Back exercises for three. Exercises for the trapezius muscles of the back. One-arm horizontal row with added rotation

It’s not just weightlifters and bodybuilders who need to regularly train their backs. Nice complex exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine will help to form a muscle corset. This is important for both straight posture, and for the prevention of spinal column deformities. The latter often occur in adulthood, especially in people leading a sedentary lifestyle. By devoting just half an hour to sports every day, you can long years maintain spine flexibility and avoid many back problems.

How to do exercises correctly

Before the beginning regular training back muscles are important make sure there are no contraindications. If you have a history of diseases or injuries to the spine, you should consult a doctor. Even if loads are allowed, a number of rules should be followed to avoid injuries to the musculoskeletal system:

  • perform all elements smoothly, without sudden jerks;
  • constantly listen to your feelings in the problem area (discomfort is a signal to stop exercising);
  • increase the load gradually, slightly increasing the number of repetitions as the muscles strengthen;
  • need to exercise regularly, increasing discipline and consolidating achieved results;
  • beginners should not chase quantity repetitions and sets done, as well as setting too fast a pace at the very beginning of the lesson.

The following set of exercises for the spine is contraindicated for chronic diseases at the acute stage, bleeding of any etiology, or the presence of severe pain in the lumbar area, shoulder blades and neck.

A set of exercises to strengthen your back muscles at home

Four simple exercises to perform no equipment or practical skills required, when performed regularly will help create reliable muscular support for the spinal column:

  • Bridge with hips. The element is performed from the starting position lying down, bent legs at the same time, they rest their feet on the floor, their arms are located along the torso. Exhaling, raise your hips up until your body is straightened hip joints, linger a little at the top point and smoothly lower your pelvis. It is advisable to perform the exercise at least 15 times. As your muscles strengthen, you can increase the load by straightening one leg at the knee while lifting your hips.
  • "The Bird and the Dog"- an interesting and effective exercise for all groups of spinal muscles. Standing on all fours (dog pose), you need to tighten your abs and straighten your back. The transition to bird pose involves simultaneously raising the right arm and the opposite (left) leg upward. At the same time, the limbs are straightened, positioned strictly horizontally and fixed for a couple of seconds. After returning to the original position, the opposite arm and leg work (do at least 5 times for each side).
  • Side plank especially useful for prolonged static load on the spine (standing work). Lying on your side and leaning on the elbow of one hand, place the other on your waist. Then lift your hips off the surface and straighten your body, fixating in this position for at least half a minute. Repeat the element for the other side. To complicate the task, you can raise your leg while doing it or lean on the palm of your straight hand.
  • Lunges, designed to improve coordination, performed from a standing position. Having fixed your palms at your waist, you need to step forward quite widely, bending your legs in knee joints at right angles. Do 10 repetitions for each leg. You can increase the load with the help of weights (hold dumbbells in your hands).

In addition to preventing deformities and diseases of the spine, this simple set of exercises will ensure excellent posture. Thin waist and a graceful gait will be another pleasant bonus.

People whose work requires long periods of time static loads on the back and visiting Gym, it is recommended to perform more special elements.

Additional set of exercises to strengthen the spine (video)

Exercise machines in the gym allow you to diversify the set of standard elements for forming muscle corset.

  • Stretches performed in hyperextension, perfectly strengthen the rectifier muscles. From the starting position, you need to completely straighten your body, pausing for 30 seconds at the top point.
  • Deadlift– another excellent element for pumping rectifiers. The exercise is intended for the prevention of disorders and is contraindicated in pain syndrome. Perform bending and extension smoothly, holding the barbell in your hands with an overhand grip.
  • Element "prayer" is a vertical block row performed on the knees. At the lowest point, when bending the torso, you need to touch the floor with your head.
  • Hyperextension You can also do it on a fitball. The starting position is lying on your stomach on the apparatus with your palms fixed on the back of your head and your torso lowered. When extending, straighten the body and stay in this position for half a minute.
  • Stretching with a fitball– one of the simplest, but very useful exercises for the back. You just need to lie on the apparatus with your stomach and relax the muscles of the whole body as much as possible. You can stay in this position for as long as you like.

