Exercises with a gymnastic wheel, gymnastics for beginners. Ab wheel - how to properly train with it How to pump your abs correctly with a wheel

Greetings to all lovers of the gym, fitness, bodybuilding. In short, everyone who doesn’t care what they will look like! On line Vitakha Okhrimenko!

Today, as part of the analysis, we will analyze different versions of one exercise. B Let's study existing exercises with a wheel for the press. For those who don’t know, there is a wheel with handles that will help! In fairness, I must say right away why I abandoned this exercise.

The fact is that there is such an unpleasant thing in my spine - it’s called osteochondrosis. So, everyone who has similar ailments of the spinal column needs to be especially careful when training with a wheel. Personally, this exercise once shackled me for three weeks, but at the same time I know that it was my own fault. That day I started doing the wheel without any preliminary warm-up.

Well, okay, I won’t scare you anymore with horror stories from personal experience, I’ll move on, so to speak, to the pleasant part. From today's article you will learn why a roller is needed at all, what muscles work besides the abs, what exercises there are with a roller for the abs, how to exercise correctly, how much and when.

What muscles work when training with a roller?

Based on the title of the article, we can confidently note the main muscle for which we actually grab the handles of the wheel - this is the abs! In second place are the back muscles, the lumbar region is especially actively involved in the work. Third and fourth place are separated by legs and arms, and here you can’t definitely say what works more.

Some representatives of the fair half of humanity noted the high effectiveness of the roller for working out the gluteal muscles. They say that after the wheel the butt becomes incredibly elastic and toned! I would like to draw your attention to the effectiveness of the roller for the lumbar region.

I personally know three miners – tunnellers – who consistently work out with a roller to increase the endurance of their lower back when carrying heavy loads at work (and the miner, like no one else, carries these heavy loads quite a lot during a shift). Working out your abs using a roller is not as easy as it might seem from the outside. There are moderately difficult exercises, and there are especially difficult ones. I’ll start, perhaps, with the easiest ones, and gradually move up to the heaviest ones.

When straightening, inhale; when bending, exhale. That is, forward movement is accompanied by inhalation, backward movement by exhalation. And nothing else, this is very important!

Before you start working with the wheel, you MUST... It is especially important to pay attention to warming up the spine. Make rotational movements with your arms, twist your lower back, jump rope. The main thing is that when you start training with the wheel, your joints are stretched and your body is warmed up.

How to properly practice with a roller?

Dress in comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement. Place a soft rug on the floor under your knees, you can use a towel, a small blanket, etc., etc. A very important point: if you are going to start exercising with a roller for the first time, I hasten to warn you about the possible consequences.

The soreness after training with the wheel is simply extraordinary; even well-trained people the next day the abdominal and lower back muscles hurt so much...

In short, you need to learn this exercise smoothly and gradually, in no case do the spinning immediately from a standing position, only from your knees. And then, with light loads. For the first time, two sets of repetitions of 8–10 will be enough, and with subsequent training you can gradually increase the pace.

Benefits of an ab roller

If you want to buy some multifunctional inexpensive exercise equipment for home, then the roller will suit you like no other. Yes, you won’t be able to build up big shoulders with it, but you will be able to maintain a beautifully sculpted and, most importantly, proportional body with a strong back and elastic abs. Tempting?

In addition, the abdominal roller will help you lose extra pounds, because almost all the muscles of your body are involved when performing the exercise. Yes, and mastering the technique is not at all difficult, a few training sessions with the wheel and you already master the technique by 95%.

In fact This exercise machine alone is enough to keep your body in shape without going to the gym.. Of course, a gym is much better, but not everyone can afford to find the money, time and desire to visit gyms. This video comes in very handy for these people!

Exercises with a roller

Now we get to the most interesting part. with the help of a wheel you can do so many different things that even a standard press bench will be jealous. True, it will be very difficult at first, but over time it will become easier and easier.

Exercise from knees to half amplitude

This is perhaps the easiest exercise with a roller. And this is where you need to start getting acquainted with this simulator. The essence of the movement is as simple as five Soviet kopecks: you put the mat under your knees, which I wrote about above, grab the handles of the roller with your hands, and roll it back and forth 10–15 times.

Throughout the entire exercise, you firmly press the roller with your hands to the floor. Although, strictly speaking, it won’t work out any other way. You need to straighten not as much as possible, but as shown in the image. Your arms can only be slightly bent at the elbows. The back is straight. The distance between the legs is 15–20 centimeters.

Exercise from the knees to the full amplitude

Similar to the first, only with a number of amendments. You move forward with the roller as far as possible, at the end point we try to stretch out as much as possible. You can freeze in this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position. The back is also straight.

