Life safety lesson on the topic "cyclist - driver of a vehicle." Rules for riding a bicycle on public roads Message on the topic of vehicle driver

A cyclist is also a driver vehicle, just like someone sitting behind the wheel of a car or motorcycle, so he needs to follow the rules traffic(traffic regulations) valid in their country. This means no drinking while driving, no talking on a cell phone while driving, no turning around in solid lanes, no driving in the opposite direction on a one-way road. The main responsibilities of a cyclist are set out in a separate section of the Rules of the Road.

Main responsibilities

1. It is the responsibility of cyclists to maintain their vehicle in good technical condition. The bicycle must have a working brake and a working horn. Why we need serviceable brakes is not worth explaining. As for the bell, it is mainly required to warn pedestrians about the approach of a bicycle. When driving in traffic, it is unlikely that any other driver will hear your bell.

Driving on the road at night or during rain, fog or snow, that is, in conditions of insufficient visibility, is permitted only with lighting. On the front of the bicycle you need to put a headlight or an additional white reflector, at the back - a flashlight and always a red reflector, on the sides (closer to the front and rear markers) - flashlights or orange reflectors, red rear side lights are also allowed. It’s stupid and dangerous to put a red reflector in front, even if it’s lying around, car drivers rarely notice cyclists anyway, and there’s still such confusion.

2. The cyclist must ride as close to the right edge of the road as possible and only in the same lane as other bikers. The old Highway Code specified a specific distance from the side of the road that a cyclist had to maintain. It should be no more than 1 meter. In new editions this restriction is absent. Every reasonable person should, first of all, think about their own safety.

When overtaking another cyclist or horse-drawn cart, or when passing a stationary vehicle, you still need to briefly move away from the right edge of the road. And it’s better to drive around the obstacle as far as possible, especially a stopped car, because at any moment the driver can start to get out of it, pushing the door wide open, or a dishonest person will throw a cigarette butt out the window.
And don’t forget that overtaking or detour should only be done on the left if you don’t want to be pinned to the curb.

3. It is also the cyclist's responsibility to sound warning signals before each maneuver, even if there is no vehicle behind. Before any turn or lane change and before braking, the bicycle driver must give a warning signal with his hand, and, importantly, not a second before turning the steering wheel or pressing the brake levers. You need to warn the driver behind you in advance, otherwise your delayed reaction will be critical.

The traffic rules provide for the following hand signals:

  • Right turn or lane change signal - extended in the direction of the turn right hand or the left one, extended away from you and bent at the elbow at a right angle.
  • Signal for left turn or lane change - extended in direction of turn left hand or the right one, extended away from you and bent at the elbow at a right angle.
  • The brake signal is the left or right hand raised up and straightened at the elbow.

Giving a hand signal does not give you any advantage in traffic, so always make sure that the driver behind you understands your intentions and does not overtake.

4. If there is a road next to it, bicycle riders should only ride on it. The presence of such a benefit of civilization is indicated by a round road sign with a former bicycle on a blue background. And if the bicycle path is partially destroyed, covered with construction debris or occupied by parked cars, then the cyclist can bypass these traffic jams along the roadway; this is within his rights.

5. When driving in convoys, bicycle riders are required to travel only in one row on the road in groups of 10 people. The distance between groups is 80-100 meters to facilitate overtaking by cars.

When riding in groups, conventional gestures are adopted, which are sent not to motorists, but to fellow cyclists following you:

  • Pit or obstacle on the right - right hand pointing down.
  • Pit or obstacle on the left - left hand pointing down.

The leader in the group gives these signals first, and those following him must immediately repeat them. There is no need to wait until you approach a hole or brick on the road. You should immediately convey a danger signal to the cyclists riding behind you.

Bicycle drivers are prohibited

1. Drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand. Adults usually use bicycles as a means of transport, while children ride them for fun. It is irresponsible cyclists who, when riding on the roadway, can let go of the steering wheel and ride on, crossing their arms over their chest. If the would-be reckless driver falls, he will sprawl out on the asphalt along with his bicycle, and it is possible that he will be hit by passing cars.

2. Ride on sidewalks, footpaths and roadsides. The license still allows driving on the side of the road, you just need to not interfere with pedestrians walking along it or getting on the bus. Well, pedestrian paths or sidewalks are intended only for pedestrians, and every person should feel safe when moving on them.

3. Drive on highways. This ban is based on the health and safety of cyclists.

4. Turn left or make a U-turn on a road that has tram tracks or more than one lane in a particular direction. If you need to turn or turn around, you need to get to the pedestrian crossing, get off your bike and roll it to the opposite side of the road.

5. Tow a bicycle with another vehicle. It is allowed to transport a trailer with a rigid coupling by bicycle.

An attempt to drive while grabbing the side of a truck often ends in tragic consequences. In this case, the truck driver does not see the cyclist attached and does not think about his safety. Any car can move at speeds over 60 km per hour. When avoiding a pothole on the road or performing emergency braking, a hitchhiker may find himself under the wheels.

6. Carry cargo that protrudes beyond the dimensions in width or length by more than 0.5 meters and interferes with control. Fishing rods, pipes and some kind of sticks on a bicycle disturb the stable position, especially when making turns. If a vehicle catches a protruding object, it can overturn a bicycle with a hook.

7. Ride adult passengers. And you can transport children aged 2 to 7 years, but only on an additionally installed seat with footrests. During transportation heavy man on the frame or trunk, the previously mentioned stable position is seriously compromised.