The listed exercises are not only guarantee of a strong muscle corset, but also excellent remedy for back pain. By supplementing your standard training program with them, you can not to be afraid of scoliosis and osteochondrosis even after many hours sedentary work in the office. It is important to get up from your workplace every hour to stretch your muscles a little and activate blood circulation.

The effectiveness of back exercises for spinal diseases

Scoliosis and osteochondrosis– the most common pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The first diagnosis is made at any age, since curvature of posture can be developed in childhood. Wherein back muscles atrophy and hold the spinal column in wrong position. Special stretching and muscle strengthening exercises are the best way correcting the situation.

A set of exercises for scoliosis (video)

Osteochondrosis is a more “age-related” disease that represents degradation of cartilage tissue intervertebral discs. Accompanied by impaired mobility of the spinal column, periodic pain and deterioration of tissue nutrition. In this case, you should exercise carefully, but if the case is not very advanced, the exercises will help restore mobility and get rid of pain.

Training for osteochondrosis (video)

Performing the complex simple exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine every day, you can restore health and maintain it for a long time.

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Having started working out in the gym and intensely “polishing” their legs, chest and abdomen, many forget that their back also needs to be trained. After all, a beautiful, strong back is the foundation of the whole body. And her muscles also need regular attention, along with work on others.

Let's look at how to do it right basic exercises on the back.

What back muscles need to be developed?

They are divided into the following classes:

  • upper (latitudinal, trapezoidal, round)
  • lower (lumbar)
  • deep (near the spine)

The first ones are responsible for the movement of the shoulder blades and humerus bones, that is, for the thickness of the back. The lower ones come into play when moving lumbar region and pelvis, form posture; when working with them, the image of a “triangle” is formed ( broad shoulders, slim waist). And deep ones (they are also called “rectifiers”) maintain stability and correct position spine.

Rules for performing exercises

  1. If you are the only one in the hall, you should not immediately take up heavy exercise. Start with the easiest ones for yourself.
  2. The main thing is that the body remembers correct technique execution. You shouldn't do a lot of approaches, but it's wrong. Start with the minimum.
  3. There is no need to train with weights for the first time. Perform with minimal weight (such as an empty bar and light dumbbells) or no weight at all.
  4. It is rational to combine a “back day” with a day when you devote time. Start with the latter only if they are poorly developed and it will be difficult to move on to them after exertion.
  5. Watch the range of motion of your shoulder blades. The more they are diluted, the more effective the result.
  6. Don't go solely for the visual effect. Work not only on the muscles responsible for the width and/or thickness of the back, but also on those that strengthen it (deep). The main thing is not to overdo it with weight, because it is easy to injure your back, and it will take a long time to recover.

Basic back exercises

What exercises are necessary if you dream of becoming broad-shouldered?

Pull-ups. Start with your hands in a close grip position, palms parallel to each other. Then switch to a wide straight grip. If you pull yourself up well, you can attach a small weight to your waist so that the load is greater. The next stage of work on the lats will be pull-ups with an underhand grip, or reverse. Hands shoulder width apart. Try to start doing pull-ups early in your workout. Perform: 3-4 passes 8-15 times.

Traction upper block. Excellent development of rhomboid muscles.

Execution options:

  • traction of the upper block in front of you;
  • traction of the upper block behind the neck;
  • upper block rods narrow grip.

Interesting fact! Traditionally, it is advised to perform strictly in a straight line - in a position where the arms and torso are perpendicular. But according to some studies, leaning your body back a little will stimulate the activation of these back muscles. Perform: 4 passes 10-20 times. Useful to know for those who dream of being not only wide, but also massive.

