Standing triceps exercises with a barbell. How to pump up your triceps with a barbell. One-arm press with reverse grip

And it’s time to pump up the triceps in order to maximize the volume of the arm, which by a third depends on the mass of this muscle group.

Triceps brachii, better known simply as the triceps, is the triceps muscle of the brachii: it has a lateral, medial and long head. Since it has one more head than the biceps, focusing on working it with weights will quickly give you massive arms. Of course, you shouldn’t neglect the biceps either - otherwise it will lead to a very strange-looking imbalance, and you will also have nothing to do at arm wrestling competitions - but it’s definitely worth including the presented triceps movements at home in your training.

Quickly pump up your arms: weighted dips, close-grip bench press, seated arm extension, close-grip push-ups with clap, arm extensions on the machine.

Want to big hands? Focus on your triceps! One of the common things for anyone who lifts weights is to build massive arms. Everyone does it for their own reasons, but if you have experience and balanced training, it will make it a lot easier and help you get better. Knowing why and how to pump up your arms is important in itself, but we think the information below will be useful to anyone interested in weight training.

If you want to have bigger arms, it is very important to pay attention to your triceps. Many people think that the most important thing in the arms is the biceps, but this is not true, because it only makes up 1/3 of the muscles in the upper arm. The remaining 2/3 is triceps. Do you want bigger hands? Do these 5 exercises to tone your triceps, including at home.

Want to bench press more weight? Stop training your biceps (at least, stop training just your biceps). In addition to the fact that the triceps make up 2/3 of the mass muscle tissue, he is often statistically the weakest muscle in the group. Use these triceps exercises to gym to gain more mass in the desired areas.

Before you dive into training programs and start jumping with dumbbells like a gorilla, you need to understand the structure of the human body and how muscles work in conjunction with one another. Basic understanding of anatomy and physiology will help you create a meaningful program for yourself, monitor your form, posture and results.

The triceps consists of three heads that run between the shoulder blade and one of the upper arm bones (the ulna). These heads are known as the lateral, middle and long heads.

  • Lateral head - located on the outside of the long humerus and is responsible for movements requiring high intensity force.
  • The middle head is located along the shoulder, mainly covered by the long and lateral heads. It is primarily responsible for slow, low-intensity movements.
  • The long head is the longest of the 3 heads, located mostly along the bottom of the humerus. The long head is used when sustained force is needed or when cooperation and control of the shoulder and/or elbow joint is needed.

Here we list them, from the heaviest compound movements that target multiple muscle groups (these are natural synergists with pressing movements that work the chest), to lighter isolation exercises that are best done in large volumes towards the end of the workout to pump up your arms. end. If your goal is the latter, prepare for serious soreness - the triceps are more susceptible to it than any other muscle.

Triceps, like all other muscles in the body, are made up of fast and slow fibers. Fast-twitch fibers are easier to train and are typically recruited with heavy weights and low reps. Slow-twitch fibers are harder to activate and respond to high repetitions. Prepping your slow-twitch fibers with a few high-rep sets before your main workout will help trigger growth of all fiber types.

Tested and effective method engage both types of fibers in the triceps:

Cable arm extension - 2 sets of 20 reps (light weight)

Close grip bench press - 4 sets of 5-8 reps (heavy weight)

The best exercises for pumping up the triceps

We have prepared a list of the most effective movements for the mass and relief of the triceps brachii muscle and divided them into two groups.

Arm extension on the upper block

Grasp the rope handle fixed to the upper mount. Palms should face each other. Pull the handle to lift the weight, keeping your elbows close to your body. Keeping your torso still, extend your arms down and out to engage your triceps, then slowly return to the starting position. Can be performed effectively by women.

Close grip bench press

Lie down on horizontal bench, grab the barbell with an overhand grip, your hands should be about 20 cm apart. Plant your feet firmly on the floor and press the barbell up with a powerful movement, then slowly lower it back until it is directly above your sternum.


Place the bars on outstretched arms and hold a light dumbbell between your feet or attach a weight to your belt. To engage your triceps, keep your torso vertical. Bring your arms close to your body, bend and lower until your arms are at the correct 90-degree angle, then forcefully return to the starting position. Works the triceps well.

Triceps push-ups

Sit on the edge of a bench with your feet on another bench opposite. Transfer your body weight to your hands, palms should rest on the edge of the bench, fingers pointing forward. Lower your body until your arms are at an angle of approximately 90 degrees, then return to the starting position with a powerful movement.

Close grip push-ups

Perform a standard push-up, but your palms should be narrower than shoulder width. Lower yourself until your chest touches your arms, then rise until your arms are fully extended. This way you will perform the full amplitude and work out pectoral muscles and triceps with high efficiency.