Liability of a cyclist for violating traffic rules

Some clauses of the articles on administrative violations imply punishment for bicycle drivers. For example, there is a fine of 1 to 2 times the minimum wage for violating traffic rules by pedestrians and other road users. This implies Article 122 - the most basic and easily completed by a traffic police officer.

There are also fines for violating the rules for crossing pedestrian crossings, railway crossings, for failure to comply with the requirements of road signs and markings, for driving through a traffic signal or traffic light. So you shouldn’t believe in complete impunity when riding a bicycle.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

As soon as sufficiently warm weather sets in over central Russia, the number of two-wheeled vehicles increases significantly. Hundreds of bicycle and moped drivers appear on city streets and join the dense traffic flow.

According to my observations, at least 80 percent of the drivers of two-wheelers, for which a driver's license is not required, have absolutely no idea and take to the road completely unprepared.

Road rules for bicycles

Let's consider traffic rules for bicycles. A quick glance at the text may seem that traffic rules for cyclists are concentrated exclusively in section 24 of the rules "". However, in reality everything is completely different.

In the rules of the road, there are several types of road users, to which a specific clause of the rules may apply. Among others this motor vehicle, vehicle And driver. A bicycle without an engine is not a motor vehicle, but all points relating to drivers and vehicles also apply to cyclists.

Attention! Rules that apply to pedestrians do not apply to bicycle drivers. They apply only to persons driving a bicycle.

Thus Most traffic rules apply to cyclists, including a special 24 section. I will not analyze and explain absolutely everything for cyclists in this article. The interested reader can do this himself. I will focus only on those points of the rules that are most often violated by bicycle drivers.

Technical condition of the bike

2.3. The driver of the vehicle is obliged to:

2.3.1. Before leaving, check and ensure the good technical condition of the vehicle on the way in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety (hereinafter referred to as the Basic Provisions).

Driving is prohibited if there is a malfunction service brake system, steering, a coupling device (as part of a road train), unlit (missing) headlights and rear marker lights in the dark or in conditions of poor visibility, a windshield wiper that does not operate on the driver’s side during rain or snowfall.

So, the rules of the road Bicycles are prohibited, which has Malfunctions of the service brake system or steering. And we’re not just talking about driving a bicycle with broken handlebars or broken brakes.

There are "passionate" cyclists who try to reduce the weight of their bike in every possible way. This includes removing brakes and other structural elements. Punishment for such a violation is provided for in the Code of Administrative Offenses and will be discussed at the end of the article.

Alcohol intoxication of a cyclist

Movement of cyclists over 14 years of age possible in descending order:

  1. Along bicycle paths, bicycle pedestrian paths, or lanes for cyclists.
  2. On the right edge of the roadway.
  3. On the side of the road.
  4. On the sidewalk or pedestrian path.

Please note that each subsequent item in the above list assumes that the previous items are missing.

For example, you can drive along the side of the road (point 3) only if there is no bike path or lane, as well as the inability to drive along the right edge of the roadway.

In addition, there are a few exceptions:

  • You can ride on the roadway if the width of the bicycle or load exceeds 1 meter.
  • You can drive along the roadway if traffic is carried out in columns.
  • You can ride on a sidewalk or pedestrian path if you are accompanying a cyclist under 14 years of age or transporting a child under 7 years of age.

When driving on the roadway, you should keep in mind the following rules:

24.5. When cyclists move along the right edge of the roadway in the cases provided for by these Rules, cyclists must move only in one row.

A column of cyclists may move in two rows if the overall width of the bicycles does not exceed 0.75 m.

The column of cyclists must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists in the case of single-lane traffic, or into groups of 10 pairs in the case of double-lane traffic. To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 m.

Additional Information:

Movement of cyclists aged 7 to 14 years possible on sidewalks, pedestrian, bicycle and pedestrian paths, as well as within pedestrian zones.

Please note that “school cyclists” are not allowed to ride in bicycle lanes, the roadway or the shoulder.

Movement of cyclists under 7 years of age possible only together with pedestrians (on sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths, pedestrian zones).

Thus, in 2020, cyclists can also travel on sidewalks and roadsides. In this case, the cyclist rules impose additional requirements:

24.6. If the movement of a cyclist on a sidewalk, pedestrian path, shoulder or within pedestrian zones endangers or interferes with the movement of other persons, the cyclist must dismount and be guided by the requirements provided for by these Rules for the movement of pedestrians.

I would like to note that when driving on sidewalks, pedestrian paths, roadsides and pedestrian zones, a cyclist must not interfere with the movement of other persons. If necessary, the cyclist must dismount and continue moving as a pedestrian.

Let's look at an interesting example. Let's say a car (in some cases this is allowed by the rules) and a cyclist are riding on the sidewalk. If a collision occurs, both road users will be to blame. If a cyclist walks along the sidewalk, then he will not be to blame for the accident (he will not pay for car repairs).

Therefore, paragraph 24.6 emphasizes that in the event Accident on the sidewalk one of its culprits will in any case be the cyclist.

Dedicated lanes for cyclists

In 2020, you will find dedicated lanes for cyclists on the roads, marked with special signs:

Only bicycles and mopeds are allowed on these lanes.

Dedicated lanes for public transport

In addition, in 2020, cyclists can also use dedicated lanes for public transport. Clause 18.2 of the Rules:

18.2. On roads with a lane for route vehicles, marked with signs 5.11.1, 5.13.1, 5.13.2 and 5.14, the movement and stopping of other vehicles on this lane is prohibited, with the exception of:
On lanes for fixed-route vehicles cyclists allowed if such a strip is located on the right.

Please note that a cyclist may only enter a public transport lane if that lane is marked by one of the signs listed above. In addition, there should be no additional conditions prohibiting entry into the specified lane.

