Flexibility exercises for legs. What you can do with your own hands. Proprioceptive muscle relief

Factors influencing the flexibility of the human body. Rules and ways to safely improve it at home. Effective exercises from water aerobics, yoga, fitness.

The content of the article:

Body flexibility is the degree of mobility of the hip, ankle, knee, elbow and shoulder joints. It can be active, achieved only with the help of one’s own muscles, and passive (under influence from the outside). It is determined by the amplitude of movements and the depth of deflection of the spine. Some people are lucky enough to be born with it, but many more still need to develop it.

What determines the flexibility of the body?

Innate abilities are the first thing that influences the flexibility of our body. Some people, due to their anatomical features, are simply not able to twist like yogis, even after long training. Whether a person played sports as a child is also of great importance. If not, then it will be much more difficult for him to achieve any bright results.

Here are a few more factors that affect the flexibility of the body:

  • Age. The older a person is, the less mobility his joints become.
  • Gender of a person. Women are much more capable in this regard than men. Their muscles are not so tight and stretch faster.
  • Joint condition. Their mobility is significantly limited after suffering injuries and diseases (arthritis, bursitis, osteochondrosis, etc.).
  • Muscle stretching. It's more about the back and legs. You cannot stand in a beautiful bridge even with the most flexible back if your legs are poorly stretched.
  • Emotional condition. Flexibility decreases noticeably under stress. In this case, much more time is spent on warming up.
  • Body type. Fat people are not as flexible as thin people. Due to excess weight they find it more difficult to control their body. The task is somewhat complicated by height: the taller the girl or guy, the more effort must be applied during classes.

Important! Even the most flexible person, if he does not stretch for a long time (more than 1-2 years), gradually becomes “stiff”. This is due to the weakening muscular frame and the spine loses its elasticity.

Rules for increasing body flexibility

In the first months, you should not put too much strain on yourself, as this risks damaging your joints and tendons. Stretching should occur slowly, smoothly, with gradual complication of the exercises. At first they train 1-2 times a week, after 20 days the interval is reduced, gradually arriving at daily training. Their optimal duration is from 20 to 60 minutes.

Here's what else to consider:

  1. Proper preparation. Before you begin to develop the flexibility of the human body, you need to take a warm bath (shower) or warm up your muscles properly. It’s just ideal to do this after a run; a distance of 1 km is enough, especially in the summer. If this option is not suitable, you can work out on a treadmill, exercise bike or elliptical machine, 5-10 minutes will be enough.
  2. Class time. It is advisable to choose the morning and study until 12 o’clock. It is then that the muscles and tendons are most relaxed, so they will stretch easily and without much pain.
  3. Relaxation. She helps to achieve better effect and record the results obtained. You need to relax every 10-15 minutes. You can use yoga pranayama. Sit in Siddhasana pose - keep your back straight and cross your legs so that your feet are on top. Stretch your arms slightly forward above your knees. Then exhale sharply through your nose, and after 10 seconds, quickly take in air with your mouth and release it. Repeat these steps 10 times.
  4. Duration and number of exercises. If we are talking about a static form, then you need to stay in one position for at least 10 seconds. In this case, the joints will be developed without sudden movements, which will avoid injuries. You need to repeat the same exercise from 3 to 30 times, as much as your body allows.
  5. No pain. Crunching and shooting in the knees are not allowed; as soon as severe discomfort appears, you should immediately stop training. All you should feel during it is a feeling of stretching and muscle tension.
  6. Pose. It is important to combine lying, standing, sitting, alternating them. At the same time, weighted movements are always harder to do and require more endurance.

Important! To avoid rapid fading of the resulting effect, you need to practice without long breaks(at least 2 times a month). It is very useful for developing the flexibility of the human body to start the day with stretching in bed.

How to quickly and painlessly develop body flexibility

At the very beginning (the first 2-3 months), it is best to do exercises in water or using various objects - a fitball, bricks, belts. For convenience and safety, you can involve a partner. Yoga and Pilates asanas, static and ballistic exercises help well.

