Usmanova exercises. Sculpted abs from Katya Usmanova. Usmanova's buttocks in video format

Ekaterina Usmanova is a vivid and inimitable example of how you can create an ideal body in the literal sense of the word with just your desire. But why inimitable? Looking at models and movie stars on TV, we think that these are almost unreal characters, they are so perfect. However, “it was not the gods who sculpted the pots,” and the body of each of us can be changed. What does Ekaterina Usmanova consider to be the most important thing in creating a perfect figure?

Training and nutrition are what everyone who decides to get in shape should pay attention to. In this material we will talk about the biography of the girl Katya, her advice on achieving perfect figure and good health.

A little biography: Ekaterina Usmanova

Training and nutrition under her auspices are of interest to the public, because today anyone involved in sports is happy to follow advice from a famous trainer and fitness champion. But what was the girl like before, before her great victories?

We like to compare before and after photos, and if you set out to study the biography of one of the celebrities, it turns out that the “before” was a completely ordinary person. Katya Usmanova is no exception. Before becoming a champion and creating the appearance of a goddess, the girl had an ordinary figure. Slender, good, but ordinary. She was born in the city of Krymsk on October 1, 1989. The girl played sports since childhood, but received an economics education and after university worked for some time as an advertising manager.

Having married Alexander Usmanov, Ekaterina changed her job to something closer in spirit: she became a fitness trainer in one of the city’s sports clubs. Simultaneously with the change in activity, Katya began to compete in competitions, and very successfully. What can Ekaterina Usmanova say about the creation today? Nutrition and exercise are what everyone who wants to be healthy and beautiful should focus on.

What is it like, food from Ekaterina Usmanova? What does the athlete advise to everyone who wants to get in shape?

First of all, Katerina calls for giving up diets. Quick loss Losing weight is certainly pleasant, but it entails a lot of health problems, and the rapid return of lost kilos is the least of the problems.

As Ekaterina Usmanova says in all interviews, nutrition and training are at the forefront of creating beautiful figure, but it is nutrition that plays the dominant role. What you eat directly affects how you look. How will the body feel if you give it exclusively kefir, buckwheat or apples? It’s easy to guess that, having lost muscle during the diet, your body will begin to urgently store fat as soon as the diet comes to an end.

What does the champion eat?

As Ekaterina Usmanova says, training and nutrition should be completely balanced. Therefore, if today you decide to start the path to a perfect body, give up the prejudices and stereotypes associated with the effectiveness of diets. They only work in one direction - they undermine your health. Nutrition should be well thought out and combine all the components necessary to maintain life. Katya says that the basis of her diet is green vegetables, fruits, meat and fish. Of course, such goodies as sweets and flour, crackers and chips, fast food are not only useless for the body from a nutritional point of view, but also harmful.

Whether it's from Ekaterina Usmanova or traditional training to stay in shape, the fitness model gives similar advice.

Firstly, girls should pay more attention to their buttocks during classes. When you "pump" bottom part body, you also use muscles abdominals and backs. Don't be lazy about doing traditional squats as well as deadlifts. In addition, it is best to start classes with a trainer, since independent training for beginners can quickly lead to disappointment in the power of the sport. You simply won’t know where to start, what exercise machine to use, and after doing exercises that are meaningless from a fitness point of view, you’ll quickly return to the couch.

How much should you study?

What is the ideal workout duration? Don't overdo it, it won't do any good. An hour is enough if you practice intensively. But when it comes to the number of classes per week, Ekaterina is strict here: training should be daily. After all, anyone can allocate one hour a day to themselves, regardless of how busy they are. At first it will be difficult, but when you achieve the desired forms, you will understand that it is a pleasure to exercise in this mode.

Don’t allow yourself to make mistakes in sports or food, as Ekaterina Usmanova repeats again. Training and nutrition are two pillars of a beautiful body, and therefore, having started skipping training or having a “belly celebration”, it is very difficult to return to the regime.

Listen to your body! If you are an untrained person, then at first it will seem simply wooden and unresponsive to you. But over time you will understand that nothing is impossible. Advice from venerable trainers and champions will not always be effective for you, because each person is unique, despite the seemingly identical structure of the body. Create your own training plan, do what is close to your body and what brings the greatest results.

