"The Eternal Student" Petya Trofimov in A. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard".  A.P. Chekhov. The Cherry Orchard. Acts III and IV The Cherry Orchard of whom the shabby gentleman was talking

Pischik. I’m full-blooded, I’ve already been hit twice, it’s difficult to dance, but, as they say, I’m in the pack, don’t bark, just wag your tail. My health is that of a horse. My late parent, a joker, the kingdom of heaven, spoke about our origin as if our ancient family of Simeonov-Pishchikov descended from the very horse that Caligula planted in the Senate... (Sits down.) But here's the problem: there is no money! A hungry dog ​​believes only in meat... (Snores and immediately wakes up.) So I... I can only talk about money...

Trofimov. And there really is something horse-like about your figure.

Pishchik. Well... the horse is a good animal... the horse can be sold...

Trofimov (teasing). Madame Lopakhina! Madame Lopakhina!..

Varya (angrily). Shabby gentleman!

Trofimov. Yes I shabby gentleman and I'm proud of it!

Varya (in bitter thought). They hired musicians, but how do they pay? (Leaves.)

Trofimov (To Pishchik). If the energy you spent all your life looking for money to pay interest on was spent on something else, you might end up moving the earth.

Pischik. Nietzsche... philosopher... the greatest, most famous... man of enormous intelligence, says in his writings that it is possible to make fake papers.

Trofimov. Have you read Nietzsche?

Pischik. Well...Dasha told me. And now I’m in such a position that at least make fake papers... The day after tomorrow I’ll pay three hundred and ten rubles... I’ve already got one hundred and thirty... (He feels his pockets, alarmed.) The money is gone! Lost money! (Through tears.) Where's the money? (Joyfully.) Here they are, behind the lining... It even made me sweat...

Lyubov Andreevna (sings lezginka). Why has Leonid been gone for so long? What is he doing in the city? (Dunyasha.) Dunyasha, offer the musicians some tea...

Trofimov. The auction did not take place, in all likelihood.

Lyubov Andreevna. And the musicians came at the wrong time, and we started the ball at the wrong time... Well, nothing... (Sits down and hums quietly.)

Charlotte (hands Pishchik a deck of cards). Here is a deck of cards, think of one card.

Pischik. I thought about it.

Charlotte. Now shuffle the deck. Very good. Give it here, oh my dear Mr. Pishchik. Ein, zwei, drei. Now look, it's in your side pocket...

Pischik (takes out a card from his side pocket). Eight of spades, absolutely right! (Surprised.) Just think!

Charlotte (holds a deck of cards in his palm, Trofimova). Tell me quickly, which card is on top?

Trofimov. Well? Well, queen of spades.

Charlotte. Eat! (To the pischik.) Well, which card is on top?

Pischik. Ace of hearts.

Charlotte. Eat!.. (Hits the palm, the deck of cards disappears.) What good weather today!

You are so good, my ideal...

Station Manager (applauds). Madam Ventriloquist, bravo!

Pischik (surprised). Think about it. The most charming Charlotte Ivanovna... I'm just in love...

Charlotte. In love? (Shrugs shoulders.) Can you love? Guter Mensch, aber schlechter Musikant.

Trofimov (pats Pishchik on the shoulder). You are such a horse...

Charlotte. Please pay attention, one more trick. (Takes a blanket from the chair.) Here is a very good blanket, I want to sell... (Shakes.) Does anyone want to buy?

Pischik (surprised). Just think!

Charlotte. Ein, zwei, drei! (Quickly picks up the lowered blanket.)

Lyubov Andreevna (applauds). Bravo, bravo!

Charlotte. Now more! Ein, zwei, drei! (Raises the blanket.)

Pischik (surprised). Just think!

Charlotte. End! (Throws the blanket on Pishchik, curtsies and runs into the hall.)

Pischik (hurries after her). The villain... what? What? (Leaves.)

Lyubov Andreevna. But Leonid is still missing. I don’t understand what he’s been doing in the city for so long! After all, everything is already over there, the estate has been sold or the auction did not take place, why keep it in the dark for so long!

Varya (trying to console her). Uncle bought it, I'm sure of it.

Trofimov (mockingly). Yes.

Varya . The grandmother sent him a power of attorney so that he could buy in her name with the transfer of the debt. This is her for Anya. And I’m sure God will help, my uncle will buy it.

Lyubov Andreevna. The Yaroslavl grandmother sent fifteen thousand to buy the estate in her name - she doesn’t believe us - and this money would not even be enough to pay the interest. (Covers his face with his hands.) Today my fate is decided, fate...

Trofimov (teases Varya). Madame Lopakhina!

Varya (angrily). Eternal student! I have already been fired from the university twice.

Lyubov Andreevna. Why are you angry, Varya? He teases you about Lopakhin, so what? If you want, marry Lopakhin, he is a good, interesting person. If you don't want to, don't go out; no one is forcing you, darling...

Varya . I look at this matter seriously, Mommy, we must speak directly. He good man, I like.

Lyubov Andreevna. And come out. What to expect, I don’t understand!

Varya . Mommy, I can’t propose to him myself. For two years now, everyone has been telling me about him, everyone is talking, but he is either silent or joking. I understand. He is getting rich, busy with business, he has no time for me. If I had money, even a little, even a hundred rubles, I would have given up everything and gone away. I would go to a monastery.

Trofimov. Splendor!

Varya (To Trofimov). A student needs to be smart! (In a soft tone, with tears.) How ugly you have become, Petya, how old you have become! (To Lyubov Andreevna, no longer crying.) But I can’t do nothing, Mommy. I need to do something every minute.

Yasha (barely holding back laughter). Epikhodov broke his billiard cue!.. (Leaves.)

Varya . Why is Epikhodov here? Who allowed him to play billiards? I don't understand these people... (Leaves.)

Lyubov Andreevna. Don’t tease her, Petya, you see, she’s already in grief.

Trofimov. She is very diligent, she meddles in things that don’t belong to her. All summer she haunted me and Anya, afraid that our romance would not work out. What does she care? And besides, I didn’t show it, I’m so far from vulgarity. We are above love!

Lyubov Andreevna. But I must be below love. (very worried). Why is there no Leonid? Just to know: was the estate sold or not? The misfortune seems so incredible to me that I somehow don’t even know what to think, I’m at a loss... I could scream now... I could do something stupid. Save me, Petya. Say something, say something...

Trofimov. Whether the estate is sold or not sold today - does it matter? It has long been finished, there is no turning back, the path is overgrown. Calm down, darling. There is no need to deceive yourself, you need to look the truth straight in the eyes at least once in your life.

Lyubov Andreevna. Which truth? You see where the truth is and where the untruth is, but I’ve definitely lost my sight, I don’t see anything. You boldly decide everything important questions, but tell me, my dear, is it not because you are young, that you have not had time to suffer through any of your questions? You boldly look forward, and is it because you don’t see or expect anything terrible, since life is still hidden from your young eyes? You are bolder, more honest, deeper than us, but think about it, be generous even to the tip of your finger, spare me. After all, I was born here, my father and mother, my grandfather lived here, I love this house, I don’t understand my life without the cherry orchard, and if you really need to sell, then sell me along with the orchard... (Hugs Trofimov, kisses his forehead.) After all, my son drowned here... (Cries.) Have pity on me, good, kind man.

Trofimov. You know, I sympathize with all my heart.

Lyubov Andreevna. But we need to say it differently... (Takes out a handkerchief, a telegram falls to the floor.) My heart is heavy today, you can’t imagine. It’s noisy here, my soul trembles from every sound, I’m trembling all over, but I can’t go to my room, I’m scared alone in the silence. Don't judge me, Petya... I love you like my own. I would willingly give Anya for you, I swear, but, my dear, you need to study, you need to finish the course. You do nothing, only fate throws you from place to place, it’s so strange... Isn’t it? Yes? And we need to do something with the beard so that it grows somehow... (Laughs). You are funny!

Trofimov (picks up the telegram). I don't want to be handsome.

Lyubov Andreevna. This is a telegram from Paris. I receive it every day... Yesterday and today. This wild man is sick again, things are not good with him again... He asks for forgiveness, begs to come, and I really should go to Paris, stay near him. You, Petya, have a stern face, but what can I do, my dear, what can I do, he is sick, he is lonely, unhappy, and who will look after him, who will keep him from making mistakes, who will give him medicine on time? And what is there to hide or remain silent about, I love him, that’s clear. I love, I love... This is a stone on my neck, I am going to the bottom with it, but I love this stone and cannot live without it. (Shakes Trofimov’s hand.) Don’t think badly, Petya, don’t tell me anything, don’t say...

Trofimov (through tears). Forgive me for my frankness, for God’s sake: he robbed you!

Lyubov Andreevna. No, no, no, don't say that... (Closes ears.)

Trofimov. After all, he is a scoundrel, only you don’t know it! He is a petty scoundrel, a nonentity...

Lyubov Andreevna (angry, but restrained). You are twenty-six or twenty-seven years old, and you are still a second-grade high school student!