French press with dumbbells

Lie down on a bench, take a light dumbbell in each hand, arms should be straightened vertically upward. Keep your shoulders still and bend your elbows so that the weights drop to the sides of your head, then return your arms to the starting position.

Standing triceps extension

Stand straight, lift the dumbbell above your head, keep your hand close to your ear. Keep your shoulder still, bend your arm to bring the dumbbell behind your head, then straighten your elbow and return your arm to a vertical position.

Pulling the block from behind the head

Here we will need a cable trainer again, but this time stand with your back to the mount. Grasp the handles with your palms facing each other and move away from the machine to lift the weight. Hands should be behind your head, elbows tense, straighten them as if with both hands soccer ball, then return to the starting position. The exercise is highly effective.

Arm extension with elastic band

Second option for performing the exercise:

Grasp elastic band one hand behind your head, hold the other end of the tape with your other hand behind your back, press your hand to your body. Shoulder upper hand keep motionless, straighten your elbow, overcoming the tension of the band.

Top 5 Exercises for Massive Triceps

There are quite a few exercises that work the triceps, and many of them work a wide range of muscles in the arm. There are, however, some that target the triceps almost exclusively and produce the best results.

While this article focuses primarily on the five best free weight triceps exercises, there are some that require the use of machines. Don't forget that you can vary basic exercises triceps and use appropriate machines or weights, provided you understand the structure and purpose of the muscle groups involved.

Best Triceps Exercises: #1 - Weighted Dips

The muscle becomes stronger as the load increases. Its main source is additional weight. Bench push-ups primarily use your own body weight, but you can place additional weights on your hips to increase the challenge on your muscles.

Use two benches, placing them about one and a half meters apart. Sit on one bench, place your heels on the opposite one; adjust the distance between the benches depending on your height. Place your palms on the bench you are sitting on and slide forward, supporting yourself with your arms. Now slowly lower yourself until your arms are bent at a 90-degree angle. Freeze and push yourself up until your arms are completely straight.

Best Triceps Exercises: #2 - Close Grip Bench Press

During this press, the elbows should be kept close to the body, and the hands should be no wider than 30 cm from each other - the grip should be no wider than the shoulders. The close-grip bench press focuses on the triceps muscle group, although the mechanics of the press also target the pecs as well as the biceps muscle group.

Remove the bar from the stand, start with your arms fully extended and slowly lower the weight to your lower chest, keeping your elbows close to your body. As soon as you touch your chest, return the bar to the starting position with your arms fully extended.

Effective triceps exercises: #3 - Seated dumbbell overhead press

This position distributes the load equally between the triceps. To perform this exercise, it is important to use a bench with adjustable parts to support your back. Take a dumbbell with a suitable weight and hold it with both hands. Lift the weight from behind your head.

Hold the dumbbell and carefully lower it behind your head. Lower the weight until it is level with bottom back of the head - don't let it pull you back too much to avoid straining your triceps during the exercise. Raise the dumbbell over your head again until your arms are fully extended and repeat.

Best triceps exercises: #4 - Diamond push-ups with a close grip on the bench

We talk a lot about how exercise will make your muscles grow. If you want your muscles to increase in volume, they will have to work. You need to give them many tasks, from different angles and different ways. It may seem a little unconventional, but this method will really push your triceps to the limit.

Place your hands under your chest in a push-up position, but place your palms side by side so that your index and thumbs touching and forming the shape of a diamond. Do 10 push-ups in this manner. To perform the clap between push-ups, you will have to push off with enough force to get yourself off the floor high enough to clap your hands and then return to a diamond shape.

Best Triceps Exercises: #5 - Cable Cable Extension

This exercise can be performed on a variety of machines. When using them, try to choose a weight so that you can perform 10 exercises relatively easily and still feel a burning sensation in your triceps. This movement requires a little more attention to form than the others. When you pull the cable, it is important to keep your elbows close to your sides and your back straight.

If you spread your arms or bend your back in any way, some of the load will go to it and to your shoulders, which means the exercise will not bring much benefit to the triceps.

Triceps training programs

For a beginner

  • Close grip bench press - 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Weighted push-ups - 2 sets of 12 reps


  • Close grip bench press - 3 sets of 8 reps
  • Diamond push-ups - 3 sets of 12/10/8 reps
  • Seated dumbbell French press - 2 sets of 12 reps
  • Cable row in the simulator - 2 sets of 12 reps

For advanced

  • Cable rows in the simulator - 2 sets of 15 reps
  • Close grip bench press - 3 sets of 6 reps
  • Seated dumbbell French press - 2 sets of 8 reps
  • Weighted dropset - 2 dropsets - perform to failure, then reduce the weight and perform as many reps as you can until failure
    • Close-grip push-ups with clap - 2 sets to failure

Add these best exercises showing how to properly volume triceps to your training program, and you will see the results. When training to increase triceps muscle size, remember that it is important to get enough nutrients and protein to provide for your body.