Combine intensive and extensive loads. If, for example, we are talking about running, then you can do this: five minutes of walking, three minutes of accelerated walking and four minutes of explosive running. The workout is more varied, you will not have time to get bored, and the body will speed up metabolic processes, as a result of which you will burn even more calories during the workout.

For all representatives of the fairer sex, whether they admit it or not, their own appearance comes first. After all, as you know, men “love” with their eyes. In addition, an attractive appearance immediately adds self-confidence. All girls strive to have an ideal figure, especially now, when the fashion for skinny, emaciated beauties has sunk into oblivion. , elastic muscles and an athletic figure are now available not only to professional athletes.

By taking up women's fitness, you can improve your figure, lose weight, or any representative of the fair sex can pump up your muscles. For some lucky women this is not required great effort. But for most women to achieve beautiful shapes You have to work hard in the gym. And Ekaterina Usmanova is a clear example fruits hard training- her body, thanks to great efforts, looks great.

Ekaterina Usmanova photo 1:

The fitness bikini star openly gives answers to all questions about herself. Most often, girls ask what her appearance was like before surgery and how she manages to combine sports and plastic surgery. And of course, questions about Katya Usmanova’s personal life also concern many people. So…

Who is Ekaterina Usmanova?

The biography of Ekaterina Usmanova is simple and unpretentious. She was born on October 1, 1989 in the city of Krymsk. IN school age her appearance was ordinary and did not cause hysterics among the guys. The girl grew up modest, unsure of herself and not very sociable. Her sports career began when she became interested in taekwondo at the age of 13. The tough form of martial arts allowed Katya to strengthen her spirit and gain self-confidence.

In 2010, the girl married Alexander Usmanov, who worked as a fitness trainer. It was Ekaterina Usmanova’s husband who laid down her life guidelines and motivation. Immediately after the wedding, Katya decided to change her rather boring job as an advertising manager to a career as an instructor in the gym where her husband worked.

Ekaterina Usmanova photo 2:

Katya’s return to sports as an adult began with powerlifting. At that time, in her hometown, the concept of women's fitness simply did not exist. Her debut in the world of iron sports was her performance in powerlifting at the Rostov region championship. In 2012, Ekaterina took first place in the championship of the South of Russia in the bench press. Almost at the same time, she won second place in a bodybuilding competition held in Sevastopol.

Personal life of Katya Usmanova

At first, Katya Usmanova’s personal life was very simple and uncomplicated. Ekaterina Usmanova’s husband was also her trainer, so the current fitness star owes a significant part of her initial success to him. Ekaterina Usmanova’s training, under the guidance of her husband, took place at a strict pace, according to a specially designed method. The diet was no less strict and ascetic than the training itself. At that time, she firmly entered her life.

Ekaterina Usmanova photo 3:

IN next year There was a radical turn in the biography of Ekaterina Usmanova. Having moved to Moscow, she decided to get serious about women's fitness and start building a career as a professional fitness model. At the beginning of 2013, Ekaterina Usmanova became the champion of Moscow, winner of the Russian and Eastern European Cup in the bikini category. And at the end of the year, she won the Yashankin Cup, entered the finals of the European Championship and even managed to compete at the Arnold Classic tournament, also becoming one of the finalists.


Katya Usmanova’s popularity increased greatly when the YouTube channel Yougifted invited her to become a presenter in the “Beauty and Health” section. Videos about Ekaterina Usmanova’s training aroused genuine interest and brought her enormous popularity. Now everyone knows who Ekaterina Usmanova is.

But against the background of successes in women's fitness, tension grew in Katya Usmanova’s personal life. Her husband was not happy with the fact that she devoted all her time to fitness, moving from one competition to another, so they divorced in the same 2013. Two years later she married again, this time to Dmitry.

Ekaterina Usmanova photo 4:

Ekaterina Usmanova’s new husband is a serious businessman, he supports her career in every possible way and helps in the implementation of Katya’s business projects. Now she heads the Online Fitness University, produces swimwear and is involved in the development of her own line of sports nutrition.

