Exercises to restore back mobility using the Dikul method. Complex for home use. What mistakes do people make who have already been diagnosed with spinal diseases?

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis are prescribed by a doctor to relieve pain and stop degenerative disorders in the spine. Physical activity, when properly selected and performed, helps to cope with the problem.

The main goal of therapy is to relieve pain and inflammation. This requires physical activity. Training courses should be started immediately after the exacerbation is relieved, during the period of remission. At first, you shouldn’t put a lot of stress on your neck, but you need to increase it.

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation. When performing, the back should remain straight.

Basic physical therapy technique:

  • you need to start with smooth turns of the head, up to 10 times, you can sit;
  • tilt your head down, then return to the starting position, repeat up to 10 times;
  • tilt your neck back, pull your chin closer to your head;
  • the elbow of the right hand is on the table, the palm of the right hand is on the temple. Pressing your palm on your temple, tilt your head, repeat up to 10 times, then change hands;
  • raise your shoulders, pull your head in, hold for 5-10 seconds, then relax, perform 5-6 times;
  • massage the back of your head with your fingers without causing pain with your movements.

Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis helps with headaches. Suitable for older people and office workers who often work at the computer.

With regular exercise, you can reduce dizziness, relieve headaches and improve your well-being.

The goal of gymnastics is to restore the muscular system of the neck and increase the mobility of the spinal discs. A lesson from a physical therapy trainer will help you create a set of exercises.

Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis:

  • smooth turns of the head to the right and left, up to 10 times, from a standing or sitting position;
  • straining your neck muscles, touch your chest with your chin, hold it a little, relax;
  • place your palm on your forehead, tilting your head forward, resist with your palm.

The effects of therapeutic exercises as a treatment for osteochondrosis:

  • strengthens the muscular system of the vertebrae;
  • fights congestion, removes excess fluid;
  • improves tissue elasticity;
  • improves posture, reduces stress on the spine;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • eliminates painful symptoms.

After two months of gymnastic exercises, my health improves, and severe neck pain caused by osteochondrosis goes away.

What should morning exercises be like?

Morning exercises are not the main element in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, but with its help you can improve the patient’s well-being. Exercises in the morning can be done at any age.

The goals of therapeutic exercises for the neck with osteochondrosis:

  • improving blood circulation in the brain;
  • relief of headaches;
  • normalization of general condition;
  • restoration of mobility of the spinal discs.

The main principles for the success of morning exercises for cervical osteochondrosis:

  • regularity;
  • classes should be held at the same time - after sleep, before breakfast;
  • when choosing exercises, you need to take into account the age and general health of the patient;
  • the lesson lasts about 30 minutes;
  • at specific stages a doctor’s supervision is needed;
  • exercises are performed smoothly, sudden movements are prohibited;
  • When performing this, you should not turn your head sharply.

Contraindications for gymnastics for osteochondrosis:

  • vertebral injuries;
  • oncology;
  • hypertension;
  • viral diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Morning exercises are a method of combating osteochondrosis. Performing exercises will help get rid of negative processes in the cervical spinal discs.

Complex for home use

When choosing exercises, take into account the patient’s characteristics, health status, past illnesses, and age.

There are many methods for treating osteochondrosis in the neck. They help restore spinal discs.

Exercises can be done at home in any free minute, with or without additional devices - an applicator, a gymnastic stick.

Exercises can relieve tension and attacks of neck pain. It is better to start in the initial stages of osteochondrosis and scoliosis.

Without accessories

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis are of two types.

Isometric involves holding the body in one position for some time, then returning to the starting position. There should be no body vibrations during gymnastics. As a result of exercise, flexibility develops and blood circulation improves.

Dynamic - tilting the head in different directions for specific time intervals. These actions relax the muscles and relieve pain symptoms.

Stages of exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine step by step:

  • the back remains straight, you need to turn your head to the right side, then to the left;
  • the shoulder girdle is raised, hold it in this position for 10 seconds;
  • put your hand on the back of your head and resist with your head back;
  • The head should be straight, the neck should be arched back.

Exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis should be given 15 minutes a day.

The training regimen should be systematic, so the blood vessels will work better.

Doctors have developed several methods for treating cervical pathology. Dikul’s gymnastics helps strengthen intervertebral discs and eliminates pain.

Dr. Bubnovsky advises quitting smoking, and when doing exercises, use dumbbells for additional stress on the shoulder muscle groups.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis is carried out with a gradual increase in load. The procedure is permissible if your health allows treatment and there is no risk of protrusion or herniation of the thoracic spine.

Types of exercise therapy:

  • twisting;
  • waving your arms;
  • hanging on the bar;
  • relaxing movements.

Exercises begin with a warm-up, it gives tone to the neck muscles, warms them up, and prepares them for stress. You can conduct classes to music.

When twisting, the head should be thrown back, then the whole body is twisted. Exercises are performed until warmth appears throughout the body. Arm swings are performed as follows: tilt the body forward, spread your arms to the sides, move your shoulder blades, and perform swings.

Relaxing movements: tense the shoulder muscles and hold them for 15 seconds, back straight, then exhale and relax.

Exercises for osteochondrosis are carried out carefully and, most importantly, not abruptly. It is better to entrust the choice of the complex to a doctor - he will give advice on implementation.

With accessories

Additional attributes of the exercises include the Kuznetsov applicator - a roller or mat with spikes. You can lie on it or tie it to the cervical region affected by osteochondrosis. It is permissible to use 1 time per day for 10 days.

A special tool is used to stretch the spine. This procedure is done as prescribed by a doctor in a physiotherapy room and no more than once a year.

A course of exercise therapy and how long will it take for the neck muscles to become stronger?