How to increase body flexibility in water

This is the safest way to acquire plasticity. It is best to choose a body of water with standing water or the sea during periods of absence of waves, low tides and strong tides. To prevent injury, there should be sand at the bottom, not pebbles, on which you can easily slip. You don’t need to go deep, it’s enough to be in the water so that it just barely reaches your lower back. Naturally, water aerobics is excluded in the cool season.

Step-by-step instruction on performing a set of effective exercises:

  • Back. Place your feet together and point one forward, stretching your toes as far as possible. At this time, keep your back straight and stretch your arms up. Feel the tension in your body and repeat this as many times as you can. Next, lean back and, supporting yourself under the buttocks, continue to lower yourself into the water until you are completely immersed in it. Repeat the same thing 9 more times.
  • Neck. Lie on your back on the water and try to stretch out as much as possible. Raise your body above the surface, making a bend in the tailbone area, and then your head. Stay in this position for 10 seconds and repeat the procedure exactly.
  • Hands. Lie on the water, but now on your stomach, and stretch your arms forward and then to the sides. At this time, it is important not to raise your neck and face too high.
  • Legs. Standing straight, move left leg back as far as possible and grab your foot with your right hand. Pull it back as far as possible and then up. Now repeat similar actions with your right leg and left arm.
  • Shoulders. Stretch your arms up and, without moving your body, move them as far to the side as possible. Do this exercise 10 times on each side, and then cross your fingers behind your back and stretch them back, without allowing your back to arch.
You can perform absolutely any exercise in water - bending, twisting, stretching, twisting and lunging with your legs. Particularly effective circular movements arms, shoulders and hips. The main thing is that water does not get into your eyes and ears. You can wear special glasses and a cap.

Important! You can develop body flexibility in a pond even with osteochondrosis, varicose veins veins and other diseases when power loads are contraindicated.

How to develop body flexibility at home using improvised objects

You will need a medium-sized fitball, a wooden or regular brick, a chair, and a thick rope or belt. All this will eliminate pain and avoid injury. Such exercises are especially relevant when there are problems with the joints. For convenience, you will also need several blankets that you will need to lay under yourself.

Features of using improvised items:

  1. Bricks. You will need 2 of them, which need to be placed opposite each other at the distance of your shoulders. Then lie on the floor, point your heels towards the ceiling and tense your legs. Meanwhile, bend your arms at the elbows, spread your fingers as wide as possible and lift yourself above the surface. Next, slowly lower your shoulders onto the support and keep your body suspended so that your knees do not touch the mat. After 20 seconds, return to the starting position and do the same 5 times.
  2. Chair. Place two rugs on the floor, folded in thirds. Place them so that they are under your back. The neck should be almost completely on them. Place a chair at a distance of approximately 25 cm from the support. Next, lie on the floor with your back to him, enter the “birch tree”, stretching your legs up, and carefully lower them to the dais one at a time. You need to do this exercise at least 5 times, but if you feel dizzy, rest a little. This is quite normal, since in this position the blood rushes sharply to the head. Next, you can do this: sit on a chair, grab its back with your hands and, trying not to move your body, turn your head and shoulders to the side.
  3. Rope. It is better to use a belt instead. Whatever you choose, drape it over your legs. Then lie down on the mat and pull the rope towards you until they are at an angle of at least 45 degrees. Do not release the device for 2-3 minutes. If it presses too hard, loosen your grip.
  4. Bolsters. They need to be put one on one. Then lie on the floor so that they are directly under your lower back. Bend your legs at the knees, clasp your hands behind your head and stretch them forward. Next, point your stomach up, moving your hips and shoulder blades toward the floor. Don't forget to breathe deeply while doing this. To quickly develop body flexibility, stay in this position for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Fitball. Lie with your back on the floor at a distance of about 0.5 m from the support and place your feet on the ball. As a result, your knees should be half-bent, and your head and arms should be on the surface. Stay in this position for about 3 minutes. Another exercise: lean your back on the ball, put your hands behind your head and slowly move a little towards the floor. As a result, your hips should be suspended and your knees bent. Having fixed yourself well in this position, try to raise your body above the floor and hold it for at least 10 seconds. Repeat these movements 5-10 times. They perfectly develop the spine, hips and shoulder blades.