For example, in some Russian cities the movement is organized in the following way. In fact, the road has a dedicated lane for route vehicles and all traffic participants understand this. However, from the point of view of traffic rules, the lane is not indicated by the signs listed above. Simply, at the entrance to it, a 3.1 “brick” sign is installed.

Only public transport drivers can ignore the requirements of this sign. Other vehicles, including cyclists, cannot pass under the “brick”.

Additional Information:

Bicycle zones

On December 14, 2018, the concept of “Bicycle zone” appeared in the traffic rules. The following road signs are used to indicate the cycling zone:

Not only cyclists, but also motorized vehicles (cars) can move through the bicycle zone. In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  • Cyclists have priority over cars.
  • Cyclists can ride on the entire opposite side of the roadway, and not just on the right edge.
  • Cyclists are not prohibited from turning left and making U-turns on wide roads.
  • The speed is limited to 20 km/h.
  • Pedestrians can cross the road anywhere, but they do not have the right of way.

More detailed information about cycling zones is given in the following article:

Bicycle drivers must give way to pedestrians at crossings

14.1. The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing is obliged to give way to pedestrians crossing the road or entering the roadway(tram tracks) to make the transition.

A bicycle, like any other vehicle, must slow down or stop before crossing to allow pedestrians to pass.

Bicycle lights

In the dark, the headlights or lanterns must be turned on on the bicycle, and in the daytime, low beam headlights or daytime running lights:

19.1. In the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, regardless of the road lighting, as well as in tunnels, the following lighting devices must be turned on on a moving vehicle:

on all motor vehicles and mopeds - high or low beam headlights, on bicycles - headlights or lanterns, on horse-drawn carts - lanterns (if equipped);

19.5. During daylight hours, all moving vehicles must have low-beam headlights or daytime running lights on to indicate them.

So far, I have not met a single cyclist who uses low beam headlights or daytime running lights when driving during the day. In this regard, traffic police officers can impose a fine on almost any bicycle driver.

Age to ride a bicycle

Riding a bicycle is allowed at any age. However, depending on age, the rules for riding a bicycle differ (discussed above).

Driving on the carriageway is only possible when from 14 years old.

Prohibitions for bicycle drivers

24.8. Cyclists and moped drivers are prohibited from:

  • drive a bicycle or moped without holding the handlebars with at least one hand;
  • transport cargo that protrudes beyond the dimensions by more than 0.5 m in length or width, or cargo that interferes with control;
  • transport passengers if this is not provided for by the design of the vehicle;
  • transport children under 7 years of age in the absence of specially equipped places for them;
  • turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in in this direction(except for cases when left turns are allowed from the right lane, and with the exception of roads located in bicycle zones);
  • drive on the road without a fastened motorcycle helmet (for moped drivers);

24.9. Towing of bicycles and mopeds, as well as towing with bicycles and mopeds, is prohibited, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle or moped.

From this list the following points should be noted:

1. Bicycle drivers are prohibited from turning left and turning around on roads that have more than one lane in a given direction. Those. In the city, cyclists are prohibited from turning left on almost all major streets.

Note. This requirement does not apply to bicycle zones, as well as to roads where left turns are permitted from the far right lane.

In practice, we can offer the following way out of this situation. The bicycle driver leaves his vehicle and becomes a pedestrian. Then he crosses the intersection in the required direction along the pedestrian crossing. After this, he gets back on the bike and continues moving along the roadway or side of the road.

So the fines for bicycle drivers currently cannot be compared with (30,000 rubles for driving while intoxicated). In addition, the advantage of cyclists on the road is that they are rarely fined for violating traffic rules. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that most “two-wheelers” behave unpredictably on the road, provoking the emergence of dangerous situations.

That's it for a look at the features finished. I remind you once again that every cyclist needs to read at least once full version.

Well, in conclusion, I suggest you look short video, which clearly demonstrates what traffic violations can lead to for cyclists:

Good luck on the roads!

Regarding sign 3.9 "No cycling". The rules regarding this sign contain the following paragraph:

Signs 3.2 - 3.9, 3.32 and 3.33 prohibit the movement of the corresponding types of vehicles in both directions.

Those. If the sign is installed to the right of the roadway, then movement along the entire roadway is prohibited.

GOST R 52289-2004 gives the following information regarding sign 3.9:

5.4.29. Signs 3.2 - 3.9, 3.32 and 3.33 are installed at each entrance to a section of road or territory where the movement of the corresponding types of vehicles is prohibited. Before side exits onto the road, signs are used with one of the plates 8.3.1 - 8.3.3.

No additional information There is no sign for this sign in regulatory documents.

If you stick to general principles installation of prohibitory signs, they prohibit movement to their left. That is, if there is a sidewalk to the right of the sign, then you can drive on it.

Difficulty may arise if the sidewalk is adjacent to the roadway and the pillars are installed to the right of the sidewalk. In this case, the sign is located to the right of the entire road and an incomprehensible situation arises. If you are faced with a similar situation in practice, then it makes sense to write an appeal to the traffic police with a request to clarify the traffic order or change the traffic pattern on this section of the road.

Good luck on the roads!


A cyclist is prohibited from turning left or turning around on roads with tram traffic and on roads that have more than one lane for traffic in a given direction.

Your comment says that you can't turn left almost anywhere. Why? This direction is a left turn or a U-turn. If the roadway has 3 lanes in each direction, and turning left (and turning, if not prohibited) is only allowed from the left lane, where does it say that you cannot turn from the third lane? There is only one lane in this direction. Either the rules are written crookedly, or those who read them do not understand what is written. Please read carefully. For those turning left, the direction straight or right is not a given. It is completely absent for him; he does not go there.

