Exercises with dumbbells on a weight bench. Exercises with dumbbells for men and women. General recommendations and motivation for training at home

Exercises with dumbbells have been a hype since the Soviet years, when every self-respecting man kept a treasured box of this simple sports equipment on his balcony. The main reason for the popularity of this projectile is its ease of use. You can train with dumbbells anywhere: in the gym, at home, on the balcony or in the fresh air. In the article we will look at the types of these sports equipment, and also talk about some basic exercises.

For men, dumbbells are weighty steel “bread” for the body. Have you decided to put additional stress on your muscles and move the fat layers? To the side the fragile figure, tears and melancholy. You give vigor and beautiful relief. All that remains is to correctly create a training regimen.

Cast dumbbells vs collapsible ones

Before purchasing dumbbells, you need to decide on the tasks that are assigned to them. For example, if you plan to constantly increase muscle mass, then you should take collapsible dumbbells and increase their weight over time. For fitness training, sports equipment with a fixed weight is suitable, which will allow you to maintain a given muscle tone.

Dumbbells with the ability to add weight are versatile. Using cast models, after a certain time you will be faced with the need to purchase a new, heavier pair, as the muscles will require further growth. Homemade dumbbells are inferior in convenience to store-bought ones: for full-fledged training, you need to cast a dozen shells or pancakes, the weight of which will also have to be increased over time.

Choosing the right dumbbells for your home

When selecting collapsible dumbbells, pay attention to the following points:

  • What is the limit, maximum weight of dumbbells. Here again the convenience of collapsible models is evident. For example, if one fully assembled projectile pulls 20 kilograms, this will allow you to avoid returning to the store for new pancakes for a long time.
  • Weight step. For inexperienced users, it is important that the weight of the dumbbells be increased gradually (no more than 1 kilogram). For example, a weight step of 5 kilograms will only have a beneficial effect on the training of professional runners and athletes. Remember the rule of scales and coins, add load gradually.
  • The dumbbell bar should be rubberized or knurled (sections that prevent slipping). It is more practical to purchase bars with a diameter of 25-30 millimeters. This size will allow you to freely buy more pancakes over time.
  • Pancakes. If classes take place in an apartment, and there is no desire to disturb the silence due to sports training, take a closer look at rubberized pancakes. This device will not damage laminate or parquet. Chrome plated pancakes differ from others only in their shine, but they have no practical use. The minimum weight of sports “coins” starts from 500 grams, and the maximum weight reaches 10 kilograms.
  • Fastenings. It is important that the fastenings of the weight plates on the dumbbells are comfortable and reliable. The easiest to use are spring clamps or “ears”.

As an additional accessory to dumbbells for beginners, you can purchase weightlifting gloves.

They are needed not only to prevent the dumbbells from slipping out of the palm, but also to secure the wrist. Gloves will be a good anti-callus remedy and will protect the skin on the palms from hardening.

Age and training at home

When choosing exercises with dumbbells, it is important to consider not only their weight and your own physical fitness, but also age characteristics. For example, trainers and doctors remind men after 50 years of age that due to hormonal changes, joints and ligaments lose their strength, which means that training should be a little less intense.

Young men under 50 are recommended to exercise with dumbbells at least three times a week. This regime will allow you to keep your muscles in the right tone, while arranging fasting days for the body. All men, regardless of age, need to include cardio training in their strength training complex, which is best done in the morning or before strength exercises. This will prepare your motor for hard work.

How to train at home correctly

Exercises with dumbbells should begin with a warm-up. This will warm up the muscles and prepare them for the load. As a basis, you can take the same school warm-up (head tilts, arm jerks, lunges, stretching exercises).

For visible results, it is important to develop an individual training schedule. It should include not only the exercises themselves, but also rest days. Beginners are recommended to take 1-2 day breaks between workouts. During this time, muscle tissue will recover, and glycogen levels (which contribute to the production of “lactic acid”) will reach the optimal level for a new breakthrough. But the mistake of all beginners - working too hard - can have a boomerang effect, reducing the gained muscle volume.

If you train at home without a trainer, then you will have to do the monitoring of achievements or inhibitions yourself. To more accurately track your progress, regularly record your weight and girth in a diary or app on your phone. Men over 50 years old should record their heart rate and blood pressure in a diary. All measurements must be taken before starting exercise.

Basic complex for men - video

Before you start gaining relief, you need to master a basic set of exercises with dumbbells, which includes a number of fundamental exercises, on the basis of which other types of strength loads are built. It includes:

  • Classic squats with dumbbells. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Inhale on the squat, exhale on the rise. Repeat 10-15 times for 3 approaches.
  • “Hammer” is an exercise for the muscles of the forearm. The starting position is the same as for squats. As you inhale, bend your right arm, lifting the weight to your shoulder. Exhale – starting position. The same exercise is performed for the left hand. For each arm, lifts are performed at least 20 times. This exercise can be done while sitting.
  • Dumbbell rows to the waist – training the large back muscles. For the exercise you need to prepare a bench, a stool is also suitable. Place your right knee on the bench and grab its edge with your right hand. The left leg stands on the floor slightly bent at the knee, the left arm is lowered down, the shoulder blades are spread apart. As you exhale, pull the dumbbell at your waist and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Inhale – starting position. For each hand, 10-15 repetitions, 3 sets.
  • Dumbbell shrugs are an exercise for the upper (clavicular) trapezius muscles. Feet slightly wider than shoulders, arms down. As you exhale, lift your shoulders up, arms straight with dumbbells down, shoulder blades smoothly move towards each other. Inhale – starting position. The exercise is performed 10-15 times in 3 approaches.
  • Dumbbell flyes – training the deltoid muscles of the chest. If you don’t have an incline gymnastic bench at home, a fit ball can replace it. Lying down, spread your arms to the sides, hold the dumbbells with a straight grip. Your arms should be bent at the elbows and the dumbbells should be positioned at chest level. We raise our hands up and return to the starting position. Perform 10-15 times.
  • Leg training. We do lunges. Bend your left leg at the knee, hold dumbbells in your hands along your body. The right leg is straight, laid back and rests the toe on the floor. We do 10-15 lunges on each leg.

Exercises with dumbbells are performed without jerking. Each is repeated in several approaches. Breathing (inhalations and exhalations) is the basis for proper load distribution. Overcoming weight (power jerk) should only be done while exhaling.

You need to stop repeating before muscle failure occurs. If you feel that the next repetition will be fatal, you should stop the exercise. After you finish working with dumbbells, you can stretch the muscles a little by doing a few lunges and bends.

It is advisable to accompany strength exercises with dumbbells with aerobic (breathing) exercise - jogging, cycling, or an exercise bike. Otherwise, heart problems may occur.

Five Simple Exercises for Older Men

Most workouts for older men are aimed at maintaining muscle and heart tone. They are performed at an arbitrary pace; if shortness of breath occurs, you need to take a break:

  1. Exercise for the muscles of the forearm and chest. Feet wider than shoulder width, arms spread to the sides, hold dumbbells with a straight grip. Turn your hands forward and back. Breathing and pace are arbitrary.
  2. Exercise for the muscles of the back and shoulder blades. Hands with dumbbells are placed behind the head, legs wider than shoulders. As you inhale, we spread your arms to the side, and as you exhale, we return to the starting position. You can do it while sitting on a bench or fitball.
  3. Exercise for the muscles of the legs, chest and upper key belt. Feet wider than shoulder width, dumbbells held in hands. Exhale - lunge to the right, raise your arms in front of you, inhale - starting position. Next, exhale and lunge to the left.
  4. Back muscle stretching exercise. Feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Dumbbells on the floor between your legs. We bend over and exhale, take the dumbbells in our hands and straighten up. Inhale – place the dumbbells on the floor without bending your back.
  5. Exercise for the leg muscles. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width, dumbbells in hands along the body. We exhale and squat, trying to touch the dumbbells to the floor. While inhaling, we return to the starting position.

Each exercise is repeated 6-8 times. If you feel normal, the number of repetitions can be increased to 10.


Exercises with dumbbells are a training that allows men to achieve various goals: losing weight, building sculpted muscles and simply maintaining the body in optimal physical shape. This last point is especially interesting for anyone who spends most of their life sitting in an office. The number of exercises with dumbbells is very large. With this projectile you can work out the quadriceps, deltoid muscles of the chest and back and other muscle groups. It’s not easy to fall in love with dumbbells, but it will be impossible to give them up once you get involved in your training schedule.

Dumbbells are a very convenient and effective tool for developing muscle mass, losing weight and maintaining your health. How to properly train with dumbbells? How to use the full potential of this wonderful sports equipment?

Training with dumbbells is perfect for both men and women, teenagers, young men, mature and elderly people. This versatility of dumbbells is due to the fact that any exercise with dumbbells is always performed along a physiologically natural trajectory, since the dumbbells are not connected to each other and the arms act independently. The barbell in this regard is much inferior to dumbbells.

Dumbbells are a miniature gym at home. Taking up very little space, dumbbells really replace an entire fitness room. A variety of exercises performed with dumbbells allows you to develop or maintain tone in any muscle of the body. Several thousand exercises with dumbbells are known. Ten to twenty of them may well be enough to get yourself in good shape.

By training 3-4 times a week for 30-60 minutes, you can unexpectedly become a very athletic, strong, disciplined person with a great figure. And you need very little for this: just devote the necessary time to your studies. Visiting beauty salons, cosmetics, perfumes and even morning exercises are, of course, very important for an attractive appearance, but unfortunately, they do not in any way affect the elasticity of your buttocks, your posture and the condition of your waist.

So, if you want to train effectively with dumbbells, consider the following.

Choose the right dumbbell exercises

Don't use the first exercises you come across! For proper development of the body and individual muscles, they must be carefully selected.

Exercises with dumbbells for leg muscles

Exercises with dumbbells for the pectoral muscles

Exercises with dumbbells for back muscles

  • (different variants)*

Exercises with dumbbells for deltoid muscles

  • Upside down push-ups*

Exercises with dumbbells for arm muscles (biceps and triceps)

  • Dips*

Core exercises

Of course, you can use other exercises, for example with your own body weight. I have marked such exercises in the list above with an asterisk*.

And if you train in the gym, exercises with dumbbells can and should be supplemented with a barbell, exercise machines, etc.

