Exercises to strengthen the abs and abdominal muscles. This exercise is more difficult. How to prepare your abdominal muscles for training

Everyone who purposefully visits Gym to create the body of your dreams, they will confirm that the most difficult thing to pump up is beautiful abs, which would be decorated sculpted muscles. The main difficulty is that on the way to your cherished dream there are always fat accumulations in this part of the body.

Moreover, even small amounts of deposits can significantly spoil the picture. Therefore, if you set yourself the goal of becoming the owner of sculpted abs, you need to remember that a lot depends on nutrition. But in the conditions of correction of the daily diet, they will help to achieve the goal special exercises to strengthen the press .

As already mentioned, strengthening the abdominal muscles through regular training will have an obvious result only if fat deposits in this area are kept to a minimum. To do this, it is imperative to adjust your daily diet, replacing fatty, fried and sweet foods with protein and fiber.

Special exercises will also help you achieve your desired results faster:

  • The simplest and famous exercise“cyclist” is considered to burn calories and strengthen muscles, which involves simulating the corresponding movements with the legs. You can perform this exercise both in a sitting and lying position.
  • Raising straight legs. Both sitting and lying positions are also suitable for performing this exercise.
  • An exercise called “scissors.” It is difficult to find a person who is not familiar with this exercise from school years, for which you should lie on the floor and alternately cross your straightened legs, holding them in weight.
  • This exercise consists of sequentially changing positions. So, first you should lie on the floor, and then take sitting position, bending your legs, and return to the starting position.
  • You need to take the starting position, kneeling, and begin to bend backwards. At the same time, it is important to ensure that hip joints were in an extended position.
  • You need to lie on your stomach, and then begin to reproduce the actions of raising the abdominal wall. When lifting, be sure to hold for 5 seconds.
  • For the starting position, you should stand on all fours. The exercise involves drawing in the abdominal wall with a slight arching of the back. You should stay in this position for at least 5 seconds. After this, you need to relax and repeat the exercise.
  • You should lie on your back and place your arms, bent at the elbows, behind your head. After this, you need to simultaneously raise your head and shoulders, holding this position for about 5 seconds. After a short relaxation, the exercise must be repeated.

Each of the exercises is quite effective, but the results will only be visible with regular training. It is recommended to repeat each exercise about 15 times.

Strengthening your abdominal muscles can be done not only during training. For example, throughout the day you should periodically retract the abdominal wall, repeating the action at least 5 times.

Abdominal Strengthening: Exercises

Complex the following exercises aimed directly at creating relief press. Strengthening the abdominal muscles can also be achieved through walking and running, which involves raising the hips high, bending over, and raising the lower extremities.

Muscle strengthening abdominals will provide the following exercises:

  • To take the starting position, you need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, after which you should slowly bend forward, trying to touch the floor with your fingertips. You need to monitor the position of your knees, which are strictly forbidden to bend. Ten repetitions are enough to get the desired result.
  • The starting position is the same, and the exercise involves alternately raising the straightened legs forward. At the same time, you should extend both arms, trying to touch your toes with your toes.
  • To perform this exercise, you need to lie on your back, and your arms should be spread to the sides so that your palms touch the floor. The straightened legs should be slowly raised up and bent behind the head, touching the floor with your toes. It is recommended to repeat the exercise no more than 5 times.
  • You need to lie on the floor and bend your knees, resting your feet on the floor. Arms should be extended along the body. The exercise involves raising your head so that your chin is as close to your chest as possible. At the same time as your head, you need to raise your arms and alternately reach with your right hand to your right foot and your left to your left. You need to make sure that your shoulders are also slightly raised during the exercise.


The above exercises aimed at strengthening the abs are considered simple and at the same time effective. A video about the step-by-step implementation of each exercise will allow you to avoid many mistakes and achieve the intended results on the way to the figure of your dreams.

Video about ways to pump up abs for beginners

AiF infographics


Lying on the floor, bend your legs and place your feet on the floor. Hands on the floor along the body. Raise your head, lowering your chin to your chest, raise your arms low so that they are parallel to the floor. Stretch your right hand toward your right heel, simultaneously lifting your shoulders and left shoulder blade (if possible) off the floor. Come back without lowering your head to the floor and reach with your left hand towards your left heel, lifting your shoulders and right shoulder blade accordingly.