Where does it say that you can’t turn from the third lane?

Clause 24.2 prohibits driving away from the right edge of the driveway if the movement is on the roadway.

This direction is a left turn or a U-turn.

No, such a direction in the traffic rules is called the “intended direction of movement” (see “driving through intersections”: “leave in the intended direction”). “Lane of a given direction” refers to all lanes for forward traffic, no matter forward-left, forward-straight or forward-right. The “lanes of a given direction” are not only the “lanes of the opposite direction” and the dividing strip, but at intersections there are also crossing ones.


Barkhudarov, you are right - traffic rules for cyclists were written by people who not only do not ride bicycles, but apparently hate cyclists. First of all, everything is done for motorists, because the strongest and richest are first and foremost motorists. There are already rumors that licenses for cyclists will be introduced. Instead of reining in the most insolent motorists, who not only massively violate rights, but in some cases deliberately try to set up a cyclist - they cut off and do not turn on the right turn signal.


Or what is the cost of dismounting when crossing a green light? controlled intersection, spend a lot of time stopping, walking and accelerating again. And all because the motorist who turns onto the green is too lazy to look away from a telephone conversation, too lazy to slow down and carefully look to see if there is anyone on the zebra crossing. And vice versa, when he sees a leisurely cyclist, he will not only not let him pass, but will hit the gas pedal!

Are there any clarifications about riding bicycles in underground passages and on overpass bridges? I often see people driving, especially on the new ramps for strollers with children and disabled people, and for those who have difficulty walking up stairs. Such ramps are shaped like a P, and often around turns neither the pedestrian sees the cyclist, nor the cyclist sees the woman with a stroller.

Hello! To be honest, I didn’t find anything about dismounting at a controlled intersection, which was written about a couple of posts ago. But I wanted to ask about something else.

1. Does the requirement of clause 24.2 to move on the right mean that it is mandatory to move to the right if the signs/markings from the right lane only allow right? Judging by the context of paragraphs 24.8 and 8.5, probably not. After all, 24.8 does not prohibit turning left on single-lane roads, but 8.5 requires you to take the extreme position, not the lane, but precisely the position. That is, it is allowed to leave from the right edge if necessary, and therefore change into a lane from which you can go straight, if from the right only to the right.

2. Clause 24.2 allows movement on the side of the road only if it is impossible to move along the right edge of the FC, although for mopeds and horse-drawn vehicles the old wording “driving on the side of the road is allowed if this does not interfere with pedestrians.” It would not be better to keep something similar in paragraph 24.2,

3. What does it mean that bicycles have priority over other vehicles in bicycle zones? Cyclists can now ignore clauses 8.3, 8.4, 8.8 and section 13 and not give way to other vehicles when exiting an adjacent lane, changing lanes, turning left and making a U-turn outside an intersection, exiting a secondary lane, etc., respectively? I hope no.

Anna, traffic rules do not allow cyclists to use pedestrian crossings (including overground and underground).

24.8. Cyclists and moped drivers are prohibited from:

cross the road at pedestrian crossings.

So the cyclist must dismount, become a pedestrian and only then cross.

Good luck on the roads!

OLV, Hello.

2. It is better to send such proposals directly to the Government of the Russian Federation, because It is the employees of this department who are responsible for drawing up the text of traffic regulations.

3. Interesting question. Paragraph 24.11 talks about the priority of cyclists over mechanical vehicles. This paragraph says nothing about priority at intersections. Therefore, it is unclear what exactly drivers and cyclists should be guided by at intersections (section 13 or clause 24.11).

Good luck on the roads!


It's always the fault of the one who "arrived" faster. Ride your bike wherever you want, just don’t bother anyone on purpose and don’t crash into anyone, otherwise you’ll kill yourself and scratch others. “And where other people’s rules begin, that’s where your personal freedom ends.”

Obvious, but incredible.


In St. Petersburg, for example, along the roadway there is one lane of a bicycle path on one side of the roadway. This means that in one direction the cyclist must ride along the bike path, and in the opposite direction - along the edge of the roadway. Or do both directions need to be on a bike path? The bike path is quite narrow, it is not very comfortable for oncoming cyclists to pass each other there, although it is not very difficult.

A cyclist 14+ rides on a bike path. On the roadway - if there is a bicycle path - it is not allowed - clause 24.2 of the traffic rules.

Good afternoon Please tell me.

If a cyclist (on a bicycle, respectively) crashes into a car while crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing, then according to the rules he is to blame. How, in this case, can you recover from him the damage caused to the car?

I'm not sure the fault lies entirely with the cyclist. To recover damages - under Article 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Previously, there was a rule that cyclists should move towards the flow, that is, in the oncoming lane, so to speak. This wonderful rule has been canceled???

Anton-150, clause 24.2 of traffic rules admits Cyclists can only move along the right edge of the FC.


The husband was driving in the right lane in his car. While turning right to enter a parking lot, a cyclist crashed into his right side. The turn signal was on. Who is to blame in this situation?

Tatyana, my husband did not comply with the requirements of clause 8.5 of the traffic rules. It’s not enough to take the right lane and turn on the turn signal. Need to borrow extreme right position . Then the cyclist will not be to the right of the husband - he will be behind him. Read paragraph 8.5 of the traffic rules, about the turn signal - paragraph 8.2 of the traffic rules.


Good afternoon. The question is, is it possible to board public transport (bus) with a bicycle?

Natalia, Hello.

There are no restrictions in this regard in the traffic rules. In practice, problems usually do not arise either; transporting a bicycle is paid for as baggage.