Exercise from a lying position

This is kind of a reverse exercise from the previous one. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward as far as possible. There you grab the handles of the roller, inhale, and as you exhale, you begin to pull the roller towards you until you reach a kneeling position. Then, as you inhale, you straighten up. After straightening up, you can relax a little, and then do the next repetition.

Squatting exercise

Squat down with the roller in front of you, and from this position, while inhaling, begin to move forward. You need to move forward until your body is completely straightened. After this you need to return to the starting position.

Lateral exercises

This exercise targets the oblique abdominal muscles. Sitting position on the fifth point, legs straightened. Place the roller to your left and begin to push it to the left with your hands. You do a certain number of times for one side, and then, moving the roller to the right, do the same for the other.

Exercise from a standing position with a limiter

You should start with this version of the exercise when sitting already seems too weak. Stand in front of a wall at a distance slightly greater than your height. Bend over, legs straight, roller in front of you. Take the roller with your hands and push it until the roller hits the wall. Then start moving backwards.

Exercise from a standing position

Perhaps this is the most difficult exercise, which should only be attempted after mastering all the previous options. You bend over, your legs are straight, you begin to put pressure on the roller and straighten up until your chest touches the floor. At this point you need to freeze for 1-3 seconds. After this, you return to the starting position.

Number of approaches and repetitions when working with a roller

We take the standard number of approaches 3–4, the number of repetitions should range from 10 to 20. We move on to a more complex exercise after we manage to do 4 x 20 in a less complex one.

  1. When training with an ab roller, you should always keep your back straight, perhaps even slightly rounding your back. The main condition is that there is no deflection of the lower back, this will remove the load from the joints;
  2. You need to start moving slowly, and the entire movement of the roller should be controlled. You should not allow the roller to move forward on its own, this can cause injury;
  3. To make it easier to train, you need to eat an hour and a half, or even two, before training. It is also advisable not to drink water for the next hour. Fulfilling these conditions will allow you to do the exercise with an empty stomach.

Exercises with video clip

Everything that I didn’t finish in the article can be seen in the videos I found:

Well, that's probably all. Today we have discussed a very effective, but at the same time traumatic and difficult exercise.. You need to approach exercises with a wheel carefully, but if you do everything correctly, use a progressive method of loading, then this exercise will certainly reward you with strong abs and toned muscles. I’ll be honest: while I was writing an article about exercises with a video clip, I wanted to find my video and start practicing.

I wish you success in sports, good health and equally strong abs.

Sincerely, Vitaly Okhrimenko!

Everyone knows that a flat stomach is achieved by physical activity. There are many types of physical activity that allow you to pump up your abs. In an effort to achieve results faster, both some men and women devote a lot (sometimes even too much) time to exercise, forgetting that excessive stress can also be harmful to health, and this is especially true for women who are at risk of developing gynecological diseases.

Exercises with an abdominal roller, a type of gymnastic equipment that is undeservedly ignored by many, will help you achieve results faster.

What kind of projectile is this?

The roller is a small exercise machine that allows you to train your abdominal muscles. Its configuration is simple - a beam with a pancake attached to it. By the way, some craftsmen build such equipment with their own hands - by putting a barbell on a metal base.

Exercising with this device is more difficult than without a device, especially for beginners, but the effect of such exercises is much greater.

Despite the simplicity of its design, this type of exercise machine can be compared even with serious sports equipment that serves the development of many muscle groups.

Initially, the design of the equipment was such that it was noisy. Today, equipment manufacturers produce exercise equipment with rubber wheels, and a modern device may have two handles, which makes it more comfortable for training and reduces the risk of hand skin injuries.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the projectile has already been mentioned - it helps to effectively and quickly make the abdominal muscles attractive and prominent.

The advantages of the simulator include:

  1. Small dimensions. They allow you to store and use equipment that will not take up much space;
  2. Even beginners who are not athletic people can exercise with it. True, at first you will have to get used to using it correctly and to a load that cannot be called weak.

Among the disadvantages of exercises with a roller performed for weight loss, many practitioners note the fact that the first sessions with the equipment are very difficult.

There is no need to despair - after the first few workouts you will feel that they are becoming easier each time, and the expected result will be a great incentive to not stop exercising.

What muscle groups are included in the work?

The most valuable and effective physical activities are those that allow you to simultaneously work out several muscle groups. Only through this approach can you achieve weight loss and a slim body.

The roller is just such equipment that allows you to pump muscle groups of different parts of the body.

The main load, of course, goes to the press, but the following work together with it:

The load on them is small, but with daily training you will notice that the muscles are pumped up, becoming more attractive and slender. Many girls believe that it is very difficult to beautifully pump up the muscles of the buttocks, but with a roller this can be achieved.

Considering which muscle groups work when performing exercises with a roller, we can say that the most “capricious” of them receive the load and at the same time those that in many ways make the body beautiful.

In order for the results to be visible as quickly as possible and to be significant, training must be carried out correctly, so consider some of the instructors’ recommendations:

You should not exercise using the exercise machine if you have had spinal injuries. You should also avoid such training if you experience lower back pain during exercise.

A set of exercises for women

You will be surprised at the results you can get from doing these simple exercises.

A set of exercises for men

Such effective exercises will allow you to pump up the muscles of your arms, shoulders, and back in addition to your abs.

A set of exercises on the wall

You can exercise not only on the floor. There are some great exercises that involve standing against a wall.

  1. Stand facing the wall, legs slightly apart, hold the projectile against the wall with straight arms.
  2. Lift it up, then lower it down (you need to reach the floor).
  3. The set of exercises using a gymnastic roller on the wall includes working with your back to it.
  4. Hold the equipment above your head, roll it up and down, stretching and arching your back as much as you can.

As for the duration of classes, at first it can be about 5 minutes, but to achieve a significant result this time must gradually be increased to 20 minutes.

Experts say that the cause of unattractive abs is fat deposits that hide the beauty of the body. Physical activity, including using a roller, will help you get rid of them, but don’t forget about proper nutrition.

To acquire beautiful and strong abs, it is not necessary to visit the gym and regularly shell out money for it. A gymnastic wheel or roller will perfectly cope with the task of creating ideal abs and muscle definition.


Exercises must be done on a soft mat, in comfortable clothes. The small size of this machine does not mean that it is ineffective. In terms of efficiency, it is on par with serious simulators. What muscle groups are developing? The gymnastic wheel helps to form a sculptural figure and strengthen:

  • muscles of the upper and lower abs, chest and arms;
  • all abdominal muscles, lower back, thighs, buttocks.

It is mainly used by experienced fitness enthusiasts. But even they, switching from regular crunches to using a roller, are in no hurry to increase the load. In exercises with a gymnastic wheel, muscle fibers work differently than in regular exercises. You shouldn’t strain yourself too much at first, as later acute pain in overworked muscles will force you to reduce the load or even give up exercising for a while. It will be a little difficult for beginners to adapt at first, but gradually doing the exercises correctly will bring wonderful results. Training with a wheel also requires compliance with certain rules. Breathing control is important. Basic Rules:

  • when inhaling, the body bends forward, when exhaling, a return is made;
  • The body should be kept parallel to the floor, resting with toes, hands holding the projectile;
  • in the initial stages, it is better to perform the exercises from a kneeling position;
  • preliminary warm-up is necessary.

To speed up the results from exercises with the wheel, you need to take additional measures in the form of a balanced diet that excludes harmful foods. You can use a diet, for example, apple-kefir. This will help get rid of excess fluid in the body, cleanse the intestines, and get rid of toxins.

Massage in any form is highly recommended, as it will also relieve muscle pain. A good help would be a visit to the pool, a contrast shower, and swimming in natural reservoirs. In the first days, doing the wheel exercises may not be easy, but it is worth it. You need to start slowly, without haste. If you work on yourself regularly, without skipping, you will be pleased with the results very soon.


The projectile can be bought very inexpensively at any sports store. It comes with one or two wheels, but it doesn't matter. They should be rubber so as not to create noise. The handles should also be made of rubber. It is enough to devote fifteen minutes to daily exercises so that after three months you can be proud of the result. First comes the development of the correct technique for performing movements in order to feel which muscles are working. Only after this can you begin to gradually increase the load.

Starting position: standing on your knees, spaced ten to fifteen centimeters apart. The gymnastic wheel is placed at the knees and slowly moves forward. The body straightens completely. Next you should return to the starting position. You can reduce the range of motion or place your feet against the wall. Three approaches are done fifteen times.

The starting position is the same. The gymnastic roller is placed near the knees. Hands rest on the handles of the projectile, and a slow forward movement begins. The body simultaneously bends towards the knees with the movement. The chest should touch the hips. Now you can go back. Fifteen repetitions are done.

Position: lying on the mat, on your stomach, with your face turned down. The arms holding the gymnastic wheel are extended forward. You need to roll the projectile towards yourself, arching your back. The legs rest on the floor and do not come off. The movement continues as far as possible, then the position of the body is fixed for five seconds and a return to the previous position occurs. Ten repetitions.

You need to sit on the floor with your legs extended forward. The back and legs are straight. The gymnastic wheel is located to the right of the body. Hands hold the projectile and move to the right. Then the roller is moved to the left side and the movement is repeated. This is done ten times in each direction. The exercise builds the oblique muscles of the waist.

Position sitting on the floor with knees bent. The handles of the gymnastic wheel are located under the feet. You need to slowly straighten your legs forward. Then the reverse movement is made. The difficulty of this exercise pays off in getting ripped muscles. This is done in two sets of ten times.

Take a standing position with a gymnastic roller in your hands. Legs at shoulder level. Then the roller is lowered to the floor, the hands rest on it and move forward. The movement is smooth, slow. At the end point, a fixation is made for five seconds, then a return occurs. You need to do ten to fifteen repetitions.


People should not exercise with a gymnastic wheel after operations or serious injuries, especially to the spine. Heart problems and hypertension also require you to refrain from activities of this kind.

The gymnastic roller is an excellent tool for getting rid of excess weight. When training at home, it is better to start a weekly journal where you can enter the structure of your training and your own successes. This helps control the process, maintains motivation to exercise and progress in training.

Exercises with a wheel are one of the modern trends, because the simulator itself is small, but it helps to work on. That’s why today on the weight loss portal “Lose Weight Without Problems” we pay attention to this technique.

Among the huge, dimensional and multifunctional exercise machines, the gymnastic wheel looks like a real “baby” machine. However, do not underestimate its capabilities due to such a modest size.

Of course, we will not promise amazing results to anyone who simply buys and randomly works out using this equipment several times. In any business, an integrated approach and constant practice are important. Besides, there are rules.

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel according to the rules!

  • Before you start training with a machine, do at least the simplest and simplest one.
  • Any training must be on a special mat.
  • Watch your breathing. As you inhale, lean forward. As you exhale, return to your starting position.
  • Let the body be parallel to the surface of the earth. You need to push with your toes and hold the wheel with your hands. Exercises with the wheel for beginners should be a little easier. Doing it this way will help make the workout so that the muscles are not overstrained. You need to kneel down and move forward from this position. And only after several workouts, switch to pointing your toes to the floor.

Ab Wheel: Exercises for Beginners

For unprepared people, 10 repetitions of each exercise will be enough. Gradually increase the load.

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take the wheel in your hands and go down. Now we smoothly drive the wheel forward, putting maximum pressure on the simulator and trying to go as far forward as possible. We freeze, then return to the starting position. And again.

Some ab wheel exercises for women start from a lying position on the floor.

  • Lie on the floor and bend your legs. The handles of the wheel should be under your feet. When bending forward, try to reach your chest with your knees. Take the starting position (IP).
  • Lie down on the mat, focus on your knees and grab the wheel, now stretch forward and bend over. Return to IP, rest a bit and repeat.

Exercises with a wheel trainer

  1. You need to kneel down and take the gymnastic wheel in your hands, place the apparatus next to your knees. Move forward slowly, reaching for your arms with your whole body. Take your original position and roll the wheel towards your knees. In order to make the exercise just described easier, you need to rest your feet against the wall or move with a less large amplitude. In total you need to do ten to fifteen times in three approaches. The longer you train, the more intense the load should be.
  2. Here's another exercise. You again need to take a kneeling position, and hold the wheel in your hands and lower it down next to your kneecaps. You should rest your hands on the handles of this projectile and gradually move it away from you, while tilting your body. Ideally, the chest should touch the thigh surfaces. Then take your starting position. This exercise must also be repeated ten to fifteen times.
  3. You need to lie with your back up. And extend the arms holding the gymnastic apparatus forward. Gradually move the wheel in your direction, bend your back, but do not lift your feet off the ground. The wheel must be moved as close to you as possible. When you reach a critical point, stop there for three to five minutes in order to fix this position. Then return to the original position. Try to repeat this exercise at least ten times.

Exercises on a wheel with handles from a sitting starting position

  1. You need to sit on the mat, straighten your back, and stretch your legs forward so that they do not bend. Prepare a projectile to your right. Then grab the handles and roll to the right until your chest reaches the floor. Now, without jerking and with very smooth, slow movements, return to the starting position. Repeat on the left. Each time - 10 times. The described exercise is ideal for those who are working on a beautiful waistline. Because in this case we are working the oblique muscles, which are responsible for a flat tummy.
  2. Sit on your buttocks again and now bend your knees. At the same time, place the wheel under your feet, and your feet on the handles. Smoothly straighten your legs, allowing them to roll forward on the wheel. Straighten up until your chest reaches the front of your thighs, and only then return to the starting position. The exercise is very difficult. It is done 10 times in 2 approaches.

Exercise video!

Wheel exercises need to be done at least four times a week to notice results!

There are many ways to train your body. And there are also many different devices for this purpose. Today we will talk about the gymnastic wheel. This is a home exercise machine that allows you to work out some muscles and strengthen your joints. Go!

What is a gymnastics wheel?

These devices are wheel, with two handles. These handles are designed to be held while performing exercises. Photo of this device:

Many people underestimate this projectile because of its size. People think that because this machine is small, its functionality is the same. This is wrong. Using the wheel you can strengthen the following muscles:

  1. Abdominal Press.
  2. Shoulder girdle.
  3. Small of the back.
  4. Buttocks and thighs.

There are quite a few exercises to work out the relief of these muscle groups. Let's talk in more detail about each of them.

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel

In this section we will talk about the muscle exercises mentioned above.

To work out the abs and lower back there is a very good exercise. It is performed using the following technique:

  1. Do this exercise 10-15 times. The number of approaches is three.

Your goal in this exercise, - straight body and straight arms in the final position. Your body should be almost parallel to the floor, without touching it. In this position, your abs are as tense as possible. The lower back also works actively.

This option was the simplest. It is ideal for beginner athletes. However, after 2-3 months of training, this exercise will seem easy to you, so you will need to perform it with straight legs.

You have to understand that this is a completely different level of difficulty. The first attempts to perform the exercises will be unsuccessful. But don't rush to get upset. After a few tries, you will definitely be able to do everything. The goal is the same - straight body, not touching the floor.

When you master this option, you can move on to a more complex one. It can only be performed by professional gymnasts or people with incredible strength in the muscular corset and shoulder girdle.

You will need 2 gymnastic wheels. With each hand you grab the wheel and begin to perform the same exercise. Here, in addition to the abs and lower back, the work will include the shoulders and back. After all, in order to prevent you from falling, they will have to strain.

The next exercise we'll look at will focus on development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, abs and lower back. Technique:

Your goal here is to straighten your body. This will be quite easy to do. After just 3-4 weeks of training, you will be able to calmly straighten your body. At the extreme point, the latissimus dorsi muscles also receive static load. If you decide to train with this apparatus, then do not neglect this exercise.

Now we will work on the gluteal muscles and hips. There are two special exercises for this purpose. They are ideal for girls who want to make their figure more attractive.

Let's start from the corner. Technique:

This movement is identical to hanging leg raises for abs. However, here the press works less. At the top, your buttocks are maximally stretched and your hips are tense. This exercise can be performed by a person with any level of physical fitness, as it is not dangerous.

Second exercise - bridge. Technique:

  1. Secure your feet with straps to the handles of the gymnastic wheel.
  2. Lie on your back. Move your hands 10 centimeters from your body and press them firmly to the floor.
  3. In the starting position, your buttocks are pressed to the floor and your legs are straightened forward.
  4. Start rolling the wheel with your feet towards you.
  5. At the same time, lift your buttocks and lower back off the floor and begin to lift them.
  6. At the top point, your back should be straight and your knees bent at an angle of 90 degrees.
  7. Stay in this position for 5-6 seconds, tighten your buttocks as much as possible.
  8. Gently return to the starting position.
  9. Perform this exercise in three sets of 6-8 times.

This exercise works well on the muscles of the hips and buttocks. And the lower back, in turn, receives a static load.

Important points

Beginners need to start with 2 workouts per week. Over time, when your body gets used to constant loads, you can increase the frequency of training with the apparatus to 5-6 times a week.

Before starting classes, you need to warm up properly. Jogging or jumping rope is ideal for this. Remember, your body must be hot before starting your workout. And your heart rate should be 120-140 beats per minute.

Be sure to control your breathing. When you exhale there should be effort, and when you inhale there should be relaxation. And don't hold your breath under any circumstances! This is very bad for your heart.

During training, be sure to use a special mat. During the exercises, you will rest your knees and arms and back on the floor. This may not be very pleasant, but the mat will relieve you of these painful sensations.

Do different exercises. The training process should be interesting and bring joy. It is when you do a large number of different exercises that your body experiences muscular joy, after which the reflection of your body in the mirror will help you experience it too.

Don't overload yourself under any circumstances. Of course, your desire to achieve a beautiful body is understandable and worthy of respect. However, if you do too many exercises in a workout, there is a chance that you will get injured. You will have to miss several weeks of training, and then start all over again. Don't push yourself away from achieving your goal. Subject your body to adequate physical activity!