The following 15 triceps exercises for men (with accompanying videos) are aimed at developing triceps, large muscles on the back of the shoulder. In fact, girls can use them in their training, the difference will only be in the working weights and drawing up a training program.

Select any exercise to watch the corresponding video. At the end of the article you will find 3 triceps training programs, as well as links to articles about other muscles. The exercises that will be discussed are grouped in the following order:

  • Barbell exercises;
  • Exercises with dumbbells;
  • Exercises in a block simulator;
  • Exercises using your own weight;
  • Exercises in other simulators.

Triceps exercises with barbell

Bent barbell press (EZ bar)

The triceps barbell press is a good exercise for gaining muscle mass which can be performed either sitting or standing. If you have lower back problems, a sitting position is preferable. This exercise works all parts of the triceps and is usually performed with an EZ bar, although a regular bar will work too. For more emphasis on the triceps, use a grip close to medium. Don't use a too narrow grip as this can put stress on your elbows. Reduce the working weight if you cannot perform the exercise without placing your elbows out to the sides.

Lying arm extension with EZ bar

The EZ bar arm extension is one of the most simple exercises on the triceps to increase muscle and strength. This exercise works all the muscles of the triceps, but it is especially effective for working the upper part of the triceps. Due to the specific position of the elbows in this exercise, it is too heavy weight or incorrect technique may result in injury. If you are experiencing pain in your elbows, then keep your shoulders at an angle to your torso rather than perpendicular to it, and do not allow your elbows to roll out to the sides during the exercise. Small movements of the elbows are considered normal and acceptable. Small movements of the elbows are considered normal and acceptable.

Close grip bench press

The close grip bench press is one of the main exercises for developing triceps. The chest muscles are also involved in it, which should be taken into account when including this exercise in the training program. It should be performed with as close a grip as possible, but this can be an awkward position. Therefore, any position of the hands narrower than shoulder width will be quite sufficient. The narrower the grip, the more stress is placed on the triceps and less on the chest muscles.

Triceps exercises with dumbbells

Trices extension with dumbbells

Dumbbell curls are one of the simplest triceps exercises that are best performed with light weights. This exercise works all the muscles of the triceps, although it is especially effective for working the upper part of the triceps. Due to the specific positioning of the elbows in this exercise, too much weight or improper technique can lead to elbow injury. Since dumbbell curls are a form-building exercise, they should be performed slowly and carefully through a full range of motion. The advantage of using dumbbells instead of an EZ bar for this exercise is that the arms move independently of each other.

Extension of the arm with a dumbbell across the body in a lying position

The supine dumbbell curl is another simple triceps exercise that's best done with a light weight. This exercise works all the muscles of the triceps, although it is especially effective for working the upper part. Due to the specific positioning of the elbows in this exercise, too much weight or improper technique can lead to elbow injury. Since this exercise is designed to work on the shape of the muscles, it should be performed slowly and carefully with a full range of motion. Changing the movements of the arms (across the body, and not up and down) in a special way allows you to work the triceps muscles. And being able to perform the exercise with one hand allows you to focus on technique and really hit your triceps muscles.

Pulling your arm back with a dumbbell

Pulling your arm back with a dumbbell is good exercise for the development of the upper triceps. It should be performed with light weight, and it is also necessary to monitor the position of the shoulder in the starting position throughout the exercise. Although this exercise is usually performed with one hand while the other supports the position of the body, it can be performed with both hands at the same time. People suffering from lower back pain should be careful when performing this exercise and should not perform it with both hands at the same time. By shifting your body weight to your free hand, you will reduce the stress on your lower back.

Extension of arms with a dumbbell from behind the head

The overhead dumbbell extension is one of the fundamental triceps exercises for gaining muscle mass. It can be performed either sitting or standing. For those who have lower back problems, it would be preferable sitting position. The exercise is aimed at working all the triceps muscles. When performing this dumbbell press, you are doing an isolation exercise using a close grip. Reduce the weight if you cannot perform the exercise without keeping your elbows out to the sides, and then continue the exercise.

Extension of the arm with a dumbbell from behind the head

This exercise is a variation of the dumbbell extension. While the latter is typically used to build mass and strength, the dumbbell overhead curl is one of the best exercises for working on muscle development and definition. Performing the exercise with one hand provides 2 important benefits. The first is an increased range of motion. You lift the dumbbell almost from behind your shoulder. The second advantage is that the arms work independently of each other.