Physical exercises for cervical chondrosis should be carried out when the pain subsides and the exacerbation stage has passed. They start with light exercises, then strengthen the complex.

Rules for implementation for osteochondrosis of the neck:

  • classes are conducted in a cool room;
  • Before exercise, do a warm-up that will warm up the body;
  • you can perform self-massage or rubbing with a terry towel;
  • you need to breathe through your nose;
  • for unstable cervical vertebrae, a soft collar or corset is worn.

Exercises are performed standing, sitting or on all fours, sometimes a lying position is acceptable.

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis should be performed with a straight back, without throwing your head back. If a patient is diagnosed with stage 3 disease, there is no need to do exercises. A collar is placed around the patient’s neck, therapy is carried out with the help of medications under observation of the body’s reaction.

Exercises are combined with yoga. Classes do not require a lot of space or a gymnasium. They are performed at home and at work.

With regular exercise, you can relieve neck pain, increase muscle tone, and get rid of depression.

The course of training for neck osteochondrosis is 2 months, sometimes it can take longer.

What kind of gymnastics can harm

With cervical osteochondrosis, doctors do not allow certain types of physical activity. There are exercises that have irreparable consequences.

Often, without sufficient information, patients cause harm to the body.

Prohibited exercises:

  1. When doing a warm-up for cervical osteochondrosis, you often make sharp swings of your arms and legs to involve the whole body in the work, which is often recommended by instructors in the gym. Sharp turns of the head - down, up, left, right, circular movements - lead to pinching of the vertebrae, disruption of blood supply, risk of slipping of the vertebrae, pinching of nerve endings.
  2. When you place your hands behind your head and tilt it towards your knees, the load on the cervical vertebrae increases, which is unacceptable. Exercises should be performed with the torso; there is no need to strain the neck muscles.
  3. When exercising in the pool, you do not need to raise your head much above the water, this can provoke a spasm. When swimming, your head should tilt closer to the water. You can float on your back to give your muscles a restful state.

To prevent the disease, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Questions that arise when performing exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis at home should be asked to the treating doctor.

I can tell you how to do the exercises, but without your desire my words will not bring success. Even if my equipment were made of gold, you will never walk unless you have confidence. IN AND. Dikul

It is no accident that the article begins with a quote from Valentin Ivanovich Dikul himself, the head of one of the best medical and rehabilitation centers in Russia, which treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Dikul’s gymnastics for cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis put him on his feet and to this day helps many people from different countries and cities.

Valentin Ivanovich Dikul

This man is not a theorist, but a practitioner. It so happened that in his youth he was seriously interested in circus performances and during one of them an event happened that determined his entire future life and profession: at a height of 13 meters, the crossbar to which the insurance was attached burst and Valentin fell. From such a fall he received a compression fracture of the spine, a head injury and many small fractures...

Doctors, as often happens, with similar diagnoses unanimously told him: “You can forget about normal walking!” But the future doctor himself had his own opinion on this issue. He studied tons of medical literature and began independent training, developing his own system. And finally he went! And how he went through life, putting other people on their feet, in front of whom official medicine literally slammed the doors.

The main secret to the success of his training

His system was developed for people who can hardly move at all, so it is one of the simplest and most gentle systems for recovery from chondrosis. Some of its components will require simulators and devices. They can be easily made at home, but in this article you will find a video with exercises that do not require any additional things.

The master considers the most important thing in his own approach:

  • powerful self-motivation for practice success
  • belief in the 100% possibility of any person to overcome their own pain
  • unbending will
  • iron self-discipline

This means that success is achievable for absolutely everyone - at absolutely any stage of the disease.

Everything will depend on your efforts!

Focus and main features of gymnastics

With long-term systematic exercises, Dikul’s gymnastics for cervical problems can restore the spine at the cellular level and bring serious relief and elimination of annoying pain. The classes are based on 3 main stages:

  • adaptive - designed for general strengthening of various parts of the spine
  • gradual - this stage is characterized by a gentle complication of exercises, with the help of weights and alternating movements for tension with movements for relaxation
  • consolidating - systematic training with complications (if the patient’s condition improves)

One of the basic principles of such health-improving physical education for the lumbar neck is precisely the alternation of exercises for tensing muscles with stretching and relaxing them. Many doctors believe that strength training is not acceptable for diseases of the spine, but Valentin Ivanovich’s method, on the contrary, takes correct and moderate strength training as one of the foundations of treatment.

Of course, to ensure that such a recovery program does not cause you harm, it is better to consult with a specialist in any of the Dikul centers throughout the country. But the safe exercises given in this article can be used at home during the period of remission of the disease.


The physical complex for the neck developed by this doctor is popular all over the world because it really works. The main thing is to be systematic in your exercises and perform all movements thoughtfully (without sudden movements). You can watch a very effective and simple exercise using the Dikul system in this video.

Did you enjoy working out?

Then keep a wonderful complement to the first movement, which, just like the first, can be performed at home or in the office, sitting on a chair. Video here.

Exercises for osteochondrosis for the lower back

That's all for today! May your health be strong and your smile radiant!