Dumbbell workout

You must have a set of exercises

We have more or less decided on the exercises. But the list of exercises with dumbbells is not a complex yet! A set of exercises is the same list, but with the obligatory indication of important parameters:

  • number of sets and reps for each exercise (2, 3, 4 sets? 6, 8, 10 or more reps?)
  • working weight for each exercise (how many kilograms each dumbbell weighs for a given exercise)
  • rest time between exercises and approaches (1, 2 minutes?)
  • how many times a week do the exercises (2, 3, 4 or more times?)
  • breakdown by day, split, which set of exercises is performed on which day (these sets may be different)
  • what techniques are used in combination (a technique is a special training technique)
  • what nutrition system should be followed for this complex (it is advisable to adjust the nutrition to the goals of the complex, see below)
  • how the load increases or changes from workout to workout (you need to create a constant progression for the body to develop)

I believe you have realized that the complex is not just a list of exercises. To properly train with dumbbells, you need to do a complex with verified parameters.

The correct method of training with dumbbells

Methodology is the very heart of any set of exercises and training programs. Exercises are the building blocks, and technique is the glue that holds those building blocks together.

Exercises can be arranged in a certain sequence. Or they can be grouped. And the effect of the training will be completely different. There are dozens of different training methods. Here are just a few of them.

Examples of techniques

  • - combining two exercises for opposite muscles, performing these exercises without pause.
  • - combining two exercises that are not anatomically related in any way, performing them without a pause.
  • - combining 4-6 exercises into one cycle, performed without rest.

It is the technique, and not the exercises, that determines the effect of a set of exercises with dumbbells.

You must have a suitable power supply system

In order for training with dumbbells to bring tangible benefits, you need to adjust your nutrition system. It should at least generally help you achieve your goals.

If you work out with dumbbells to build up muscles, you just need to make sure you eat frequently and very densely. So that it has enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as calories. Otherwise, muscle mass and strength will not grow.

If you are working out with dumbbells to lose some weight, your diet should be low in calories and limited in carbohydrates. This mainly concerns “fast” carbohydrates - foods high in carbohydrates.

Taking sports nutrition will be very useful. To gain weight, it is recommended to supplement your diet with gainer and creatine. For weight loss - L-carnitine, omega-3, whey protein and BCAA. It would be nice to add multivitamins with minerals.

In a word, your nutrition system should help your workouts, not interfere with them!

Control system

Since training with dumbbells is a very time-consuming thing, it is necessary to somehow control the process and take regular measurements.

The simplest and most accessible methods of monitoring: keeping a training diary, regularly measuring body circumference, weighing, taking photographs, measuring resting heart rate and simple fitness tests.

Keeping a training diary

At each workout, you write down the name of the exercise, the weight of the dumbbells, the number of approaches and repetitions. Gradually you collect more statistics. Just a glance is enough to see that you have become stronger and more resilient than a month ago. After all, everything is learned by comparison. But the human brain is designed in such a way that it does not particularly notice slow changes. .

Body girths

Regularly take measurements with a measuring tape of the most important places: waist, hips, chest circumference, biceps, neck and legs. Record your results in a table or notebook. You will immediately see how your body changes from month to month. Take measurements at the same time of day, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach.


Every 2 weeks you should weigh yourself and record the result. However, weighing must be done correctly. More precisely, you need to correctly interpret the weighing results.

The fact is that a person’s weight on the scale depends greatly on the amount of water in the body. The water level fluctuates quite a lot (usually plus or minus a kilogram over several days). The water content in the body greatly depends on the weather, diet (especially salty foods and alcohol), physical activity, stress, sleep, tendency to edema, and in women also on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, you can often observe the following picture. A woman does a set of exercises to lose weight and adheres to a rational diet. However, after a week she discovers that her weight not only did not decrease, but even increased by 2-3 kg! The woman is in a panic. And completely in vain! It may not be a matter of fat at all, but just a phase of the menstrual cycle. Before menstruation, almost every woman notices increased swelling and weight gain of several kilograms. And it's just water! After completing the cycle, the weight quickly returns to normal and it becomes possible to see real changes in weight. Keep this in mind.

A person cannot gain 1 kg of fat per day! The metabolism is able to increase, under the most favorable conditions, no more than 1 kg of fat per week. Everything above is just water and fluctuations in its level in the body. And losing more than a kilogram a week is very harmful. This means that you are losing muscle mass, which is so important for health and beauty.


High-quality photos taken in the same place under the same lighting will very well show what and where you are changing as a result of training with dumbbells and proper nutrition.

Pulse measurement

It is very informative to measure your pulse immediately after waking up.

It is also very useful to note what your heart rate is after performing a certain exercise and how quickly your heart rate drops to normal. For example, we performed 30 squats and measured our pulse. If a month after the same 30 squats, this heart rate became several beats per minute lower, then you are in better shape!

Fitness tests

There are a lot of different fitness tests that help assess the initial state before training and periodically monitor this state, individual parameters, etc.

The bottom line is that you need to test yourself every 2-4 weeks using the same test and monitor the dynamics.

How to train with dumbbells correctly?

Increase the load

Therefore, training programs with dumbbells should be built on the principle of gradually increasing the training weight. This is the so-called. Without observing this fundamental principle, you cannot count on developing muscles or getting rid of extra pounds.