Trofimov. Let be!

Lyubov Andreevna. You have to be a man, at your age you have to understand those who love. And you have to love yourself... you have to fall in love! (Angrily.) Yes Yes! And you have no cleanliness, and you are just a clean person, a funny eccentric, a freak...

Trofimov (horrified). What does she say!

Lyubov Andreevna. "I am above love!" You are not above love, but simply, as our Firs says, you are a klutz. At your age, not to have a mistress!..

Trofimov (horrified). It's horrible! What does she say?! (He walks quickly into the hall, grabbing his head.) This is terrible... I can't, I'll leave... (Leaves but returns immediately). It's all over between us! (He goes into the hall.)

Lyubov Andreevna (shouts after). Petya, wait! Funny man, I was joking! Peter!

What is there?

Anya (laughing). Petya fell down the stairs! (Runs away.)

Lyubov Andreevna. What an eccentric this Petya is...

Well, Petya... well, pure soul... I ask for forgiveness... Let's go dance... (Dances with Petya.)

Yasha. What, grandpa?

Firs. Not feeling well. Previously, generals, barons, and admirals danced at our balls, but now we send for the postal official and the station master, and even they are not willing to go. I've somehow weakened. The late master, grandfather, used sealing wax for everyone, for all diseases. I have been taking sealing wax every day for twenty years, or even more; maybe I'm alive because of it.

Yasha. I'm tired of you, grandpa. (Yawns.) I wish you would die soon.

Firs. Eh... you klutz! (Mumbling.)

Lyubov Andreevna. Merci. I'll sit... (Sits down.) Tired.

Anya (excitedly). And now in the kitchen some man was saying that the cherry orchard had already been sold today.

Lyubov Andreevna. Sold to whom?

Anya. Didn't say to whom. Gone. (Dances with Trofimov.)

Yasha. It was some old man there chatting. Stranger.

Firs. But Leonid Andreich is not there yet, he hasn’t arrived. The coat he’s wearing is light, it’s mid-season, and just in case he catches a cold. Eh, young and green!

Lyubov Andreevna. I'll die now. Come, Yasha, find out who it was sold to.

Yasha. Yes, he left a long time ago, old man. (Laughs.)

Lyubov Andreevna (with slight annoyance). Well, why are you laughing? What are you happy about?

Yasha. Epikhodov is very funny. Empty man. Twenty-two misfortunes.

Lyubov Andreevna. Firs, if the estate is sold, where will you go?

Firs. Wherever you order, I will go there.

Lyubov Andreevna. Why is your face like that? Are you unwell? You should go to bed, you know...

Firs. Yes... (With a grin.) I’ll go to bed, but without me, who will serve, who will give orders? One for the whole house.

Yasha (Lyubov Andreevna). Lyubov Andreevna! Let me ask you a request, be so kind! If you go to Paris again, then take me with you, do me a favor. It’s absolutely impossible for me to stay here. (Looking around, in a low voice.) What can I say, you see for yourself, the country is uneducated, the people are immoral, and, moreover, boredom, the food in the kitchen is disgraceful, and here is this Firs walking around muttering various inappropriate words. Take me with you, please!

Pischik. Let me ask you... for a waltz, my most beautiful... (Lyubov Andreevna goes with him.) Charming, after all, I’ll take one hundred and eighty rubles from you... I’ll take it... (Dances.) One hundred and eighty rubles...

Yasha (sings quietly). "Will you understand the excitement of my soul..."

Dunyasha (stopped to powder herself). The young lady tells me to dance - there are many gentlemen, but few ladies - and my head is spinning from dancing, my heart is beating. Firs Nikolaevich, and now the official from the post office told me something that took my breath away.

Firs. What did he tell you?

Dunyasha. You, he says, are like a flower.

Yasha (yawns). Ignorance... (Leaves.)

Dunyasha. Like a flower... I'm such a delicate girl, I really love gentle words.

Firs. You'll get spun.

Epikhodov. You, Avdotya Fedorovna, don’t want to see me... as if I were some kind of insect. (Sighs.) Oh, life!

Dunyasha. What do you want?

Epikhodov. Sure, you may be right. (Sighs.) But, of course, if you look at it from the point of view, then you, if I may put it this way, excuse the frankness, have completely brought me into a state of mind. I know my fortune, every day some misfortune happens to me, and I have long been accustomed to this, so I look at my fate with a smile. You gave me your word, and although I...

Dunyasha. Please, we'll talk later, but now leave me alone. Now I'm dreaming. (Plays with a fan.)

Epikhodov. I have misfortune every day, and I, if I may put it this way, only smile, even laugh.

Varya . Are you still there, Semyon? What a disrespectful person you really are. (Dunyasha.) Get out of here, Dunyasha. (To Epikhodov.) Either you're playing billiards and your cue is broken, or you're walking around the living room like a guest.

Epikhodov. Let me express it to you, you cannot exact it from me.

Varya . I'm not demanding from you, but I'm telling you. All you know is that you are walking from place to place, but not doing anything. We keep a clerk, but we don’t know why.

Epikhodov (offended). Whether I work, walk, eat, play billiards, only people who understand and are older can talk about that.

Varya . You dare tell me this! (Flashing out.) Do you dare? So I don't understand anything? Get out of here! This minute!

Epikhodov (cowardly). I ask you to express yourself in a sensitive way.

Varya (losing my temper). Get out of here this minute! Out!

Twenty-two misfortunes! So that your spirit is not here! So that my eyes don’t see you!

Oh, are you going back? (Grabs a stick left near the door by Firs.) Go... Go... Go, I'll show you... Oh, are you coming? Are you coming? So here's to you... (Swings.)

Lopakhin. Thank you most humbly.

Varya (angry and mocking). Guilty!

Lopakhin. Nothing, sir. I humbly thank you for the pleasant treat.

Varya . Do not mention it. (He walks away, then looks around and asks softly.) Did I hurt you?

Lopakhin. There is nothing. The lump, however, will jump up huge.

Pischik. By sight, by hearing... (Kisses Lopakhin.) You smell of cognac, my dear, my soul. And we're having fun here too.

Lyubov Andreevna. Is it you, Ermolai Alekseich? Why so long? Where is Leonid?

Lopakhin. Leonid Andreich came with me, he’s coming...

Lyubov Andreevna (worried). Well? Was there any bidding? Speak up!

Lopakhin (embarrassed, afraid to discover his joy). The auction ended at four o'clock... We were late for the train and had to wait until half past nine. (Sighing heavily.) Ugh! I'm feeling a little dizzy...

Lyubov Andreevna. Lenya, what? Lenya, well? (Impatiently, with tears.) Hurry, for God's sake...

Gaev (doesn’t answer her, just waves his hand; Firs, crying). Here you go... There are anchovies, Kerch herrings... I haven't eaten anything today... I've suffered so much!

I'm terribly tired. Let me, Firs, change my clothes. (He goes home through the hall, followed by Firs.)

Pischik. What's up for auction? Tell me!

Lyubov Andreevna. Is the cherry orchard sold?

Lopakhin. Sold.

Lyubov Andreevna. Who bought it?

Lopakhin. I bought.

I bought! Wait, gentlemen, do me a favor, my head is clouded, I can’t speak... (Laughs.) We came to the auction, Deriganov was already there. Leonid Andreich had only fifteen thousand, and Deriganov immediately gave thirty thousand on top of the debt. I see this is the case, I tackled him and gave him forty. He's forty-five. I'm fifty-five. That means he adds five, I add ten... Well, it’s over. I gave ninety over and above my debt; that was left to me. The cherry orchard is now mine! My! (Laughs.) My God, my God, my cherry orchard! Tell me that I'm drunk, out of my mind, that I'm imagining all this... (Stamps his feet.) Don't laugh at me! If only my father and grandfather would get out of their graves and look at the whole incident, like their Ermolai, the beaten, illiterate Ermolai, who ran barefoot in the winter, how this same Ermolai bought an estate, the most beautiful of which there is nothing in the world. I bought an estate where my grandfather and father were slaves, where they were not even allowed into the kitchen. I'm dreaming, it's just my imagination, it only seems... It's a figment of your imagination, covered in the darkness of the unknown... (He picks up the keys, smiling affectionately.) She threw away the keys, she wants to show that she is no longer the mistress here... (Ringles keys.) Well, it doesn't matter.

Hey musicians, play, I want to listen to you! Come and watch how Ermolai Lopakhin takes an ax to the cherry orchard and how the trees fall to the ground! We will set up dachas, and our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will see here new life...Music, play!

(Reproachfully.) Why, why didn’t you listen to me? My poor, good one, you won’t get it back now. (With tears.) Oh, if only all this would pass, if only our awkward, unhappy life would somehow change.

Pischik (takes him by the arm, in a low voice). She's crying. Let's go into the hall, let her be alone... Let's go... (Takes him by the arm and leads him into the hall.)

Lopakhin. What is it? Music, play clearly! Let everything be as I wish! (With irony.) A new landowner is coming, the owner of the cherry orchard! (I accidentally pushed the table and almost knocked over the candelabra.) I can pay for everything! (Leaves with Pishchik.)