​Physical training helps prevent many problems that arise from protrusion or rupture of the intervertebral disc. Strong muscles and elastic ligaments serve as the best support and protection for the spine.​

​as you inhale, raise your arms up, as you exhale, slowly lower them to the sides, stretch well;​

Exacerbation period

​Warm-up is the most important part of the workout. Warm up all your muscles well to avoid new injuries!​

​The rhythm of movements and the load should increase gradually.​

​This complex is intended to treat almost all back muscles. It is necessary to strengthen and maintain the spine in the correct condition, which ensures minimal stress on all vertebrae and discs. Gymnastics for treating the back with osteochondrosis should be carried out daily under the guidance of a physical therapy instructor. Only when the muscle corset gets stronger will it be possible to start training at home.​

​Such gymnastics for osteochondrosis can be safely used to prevent the disease. The load should be increased gradually and only with the permission of the attending physician. It is impossible to cure osteochondrosis without accompanying treatment. Therefore, exercise therapy is used as a strengthening therapy.​

Preventive measures

​perform slow smooth tilts of the head to the sides, holding each side for 10 seconds, then tense the muscles, resisting pressure from the shoulder, and turn the head to the previous position, continue to perform the exercise in the other direction, 15 times each;​

  1. ​consolidating stage - as your condition improves, continue to exercise systematically to maintain health and prevent complications.​
  2. ​Form and develop a muscle corset.​
  3. ​compulsory therapeutic exercises (including a set of exercises - Dikul);​

​pulmonary abscesses;​

Gymnastics Dikul

​Osteochondrosis is a degenerative disorder in the cartilaginous tissues of the spine. It is the discs between the vertebrae that are affected. There are several varieties of this disease, among which the most severe is cervical osteochondrosis. Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis is an excellent addition to drug therapy. Unfortunately, not many patients take physical therapy seriously, because they underestimate its influence.​

​make several circular movements with your shoulders back and forth;​


​stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath, then exhale. Make sure that your breathing is even and full; When performing a movement, you need to feel the work of the muscles, otherwise simply performing the exercises mechanically will not give any results.

​Standing with your back to the wall, you need to press your heels, back of your head, shoulders and hips tightly against it. Next, you should slowly pull the back of your head up, but do not lift your heels off the floor. When you reach the highest position, you should lock in it for five seconds and relax. Repeat for two minutes.​

Etiology and symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis

​4 Basic rules for performing exercises​
​a similar exercise with turning the head up/down;​

​Due to the fact that osteochondrosis affects different parts of the spine, exercises for the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine will have their own specifics.​

  • ​Eat foods rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamins.​
  • ​physiotherapeutic procedures;​
  • ​problems with heart valves and aorta.​

​Static loads lead to osteochondrosis, however, this is far from the only reason for the appearance of this disease. According to statistics, about 90% of the world's population experience back problems. Dystrophic disorder in articular cartilage is the most common back disease. This article is devoted to what gymnastics is optimal for this disease.

​Rub your palms, apply them to your lower back.​
​spin: make 7 full circles to the right, then to the left to warm up;​
​You should choose several exercises to work different muscle groups and try to perform them efficiently, and not take on the whole complex at once.​
​From a supine position, extend your arms behind your head to their full length. Legs should be straight and pressed together. Pull the toes of your feet towards you, feeling the spine stretch. Next, you should carefully pull the heel of one foot toward you (while the toe moves forward) and simultaneously stretch with both hands. Do the same with the other leg. The exercise is performed 10 times for each leg.​

​Therapeutic exercises for people suffering from a disease such as osteochondrosis should become a necessary part of life. It is therapeutic exercises that can break a vicious circle consisting of the following components: physical inactivity, weakened back and neck muscles, destruction of spinal discs, bed rest. When deciding which gymnastics to choose when suffering from osteochondrosis, many choose the Dikul technique. Gymnastics for osteochondrosis according to Dikul is based on the restoration of the spine under the influence of regular physical exercise. It is carried out partially with a power load, so it is best to perform it under the guidance of an experienced instructor and only as prescribed by a doctor. This set of exercises begins with general strengthening (adaptive) exercises and gradually becomes more complicated with strength techniques. Gymnastics includes stretching exercises, learning how to quickly relax (relaxation) after exercise.​

  • ​Rotate your head to the sides, pulling your chin to your shoulder, hold for 10 seconds, repeat 15 times;​
  • ​Particular attention is paid to the affected part of the spine; the remaining parts are subject to stress for the purpose of prevention.​
  • ​Do not allow excess weight to appear.​
  • ​diet.​
  • ​Inflammation extended over time is accompanied by scarring of connective tissue and irreversible changes. More than half of patients with ankylosing spondylitis experience a slow progression of the disease and no significant complications; in other cases, on the contrary, there is a rapid development of the process with persistent symptoms, leading to disability.​
  • Each person can take simple independent measures to relieve pain. Speaking about symptoms, we can say that the main thing is pain. In the case of cervical osteochondrosis, it is present not only in the affected area of ​​the spine. Headaches due to dystrophic disorders in the articular cartilages of the neck are not uncommon.​

​Regular gymnastics for a lumbar hernia reduces pain symptoms and is an addition to exercise therapy. Home exercise does not replace a trip to the doctor. If you have back pain or damage to the sacral spine, you must contact a medical facility for qualified help.​

Diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis

​Turn your head to the right, then to the left. Press your chin to your chest, then tilt your head back. Make 7-8 circles with your head left and right;​

​When training, you need to assess and monitor your condition. If any discomfort occurs, exercise should be stopped or the load reduced.​
​From a supine position, place your palms under the cervical spine, legs pressed together. Pull your socks towards you, while relaxing your back so that you feel a stretch in the spine. Start making quick movements with your feet to the right and left, while keeping your heels in place. Perform for 3 minutes.​

Treatment of ankylosing spondylitis

​A new look at treatmentHow was a former “hard worker” able to get rid of arthritis and osteochondrosis in a month?More...​

​write the numbers from “0” to “9” in the air with your chin; you can do this in public transport, during your lunch break at work, etc.;​

  • Dikul exercises for all types of osteochondrosis must meet the following requirements:
  • ​Do not load the bent spine. Avoid twisting the spine during exercise.​
  • ​If the hip joints are affected in the later stages of the disease, prosthetics are recommended.​