Extension of arms for triceps in a block simulator

Arm extension on the upper block

Triceps extensions are one of the main exercises for gaining mass. The exercise can be performed with barbells different shapes attached to a cable block simulator. If you are using a straight bar, the narrower your grip, the more load will be placed on outside triceps. Using a grip that is too tight can cause pain in your wrists or forearms. If this happens, use a wider grip. Extension of the arms on the upper block can also be performed with a V-shaped bar. This bar puts your elbows in a position that reduces the stress on your wrists and forearms.

Extension of arms on the upper block with a rope

Extension of the arms on a block with a rope is one of the main exercises for developing mass. Performing this exercise with a rope recruits more stabilizer muscles because you must control the movement of the rope as you perform the exercise. You can also spread your arms out to the sides at the bottom of the exercise. Or you can pull them back instead. In this case, the lateral heads of the triceps will be involved more than when performing regular extensions.

Extension of one arm on the upper block with a reverse grip

Extension of one arm on a block reverse grip- This is a variation of the usual extension of the arms on the upper block. Depending on the rep range, this exercise can be used to work on triceps strength, form, and development. The exercise is performed with one hand. The reverse grip allows you to work on the forearm muscles in addition to the triceps. By training each arm separately, you will avoid uneven muscle development in each of them.

Triceps exercises using your own weight


Dips are one of the exercises that allows you to train both the chest muscles and triceps, depending on the position of the arms and legs. The closer the hands are to each other, the more the triceps work, and, accordingly, the greater the distance between the hands, the more actively the muscles of the lower chest work. Leaning forward (with your legs slightly back) will reduce the stress on your pectoral muscles. Dips are one of the best exercises because they can be done using your own body weight, allowing you to see your progress by the number of reps you perform.

Reverse push-ups are one of the most universal exercises for strength and mass. Reverse push-ups are also performed using body weight and develop the triceps in the same way as a close-grip press. The good thing about the exercise is that it can be done almost anywhere in the gym (or outside of it). When performing the exercise, your hands should be placed either shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower. Too much narrow setting hands behind your back will put stress on your wrists and elbows without any payload for triceps. This exercise puts much less stress on the chest muscles compared to dips.

Exercises in triceps machines

Extension of arms in a weight block simulator

This exercise is one of the variations of the arm extension and allows you to develop the strength and volume of the triceps. You may prefer this exercise to the EZ bar extension because the machine allows you to keep your elbows on a special platform. The ability to assume a stable position makes this exercise safe for people suffering from elbow or back pain. In some gyms, this machine may be equipped with a backrest, which should be adjusted so that it allows the elbows to be in the correct position.

Exercise in a machine simulating dips

Triceps is a triceps muscle located on the back of the arm. Its main functions are arm extension (straightening in elbow joint) and bringing the arm to the body. The triceps accounts for about 65% of the total muscle mass of the arms. The load when training the triceps should be as intense as possible, since the triceps are quite difficult to develop. It is often called “the laziest muscle.”

Bench press

Works top part triceps, upper chest and anterior deltoids.

  • Place a horizontal bench under the barbell rack so that when placed on it, the bar is above your head at eye level.
  • Lie on a bench, bending slightly at the waist, head, shoulders and gluteal muscles press tightly to the bench.
  • Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip slightly less than shoulder width apart.
  • Push the barbell up, fully straightening your arms, the bar at the top point should be above your neck.
  • Taking a deep breath and holding your breath, lower the barbell to your chest, and immediately, without pausing, push the barbell up again, exhaling.
  • At the highest point you need to tighten your triceps as much as possible.

The elbows should not diverge to the sides, the arms should be bent in a vertical plane. The bar of the bar should not go either to the right or to the left. No need to pause lowest point, this shifts the load from the triceps to the pectoral muscles. The exercise should be performed at a moderate pace.

Reverse grip barbell press

The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one, only the barbell is taken with an underhand grip. Thanks to the reverse grip, the exercise has a more natural form in terms of working the triceps.

French bench press

Targets the back and bottom of the triceps.

  • Lie on a horizontal bench, place your legs firmly on the floor, rest your feet on the floor.
  • Take the barbell with an overhand grip and fully straighten your arms perpendicular to the floor, and then move them back behind your head 45 degrees.
  • Taking a deep breath and holding your breath, smoothly lower the barbell to the top of your head, bending your arms at the elbow joint to 90 degrees.
  • Without stopping at the bottom point, lift the barbell up to the starting position.
  • Pause at the top for a couple of seconds, exhale, and tighten your triceps as much as possible.
  • Repeat the exercise.

The upper arms remain motionless throughout the entire exercise; the elbows do not move forward. The barbell should be of such weight that it can be held at an angle of 45 degrees. The exercise can be performed with a barbell with either a straight bar or an EZ bar. Using an EZ bar allows you to reduce the load on your forearms.

Works the back and bottom of the triceps.

  • Place the back of the bench in a vertical position, keep your back straight, press your triceps against the back of the bench.
  • Take the EZ bar with a narrow overhand grip, by the curved parts of the bar, i.e., so that your palms face each other and the distance between your palms is less than shoulder width.
  • Push the barbell up, straightening your arms to a vertical position, the barbell should be above the top of your head.
  • In this starting position, take a deep breath, hold your breath and, bending your elbows, lower the barbell behind your head. The upper arms remain motionless.
  • Without stopping at the bottom point, tighten your triceps as much as possible and pull the barbell up to the starting position.
  • At the top point, take a short break and also tense your triceps as much as possible.

The barbell should be lowered until the triceps are fully stretched. You need to exhale after fully straightening your arms or after passing the most difficult section. You should not round your back and strain your lower back muscles, or push your elbows forward. Using an EZ bar reduces stress on your wrists. This exercise should not be performed if the shoulder joints are not flexible enough.

Extension of the arm from behind the head

The exercise works the upper and middle parts of the triceps.

  • Sit on a bench, place your feet firmly on the floor, your back straight.
  • Take a dumbbell in one hand neutral grip(palm facing forward), straighten your arm up to a vertical position.
  • Bend your arm and place the dumbbell behind your head, elbow pointing up. The chin is parallel to the floor, the gaze is directed forward.
  • Take a deep breath, hold your breath and lift the dumbbell up. Movement occurs only in the elbow joint; all other parts of the body are motionless.
  • At the top point, when the arm reaches a vertical position, pause for a couple of seconds, exhale and strain the triceps as much as possible.
  • Smoothly return the dumbbell to the starting position without relaxing the triceps.

You need to keep your back straight, do not twist or tilt your body forward - this leads to strong pressure on the spine and shoulder joint. The upper part of the arm must be fixed in a strictly vertical position, without displacement. Misalignment reduces the effectiveness of the exercise and leads to unnecessary stress on the elbow joint.

Forms the relief of the triceps, pumping all three of its lobes.

  • Stand sideways to the bench and rest your left hand and left knee on it.
  • Take your right leg back a little, tilt your body to a horizontal position. The supporting arm should be straight and perpendicular to the bench.
  • Take the dumbbell in right hand with a neutral grip (palm facing your body) and pull your elbow back (upper arm parallel to your back). The arm is bent at the elbow at a right angle, the forearm is perpendicular to the floor.
  • After inhaling and holding your breath, tighten your triceps muscles and straighten your arm, keeping your upper arm motionless. At the highest point, the arm should be in line with the body.
  • After exhaling, smoothly lower the dumbbell to the starting position, tensing the triceps as much as possible.
  • After completing the required number of repetitions, move on to performing the exercise on the other hand.

The exercise should be performed smoothly, without jerking or jolting. Shoulders should not be higher than hips - this significantly reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. You cannot turn your body by lifting your shoulder up - this is harmful to the spine and takes the load off the triceps.

Triceps, unlike biceps, practically do not take part in everyday human activities. Therefore, in the absence of targeted training rear end Over time, the arms begin to sag unsightly. Performing triceps exercises for women is even more important than for men, since women are concerned about the aesthetic appearance of this part of the body, and their goal is not to build, but to strengthen muscles.

Women can perform the same exercises above with dumbbells, only here it should be noted that in order to avoid muscle growth, you should not stretch the muscles with weights. That is, you do not need to bend your arm from the dumbbells as much as possible, but only to an angle of 60-90 degrees. Stretching exercises for the corresponding muscles should be performed after strength exercises.

You can also do triceps exercises without weights.

Bench push-ups

  • Sit on the edge of the bench, clasp its edge with your palms, hands positioned shoulder-width apart, elbows pointing back.
  • Straighten your arms and stand up from the bench, slightly moving your pelvis forward.
  • After inhaling, slowly lower yourself down, feeling the tension in your triceps.
  • At the lowest point, fix your breath and begin to straighten your arms, rising up.
  • At the top point, take a short break.

The exercise also engages the pectoral muscles and deltoids, especially on the initial stage rise. Therefore, for the necessary load on the triceps, you should stretch yourself up as much as possible, straightening your arms. You should not spread your elbows to the sides - this puts the load on the back muscles and is fraught with injuries to the shoulder joint. The arms should be as close to the body as possible and be extended in a vertical plane. You can also place your feet not on the floor, but on another bench, placed parallel to the first at a distance of 80-90 cm.

The triceps brachii muscle, or triceps, is an extensor muscle consisting of three heads - long, lateral and medial, and occupies the entire back side of the shoulder. We'll talk about how to pump up your triceps. You can perform triceps exercises in the gym or at home, although some of them still require special equipment.

It is the triceps that gives the arm volume. Thanks to it, the athlete's hand looks great, even when in a relaxed state. Triceps training is very important to get a proper body shape. Below are basic triceps exercises, as well as isolation exercises.

When choosing triceps exercises at home, we recommend paying attention to this exercise.

Initial position

Place your hands on the gymnastic bench from behind. At home, you can use two stools. Stretch your legs in front of you on the floor or another bench.


As you inhale, you need to lower yourself down so that your arms bend until right angle. As you exhale, lift your body up and straighten your arms.

To increase the load, you can pause in the lower and upper positions. You should not spread your arms too wide, as in this case the main load will fall on the deltoid and pectoral muscles.

Extension of arms from behind the head

Now let's look at how to pump up your triceps with dumbbells. Triceps exercises with dumbbells are great for home workouts. If a muscle lags behind on any arm, you can work it out with this exercise.

Initial position

Sit on a bench or stool, straighten up, bend your back at the waist, press your feet firmly to the floor. Raise your hand from the dumbbells above your head, straighten your elbow. The grip is natural. The second hand clasps the torso.


After inhaling, lower your hand from the dumbbells behind your head without pausing in the final position of your hand. The load must be selected in such a way that you do not do the exercise more than 10-12 times.

It is important to ensure that the shoulder joint does not move. If this doesn't work at first, you can hold your shoulder with your other hand.

This exercise is not performed with maximum weight. It is designed specifically for training triceps.

Initial position

Lying on a bench. The back and buttocks are pressed tightly. The feet are firmly placed on the floor. Barbell in outstretched arms. Straight grip, hands shoulder-width apart.


Inhaling, lower the barbell to your forehead. The shoulders and forearms should form a right angle. Hold the projectile in this position. Exhale and raise the barbell until your arms are fully extended. Without stopping in the final position, inhale and begin the next cycle. It is necessary to ensure that the shoulders do not work, and the entire load falls on the triceps.

You cannot hold the projectile with a reverse grip. He might slip out. Only the elbow joint should work. You should not lower the barbell behind your head, as this will start working other muscles. You should not work with heavy weights, as the back muscles are involved in the work. Your feet should always be kept on the floor, with your feet pressed firmly against the surface to avoid loss of balance.

Close grip bench press

The load goes not only on the triceps, but nevertheless, such a press trains these muscles very well.

Initial position

Lying on a bench. The back, shoulder blades and buttocks are pressed tightly. Feet are on the floor, feet pressed firmly to the floor surface. The bench must be equipped with stands. You can work in a Smith machine or a power rack. Take the barbell. The grip is straight. There is a distance of 2-3 fists between the palms.


Remove the projectile from the support and place it on outstretched arms at chest level. As you exhale, lower the barbell under the pectoral muscles and, touching the body, immediately lift it up. When your arms are fully extended, exhale. In the upper position, you can stop and repeat the exercise again.

Number of repetitions: 6-12. Number of sets: 3-4.

Let's look at how to properly pump your triceps using this exercise. You cannot hold the barbell with a reverse grip. You should not grip the barbell with a grip that is too wide or too narrow. At wide grip the load goes to the pectoral muscles, and the triceps are poorly trained. At narrow grip the barbell can “slide” to the side. In addition, the load on the wrist joints increases, which can become very painful after such a workout.

Extension of arms on the upper block in a standing position

This is the best triceps exercise that allows you to work exclusively this muscle. It is an isolating exercise, i.e. not basic. Performed in the gym on a machine with top block.

Initial position

When standing, the body is slightly bent forward. Grasp the handle with your palms facing the floor. The hands are in the middle position. The elbows are pressed tightly to the body. Pull the handle towards your upper chest.


Exhale and straighten your arms, trying to lower the handle as low as possible to your hips. Stay in this position. Then slowly bend your arms, inhaling and returning the handle to its original position. This movement should be performed 2 times slower. The number of repetitions is 10-12. Number of approaches: 3-4.

All movements should be performed only with the elbows. Shoulders and wrists should not be involved in the work.

Extension of one arm on the upper block in a standing position

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but is performed with one hand. To perform it, you also need a cable trainer with an upper block and a D-shaped handle. Regularly performing this exercise will give the triceps the necessary volume and relief.

Initial position

Stand in front of the machine so that your working arm is parallel to the hummock. With your free hand, grasp the machine frame. Tilt the body forward slightly, and put the leg of the same name with the working arm back so that it does not interfere with the exercise. Take the handle of the exercise machine with a reverse grip so that your palm is directed towards you.


Inhale, hold your breath and pull the handle down, fully extending your arm. In the final position, exhale, hold your hand and begin the reverse stroke. When returning the hand to its original position, do not allow the load to be pulled. There must be resistance. This movement should take 2 times longer than arm extension.

Your back should be motionless during the exercise. The wrists need to be secured and the elbow pressed tightly to the body. You should not work with heavy weight. You need to choose it so that you can perform the movement 10-12 times.

This exercise is isolating and allows you to pump the lower part of all three triceps bundles. Effective in eliminating imbalance in the triceps of the right and left arms. It is recommended to perform it as a final triceps exercise.

Initial position

Stand on the side of the bench and, leaning over, rest your palm on it. Take a dumbbell in your other hand. Turn your palm towards you. The back is parallel to the floor. One knee can be placed on the bench. Bend your arm at a right angle so that your elbow is at the level of your back or slightly higher, and the dumbbell hangs freely down.


Inhale, hold your breath and, using your triceps, fully extend your arm, while keeping your forearm motionless. In this position, pause to extend the peak tension of the triceps, and then return the arm to the starting position.

The back must be parallel to the floor so that the triceps receive maximum load. The exercise is performed smoothly, without jerking or rocking. Keep your forearm and body motionless throughout the set.


Here are the best isolation and compound exercises for the triceps, which you can perform to achieve excellent results in the shortest possible time. Great attention needs to be paid correct technique. The slightest deviation from it will involve other muscles in the work and the effectiveness of the training will significantly decrease.

How to pump up triceps without being able to go to the gym? When planning a triceps workout at home, opt for push-ups, dumbbells and French presses. They will definitely bring the desired results.

Everyone who regularly visits the gym wants to have beautiful and pumped up arms. And to do this, you need to take care not only of the large biceps, but also to work well on the triceps - today’s article will be devoted to this muscle.

The triceps is the triceps muscle of the shoulder, located on the back side. In size and weight, it is 1.5 times larger than the biceps flexor. Embossed and large triceps The shoulder visually enlarges the arm and gives it a beautiful and aesthetic appearance. In this article, I will analyze in detail the best triceps exercises in the gym, tell you how to perform them correctly and create a training program for you.

The shoulder extensor consists of three bundles or heads:

  • The lateral or outer head is attached to the back of the shoulder and is the most prominent part of the triceps.
  • The medial or middle head of the triceps muscle is located midway between the external and internal bundles and is attached to the back of the shoulder above the medial head.
  • The long or inner head of the muscle is attached to the shoulder blade; this part of the muscle is involved not only in extending the arm, but also in bringing the shoulder to the body.

All three bundles of the triceps muscle are connected into one tendon, which is attached to the elbow joint.

Main functions of the triceps:

  • Extension of the arm at the elbow joint.
  • Pulling the shoulder back.
  • Shoulder and forearm stabilization.

Contraindications for training

You need to approach exercises with caution if you have osteochondrosis, curvature, hernias and pain in the spine. For these diseases, lifting weights while standing or sitting on a bench should be completely avoided.

You should cancel your workout if you have a fever, cough, runny nose or other symptoms. colds, including general weakness or feeling unwell.

Basic exercises for triceps

Basic exercises are those that involve more than one muscle group. By using basic movements You can effectively gain mass and increase strength.

The best base in bodybuilding for working out the triceps are:

  • Bench presses with a narrow grip. This basic movement targets the triceps, chest, and shoulder girdle. It is important to know that the narrower the grip, the more the triceps muscle is loaded and the load on the chest decreases.

To emphasize the work of the triceps, I recommend using a shoulder-width grip on the bar. Don't grab the barbell too narrowly, as you won't be able to perform this movement with a lot of weight. To maximize the use of the triceps muscle, make sure that your elbows move along the body (closer to the body) while lifting the projectile. Be sure to fully extend your arms at the top.

  • Pushups. All recommendations for the previous exercise apply to push-ups. If it is impossible to regularly attend the gym, classes with own weight may be a good alternative. Push-ups are great for working your triceps, pectoral muscles and abs. If you have a hard time with bench presses, try push-ups, this is especially true for women and girls.

  • Dips. An effective exercise for gaining mass are dips. Features of this movement for maximum inclusion of the triceps muscle:
  1. Keep your body upright.
  2. If possible, practice on narrow bars.
  3. Do not spread your arms to the sides - they should move along the body.

If the elbows go to the sides, the pectoral muscles will take on most of the load. The same will happen when you tilt your upper body forward; to avoid this, look in front of you and slightly up.