Developing body flexibility with yoga asanas

This option allows you to see improvements within 2-3 months of constant practice. The proposed exercises are quite simple even for a beginner. They can be safely performed for osteochondrosis and other problems related to rheumatology. The initial task is to deepen the degree of muscle stretching and work out the joints.

Popular yoga asanas for body flexibility:

  • Viralasana. The cat pose is performed like this: get on all fours, place your hands directly under your shoulders. Your knees should be under your hips, your hands under your chin, and your heels pointing toward the ceiling. Lift your tailbone and head at the same time. Make a deep bend in the area thoracic and lower back. Relax your neck muscles and stay in this position for at least a minute.
  • Bhujangasana. To perform the Sphinx pose, lie on your stomach, straighten your arms, place your palms on the floor at approximately ear level and top part bodies reach for the ceiling. Your face should be pointing up and your heels pointing toward your hips. Stay in this position for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Ushtrasana. This asana is better known as Camel Pose. To enter it, kneel down, bring your feet and knees together and bend back. Move your head as far toward your heels as possible. Hold your toes with your hands. Repeat similar steps for 3 minutes.
  • Anjaneyasana. Sit on your buttocks and pull up with your hands outstretched legs to the chest, holding their fingers. Don't lose your balance, breathe. Make sure that your back does not bend back, but is straight. Do not leave the asana for 10 seconds, then smoothly lower your legs and do 5 repetitions of this exercise.
  • Ubhaya Padangushtasana. In this pose, the back and front surfaces of the thighs, lower back, and shoulder blades are perfectly stretched. To begin, stand on two knees and move your right knee forward a little so that it is at an angle of 45 degrees. Then extend your left leg back, placing it on the floor. Cross your arms above your head and move them behind your head, so that a slight arch forms in your back. Now switch legs. It is recommended to repeat this asana 7-10 times in one practice.
  • Kronchasana. This pose is essential for improving mobility. hip joints, knees and ankles. We start by sitting on our buttocks, after which we bend our left leg under ourselves and lift our right leg up. In this case, you need to hold your foot with both hands. Try to move your leg as far as possible without pain, and wait 30 seconds. Then repeat the same with your right leg. Do not overstrain your muscles and do more than 15 such exercises at a time.
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana. Place your feet along your shoulder line and place your palms on the floor. Spread your fingers as wide as possible, they should be parallel to your feet. Next, step back to create a good arch in your back. Then, as you exhale, move your buttocks back and your biceps forward, trying to reduce the space underneath you. Stay in the pose for 1 minute, then rise and repeat 10 times.
In order not to harm yourself, a yoga class to develop body flexibility in the first six months should not last longer than an hour. During this time, you should take a child's pose every 10 minutes. You need to sit on your knees, lower your pelvis onto your heels, and your chest onto your legs, and stretch your arms in front of you. At the same time, your head should lie on the floor, try to spread your shoulder blades to the sides.

Important! After the first lesson, your back, shoulder blades, shoulders, arms, and lower back will hurt very much. There is nothing wrong with this, just give yourself a week to rest and then continue improving your body flexibility.

Ballistic exercises for full body flexibility

Before you start charging, you need to warm up for 10-15 minutes. It's good if you sweat a little. This way you can warm up your muscles and joints, avoiding rupture of ligaments and tendons. Ballistic exercises work best in conjunction with static exercises. The first ones are executed first, and then the second ones. In the future, after 3-5 months, they can be alternated.

The most effective exercises:

  1. Swing your legs. Place them shoulder-width apart and one by one raise them sharply as high as possible. First move them forward and then back. Next, repeat the same thing, but with your legs moving to the sides. If you still have little control of your body, you can lean on the back of a chair. You need to do 10 swings on each side.
  2. Pelvic rotation. Stand so that your feet are under your shoulders. Place your hands on your hips and point them clockwise, right-back-left-forward. After completing one circle, move in the opposite direction. Do 10-20 such rotations.
  3. Mill. Place your feet apart outstretched arms and, bending down, touch your left hand to your right foot. The other hand should be straight above your head at this moment. Repeat the same with your left leg. Do only 10-20 of these tilts.
  4. Backbend. While standing, try to reach your toes through your back. Having done this, stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. Enter this pose 10 more times and then rest a little.
  5. Rifles. Bend your knees and squat down, keeping your hips in the air. Stretch your left leg to the side and transfer your body weight to it. Now repeat the same steps with your right leg, and so on 10 times.