As already mentioned, the majority of our fitness star's fans are men. After marriage, their number did not decrease at all, but there were more female fans. Ekaterina Usmanova’s nutrition and her workouts continue to be of great interest. No less attention is paid to Catherine’s personal life.

However, girls also want to know what she looked like in childhood, before and after surgical interventions. Simply put, fans of the famous bikinist are interested in what and how helped an ordinary girl become a hot beauty.

Conclusion: the biography of Ekaterina Usmanova is no different from the life stories of ordinary girls. But once she took up sports, she put everything on the line and, becoming a fitness star, only won.

After winning the competition, Ekaterina was bombarded with many discussions about Ekaterina Usmanova’s appearance on social networks. Ekaterina Usmanova’s Instagram has become a hot battlefield. The videos filmed during Ekaterina Usmanova’s training sessions were dissected and subjected to merciless criticism. Ill-wishers looked for not-so-successful photos of the girl and photoshopped them. Thus, they wanted to prove that plastic surgery did not make her more attractive, but rather caused harm.

And this was done to belittle Catherine’s merits and show that her appearance was the result of surgical interventions. But by posting her raw photos online, Usmanova wiped the nose of spiteful critics. Most often, women turn to plastic surgery to become closer to their ideal. Have taken place plastic surgery in the life of the model or not is not known for certain. However, when comparing the photos, we can assume that the breasts of our fitness model were subjected to correction.

Ekaterina Usmanova photo 5:

Due to constant physical activity, dieting and taking fat burners, without which it is almost impossible to take first place at championships, this part of Catherine’s body began to shrink. To maintain proportions and maintain volumes, surgery was required.

Conclusion: fashion in such a sport as bikini fitness dictates its own laws, so breast augmentation surgeries have become common practice among fitness stars.

Usmanova's butt is the standard in bikini fitness

Almost all photos of Ekaterina Usmanova on the Internet awaken a storm of emotions - admiration, lust, envy... Men can’t get enough of it, but women want to have the same shape. Katya Usmanova is beautiful in every way, but it is her buttocks that for most representatives of the fair sex are the standard in volume and shape. Ekaterina Usmanova considers the butt like a nut, one of the most attractive parts female body, modestly calling it a “lever of power.”

But in addition to her breathtaking butt, Ekaterina Usmanova, unlike other fitness bikini stars, has one more feature - genuine femininity. Katya looks stunning, but at the same time she doesn’t look pumped up or overly muscular.

Maybe this is the reason why Ekaterina Usmanova’s training is so popular, because it is quite difficult to create an athletic, pumped up butt while avoiding enlargement of the quadriceps. But our celebrity has a solution to this problem.

Top 5 exercises for hips and buttocks from Ekaterina Usmanova looks like this:

  • Deep plie squats (with broad setting legs) with a weight
  • Bulgarian squats (one leg lies on the bench, the other is brought forward)
  • Kickback (swing) with weights or using a lower block
  • Narrow leg press performed with leg extensions in a glute machine

I suggest watching a story where Katya herself talks about the technique of performing this training program.

Usmanova training video:

But besides the exercises themselves to create a butt like a nut, there are several more important strategic points. Here are some tips from Usmanova on building a flawless athletic butt:

  • Workouts should be varied. For elaboration gluteal muscles there are many exercises. You need to include both basic and isolated movements in your program. The wider the arsenal of exercises for the buttocks, the more magnificent the butt you can build.
  • It is necessary to feel the muscle group being trained. Mental focus is the key to getting a toned butt.
  • Pump up your butt every workout. Don't be afraid to pump up your gluteal muscles, they are large, strong and resilient.
  • Believe in yourself. There is a goal - you need to act. At the same time, you don’t need to put everything off until tomorrow; you need to start working on yourself right now.
  • Change your diet. This is half the result. But you shouldn’t think that the “correctness” of your diet consists of simply cutting calories. You can't build an ass like a nut like that. Ekaterina Usmanova’s diet plan is based not so much on cutting calories, but on balance. It is necessary to review the content of proteins/carbohydrates/fats in the diet and make it more correct.

Conclusion: creating an ideal figure requires enormous physical effort and strict self-discipline, but also increasing the level of your own education. As Katya Usmanova says: “the path to a toned butt runs through your head.”