​The slowly developing form of ankylosing spondylitis is characterized by stiffness of movements in the back and dull lumbar pain. The process is accompanied by:

Osteochondrosis, types and stages of the disease

So, gymnastics against illness is actively used to combat pain, since this method does not require financial expenses and can be carried out at home. Some exercises for cervical osteochondrosis can be performed even at the workplace.​

​Several thousand years ago, data appeared in Ayurveda about treating the human body by balancing the physical and spiritual body of a person. Exercises that relieve blockage and compression of the joints have been recommended for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.​

​place your hands on your shoulders, work the joints by rotating your shoulders forward, then back;​

​It is best for a doctor to prescribe therapeutic exercises after a comprehensive examination. Self-prescribing a set of exercises for yourself can be harmful to health in 70%, and in 20% it will not bring any results at all.​

  • ​Five-minute exercises that do not require special preparation or warm-up are no less effective; they can be performed absolutely anywhere, in your free time, for the treatment of osteochondrosis:​
  • ​Gymnastics for the treatment of the cervical spine should be carried out with extreme caution, because any awkward movement or sharp turn can pinch nerves and vital blood vessels. To prevent cervical osteochondrosis, you can include the following exercises in your regular morning exercises:
  • ​lie on the floor or a hard bed without a pillow, raise your head above the surface and hold in this position for about 10 seconds, rest for 5 seconds, repeat 10 times;​

​Exercises should not be performed in the acute stage or when they become more complicated, especially if you suffer from acute pain.​

But Dikul formulates the most important secret of preventing osteochondrosis as follows: hang on the horizontal bar! A simple exercise not only helps to stretch the spine, but also strengthens the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.​

  • ​Another most common class of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which includes spinal disease - osteochondrosis, is called osteochondropathy. Such a diagnosis can be made to every second inhabitant of the planet.​
  • Pain and limited mobility in the lumbar region, thoracic and cervical segments;
  • ​Exercises to unload the spine can be prescribed already at the first stage of the disease. They are aimed at relieving pain and restoring microcirculation. Lymph circulation should also be restored. Relieving the spine and improving blood circulation in it stimulates the process of regeneration and scarring of cracks in the fibrous ring.​
  • ​Yoga classes are very beneficial in the fight against spinal hernias; the main thing is to avoid sudden movements and change your position at the first pain.​

Dikul: how to treat osteochondrosis

​put your hands on your belt, make 7 circular movements with your body to the left and right;​

​Therapeutic gymnastics for osteochondrosis is a specially designed complex that is included in conservative treatment. It is based on the principle of natural human body movements. According to statistics, up to 80% of patients with osteochondrosis get rid of back pain after the first exercise therapy.​

  1. ​When sitting, bend your back forward.​
  2. ​Lying on your side, raise your head and count to five, keeping it suspended.​
  3. ​lying on your side, raise your head parallel to the floor or bed, hold for 10 seconds, rest for a couple of seconds, repeat 10 times and roll over to the other side, perform by analogy;​
  4. ​When performing the exercise, the patient should not experience pain.​
  5. ​Treatment of osteochondrosis is a long process that requires significant volitional efforts from the patient.​

The reason leading to the occurrence and development of osteochondrosis is the uneven distribution of the load on the spinal column. The result of excessive compression is a change in the cartilage tissue in the intervertebral discs. The disease can be triggered by spinal injury, weak muscle corset, scoliosis, or improper lifting of weights. Osteochondrosis can develop not only in poorly trained people with poor posture, but also in well-developed athletes.​

​ rapid fatigue caused by an increase in the process of inflammation;
​It is worth noting that exercises are contraindicated during the acute stage. This aspect is extremely important because exercise can cause the disease to spread and get worse. This is due to increased blood circulation.​

  • ​Yoga is the most ancient practice for treating osteochondrosis. Modern rehabilitation systems have been developed on the basis of yogic knowledge: bodyflex, Pilates, oxysize.​
  • ​work your foot - place your foot on your toes, then on your heel. Repeat 10 times with each foot.​
  • ​Traditional treatment for intervertebral hernia includes:​
  • Alternately move your shoulders up and down, you can do this with both shoulders at once. This exercise trains the muscles of the upper back and cervical region.​

​Lying on your stomach, put your hands on the back of your head and slowly raise your head, counteracting yourself with your hands.​
​in a lying position, stretch your chin up to the ceiling. Fixation – 10 seconds, repeat 10 times.​


Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis

  • ​The complex should be built on the principle of alternation - tension, then muscle relaxation.​

Where to begin?

​Comprehensive treatment includes:​

​Another cause of the disease is considered to be a metabolic disorder: a lack of calcium and phosphorus, trace elements and some vitamins (D and F). Many doctors are inclined to believe that hereditary predisposition is of no small importance.​

Regular exercise technique

Inflammation of the iris, which occurs in a quarter of patients.

​Gymnastics is also actively used to prevent osteochondrosis. In general, a person is able to rid himself of the likelihood of this disease. It is necessary to adhere to only a few points in order to prevent back diseases.​

  • ​Rehabilitation fitness is a direction in the sports industry, including well-known methods for recovery: exercise therapy, fascial fitness (Pilates, stretching, bodyflex), functional training.​
  • ​As you inhale, stretch your head upward, feel how your joints stretch. Exhale, relax. As you inhale, stretch your head up again, stretch your arms up, as if trying to reach the ceiling. Fix yourself in the position for 20 seconds. Repeat 3 times;​
  • ​taking medications (NSAIDs, painkillers, muscle relaxants, nootropic drugs (antidepressants), chodroprotectors);​

​You can make circular movements with your shoulders (first forward, then back). It also perfectly keeps the back and neck muscles toned.​

Lie on your back and rest your head on a thin pillow. Within 5 seconds, you should press your head on the pillow 5 times.​

The purpose of such exercises is to strengthen the muscles of the back and chest. This will allow you to keep the spine in a normal position, breathing will be full, and as a result, the pressure on the vessels and nerve fibers will be relieved. After such exercises, swelling is relieved and tissue sensitivity is restored. Systematic use of exercise therapy will improve the functioning of the heart, and heart pain and arrhythmia will not bother you. Exercises against osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine:​

  1. ​All exercises must be performed while maintaining correct posture, smoothly, without sudden movements.​
  2. ​therapeutic gymnastics (a complex developed by Dikul);​
  3. It is customary to distinguish several types of osteochondrosis, depending on the location of the affected area of ​​the spine:
  4. ​Inflammation in the connective tissue, as a rule, leads to irreversible changes with severe symptoms:​

Class mode

​Proper nutrition. Obesity is the main prerequisite for back problems. Proper nutrition enriches the body with essential vitamins and microelements.​

​The essence of rehabilitation fitness is to develop and apply a complex of several load options to obtain positive results (physical therapy, kinesiotherapy, functional training). As a result, metabolism improves, movements become easier, joint mobility is restored, and pain from the pressure of a deformed disc is eliminated. Each medical center uses its own complex for the treatment of hernia (as a result of disc protrusion or rupture). Author's programs of Russian specialists – V.I. Dikulya, S.M. Bubnovsky are known all over the world.​

​We clasp our hands together. We raise our arms up and back, turning our palms towards the ceiling, moving our arms as high and far as possible. We rise on our toes, stretching our spine. You need to fix yourself in this position for 10-20 seconds. The chin looks up. Repeat 3-4 times;​


​Bend your back forward from a standing position. It is necessary to clasp your hands behind your back and lower them as low as possible. In this case, the back will bend forward.

  • ​They help strengthen the muscles of the back and chest, which means they help keep the spine in a normal state and allow deep breathing. Physical exercise for thoracic osteochondrosis helps relieve pressure on the blood vessels in the spine and nerve fibers. As a result, swelling disappears and tissue sensitivity is restored. Heart pain and arrhythmia, which are caused by thoracic osteochondrosis, may also disappear.​
  • ​Lying on a flat and hard surface, raise your upper body. Place a soft roller with a diameter of 10 cm under the shoulder blades. Repeat the exercise 4 times, start moving the roller along the spine and repeat the actions.​
  • ​A set of exercises for morning exercises​

​use of anti-inflammatory and painkillers;​

Exercise therapy for the cervical spine

​cervical osteochondrosis;​

​to ankylosis (fusion of vertebrae);​

​Healthy active lifestyle. A person must move actively so that his spine does not experience overload and functions normally.​

Starting position standing

  • ​As you inhale, raise your arms up, as you exhale, tilt your body, keeping your arms parallel to your ears. The inclination can be as small as possible. There is no need to make sudden movements or swaying. The chin is directed upward. If it is difficult to hold your hands, then use the means at hand - rest your palms on the back of a chair or a wall. Hold the position for 10-20 seconds, repeat 3-4 times.​
  • ​wearing posture correctors and compression belts;​

Starting position sitting

  • ​Therapeutic gymnastics for osteochondrosis involves not only strengthening and developing the back muscles, but also the formation of correct posture. In this case, the head is raised, the stomach is pulled in, the back is straight, the knees are straightened when walking and standing. It is this body position that is ideal for protection against the further development of osteochondrosis.​

Starting position lying down

  • ​From a lying position on a flat and hard surface, raise your upper body. You can place a soft cushion 10 cm in diameter under your shoulder blades. Do the exercise 4 times, and then start moving the roller along the spine, repeating the actions.​
  • ​Sitting on a chair, rest your straight back against the back and try to bend back strongly, then bend forward. Do not lift your buttocks off the chair. Do it 5 times.​
  • ​Therapeutic gymnastics begins with morning exercises. Exercises are best done after sleep before breakfast. This increases muscle tone, removes the body from a state of lethargy, and improves blood circulation. If the patient has limited mobility, classes are held in a ward or room with mandatory ventilation. The rest of the patients go to the gym or to the yard.​

Exercise therapy for the thoracic spine

​use of chondroprotectors and drugs that restore cartilage tissue;​

  1. ​thoracic osteochondrosis;​
  2. ​changes in posture and body mobility;​
  3. ​Chronic diseases can also cause this disease, so you should not delay their treatment.​
  4. ​Treatment of intervertebral hernia in the centers of Dr. S.M. Bubnovsky includes a complex of kinesiotherapy. For many years, a famous doctor studied the effect of physical activity on the treatment of diseases. Dr. S.M. Bubnovsky is confident that drug treatment and surgical intervention in some cases can be replaced with a set of physical exercises.​
  5. ​Lying on your back, pull one leg towards your chest, then the other. Change legs for 1 - 2 minutes;
  6. ​diet;​
  7. ​The course of treatment with gymnastics should begin with 4 exercises, which are repeated 3 or 5 times each.​

Exercise therapy for the lumbar spine

​Lying on your stomach with your arms extended, lean your upper body forward. This exercise is aimed at working the pectoral muscles. You can increase the impact by changing the position of your arms: they are placed behind your head, then behind your back, and finally extended along your body.​

  1. ​In a position on your stomach, extend your arms and lean forward with your upper body. This is an exercise to strengthen the pectoral muscles. You can increase the effect. To do this, change the position of your hands: place them behind your head and back, then you need to extend them along the body.​
  2. ​Exercises for morning exercises are selected taking into account the patient’s age, stage of the disease and area of ​​the spine.​
  3. ​rehabilitation (various types of massage, manual therapy).​
  4. ​lumbar osteochondrosis;​