When you train with dumbbells, try to increase the weight of each dumbbell a little each week. For this, it is very convenient to have collapsible dumbbells with small pancakes weighing 0.5 kg. In total, it is advisable to have 4 such pancakes, two for each dumbbell.

Increasing the weight of dumbbells does not mean that with each workout it will be more and more difficult and unpleasant for you. Not at all! You are a living organism and therefore adapt to physical activity. What today seemed like an unbearably heavy load to you, in a week can bring pleasant sensations that you didn’t even know about before.

Dumbbells must be collapsible!

When buying dumbbells, remember: it makes no sense to buy a pair of dumbbells of a fixed weight. They can only be useful when weighing vegetables at the market. You should purchase either collapsible dumbbells or a set of dumbbells from 1 to 10 or more kg. A pair of collapsible dumbbells is definitely more convenient for home use. Today you can buy very comfortable, stylish and beautiful dumbbells with convenient locks that allow you to quickly change the set of weights on the bar.

Exercises with dumbbells are anaerobic exercise

This means that when training with dumbbells, physiological processes that do not require large amounts of oxygen predominate in the body. Physical activity of this kind perfectly develops muscles, gives a quick effect in reducing body fat, and quickly improves the athlete’s figure, as they speed up metabolism and increase. However, for the full development of the body, for full physical development, to obtain maximum results in losing excess weight, it is simply necessary to supplement strength training with aerobic exercise.

Aerobic exercise is brisk walking (including daily exercise), running, swimming, rowing, cycling, and working on a cardio machine. This is a type of exercise that lasts at least 15 minutes (ideally 20-30 minutes), which stimulates fairly deep breathing and an increase in heart rate to moderate to moderate pulse values ​​(120-150 beats per minute).

The maximum permissible heart rate for a person is determined by the formula: 220 - your age or by. In order for aerobic exercise to have a pronounced effect, it is necessary to achieve a heart rate of no less than 70-80% of the maximum permissible when performing it. But before you give yourself such a load, you should visit a doctor for consultation.

You can use dumbbells for aerobic training

That is, you can train with dumbbells in cardio training mode! It's similar to working out on a cardio machine or going for a run, only much cooler! To do this, you should take light dumbbells and perform various movements for at least 5-20 minutes: squats, lunges, jumps, presses, bending and straightening your arms, imitate the movements of a boxer, etc. But still, most people will prefer the classic aerobic movements listed above.

Keep the intensity

Intensity is the amount of work done per unit of time. At the same time, intensity is the degree of concentration on the work of the muscle. The higher the intensity, the greater and faster the result. This is the law of training with dumbbells. You need to constantly increase the intensity. To do this, it is enough to gradually increase the weight of the dumbbells.

Therefore, train closely, without too long pauses between sets. Exercise as often as is reasonable. Exercising once or twice a week will not give any effect.

Positive attitude

No achievements, even insignificant ones, are possible if the path to them lies through uncertainty, unfounded doubts, and fear of failure. You shouldn’t start a business if you are determined to fail in advance. This fully applies to exercises with dumbbells. Only a positive attitude, honest intensive work, a clear awareness of the goal - this is the mental basis for success in training. Create your image in your thoughts. Try to see yourself as more perfect, the way you want to become in the end, as a result of training. The ancient Greek mathematician Pappus said: “Consider what you are about to do done.” Think about these words!

Efforts must be done regularly and for a long time

A very significant feature of training with dumbbells is the gradualness of the results obtained. The growth of muscle mass and the reduction of body fat are gradual processes extended over time. And in order to achieve success, you should regularly create the conditions for achieving them, that is, train, follow a certain (not so burdensome) daily routine, and adhere to a few simple rules in nutrition.

Don't think that after working out with dumbbells for a month you will become like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Don't think that you will reduce your weight by 10 kg in a month by exercising with dumbbells.

Any healthy process in the body does not occur in leaps and bounds. It always takes time. Too rapid changes in body weight and metabolism caused by taking pharmacological drugs or following extreme diets always have a bad effect on health and well-being.

Hence the haggard faces of people who have achieved “amazing success” in losing their weight in a week. Believe me, they are not happy about these successes. And this result is short-lived. Another thing is to achieve this gradually, giving the body the opportunity to adapt to new conditions of existence, giving the psyche the opportunity to build a new image of itself. A person cannot remain thin for a long time after extreme weight loss if his psyche is not ready for this. You should always start by building an image of yourself in your mind.

Indirect benefits of training with dumbbells

Regular training with dumbbells has a lot of positive side effects.

  • The habit of order and self-organization. Training teaches you how to plan time and do everything on time.
  • Exercising with dumbbells will help get rid of laziness. For many people, laziness is a completely unsolvable problem. Regular training will not leave any stone unturned against this disease.
  • Healthy eating habits.
  • Improved posture and flexibility. Sometimes decent posture determines the outcome of a meeting, conversation, or acquaintance.
  • Habit of discipline. This is simply a luxurious gift to yourself.
  • Knowing your body and its capabilities. And this, in turn, is confidence, charisma and charm.
  • Developing the ability to influence your body in healthy ways.

And this is not a complete list of the positive changes that occur with people who regularly exercise with dumbbells.

Dear friend, now you know enough to properly train with dumbbells on your own. Be healthy!

Strength exercises with dumbbells are often no less effective than exercises with a barbell. Naturally, this applies to movements on relatively small muscle groups, such as the arms, deltoids and chest. It is clear that dumbbells cannot pump up your legs, but for the vast majority of amateurs, dumbbell training can be more than sufficient. In our article today, I will present my weight program, designed for training with dumbbells alone.

Basic principles of effective mass training

  • Dividing exercises into basic and isolating.

Protein acts as the main building material for the growth of muscle tissue, without which it is impossible to gain muscle mass, no matter how effective the training program is. The optimal daily protein intake for a mass-gaining cycle is up to 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight.

Mass program: training complex with dumbbells

Day 1– Chest + Back.

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
3 8
3 8
2 maximum*
2 maximum*
3 15
3 15

* - use the maximum working weight for 8 repetitions, but perform the exercise for the maximum number of repetitions.

Day #2– Deltoids + Trapezius.

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
3 8
3 8
2 maximum*
2 maximum*
3 15
3 15

Day #3– Biceps + Triceps.

(9 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Exercises with dumbbells at home are an effective and affordable way not only to maintain excellent physical shape, but to successfully build your body. It is suitable for both men and women, with different goals of losing weight or gaining muscle mass, then it all depends on your training program and nutrition (We have everything on our blog).

This compact sports equipment allows you to load most of the muscles and specifically work out one muscle or their groups. Dumbbells have no age restrictions; men and women, beginners and experienced athletes can work with them.

Don't have the opportunity or desire to go to the gym? A well-designed set of exercises with dumbbells will help you train fully and effectively in the comfort of your home.

Important! Home workouts should begin with a warm-up to warm up the muscles and joints. Each exercise must be performed technically correctly. Only if these recommendations are followed will home exercises have a positive result.

Basic exercises with dumbbells

Let's take a look at a few basic dumbbell exercises that are very effective and therefore popular among athletes. The amount of load is determined individually and depends on physical fitness and goals.

For sports activities at home, the best choice is collapsible dumbbells, which allow you to change the weight in a fairly wide range.

Biceps exercises

Biceps are one of the main muscles that determine the beauty and strength of the arms. Athletes pay special attention to its development. The biceps brachii muscle is well developed by training with moderate weight and repeated formations. To work on your biceps, two workouts per week are enough.

Standing dumbbell raise (supination)

Starting position (IP): stand with your shoulders back, back straight. Take dumbbells. Press your elbows to your body, point your palms inward. Feet should be shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. The projectile touches the midline of the thigh with the front disc.

Take a short breath, and as you exhale, begin to smoothly move the weight towards your shoulders. When performing the movement, engage supination: smoothly turn your palms up. The turn is performed during the general movement, ending simultaneously with the lifting of the load to shoulder level.

Seated dumbbell raise

The previous exercise is performed while sitting, the movement technique is similar. You need to prepare a bench/stool/chair. A chair with a vertical back will help to complicate the training and increase the impact. You can also lean your back against the wall, placing a stool nearby.

The “sitting” position makes it possible to perform movements as correctly (technically) as possible, since an athlete in such a position will not be able to help himself with back muscles or body movements, which increases the efficiency of working a specific muscle.
Hands can work simultaneously or alternately. This technique is described in the article.

Hammer (hammer)

Stand up with your back straight. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, bend your knees slightly. Turn your palms with the projectile towards you. Do not change the position of the hands during the exercise. Elbows located next to the body cannot be moved. (Read in detail and with nuances)

Using your biceps, begin to smoothly bend your arms. Only your forearms should work! At the peak (biceps contracted), pause for a second, then return to IP along the same trajectory.

Don’t stop at the bottom point, immediately start moving your arms up. The planned number of repetitions is carried out similarly. You can work with both hands or alternating them. Hammer is a very popular exercise. It not only pumps up the biceps efficiently, but also loads the brachialis.

Triceps exercises

Triceps are an important indicator of the development of arm muscles. Athletes work it intensively, trying to increase volume. You can build a powerful triceps muscle at home.

One-arm dumbbell overhead press

One of the most famous trainings with dumbbells for high-quality triceps training. Stand up, keep your back straight. Grab the dumbbell with your left hand. Raise your hand with the projectile up. Turn your palm forward. The right hand is placed on the waist, lowered or repeating the “Arnie girth”. As you exhale, bend your arm with the load, smoothly lowering it behind your head. The shoulder area is motionless, only the forearm is involved. Concentrate on working your triceps and feel the stretch. Stay in the extreme position. Move your hand to the top position.

After completing the planned number of repetitions, repeat the movements with your right arm.
This exercise is performed from a standing position while standing or sitting.

Dumbbell overhead press with two hands

Check the condition of the dumbbell; the clamps must be securely fastened. If the weight of the projectile is more than 15 kg, it is recommended to wear an athletic belt. This will protect yourself from injury.

Hold the dumbbell by the plate with both hands. Hold the bar with your thumbs to increase safety.

Performed from a standing (or sitting) position. The back is straight, feet are shoulder-width apart. Hands with a dumbbell above your head (straight).

Carefully lower the weight towards the back of your head. Don't spread your elbows! Concentrate on stretching the triceps.
Extend your arms (triceps work). Perform the required number of repetitions.

Bent over arm extension

Performed from a standing position. The back is straight. Place your feet wider than your shoulders and ensure good stability. The knee joints are slightly bent, the body is tilted forward.

Place your left hand on your knee (support), your right hand as a working hand. Bend it at a right angle, press it tightly to the body.

As you inhale, extend your arm, straightening it back. Exhale after completing the movement.

Shoulder exercises

The harmonious figure is distinguished by a relief shoulder area. This is an important muscle group that requires special attention.

Seated dumbbell press

This is an excellent load for the lateral deltoid muscles. Regular training will lead to wider shoulders.

You will need a stool or a comfortable chair with a backrest. Sit down, press your back against the wall. Keep your body straight at all times.

Grab the dumbbells so that your forearms are pointing up. Squeeze the bar vigorously and rhythmically. Do not jerk, do not push your elbows forward. ()

At the peak of the press, a second pause, a smooth return to the IP. Immediately (without pause) transition to the lifting phase.

Arnie's bench press

makes muscle tissues that are not involved in the classic bench press work, loads the following important muscles:

  • deltoid (focusing on the anterior bundles);
  • triceps

Performed sitting/standing (the technique is the same). It is important to keep your back straight throughout the entire training.

Dumbbells in front of the jawline, palms facing you. The elbow joints are shoulder-width apart. From this position they begin to move.

Spread your elbows to the sides, smoothly turning your hands. When the dumbbells reach the top of your head, press up, trying to lift the weight as high as possible. Avoid pauses and jerks at the top and bottom points of the trajectory!

Lower the dumbbells to the line of the crown, begin to smoothly bring your elbows together, moving them forward. At the same time, turn your hands towards you. Do not lower your arms very low, this will significantly reduce the load on the deltoids.

Reverse bent over dumbbell fly

Weighted arm swings load the sides and work the deltoids deeply. The technique and number of repetitions are important; the weight is selected lightly (from 3 to 10 kg, professional athletes can train with heavy weight).

Lean forward, your body should be almost parallel to the floor. Feet together. For a comfortable performance and greater stability, squat down a little. Take the shell. Relax your shoulder area. This is the starting position.

Slightly bend your elbow joints and lock this pose. Vigorously spread your arms with the load to the sides to the line of your head. Stop for a second.

Training trapezius: Shrugs with dumbbells

One of the best home workouts for working the trapezius back muscle. It has a large working amplitude, forcing the trapezoid to contract along its entire length.

The technique is simple. Stand up with your back straight. Hands with dumbbells are lowered, palms inward. This is an IP. And then just shrug your shoulders: with a powerful force of the trapezius, lift them to the maximum possible height.

At the peak point there is a short pause. Then return to IP. Be careful not to rotate your shoulders. Perform the required number of sets and repetitions (8 to 12 times).

Developing chest muscles

It is difficult to pump up the chest muscles by working out with dumbbells; these are quite large muscle formations and require intensive strength training. But there are several effective trainings that load the muscle group well.

Pullover with dumbbells

This is a very useful training for the home complex, forcing a large group of muscles to work hard. The main load goes to the pectoral muscles, but almost all the muscles of the shoulder region are also involved. Without a pullover, it is problematic to pump up the intercostal muscles.

If you perform the option without support on the lower back (across the bench), the neck muscles will receive a powerful load, and there will be a high-quality stretch of the chest and abdominal muscles. A pullover can enlarge (expand) the chest if the athlete is under 25 years old.

To begin with, choose a light weight - 5-10 kg. Over time, the load is increased to 14-16 kg.

Lower yourself to the middle of the bench (across), don’t forget to place the dumbbell next to it. Lean on your hand, go down a little to the floor, positioning yourself so that the upper part of your body rests on the bench with the area of ​​your shoulder blades.

Another support is the legs bent at the knee joints. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. The lower back is completely free. Grab the dumbbell with both hands (the dumbbell is in front of your chest, perpendicular to your torso).
10 to 15 repetitions and 3-4 sets are recommended. (As correct)

Lying dumbbell fly

This simple exercise, in addition to the chest muscles, makes the biceps and deltoids (anterior bundle) work.

Performed on a sports bench, lying on your back. Feet must be securely fixed to the floor. There is a deflection in the lumbar region. Arms with a load are bent, raised up (perpendicular to the floor), palms inward.

Slowly raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides. They must describe a wide arc in the air. The movement is performed while inhaling. (How to do it correctly is described)

As soon as the dumbbells drop slightly below chest level, stop for a second, exhale and vigorously return your arms to the IP along the same arc...


This set of exercises covers all basic muscle groups. You can create an individual, complete complex for home workouts and successfully design your body. Read about the details of the exercises using the links attached.

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Let's say you don't have the opportunity to go to the gym, but you have dumbbells at home. Most of the exercises presented here can be done at home. All you need is a pair of dumbbells. The bench can be safely replaced with a regular chair or stool.

Keep in mind: with a conscientious approach to business, the result will be no worse than what you would achieve in the gym. Combine strength training with cardio exercises and training to develop flexibility, and then you will be successful.


Strengthening the pectoral muscle requires 3 things: concentration, control and contraction. You need to concentrate and know which muscles work in the exercise. Control means that you monitor the movements and speed of the exercises. The slower you perform them, the more you load the muscle fibers. A slow pace also reduces the risk of injury. When you focus your attention on the muscles being trained, the effectiveness of the exercise increases.