Do 5 sets of 4-6 times. If your neck gets tired, lower your chin. If your neck hurts, then support it with one hand and do it 4-5 times in one direction, and then change hands.


The starting position is the same: you lie on your back, your legs are bent and standing on the floor. However, your arms need to be bent and placed under your neck. Lift your left knee, simultaneously lift your head, arms and shoulders off the floor and point your chest towards this knee. Lower yourself and repeat the rise right side along with the right knee.

Do 4 sets of 10 reps each (5 on each knee).


The starting position is the same. Spread your legs slightly apart. Place one hand under your neck and extend the other between your legs. Lowering your head to your chest, raise your shoulders and shoulder blades, and stretch your straight arm forward to your heels.

Do 6-8 times and change hands. Perform 4 such approaches (one approach is exercises on both arms).


Lying on your back, stretch your legs, arms along your body. Lean lightly on your palms and press your lower back to the floor. Make sure that she does not leave the floor during the entire exercise. Raise your right leg straight up. Attach the left one to it. Lower the right one down to the floor and follow it with the left one. Start the next movement with your left leg up. Continue like this: always lift the leg that was last placed on the floor first.

Do 5 sets of 10-12 full cycles on each leg.


Starting position - as in the previous exercise. The legs are extended, the lower back is pressed to the floor, the palms rest on the floor. Raise your legs, bend them and point your knees towards your right shoulder, with your feet above your knees. Lower your legs to the floor, straightening them, and repeat the movement to your left shoulder.

Do 4 sets of 6-8 reps (equally on each side).

Today we are happy to share with you another express workout that will help you get rid of your belly fat in no time. Just 2 weeks regular classes- and you will notice the first positive results!

It is advisable to perform exercises to develop the abdominal muscles at least every other day and at the same time follow a minimal diet.

And soon you will be able to show off your beautiful belly!

Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

First level

Butterfly press

Lie on your back, bend your knees and spread your legs apart, keep your feet together and your hands behind your head. Without bending your back, raise your body a little and stay in this position for a couple of seconds. Lower yourself to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
Exercise for oblique abdominal muscles
Lie on your back, bend your knees, arms along the floor. Raise your body a little and stretch forward with your left hand, then with your right. The head and neck should remain in line and Bottom part back pressed to the floor. Repeat 15 times on each side.


In this set of exercises, do the plank like this: 10 approaches for 3 seconds.

Average level

Let's reach for our socks!

Lie on your back, raise your legs and reach your toes with your hands. At the same time, do not bend your back and legs. You do 2 sets of 15 reps.

In a lying position, slightly raise your body, hands behind your head, back straight. Touch your elbow right hand knee of the left leg, and vice versa. Repeat the exercise in each direction 15 times. Do 2 approaches.

Advanced level

Knees up

For this exercise you need to hold on tightly to the backs of the chairs. Bend your elbows slightly, lower your shoulders and relax your neck. Slowly raise your knees up. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Legs to the sides

Lie on your back, arms to the sides, legs up. Without lifting your body from the floor, lower your straight legs to the right side, and then to the left. Do 2 sets of 15 times in each direction.

Ball exercise

In this position, as shown in the picture, begin to do the following: keeping your back straight, lift your legs a few centimeters in turn. There are 2 hikes 15 times each.

Start simple and move up to a more complex level to the best of your ability. You will definitely succeed!
A set of abdominal exercises may also appeal to your friends!

On this page I will share with you some breathing exercises aimed at developing the abdominal muscles. From now on, you can forget about an unsightly, sagging belly while you are sick. In addition, the presented exercises allow you to quickly mobilize nervous system, wake up, cheer up.

Exercise 1.

Starting position: straight, legs together. Look at one point in front of you. The technique for performing the exercise is as follows: simultaneously with a sharp exhalation through the nose, pull in the stomach as much as possible, then simultaneously with a sharp inhalation, again through the nose, protrude the stomach as much as possible. The exercise is performed in fast pace, during the process, be sure to ensure that your breathing and abdominal movement are synchronous. The shoulders should remain motionless during the exercise.

In order to notice visible result, the exercise must be done for a month or a little more. For the first 10 days, retraction-protrusion can be performed 5 times, and then start adding one every day until you bring the number to 25 times; you don’t need to add more.

Exercise 2.