Anya. Mom!.. Mom, are you crying? My dear, kind, good mother, my beautiful, I love you... I bless you. The cherry orchard has been sold, it’s no longer there, it’s true, it’s true, but don’t cry, mom, you still have a life ahead of you, your good, pure soul remains... Come with me, let’s go, dear, from here, let’s go!.. We will plant new garden, more luxurious than this, you will see him, you will understand, and joy, quiet, deep joy will descend on your soul, like the sun in the evening hour, and you will smile, mom! Let's go, honey! Let's go to!..

“The eternal student” is exactly what one of the heroes of the play “The Cherry Orchard,” the pharmacist’s son Petya Trofimov, calls himself. His image was initially conceived as positive, he is not attached to anything and is not burdened with worries about the estate. It is its author who gives the unique opportunity to look at all events from the outside and have an unbiased point of view on everything.

Petya is about thirty years old, but he cannot graduate from Moscow University, from which he finds himself expelled for his activities directed against the government. Chekhov portrays this hero as a truthful, selfless person, not striving for any profit, who refuses to accept the lifestyle of wealthy nobles. Petya considers himself a free man, based on this theory, he refuses the money offered to him by Lopakhin and also refuses love, “we are above love.” He believes that all this can only have power over people with old concepts.

For Petya, the cherry orchard bears the imprint of slavery, in which each individual growing tree reminds him of a tormented human being. The wealthy part of the population, according to Trofimov, is obliged to atone for their servants only through exhausting labor. Petya condemns the views of the enterprising businessman Lopakhin for his consumerist attitude towards natural resources.

Trofimov is concerned about the future fate of the intelligentsia, since the part with which he is familiar, in his opinion, does not try to search and is not adapted to anything. Petya wants to go in the first row of those who are looking for the highest truth. Its role is the awakening of consciousness younger generation, such as Anya, who absorbs all Petya’s ideas. However, despite all the purity and depth of his thoughts, the author now and then interrupts Petya, either with the sounds of Epikhodov’s guitar or with the knock of an ax, thereby showing that such judgments are still far from being realized.

Still, this positive hero There is also a negative trait of seeing only dirt in everything. Even the businessman Lopakhin admires the vastness of the fields of Russia and its horizons, while Petya speaks only about impurity, including moral, and while dreaming about the future, does not notice the present.

Trofimov, as the hero of the play, plays a rather comic role. Although he strives to achieve the highest happiness, he understands that he is not created for it. However, it is on Petya that the author pins his hopes on showing others the path to this very happiness, and this makes such a hero irreplaceable - both in the work and in life.

Essay 2

The image of Petya Trofimov is one of the main ones in the play “The Cherry Orchard”. He is the son of a pharmacist, who is not burdened with any worries and is not attached to anything - a bird of free flight.

But unlike other characters, such as Ranevskaya and Lopakhin, Petya is able to look at what is happening from the outside, and soberly, impartially assess the situation. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov initially conceived Trofimov as a positive character, but far from unique.

Petya, a former teacher of Ranevskaya’s son, a commoner of twenty-six years old. Many in the play call him the "Eternal Student" since he is already for a long time studying, but still won’t complete a single course. He has a rather interesting appearance and demeanor. He wears glasses and has a habit of philosophizing and teaching everyone around him about life. I firmly believe that the nobles were very lazy and now the time has come for the youth to take everything into their own hands. He considers himself to be part of the “new” working generation.

As for his life, he wanders a lot. Doesn't stay in one place. In the action of the play, he lives on Ranevskaya’s estate, namely in the bathhouse, so as not to disturb anyone. Ranevskaya doesn’t like him, saying that at his age it’s time to stop studying and it’s time to get married. Ranevskaya’s daughter Anna, madly in love with Petya, also lives on the estate. He believes every word he says, and he loves to say things without doing anything.

It is difficult not to notice the ironic attitude of the author and the characters of the play themselves towards Trofimov. Whatever they call him: “Klutz”, “funny freak”, “neat”, “shabby gentleman”. Petya is ugly, unkempt and awkward. He has sparse hair and is absent-minded. His image contrasts greatly with the opinion about him after his romantic speeches. Although even they have little to do with reality, and speak of an absolute lack of understanding of the life situation.

But nevertheless, it is he who is entrusted with an important role! He is able to show others how to reach their goal. This makes him a unique, irreplaceable character. Although he himself understands that he is not created for happiness and will never achieve it.

At the end of the play, he is looking for his forgotten galoshes, betraying the absolute worthlessness of his life, which is only decorated with beautiful words coming from his own lips.

Essay by Petya Trofimov

Those who have read Chekhov’s work “The Cherry Orchard” should probably remember that one of the characters called himself an “eternal student.” And this main character was Petya. It refers to a positive image of a hero. In addition, he never thinks about thinking or caring about anything and always lives only for his own pleasure. He looks at everything that happens in the world from the outside and has his own point of view and opinion on everything.

Although the main character is only thirty years old, he is still studying at Moscow University and cannot graduate. And all because he once went against the authorities and now they do not give him peace. He is constantly plotting something against the authorities and does not allow them to finish their business. Many times he was offered money, but not a single person had yet managed to bribe him. He also believes that if he lives by the old concepts, he will be able to cope with the government. In addition, not a single problem or misfortune passes him by, and he always finds himself in different situations.

Many describe him as a poor man who has only one piece of clothing, which he wears all the time, and he simply does not have another and cannot buy new ones. It’s just that he doesn’t have any complexes about it at all, but considers it a completely normal thing. It often happens that the hero blames other people for his mistakes, but at the same time he does not feel guilty of anything.

All he can do is translate different texts from different languages. And for this he has to travel from one city to another or even to another country.

The cherry orchard means nothing to him, and he would be very glad to get rid of it as soon as possible. After all, it reminds him of slavery.

It’s just his attitude towards his beloved girl that makes him a negative hero. After all, he loves no one else but himself. He has a huge number of ideas that he could bring to life, but he cannot for various reasons, and most often these reasons are simply his reluctance to change something in his life. But, despite this, he believes that everything will soon pass and come better times. But no one knows when they will come.

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Living room separated by an arch from the hall. The chandelier is on. You can hear the Troy orchestra playing in the hallway, the same one mentioned in the second act. Evening. Grand-rond dancers are dancing in the hall. Voice of Simeonov-Pishchik: “Promenade a une paire!” They go out into the living room: in the first couple there is Pishchik and Charlotte Ivanovna, in the second Trofimov and Lyubov Andreevna, in the third Anya with a postal official, in the fourth Varya with the station master, etc. Varya quietly cries and, dancing, wipes away her tears. In the last pair is Dunyasha. They walk through the living room, Pischik shouts: “Grand-rond, balancez!” and “Les cavaliers a genoux et remerciez vos dames.”

Firs in a tailcoat carries seltzer water on a tray. Pischik and Trofimov enter the living room.

Pischik. I’m full-blooded, I’ve already been hit twice, it’s difficult to dance, but, as they say, I’m in the pack, don’t bark, just wag your tail. My health is that of a horse. My late parent, a joker, the kingdom of heaven, spoke about our origin as if our ancient family of Simeonov-Pishchikov descended from the very horse that Caligula planted in the Senate... (Sits down.) But here’s the problem: there is no money! A hungry dog ​​believes only in meat... (Snores and immediately wakes up.) So I... I can only talk about money... Trofimov. And there really is something horse-like about your figure. Pischik. Well... the horse is a good animal... The horse can be sold...

You can hear billiards being played in the next room. Varya appears in the hall under the arch.

Trofimov (teases). Madame Lopakhina! Madame Lopakhina!.. Varya (angrily). Shabby gentleman! Trofimov. Yes, I’m a shabby gentleman and I’m proud of it! Varya (in bitter thought). They hired musicians, but how do they pay? (Leaves.) Trofimov (to Pishchik). If the energy you spent all your life looking for money to pay interest on was spent on something else, you might end up moving the earth. Pischik. Nietzsche... philosopher... the greatest, most famous... man of enormous intelligence, says in his writings that it is possible to make fake papers. Trofimov. Have you read Nietzsche? Pischik. Well...Dasha told me. And now I’m in such a position that at least make fake papers... The day after tomorrow I’ll pay three hundred and ten rubles... I’ve already got one hundred and thirty... (He feels his pockets, alarmed.) The money is gone! Lost money! (Through tears.) Where is the money? (Joyfully.) Here they are, behind the lining... It even made me sweat...

Enter Lyubov Andreevna And Charlotte Ivanovna.