Have you encountered any problems?

Good luck on the roads!

A car moved from the main road to the left into the yard, a cyclist was moving along the left side of the same direction and crashed into the left side of the car, who is to blame?

Elena, the driver of the car violated the requirements of paragraph 8.3 of the traffic rules:

8.3. When entering the road from the adjacent territory, the driver must give way vehicles and pedestrians moving along it, and when leaving the road - for pedestrians and cyclists, the path of movement of which it crosses.

A cyclist has the right to ride on the side of the road; this is not a violation.

Good luck on the roads!


Regarding the drunk cyclist: there is a fine, according to the article, for an accident while intoxicated, but just for driving, it turns out there is no? It's simply prohibited, because... vehicle control? And also, traffic rules apply on the roads, which means you can drive drunk in a forest or field?


1. Part 3 of Article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses contains punishment for a cyclist who is intoxicated. This has nothing to do with the accident.

Paragraph 1.1 of the traffic rules:

1.1. These Traffic Rules (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) establish a uniform traffic procedure throughout the territory Russian Federation . Other regulations relating to road traffic must be based on the requirements of the Rules and not contradict them.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello. This question: In your article you indicate that a bicycle is a vehicle, and therefore, it is subject to traffic rules provided for all vehicles. Next, you write that a bicycle can move in 4 zones (bicycle path, right edge of the roadway, along the side of the road, on the sidewalk). Here we get a contradiction: it seems like vehicles can ride on any lane of the roadway, but a cyclist cannot. The question, in fact, is this: is there some kind of article that specifically prohibits the movement of a bicycle on other lanes of the road except the right one? I found myself in a not very pleasant situation. I was riding a bicycle on a road with 2 lanes. At the intersection, you could only turn right from the right lane, and only go straight from the left lane. I needed to go straight, so I changed lanes from the right lane to the left (which turned out to be in the left lane almost to the middle of the road, so that the cars from the left lane were on my right hand). Just before the intersection, one of the overtaking cars touched my right pedal with its left rear disc and fender, scratching them. Who is to blame for this situation? And if it’s my fault (the cyclist), how can I mitigate the consequences of this accident as much as possible? Will insurance be able to cover these scratches for the driver? Thank you in advance!

Kirill, Hello.

1. Issues of the location of cyclists on the roadway are discussed in detail in. In short, the rules do not directly say that a cyclist must ride only in the right lane of the road. However, the rules suggest driving “on the right edge of the roadway.”

2. As for the accident, in any case you were not at the right edge of the roadway, but rather far from it. That is, there is a high probability that your actions will be seen as a violation of clause 24.2 of the traffic rules.

It is not clear from your description whether any violations were committed by the driver of the car.

3. If you mean MTPL for a car, then it does not cover damage to the car itself. Under compulsory motor liability insurance, the cost of repairing a bicycle can be reimbursed if the driver of the car is found to be at fault. If you are found to be the culprit and your liability is not insured (most likely this is the case), then you will have to pay the cost of repairs.

Good luck on the roads!

wandering spirit


2. Why do you think that traffic rules only apply on roads?

1.1. These Rules of the Road (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) establish a uniform procedure for road traffic throughout the Russian Federation. Other regulations relating to road traffic must be based on the requirements of the Rules and not contradict them.

“Road traffic” is a set of social relations that arise in the process of moving people and goods with or without vehicles within the boundaries of roads.

“Road” is a strip of land or a surface of an artificial structure equipped or adapted and used for the movement of vehicles. The road includes one or more carriageways, as well as tram tracks, sidewalks, shoulders and dividing strips, if any.

If you want to comply with the requirements of paragraph 19.5, then install any bicycle light or flashlight on your bicycle. And turn on this device while driving.

Good luck on the roads!


I was riding my bike along the sidewalk. A car was driving out of the adjacent area and hit me. They accused me of ending it and issued me a fine, guided by articles clause 1.5, clause 24.2, clause 24.6. Question: why then does article 8.3 exist? I always move only on sidewalks, because I think it’s safe. Do the rules oblige me to drive only on the road or the side of the road?

I always move only on sidewalks, because I think it’s safe. Do the rules oblige me to drive only on the road or the side of the road?

Indeed, a cyclist over 14 years of age is allowed to ride on the sidewalk - as an exception: clause 24.2 of the traffic rules: when there are no bicycle and bicycle pedestrian paths, a lane for cyclists, or there is no opportunity to move along them, as well as along the right edge of the roadway or shoulder;

However, the movement of a cyclist on the sidewalk does not exempt the driver from complying with clause 8.3 of the traffic rules. You have 10 days to appeal the decision on the APN. However, there is no point in appealing - you really violated traffic rules while moving on the sidewalk. But you didn’t write anything about determining guilt in an accident. You in an accident Are they blaming something?

Hello. I am a "great leader". Not an athlete. I was driving along the sidewalk. A car suddenly jumped out from around the corner of the house from the parking lot. I managed to brake and turn left. The blow fell on the right side. (I’m recovering...) When I was driving into this exit from the yard, I looked to the left... Obviously, the driver of the car looked to the left late. But he also slowed down, although he was going to drive to the exit to the road. The Tyumen State Traffic Safety Inspectorate said that I had violated traffic rules. And I thought that when leaving a parking lot or a yard before entering the roadway, the driver of a car does not have priority over a cyclist. It's good that it was me in my place and not a child on a scooter

Good luck on the roads!