Lower block rows. They are also called “rowing”. You should start deadlifts in the middle or at the end of the session. More “advanced” players can use a wide bar instead of a handle. Perform: 4 sets of 10-20 times.

Dumbbell rows. With dumbbells there are several variations for loading the different muscles. It’s good to do this by placing your knee and one hand on the bench, and holding a dumbbell with the other hand, your palm facing your body. Raise the dumbbell to the maximum possible height, elbow, moving back. Try not to tilt your arm too far from the body to the side. Alternate approaches on your hands. Execution: in the middle or towards the end of the workout. 3-4 sets 10-15 times on each hand.

growing latissimus muscles bent over dumbbell row also helps . To do this, while standing, bend your legs slightly and tilt your body forward parallel to the floor. Take dumbbells in both hands and smoothly lift them, moving your elbows back. Execution: 3-4 passes 15-20 times.

For the trapezius muscle. You can begin to develop this part of the back with the help of exercises such as shrugs; read the details on how to swing the trapezius.

They make them:

  • with a barbell;
  • with dumbbells.

But don’t start rashly; you need to approach this work wisely. Ask a trainer to help you choose the right weight.

With dumbbells. Stand up straight, take dumbbells, as you exhale, slowly lift them, elbows bend back. Shoulders as high as possible, then fix in position for a second and return to the starting position.

With a barbell. The position of the legs is apart. Hold the bar with your arms straight, slightly wider than shoulder width, with a straight grip. Tighten your abs and slowly lift your shoulders up, then carefully lower them.

For deep muscles. One of the main, but not the easiest exercises is. Legs apart, knees slightly bent. Arch your back. Squat down, leaning forward until your thighs are almost horizontal.

Raise the barbell along the front of your shins. As the bar reaches your knees, continue to straighten your body until it reaches a vertical position and your legs are straight. Perform: 4 sets of 10-15 times.

Lower back pain is one of the most common problems, which, according to statistics, affects every third adult. If you do not deal with pain in the back and lower back in time, you can subsequently earn serious spinal disease . We offer you a selection of effective exercises for lower back pain to relax and strengthen muscles, as well as to increase flexibility and mobility of the spine.

Lower back pain: what causes it and what to do?

Most common cause The occurrence of lower back pain is a sedentary lifestyle and poor development of corset muscles, which are not able to support the spine. In addition, the cause may be various pathologies, excessive stress, or simply a sudden awkward movement that provoked pain. Most of these problems can be neutralized with lower back exercises.

What can cause lower back pain:

  • staying in one position for a long time;
  • weak back and core muscles;
  • excessive loads or non-compliance with exercise technique;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • large excess weight;
  • improper diet and vitamin deficiency.

To prevent lower back pain from becoming the cause of serious problems with the spine, it is necessary to: special exercises for the lower back , which will help relieve discomfort, reduce pain, improve the health of the body and serve as a good preventive measure. It’s not for nothing that the basis of rehabilitation after back injuries is physiotherapy and gymnastics for the spine.

Why it is useful to perform exercises for the lower back:

  • Pain in the lower back is reduced by stretching and relaxing the muscles
  • Strengthens the spine and increases its flexibility
  • Blood circulation increases, which saturates the joints and vertebrae with nutrients
  • Strengthens the corset muscles that support the spine
  • Posture improves
  • Improves the functioning of the heart and lungs
  • Hormonal levels are normalized
  • The risk of hernia, osteochondrosis and other pathologies is reduced
  • Improves the functioning of the pelvic and abdominal organs

A set of exercises for lower back pain should include: muscle stretching exercises Andmuscle strengthening exercises . During exacerbations, tension is observed in the muscles, so first of all they need to be relaxed - for this, a stretching routine is performed (traction) muscles. To prevent lower back pain, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles. When strengthening the back muscles, the load on the spine decreases, since a significant part of the load is taken on by the muscle corset.

Rules for performing exercises for the lower back

1. Do not force the load and overload the lower back with exercises in order to achieve the goal faster. Start with light loads, gradually increasing the duration of exercise.

