In which match the referee removed himself. Well well! In England, the referee sent himself off the field. funny episodes when the judges were the center of attention

Alien from the homeland of Pinocchio

Who do the fans of both teams on the field hate? Who are these outcasts who stand out like poisonous insects on football pitches? Of course, the referees are people in black sweatshirts reminiscent of convict uniforms. However, the cries of “Fuck the judge!” addressed to them have long been outdated. Nowadays, much more open swearing often comes from the stands, backed up by a hail of lighters and plastic bottles. It is necessary to be mentally well prepared for the flow of insults. There is a known case when in English Northern League referee Russell Tiffin was subjected to abuse, including the honor of his family who were present at the match. Unable to tolerate the rudeness, Tiffin burst into tears. He became completely hysterical. Unable to hold back his tears, the referee stopped the game and took the teams to the locker room. However, showdowns between fans and players and referees sometimes take on much more criminal shades.

In Germany, in the city of Viernheim, a match took place amateur teams. The meeting proceeded calmly, and suddenly an angry man jumped onto the field. He headed straight towards the referee and struck several times with his fists. The referee was hospitalized, and his offender was thrown into jail. The investigation found out that in the past the hooligan was a football player and 10 years ago (!) he was sent off the field by this same referee. Naturally, the latter had long forgotten about an ordinary episode in his practice. But his opponent’s resentment tormented his soul for a long time until it finally burst out.

If such passions are seething in calm Germany, then should we be surprised at the “exploits” of people with a hot southern temperament? In Uruguay, the referee was killed right on the field. There was a match between football teams the town of Las Piedras, near Montevideo. When one player was sent off the field, angry fans rushed onto the turf with war cries. The judge was hit on the back of the head with a piece of iron reinforcement. Death came instantly. And the killer mixed with the crowd and fled the crime scene.

However, judges do not always play the role of innocent and harmless sheep, waiting for the wrath of the torsida to fall on them. Chile. National championship among first division teams "Audax Italiano" - "Deportes Temuco". In the 89th minute of the match, the main referee of the match, Francisco Caamaño, awarded a penalty to the Audax goal. Immediately he was surrounded by the players of the team that had committed the penalty and began to violently show their dissatisfaction. The red card only heightened passions. Seeing that players couldn't be sent off, Caamaño suddenly lost control of himself and hit the Audax striker closest to him with his knee in the groin area. The football player fell, writhing in pain. And, getting up a few minutes later, he received a red card for simulation. After the end of the match, the referee said: “It was just a normal reaction of a person defending himself. And, in general, he was the first to step on my foot. And I was not aiming at his groin, but at his thigh.” Lied, scoundrel. A video review of the moment clearly showed that Caamaño was aiming at the place where it hurts most for men, and did not miss... The punishment for him was a disqualification for 50 matches.

Kaamanya's colleague from England, Melvin Sylvester, proved himself to be a much more noble gentleman. During the match, one of the players constantly pushed the referee in the back, and finally almost knocked him down. The enraged Sylvester could not restrain himself and struck three blows - all right in the jaw, sending the offender into a deep knockout. After that, he calmly took out a red card, presented it to himself and, to the cheers of the amused stands, voluntarily left the field.

The most unimaginable incident occurred during the South African championship. It turned out that the referee, going to judge football matches in this African country, are arming themselves firearms! And for good reason. A few minutes before the end of one of the championship matches, Valabies striker Isaac Mkhweta decided to protest a goal scored by his opponents from an offside position. Taking a cleaver as an argument, he rushed at referee Lebogang Mokgethi. The judge did not wait for his guts to be blown out, he pulled out a pistol and sent the violent forward to the ground with three well-aimed shots. better world.

Perhaps only the Italian Pier Luigi Collina - bald, with a head like a testicle - can feel calm. Indeed, just the furious grimace on his humanoid alien face can make any football player stutter. Fans don’t risk messing with him either. But women have a different opinion. According to a survey conducted among ladies, Collina was recognized as the sexiest referee in the last four years. Hmmm... However, these are Italian women, and in Pinocchio’s homeland this didn’t happen.

Ivan Siluyanov
"Independent Review"

French futsal player Ali Bedredin was prompted to turn 91 remember the ridiculous disqualifications in the history of sports and create a kind of Top 5 curious disqualifications and their reasons.

After all, punishments are usually quite fair, but the reasons that led to them often evoke a variety of emotions - a smile, bewilderment, and sometimes sadness.

1. Rodolfo Garcia (football, Argentina)

In 2008, Argentine footballer Rodolfo Garcia, playing for the Ecuadorian club Espoli, was disqualified for striptease on the field. It all started when, during one of the matches, the football player ignored the referee’s request to tuck in his T-shirt, after which the referee showed him a red card. Garcia's reaction was very peculiar - he lowered his shorts and showed the referee and the crowd of thousands who had gathered at the stadium his masculine pride.

2. Andy Wayne, Melvin Sylvester (football, England)

There are perhaps two unique cases in football (and in sports in general) when referees sent themselves off the field. These mega-fair referees are the Englishmen Andy Wayne and Melvin Sylvester. Both at different times officiated matches in one of the lower English leagues.

In Wayne's case, the goalkeeper, who disagreed with the referee's decision to score a goal, got into an argument with him. Wayne supported the heated discussion, threw his whistle onto the field and began to prove his case to the goalkeeper using profanity.

Wayne then showed himself a red card and stopped the match. The referee explained his action after the game as follows: “My actions were absolutely unprofessional. If a football player had done this, I would have kicked him off the field, but since I did it, I had to leave.”

Sylvester did a similar thing. After a series of attacks on him by the footballer, the referee hit him in the face three times and then left the field, showing himself a red card. Unlike the first case, here the match continued - one of the fans played the role of referee.

Sylvester was fined “as much” as 20 pounds and disqualified for a month and a half. By the way, the judge was still indignant that he was punished so harshly.

3. Dzakhon Kurbanov (boxing, Tajikistan)

Tajik boxer Dzakhon Kurbanov received a disqualification for what during the fight? final at the Beijing Olympics, he bit his opponent from Kazakhstan, Erkebulan Shinaliev, on the shoulder.

Perhaps the Tajik was prompted to such a “feat” by the fact that he was watching his fight from the stands Evander Holyfield, who at one time became a victim of another “cannibal boxer” Mike Tyson. "Iron Mike", who forgot, bit off Holyfield's earlobe.

4. Sven Kramer (speed skating, Holland)

The Winter Olympics in Vancouver were rich in “emergency” situations. Therefore, it is not surprising that she immediately left a double mark on our rating.

Thus, the Dutch speed skater Sven Kramer is already in the rank Olympic champion Vancouver at a distance of 5 thousand meters, he was preparing to repeat his success at twice the distance. But an absurd mistake left him not only without a second “gold”, but even led to disqualification.

The fact is that during the race, Kramer mixed up the tracks 8 laps before the finish, thereby breaking the rules, and was disqualified. The Dutchman found out about her only when he finished, showing best time among all athletes.

Although this is a mistake not so much of the athlete as of his coach, because it was he who shouted at Kramer to turn onto the wrong path.

5. Leonid Kornienko (biathlon, Belarus)

A similar situation occurred at the same Olympics in Vancouver with Belarusian biathlete Leonid Kornienko during the relay. He ran in the last stage and confidently took 2nd place, but at the decisive moment for some reason he did not go along the outer finishing circle, but turned into the inner one, where the baton was passed to him.

The Belarusian realized his mistake too late and grabbed his head. But it didn't help Belarusian team from disqualification.

Football referees

And you will be judged

6 funny episodes when the judges found themselves in the spotlight

Being a football referee is an extremely difficult task. It is believed that a good judge is a judge who is never seen. And if all the spectators begin to look not at the football players, but at the “man in black,” apparently, things smell like kerosene. the site recalled several funny episodes when referees found themselves in the center of everyone's attention.

Deleted himself

As surprising as it may sound, there are two known cases where referees showed a red card to themselves. The first was Andy Wayne, who refereed the match between Peterborough North End and Royal Mail. The first ran up to the goalkeeper after another of his protests, but stopped in time and decided to remove himself so as not to bring the matter to assault. But his colleague, another hot Briton Melvin Sylvester, could not restrain himself at the Southampton Arms - Hurstbourne Tarrant British Legion match. After one of the players pushed him to the ground, Melvin first knocked out the player, and then sent himself to the locker room.

Good referee

A funny story related to refereeing happened with midfielder Roman Zobnin, who plays for Dynamo Moscow, which is supported by VTB Bank. “It was back in Togliatti, when I played for the local Academy,” says Roman. - Along with the youth, graduates of the Konoplev Academy, we had the experienced Dmitry Godunok, who is known in Russia for his performances for FC Moscow, playing in our lineup. So, Dima had a knee injury, and besides, he was on the card: one more mustard plaster and he would miss the next game. The team decided this: let him get yellow card during the game, he will be replaced, and during the disqualification Dima will have time to receive treatment. It turns out that we’ll kill two birds with one stone.”

“The little one did everything correctly,” Zobnin grins. - He went off the field and then appeared without the permission of the main referee. According to the rules, this is a confident yellow. One of the players had already gone to warm up to replace Godunk. But the referee was silent. Then Dima began to cover him with a three-story mat so that if I were the judge, I would have removed him altogether. And that one - zero reaction! In general, Godunok played the whole half with a bad knee. And only in the room under the stands he finally “agreed”, and they slapped him with the long-awaited “mustard plaster”. This was probably the kindest judge in my entire career.”

Escape to a wedding

The referees in Germany are much more principled and tougher. A somewhat similar incident occurred there in the late 1970s. The famous German football player Hansi Müller, who was distinguished by his exceptional correctness, in one of the matches, unexpectedly for the fans and all the players, got into an altercation with the referee. The referee was not known for his loyalty and, despite the reputation of the offender, slapped him with a red card. And only later it became clear that Muller did this deliberately, since the club management refused to give him leave. And he had good reasons for his vacation: he had to attend... his own wedding. What won't you do for the bride?


The opposite happens in football much more often. Usually you don’t have to ask the referee for a card for a long time: they often want to indicate that they are getting their bread for a reason. Take one of the Mexican league matches from the late 1970s. A certain referee Gonzalez made history by showing 26 (!) red cards in the match, given that only 22 people can be on the field at a time. After several players were sent off for rough play, both teams rushed to find out who was right. And when the debate turned into a general brawl, everyone who was on the field had to be removed. And the coaches who joined the fight were not excluded: they were removed along with the players.

Scorer referee

If in South America everyone is accustomed to aggression in football, then Spain is famous for its beauty and technique. And referees are no exception here. An interesting incident occurred in the mid-60s in a match between two Spanish teams - Rione and La Catina. Soon after the start of the match, the ball bounced off the referee's foot and ended up in the hosts' net. The referee, despite the protests of the spectators and players, counted the goal. Time passed, the hosts were unable to recoup, which is why the situation in the stands and on the field gradually became tense. The referee was feverishly thinking about plans to save the raging fans from reprisals... and suddenly, three minutes before the end of the game, the ball hits him in the head and a moment later ends up in the guests' goal. The referee-scorer and the real hero of the meeting was carried off the field in a state of shock by the players of both teams.

Undress on the field

If you think that funny episodes with judges are a thing of the past or, at worst, happen somewhere far away: here is a case from our reality. In the Russian Premier League match “Dynamo” - “Amkar” in May 2005, the match referee Vladimir Pettai forced the visiting footballer Andrei Kobenko, who came on as a substitute at the very end... to take off his underwear in front of the entire stadium! But it was just a matter of color: according to the rules, the underpants under the playing shorts must match the uniform in color, but the Permian’s ones turned out to be black, not white. Kobenko was then very worried that someone had filmed him. But everything seemed to work out.

Foggy Albion

Few people remember friendly match between Arsenal London and Dynamo Moscow at Wine Hart Lane in the British capital in the winter of 1945. And those who suddenly saw this spectacle on archival films will remember that there was such fog on the field that the players could not see, not only the ball, but also their teammates. The players tried to protest, but the referee decided to continue the match in the hope that the fog would clear. As a result, the meeting participants several times mistook referee Nikolai Latyshev for their player, addressing several passes to him. In order not to introduce confusion into the game, during the break the Soviet referee changed his dark uniform to a light one. The fog was such that the injured goalkeeper of the English team could only be found by his screams.

And in general - a real torment for football players and referees. The field and stands are often shrouded in a thick veil of fog. After one of these games, which ended with a score of 3:3, the famous striker George Odts laughed: “I definitely remember that I scored five goals, but I don’t know which goal.” At the end of this game, the referee found that each team had 18 players. In principle, it would be possible to update the record on red cards. But who would see them?

Well well! In England, the referee sent himself off the field

What kind of incidents happen on football fields Europe! In England, in a match between amateur teams Peterborough North End and Royal Mail, chief referee Andy Wayne pounced on the home goalkeeper and hit him in the eye, after which he showed himself a red card, threw his whistle and left the field.


What kind of incidents happen on the football fields of Europe! In England, in a match between amateur teams Peterborough North End and Royal Mail, chief referee Andy Wayne pounced on the home goalkeeper and hit him in the eye, after which he showed himself a red card, threw his whistle and left the field.

Wayne chose an original way to attract attention. It's hard to say whether it was on purpose or not. But the fact is that the judge could not cope with his nerves. Why did he hit the Peterborough goalkeeper? Just for the phrase thrown at him: “You don’t change, judge. Never whistle in our favor!”

Having punched the player in the eye in response, the heated Wayne realized that he was unlikely to be able to finish the game, although it was only the 63rd minute of the match. The 39-year-old referee showed himself a red card, threw his whistle to the ground in frustration and silently left the field. Wayne later explained his action this way: “I realized that I was wrong. It was completely unprofessional. If a football player did this, I would kick him off the field. And since I did it, I had to leave.”

- The first thing that comes to my mind is that the judge is not all right mentally. Clowning, some kind of posturing! I can't find any other words. Even if you do not take into account the episode of assault, you cannot leave the field after making a mistake in the game. If, nevertheless, a serious mistake occurs, then you can get out of such a situation with dignity. First, reverse your decision before resuming play. Secondly, if nothing can be corrected, you must have a conscience and approach the players and officials at the end of the match and apologize. You need to be a patriot of your business! How can you leave if the football players and fans came to play? It may be an amateur level, but the result must also be entered into the protocol! As the FIFA President once said Joao Havelange: “The beauty of football is the refereeing mistakes.”

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This curious incident took place during a match between amateur clubs Petersborough North End and Royal Mail.

In the 63rd minute of the game, the Royal Mail players scored a goal, taking the lead. Petersburg goalkeeper Richard McGuffin, considering that the goal was scored in violation of the rules, reported this to the referee.

Referee Andy Wayne, whose main occupation is driving trailers, suddenly threw his whistle onto the field and got into a heated argument with the goalkeeper, using profuse language. Then, as if having come to his senses, Wayne apparently considered himself guilty of the incident and applied the appropriate sanctions - he showed himself a red card, declared the game over and left the field.

“I heard the goalkeeper say: “You don’t change, referee, you never whistle in our favor.” That was the last straw, but, thank God, I realized that I was wrong,” said the 39-year-old captain. “My actions "They were completely unprofessional. If a football player had done this, I would have kicked him off the field. And since I did it, I had to leave."

The Football Association has promised to carefully study this incident, but the referee himself justifies his failure by the series of misfortunes that befell him and his family.