Lyubov Andreevna (sings lezginka). Why has Leonid been gone for so long? What is he doing in the city? (To Dunyasha.) Dunyasha, offer the musicians some tea... Trofimov. The auction did not take place, in all likelihood. Lyubov Andreevna. And the musicians came at the wrong time, and we started the ball at the wrong time... Well, nothing... (Sits down and hums quietly.) Charlotte (hands Pishchik a deck of cards). Here is a deck of cards, think of one card. Pischik. I thought about it. Charlotte. Now shuffle the deck. Very good. Give it here, oh my dear Mr. Pishchik. Ein, zwei, drei! Now look, it's in your side pocket... Pischik (takes out a card from his side pocket). Eight of spades, absolutely right! (Surprised.) Just think! Charlotte (holds a deck of cards in his palm, Trofimova). Tell me quickly, which card is on top? Trofimov. Well? Well, queen of spades. Charlotte. Eat! (To the squeaker.) Well? Which card is on top? Pischik. Ace of hearts. Charlotte. Eat!.. (Hits the palm, the deck of cards disappears.) What good weather today!

You are so good, my ideal...

Station Manager(applauds). Madam Ventriloquist, bravo! Pischik (surprised). Just think! The most charming Charlotte Ivanovna... I'm just in love... Charlotte. In love? (Shrugs.) Can you love? Guter Mensch, aber schlechter Musikant. Trofimov (pats Pishchik on the shoulder). You are such a horse... Charlotte. Please pay attention, one more trick. (Takes a blanket from the chair.) Here is a very good blanket, I want to sell... (Shakes.) Does anyone want to buy? Charlotte. Ein, zwei, drei! (Quickly picks up the lowered blanket.)

Anya stands behind the blanket; she curtsies, runs to her mother, hugs her and runs back into the hall with general delight.

Lyubov Andreevna(applauds). Bravo, bravo!..
Charlotte. Now more! Ein, zwei, drei!

Raises the blanket; Varya stands behind the blanket and bows.

Pischik (surprised). Just think! Charlotte. End! (Throws the blanket on Pishchik, curtsies and runs into the hall.) Pishchik (hurries after her). The villain... what? What? (Leaves.) Lyubov Andreevna. But Leonid is still missing. I don’t understand what he’s been doing in the city for so long! After all, everything is already over there, the estate has been sold or the auction did not take place, why keep it in the dark for so long! Varya (trying to console her). Uncle bought it, I'm sure of it. Trofimov (mockingly). Yes. Varya . The grandmother sent him a power of attorney so that he could buy in her name with the transfer of the debt. This is her for Anya. And I’m sure God will help, my uncle will buy it. Lyubov Andreevna. The Yaroslavl grandmother sent fifteen thousand to buy the estate in her name, she doesn’t believe us, and this money would not even be enough to pay the interest. (Covers his face with his hands.) Today my fate is decided, fate... Trofimov (teasing Varya). Madame Lopakhina! Varya (angrily). Eternal student! I have already been fired from the university twice. Lyubov Andreevna. Why are you angry, Varya? He teases you about Lopakhin, so what? If you want, marry Lopakhin, he is a good, interesting person. If you don't want to, don't go out; no one is forcing you, darling... Varya . I look at this matter seriously, Mommy, we must speak directly. He's a good person, I like him. Lyubov Andreevna. And come out. What to expect, I don’t understand! Varya . Mommy, I can’t propose to him myself. For two years now, everyone has been telling me about him, everyone is talking, but he is either silent or joking. I understand. He is getting rich, busy with business, he has no time for me. If I had money, even a little, even a hundred rubles, I would have given up everything and gone away. I would go to a monastery. Trofimov. Splendor! Varya (to Trofimov). A student needs to be smart! (In a soft tone, with tears.) How ugly you have become, Petya, how old you have become! (To Lyubov Andreevna, no longer crying.) But I can’t do nothing, Mommy. I need to do something every minute.

Yasha enters.

Yasha (barely holding back laughter), Epikhodov broke his billiard cue!.. (Leaves.) Varya . Why is Epikhodov here? Who allowed him to play billiards? I don’t understand these people... (Leaves.) Lyubov Andreevna. Don’t tease her, Petya, you see, she’s already in grief. Trofimov. She is very diligent, she meddles in things that don’t belong to her. All summer she haunted neither me nor Anya, she was afraid that our romance would not work out. What does she care? And besides, I didn’t show it, I’m so far from vulgarity. We are above love! Lyubov Andreevna. But I must be below love. (Great anxiety.) Why is there no Leonid? Just to know: was the estate sold or not? The misfortune seems so incredible to me that I somehow don’t even know what to think, I’m at a loss... I could scream now... I could do something stupid. Save me, Petya. Say something, say something... Trofimov. Whether the estate is sold today or not, does it matter? It has long been finished, there is no turning back, the path is overgrown. Calm down, darling. There is no need to deceive yourself, you need to look the truth straight in the eyes at least once in your life. Lyubov Andreevna. Which truth? You see where the truth is and where the untruth is, but I’ve definitely lost my sight, I don’t see anything. You boldly resolve all important issues, but tell me, my dear, is it because you are young, that you have not had time to suffer through any of your questions? You boldly look forward, and is it because you don’t see or expect anything terrible, since life is still hidden from your young eyes? You are bolder, more honest, deeper than us, but think about it, be generous even to the tip of your finger, spare me. After all, I was born here, my father and mother, my grandfather lived here, I love this house, I don’t understand my life without the cherry orchard, and if you really need to sell, then sell me along with the orchard... (Hugs Trofimov, kisses his forehead.) After all, my son drowned here... (Crying.) Have pity on me, good, kind man. Trofimov. You know, I sympathize with all my heart. Lyubov Andreevna. But we need to say it differently... (Takes out a handkerchief, a telegram falls to the floor.) My heart is heavy today, you can’t imagine. It’s noisy here, my soul trembles from every sound, I’m trembling all over, but I can’t go to my room, I’m scared alone in the silence. Don't judge me, Petya... I love you like my own. I would gladly give Anya for you, I swear to you, but, my dear, I have to study, I have to finish the course. You do nothing, only fate throws you from place to place, it’s so strange... Isn’t it? Yes? And we need to do something with the beard so that it grows somehow... (Laughs.) You are funny! Trofimov (picks up the telegram). I don't want to be handsome. Lyubov Andreevna. This is a telegram from Paris. I receive it every day. Both yesterday and today. This wild man is sick again, things are not good with him again... He asks for forgiveness, begs to come, and I really should go to Paris, stay near him. You, Petya, have a stern face, but what can I do, my dear, what can I do, he is sick, he is lonely, unhappy, and who will look after him, who will keep him from making mistakes, who will give him medicine on time? And what is there to hide or remain silent about, I love him, that’s clear. I love, I love... This is a stone on my neck, I am going to the bottom with it, but I love this stone and cannot live without it. (Shakes Trofimov’s hand.) Don’t think badly, Petya, don’t tell me anything, don’t say... Trofimov (through tears). Forgive me for my frankness for God's sake: after all, he robbed you! Lyubov Andreevna. No, no, no, don't say that... (Closes ears.) Trofimov. After all, he is a scoundrel, only you don’t know it! He is a petty scoundrel, a nonentity... Lyubov Andreevna (angry, but restrained). You are twenty-six or twenty-seven years old, and you are still a second-grade high school student! Trofimov. Let be! Lyubov Andreevna. You have to be a man, at your age you have to understand those who love. And you have to love yourself... you have to fall in love! (Angrily.) Yes, yes! And you have no cleanliness, and you are just a clean person, a funny eccentric, a freak... Trofimov (horrified). What does she say! Lyubov Andreevna. “I am above love!” You are not above love, but simply, as our Firs says, you are a klutz. At your age, not to have a mistress!.. Trofimov (horrified). It's horrible! What does she say?! (He walks quickly into the hall, grabbing his head.) This is terrible... I can't. I'll leave... (He leaves, but returns immediately.) It's all over between us! (He goes into the hall.) Lyubov Andreevna(shouts after) . Petya, wait! Funny man, I was joking! Peter!

You can hear someone in the hallway walking quickly up the stairs and suddenly falling down with a roar. Anya and Varya scream, but laughter is immediately heard.

What is there?

Anya runs in.

Anya (laughing). Petya fell down the stairs! (Runs away.) Lyubov Andreevna. What an eccentric this Petya is...

The station chief stops in the middle of the hall and reads “The Sinner” by A. Tolstoy. They listen to him, but as soon as he has read a few lines, the sounds of a waltz are heard from the hall, and the reading is interrupted. Everyone is dancing. Trofimov, Anya, Varya and Lyubov Andreevna.

Well, Petya... well, pure soul... I ask for forgiveness... Let's go dance... (Dances with Petya.)

Anya and Varya are dancing.

Firs enters and places his stick near the side door.

Yasha also came in from the living room and watched the dancing.

Yasha. What, grandpa? Firs. Not feeling well. Previously, generals, barons, and admirals danced at our balls, but now we send for the postal official and the station master, and even they are not willing to go. I've somehow weakened. The late master, grandfather, used sealing wax for everyone, for all diseases. I have been taking sealing wax every day for twenty years, or even more; maybe I'm alive because of it. Yasha. I'm tired of you, grandpa. (Yawns.) I wish you would die soon. Firs. Eh... you klutz! (Mumbling.)

Trofimov and Lyubov Andreevna dance in the hall, then in the living room.