2. Exercises for the lower back should be done with the load and amplitude that is comfortable for you. Do not make sudden jerks or movements while performing exercises for the lower back, so as not to aggravate the problem.

3. One or two workouts will not help solve the problem; try to perform a set of exercises for the lower back on an ongoing basis. It will be enough to train 3 times a week for 15-20 minutes.

4. If you have a cold floor or cold weather outside, then dress warmly and lay a rug or blanket on the floor to prevent your lower back from getting cold.

5. Perform exercises on a hard surface: a bed or soft mat will not work. During exercises lying on your back, your lower back should be pressed to the floor.

6. Don’t forget about breathing while performing a set of exercises for lower back pain. The training should be accompanied by deep, even breathing, each static exercise perform on 7-10 breathing cycles.

7. If during some exercises you feel discomfort in the lower back or spine, then it is better to skip such exercises. If during the exercise you feel acute pain, then in this case it is better to stop training altogether.

8. You should not perform the proposed set of exercises for the lower back during pregnancy, after a spinal injury or with chronic diseases. In this case consultation with a doctor is required.

9. Remember that if you have some kind of chronic disease, then a set of exercises for the lower back must be selected individually. For example, for scoliosis, exercises to straighten the spine are indicated, and for osteochondrosis and hernia, exercises to stretch it.

10. If discomfort in lumbar region does not go away within a few weeks, consult a doctor. Lower back pain may be a sign of a serious illness. The sooner you begin the treatment process, the easier it will be to avoid irreversible consequences.

Exercises for lower back pain: stretching

We offer you stretching exercises for the lower back muscles, which are suitable for eliminating painful spasms and as a preventive measure. Stay late in every pose20- 40 seconds , you can use a timer. Remember to do exercises on both sides, right and left. If any exercise gives you discomfort or pain, then interrupt it; the workout should not bring discomfort.

From a position on all fours, move your buttocks back and up, stretch your arms, neck and back in one line. Imagine that your body has formed a slide: try to make the top higher and the slopes steeper. You can simplify the position a little by bending your knees and lifting your heels off the floor.

Allie The Journey Junkie

Take a lunge position, lower the knee of one leg to the floor and take it as far back as possible. The second leg forms a right angle between the thigh and shins. Stretch your arms up, feel a pleasant stretch in your spine. Hold this position and then move into pigeon pose.

From the lunge position, lower yourself into pigeon pose. Right pelvic bone cover your left heel. You can deepen the position by moving your left shin slightly forward. Pull your pelvis towards the floor. Place your forearms on the surface or lower your body to the floor or pillow - take a comfortable position, focusing on your flexibility.

After pigeon pose, return to a low lunge and repeat these 2 exercises on the other leg. You can use yoga blocks or books:

To perform this very effective lower back exercise, sit in a sitting position with your legs extended in front of you. Cross your leg over your hip and twist your body in the opposite direction. This exercise not only stretches the muscles of the back and lower back, but also the gluteal muscles.

5. Seated bends

Remaining in the same position, gently lower your back towards your feet. It is not necessary to make a full fold; it is enough to just slightly round your back to stretch the spine. In this case, it is advisable to lower your head on some support. You can bend your knees or spread your legs slightly to the side - choose a position that is comfortable for you.

6. Bending in the lotus position

Another very useful exercise for lower back pain is bending in the lotus position. Cross your legs on the floor and bend first to one side, holding for 20-40 seconds, then to the other side. Try to keep your body straight, your shoulders and body should not move forward.

7. Leg raise with a strap (towel)

Now let's move on to a series of exercises for the lower back while lying on the floor. Use a strap, tape, or towel to pull your straight leg toward you. During this exercise the back remains pressed to the floor, the lower back does not bend. The other leg remains straight and lies on the floor. If you cannot keep your leg extended and pressed to the floor, you can bend it at the knee. Stay in this position for a while and move to the other leg.