  • Push-ups on a bench behind your back. If you find it difficult to do parallel bars, start with bench push-ups behind your back. This will help strengthen the muscles and ligaments and eventually move on to working on the uneven bars. This a good choice For:
  1. Beginners.
  2. Girls and women.
  3. Those who do not have the opportunity to exercise at the gym.

If push-ups are too easy for you, place one or two ten-kilogram weight plates on your hips.

  • Shoulder exercise - standing barbells also effectively work the triceps. It can be used as a base when creating a training complex.

Isolation exercises

Effective isolation movements for the arm extensor performed with weights:

  • French bench press. Primarily aimed at developing a long triceps bundle. Take a barbell, lie down on a bench, and lift the barbell above your head. To begin the exercise, bend your elbows, lowering the bar. Stop the bar a few centimeters above your forehead and then lift it.

Please note that the elbows correct execution French press be strictly in one place.

  • The exercise can be done standing or sitting. In the starting position, bar overhead - lower the weight behind your head and lift it, fully straightening your arms.
  • Lifting a dumbbell from behind your head. An exercise similar to the French press, performed with one arm, is done while standing.

  • Arm extension dumbbells bent over. All three shoulder extensor fascicles are actively involved in this movement. To perform it, take a dumbbell, bend at the waist, and, leaning your opposite hand and foot on a horizontal bench, raise and lower the dumbbell, bending and straightening your arm at the elbow joint. Be sure to keep your back straight while working.

The best isolation exercises for machines:

  • Straightening the arms on the upper block while standing. The movement is great for working the outer and middle triceps bundles. Grasp the corded handles of the upper block with a straight grip slightly narrower than shoulder width. Press your elbows tightly to your body. Extending your arms, pull the handle of the exercise machine down, then smoothly return to the starting position. Suitable for both beginners, girls and women, and experienced athletes.

  • Lower block row from behind the head. Executed as French press, but here instead of the barbell we pull the handle of the exercise machine, which makes the training safer, because you can throw the handle at any time.
  • Straightening your arms lower block in a tilt. The movement repeats the lifting of a dumbbell in an incline position. With any of its variations, with one or two dumbbells, resting on a bench, or without support, or when exercising on a machine, the main thing is to keep your back straight, otherwise there is a danger of damaging your spine. Well suited for beginners and will help add variety to the learning process.

An example of a training complex for triceps

1 Week

  • Bench presses with a narrow grip, 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
  • Lifting dumbbells from behind the head 3 sets of 10-14 repetitions.
  • Extension of arms on the upper block while standing 3 sets of 10-14 repetitions.

2 week

  • Dips 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
  • French bench press 3 sets of 10-14 reps.
  • Straightening the arms on the lower block in an inclined position, 3 x 10-14 repetitions.

It is enough to work out the triceps once a week, but not on the day of chest training, because after training the chest, the triceps muscle gets very tired, because of this it will not be possible to train it properly. A good day to practice is when you perform a set of shoulder exercises. You can work this muscle group after a back workout.

It is allowed to train biceps and triceps at the same time. For example, after a French press, immediately, without rest, we begin lifting the biceps barbell; after working both muscle groups, we rest.

Select the weight of the projectile so that you can do no more than 14 repetitions in the first approach; this will allow you to gain muscle mass more effectively. If you have recently started going to the gym, do two sets during your first workouts. If you do 3 approaches and are not tired, this means either the weight is incorrectly selected, or you are not training at full strength.

Don't do more than three different triceps exercises per workout. Try to do quality work on each approach, this is much more important.


Be sure to do 1-2 warm-up approaches before starting each new movement. This is necessary for the muscles and tendons to warm up, stretch and be ready for a specific movement with working weight. If you don’t warm up first, you can get injured and be out of the training process for a long time.

For isolation exercises, one warm-up approach with half the working weight is enough. For basic ones performed at the beginning of training, you can do two warm-up approach, in the first using 1/3 of the working weight and in the second with 2/3 of the working weight. To warm up, 8-10 repetitions are enough.

Common mistakes

Beginners are often in a hurry and try to quickly increase weights. Because the weight of the barbell is too heavy, they begin to do the exercise incorrectly, helping the triceps cope with the load and involving the large muscles of the chest and back in the process. Remember quality is more important than big scales.

Try to ensure that during training you perform movements only using the muscles of your arms. Your elbows should always be in the same position.

When doing bench presses and dips, try to keep your arms closer to your body, do not spread them to the sides. Remember, when working with weights while sitting or standing, be sure to keep your back straight; this is the basic rule of bodybuilding training.


I specifically gave an example of a 2-week program to add variety to training process. Performance various movements will allow you to choose what suits you best. Experiment with the number of approaches and repetitions, change the training program every 2-3 months. This will allow you to choose the most effective exercises that suit you.

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