Lyubov Andreevna. Merci! I'll sit... (Sits down.) I'm tired.

Anya enters.

Anya (excitedly). And now in the kitchen some man was saying that the cherry orchard had already been sold today. Lyubov Andreevna. Sold to whom? Anya. Didn't say to whom. Gone. (Dances with Trofimov, both go into the hall.) Yasha. It was some old man there chatting. Stranger. Firs. But Leonid Andreich is not there yet, he hasn’t arrived. The coat he’s wearing is light, it’s mid-season, he’s about to catch a cold. Eh, young and green. Lyubov Andreevna. I'll die now. Come, Yasha, find out who it was sold to. Yasha. Yes, he left a long time ago, old man. (Laughs.) Lyubov Andreevna (with slight annoyance). Well, why are you laughing? What are you happy about? Yasha. Epikhodov is very funny. Empty man. Twenty-two misfortunes. Lyubov Andreevna. Firs, if the estate is sold, where will you go? Firs. Wherever you order, I will go there. Lyubov Andreevna. Why is your face like that? Are you unwell? You should go to bed, you know... Firs. Yes... (With a grin.) I’ll go to bed, but without me, who will give it, who will give orders? One for the whole house. Yasha (To Lyubov Andreevna). Lyubov Andreevna! Let me ask you a request, be so kind! If you go to Paris again, then take me with you, do me a favor. It’s absolutely impossible for me to stay here. (Looking around, in a low voice.) What can I say, you see for yourself, the country is uneducated, the people are immoral, and, moreover, boredom, the food in the kitchen is disgraceful, and here is this Firs walking around muttering various inappropriate words. Take me with you, please!

Pishchik enters.

Pischik. Let me ask you... for a waltz, my most beautiful... (Lyubov Andreevna goes with him.) Charming, after all, I’ll take one hundred and eighty rubles from you... I’ll take... (Dances.) One hundred and eighty rubles...

We went into the hall.

Yasha (hums quietly). “Will you understand the excitement of my soul...”

In the hall, a figure in a gray top hat and checkered trousers waves his arms and jumps; shouts: “Bravo, Charlotte Ivanovna!”

Dunyasha (stopped to powder herself). The young lady tells me to dance, there are many gentlemen, but few ladies, and my head is spinning from dancing, my heart is beating, Firs Nikolaevich, and now the official from the post office told me something that took my breath away.

The music stops.

Firs. What did he tell you? Dunyasha. You, he says, are like a flower. Yasha (yawns). Ignorance... (Leaves.) Dunyasha. Like a flower... I'm such a delicate girl, I really love gentle words. Firs. You'll get spun.

Epikhodov enters.

Epikhodov. You, Avdotya Fedorovna, don’t want to see me... as if I were some kind of insect. (Sighs.) Oh, life! Dunyasha. What do you want? Epikhodov. Sure, you may be right. (Sighs.) But, of course, if you look at it from the point of view, then you, if I may put it this way, excuse the frankness, have completely brought me into a state of mind. I know my fortune, every day some misfortune happens to me, and I have long been accustomed to this, so I look at my fate with a smile. You gave me your word, and although I... Dunyasha. Please, we'll talk later, but now leave me alone. Now I'm dreaming. (Plays with a fan.) Epikhodov. I have misfortune every day, and I, if I may put it this way, only smile, even laugh.

Varya enters from the hall.

Varya . Are you still there, Semyon? What a disrespectful person you really are. (To Dunyasha.) Get out of here, Dunyasha. (To Epikhodov.) Either you’re playing billiards and your cue is broken, or you’re walking around the living room like a guest. Epikhodov. Let me express it to you, you cannot exact it from me. Varya . I'm not demanding from you, but I'm telling you. All you know is that you are walking from place to place, but not doing anything. We keep a clerk, but we don’t know why. Epikhodov (offended). Whether I work, walk, eat, play billiards, only people who understand and are older can talk about that. Varya . You dare tell me this! (Flashing out.) Do you dare? So I don't understand anything? Get out of here! This minute! Epikhodov (cowardly). I ask you to express yourself in a sensitive way. Varya (losing her temper). Get out of here this minute! Out!

He goes to the door, she follows him.

Twenty-two misfortunes! So that your spirit is not here! So that my eyes don’t see you!

Epikhodov came out, his voice outside the door: “I will complain about you.”

Oh, are you going back? (Grabs a stick placed near the door by Firs.) Go... Go... Go, I'll show you... Oh, are you coming? Are you coming? So here you go... (He raises his hand.)

At this time Lopakhin enters.

Lopakhin. Thank you most humbly. Varya (angry and mocking). Guilty! Lopakhin. Nothing, sir. I humbly thank you for the pleasant treat. Varya . Do not mention it. (He walks away, then looks around and asks softly.) Did I hurt you? Lopakhin. There is nothing. The bump, however, will jump up huge. Pischik. By sight, by hearing... (Kisses Lopakhin.) You smell of cognac, my dear, my soul. And we're having fun here too.

Included Lyubov Andreevna.

Lyubov Andreevna. Is it you, Ermolai Alekseich? Why so long? Where is Leonid? Lopakhin. Leonid Andreich came with me, he’s coming... Lyubov Andreevna(worried). Well? Was there any bidding? Speak up! Lopakhin (embarrassed, afraid to discover his joy). The auction ended at four o'clock... We were late for the train and had to wait until half past nine. (Sighing heavily.) Ugh! I'm feeling a little dizzy...

Gaev enters; V right hand he has some shopping, he wipes away his tears with his left hand.

Lyubov Andreevna. Lenya, what? Lenya, well? (Impatiently, with tears.) Hurry, for God's sake... Gaev (doesn’t answer her, just waves his hand; Firs, crying). Here you go... There are anchovies, Kerch herrings... I haven't eaten anything today... I've suffered so much!

The door to the billiard room is open; the sound of balls and Yasha’s voice are heard: “Seven and eighteen!” Gaev’s expression changes, he no longer cries.

I'm terribly tired. Let me, Firs, change my clothes. (He goes home through the hall, followed by Firs.)

Pischik. What's up for auction? Tell me! Lyubov Andreevna. Is the cherry orchard sold? Lopakhin. Sold. Lyubov Andreevna. Who bought it? Lopakhin. I bought.

Lyubov Andreevna is depressed; she would have fallen if she had not been standing near the chair and table. Varya takes the keys from her belt, throws them on the floor in the middle of the living room, and leaves.

I bought! Wait, gentlemen, do me a favor, my head is clouded, I can’t speak... (Laughs.) We came to the auction, Deriganov was already there. Leonid Andreich had only fifteen thousand, and Deriganov immediately gave thirty thousand on top of the debt. I see this is the case, I tackled him and gave him forty. He's forty-five. I'm fifty-five. That means he adds five, I add ten... Well, it’s over. I gave ninety over and above my debt; that was left to me. The cherry orchard is now mine! My! (Laughs.) My God, my God, my cherry orchard! Tell me that I'm drunk, out of my mind, that I'm imagining all this... (Stamps his feet.) Don't laugh at me! If only my father and grandfather would get out of their graves and look at the whole incident, like their Ermolai, the beaten, illiterate Ermolai, who ran barefoot in the winter, how this same Ermolai bought an estate, the most beautiful of which there is nothing in the world. I bought an estate where my grandfather and father were slaves, where they were not even allowed into the kitchen. I’m dreaming, I’m only imagining this, it’s only seeming... It’s a figment of your imagination, covered in the darkness of the unknown... (He picks up the keys, smiling affectionately.) She threw away the keys, she wants to show that she is no longer the mistress here... (Ringles keys.) Well, it doesn't matter.

You can hear the orchestra tuning up.

Hey musicians, play, I want to listen to you! Come and watch how Ermolai Lopakhin takes an ax to the cherry orchard and how the trees fall to the ground! We will set up dachas, and our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will see a new life here... Music, play!

Music is playing, Lyubov Andreevna sank into a chair and is crying bitterly.

(Reproachfully.) Why, why didn’t you listen to me? My poor, good one, you won’t get it back now. (With tears.) Oh, if only all this would pass, if only our awkward, unhappy life would somehow change.
Pischik (takes him by the arm, in a low voice). She's crying. Let's go into the hall, let her be alone... Let's go... (Takes him by the arm and leads him into the hall.) Lopakhin. What is it? Music, play clearly! Let everything be as I wish! (With irony.) A new landowner is coming, the owner of a cherry orchard! (I accidentally pushed the table and almost knocked over the candelabra.) I can pay for everything! (Leaves with Pishchik.)

There is no one in the hall and living room except Lyubov Andreevna, who is sitting, cowering all over and crying bitterly. Music plays quietly. Anya and Trofimov quickly enter. Anya approaches her mother and kneels in front of her. Trofimov remains at the entrance to the hall.

Anya. Mom!.. Mom, are you crying? My dear, kind, good mother, my beautiful, I love you... I bless you. The cherry orchard has been sold, it’s no longer there, it’s true, it’s true, but don’t cry, mom, you still have a life ahead of you, your good, pure soul remains... Come with me, let’s go, dear, from here, let’s go!.. We will plant a new garden, more luxurious than this, you will see it, you will understand it, and joy, quiet, deep joy will descend on your soul, like the sun in the evening hour, and you will smile, mom! Let's go, honey! Let's go to!..