Maksim, Good afternoon! Having called the 112 service, I was sent to the duty station in the city, where they said that the rules do not contain a ban on driving on sidewalks and “there is a lot that is written on the Internet.” I call the traffic police for the second time. The first time no one came. I’m waiting for them again today, they said they’ll come, but there’s little movement.

National, Hello.

If the traffic police does not respond to your complaints, then write a complaint to the prosecutor’s office about the inaction of the employees.

Good luck on the roads!

Comment is being added

(ArticleToC: enabled=yes)

Everyone who gets behind the wheel of a bicycle becomes a participant in traffic. Therefore, the requirements for it are as strict as for car drivers and motorcycle drivers.

To ensure the safety of themselves and others, drivers of these vehicles must follow the rules.

Number of wheeled mobile vehicles that are driven muscle strength person, growing year by year. They are bought in specialized stores and rented: they go to work, take children to kindergarten, go for walks and shopping trips, and simply use them to maintain health.

Therefore, to avoid confusion on the roads, cyclists must follow the rules.

In European countries, this type of transport is perhaps the most popular. Denmark, Germany, Holland, Belgium are the leaders in their hobby. There is a developed network of bicycle paths and special traffic lights are installed, which confirms people’s attention to mobile vehicles. In Denmark, for example, a car is now considered a luxury, and the bicycle has occupied a significant niche among means of transportation. This is explained by the introduction high tax to purchase a car that exceeds the cost of the car itself. Added to this was the introduction of parking fees. So this means of transportation has gained popularity, which is used to travel to places that cannot be reached on foot or by car; it is allowed to enter the center of large cities. Riding such a vehicle is also good for your health.

The advantages this vehicle provides:

  • price – it is much lower than other types of transport;
  • there is no need to buy gasoline, the prices of which are quite high;
  • small dimensions;
  • there are no problems associated with traffic jams on city roads during rush hours;
  • speed. It is lower in comparison with motorcycles and cars, however, thanks to mobility, it is faster to get to the right time by bicycle;
  • pedaling turns out to be a kind of plus: it helps to pump up the leg muscles;
  • stay on fresh air(where there are no exhaust gases) turns out to be another plus for health;
  • Riding focuses attention and helps a person concentrate.

The list of main advantages turned out to be rather long.

But we can’t ignore the shortcomings:

  • storage problem;
  • insufficient number of parking lots in cities and equipped paths;
  • seasonality, i.e. in rainy weather and winter time this transport is ineffective.

China dominates among the main manufacturers - a huge number of factories for the assembly and production of cheap and mobile transport are concentrated there. But don’t rush to criticize the manufacturer - a lot of good words have been said about its products, despite the fact that in comparison with famous European manufacturers, mobile transport costs much less.

The fact that there are up to a billion people in the world who like to ride “with the breeze” testifies to many things, and that people are thinking about the environment and thus are fighting air pollution.

Negative consequences of car popularity

  • pollute air;
  • require significant financial investments, including for routine and planned repairs;
  • make a lot of noise;
  • spending a long time behind the wheel causes the development of certain diseases;
  • low mobility of the driver leads to the same problems.

These problems are not familiar to those who have chosen mobile transport. If it continues to be popularized, it will become the transport of the future, especially considering how quickly production is developing, how many new models and gadgets have been developed for it.

Excerpts from Chapter 6 of the Rules for Cyclists

The chapter spells out the rules that must be strictly observed when driving outside your own home, when the person sitting behind the wheel turns into a full-fledged participant in the road traffic.

What are the rules for cyclists?

The traffic rules (Chapter 6 “Requirements for drivers of mopeds and bicycles”) clearly regulate the behavior of cyclists who have left their home and find themselves on the roads.

Let's look at the basic rules outlined in this chapter:

6.1 Citizens who have reached the age of fourteen are allowed to ride bicycles on the roadway.

Children over 14 years of age, in accordance with the rules, can ride alone on the roads. Younger children are allowed to move only on sidewalks. And those under 7 years old can only ride under adult supervision.

6.2. The mobile transport in question must be equipped with light reflectors– this is another rule for a cyclist. The color of the reflector installed in front is white, the reflector mounted at the back is red, and the reflector on the sides is orange. The rules require that in addition to reflectors, there must be an audible signal.

6.3. If driving in conditions of limited visibility, in particular at night, the rules require the use of lights installed in front and behind, which will help identify the vehicle on the roadway.

6.4. The next rule: in order not to interfere with traffic participants when moving in a group, you need to drive in a chain, i.e. one after another. If a column is moving, the cyclists are divided into groups of 10 people each and move, keeping a distance of 80-100 meters between groups. According to the rules, the distance between the “drivers” themselves is maintained at least 1.5 meters. Compliance with this rule will help drivers of other vehicles move freely, avoiding traffic jams.

6.5. It is allowed to carry loads of such dimensions that do not interfere with the control of the bicycle. The rules allow the transportation of cargo on a trunk or a special trailer, but do not provide for the transportation of oversized cargo.

  • drive a vehicle that has a faulty signal, brakes, no lighting (in the dark), or in poor visibility;
  • You cannot drive on the roadway if there is a bike path nearby;
  • move on paths for pedestrians (except for children’s bicycles);
  • hold on to another vehicle when driving;
  • drive without holding the steering wheel or taking your feet off the pedals;
  • It is allowed to transport adults (children under 7 years old) on an additional seat, provided that
  • that the seat is equipped with footrests);
  • The rules for cyclists do not allow towing bicycles, mopeds, trailers (except as specified above).

Rules: where the vehicle is allowed to go

You are required to drive on the roadway (according to the rules) as close to the right shoulder as possible. This rule is often hindered by parked cars that need to be passed around, which is very risky from the point of view of traffic moving behind and from the driver of the parked car, who can open the door in front of the cyclist without noticing his approach.