Ekaterina Usmanova and scandals

Katya could not be called a real fitness bikini star if several scandals were not associated with her name. At the beginning of August 2015, Ekaterina Usmanova stated that her business partners (Body Lab project), Nikita and Anastasia Anisimov, blocked her access to accounts on social networks and pushed her away from further participation in the project. Videos about Ekaterina Usmanova’s training stopped appearing on the Internet.

But according to her former business colleagues, the girl, on the wave of her popularity, fell ill with a severe form of “star fever” and felt like a real celebrity. She stopped recording videos, communicating with clients and maintaining Ekaterina Usmanova’s Instagram.

But at the same time, the fitness model received money regularly (only 25 million rubles or almost 400 thousand dollars in 9 months), and in cash. But the point of no return was two posts on Instagram by Ekaterina Usmanova, in the first she boasted of visiting a spa center, for which she paid 1,000 euros for 2 hours of stay.

And the second post was about fabulously expensive marbled beef steaks, which she photographed and put on public display on her account. And this despite the fact that most of her students spent their last savings on paying for an online training course from a fitness star in order to lose weight and become the owner of the same figure as hers.

A flurry of scandalous criticism towards Ekaterina Usmanova was also caused by her collaboration with the Energy Diet company. The company's products are quite expensive, distributed through network marketing channels and are aimed mainly at a female audience.

But as often happens, manufacturers sports supplements who talk about the miraculous power of their products forget to say that in order to become like a fitness model you still need to train until you sweat and go on a strict diet. It would also be nice to have a couple of plastic surgeries.

Therefore, the girls, having not received the promised result, were very disappointed, reproaching the sports nutrition manufacturer for the low effectiveness of its products. At the same time, our celebrity also got it, and for some time she became the face of this brand.

Conclusion: like everyone else real star fitness, Katya has her fans and detractors, and each of them has their own view of things. But as life shows, the truth often lies in the middle. Therefore, it is not worth judging Ekaterina Usmanova strictly.


No matter what anyone says, today Ekaterina Usmanova is a popular fitness bikini star, a successful entrepreneur and simply very beautiful woman. And Ekaterina Usmanova’s Instagram has more than 1.4 million subscribers, making Katya a world-class fitness adept.

Perhaps she was lucky in life, and once she took up sports, she found herself in the right place at the right time. But I believe that her appearance is a merit not so much of plastic surgery, but of the girl’s enormous efforts: a well-structured diet and constant training in the gym.

We must honestly admit: all our successes and failures depend solely on ourselves. The extent to which each of us can overcome our fears depends on our own desire, ambition and strength of character. And fitness model Ekaterina Usmanova is a vivid example of this. Be healthy and graceful!

The number of people who want to have an ideal butt is growing rapidly due to the popularization of fitness and healthy lifestyle. Therefore, people began to increasingly search for video lessons on improving this part of the body. And the most popular are recommendations and instructions from famous personalities who themselves can boast of chic forms. Therefore, in this article we offer a proven set of exercises from Katya Usmanova, a famous fitness trainer, Russian champion in the bikini fitness category, model and owner of an unsurpassed figure.

Ekaterina Usmanova, being a far from ordinary person, actively promotes healthy image life, posting videos and photographs on their pages on social networks and on the YouTube channel. She does not hide her achievements and boldly demonstrates her chic forms to the public, motivating many women.

The idea is to reset excess weight and tightening up our body comes to each of us completely spontaneously. Inspired by photos of beauties in magazines or the Internet, we rush headlong to the gym to pump up our butt quickly.

But this is where many people have problems when the question arises. And Katya Usmanova comes to the rescue, offering her own TOP complex for perfect butt. As the model and athlete states, by performing these exercises, you will be able to achieve incredible success in the shortest possible time and become the owner of attractive, elastic and toned buttocks. But what you want can be achieved, reports Ekaterina, by fulfilling one condition - train regularly and thoroughly, because the program for improving forms offered by the coach is designed to work out all muscle fibers problem area, the work of which determines the proportionality of the buttocks.

At the same time, you don’t have to worry - you’re unlikely to be able to pump up the muscles in the problem area, because the set of exercises from the athlete and beauty Katya is designed to gradually increase muscle mass with simultaneous burning of excess subcutaneous fat. Therefore, by practicing according to Usmanova’s principle, you will create an attractive butt for yourself without unnecessary problems.

By training with this program, you can train on your own at home or in the gym without the help of trainers. The recommended exercises are great for beginners and allow you to relatively quickly pump up your gluteal muscles, resulting in a beautiful, firm butt.

The perfect workout for a perfect butt

Training from Katya Usmanova is the implementation special exercises for the buttocks. And these are just five simple but quite effective movements that are recommended to be performed in a cyclic manner without rest. So, TOP 5 from Ekaterina:

  1. Squats. Special squats are performed with a leg lunge to the side. This exercise allows you to pump not only the gluteus maximus muscle, but also the medius and minimus. It is recommended to perform 20-25 squats on each side.
  2. Cross lunges (or “Curtsey”), in which one leg is brought back behind the other. A beginner or a person experiencing pain in the knee joints, can practice regular lunges, performing 20-25 repetitions for each leg.
  3. Bend forward. This exercise is often called (“Good Morning”) and is banally simple, but at the same time very useful for the butt. It must be performed, observing the condition - you should lean forward with almost straight legs, only slightly bending them at the knees. Due to this technique, all the muscles of the lower body work. At the same time, they stretch, which means they become more elastic and resilient. And in order to achieve what you want, you can do 20-25 repetitions in one cycle, gradually increasing the load and reaching 50 repetitions.
  4. Leg extensions performed from a supine position. Having taken the starting position - lying on the floor on your back, connect your legs and lift them up, pressing your foot to your foot so that your thighs are perpendicular to the surface of the floor. Place your hands behind your head and tighten your abs, and then begin to spread your legs to the sides, performing the exercise 25-30 times in 1 cycle.
  5. Lying hip raise. To reproduce the movement, you should lie on your stomach on the floor, placing your hands under your head and raising your feet, bending your legs so that the thigh and shin form a right angle. In this position, begin to raise your knees up. In total, you can do from 20 to 35 such lifts.

As you can see, this is a fairly simple and at the same time highly effective complex, which will not only increase the tone of the gluteal muscles, but also get rid of several extra centimeters in the problem area. The vice-world champion in fitness bikini will clearly demonstrate how to perform each exercise correctly in her video.

And in this video, Katya Usmanova will tell you about the most common mistakes that beginners make when starting to pump up their gluteal muscles.

Many who practiced this complex in conditions gym or at home, they noticed how, after the prescribed 2-3 cycles, their buttocks literally began to “burn.” This effect is achieved by continuously performing cycles with maximum care.

If you want your home workout to be just as successful, and to pump up your buttocks in just a month, pay attention to the advice of the famous fitness instructor.

The secret to successful butt training, according to Katya Usmanova and her other colleagues, is an integrated approach. That is, in addition to performing physical exercise to pump up the butt, you need to do others that contribute to the development of muscle mass throughout the body. In addition, it is important to eat right. A specially selected diet taking into account the needs of your body will bring you closer to your desired goal much faster.

When adjusting your menu, do not forget to include water in it. So that the body can burn during training excess fat To transform energy into strong and elastic muscles, drink more fluids. A healthy person who exercises regularly or leads a fairly active image life, it is recommended to drink about 2 liters of clean water.

Do not forget that the final result will depend on the frequency of your training. Before you start training, create an individual training schedule. This will allow you to be more organized, responsible and not miss days of doing exercises to improve your body. Such a plan should include 2-3 training sessions per week and 3-4 days of rest. The optimal schedule would be every other day. Constantly polishing your muscles will allow you to achieve success in the shortest possible period of time, because while resting, the body’s tissues will recover and develop more rapidly in the right direction.

Another point that Ekaterina Usmanova advises you to pay attention to is. By performing exercises to stretch muscle fibers, you will prevent spasms and significantly increase the effectiveness of your exercises. In addition, it is important to perform exercises to warm up the muscle fibers before starting, in order to eliminate sprains and create an optimal basis for remembering the results obtained during training.