By analogy, perform another effective exercise for the lower back. Lying on your back, bend your leg and pull your knee toward your chest. When doing this simple exercise The lumbar muscles are stretched very well and painful spasms are reduced.

9. Bent leg raise

This fitness exercise is very often used to stretch the muscles of the buttocks, but for stretching lumbar muscles it fits the best way. Lying on your back, bend your knees and lift them so that your hips and body form a right angle. Grab the thigh of one leg with your hands and place the foot of the other leg on your knee. Hold this position. Make sure your lower back is pressed firmly to the floor.

Another nice relaxing exercise for the lower back is the happy child's pose. Lift your legs up, bending your knees, and grab the outside of your feet with your hands. Relax and stay in this position. You can sway a little from side to side.

Now let's move on to an exercise for the lower back, which involves twisting the spine. Lying on your back, turn your arms and crossed legs to one side. The body seems to form an arc. In this exercise, a large amplitude is not important; you should feel a slight stretch in the lumbar spine. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds and turn to the other side.

12. Lying Back Twist

Another very useful and important exercise for the lower back, which will help relieve pain in the sacral area. Lying on your back, slowly rotate your pelvis and move your leg to the side, throwing it over the thigh of the other leg. The lower back comes off the floor, but the shoulders remain on the floor.

Another simple exercise for lower back pain. Lie on your stomach and move your leg bent at the knee to the side. The other leg remains extended, with both legs pressed to the floor.

Get on your knees and spread your legs to the side or close them. Exhale and slowly bend forward between your thighs and lower your head to the floor. This relaxing lower back exercise will make your entire body feel lighter, especially your back. This is a resting pose, you can stay in it even for several minutes.

You can also turn first to one side, then to the other, this will help to better stretch the lumbar muscles.

Lie on your back again and place a small pillow under your hips and knees, with your feet touching the floor. Relax in this position for a few minutes.

Exercises for lower back pain: strengthening muscles

Thanks to the proposed exercises, you can improve the mobility of the spine and get rid of discomfort in the lumbosacral region. In addition, you will strengthen your muscle corset, which will be an excellent prevention of lower back pain. Therefore, if you are often bothered by lower back pain, then be sure to take note of these exercises. Please note that it is not recommended to perform exercises to strengthen muscles during exacerbations.

The cat is one of the most useful exercises for the lower back and back in general. As you exhale, round your back, push your shoulder blades as high as possible and retract chest. As you inhale, bend well in the lumbar region, pointing the crown of your head toward your tailbone, and open your chest. Perform 15-20 repetitions.

Here and below, photos from the YouTube channel are used: Allie The Journey Junkie

In a standing position on all fours, while inhaling, we stretch our leg back, and while exhaling, we group ourselves, pulling our forehead to our knee. Try not to touch the floor with your foot. Perform 10-15 repetitions on each side.

3. Raising arms and legs on all fours

Remaining in a standing position on all fours, grab the opposite leg with your hand and bend at the lumbar region. The stomach is tucked, the muscles of the buttocks and legs are tense, the neck is free. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, maintaining balance.

Get down on your stomach and take a lying position. Bend your elbows and spread them to the sides. Lift your body up, lifting your chest off the floor. Try to lift your body while keeping your neck neutral. Hold in the upper position for 5-10 seconds and return to the starting position. Complete 10 reps.

A similar exercise to strengthen the lumbar region, only in this version the hands are behind the head, which complicates the position. Both of these lower back exercises are variations of hyperextension, but without the use of additional simulators. Also do 10 reps.

Remaining in a lying position on your stomach, alternately lift your opposite arms and legs up. Movements of the arms and legs should be as synchronous as possible. Stay in the extreme position for a few seconds, try to perform the exercise efficiently. Do not mechanically swing your arms and legs. Repeat the exercise on each side 10 times.