Important! To avoid injury, do not make sudden jerks. All bends, bends, rolls and rotations must be performed smoothly, without haste.

Static exercises to develop body flexibility

This is the most important stage, since it is here that the results obtained are consolidated and improved. Such exercises are always performed only after a good warm-up and warming up of the muscles. In the first 2-4 months, you can bandage your knees and feet with an elastic bandage to prevent injuries to tendons and ligaments. It would be nice to use a warming cream before and after class - Analogos, Venoruton, Nikoflex.

A selection of the best static exercises:

  • standing. Spread your legs along your shoulders and stretch your straight arms towards the floor. If possible, place your palms on the surface and wait 30 seconds. Next, bend your knees one by one and point them across your back towards your head, as far as your body flexibility allows. After that, start right hand behind your head, and your left behind your back and cross your fingers. After 30 seconds, swap them. Now do another exercise - a bridge. To do this, carefully walk down the wall onto the floor. To avoid getting hurt, cover yourself with a blanket.
  • Sitting. Your buttocks should be on the floor and your legs should be spread as far apart as possible. Your task is to stretch first forward, and then to the right and left, holding each pose for 30 seconds. Then bring your legs together and try to reach your toes with your hands. If possible, sit like this for at least 10 seconds.
  • Lying down. Your face should be facing the floor. Bend your legs and grab your toes. Then try to bring your hips as close to your neck as possible, imitating a basket. You shouldn’t spread your legs too wide, otherwise there won’t be much effect. Next, you can do the following exercise: without lifting your chest and hips from the floor, raise your arms and hold them parallel to your body for 10-20 seconds. Another way is to spread your legs to the side while lying on your back.
How to develop body flexibility - watch the video:

Even if you have poor body flexibility, do not despair, the exercises and tips proposed in the article will definitely help solve this problem. As a result, you will gain light gait and self-confidence!

Everyone knows that in healthy body - healthy mind. However, not everyone follows this principle. Flexibility is one of the the most important parameters healthy state of the body. What is flexibility? It is nothing more than the ability of the body to move with the greatest amplitude. Let's figure out what flexibility is, why we need it and how it can be trained.

Building flexibility

Body flexibility can and certainly needs to be trained. However, it does not necessarily directly depend on the amount of work done. Human flexibility depends mainly on the performance of the joints, which in turn give amplitude to movements. The following factors may influence its development:

  • Anatomical features of joints.
  • Condition of the central nervous system.
  • Elasticity of muscles and ligaments.
  • Harmonious distribution of functions between and antagonists.
  • Environment. For example, the higher the temperature, the better the flexibility. Therefore, before training, athletes warm up.
  • Age and gender. As we age, flexibility tends to decrease. Women have more flexibility than men.
  • Physique and body fitness.
  • The relationship between collagen and elastin tissues.
  • Level of manifestation of reflexes (pain and stretching).

Each joint has its own flexibility. It depends on the type of joint, the elasticity of the surrounding ligaments and tendons, and the ability of the muscles to tense and relax.

The Purpose of Flexibility

What is flexibility? What is its purpose? The overall tone of the body and physical form. Therefore, flexibility exercises are included in all fitness training programs. During such exercises, mainly muscles are worked out, rather than joints and ligaments. Fine pulled muscles cope better with the load and are less susceptible to injury.