If a breakdown occurs during a trip, an injury occurs, or a person is simply tired and wants to walk, he turns into a pedestrian, even while walking with a vehicle. Now he must move according to the rules along the edge of the left shoulder - towards moving traffic, so that in case of danger, he can quickly react.

How is a bike lane designated according to the rules?

If there is a bike path, you only need to move along it.

Its presence is indicated by a road sign provided for by the rules:

If there is no sign, markings are applied to the bike path indicating the direction of movement (as stated by the rules).

If it is, then the rules prohibit cyclists from riding on the roadway. There are still few paths in our country, so cyclists travel along the same lines as trucks and cars, so the issue of personal safety is extremely relevant.

What is important to know to protect yourself on the roads

  • Riding on the roads is dangerous because cyclists may not be seen at night. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to wear brighter cycling clothing and equip your vehicle with reflective elements, as required by the rules for cyclists, section 6.2. The taillight must be turned on in accordance with paragraph 6.3 of the rules for cyclists. A bicycle light powered by a rechargeable battery or batteries is attached to the handlebars.
  • A front light will help you spot vehicles from afar and illuminate the way.
  • Often headlights have different functions: continuous glow, blinking.
  • In order not to risk turning back, equip your mobile vehicle with a rear-view mirror, attaching it to the steering wheel. This simple accessory will help you focus your attention on the road.
  • Another point of the rules aimed at preserving the health of the cyclist is the mandatory wearing of a helmet, which will protect the head in case of a fall, from which even an experienced driver is not insured. After all, circumstances do not always depend on his experience and skills.

Does a cyclist need a license?

Until now, this has not been required, but the State Duma has already raised this issue, to which the owners of the “iron horses” reacted ambiguously. Most responded negatively to this decision. But the measures were caused by a global violation of the rules, unwillingness to equip your vehicle accordingly, and neglect of safety rules - wearing reflective clothing and a helmet.

The license will help improve the culture of these drivers, as well as apply fines to them for violations. But they are not the only ones to blame for road accidents, so it would be advisable to start installing bicycle paths, about which there is no news yet.

When the law is adopted, it will be possible to move only with a certificate similar to a motorist’s license. But given the increased interest in bicycles, the introduction of compulsory training for obtaining a license may cause the demand for bicycles to fall.

The rules for cyclists include gestures that help determine what maneuver they will perform.

Hands act as car headlights:

  • when she is lifted into right side- there will be a right turn;
  • by raising his hand up, the driver will continue to move in a straight line;
  • Do not turn left - it is prohibited.

What to do if you can’t turn left. In this case, they drive to the nearest underground or overground passage and cross the road, dismounting. If you find it difficult to make signs with your hands, purchase an electronic system that indicates turns. Inform your colleagues on the roads about upcoming maneuvers in advance so that they can get their bearings in time.

Video: A cyclist stands in a traffic jam

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Cyclist - vehicle driver Fundamentals of life safety Completed by: life safety teacher, Alexey Alexandrovich Beresnev

I. History of the bicycle The first two-wheeled bicycle was invented in Russia in 1801 by master Artamonov and was called a SCOOTER. It was made entirely of iron, weighed 40 kg and rolled on its own, provided, of course, that the rider turned the pedals attached to the large front wheel.

II. Types of bicycles For traveling on regular roads For traveling long distances on the highway For off-road riding, for going downhill Convenient for traveling For performing tricks and jumps Like a road bike, folds compactly for carrying and storage

III. A bicycle is a simple and convenient machine, capable of trouble-free operation on any roads, under different climatic conditions. You do not need a special permit to ride a bicycle. BUT - just like motorists, cyclists are treated as equal road users; BUT – the bicycle is the most dangerous looking transport, since it is unstable when moving, and the cyclist is not protected, like a car driver, by the body or cabin. A cyclist must: know the rules of the road well, so as not to become the culprit of a traffic accident and learn to ride a bicycle well.

A bicycle is a vehicle. The traffic rules stipulate that the minimum age for riding a bicycle on public roads should be 14 years of age.

Face, bicycle operator, must: check the technical condition of the vehicle, especially the steering and braking system.

Bicycles must be driven only in the far right lane (no further than 1 meter from the curb). It is allowed to drive onto sidewalks and pedestrian paths if this does not interfere with pedestrians. 1 meter

It is allowed to transport children by bicycle: if the child is under 7 years old; if there is an additional special seat equipped with reliable footrests.

Prohibited: Driving if the brake system or steering is faulty. Carry a load that protrudes beyond the dimensions of the bicycle and interferes with control by more than 0.5 m. Ride without holding the handlebars with at least one hand.

It is prohibited to tow a bicycle, except with a trailer. It is prohibited to turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction; It is prohibited to ride on the main road if there is a bicycle path nearby.

If your bicycle breaks down, you need to drive it along the road, going in the same direction as traffic. At an unregulated intersection of a bicycle path with a road (unless the intersection is at an intersection), cyclists must give way to vehicles traveling on that road.

The regulation regarding cycling groups states that columns of cyclists when moving on the roadway must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists. The distance between groups should be 80-100 meters. 10 cyclists

Think and answer: Which group of road signs does this sign in the picture belong to?

Think and answer: Which sign prohibits cycling?

Road signs All warning signs are more or less important for cyclists, so you need to know them. Most warning signs are in the shape of an equilateral triangle with a red border and a white or yellow background.