A great exercise for chest training. It can be performed on a flat, incline, or negative incline bench. This way you can shift the load to the middle, top, or bottom of the pectoral muscles. Try to lower the weight slowly so that you feel the same muscle tension as when lifting the weight. If you lift dumbbells too quickly, you risk shoulder injury. It is also important to choose the appropriate dumbbell weight. The resistance should be enough so that you can feel your pectoral muscles working.

An excellent exercise for developing the pectoral muscles. Its value lies in the fact that it makes it possible to exclude all auxiliary muscles from work and the load on the chest will be concentrated. Dumbbell curls can be performed on a horizontal bench, an incline bench, or a bench with a negative incline. This will allow you to better work on different areas of the chest. To perform the exercise, take dumbbells and lie down on a bench. The shoulder blades are retracted. There is a deflection in the lower back. The legs rest firmly on the floor. Hold dumbbells at arm's length above your chest, palms facing each other. As you inhale, begin to spread your arms to the sides, slightly bending them at the elbows. As you exhale, bring your arms together, returning to the starting position.

With this exercise you can increase the volume of the chest. To perform it, lie with your back on a bench. The legs rest firmly on the floor. Hold the dumbbell in front of you with your arms outstretched. As you inhale, lower the dumbbell behind your head (at the final phase of the movement, you can bend your elbows slightly). As you exhale, return to the starting position.


In everyday life, we use the muscles of the front part of the body more, so the back muscles are often underdeveloped, which leads to stooping. Your goal is to develop your entire body evenly. The exercises we offer with dumbbells will help you with this.

The bent over dumbbell row is a great core exercise for developing your core and upper back. When performing this exercise, a special stand is used, which makes it possible to completely turn off the lower back from work to avoid injury. The value of the exercise is that it can help correct back imbalances. To perform it, do the following: place your left knee on the bench. Then bend over and place your hand on it. The body is almost parallel to the floor. There is a deflection in the lower back. The right foot is on the floor. With your right hand, hold the dumbbell with a neutral grip. As you exhale, pull the dumbbell to your lower abdomen by contracting your back muscles. As you inhale, slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

This is an exercise to work your back muscles. The latissimus muscles receive the main load here. The main advantage of this exercise is that when performing it, the load is removed from the lower back. Therefore, this exercise is suitable for people who cannot load their lower back. To perform it, take the weights and lie face down on an incline bench. Hold dumbbells with a neutral grip, with your arms straight at the sides of the bench. As you exhale, lift the dumbbells by bending your elbows. As you inhale, lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

Shrugs are an exercise that is aimed at training the trapezius muscle. Shrugs are performed with both dumbbells and a barbell. The advantage of dumbbells is that the movement of the exercise becomes more natural and the amplitude of the exercise increases. To perform it, take dumbbells in your hands and stand straight. Stretch your arms at your sides. As you exhale, pull your shoulders up as high as you can. Hold this position for a second and return to the starting position.

Legs and buttocks

Although exercises with a barbell are considered the most effective for the muscles of the legs and buttocks (due to the possibility of using large weights), nevertheless, with the help of dumbbells you can also work out these muscle groups quite well. To achieve what you want, the main thing is to do the exercises correctly. All movements must be clear and precise. And as a result, in addition to impressive external results, you will get strong legs and buttocks, which will allow you to significantly improve your performance in other sports, such as running and jumping.

1. Straight-legged row with dumbbells

In this exercise, the muscles of the buttocks, back of the thigh and lower back receive the greatest load. During dumbbell rows, the hands are in a more comfortable position than a fixed barbell. Thanks to this position of the hands, you can shift the center of gravity, due to which the load on the back extensors is reduced and the load on the back of the thigh is more concentrated. To perform this exercise, grab dumbbells and stand straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, moving your pelvis back and leaning forward, smoothly lower the dumbbells down. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Squats are a basic exercise for strengthening the muscles of the front and back of the thighs and buttocks. By doing it, you also use the muscles of the inner and outer thighs. To perform this exercise, hold dumbbells in your hands and stand straight. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly pointed to the sides. Hands with dumbbells are lowered along the body, palms facing inward. Keeping your pelvis in a neutral position, expand your chest. Inhale, hold your breath and draw in your stomach. Do a squat as if you want to sit on the edge of a chair. Don't lift your heels off the floor. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position. At the moment of maximum effort, exhale.

Lunges with dumbbells are one of the best exercises for training your legs and buttocks. In this exercise, the hamstrings and gluteal muscles receive maximum load. To perform it, take dumbbells in your hands and stand straight. Feet shoulder width apart. Bring your shoulder blades together, lower your shoulders, tighten your abs. Hands with dumbbells are lowered along the body, palms facing inward. Take a long step forward with your left foot and lower into a lunge so that your left knee is over your ankle and your right knee is pointing toward the floor. The right leg rests on the toe. Straighten your legs and take a step forward and lunge with your right leg. Continue alternating legs as many times as necessary.