The benefits of flexibility

What is flexibility? What are its benefits for the body? Positive influence flexibility for general tone can be structured with the following points:

  • When the body is for a long time in static conditions (that is, subjected to minimal, infrequent loads), the muscles “freeze” in one position and become tense. By developing flexibility, you can relax your muscles and normalize blood flow to them.
  • Flexibility increases the body's endurance and resistance to viruses. With good flexibility, you can achieve high results which has a permanent impact on health.
  • By improving flexibility, a person improves, resulting in a reduced likelihood of injury.
  • Flexibility training accelerates the body's recovery processes.
  • By working on flexibility, we speed up blood circulation, which helps relieve emotional stress and provides psychological peace.

Development of flexibility

How to develop can be done with the help of diligent but leisurely training. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not to provide the body with a load for which it is not yet ready. There are many exercises that develop flexibility. They all obey certain rules. Let's start by considering them.

Main rules

How to develop flexibility? Regular exercise is not enough for this. You need to do them correctly, and only then will there be results. To do this, you should pay attention to the following tips:

  1. Before you start doing the exercises, you need to give your body 5-10 minutes. Running (even on the spot), jumping rope, various swings of arms and legs, step aerobics will do.
  2. You need to work on flexibility systematically and regularly. 2-3 classes per week will be enough. And small stretches can be done as exercise at least every day.
  3. When stretching, increase the amplitude in small steps, slowly. The desire for quick results usually leads to injury.
  4. Stretching should only be done when the whole body is fully concentrated and the muscles are rested.
  5. You need to stretch the muscle until feeling light pain. This position should be maintained for up to 30 seconds, and then you can relax the muscle. In this case, you need to return to the starting position smoothly.
  6. You should carefully monitor your sensations and not confuse real pain with mild discomfort and soreness.
  7. After one exercise, you should smoothly move on to another without making long delays.
  8. Any muscle stretching load will not last for more than a month and a half, therefore, in order for the training not to lose its meaning, you need to periodically complicate the exercises.

Exercises to develop flexibility

It's time to start looking at exercises that will help develop body flexibility. So, below is a laconic complex gymnastic exercises, which is designed for beginner levels of stretching.

  1. Starting position - standing facing the wall. Having connected, you need to spring them against the wall. Then you need to repeat the same thing, opening your hands.
  2. To begin, you need to stand straight with your heels together and your knees slightly bent. Hands are placed on the hips. From this position you need to smoothly do a set of springy squats.
  3. Kneeling and leaning on your hands, you need to straighten your back and raise one knee up to its maximum height. Then do the same with the other leg, and so on in a circle.
  4. Stand straight, legs connected. We lean forward, trying to reach the floor. At the maximum point you need to fixate for 15-30 seconds.
  5. Sitting cross-legged, we stretch forward as much as possible.
  6. Sitting on the floor with straight legs, we stretch our arms along the body and fix the body in this position. Now, one by one, we raise our legs from the floor to their maximum height.
  7. Standing straight on one leg, you need to reach the heel of the second leg to the lower back. Having fixed the body in this position with the help of a chair, you need to stretch your arms up and then down, trying to reach the toes of the first foot. Then do the same, only changing legs.
  8. Squatting on one leg, you need to straighten the other back. With a springy movement you need to stretch your straight leg. Then you should repeat the same thing, changing legs.
  9. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, stand on your toes and try to reach your heels with your fingers.

This simple complex Gymnastic exercises will help you quickly tone your body and significantly improve your health. Good luck with your training and remember to be careful!

The modern rhythm of life practically obliges a person to have a healthy and strong body. Today, many people try to eat right and exercise, but, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of good flexibility. But this is precisely what determines how easily you move. If you begin to notice that movements such as the usual fastening of shoes have become increasingly difficult, then most likely the reason for this is a loss of flexibility. In this article we will talk about what flexibility is, why it is needed and what affects it. We will also talk about how to develop it, what exercises should be performed and what rules must be followed.

What determines the flexibility of the body?

But first, it should be noted that "flexibility" is not a sports term. A person needs this ability primarily in order to freely perform various movements. Good flexibility indicates high elasticity of muscles, ligaments and joint mobility. Of course, the ability of tissues to stretch directly depends on the physical and mental health of a person. All organs and processes in the body are interconnected, so it is impossible to single out one factor that affects flexibility. Among the factors that negatively affect muscle tone, we can note age-related changes in the body and regular stress. A person can regain flexibility at absolutely any age. Achieve desired result Doing the appropriate exercises will help. However, each person must select the right load depending on their state of health.

Simple stretching exercises

To begin with, we would like to look at the simplest and most common exercises. It is recommended to perform each of them at least 6 times. Remember that smooth movements are very important. Changing the order is not recommended.

Exercise 1. Tilt your head forward, backward, right and left while standing.

Exercise 2. Extend your arms straight to the sides and begin rotating movements with your hands.

Exercise 3. Smoothly move to rotating your arms over a wide amplitude back and forth.

Exercise 4.
Join your hands in a lock and place them on the back of your head, then begin to rotate your pelvis, first to the right and then to the left.

Exercise 5. Place your feet close to each other, place your hands on your knees and rotate your legs first to the right and then to the left.

Exercise 6. Start bending forward, trying to touch your palms to the floor. At the same time, it is worth monitoring the condition of your knees; they should not be overstrained.

Exercise 7. Take gymnastic stick or something that can replace it. The hands should be fixed in a position wider than the shoulders. They should be lifted up and pulled back as much as possible, as if twisting the joints. After some time, you can try to reduce the distance between the brushes.

Exercise 8. Stand with your feet apart and place your hands on your waist. Raising your right hand up, at the same time bend to the left. Then change the side of the tilt and hand.

Exercise 9. Sit on the floor with your legs extended forward and keeping them together. Try to reach your feet with your fingers.

These and other exercises will help increase the elasticity of muscles and ligaments and improve flexibility. However, before performing them, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications and recommendations described below.

When is stretching prohibited?

In some cases, muscle stretching may not help, but only harm the person. Conditions under which exercise is prohibited include:

  • joint dislocations and unhealed bone fractures;
  • some time after intense workout. After heavy exertion, only calming exercises are allowed;
  • joint diseases, inflammation in the body.
  • cardiovascular diseases and pathologies in which there is a high risk of blood clots.

Rules for performing exercises

Before you start doing the exercises, you should study the rules outlined below.

  • First you need to warm up your muscles. To do this, you can use a jump rope, a bicycle, or just running.
  • When performing exercises, you should not use force; in this case, it is simply not needed.
  • Jerks and sudden movements may lead to serious injuries, so all exercises must be performed smoothly. Once the body gets used to it, the load can be gradually increased.
  • Consistency in this case is the key to success. Regular exercise is much more important than how much range of leg you have during the splits.
  • Transitions from one exercise to another should be smooth; it is better not to take breaks at all.
  • If you feel severe pain while stretching, you should immediately stop doing the exercises. It is best to then move on to stretching another muscle group or simply reduce the amplitude.

If you follow these rules, you can get maximum benefit from exercise. And by performing the given complex daily or at least every other day, after a few weeks you will be able to notice the result.

And to consolidate the result and compensate for the lack of microelements that affect overall well-being and, as a result, flexibility, special vitamin complexes. One of these is Selzinc Plus, which contains selenium, zinc, beta-carotene and vitamins E and C.

Why is it needed? flexibility to a person? And how to develop it without harm to the body? Is it worth being sad looking at those who are able to fold themselves in half while you can’t even touch the floor with your fingers? We are now talking about flexibility.

What is body flexibility?

Body flexibility is one of the indicators of health.

The manifestation of flexibility depends on many factors:

  1. Elasticity of muscles and ligaments.
  2. Anatomical structure of joints.
  3. Depending on age and lifestyle.
  4. From external conditions.
  5. General condition of the body.

Based on this, it is necessary to understand that flexibility It’s not worth developing at any cost - you can simply injure yourself. It is enough to develop flexibility to such an extent that you can do simple household chores without problems.

Flexibility gives a person more freedom to move.

For example, if you stretch your thigh muscles well, you can easily run up the stairs.

In addition, the muscles of the hips affect posture.

If the legs are too tight, the body leans forward, which is very harmful for the spine. In this position of the body, the spine gradually bends, and back pain appears. Accordingly, pain means even more tension, irritation and, as a result, a deterioration in the quality of life.

Is it possible to develop flexibility at an “adult” age?

It is believed that the most active years for joints are from 7 to 14 years old, and lasts until about 17 years, then flexibility slowly decreases if the body is not trained. But, at absolutely any age, you can choose exercises that can restore mobility to joints, elasticity to muscles, that is, youth.

Of course, you need to take into account your health status, and it is best to consult a doctor if there have been injuries or surgeries.

It is best to do flexibility exercises in the morning. Having woken up, many have probably noticed how immobile the body is - the legs move lazily, the back practically does not bend (or does not straighten). In the morning, before 9 o'clock, flexibility is reduced, and this is considered normal, and yet these are the hours that are considered the best for training.

Home exercises to develop flexibility

For your attention 4 top exercises to relieve tension.

**When doing these activities, you should think of each part of the body as part of a single organism.

** Exercises should be regular - at least three times a week, and then you will feel improvements.

** Don't be discouraged if the poses don't turn out as described. The main thing is the result. Gradually you will get rid of pain and become more and more flexible.

**Do all exercises slowly. If there is severe pain and discomfort, training should be stopped. Stretching isn't easy, but it shouldn't be painful either.

"Chinese pigeon"
Let's get started:

  • Lie down on the floor (put a towel under your head if you wish);
  • Pull your knees to your chest;
  • Now you need to place your left leg (ankle) on the thigh of your right leg;
  • Slowly pull your right knee towards you while simultaneously moving your left knee away from you;
  • In this state, take 10 deep breaths;
  • Take the starting position - with your legs straight out;

Repeat everything, but changing legs. We do 2-3 times on each leg.

Result from this exercise: stretch internal sides hips, mental balance is restored.

Prayer pose

  • Sit on your haunches with your feet spread as wide as possible. At the same time, try to keep your heels pressed to the floor.
  • Bring your hands together opposite your heart, and use your elbows to slowly press down on your knees;
  • We remain in this position for up to 10 deep breaths.

What will this give us? The spine lengthens, the muscles of the groin and thighs stretch.

Warrior Pose

Result after exercise: tones and stretches the thigh muscles, strengthens the legs, helps stretch the tendons under the knee.

Butterfly pose

  • Sit on the floor with your back as straight as possible;
  • Shift your body weight back;
  • Bend your knees and bring your feet together;
  • Grab your feet with your hands;
  • As you exhale, try to pull your knees as close to the floor as possible.

Result of the exercise: the inner surface of the thighs becomes more stretched; back pain decreases; eliminates the effects of stress, relieving tension.

Almost any person can cope with such exercises without harm to the body. The main condition is not to overdo it. Excessive zeal for quick results can lead to pain, which should not be allowed.

What rules must be followed when performing flexibility exercises:

  1. Regularity of execution. This means we need a system and discipline. For example, every other day for 30 minutes. But don’t strain your muscles five times a day—they also need rest. And there is no point in expecting results from exercise if you exercise once a week.
  2. Before starting the workout, you need to warm up your body: running or walking in place, jumping rope.
  3. Even distribution of the load on the body. This means that if you did 4 exercises with your left leg, you should do the same with your right leg. And besides, this should be done in a certain period of time, without distraction between exercises for some things.
  4. If you feel pain, you must stop exercising.

Before starting flexibility training, try to answer the main question - why do you need it? If you want to be a little more agile, then the above exercises are enough. If you need some result for the sake of result (to conquer everyone by doing the splits or doing a bridge), then you need a coach and an adequate assessment of the state of the body. It is necessary to take into account the state of health, the structural features of the joints of the legs, arms and spine, the presence of previous injuries and operations.

If you are bored of studying at home, then choose the one that suits you a sport that develops flexibility.

  • swimming will help develop the flexibility of the shoulder joints, relax the spine, and relieve tension in the muscles of the whole body;
  • Basketball and volleyball develop flexibility in the shoulder joints and knees.
  • Gymnastics will help develop the spine and hip joints.
  • Stretching can make the whole body flexible, muscle elasticity increases, which gives them strength and resistance to damage.