The starting position is exactly the same as in the previous exercise. To begin the exercise, bend your upper body forward so that you form an angle with the vertical of approximately 45 degrees. Hands are on the lower back, thumbs forward, and the remaining fingers are folded together and directed back. Look straight ahead at one point, your back is straight, your shoulders are turned, and your elbows are turned back. The technique is exactly the same as in the previous exercise, that is, simultaneously with a sharp exhalation through the nose, pull in the stomach as much as possible, then, simultaneously with a sharp inhalation, again through the nose, protrude the stomach as much as possible.

Exercise 3.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Top part body tilted forward, back straight, legs slightly bent at the knees, straight arms resting slightly higher knee joints, thumb while grasping the hips. During the exercise, the head is in a vertical position, the eyes look straight ahead at one point. And again, the technique is exactly the same as the first exercise: simultaneously with a sharp exhalation through the nose, pull in the stomach as much as possible, then simultaneously with a sharp inhalation, again through the nose, protrude the stomach as much as possible.

Exercise 4.

The starting position and technique for performing it are exactly the same as the first. The only difference is that after exhaling, you hold your breath and the entire time you hold your breath, you continue to move your stomach, that is, you retract it until you feel discomfort from holding your breath. Then take a calm breath through your nose. You need to do this exercise once a day.
This exercise is performed in the morning on an empty stomach after drinking a cup or two of tea. Massage in progress internal organs stomach filled with water. Performed in series with breath holds after a slight exhalation, 5 series of 20 times.

Exercise 5.

Lying on your back, legs straight. Pulling the head and hands towards the feet (upper and middle abs, rectus abdominis)

Exercise 6.

Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. “Bicycle” with one foot forward until the first fatigue. Then with the other foot (lower and middle abs, rectus abdominis)

Lying on your back, legs straight. Without lifting your buttocks from the couch, stick your lower abdomen forward. Voltage gluteal muscles to the point of fatigue (transverse muscles belly)

During the day, the abdominal muscles should always be kept in good shape and your stomach should not fall out. Then everything will be fine.

Be beautiful!

Based on Internet materials
consultation with a physical therapy instructor
Murmansk regional hospital

Here are the most effective abdominal exercises

Today, millions of people around the world are ready to confirm by their own example that with the help of a set of exercises of the Pilates system, you can make your legs, hips, back, chest, arms perfect... But this system is especially famous for its effective exercises for perfect abs. They force the body to work “from the inside”, make it possible to work out the most deep muscles and form a strong muscular frame. We will begin our acquaintance with Pilates with them.

Start doing the ab complex 3-4 times a week (which will take no more than 15 minutes), and within a month your waist will become thinner and your tummy more toned!

Exercise "Hundred"

It is considered not the most difficult, but at the same time one of the most effective exercises for the press. Abdominal muscle training should always begin with it. I. p. - Lying on your back, legs raised up and bent at the knees at a right angle, arms extended along the body.

As you exhale, lift your head and shoulders, tightening your abdominal muscles. Do not slouch under any circumstances; your shoulders should be straightened. The distance between the chin and torso should be no less than the size of a fist. Begin to vigorously move your arms up and down, as if lightly hitting water, maintaining your breathing in rhythm: 5 short breaths (as if smelling flowers), then 5 short exhales. When performing the exercise, the head and torso remain motionless and the stomach is retracted. There should be a total of 100 inhalations and exhalations.

If it is still difficult for you to complete such an exercise, start with an easier version. In this case, when performing the exercise, your legs should be bent at the knees and your feet should rest on the floor (knees together).

As the muscles get stronger, the exercise needs to be made more difficult. To do this, when performing it, raise your legs at an angle of 60 degrees.

Exercise "Lotus"

Excellent for working the rectus abdominis muscles.

I. p. - Lying on your back, knees slightly bent and raised above your hips, ankles crossed, toes extended, arms lying along the body with palms down.

As you inhale, pull your stomach in, as you exhale, lift your hips away from your butt and straighten your legs, throwing them behind your head in a “V” shape. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise "Badass"

Helps work the deepest abdominal muscles, while toning the muscles of the whole body

I. p. - Sitting on the floor, legs extended forward, arms down and palms on the floor, back straight, stomach retracted. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, simultaneously raise your straight legs by about 45 degrees and lower your body to the floor, your head should remain suspended. Stretch your arms straight in front of you. As you inhale, without lowering your legs, lift your body and try to reach your toes with your hands. Exhale. Lower your legs. Repeat the exercise first 5 times.