Take your hands back and clasp them together. At the same time, lift your shoulders, chest, shins and knees off the floor, forming an oblong boat with your body. The exercise is not easy, so first try to hold this position for at least 10-15 seconds. You can do several short approaches.

While lying on your stomach, move your arms back and grab your feet with your hands. The thighs, stomach, chest and forehead remain on the floor. Keep your shoulders away from your ears and don't strain your neck. Stay in this position for 20 seconds.

You can also do this version of this exercise for the lower back while lying on your side:

While lying on your stomach, lift your shins up and lift your knees off the floor. Grab your ankles with the same hands outside. Bend over as much as possible, lifting your hips and chest off the floor, placing your body weight on your stomach. Imagine that your legs and torso are the body of a bow, and your arms are a stretched bowstring. This exercise for strengthening the lower back is quite complex, so you can gradually increase its amplitude and execution time (you can start with 10 seconds).

From a lying position on your stomach, lift your body, leaning on your forearms and bending at the lower back and thoracic region backs. Stretch your neck, lower your shoulders, relax your neck and aim the top of your head up. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds. Sphinx pose also helps improve your posture.

If you feel uncomfortable doing this exercise or have lower back pain, you can do an alternative with pillows:

From a lying position on your stomach, lift your body, leaning on your hands and bending in your lower back and thoracic back. Straighten your arms, stretch your neck, aim your head up. Stay in the cobra for 20-30 seconds. You can spread your arms wide, this will make it easier to maintain the position. If you feel discomfort or pain in the lower back, do not perform this exercise.

Take a lying position on your back, legs bent at the knees. Lift your pelvis up, tensing your stomach and buttocks. Hold in the upper position for 5-10 seconds and return to the starting position. This exercise is useful not only for the lower back, but also for strengthening the buttocks and abs. Repeat the bridge 15-20 times.

13. Table pose

Table pose is another effective exercise for the lower back. Take a table pose and stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, repeat in 2 sets. Please note that the hips, stomach, shoulders, and head should be on the same line. The shins and arms are perpendicular to the body. This exercise also opens up the shoulder joints well.

An excellent strengthening exercise for the corset muscles is the plank. Take a push-up position, your body should form one straight line. The arms are positioned strictly under the shoulders, the stomach and buttocks are tucked. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. You can repeat the exercise in 2-3 approaches.

From the plank position, assume the “low plank” position – resting on your forearms. The body maintains a straight line, the buttocks do not rise up, the back remains straight without bends or deflections. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. You can also repeat the exercise in 2-3 approaches. After doing the planks, lower yourself into child's pose and relax for 1-2 minutes.

Thanks again to the YouTube channel for the images. Allie The Journey Junkie.

7 videos for lower back pain in Russian

We offer you a selection of videos for the back in Russian that will help you get rid of lower back pain at home, strengthen the back muscles, restore lost mobility of the spine. The workouts last from 7 to 40 minutes, so everyone can choose the right video for lower back pain.

1. Improvement of the lumbosacral spine (20 minutes)

2. Exercises for the lower back (7 minutes)

3. How to get rid of lower back pain and strengthen it (14 minutes)

4. Restoration of functions in the lumbosacral region (17 minutes)

5. Exercises for the lower back (40 minutes)

6. Mini-complex for the lower back in the subacute period (12 minutes)

7. Exercises for the lumbar spine (10 minutes)

In addition to the presented exercises for the lower back effective means for the prevention of back pain are Pilates workout . Pilates helps strengthen the postural muscles that support the spine, which will help you avoid back problems.

Be sure to check out:

The width of the back is visually determined by the development of the upper portion of the lats. The wider your wingspan, the wider your back will appear when viewed from behind.

Below are the top 5 exercises for developing strength and stimulating lat growth. back muscles

1. Horizontal thrust narrow grip focuses the load on bottom part lats, stimulating their growth in thickness. This is an excellent tool for increasing volume and giving expressive, convex shapes to the lower back. Sit facing the block, bend your knees slightly and place your feet on the platform. Lean forward and grab the handles. Lean back and straighten your chest. full hands straightened. Pull the handles towards your stomach. The elbows slide along the sides and move straight back. Try to move your elbows and shoulders as far behind your back as possible. Touch the handle to your stomach for a couple of seconds. Then smoothly return to the starting position.

