Installing a ladder to the pool with your own hands. Ladder for the pool: useful information for everyone (27 photos). Work methodology

Every pool needs a ladder. Frame or stationary. Even in an inflatable one: not everyone can or wants to fall over the side. If the height is small and you can easily step over it, you can do without this accessory, but there are few such small bowls. If the height is 70 cm or higher, it will be difficult to get in and out. Therefore, in this case too, we select a suitable staircase

Stairs are available for stationary or frame pools. They differ constructively.

For frames and inflatable pools

Stairs to a frame or inflatable pool have steps on both sides

Portable models with steps on both sides are placed in the frame pool. The number of steps and their width may vary - they are installed at different pitches. Choose based on the height of the swimmers. If you have children, you need to take small steps so that they feel comfortable and safe. If there are no children, the steps can be installed at a considerable distance: it is more convenient for adults to raise their legs a little higher than to mince.

Sometimes for frame and inflatable pools the steps on the stairs are made removable, made of reinforced plastic. Their surface is anti-slip. There are models with or without railings. From a safety standpoint, railings are preferable, but the cost of such modifications is greater. There are also models with or without an upper platform (with a platform is more convenient)

Some stairs have the ability to adjust the height, which is certainly convenient: the pool can be replaced after a few seasons, and you won’t have to buy a new accessory.

Racks can be made of aluminum or stainless steel. To protect the bottom, special plastic covers are put on them. There is also such a parameter as Weight Limit which they can withstand. So even choosing stairs for a frame or inflatable pool is not so easy.

For stationary bowls

For permanent concrete or brick pools, stairs are made of stainless steel. They differ in design - there are steps only on one side. The pitch of steps for the same depth may be different, choose the one that seems most suitable to you.

For some, the top edge is attached to the side of the pool, for others - to the floor overboard. But since the types of drainage provide for different designs of sides, the racks on the stairs are located at different distances. Widely spaced racks are used for overflow models, narrower ones for skimmer models. There are modifications that are attached directly to the wall. The bottom edge in any model is not fixed, but rests against the bottom or wall. To avoid damage to tiles or mosaics, rubber pads are installed on the lower posts.

Ladders for swimming pools differ in the method of fastening. There are options with embedded parts. They are installed during the construction of the bowl. They are secured more thoroughly and therefore have increased reliability. When installing models without embedded parts, you must use reliable fasteners and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

There are models of stairs with a simplified entrance to the pool - they have a slope, so they must be taken into account when planning. This is an excellent option for older people and children: a gentle descent requires less effort.

The material from which these accessories are made is polished stainless steel. But since it is slippery in water, plastic anti-slip pads are often put on the steps.

Pool handrails

To make it more convenient to go down or up, handrails are installed on the sides near the stairs. They are not always there: you can stick to the steps. But with such a device, swimming is safer and more comfortable.

Railings are always installed if the descent into the pool is made in the form of a Roman staircase and is an integral part of the bowl. They serve as support and guarantee safety. Sometimes they are installed around the perimeter, especially in deep pools: you can rest by holding them with your hands.

Handrails are necessary if the descent into the pool is made in the form of a Roman staircase, it’s a good idea to install them around the perimeter - you can rest by holding on with your hands

DIY pool ladder

The most common material for crafts in our country is wood. It is also used to make stairs for swimming pools. Working with wood with your own hands is not difficult even for a beginner: the designs are very simple.

Small wooden ladder-platform

The photo shows one of the attached models for a frame or inflatable pool. If necessary, it can be made higher.

First, draw a drawing on which you indicate the dimensions, and cut the workpieces according to them. All boards are treated with antifungal impregnation, drying oil or wax. Then you assemble it using self-tapping screws. It is better to drill holes for fasteners so that the wood is guaranteed not to split. For strength, everything is also held together with metal plates on the back side.

The pool ladder you assembled with your own hands is trimmed and processed with sandpaper. First with medium grain, then with fine grain. Then, if desired, you can cover it with stain, and then with varnish. It is better if it has water-repellent qualities (yacht varnishes).

Double-sided wooden staircase

There is a model of a double-sided wooden staircase. It’s also easy to make with your own hands. For side racks use a board 40*120 mm or 50*120 mm. For degrees, you can use pieces of the same board, or a little thinner, but the minimum is 30 mm. The upper platform can be made from the same boards, or a piece of thick waterproof plywood.

The main thing in this model is the side plates made of metal plates, which ensure rigidity and reliability of the structure. They can be cut from galvanized iron. Please note that the pads extend to the ends of the side posts and are also attached under the upper platform. To do this, the sheet is bent at an angle of 90° in the right places, then attached both to the face of the boards and to the ends. You can use screws or nails - whoever is used to working with what.

Pay quite a lot of attention to sealing the edges of the plate - they can be sharp. Either trim them with a file, or slightly turn them inward so that the edges rest against the wood.

The steps are attached through the stand, into the end of the block. They are secured at the bottom with metal corners. You can use pieces of wooden planks for fastening, but the appearance will then be somewhat worse.

To increase safety, handrails are attached to the sides of the drain. They are attached using metal strips, which prevent the slats from swaying and cracking under load.

To ensure that the ladder stands securely on any ground, stop strips are nailed at the bottom. They protrude beyond the edges of the side posts of the stairs, adding stability. They are fastened with nails right through to the end of the racks, then additionally with metal corners (two for each rack).

Since you will be holding the rungs and racks of the stairs with your hands, great attention must be paid to surface treatment. Carefully process with medium-grain sandpaper until the surface is smooth, without protruding corners. Then sand no less thoroughly with fine sandpaper.

The last stage is antifungal impregnation and application paint coating. You choose the impregnation taking into account the fact that the wood will be in conditions of high humidity. The best option— impregnation for baths and saunas: level protection, minimum harmful emissions.

Cover with stain as desired. Sove: do not use stains with varnish - they are difficult to apply to soft wood. And do-it-yourself pool ladders are made mainly from pine and spruce, which are soft. The finishing touch is most often the application of a layer of varnish. It is advisable to take these compounds with water-repellent properties. The most reliable ones are yacht ones. They resist the damaging effects of water for a long time, and the surface looks great.

Stairs made of brick and concrete

For those who are more comfortable with bricks, mortar and trowel, and have a brick-lined pool, a different type of staircase is suitable. Her photo is located below. These are three semicircles of decreasing diameters, located one above the other. Their top is tiled. The main thing is to choose non-slip tiles.

The same staircase can be made of concrete - you will need to fill the levels one by one. To make the process go faster, add a plasticizer to the solution to speed up setting.

A do-it-yourself ladder for a frame pool is an excellent option for solving the problem of improving your artificial pond. Armed with simple materials and available tools, you can create an interesting and reliable design that will become not only a safe attribute for the pool, but also a real decoration of the site.

And what only craftsmen are capable of. If you only have the desire, even the most unrealistic idea can be brought to life. Take a closer look, maybe in our selection of such fantasies that have already come true, you will find that same staircase to a frame pool that will captivate you.

Master class on creating a wooden staircase

Typically, ladders for outdoor pools are factory-made from aluminum or austenitic alloys. Products made from these materials are light, beautiful and easy to install. You won’t be able to work with them yourself without special equipment, and you need a special skill.

In the absence of such, you can turn your attention to wood. Anyone can work with it. It is an ideal option as a material for stairs. Below are instructions that describe in detail how to make such a simple and convenient staircase structure for frame pool.

We start, as always, with a drawing of the future staircase in order to accurately determine the amount of materials. Measure the height of the pool and calculate the parameters of the future design. The photo below shows our drawings with all dimensions.

Attention! If possible, you can design the stairs in a computer program.

Knowing all the dimensions, you can make simple calculations and purchase a certain footage of the base material.

Our design will require boards measuring 100x50 mm different lengths in quantity:

  • 2 pcs. 450 mm long;
  • 2 pcs. 1245 mm long;
  • 2 pcs. 1422 mm long;
  • 4 things. 1016 mm long;
  • 2 pcs. 1346 mm long.

Sawing boards 100x25 mm. − 13 pcs. 1194 mm long. You will also need 6 bars measuring 250x50 mm and length 1232 mm.

In addition to the main material, you need:

  • wood screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw for cutting;
  • wood grinder to remove roughness;
  • dye;
  • varnish

Attention! To make it more comfortable to walk along the steps, they can be lined with soft material, such as carpet. In this case, you will additionally need a furniture stapler with staples, and pieces of carpet the right size with an allowance of 5-7 cm on all sides for hems.

When all the materials have been collected and the boards have been cut to size, you can proceed directly to assembly, which will take no more than two hours.

The end result is a staircase that can be painted, varnished and used with pleasure.

Video in this article:

How to arrange a recreation area with stairs around a frame pool

For those who want more, and who are not attracted to simple stairs for prefabricated frame pools, we suggest considering our short photo report as a guide to action. Namely, transforming an ordinary frame pool into a luxurious recreation area.

To equip it, you also need to measure your pool from all sides and enter its dimensions on an impromptu drawing. Taking into account the area of ​​the site, we “build” a site on the drawing around the pool.

Don't forget about the dimensions. Using the resulting instructions, we will find out how much wood is needed. In addition to this, sheet insulation and consumables for assembling the structure are also needed.

  • Stage 1. We reliably insulate the pool from the outside.

  • Stage 2. We make a frame according to the drawing from timber. It is important that the supporting elements are located at a distance of approximately 30 cm from each other. We leave space for the ladder, which can be assembled according to the instructions presented above.

  • Stage 3. We cover the resulting frame with boards. Notice how this is done in the photo. The boards are staggered. This way the cladding is not only better quality, but also more interesting.

  • Stage 4. We enjoy the result!

Pool ladder in an hour from leftover plastic pipes

To make such a simple and convenient pool ladder, you don’t need any special materials. At the same time, the price for it will be a pittance, especially if you have leftovers lost in your bins plastic pipes and various fittings for them.

If the ladder for a frame pool with your own hands made of plastic pipes was a great success, then you can complete it with an interesting and simple stand for cocktails with a glass tabletop.

Having a large frame or stationary pool at your dacha, it would be a sin not to take care of the ease of use of it - at a minimum, you will need to purchase one or a pair of stairs for it. As an option, you can, of course, use a stepladder, but, as you understand, it will be much more practical to use a special design. This article will talk about it, or rather about how you can make a pool ladder yourself, in this article. Together with the site, we will analyze the site various options similar products and decide on the question, which one is best to make with your own hands?

Installation of stairs to the pool photo

Pool ladder: design features

The saying “a ladder is a ladder in Africa” does not quite apply here - products of this type, intended for use in swimming pools, are somewhat different from standard products of this type. Moreover, they may differ depending on what type of pool they are intended for. Let's look at this point in a little more detail, since it is this that will allow you to understand what you will have to face in the process. self-made similar products.

Unfortunately, there are no other design options for pool stairs - all other varieties are determined solely by the material from which they can be made. This is also worth talking about in more detail, since its service life and ability to withstand certain loads largely depend on the material.

About what a staircase looks like permanent pool, or rather one of its varieties, can be seen in this video.

What to make do-it-yourself pool ladders from

There are not very many materials from which pool ladders are made - one can say that there would be a lot to count the fingers of one hand. As a rule, it is either stainless steel, plastic or aluminum - the latter is used in rare cases, as it leaves black marks on human skin. You may ask why it is not possible to make a ladder from wood? The answer to this question is very simple - firstly, wood is lighter than water (it pushes it out); secondly, it rots, and after a couple of years such a staircase can be thrown into the dustbin of history. Let's take a closer look at these materials - you need to decide on the question of what to make a pool ladder from with your own hands?

In general, there are practically no options here - if you want to solve the problem of how to make a ladder for a pool with really high quality and for a long time, then nothing other than a stainless pipe will do. Oh yes, there is still aluminum, but this is practically the same option as with stainless steel. And also Roman stairs. As mentioned above, stationary stairs need to be made at the installation stage of a stationary pool. This product is not structurally complex - as a rule, it is cast from concrete using standard technology. After manufacturing, it is simply tiled, like the rest of the font bowl.

Manufacturing and installation of stainless steel stairs to the pool

In principle, the technology for making a ladder for a stainless steel pool is not so complicated - it could even be called simple, if not for a couple of points. Firstly, the handrails - they will need to be bent into a strong arc, so that after bending the second end of the pipe is parallel to the first. So to speak, it is impossible to bend it into a roll, which can be done without a pipe bender (considering that the diameter used for the pipe ladder is at least an inch and a quarter). There is only one way out - to use ready-made turns, and this means, at a minimum, additional welds that will need to be processed until they become invisible. Polishing stainless steel – the devil is not as scary as they make him out to be. In fact, this is a fairly simple process that can be solved using a grinder and a felt wheel with polishing paste (for example, GOI paste). In all other respects, if, of course, you feel confident in welding work, the process of making an iron ladder for a pool is not complicated and looks like this.

And the final stage of work is the direct installation of the stairs for the pool. It is attached using flanges. Two products of this type are installed on the bottom of the pool, and two on its side. After carefully adjusting the length of the ladder, it is simply inserted into the flanges and clamped with side screws into them.

In principle, this is not the only option for solving the question of how to make a pool ladder with your own hands? It should be understood that the configuration and dimensions of the stairs can be any, and in most cases they depend on the type and depth of the pool. According to the principle described above, a ladder for a frame country pool is made - with the only difference being that one of its edges rests on the bottom of the pool, and the other on the ground (on the other side of the side). Here you also need to take into account the fact that such a ladder will not be fixed (at least inside the pool), and its steps will be located on both sides - this is due to the fact that you need to climb into and out of a frame-type pool using the ladder.

A do-it-yourself ladder for a frame pool can be assembled from scrap materials, but you will still have to acquire some tools. However, let's consider everything in order.

The external staircase for a frame pool can be made of wood, and the internal one of metal round pipes or profiles.

Today, such a pool has become commonplace in many household plots. There are pools of both stationary and frame type.

The last option has one significant drawback. It is often difficult to choose a suitable ladder for a frame pool. The fact is that pools that are mounted on a frame can have different heights of sides and their thickness. It is very problematic to establish industrial production of stairs for such a wide range of sizes. Almost every man can make a ladder for a frame pool with his own hands. All you need is the desire and a small set of tools and materials:

  • metal tubes and corners;
  • grinder;
  • electric welding;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • boards;
  • rubber;
  • screws and a screwdriver.

How to determine the dimensions and make handrails?

To make a staircase, you first need to decide on its dimensions. It is preferable to choose the type of stairs for a frame pool depending on what material the artificial pond itself is made of. If the material is sufficiently rigid, then it is optimal to make ladders from the outside and inner sides

. In other cases, it is recommended to make stairs in the shape of the letter “A”.

To do this, you need to take 4 pieces of pipe (possibly with a rectangular cross-section). We select the length of the pipe depending on the height of the sides, multiplying the last parameter by 3. This margin will be enough to provide equal railings at the top of the stairs. In the central part of the pipes we measure a distance of 35-40 cm and bend them. To do this, you can use a pipe bender or a regular grinder. It will be enough to make several parallel cuts in the pipe, going a little deeper than half the thickness of the pipes. We make all cuts wedge-shaped, with the tip directed into the pipe. At this point you can easily bend the pipe to the required angle. The cut areas will need to be welded and sanded.

Two pipes will need to form a handrail at the top. The next two pipes should be smaller, but you should bend them in the same way. These two parts should be located a few centimeters from the edge of the pool when installed. Weld two different-sized parts into a single truss. Two finished trusses will become the basis of the future staircase.

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How to build steps?

Based on the desired parameters, we calculate the number of steps and prepare identical rectangular frames from metal corners for them. The lower part of the corners should become a load-bearing support, the side planes of the corners will limit the steps from horizontal displacement. The fastening with boards will also be located here, so it is necessary to drill 3 holes in each longitudinal plane of the corner: one in the central part, the rest at a distance of 5 cm from the corner.

The body of the future stages is placed on supporting trusses in a strictly horizontal plane. We first install the entire structure on a strong, flat surface, after which we weld the step frames. At the top, provide a square bridge (40x40). The stair frames are attached to both sides of the stairs.

Various materials can be used to make the steps themselves. Recently, it has even become fashionable to make steps from natural stone. The convenience of such structures lies only in the fact that their mass is quite high, therefore, with a sufficiently large support area, the ladder will be very stable. We are not talking about beauty here. But there is a significant drawback: natural polished stone becomes very slippery if water gets on it. Such a moment cannot be ignored. It’s better to make everything simpler and less dangerous at the expense of beauty.

The surface of the steps should be rough to reduce the risk of slipping to a minimum.

Wood is ideal for these purposes. If you do not want to cover the steps with corrugated rubber, then make all the surfaces from bog oak. This material will not become slippery even with excess moisture. But it’s better to play it safe and put rubber mats with a pattern on a wooden surface (like in a car).

For the considered option of a pool ladder, cut out rectangles from wood with your own hands, which will fit into the existing metal frames without a gap. Secure the wooden parts to a metal base using self-tapping screws. Place the rubber mats mentioned above on a wooden surface. They can be glued with waterproof glue or silicone.

Do-it-yourself pool stairs are often made of wood. However, in terms of strength and durability, metal structures win. A feature of a frame non-buried pool is the sides that rise above ground level. For such fonts, double-sided stepladders are better suited, allowing you to climb when entering and exiting the bowl.

Requirements for pool stairs

The flight of stairs for the font was created with one purpose - to provide a convenient, safe entry and exit from the water. Decorative design is similarly an equally important link.

The structure acts as an element of the pool design. When making pool stairs, both of these factors are taken as a basis. In addition, the product has other requirements:

  1. Increased strength. The flight of stairs must withstand the weight of a person and not bend under him.
  2. Reliable fixation. The staircase is secured with flanges or embedded elements. The legs of stepladders must have rubber stops.
  3. Correct installation. The entrance is always located on the most illuminated side of the pool.

Stairs for children's and adult pools differ in size, which is due to the growth of vacationers. The structures are designed to carry a certain weight. These parameters must be taken into account if you are creating a project yourself.

What are stairs for outdoor pools made of?

Pool entrance elements are produced in production and made by hand. The place of manufacture often determines what material the structure is made of.

Wood is considered not the best material. Firstly, wood quickly disappears in damp conditions. Secondly, as the wood rots, the instability of the structure and the risk of the steps breaking increases. For these reasons, manufacturers do not use wood. This material is popular among those who like to do everything with their own hands. For the pool, attached flights of stairs with a platform are assembled.

Advice! To extend the service life of the structure, the wood is coated with protective impregnations, painted or varnished.

Stainless steel pipes or aluminum profiles are the best materials for stairs. All manufacturers use it. The finished product is durable, resistant to corrosion, looks aesthetically pleasing, and has a long service life. It is almost impossible to loosen such a ladder.

When assembling with their own hands, craftsmen often use ferrous metal pipes. Their disadvantage is their susceptibility to corrosion. Coloring only slows down the process for a short time.

Polypropylene pipes are rarely used for making stairs. Plastic does not withstand heavy loads. This design can be assembled for a child to children's pool. Sometimes metal rods are inserted inside the tubes for strength.

Pool ladder dimensions

For frame pools, double-sided stepladders are in demand. Before production begins, a drawing is drawn up indicating all dimensions. The parameters depend on the age for which the structure is designed. The step step for the stairs to the pool is 35-40 cm for an adult, 25 cm for children. The width of the structure remains the same for any age, from 50 to 70 cm. With these parameters, the stepladder is stable and allows you to move freely along it.

To determine the height of the stepladder, measure the distance from the bottom of the font to the top point of the side, add a margin of 30 to 40 cm. For optimal structural strength, you need to select the optimal size of the tubes. Their diameter cannot be less than 40 mm. The parameters of other additional elements are selected empirically. For example, handrails are adjusted to the height of people so that they can hold on comfortably. If desired, the stepladder can be equipped with a platform, the size of which depends on personal preferences.

Drawings of stairs for the pool

How to make a pool ladder with your own hands

After developing the project, you can begin manufacturing the structure. At this stage, you already need to decide on the material, calculate all the dimensions, and find a way to install it on the pool.

The video shows an example of a pool ladder:

Do-it-yourself pool ladder made of wood

Wood is considered one of the cheapest and most affordable materials. Wood lends itself well to processing and does not require welding. It is optimal to make a ladder for a frame pool with your own hands in the form of an attached stepladder with an upper platform. The height of an outdoor frame bathtub usually varies from 76 to 100 cm. Based on these parameters, material for assembly is prepared.

For supports, boards with a cross section of 50x120 mm are prepared. You can use timber. The steps are made from boards with a section of 30x120 mm. It is better to cut the platform yourself from moisture-resistant multi-layer plywood. To fix all the elements you will need self-tapping screws and mounting angles. A standard set of tools is prepared: saw, screwdriver, tape measure, grinder or sandpaper.

Assemble the stairs for the pool with a platform in the following order:

  1. Blanks are cut from the timber for the base of a flight of stairs. There should be two identical ones. One part of the march will stand near the pool, and the other will be in the water. The frame is assembled from the blanks. Triangles cut from a board are attached to an inclined beam. The elements are placed strictly opposite each other to create parallel stringers.
  2. Blanks for steps are cut from the board. The parts are attached to the triangles of the stringers. Each element is reinforced with a mounting angle.

  3. When the two parts of the flight of stairs are ready, they are connected at the top with board overlays. Wide mounting angles are placed under them, because this is where the platform will be located, which will bear a large load.
  4. A fragment of the required size is cut out of plywood. Usually it is done rectangular shape. The plywood is attached to the overlays. The site is ready.
  5. To ensure that the flight of stairs is stable and does not sink into the ground under the weight of a person, bottom part the legs are connected by jumpers. They form a kind of emphasis on the ground and stiffening ribs.

  6. The finished structure is thoroughly polished. In places inaccessible to the grinder, use sandpaper. The wood is well impregnated with solutions that protect against fungus and moisture.

  7. Painting gives the product additional protection from moisture and aesthetics. To make the entrance to the pool look beautiful, the structure assembled by yourself is opened with varnish. You can use stain to highlight the natural beauty of wood.

The flight of stairs to the pool is ready. If desired, you can upgrade it yourself. If you sew up the sides on the outer part of the structure, then a niche is formed under the steps where equipment for caring for the pool is stored.

Do-it-yourself pool ladder from a stepladder

It’s easier not to make a metal ladder from scratch, but to remake a stepladder. The peculiarity of the design is that it already consists of two parts, and this is ideal for a frame outdoor pool. According to the standard, stepladders have steps made of 8 cm wide slats. They are comfortable for the foot and do not put pressure even when walking barefoot.

There are two ways to remake a stepladder with your own hands. If the walls of the pool are strong, make an extension ladder. The stepladder is cut to the desired height at an angle of 25°, as shown in the photo. The cut points are sharp. To prevent them from damaging the walls of the pool, they are covered with homemade plugs cut from rubber 1 cm thick.

Advice! For plugs, it is optimal to use rubberized fabric.

The ladder is leaned against the bowl from the outside. To prevent it from moving, a depression of up to 20 cm is made under the legs. A similar structure can be leaned against from inside the pool. However, due to the lack of a groove at the bottom for support, it is capable of moving out.

The ladder will be more reliable if you remake the stepladder using the second method. If necessary, only the legs of the structure are shortened. For a stepladder installed over the side of the pool, its native platform should rise from the top of the fence by 30-40 cm. On the outside, under the legs, stops in the form of recesses are similarly made with your own hands. Top handle Arc-shaped stepladders are cut off. The cut area is covered with plugs.

The disadvantage of a stepladder is that there are steps on only one side. To get out of the pool, you will have to weld the steps yourself on the second side. The design is more complex, but more reliable in terms of stability.

DIY stainless steel pool ladder

If you have a welding machine and experience working with it, then the stairs to the pool can be welded in any configuration. It is better to take a stainless profile from the material. First, use a grinder to cut 4 long blanks for the stands. Two ladders of the same size are welded from them and lintels. They are connected at the top by two more jumpers to form a pyramid that resembles a stepladder when unfolded.

Arc-shaped handles are welded from pieces of round pipe and bends. Attach the handrails to the upper lintels. The area is sewn up with a rectangular sheet of corrugated iron. All welding joints are cleaned with a grinder or grinder. Rubber plugs are placed on the bottom of the legs to prevent damage to the bottom of the pool. If desired, the stainless steel structure can be painted.

Features of manufacturing stairs for inflatable pools

Externally, ladders for inflatable bowls are similar to ordinary stepladders. One side of it rests on the ground from the outside, and the other inside the pool rests on the bottom. For children's shallow inflatable swimming pools, manufacturers sometimes provide stairs in the form of a slide. They are made in the same way as inflatable ones.

There are stairs for inflatable pools with removable plastic steps, a height adjustment mechanism, with or without railings, as well as with or without a platform.

If you are making a homemade ladder for an inflatable pool, then there should be no dangerous components on it that could damage the bowl. A design made of polypropylene pipes may be in demand here if the font is designed for children.

How to install a ladder in a pool

A special feature of installing a staircase entrance to the pool is the reliable fixation of the structure. This can be done with flanges or using embedded elements.

Flange mounting is unable to withstand heavy loads. This installation of stairs to the pool is suitable if children or non-obese people will walk on it. Flanges allow you to move the flight of stairs to another location if necessary.

To install it yourself, the ladder is leaned against the pool and placed in its permanent place. Place flanges on the legs and mark the drilling locations for mounting holes. It is important here that there is a solid base, for example concrete or wood. Plastic dowels are inserted inside the holes, and the flanges are screwed with threaded stainless steel bolts.

The second do-it-yourself installation option is the most reliable and is suitable for all types of pools. Embedded elements (hooves) are used as fasteners. They are embedded in the concrete floor at the stage of pouring it. If this is not done, you will have to use a hammer drill to select recesses under the hooves. The mortgages are installed at the same level with the plane of the font's bypass path. After installing the ladder on the hooves, you first need to walk on it so that the structure is leveled and finds its place. Only then are the legs of the metal ladder welded to the embedded elements. The disadvantage of installation is the inability to move the structure to another location. If there is a strong need, it will have to be cut off and the hooves re-embedded in a new place.

How to strengthen a ladder for a frame pool

Most often, amplification requires steps. To do this, auxiliary angles or bars are placed at the junction of the support and the slats. For wooden stairs, grooves are cut out on the supports and steps are inserted into them. If the structure turns out to be shaky, additional jibs and spacers between the posts will provide strength.

How to paint a pool ladder

When the assembly of the ladder for the frame pool is completed, it must be painted. Decorative treatment will protect the structure from harmful effects moisture, will give it aesthetics.

To paint metal you need a zinc primer, a degreasing solution and paint. As the last material, it is optimal to use enamels in cylinders. In extreme cases, they can be applied with a spray gun. The metal surface is first rubbed with sandpaper and degreased with a solution. The next step is to apply primer. When it dries, cover all areas with paint in even layers.

Preparing for painting wooden structure Similarly, it begins with sanding with sandpaper. To protect the wood from grinder beetles, moisture, and mold, it is treated with an antiseptic. After drying, use varnish based on alcohol, alkyd, formaldehyde or nitrocellulose. Varnishes are transparent and colored. Choose at your own discretion. You can use clear varnish after pre-staining the wood. For application use a paint brush.


A DIY pool ladder is advantageous in that the product can be given an exclusive look. However, at each stage of creation it is important to remember the strength of the structure.