You can do yoga, but it requires a special approach, since it is not so much a sport as a complete re-awareness of one’s being - a whole philosophy.

Love your body, give it a few minutes a day, and you will feel how your life will begin to change for the better.

The flexibility of our body is the key to a free, active, eventful life. We invite you to find out the reasons for loss of flexibility and how to effectively regain your freedom of movement by developing body flexibility.

Why is flexibility needed?

Remember how easy or difficult it is for you to perform basic everyday movements. Do you have difficulty bending over to tie your shoes? Zip clothes from the back? Sometimes we have difficulty even getting our hand into the sleeve of our outerwear.

The greater the amplitude of our movements, the easier it is to perform them. It is the flexibility of the body that gives freedom of movement. Flexibility should not be perceived only as a necessary quality for athletes. This is not only the ability of a gymnast to do the splits or the professional jump of a ballerina. First of all, flexibility is the rational work of the muscle tissues of the human body, providing him with painless freedom of movement.

Thus, the flexibility of the body characterizes the mobility of each joint of the body, each of its ligaments and muscles. The condition of the spine is also associated with it, and, therefore, flexibility affects the functioning of the entire central nervous system of the body.

What determines human flexibility?

First of all, the elasticity of muscles and ligaments decreases with age. The reasons for loss of flexibility are increased muscle tension due to stress, pent-up emotions. Physical changes also have an impact - natural aging of tissues, previous surgeries and scars, joint adhesions.

If you do not take any action regarding the development of body flexibility, this ability will decrease over the years. However, you can work on increasing the elasticity of your body at any age. It is necessary to correctly distribute the load and take into account the characteristics of your body.

How to develop body flexibility?

The most affordable and easiest way is to do exercises daily. They can be divided into several groups and levels. There are exercises to stretch muscles, ligaments and even joints. And the levels are from the elementary simple to the complex and professional.

Anyone can perform basic exercises to develop flexibility at any convenient time. A few stretches in the morning, after waking up, in the afternoon, in the office, you can take a short break and stretch. A good example is (don't be surprised) a cat. Look how she stretches her paws, arches her back, and yawns widely. Try it also - bend over, stretch your arms, stretch your legs. Even such minor movements, but performed regularly, will help increase the elasticity of joints and muscles.

Serious stretching and yoga classes are an order of magnitude higher in complexity. These are balanced sets of exercises to develop body flexibility. They also have their own levels - from simple to complex, so you can start yoga or stretching at any age. They require more attention and time, as well as certain knowledge. We will give some set of exercises to develop flexibility in another article.

Now study carefully contraindications for stretching as a sport:

Recent bone fractures, sprains and joint dislocations. First, let the broken bones and sprained ligaments mend, otherwise you will neither increase your flexibility nor be able to move normally for a very long time.

Exacerbation of joint diseases. Joint diseases in general (unless otherwise indicated by a doctor) are not a contraindication. But at the moment of exacerbation or inflammation of the disease, classes should be stopped.

Sharp pain during exercise. It is worth learning to distinguish between a sharp pain and a stretching sensation. If there is sudden, sharp, very unpleasant pain, you must immediately stop the exercise, even if you have performed it many times before. This is not so much a contraindication as advice. There is no need to stop the complex; you can start doing another exercise, or ease the load of this one. But you need to pay attention to the pain, perhaps this is an SOS signal.

Do not stretch after power load. Intensive power training have already subjected joints and muscles to a serious test. Remember, training is separate, stretching is separate. After intense loads there may only be light stretches to relax muscle tissue and to restore and calm the nerves.

Cardiovascular diseases associated with the risk of blood clots. This is a ban on stretching. If exercises for body flexibility in the cases described above can only harm health, then in these cases playing sports is fraught with death! In case of atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis and varicose veins, serious stretching exercises are prohibited! With such diseases, remember the “cat movements” - they will help and will not harm.

" Almost anyone can develop flexibility. Spend a few minutes a day on this, and the result will be years of active and free life, not constrained by limited movement. Be mobile!"