As the trainer explains, in order to create perfect body your dreams, you need to radically change your approach - actively engage in sports, enjoy the exercises you perform, eat according to an individually designed menu, avoid stress and enjoy every day.

In this video you will get tips from Katya Usmanova on how to pump up your sculpted abs. She talks about some of the nuances without which regular abdominal exercises become less effective, and shows the exercises that she does to maintain her excellent shape.

According to Katya Usmanova, becoming thin is easy. You just have to exhaust yourself low-calorie diets. But to be slim, to have beautiful muscles and an appetizing body is aerobatics. This is great.

The abs play a very important role in working out correct breathing. The main thing is to really exhale completely.

Katya believes that each exercise should be done until you feel pain in the abdominal area. And after that do it 10 more times. This is her point of view.

But no matter how we pump up our abs, it will not be visible until we get rid of the fat layer. And this is only possible with the help proper diet. The trick is that we need to eat fewer calories than we burn. Then the fat will go away.

There are 7 components of a balanced diet:

  • vitamins
  • minerals
  • cellulose
  • squirrels
  • carbohydrates

If something is missing from your diet, you experience a strong feeling of hunger. Therefore, you need to eat varied, regularly and in fractions. It is advisable to eat fruits in the first half of the day, proteins in the second.

Katya Usmanova tells and demonstrates all this and much more in the video we bring to your attention.

A flat tummy in 6 months is real!

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0 January 26, 2017, 12:37

the site continues to explore a variety of diets and training systems that help get your body in shape. This time we are talking about the technique that was developed by Russian fitness bikini champion Katya Usmanova and which we tried on ourselves.

What it is

Katya Usmanova is the current champion of Russia in fitness bikini, a popular fitness model, Instagram star and simply a powerful motivator for thousands of girls who dream of having the same firm butt and perfect abs. Katya brings her knowledge to the masses: she opened an online school and teaches others the basics of proper nutrition and effective training.

There are no classes in groups under the supervision of trainers: having paid for the course, each participant only gets access to Usmanova’s accumulated knowledge base (there are useful articles, video tutorials, and recipes) and begins to perform them independently. You can train both at home and in the gym - for each exercise there is detailed instructions. Progress is monitored by a curator who explains unclear points and supports you along the way.

Inna M. says:

For the last 15 years, my weight has been stable - 64-65 kilograms, but a year and a half ago I suddenly gained weight to 70, which has never happened to me before. The weight didn’t go away, I suffered - I couldn’t get used to the new forms, I felt very uncomfortable at this weight. Since I couldn’t lose weight, I started working out intensively. And not on my own, but with a coach - I liked that you could immediately see the result.

Alas, the pleasure was not cheap, because I wanted to exercise three times a week (only with this amount of training, in my opinion, is any result visible), which immediately hit the budget hard. I had to look for alternative options: so that the effect would be like individual lessons with a trainer, but it didn’t require that much money.

Plus, I wanted to learn how to eat properly: I had never counted calories, I couldn’t determine the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BZHU), and it was important for me that someone would teach me all this, explain it to me with clear examples.

Just going on a diet, without training... This is not my story: I can’t force myself to starve, I immediately break down, I get stressed, I think only about food and nothing else. And since at work I need to think about something else besides food, any diet disappeared immediately)

This is what I looked like before the program started

I learned about Usmanova’s program by accident - from a friend who gave birth to a child two years ago and for a long time could not get back into shape after that. And then I somehow meet this friend and I just can’t believe my eyes - she has become so slim. No, not just slim - she looked like a fitness trainer, she even had six-pack abs! In response to my natural question about what she was doing and how it was even possible, my friend told me about Katya Usmanova’s online school.

I became interested and began to study the issue: I found all the information on the Internet, read reviews, compared with other programs... And yet I settled on it - for me it turned out to be the most suitable ratio of price and “quality”: I liked that the student is accompanied not only a curator who answers all your questions about training and nutrition, but also a nutritionist and psychologist. Plus, there is the opportunity to communicate with different curators not only in group chats (which I generally don’t like), but also one-on-one.

In general, after weighing all the pros and cons, I decided to try and enrolled in school.