2. with one hand is used to target and work each of the latissimus muscles separately (left and right) to the maximum, which is extremely important for eliminating possible asymmetry in the development of the muscles of the right and left halves of the back. Take the dumbbell in right hand. Stand to the left of the bench and place your feet together. Place your left knee on the bench. Bend your right leg slightly, lean forward and place your left hand on the edge of the bench. The back in this exercise is for back muscles slightly arched at the waist. Take a deep breath and pull the dumbbell straight up. Try to hold the dumbbell at the top point for a few seconds. Exhale and slowly lower the dumbbell. Repeat the exercise with your left hand in the same way.

3. The bent over row focuses the load on the muscles of the middle part of the back and is considered almost the best remedy“adding thickness” to the top latissimus muscle, rhomboid, as well as the lower and middle trapezius. The torso is parallel to the floor, the lower back is arched, the knees are slightly bent. Grip the barbell shoulder-width apart. Down position full hands straightened and the barbell is moved slightly forward. Pull the barbell in an arc until it touches your lower abdomen, bringing your shoulder blades together in the final phase.

4. Vertical chest rows are used to stimulate growth of all the muscles in the upper back. But first of all - to expand the span of your “wings”, which is determined by the development of the upper part of the lats. Starting position in this: torso and full hands straightened and shoulders raised. The thighs are firmly fixed between the seat and the bolsters, the feet rest on the floor. The downward pull begins by bringing the shoulder blades together, then the movement is picked up by the elbows, which fall strictly parallel along the sides and are directed back and to the sides. At shoulder level, pause and smoothly return the bar to the starting position.

5. However, most effective exercise Pull-ups that allow you to focus maximum load on the upper part of the lats are pull-ups. Hang from the bar. To fully stretch the lats, this is lowest point exercises. From a hanging position with arms fully extended Pull yourself up as high as possible until your chest or back of your head touches the bar.

Question. Just answer this honestly: do you spend as much time on your back muscles as you do on your chest? They knew it - no. But in vain: with a pumped up back, you can forget about bad posture. And you can also reap more from your beloved breast. Strong muscles the upper and middle back stabilize the work shoulder joints. With what stronger shoulders, the easier it is to perform any exercises for upper muscle groups.

By pumping your back, you can even increase the volume of your arms. The reason is forceful flexion and extension of the joints upper limbs, which involves the biceps and triceps (depending on the grip).

And finally, the most important reason is women. The statistics read:

“Ladies love men with shoulders 1.6 times wider than their waist.”

Well, are you ready to pump your back? Then let's go.

The following video shows 35 ways to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Some of them you didn't even know about:


Pull-ups are the #1 exercise for the latissimus dorsi. The latter, by the way, also give width to the shoulders. With pumped lats, even an overweight man looks normal. Life hack: when doing pull-ups, imagine that you are trying to reach the bar with your pants pockets on your buttocks. Or at least breasts...


A few articles for horizontal bar lovers:

If you are weak for the horizontal bar

It’s not so easy to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar from scratch. Therefore, it is recommended to start with easier exercises. One of them is in the following picture:


Perform a full cycle of movements. Take your time - so that you can feel all the muscles involved in the process. The norm is 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps. The exercise often “finishes off the back” - after completing the base (horizontal bar), they specifically “hit” the already tired lats. Advice: hold the handle as widely as possible - this will make it more difficult and more effective.


Deadlifts are also a great way to build up your back. The main thing: the spine should always remain straight. When squatting, do not forget to bend your knees - so that when you rise, your leg muscles also work.


For trapezoids

A next exercise creates additional stress on the trapezius, deltoids and rhomboid muscles: