Bicycle business where to start. A bicycle store is a profitable business. Current ideas for making money

Bicycle business not developed in Russia. There are bicycles, but there is no infrastructure for their repair.

Nevertheless, more and more bicycles are being sold every day, but any problem like a figure eight on a wheel or replacing a chain requires a trip to the service center for some major problem. sports store, and the prices there are not humane.

So it turns out that by purchasing an Auchan-bike for 3 thousand rubles, a cyclist can get the price Maintenance 60% of the price of the bike. Although there’s nothing to do there - stretch the spokes, oil the chain and pump up the wheels.

You can make good money on this summer time, you can’t ride a bike in Russia in winter.

To open a bicycle workshop, you will need a small rag tent and rent of an area of ​​2x2 meters, a set of bicycle keys and a small device - a stand for the wheel. This device can be easily welded from metal corners or assembled with your own hands from aluminum tubes.

It is best to start such a business in early spring, when the snow has just melted, but the ground has not yet dried out; this is when cyclists begin to take their steel horses from balconies or roll out of the garage.
It is better to rent a piece of asphalt in a crowded place. Your work itself will be your advertisement.

Place advertisements in local forums and newspapers for free advertisements, print and put up posters advertising your services - bicycle maintenance, price (on average 500 rubles, but this may vary from city to city) and a diagram of how to find you.

On average, it takes about 20 minutes to service a bicycle. The main thing here is to choose a price that would be easier to give away than to tinker with a two-wheeled horse yourself.

At first, you can negotiate with cycling clubs or cycling forums about a discount for participants. This will work like word of mouth advertising.

Profit - count it yourself. It all depends on how much you agree to rent.

To the maintenance, you can add the sale of such things as brake pads, cables, bicycle first aid kits, spokes and inner tubes for wheels, and so on. The main approach is demand for repairs and small dimensions (to make it easier to store). You can sell this at prices slightly higher than in stores. It’s easier for a cyclist to overpay you than to go specifically for brake pads.

After the wave of people wanting to do maintenance has subsided, you can move on to repairs; 90% of repairs are simply replacing a broken unit. So nothing complicated.

You can also buy old bicycles for a small amount, bring them to life and rent them out.

Bicycles for rent, as a private business, it’s a goldmine. You buy 21 high-speed Auchan bikes for half or a third of the cost - 1000-1500 rubles, do maintenance work on it and rent it out for 50-100 rubles per hour.
In less than a week, the bike pays for itself and begins to make a profit.

There are, of course, some nuances here. The bicycle rental place should be in a crowded place, and in a place where people come to relax.
For example, a city park or next to it.

If there are lakes near the city, then you can locate your rental point next to the bus stop. Vacationers arrived, left, and walked to the lake for 15-20 minutes. And here you can rent bicycles on which you can get there in 5.

In my city, they also made a bicycle taxi on this route.

As you can see in the photo, a couple of bicycles were taken as a basis and a bicycle taxi was welded. No special frills, but three pedicabs can't go without work on a day off. Getting to the lake is 100 rubles, back 150 (the road to the lake is slightly downhill, 1500 meters according to the ordometer).

Summing up.
Despite the fact that the cycling business is a seasonal business, it remains very profitable. And it doesn’t require large expenses to start.

In addition, this niche in Russia is not occupied by anyone. By starting such a business, you will not have to experience problems with competitors.

Pros of this business:
- Very low initial investment.
- Minimum monthly expenses.
- The demand for bicycle repairs is increasing every year.
- Opportunity to earn money by reselling spare parts.
- Easy opportunity to open a bike rental or sale of used and repaired bicycles.
- Possibility to choose a flexible work schedule.
- The repair skills necessary for conducting commercial activities are acquired after several assemblies and disassemblies of your bicycle.
- Lack of competitors.
- The opportunity to open several such repair points in different parts of the city with the hiring of cheap student employees.

Happy business!

More articles for cyclists.

Popularity healthy image life generates demand for various goods for active rest and lifestyle. One such product is a bicycle.

Starting a business selling bicycles does not require high costs and pays off quickly. Renting premises and salaries for employees will cost about 50,000 rubles. Purchase of goods is about 500 thousand and another 200 thousand for advertising, various permits and store equipment. The payback period is about a year, sometimes less.

Features of the bicycle sales business

When opening a store, first of all, you need to consider:

  • Seasonality of business. In winter, the demand for bicycles drops significantly, so it is better to open a store in the spring. But it’s better to buy the bicycles themselves in the fall. Range. Try to offer all types of bikes to customers.
  • Sale of related products. An impressive part of the profit will leave you if you sell only bicycles. Purchase various accessories (water flasks, backpacks, etc.) and spare parts.
  • Provide bicycle maintenance and repairs. This will increase the credibility of your store.

You can also offer rental as additional options, this will increase your profit. For example, a business selling and renting sporting goods (snowboards, bicycles) will pay for itself in an average of 10 months.

What are the benefits of purchasing an existing business project?

Creating your own store will take a long time and require large financial expenses. It will be more profitable

The bicycle is considered to be the smaller brother of the motorcycle, and people’s attitude towards this type of transport is traditionally careful and reverent. But in these market times, many enterprising minds use the bicycle not only as a means of transportation, but also as an ideological and material basis for creating their own business.

1. Mobile espresso bar

What do you get when you combine your love for the wonderful drink coffee and your four-wheeled bicycle friend? Designers Amos Reed and Lasse Oiva combined the above ingredients and got the Velopresso mobile espresso bar. These two entrepreneurs developed their trike from scratch and can boast that their brainchild, as a result of complex technical experiments, turned out to be environmentally friendly. This coffee-bike-machine does not even use electricity, there is no engine and there is no noise from the internal mechanisms. Whatever you say, a miracle of technology and an example of designer taste!

2. PoliRider: pole dancing

PoleRider is a new invention that, as you can see in the photo, combines two wonderful things - cycling and dancing. The mission of this American project, oddly enough, is not to promote pole dancing at all, but is purely moral - to attract public attention to the issue of road safety, with an emphasis on good and high-quality bicycle parts. The mobile platform for professional dancers is designed to demonstrate the full capabilities of a bicycle with good parts and brakes.

3. Bike pub – holiday on wheels

Is it a cycling feast embodied in a pub on wheels or a so-called “beer bike”? - a means of transportation, especially popular now in the USA and Germany. This design is sometimes mistaken for a pedicab, but this is far from the same thing, since the pedicab is driven by passengers pressing the pedals, while the steering and braking remain under the control of the driver. Some of these alcohol trolleys include up to 12 bicycles.

4. Pedal school bus

“De Cafe Racer” is a bicycle bus for children, produced in the Netherlands, in essence and in the system of movement it is similar to the previous bicycle transport, since the force of movement is set by the little passengers themselves under the strict control of the senior driver. Of course, parents have the right to simply put their child on a regular regular bus and send him to school, but many of them like the idea of ​​sending their child pedaling in a cheerful company of peers much more.

5. B-Line: Bike Express Delivery Company

In 2010, a new urban delivery company, B-Line, first appeared in Portland and is now successfully developing, offering customers a wide fleet of tricycles for all types courier service. During the first year of existence alone, B-Line employees made more than 3,000 deliveries. The popularity of this service is also proven by the fact that managers had to significantly increase the number of drivers in order to keep up with the requests of their clients.

6. Idea business

Bicycle meetings of the “indie” youth subculture near food fairs at the Chicago city stand became the basis for the business of Daniel Evans, who saw in this an idea and a certain message for his business. Now a team of young cyclists offers customers delivery or sale of fresh fruit on site with bonuses in the form of fun mixtapes and indie zines. This is a good example of how seemingly insignificant things can lead to the idea of ​​a profitable business.

7. Bike store for wicker cane goods

Perhaps this bicycle store of wicker cane goods will not leave anyone indifferent. Yes, you can buy a wicker hat in a souvenir shop or in any airport department, but will these things contain the authentic spirit of wild and hot India? The answer is obvious!

8. Butcher shop

Everyone is familiar with the situation when you need to buy meat, but go far to the store, you don’t want to go to the market, and then a bicycle shop comes to the rescue with fresh pieces of beef or pork. This is exactly how it happens in India. Well, if such a service has not yet appeared in your area, do not be discouraged, perhaps you have the honor of becoming the founder of this bicycle business.

A bicycle selling business can generate a stable income. Bicycles are bought by people who not only love cycling, but for some this sport is a professional activity or way of life, so even the most expensive bicycles find their buyers. There are different types of bicycles: city, mountain, road, sports and others.

When organizing a bicycle store, you should think about opening a workshop at the same time. It requires additional equipment worth at least 50 thousand rubles, premises, the rent of which is 15 thousand rubles, and a mechanic with a salary of 30 thousand rubles. However, the payback period for the workshop is lower, and it will attract additional customers to the store.

The store will require a premises of at least 50 square meters. In addition to bicycles, you can sell spare parts for them, accessories, and equipment. You can also think about renting bicycles. A parking lot and a bicycle path should be created in front of the store for the convenience of customers. The premises can be rented in a residential area, so you will save on rent, and the client will even travel a few extra kilometers to a good store.

The following personnel will be required: at least two salespeople, a cashier, an accountant. Employees who will sell the product must understand the operating features of bicycles, their designs, and components. The purchase of goods should also be left in the hands of a professional; the product must be of high quality, since buyers often understand it no worse than sellers.

The cycling season is February-November, but it is better to purchase goods in the autumn, because by the beginning of the season, large shopping centers buy almost everything from suppliers, and small firms have to be content with the leftovers.

The store should have good advertising. Various leaflets, promotions and advertising on the Internet on thematic forums will tell potential customers about the store. Many cities have cycling clubs whose members organize friendly competitions, and your store can sponsor such competitions and provide prizes for the winners. And if there is no such club in your city, feel free to organize it. Perhaps this kind of advertising will be the most promising.

So, the price of a bicycle is 25-30 thousand rubles, the markup is 25-50%, for related products - 50%. About 500 thousand rubles are needed to purchase goods, rent of premises and equipment - 200 thousand rubles, staff salaries - 60 thousand rubles.

The payback period for a business with good sales is from one to one and a half years.

Currently, in almost all corners of our world, such a means of transportation as a bicycle is very popular, even surpassing the car in popularity. And all because, every year, the environmental situation in the world is getting worse and worse, and various diseases are also progressing due to air pollution. The second reason is the rapid growth of automobiles, which leads to traffic congestion. The third reason is the huge savings from a bicycle.

Unfortunately, this transport is not so popular in Russia. Our residents choose cars and spend hours stuck in traffic jams. But if they preferred a bicycle, the situation on the roads would normalize. But not everything is so bad, the popularity of bicycles is gradually growing, and accordingly the business of selling bicycles is developing, and it has great prospects in the future. And therefore, in this article it is worth talking about how to open a bicycle store. We will tell you the main points of such a business and help you start this business correctly.

How to start selling bicycles? Important points

Advertising Policy

In order to have many clients and, accordingly, make a profit from this, you need to advertise your business. And here different advertising methods can come to your aid. For example, this could be: the Internet, leaflets and banners.

Many large cities necessarily have clubs such as bicycle clubs. Having agreed with such a club, you can place your advertisement there. Just sponsor their events two or three times. And of course, regularly conduct promotions and set discounts, for example, at the beginning of a new season. And become one of the organizers of amateur bike rides, then they will learn more about you and more people. This means that you will have a good profit.