As with any strength exercise, proper technique and concentration are very important when training biceps with dumbbells. Also try to avoid common mistakes when doing exercises for the biceps muscles. For example, many people do not fix their shoulders and body in a stationary position, which takes some of the load off the biceps. Only the muscles supporting the elbow joint should work, while the shoulders, wrists and body remain motionless.

1. Dumbbell Curls

Dumbbell curls are one of the best exercises to train your biceps. The advantage of dumbbells over a barbell is the increased amplitude of wrist rotation, which provides better training of the biceps muscle. This exercise can be performed standing or sitting on a vertical or inclined bench. To perform it, take dumbbells and stand straight (or sit on a bench). The elbows are pressed to the sides of the body and remain motionless throughout the entire movement. As you exhale, bend your elbows. As you inhale, straighten your arms to return to the starting position.

2. Hammer Grip Dumbbell Curls

The hammer is an isolation exercise aimed at developing the brachialis muscle, the muscle that is located under the biceps and which gives it the peak desired by all athletes. Perform the exercise standing or sitting on a bench. To do this, take dumbbells with a neutral grip and stand straight or sit on a bench. The arms are extended to the sides of the body. As you exhale, lift the dumbbells to shoulder level. As you inhale, lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.

The peculiarity of this exercise is the large range of motion and powerful peak contraction at the top point. The biceps receive the maximum load in this exercise. To perform the exercise correctly, sit on a bench and place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Take a dumbbell, bend over slightly and rest your right elbow on the inside of your right leg. As you exhale, lift the dumbbell to your upper chest. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Perform the required number of times and repeat the exercise for the other hand.

4. Curls with dumbbells on a Scott bench

The Scott Bench Dumbbell Curl is an exercise for targeted biceps training. The advantage of this exercise is that it eliminates the use of cheating, so the biceps brachii muscle receives maximum load. To perform it, sit on a Scott bench and hold dumbbells in both hands, palms facing up. You can also hold dumbbells with a hammer grip (palms facing each other) to work the brachialis muscle. As you exhale, straining your biceps, bend your arms as much as possible, raising the dumbbells to your shoulder. As you inhale, lower the dumbbells.


When you train triceps, like any other muscle group, you need to use a variety of equipment, including dumbbells, to vary the load as much as possible. Try to feel the triceps working and always pay attention to your technique. Don't forget that when you focus on how your muscles are working during a workout, you will recruit more muscle fibers. Therefore, each repetition and approach is more effective, and you get the desired results much faster.

The French press is a unique exercise for training the triceps. This exercise allows you to work the triceps along its entire length. When performing this exercise, the emphasis is on the load on the long head of the triceps. This exercise can be performed lying down or sitting. We suggest considering the option of performing the French bench press. Lie down on a bench and grab dumbbells with your palms facing each other. As you inhale, bend your arms and lower the dumbbells to your ears. As you exhale, extend your arms at the elbows, returning to the starting position.

Another exercise with dumbbells to pump up the triceps. This exercise cannot be called the best for training the triceps, but doing it will diversify your arm training, which will undoubtedly benefit you. It is performed as follows: take a dumbbell in your right hand and rest your left knee on the seat of the bench. Also rest your left hand on the back or seat of the bench. Bend your working arm at a right angle - this will be your starting position. Now straighten your arm at the elbow until it is completely straight, hold for a split second and return to the starting position. Perform the required number of times and repeat the exercise for the second hand.


In most deltoid exercises, you hold the dumbbells farther away from your body, so they feel heavier than the barbell. Therefore, in order to properly work out the muscles, start training with not very heavy dumbbells. The exercises below will improve your shoulder shape by developing and strengthening your deltoid muscles.

This exercise strengthens the middle and anterior deltoid muscles. To perform this, set the back of the bench at a right angle. Take dumbbells and sit down. Knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Bend your arms at a 90-degree angle and spread them to the sides so that your shoulders are parallel to the floor. Palms face forward. Tighten your abs. The back is straight, the lower back is pressed tightly against the back of the bench. Maintaining your torso position, raise your arms with the dumbbells above your head. Slowly return to the starting position.

The Arnold press is a basic exercise for developing the deltoid muscles. This exercise uses all three bundles, but the main emphasis is on the middle and anterior bundle. Due to the rotation of the arms, the rotator cuff muscles of the shoulder are also included in the work: coracobrachialis, supraspinatus and infraspinatus. The technique for performing this exercise is as follows: stand up straight or sit on a bench. Take dumbbells in both hands and fix them at neck level, with your palms facing you. Inhale and, holding your breath, press the dumbbells upward while rotating your arms at the wrists. At the end of the movement, exhale. Inhale and lower the dumbbells along the same path.

Bent-over dumbbell flyes are the most effective exercise for the posterior deltoid muscle. This exercise is the only one that allows you to qualitatively work out the rear head of the delta. To perform it, take dumbbells and lean forward, bending your knees slightly. Hands with dumbbells are lowered down. As you exhale, simultaneously spread your arms to the sides. As you inhale, lower your arms to the starting position.

4. Dumbbell lateral raises

This is an isolation exercise for working the middle fascicles of the deltoid muscles. You can do it standing or sitting on a bench. To do this, hold the dumbbells with a neutral grip, palms facing each other. Stand up straight or sit on a bench. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows. As you exhale, spread the dumbbells to the sides without changing the angle of your elbows. As you inhale, lower your arms to the starting position.