“Promenade in couples!”... “Big circle, balance!”... “Gentlemen, kneel down and thank the ladies” (French). Good man, but bad musician (German).

This work has entered the public domain. The work was written by an author who died more than seventy years ago, and was published during his lifetime or posthumously, but more than seventy years have also passed since publication. It may be freely used by anyone without anyone's consent or permission and without payment of royalties.

1978. - T. 13. Plays. 1895-1904. - pp. 229-241.

Act three

Living room separated by an arch from the hall. The chandelier is on. You can hear the Jewish orchestra playing in the hallway, the same one mentioned in the second act. Evening. Grand-rond dancers are dancing in the hall. Voice of Simeonov-Pishchik: “Promenade à une paire!” They go out into the living room: in the first couple there is Pishchik and Charlotte Ivanovna, in the second - Trofimov and Lyubov Andreevna, in the third - Anya with a postal official, in the fourth - Varya with the station chief, etc. Varya quietly cries and, dancing, wipes away her tears. In the last pair is Dunyasha. They walk through the living room, Pischik shouts: “Grand-rond, balancez!” And "Les cavaliers à genoux et remerciez vos dames" .

Firs in a tailcoat carries seltzer water on a tray. Pischik and Trofimov enter the living room.

Pischik. I’m full-blooded, I’ve already been hit twice, it’s difficult to dance, but, as they say, I’m in the pack, don’t bark, just wag your tail. My health is that of a horse. My late parent, a joker, the kingdom of heaven, spoke about our origin as if our ancient family of Simeonov-Pishchikov descended from the very horse that Caligula planted in the Senate... (Sits down.) But here's the problem: there is no money! A hungry dog ​​believes only in meat... (Snores and immediately wakes up.) So I... I can only talk about money...

Trofimov. And there really is something horse-like about your figure.

Pischik. Well... the horse is a good animal... The horse can be sold...

You can hear billiards being played in the next room. Varya appears in the hall under the arch.

Trofimov (teasing). Madame Lopakhina! Madame Lopakhina!..

Varya (angrily). Shabby gentleman!

Trofimov. Yes, I’m a shabby gentleman and I’m proud of it!

Varya (in bitter thought). They hired musicians, but how do they pay? (Leaves.)

Trofimov (To Pishchik). If the energy you spent all your life looking for money to pay interest on was spent on something else, you might end up moving the earth.

Pischik. Nietzsche... philosopher... the greatest, most famous... man of enormous intelligence, says in his writings that it is possible to make fake papers.

Trofimov. Have you read Nietzsche?

Pischik. Well... Dashenka told me. And now I’m in such a position that at least make fake papers... The day after tomorrow I’ll pay three hundred and ten rubles... I’ve already got one hundred and thirty... (He feels his pockets, alarmed.) The money is gone! Lost money! (Through tears.) Where's the money? (Joyfully.) Here they are, behind the lining... It even made me sweat...

Enter Lyubov Andreevna And Charlotte Ivanovna.

Lyubov Andreevna (sings lezginka). Why has Leonid been gone for so long? What is he doing in the city? (Dunyasha.) Dunyasha, offer the musicians some tea...

Trofimov. The auction did not take place, in all likelihood.

Lyubov Andreevna. And the musicians came at the wrong time, and we started the ball at the wrong time... Well, nothing... (Sits down and hums quietly.)

Charlotte (hands Pishchik a deck of cards). Here is a deck of cards, think of one card.

Pischik. I thought about it.

Charlotte. Now shuffle the deck. Very good. Give it here, oh my dear Mr. Pishchik. Ein, zwei, drei! Now look, it’s in your side pocket...

Pischik (takes out a card from his side pocket). Eight of spades, absolutely right! (Surprised.) Just think!

Charlotte (holds a deck of cards in his palm, Trofimova). Tell me quickly, which card is on top?

Trofimov. Well? Well, queen of spades.

Charlotte. Eat! (To the pischik.) Well? Which card is on top?

Pischik. Ace of hearts.

Charlotte. Eat!.. (Hits the palm, the deck of cards disappears.) What good weather today!

Station Manager (applauds). Madam Ventriloquist, bravo!

Pischik (surprised). Just think! The most charming Charlotte Ivanovna... I'm just in love...

Charlotte. In love? (Shrugs shoulders.) Can you love? Guter Mensch, aber schlechter Musikant.

Trofimov (pats Pishchik on the shoulder). You are such a horse...

Charlotte. Please pay attention, one more trick. (Takes a blanket from the chair.) Here is a very good blanket, I want to sell... (Shakes.) Does anyone want to buy?

Pischik (surprised). Just think!

Charlotte. Ein, zwei, drei! (Quickly picks up the lowered blanket.)

Anya stands behind the blanket; she curtsies, runs to her mother, hugs her and runs back into the hall with general delight.

Lyubov Andreevna (applauds). Bravo, bravo!..

Charlotte. Now more! Ein, zwei, drei!

Raises the blanket; Varya stands behind the blanket and bows.

Pischik (surprised). Just think!

Charlotte. End! (Throws the blanket on Pishchik, curtsies and runs into the hall.)

Pischik (hurries after her). The villain... what? What? (Leaves.)

Lyubov Andreevna. But Leonid is still missing. I don’t understand what he’s been doing in the city for so long! After all, everything is already over there, the estate has been sold or the auction did not take place, why keep it in the dark for so long!

Varya (trying to console her). Uncle bought it, I'm sure of it.

Trofimov (mockingly). Yes.

Varya . The grandmother sent him a power of attorney so that he could buy in her name with the transfer of the debt. This is her for Anya. And I’m sure God will help, my uncle will buy it.

Lyubov Andreevna. The Yaroslavl grandmother sent fifteen thousand to buy the estate in her name - she doesn’t believe us - and this money would not even be enough to pay the interest. (Covers his face with his hands.) Today my fate is being decided, fate...

Trofimov (teases Varya). Madame Lopakhina!

Varya (angrily). Eternal student! I have already been fired from the university twice.

Lyubov Andreevna. Why are you angry, Varya? He teases you about Lopakhin, so what? If you want, marry Lopakhin, he is a good, interesting person. If you don't want to, don't go out; no one is forcing you, darling...

Varya . I look at this matter seriously, Mommy, we must speak directly. He's a good person, I like him.

Lyubov Andreevna. And come out. What to expect, I don’t understand!

Varya . Mommy, I can’t propose to him myself. For two years now, everyone has been telling me about him, everyone is talking, but he is either silent or joking. I understand. He is getting rich, busy with business, he has no time for me. If I had money, even a little, even a hundred rubles, I would have given up everything and gone away. I would go to a monastery.

Trofimov. Splendor!

Varya (To Trofimov). A student needs to be smart! (In a soft tone, with tears.) How ugly you have become, Petya, how old you have become! (To Lyubov Andreevna, no longer crying.) But I can’t do nothing, Mommy. I need to do something every minute.

Yasha enters.

Yasha (barely holding back laughter). Epikhodov broke his billiard cue!.. (Leaves.)

Varya . Why is Epikhodov here? Who allowed him to play billiards? I don't understand these people... (Leaves.)

Lyubov Andreevna. Don’t tease her, Petya, you see, she’s already in grief.

Trofimov. She is very diligent, she meddles in things that don’t belong to her. All summer she haunted neither me nor Anya, she was afraid that our romance would not work out. What does she care? And besides, I didn’t show it, I’m so far from vulgarity. We are above love!

Lyubov Andreevna. But I must be below love. (Great anxiety.) Why is there no Leonid? Just to know: was the estate sold or not? The misfortune seems so incredible to me that I somehow don’t even know what to think, I’m at a loss... I could scream now... I could do something stupid. Save me, Petya. Say something, say something...

Trofimov. Whether the estate is sold or not sold today - does it matter? It has long been finished, there is no turning back, the path is overgrown. Calm down, darling. There is no need to deceive yourself, you need to look the truth straight in the eyes at least once in your life.

Lyubov Andreevna. Which truth? You see where the truth is and where the untruth is, but I’ve definitely lost my sight, I don’t see anything. You boldly resolve all important issues, but tell me, my dear, is it because you are young, that you have not had time to suffer through any of your questions? You boldly look forward, and is it because you don’t see or expect anything terrible, since life is still hidden from your young eyes? You are bolder, more honest, deeper than us, but think about it, be generous even to the tip of your finger, spare me. After all, I was born here, my father and mother, my grandfather lived here, I love this house, I don’t understand my life without the cherry orchard, and if you really need to sell, then sell me along with the orchard... (Hugs Trofimov, kisses his forehead.) After all, my son drowned here... (Cries.) Have pity on me, good, kind man.

Trofimov. You know, I sympathize with all my heart.

Lyubov Andreevna. But we need to say it differently... (Takes out a handkerchief, a telegram falls to the floor.) My heart is heavy today, you can’t imagine. It’s noisy here, my soul trembles from every sound, I’m trembling all over, but I can’t go to my room, I’m scared alone in the silence. Don’t judge me, Petya... I love you like my own. I would gladly give Anya for you, I swear to you, but, my dear, I have to study, I have to finish the course. You do nothing, only fate throws you from place to place, it’s so strange... Isn’t it? Yes? And we need to do something with the beard so that it grows somehow... (Laughs.) You are funny!

Trofimov (picks up the telegram). I don't want to be handsome.

Lyubov Andreevna. This is a telegram from Paris. I receive it every day. Both yesterday and today. This wild man is sick again, things are not good with him again... He asks for forgiveness, begs to come, and I really should go to Paris, stay near him. You, Petya, have a stern face, but what can I do, my dear, what can I do, he is sick, he is lonely, unhappy, and who will look after him, who will keep him from making mistakes, who will give him medicine on time? And what is there to hide or remain silent about, I love him, that’s clear. I love, I love... This is a stone on my neck, I am going to the bottom with it, but I love this stone and cannot live without it. (Shakes Trofimov’s hand.) Don’t think badly, Petya, don’t tell me anything, don’t say...

Trofimov (through tears). Forgive me for my frankness for God's sake: after all, he robbed you!

Lyubov Andreevna. No, no, no, don't say that... (Closes ears.)

Trofimov. After all, he is a scoundrel, only you don’t know it! He is a petty scoundrel, a nonentity...

Lyubov Andreevna (angry, but restrained). You are twenty-six or twenty-seven years old, and you are still a second-grade high school student!

Trofimov. Let be!

Lyubov Andreevna. You have to be a man, at your age you have to understand those who love. And you have to love yourself... you have to fall in love! (Angrily.) Yes Yes! And you have no cleanliness, and you are just a clean person, a funny eccentric, a freak...

Trofimov (horrified). What does she say!

Lyubov Andreevna. “I am above love!” You are not above love, but simply, as our Firs says, you are a klutz. At your age, not to have a mistress!..

Trofimov (horrified). It's horrible! What does she say?! (He walks quickly into the hall, grabbing his head.) This is terrible... I can’t, I’ll leave... (He leaves, but returns immediately.) It's all over between us! (He goes into the hall.)

Lyubov Andreevna (shouts after). Petya, wait! Funny man, I was joking! Peter!

You can hear someone in the hallway walking quickly up the stairs and suddenly falling down with a roar. Anya and Varya scream, but laughter is immediately heard.

What is there?

Anya runs in.

Anya (laughing). Petya fell down the stairs! (Runs away.)

Lyubov Andreevna. What an eccentric this Petya is...

The station chief stops in the middle of the hall and reads “The Sinner” by A. Tolstoy. They listen to him, but as soon as he has read a few lines, the sounds of a waltz are heard from the hall, and the reading is interrupted. Everyone is dancing. Trofimov, Anya, Varya and Lyubov Andreevna.

Well, Petya... well, pure soul... I ask for forgiveness... Let's go dance... (Dances with Petya.)

Anya and Varya are dancing.

Firs enters and places his stick near the side door. Yasha also came in from the living room and watched the dancing.

Yasha. What, grandpa?

Firs. Not feeling well. Previously, generals, barons, and admirals danced at our balls, but now we send for the postal official and the station master, and even they are not willing to go. I've somehow weakened. The late master, grandfather, used sealing wax for everyone, for all diseases. I have been taking sealing wax every day for twenty years, or even more; maybe I'm alive because of it.

Yasha. I'm tired of you, grandpa. (Yawns.) I wish you would die soon.

Firs. Eh... you klutz! (Mumbling.)

Trofimov and Lyubov Andreevna dance in the hall, then in the living room.

Lyubov Andreevna. Merci! I'll sit... (Sits down.) Tired.

Anya enters.

Anya (excitedly). And now in the kitchen some man was saying that the cherry orchard had already been sold today.

Lyubov Andreevna. Sold to whom?

Anya. Didn't say to whom. Gone. (Dances with Trofimov, both go into the hall.)

Yasha. It was some old man there chatting. Stranger.

Firs. But Leonid Andreich is not there yet, he hasn’t arrived. The coat he’s wearing is light, it’s mid-season, he’s about to catch a cold. Eh, young and green.

Lyubov Andreevna. I'll die now. Come, Yasha, find out who it was sold to.

Yasha. Yes, he left a long time ago, old man. (Laughs.)

Lyubov Andreevna (with slight annoyance). Well, why are you laughing? What are you happy about?

Yasha. Epikhodov is very funny. Empty man. Twenty-two misfortunes.

Lyubov Andreevna. Firs, if the estate is sold, where will you go?

Firs. Wherever you order, I will go there.

Lyubov Andreevna. Why is your face like that? Are you unwell? You should go to bed, you know...

Firs. Yes… (With a grin.) I’ll go to bed, but without me, who will serve, who will give orders? One for the whole house.

Yasha (To Lyubov Andreevna). Lyubov Andreevna! Let me ask you a request, be so kind! If you go to Paris again, then take me with you, do me a favor. It’s absolutely impossible for me to stay here. (Looking around, in a low voice.) What can I say, you see for yourself, the country is uneducated, the people are immoral, and, moreover, boredom, the food in the kitchen is disgraceful, and here is this Firs walking around muttering various inappropriate words. Take me with you, please!

Pishchik enters.

Pischik. Let me ask you... for a waltz, my most beautiful... (Lyubov Andreevna goes with him.) Charming, after all, I’ll take one hundred and eighty rubles from you... I’ll take it... (Dances.) One hundred and eighty rubles...

We went into the hall.

Yasha (sings quietly). “Will you understand the excitement of my soul...”

In the hall, a figure in a gray top hat and checkered trousers waves his arms and jumps; shouts: “Bravo, Charlotte Ivanovna!”

Dunyasha (stopped to powder herself). The young lady tells me to dance - there are many gentlemen, but few ladies - and my head is spinning from dancing, my heart is beating, Firs Nikolaevich, and now the official from the post office told me something that took my breath away.

The music stops.

Firs. What did he tell you?

Dunyasha. You, he says, are like a flower.

Yasha (yawns). Ignorance… (Leaves.)

Dunyasha. Like a flower... I’m such a delicate girl, I really love gentle words.

Firs. You'll get spun.

Epikhodov enters.

Epikhodov. You, Avdotya Feodorovna, don’t want to see me... as if I were some kind of insect. (Sighs.) Oh, life!

Dunyasha. What do you want?

Epikhodov. Sure, you may be right. (Sighs.) But, of course, if you look at it from the point of view, then you, if I may put it this way, excuse the frankness, have completely brought me into a state of mind. I know my fortune, every day some misfortune happens to me, and I have long been accustomed to this, so I look at my fate with a smile. You gave me your word, and although I...

Dunyasha. Please, we'll talk later, but now leave me alone. Now I'm dreaming. (Plays with a fan.)

Epikhodov. I have misfortune every day, and I, if I may put it this way, only smile, even laugh.

Varya enters from the hall.

Varya . Are you still there, Semyon? What a disrespectful person you really are. (Dunyasha.) Get out of here, Dunyasha. (To Epikhodov.) Either you're playing billiards and your cue is broken, or you're walking around the living room like a guest.

Epikhodov. Let me express it to you, you cannot exact it from me.

Varya . I'm not demanding from you, but I'm telling you. All you know is that you are walking from place to place, but not doing anything. We keep a clerk, but we don’t know why.

Epikhodov (offended). Whether I work, walk, eat, play billiards, only people who understand and are older can talk about that.

Varya . You dare tell me this! (Flashing out.) Do you dare? So I don't understand anything? Get out of here! This minute!

Epikhodov (cowardly). I ask you to express yourself in a sensitive way.

Varya (losing my temper). Get out of here this minute! Out!

He goes to the door, she follows him.

Twenty-two misfortunes! So that your spirit is not here! So that my eyes don’t see you!

Epikhodov came out, his voice outside the door: “I will complain about you.”

Oh, are you going back? (Grabs a stick placed near the door by Firs.) Go... Go... Go, I'll show you... Oh, are you coming? Are you coming? So here it is for you... (Swings.)

At this time Lopakhin enters.

Lopakhin. Thank you most humbly.

Varya (angry and mocking). Guilty!

Lopakhin. Nothing, sir. I humbly thank you for the pleasant treat.

Varya . Do not mention it. (He walks away, then looks around and asks softly.) Did I hurt you?

Lopakhin. There is nothing. The bump, however, will jump up huge.

Pischik. By sight, by hearing... (Kisses Lopakhin.) You smell of cognac, my dear, my soul. And we're having fun here too.

Included Lyubov Andreevna.

Lyubov Andreevna. Is it you, Ermolai Alekseich? Why so long? Where is Leonid?

Lopakhin. Leonid Andreich came with me, he’s coming...

Lyubov Andreevna (worried). Well? Was there any bidding? Speak up!