Of the prohibitory signs (most of them are a circle with a red border and a white or yellow background), one is specifically addressed to cyclists: sign 3.9 “No cycling” In addition to this sign, you should also pay attention to: sign 3.1 “Entry prohibited”

Sign 3.17.2 “Danger” Sign 3.18.2 “Left turn prohibited” Sign 3.18.1 “Right turn prohibited”

Sign 3.31 “End of zone of all restrictions” Sign 3.2 “No movement”

Mandatory signs are all important for a cyclist, but especially sign 4.5 “Cycle path”. This is the second sign addressed specifically to cyclists. Only bicycles and mopeds are allowed on the bike path, and if there is no sidewalk or footpath, then pedestrians.

Almost all information and directional signs are relevant to cyclists. Some service marks relate to motor vehicles. The rest are also relevant for cyclists.

Cyclist signals A cyclist intending to turn or stop must give certain signals: a left turn signal corresponds to a left arm extended to the side, a right turn signal corresponds to a right arm extended to the side (or a left arm bent upward at the elbow)

Cyclist signals The rules allow when turning to raise the arm opposite to the direction of the turn, bent at the elbow at a right angle upward, but in order for your gestures to be clearly understood, it is recommended to extend your arm in the direction of the turn, since the cyclist, in general, does not care which hand to lift from the steering wheel.

Cyclist signals: The brake signal is given by raising your hand. The hand signal must be given well in advance of the maneuver and may be terminated immediately prior to the maneuver.

Statistically, a cyclist on the road is five times more likely to be involved in a traffic accident than a car driver. An analysis of accidents involving cyclists shows that most of them occur as a result of cyclists’ clear disregard for the rules of maneuvering on the roads, timely giving of warning signals and the right of way for other vehicles.

That's why prerequisite driving on streets and roads is a clear knowledge by the cyclist of the “Rules of the Road” and strict compliance with their requirements.

When purchasing a bicycle, how many people remember that the cyclist is a full-fledged participant in the road traffic? This means that it is simply necessary to know and follow the traffic rules. We remind you of the main points of traffic rules related to bicycle drivers.

General provisions

Bike- a vehicle having two or more wheels, driven by the muscular power of the person on it.

Driver- a person driving a vehicle. Thus, a cyclist is a driver of a vehicle, and therefore a participant in road traffic.

The driver is obliged to know and comply with the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules (TRAF), traffic lights, signs and markings, as well as follow the orders of traffic controllers.

Requirements for the movement of bicycles:

1. Persons at least 14 years of age are allowed to ride a bicycle when driving on roads.

2. Cyclists should only ride in the far right lane in a single row as far to the right as possible. Driving on the side of the road is allowed if this does not interfere with pedestrians.

3. Columns of cyclists when moving along the roadway must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists. To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 -100 m.

4. At an unregulated intersection of a bicycle path with a road, a cyclist must give way to vehicles moving on the road.

The bicycle driver is prohibited from:

1. drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand;

2. carry passengers, except a child under 7 years of age, on an additional seat equipped with reliable footrests;

3. transport cargo that interferes with control, or that protrudes more than 0.5 meters in length or width;

4. move along the road if there is a bicycle path nearby;

5. turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane;

6. towing bicycles, as well as bicycles, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle.

7. move along the sidewalk, pedestrian path;

8. drive on roads marked with signs 5.1 “motorway” and 5.3 “road for cars”;

9. while driving, use a telephone that is not equipped with a technical device that allows hands-free negotiations;

10. drive a vehicle while intoxicated, under the influence of medications that impair reaction and attention, in a sick or tired state.

When listening to music while driving, to monitor the situation behind you, it is recommended not to cover one ear.

Technical requirements

The bicycle must have working brakes, handlebars and a sound signal; be equipped at the front with a white reflector and flashlight or headlight (for driving in the dark and in conditions of poor visibility), at the rear with a red reflector or flashlight, and on each side with an orange or red reflector.

It is advisable to have a bicycle helmet, or any other one with a closed back part.

Responsibility for violating traffic rules

Violation of Article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 100-500 rubles. Failure to comply with other traffic regulations also results in a fine or warning.

If the actions of a cyclist caused damage to the health of people or transport, then civil liability measures are applied to him.

Criminal liability occurs when traffic rules are violated, resulting in death or serious harm to human health through negligence.

Cyclist signals

The signal for a left turn, U-turn, change of lane, or start of movement corresponds to the left arm extended to the side or the right arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle.

The right turn signal corresponds to the right arm extended to the side or the left arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle.

The brake signal is given by any raised hand.

Directions for action

When a traffic light turns on a prohibitory signal, you must stop near the stop lines or a duplicate sign 6.16 “STOP”.

When you turn on the permissive signal of a traffic light that is not equipped with an additional arrow, you must indicate the maneuver and move to the left. Drivers turning right will not overtake or cut off. According to statistics, this is the most common type of accident. It is advisable to use the same tactics when driving right turns onto secondary roads.

When leaving the yard, or from a secondary road to the main one, the cyclist must give way to other road users, including pedestrians. When turning right, exiting the main road, or crossing an unregulated pedestrian crossing, you must also give way to pedestrians.

At an intersection of equivalent roads, the driver must give way to vehicles approaching from the right. When approaching such an intersection, you need to make sure that the driver on the left is giving way. If in doubt, it's better to skip it.

On roads with tram tracks or roads with two or more lanes for traffic in the same direction, drivers must dismount and cross the road with a bicycle next to them in order to turn left or make a U-turn.

In populated areas, drivers must give way to trolleybuses and buses starting from a designated stop.

Outside intersections where tram tracks cross the roadway, the cyclist must give way to the tram, except when the tram is leaving the depot.