How does it work

Firstly, there are courses of varying durations - from one month to six. I settled on three months, because, in my opinion, this optimal time, during which you can understand whether the program is suitable for you or not.

Secondly, each participant can choose one of several options for the proposed programs (belly and sides, butt and legs, preparation for a fitness bikini competition, and so on). For example, I chose a program that focused on legs and buttocks, since these are my problem areas. And it’s all online: you simply indicate your current weight and your desired one, after which it calculates how and how much you need to eat and exercise in order to lose weight to the desired figure.

According to the rules of the program, at the end of every two weeks you send your supervisor a report on the work done - measure your weight, track visual changes, talk about what is especially difficult and what makes you happy, and admit missed workouts, if any. This is very disciplined and helps to be more conscious about the program.


You can exercise both at home and in the gym - you choose what suits you best. I didn’t even consider the first option - I (no longer) have any illusions about this and I understand perfectly well that I won’t study at home myself. Workouts five times a week - three strength training and two cardio. It may seem that five times a week is too much, but in practice it is not at all difficult or boring, because the load is different every day.

You work out based on the diagram written in your personal account - each lesson has its own page, where the exercises are described inside and out: how to do them and how not to do them, how many times and how many repetitions, with or without weights, which muscle while being worked on. The description of each exercise also includes a video tutorial with the technique. In general, it’s difficult to get confused.


The power plan is quite simple; you can change the menu yourself depending on the program settings and your preferences. First, you calculate your BZHU coefficient (the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - editor's note) and based on it you determine your diet. There are hints with menu options in your personal account, so it’s not difficult at all. Sports nutrition allowed. For now, I do without additives, I cope with “improvised means”: for example, now after training I always eat a boiled egg or some other protein - this is important in order to enhance the growth of the “building” material of the body.

I also downloaded an application that calculates how many dietary supplements and calories you consume per day: you simply indicate the product and its quantity, and the program does everything for you. You can also set your planned level of calories consumed per day: for example, my kilocalorie limit for the desired weight of 62 kilograms is 1670 kcal per day. At first I tracked all this very strictly - in the first week of the program I made sure to write down what I was eating and in what quantity, and then an intuitive understanding came.


Since the diet allows me to “play” with a variety of food combinations, my diet changes from day to day. Here's my sample menu.

Breakfast: oatmeal with water (with goji berries, apples, kiwi, pear or banana).

Snack after three hours: boiled egg, pear.

Lunch: low-fat soup without potatoes, vegetable salad, dietary meat.

Second snack: fruit or vegetable salad. If in the evening power training, then I can eat a piece of meat, a banana, buckwheat.

Dinner: cottage cheese, kefir with a small amount of jam or honey.

This is very comfort food for me. I can afford almost everything, but in reasonable doses. If I want something sweet, I eat dark chocolate. Meat, fruits, pasta (hard varieties) - all this is present in my diet. I try to eat cereals in the first half of the day, before lunch, so they are better absorbed by the body. I don’t eat mayonnaise at all, and rarely ketchup. Of course, no fast food.

Before training, I usually eat a banana, otherwise I won’t have enough stamina, and after that I eat a boiled egg without salt.

How my life has changed

I consciously switched to a different lifestyle, and I like it. Before this program, I led a fairly relaxed lifestyle, my diet was very different from what I eat now. My main discovery was that proper nutrition- it's very simple! The portions have become smaller, because I know that in three hours I will have a snack again, so I don’t stuff myself until my stomach feels heavy. I no longer want anything harmful: my body is being rebuilt, and the same fried potatoes no longer seem tasty, because they are too fatty and heavy. You get used to the lightness in your body, it's a super cool feeling.

The most important thing is not to take the program too strictly, listen to yourself and your body. Then your imagination appears, you start experimenting with recipes and different combinations of products, you understand what is best for you and what is not. Of course, at first it was difficult for me to train five times a week, even purely psychologically, but then I got into it.

Now I’m at the very beginning of my journey - only two weeks have passed so far. But there is already progress: weight - minus 1.3 kilograms, volume - minus 6 centimeters in the hips. And most importantly, I don’t feel like a hostage to a painful diet - I just enjoy life.