the gym. Sluggish, bad, but it started. Trust me, your body will be grateful for even a small jog. You'll see for yourself. You will tighten up and become more beautiful when you leave the hall. By the way, you should also exercise in a special belt for the waist, which enhances the heating of abdominal tissue and fat, respectively. If anyone is interested, write in a personal message, I’ll tell you everything I know about belts. And I also know that he works miracles. I don’t even go to the gym without it, because it’s useless, and I like everything quickly. And here’s the highlight of the program: a plastic suit for the sauna effect. This, girls, is the bomb. It's as scary as nuclear war. You'll look like an astronaut on the treadmill. But! When you remove it, substitute a bucket! You will lose a kilogram of weight at a time simply because of the water that was in you before you put on a dumb suit. I know that now everyone is thinking: “I want to look like those women from Instagram: in shorts and a top, a beauty.” But this won’t happen for you, I’ll tell you straight away. It won't be pretty, you'll look like a bag of trash in this sauna suit, and people will look at you like you're stupid. But the effect is immediate. Tested for myself. Again, if anyone is interested, I can tell you in more detail, all questions in a private message. I’ll share because I know what we all need.

So, all of the above will be a routine that cannot be changed. This is every day, preferably, until we achieve a lasting effect. And then, it is advisable not to relax. But there is also a list of auxiliary things that have also been personally tested and approved. So this means:

- Vitamins. I usually don’t eat them, but when I’m on a diet, I need them. Buy multi, I love feminine, delicious gelatins. You can add to them what seems insufficient. In my case, I take collagen for the skin, or special vitamins only for the skin. Or hair. Whatever doesn’t suit us at the moment, that’s what we’re aiming for. There will be an effect, and quickly. Usually visible within a few days, the skin improves and the general condition body - stronger. So, for those who don’t like vitamins like me, advice: try it. And you will be happy.

- Water. Much water. Plain, with lemon, any. A lot of. All day and night.

- Fasting day. For me it consists of morning coffee with a croissant, and then water with lemon and honey all day. The recipe is simple: warm water, squeeze the lemon and add honey. I don’t write proportions on purpose because I don’t know them and don’t follow them. Do it the way you like and tastes good. There will be no harm, there will be benefit. But! Anyone who has gastritis or something similar: please ask your doctor. I am not an expert in this, so I cannot advise everyone without exception. By the way, I’m drinking this potion myself now and enjoying it. Very tasty.

– Laser liposuction. Honestly, I tried it after my second son, and I liked it. Fast, painless and effective. But only if all of the above is observed, as in general with conventional surgical liposuction. Then it works. But this is not on the list of mandatory procedures because it is expensive. It is possible without it. I needed it quickly for the New Year, so I took advantage of the wonders of cosmetology.

That's all, in general. I revealed all my cards, because people often ask me how I remained beautiful after three backbone bites. And despite the long text, it doesn’t take much time. So this excuse doesn’t work, girls.

By the way, You need to start losing weight not after, but during pregnancy. Then it’s easier and less to lose later. I checked everything on myself, so I know first-hand, so to speak. Without harm to the child and yourself, this is possible. I will write about this separately if the public is interested. In the meantime, girls, women, girls: hands to feet and beauty! She is not as inaccessible as we think. For ourselves, our loved ones, we try. Well, for him too :)

They said goodbye to perfect figure and they started to look terrible! They can't boast anymore beautiful body, and fans are horrified at the sight of celebrities looking ugly.

Do you think they get upset and cry over the pounds they've gained? No matter how it is! Today we will introduce you to six stars who have gained weight, but along with extra pounds happiness came to their house. 🙂

Kate Fisher

The girl disappeared from the sight of fans and the press for 10 years. It turns out that she accepted the religion of her ancestors and is now a member of the Jewish community. I wonder if it was Judaism that added several tens of kilos to her?

In 1998, the girl was abandoned by James Parker, which is why she fell into deep depression. Kate could no longer stay in Los Angeles and moved to Australia. Since then, her lifestyle has become secluded, and the press has lost sight of her.

By the way, the former model is now called Tziporah Malka Bat Israel.

And recently Kate stunned those around her with this statement on her page: “James Parker wants us to be together again and I can understand him: old love never rusts... But in fact, I’m sure that he’s just stirring up a scandal in an attempt to attract attention to yourself. James, isn't Mariah good enough for you? Stop it, James, it’s been 20 years, leave me alone.”

It's funny, isn't it? 🙂

Now Kate is actively quarreling with subscribers who reproach her for her extra pounds. She claims that she has a private life and her appearance should not bother anyone.

Kelly Clarkson

The charming blonde, who became popular after her role in the film “Very Wild Things” and amazed the whole world with her vocal abilities on the American Idol show, gained more than 20 kilograms. In 2013, she got married and gave birth to her beloved husband two charming children.

The girl claims that now she is much happier than before, because she has a family. She treats excess weight with irony and says that this is the best reminder of her main achievement - her children.

Jennifer Love Hewitt

The actress has gained noticeable weight, but still looks great. Jennifer gave birth to two children and is now absolutely happy with life.

When asked by intrusive journalists whether she is going to lose weight, the girl replies: “I gave birth to two children, I have gained weight and no longer look like a model. But I am happy and feel more feminine. I'm not going to lose weight! "

Tyra Banks

The girl gained 10 kilograms after becoming a mother. She responds rather rudely to everyone who disagrees and condemns her appearance: “Now I’m first and foremost a mother, I’m imperfect, but happy, and if someone wants to judge my appearance, they can kiss my fat ass.”

Aishvaria Rai

The amazing-looking actress gained 20 kilograms after giving birth! However, Aishwarya considers her figure to be ideal. She says that she feels comfortable in her body and the happiness of being a mother is much more valuable than ideal parameters bodies.

Kelly Osbourne

A woman has been struggling with extra pounds all her life. But, in the end, she got tired of it, and after losing weight again, Kelly stopped torturing herself with diets and worries.

The star says: “My life was poisoned by constant diets and worries about kilograms. I’ve gained more than 6 kilograms and I can finally relax: I want to live, not look!”

Should you worry about extra pounds or does happiness have nothing to do with an ideal figure? Share your opinion in the comments.

Excess weight is not a hindrance to happiness! 6 stars who gained weight but became happy updated: April 20, 2019 by: anuta-ivanova