If performing the exercise causes difficulty or discomfort, start doing it 2-3 weeks after the start of training or increase the angle of leg lifting from 45 degrees to 90. To complicate the exercise, you need to increase the number of approaches.

  • And here:
  • Do you dream of losing weight in your belly, getting rid of your sides and reducing your waist? Start doing exercises for flat stomach at home today! To train your abs, you will need minimal equipment and some free space in the room. We are offering to you a selection of high-quality exercises for the abdominal muscles , which is guaranteed to help you tighten your abs and get rid of fat from the waist area.

    Rules for performing exercises for abdominal muscles at home

    1. If you want to achieve a flat stomach in short term, then your workout should include cardio exercises to burn fat and exercises for everything muscle corset (stomach + back).

    2. The workout plan for a flat stomach can be divided into two parts: cardio training (15-20 minutes) and abdominal exercises (15-20 minutes). The second part includes exercises for the abdomen on your back, standing, in a plank - at your discretion. It is advisable that the exercise program be as varied as possible.

    3. The total time of such a set of exercises for the abdomen takes 30-40 minutes, you need to exercise 2 times a week. Of course, you can train more often or less frequently depending on your goals and problem areas.

    4. If you want to lose belly fat faster, it is better to focus on cardio training. This is more effective for burning fat than just doing abs.

    5. Belly fat is only burned when you eat within a calorie deficit. (you consume less food than the body spends on energy) . If you do not follow dietary restrictions, then you will not lose weight even with daily exercise for the abdominal muscles.

    7. If you want to work on your whole body, then check out our collections of effective exercises:

    • Top 50 most effective leg exercises at home
    • Top 20 arm exercises at home for women

    Exercise plan for a flat stomach

    We take a choice of exercises from those presented below. You can alternate exercises, swap them around or add new ones.

    • Cardio exercises(15-20 minutes): 5 exercises according to the scheme 30 seconds work - 30 seconds rest or 40 seconds work - 20 seconds rest, repeat the exercises in 3 circles, 1-2 minutes of rest between circles.
    • Standing exercises + back exercises
    • Planks + exercises lying on your stomach(10-12 minutes): 8-10 exercises according to the scheme 40 seconds work - 20 seconds rest or 50 seconds work - 10 seconds rest. After every fourth or fifth exercise, you can take a short break.

    Cardio exercises for the abdomen

    Cardio exercises for the abdomen will help you burn more calories, speed up your metabolism, start fat burning processes and strengthen your abdominal muscles. Cardio exercises are best done in interval mode, for example, 30 seconds of intense work + 30 seconds of rest (or in Tabata mode), this will help the workout be much more effective.

    If you have health contraindications, simply do the exercises without jumping or running, while trying to maintain high speed. For example, instead of exercising simply pull your knees toward your chest in a plank position. The most important thing in cardio training is to maintain your heart rate in the fat-burning zone, and not to perform impact exercises.

    8. Burpees (can be done without push-ups)

    Exercises for abdominal muscles on the back

    The most common exercises for a flat stomach are: exercises lying on your back– variations of crunches, leg lifts, pulling knees to chest, etc. The advantage of such exercises is that they help pump up the target abdominal muscles (rectus and obliques), which means making your stomach flat and toned.

    Please note that these exercises for a flat stomach should be treated with special caution if you have problems with the spine. Various options crunches put stress on the back and lower back, so such exercises for the abdomen can aggravate the problem of the spine. If you experience pain while performing abdominal exercises on your back, then it is better not to practice them. Replace them standing abdominal exercises And slats(they will be discussed below).

    2. Twisting with the foot touching the floor

    5. Oblique twists to the leg

    9. Bicycle with legs extended

    Plank exercises for abdominal muscles


    Exercises for abdominal muscles while standing

    Great alternative for more traditional exercises for the abdomen on the floor are exercises that are performed in a standing position. When performing such exercises, there is less likelihood of incorrect back position, which means less risk of injury and exacerbation. To begin with, it is not necessary to perform exercises with dumbbells; you can start training without additional equipment.

    4. Dumbbell Side Crunch

    5. Tilts from dumbbells to the floor

    10. Mill

    Exercises for the abdominal, back and lower back muscles

    This is another group of very effective exercises for the abdominal muscles. While doing them, you will also strengthen your back muscles and