Lopakhin (embarrassed, afraid to discover his joy). The auction ended at four o'clock... We were late for the train, we had to wait until half past nine. (Sighing heavily.) Ugh! I'm feeling a little dizzy...

Gaev enters; He has his purchases in his right hand, and with his left he wipes away tears.

Lyubov Andreevna. Lenya, what? Lenya, well? (Impatiently, with tears.) Hurry, for God's sake...

Gaev (doesn’t answer her, just waves his hand; Firs, crying). Take this... There are anchovies, Kerch herrings... I haven’t eaten anything today... I’ve suffered so much!

The door to the billiard room is open; the sound of balls and Yasha’s voice are heard: “Seven and eighteen!” Gaev’s expression changes, he no longer cries.

I'm terribly tired. Let me, Firs, change my clothes. (He goes home through the hall, followed by Firs.)

Pischik. What's up for auction? Tell me!

Lyubov Andreevna. Is the cherry orchard sold?

Lopakhin. Sold.

Lyubov Andreevna. Who bought it?

Lopakhin. I bought.

Lyubov Andreevna is depressed; she would have fallen if she had not been standing near the chair and table. Varya takes the keys from her belt, throws them on the floor in the middle of the living room, and leaves.

I bought! Wait, gentlemen, do me a favor, my head is clouded, I can’t speak... (Laughs.) We came to the auction, Deriganov was already there. Leonid Andreich had only fifteen thousand, and Deriganov immediately gave thirty thousand on top of the debt. I see this is the case, I tackled him and gave him forty. He's forty-five. I'm fifty-five. That means he adds five, I add ten... Well, it’s over. I gave ninety over and above my debt; that was left to me. The cherry orchard is now mine! My! (Laughs.) My God, my God, my cherry orchard! Tell me that I’m drunk, out of my mind, that I’m imagining all this... (Stamps his feet.) Don't laugh at me! If only my father and grandfather would get out of their graves and look at the whole incident, like their Ermolai, the beaten, illiterate Ermolai, who ran barefoot in the winter, how this same Ermolai bought an estate, the most beautiful of which there is nothing in the world. I bought an estate where my grandfather and father were slaves, where they were not even allowed into the kitchen. I’m dreaming, I’m only imagining this, it’s only seeming... This is a figment of your imagination, covered in the darkness of the unknown... (He picks up the keys, smiling affectionately.) She threw away the keys, she wants to show that she is no longer the mistress here... (Ringles keys.) Well, it doesn't matter.

You can hear the orchestra tuning up.

Hey musicians, play, I want to listen to you! Come and watch how Ermolai Lopakhin takes an ax to the cherry orchard and how the trees fall to the ground! We will set up dachas, and our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will see a new life here... Music, play!

Music is playing, Lyubov Andreevna sank into a chair and is crying bitterly.

(Reproachfully.) Why, why didn’t you listen to me? My poor, good one, you won’t get it back now. (With tears.) Oh, if only all this would pass, if only our awkward, unhappy life would somehow change.

Pischik (takes him by the arm, in a low voice). She's crying. Let's go to the hall, let her be alone... Let's go... (Takes him by the arm and leads him into the hall.)

Lopakhin. What is it? Music, play clearly! Let everything be as I wish! (With irony.) A new landowner is coming, the owner of the cherry orchard! (I accidentally pushed the table and almost knocked over the candelabra.) I can pay for everything! (Leaves with Pishchik.)

There is no one in the hall and living room except Lyubov Andreevna, who is sitting, cowering all over and crying bitterly. Music plays quietly. Anya and Trofimov quickly enter. Anya approaches her mother and kneels in front of her. Trofimov remains at the entrance to the hall.

Anya. Mom!.. Mom, are you crying? My dear, kind, good mother, my beautiful, I love you... I bless you. The cherry orchard has been sold, it’s no longer there, it’s true, it’s true, but don’t cry, mom, you still have a life ahead of you, your good, pure soul remains... Come with me, let’s go, dear, from here, let’s go!.. We’ll plant a new orchard , more luxurious than this, you will see him, you will understand, and joy, quiet, deep joy will descend on your soul, like the sun in the evening hour, and you will smile, mom! Let's go, honey! Let's go to!..

Petya: Yes, I’m a shabby gentleman...

Im free person.

A.P. Chekhov. The Cherry Orchard

Students have always been the leading part of society. Because, firstly, these are young people, full of strength, confidence in their rightness and in the possibility of transformation. Secondly, these are studying youth, that is, people who are destined to daily expand their knowledge and come into contact with new things in science, philosophy, and art. All this makes a person think, decide something, constantly move forward and fight against the obsolete and outdated. It is not without reason that students are quite widely represented in Russian literature. This is the nihilist Bazarov, who denied art, love, beauty - “emotion” and believed only in science - “ration”. These are Chernyshevsky’s “new” and “special” people: “reasonable” egoists Lopukhov, Kirsanov, Rakhmetov. This is the conscientious murderer Rodion Raskolnikov, who created his monstrous theory, as if he really responded to Herzen’s call: “Call Rus' to the axe.”

All of them are representatives of the revolutionary democratic youth of the late 50s - mid 60s. Pyotr Sergeevich Trofimov is a representative of the student body of the early 20th century. A young man in a “worn uniform, glasses,” an “eternal student,” as Varya calls him. Twice he was expelled from the university - hardly for academic debt, but rather for participation in some revolutionary circle, for propaganda activities or participation in student demonstrations. “I’m not yet thirty, I’m young, I’m still a student, but I’ve already endured so much!.. wherever fate has driven me, wherever I’ve been!” Almost all of Petya’s life remained “behind the scenes”; apparently, due to censorship reasons, Chekhov could not say much. But there is a lot of what has been written about to judge Petya’s views, opinions, and his activities. Petya is by no means a liberal idle talker, but a man of action (although we do not directly see this in the play), advocating for radical changes. Unlike Ranevskaya, Gaev and others, he knows why he lives and what he will do.

“I must be an eternal student,” says Trofimov. And this means not only that he will be expelled from the university more than once. This means that he will still have a lot to learn. This means that “student” is a kind of title for him, personifying everything that is young, progressive and struggling.

But Ranevskaya is living out the present. She has no future. Together with the garden, she loses the last thing that connects her with the past, the best part of her life. She has no prospects. The only thing that remains for her is to ask Petya: “Have pity on me, good, kind man,” and Trofimov takes pity on this sweet, weak-willed woman who has lost her son, lost her property, and loves, in general, an insignificant person. Petya sympathizes with her, which does not prevent him from telling Ranevskaya: “... there is no turning back, the path is overgrown. Calm down, dear!”

Petya's relationships with other characters are interesting. Petya is smart, understanding, sensitive to the soul of another person, always able to give an accurate assessment of events and people. He gives an apt description of Lopakhin: “... you are a rich man, you will soon be a millionaire. Just as in the sense of metabolism you need a predatory beast that eats everything that comes in its way, so you are needed.”

When leaving, he advises Lopakhin to give up the habit of waving his arms. Only he feels the subtle, gentle soul of the merchant falling asleep over a book, notices his fingers, as tender as those of an artist. Petya comes to Ranevskaya’s estate because of Anya. He lives in a bathhouse, afraid to embarrass the owners. Only deep affection for the girl makes him be here. Otherwise, what could he have in common with the owners of the estate put up for auction? However, Petya claims that they are “above love”, he is angry with Varya, who is watching them: “What does she care? And besides, I didn’t show it, I’m so far from vulgarity.” What is this paradox? No, of course not. In his remarks, he tries to express his protest against love as the personification of “petty,” “ghostly,” “vulgar” feelings and his conviction that a person who has taken the path of struggle must renounce personal happiness (this is already something Bazarovsky).

But still, this is just a touch of youthful maximalism and naivety. And Petya’s feelings are much stronger and deeper than he is trying to prove to himself.

Petya's influence on Anya is undeniable. It is interesting that in conversations with Anya some lecturer notes emerge (probably, he still often had to engage in lecturing activities). It is interesting that Petya is often called a “funny person”, “funny eccentric”, “klutz”. Why? It seems to me that Ranevskaya sometimes, fearing Trofimov’s judgments, seeing that he is right and trying to somehow defend himself, calls him ridiculous, since she simply has no other arguments for the argument. (Here we can somewhere draw an analogy with Chatsky, who was declared crazy from fear that he was right, from powerlessness to resist him.) On the other hand, in order not to make Petya too dry, a correct person, Chekhov may have specifically emphasized his certain naivety , angularity. Or maybe for censorship reasons, so as not to make him a central figure. After all, he and Anya are a living bridge between the past and the future. He is the personification of this incomprehensible future, unknown to him or its author, purified from exploitation and purified by suffering and labor. Off stage, he is apparently not so lonely if he uses “we” instead of “I”. He believes in his star and in the star of his Russia: “Forward! We are moving uncontrollably towards the bright star that burns there in the distance! Forward! Don’t lag behind, friends!” He lives not so much with a real faith in the future as with a dream. And a “beautiful dream” is always unclear. Especially in Russia.