​kyphosis and deformation of the costothoracic joints;​


Gymnastics for osteochondrosis

  • ​These points are the main ones in the prevention of diseases of the spinal column. Treatment and gymnastics are two interrelated concepts that can complement each other. The main therapeutic method of combating osteochondrosis is conservative treatment. Despite this, gymnastics is a successful and, most importantly, effective additional method that enhances the effect of the main treatment.​

The essence of the method is to regularly perform physical exercises on specially created simulators. By performing exercises, a person trains the back muscles, restores nutrition to the spine, due to which the hernia is reduced, pain is reduced, and spasm is eliminated.​

​lying on your back, lift your straight leg up, hold for a few seconds, and slowly lower it. Raise your other leg, pause, and lower slowly. Repeat the exercise 7 times on each leg;

Neck exercises

​physical therapy, massage.​

  • ​It is better to do less exercise, but regularly.​
  • The next exercise is performed using dumbbells. Lying on your stomach, you need to spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides and lift them, bringing your shoulder blades together.​
  • ​Sitting on a solid base or standing, wrap the lower part of the sternum with a towel, bringing the ends forward. Take a deep breath and exhale completely. While exhaling, pull the towel tightly so that it tightly compresses the lower part of the chest. Do 5-9 times.​

Therapeutic exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis

​Morning therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis take 10-20 minutes. The complex usually includes 8-12 exercises of 3-8 approaches.​

Daily gymnastics for thoracic osteochondrosis

  1. ​In cases where conservative treatment is ineffective, as well as for a number of special indications, surgical treatment (surgical intervention) is recommended.​
  2. ​Common osteochondrosis, affecting two or more parts of the spine.​
  3. ​scarring of the connective tissue of the eyeball and deterioration of vision;​
  4. ​Many have heard about the gymnastics of Valentin Ivanovich Dikul. This eminent and, of course, highly qualified specialist has developed a methodology based on which it is necessary to perform certain exercises.​
  5. ​Stages of treatment:​
  6. Do the “bicycle” or “scissors” exercise for 1-3 minutes. If it’s hard to hold your legs, then place your palms under your lower back;
  7. Physical inactivity is the very first cause of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The muscles that create a strong frame, without receiving physical activity, relax and atrophy. The entire load of moving, moving, resisting, holding your own body falls on the bone tissue. As a result, cartilage wears off and joints begin to ache. Physical education is a good prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.​
  8. ​Gymnastics should bring pleasure and lift your spirits, because this is the basis of treatment.​
  9. ​From a sitting position on a chair, rest your back against its wall and bend backward as much as possible, then bend forward. The buttocks should not be lifted from the chair. Do it 5 times.​
  10. ​Sitting on a chair, hands behind your head, elbows in front. Turn your torso as far as possible to the left and right, repeat many times.​
  11. ​When attending exercise therapy classes, the lesson lasts approximately 30 minutes. Exercises are performed in two ways - individually or in a group. Depending on the complexity of the disease, different starting positions are selected:

Exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis

​Academician Dikul advises that if you have severe back pain, immediately consult a vertebroneurologist and under no circumstances neglect the disease.​


  • The disease is characterized by four stages of development:
  • ​damage to the aorta, damage to the myocardium and heart valve system, leading to heart failure;​
  • Dikul’s gymnastics for osteochondrosis consists of constant physical activity, which gradually restores the cells of the spinal cord. Many exercises involve strength training. According to many experts, strength exercises are strictly contraindicated for osteochondrosis, but Valentin Ivanovich is sure of the opposite. He is convinced that only long-term exercises, which at times involve strength training, can relieve tension from the back muscles and put the vertebrae “in place.”

​Consultation, diagnosis, identification of problem areas.​

  • ​lying on your back, do a “twisting”: bend your knees and place them to the right, and turn your head to the left. Place your right hand on your left shoulder;
  • ​Some patients are sure that physical activity cannot be performed with a lumbar intervertebral hernia. This belief is not true because:​
  • ​Pain signals an incorrectly chosen tactic. You should avoid exercises that cause it.​
  • ​From the same position, place your hands behind your head and lean left and right.​

​From a position on all fours, exhaling, lower your head, arch your back up, while inhaling, bend your back down and raise your head.​

Basic rules for performing exercises

  1. ​lying - for patients with movement disorders;​
  2. ​Exercise therapy for the lumbar spine​
  3. ​The first is a feeling of discomfort in the back;
  4. ​cauda equina syndrome.​
  5. ​Bechterew's disease, or ankylosing spondylitis, is a chronic form of arthritis affecting mainly the spine. ​
  6. ​Basic training in the gym using special equipment to determine individual physical abilities.​
  7. ​lie on your stomach, arms and legs to the sides. As you exhale, lift your arms and legs up at the same time, as high as possible, with your chin pointing up. fix the position for 20-40 seconds. Repeat 3 times;​

​It is necessary to perform recovery exercises so as not to start the process of muscle tissue degeneration;​

​During the period of remission, exercises are done standing or in the knee-elbow position, while during an exacerbation, all exercises are performed lying on the back or stomach.​

  1. ​Sitting on a chair, put your hands behind your head, bring your elbows together in front. Turn your body as far as possible to the left and right repeatedly.​
  2. ​Lean forward, sitting on your heels, touching your forehead to the floor. Stretch your arms forward, continuing the line of the spine, placing them along the head.​
  3. ​sitting - the second stage of the complex for severe patients;​
  4. ​Osteochondrosis of the spine is accompanied by weakening of the muscles of the back and neck, destruction of the intervertebral discs, which leads to severe pain and limitation of movement.​
  5. ​the second is the appearance of disc protrusion, accompanied by pinching of nerve endings;​
  6. ​There is a certain relationship between the patient’s age, the area of ​​localization of the inflammatory process and the degree of progression of ankylosing spondylitis. Early diagnosis and timely treatment significantly increase the likelihood of slowing the progression of the disease.​
  7. ​This is a fairly rare progressive disease of the spinal column and joints. The disease occurs predominantly in young men (from 15 to 30 years old) and accounts for about 0.05 statistical percent. The main cause of the disease is the body's aggressive (inadequate) immune response towards the musculoskeletal system, leading to inflammation and damage to the joints and ligaments of the spine and limbs. The disease is treated by numerous clinics in the country and the best specialists, including Valentin Dikul (ankylosing spondylitis, osteochondrosis and arthritis of various etiologies).​

​Drawing up a training program, working on simulators according to the program.​


Exercises for lumbar hernia Bubnovsky, Dikul (photo, video)

​do the “cat” complex: get on all fours, bend your back like a frightened cat (vertebrae up, head and hips down), and then do a reverse bend (chin and tailbone “stretch” up). Do this exercise for 1-3 minutes;​

  • ​Restoring motor function without movement is impossible.​
  • A set of spinal stretching exercises should begin and end a physical therapy session. It relieves pain, stretches muscle ligaments and joints of the spine.​
  • ​From a standing position, bend first to one side, then to the other. They must be done smoothly.​
  • A special set of exercise therapy classes against lumbar osteochondrosis is based on several stages. Each subsequent approach forces you to increase the load. If it is not possible to move on to the next stage, you should return to the first and start the complex again. Each stage consists of exercises to contract the back and abdominal muscles, followed by relaxation and stretching. Stages of exercise therapy:​
  • ​standing - used in the final stage of treatment or for less complex diseases.​

​The initial stage of treatment for spinal osteochondrosis is to remove pain, improve blood circulation, start taking medications to restore cartilage tissue, undergo a course of massages or use unconventional techniques. Next, a new way of life is formed, in which physical education occupies the first place. In this case, you should select an individual exercise therapy complex, the exercises of which will help treat the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions. Most often, doctors recommend using the Dikul technique.

​third - destruction of the fibrous ring and the formation of intervertebral hernias, with spinal deformation;​

  • ​The characteristic initial signs of ankylosing spondylitis are symptoms that are common to many diseases: dull pain in the lower back or buttocks that does not provide a clear picture for an accurate diagnosis of the pathology. According to experts, a final diagnosis is possible only in patients with a history of the disease of eight years or more. Only by this time can pronounced degradation changes in the spine be detected, accompanied by prolonged unremitting pain in its lower part with a shooting in the legs.
  • ​The main targets of the disease are all parts of the spine and adjacent joints. The patient's condition is characterized by limited movement in various parts of the spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar), in the hip joints, etc. A characteristic manifestation of ankylosing spondylitis is inflammation of the sacral joints, the so-called sacroiliitis. Externally, the process of inflammation manifests itself in the form of swelling in the area of ​​the affected joint. The disease more often affects men (up to 90% of all cases) than women.​

​After completing the course, the patient receives doctor’s recommendations for further work.​

​do the cobra exercise: lie on your stomach, place your palms at chest level. As you inhale, lift your chest off the floor and straighten your arms. Stretch your chin up;

​To restore mobility, flexibility, and stamina, you need to restore strength to your muscles. When the spine is stretched, the hernia protrudes less, therefore pain decreases and quality of life improves. The exercises can be performed independently at home or in a rehabilitation center.​

​To prevent damage to ligaments, muscles or other spinal injuries, you should prepare for gymnastics. Take a warm shower, do a light massage and a little warm-up.​

What exercises can you do for a hernia?

​Place your hands on your shoulders and alternately lower and raise one shoulder and then the other, using the lateral muscles of the back.​


​Pump up your abs until you feel slightly tired, raise your head on all fours, arching your back and vice versa. Repeat 3-5 times. It is better to perform such exercises as morning exercises.​

  • ​Having learned how to perform exercises correctly and control the load on the spine, you can then practice independently during the working day.​
  • ​Printed publications by Valentin Dikul​
  • ​The fourth is the presence of constant acute pain, severely limiting mobility.​
  • ​Bekhterev's disease in women is detected with even greater difficulties. However, often even after diagnosis, doctors’ opinions may differ. This is due to the fact that in the initial stages, ankylosing spondylitis in its main manifestations is very similar to a number of other diseases of the spinal column, including osteochondrosis (the treatment of which was devoted to the treatment of academician Valentin Dikul).​
  • The etiology still remains unclear. One of the reasons is considered to be a person’s genetic predisposition to this disease. A large role in the activation of the carrier gene is played by environmental influences and concomitant infections.​
  • ​The patient is required to have persistence and a desire to achieve results. Taking medications is easier than devoting time every day to restoring the functioning of the spine. The result of painstaking work on yourself will be the joy of movement, when the pain from a damaged disc does not bother you.​

Main part:

  • ​perform the plank complex: lie on your stomach, place your palms at chest level. As you inhale, lift yourself up, supporting your weight on your hands and feet. If it is difficult to hold the weight, do a plank on your elbows. Hold the position for 1-3 minutes;
  • ​Modern medical centers are developing complexes for patient rehabilitation (PT), the treatment process takes place under the supervision of medical personnel. The patient first receives a basic load, and then works out an individual program. This approach is considered to be the most effective in rehabilitation, since the individual functional characteristics of the body are taken into account.​
  • ​Therapeutic exercises for patients with osteochondrosis are aimed primarily at restoring the normal functioning of the spine. It complements the complex of medications and physiotherapy. It is best to choose exercises that correspond to the stage of development of the disease, the location of pain, the specific course of the disease and the physical capabilities of the person. Thus, an individual training plan is developed, which is adjusted as the person is treated and feels better. The complex is planned by the exercise therapy instructor and the patient himself, who is guided by his own feelings.​
  • ​From a sitting position on a hard base or standing, wrap the lower part of the thoracic region with a thick cloth (you can use a towel) and bring the ends forward. Take a deep breath and exhale completely. As you exhale, pull the fabric tightly so that it tightly compresses the lower chest. This exercise helps improve ventilation by exhaling more air. The exercise is done 5 to 9 times.
  • ​Lying on your back with your knees bent, rest on your feet and lift your pelvis, slowly lowering it back. Repeat 4-5 times. Lying on your side, tuck each thigh toward your stomach. Repeat slowly, until it stops, about five times.​
  • ​This area must be loaded very carefully. Any wrong movement can cause damage to blood vessels or pinched nerves.​
  • ​Many patients have already experienced Dikul’s exercise technique. Its technology is based on the restoration of the spine under the influence of regular exercise. They are carried out partially with the application of a certain force. Therefore, the main recommendation of doctors is to perform Dikul gymnastics under the supervision of an instructor or after an individual consultation with a doctor. The principle of Dikul’s technique is built on the basis of the following stages:​
  • Osteochondrosis and its numerous complications are treated using conservative methods. The initial efforts of doctors are aimed at eliminating pain and preventing the progression of the disease.​
  • ​Given the fact that early diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis is a difficult task, it is recommended that, at the slightest suspicion, an X-ray and, if possible, genetic study, as well as magnetic resonance or computed tomography, be performed as soon as possible.​
  • ​Bekhterev's disease manifests itself as morning pain syndrome with different localizations: lower back, buttocks, feet. The progression of the inflammatory process, accompanied by damage to the joints of the vertebrae, ligaments and tendons, can lead to stiffness in the lumbar and neck area (up to complete fusion of the vertebrae). As a result of degenerative changes, the spine becomes deformed and severe kyphosis develops. All this leads to a forced shift in the center of gravity and a forward tilt of the body, which significantly complicates and limits motor functions.​
  • ​The treatment was developed based on personal experience, since Dr. V.I. Dikul suffered a compression fracture of the spine. Many years of training helped him get rid of the injury and return to normal life. Now the doctor’s center has developed a physical therapy program for people with spinal problems.​
  • ​sit on the floor, straighten your legs. As you inhale, stretch your arms up, as you exhale, tilt your body and touch your feet. The chin reaches towards the ceiling. If it is difficult to reach your feet, bend your knees, grab your feet and slowly straighten your legs as far as you can. Keep your back straight. Fix yourself in the position for 20-40 seconds.​


  • ​At home, the patient is left to his own devices, and therefore is deprived of the opportunity to correct the technique by a specialist, which is undesirable, since the exercises may be ineffective or cause harm.​
  • ​The effectiveness and efficiency of therapeutic exercises depends on a number of factors:​
  • ​From a sitting position on your heels, you should lean forward so that your forehead touches the floor. Stretch your arms forward so that they continue the line of the spine, positioned along the head. Stretch forward and take a deep breath. As you exhale, return to the starting position.​
  • ​Sitting on a hard surface with a straight back, hands on your knees - tilt your torso back until your abs tense, then hold for a few seconds, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times. Bend over several times a day so that your chest touches your legs. Repeat 6-7 times. Perform exercises carefully and under the supervision of an experienced trainer.​
  • ​An example of simple but effective exercises for cervical osteochondrosis​

​adaptation - general strengthening exercises for different parts of the spine;​

Famous restoration complexes

​The most effective methods for treating osteochondrosis were developed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Valentin Dikul. Following the logic “it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it,” he developed a number of recommendations for the prevention of osteochondrosis:​

The main goal of treatment is to relieve pain and prevent the progression of the disease in order to maintain motor activity. The main efforts should be aimed at relieving the inflammatory process and pain, reducing stiffness and further deformation of the spine. Severe deformation of the spinal column can only be prevented through systematic treatment using modern anti-inflammatory drugs.​

Complications of ankylosing spondylitis can include:

The patient's rehabilitation period depends on the severity and nature of the injury - one patient needs a year, another six months. Some patients of the V.I. Dikul Center complain that six months of training did not bring the expected result. You should always consider the functional state of the muscles before starting treatment. A herniated disc does not appear suddenly. Degenerative processes last for years, conditions are created before pain in the lumbar region appears. Six months of training is not enough for poorly trained muscles. The essence of V.I.’s method Dikulya - maintaining muscle tone and ligaments. Therefore, a person begins to exercise even at the moment of acute pain in the spine. There are many videos on the Internet from the V.I. center. Dikulya with physical exercises that need to be performed for back pain.

​sit on the floor in the “fetal” position: bend your knees, clasp your arms. Rock from side to side; It is necessary to perform the exercise therapy complex only after the pain symptom has been relieved. Pain management options are chosen by the attending physician. Taking into account the patient’s condition, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal or steroid drugs.​

Bubnovsky S.M. method

​Regularity of execution, preferably several times a day.​

​From a position on all fours, as you exhale, lower your head, arching your back up, while inhaling, bend your back down and raise your head.​

​Sit on bent legs, heels at the level of the buttocks, and clasp your hands above your head, sit on the floor, leave your heels on the left, then on the right of the buttock. Repeat 10-15 times. Take a position on all fours. Alternately raise the opposite leg and arm. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.​

  1. ​Exercises against cervical osteochondrosis:​
  2. ​gradual complication of strength training techniques - stretching exercises, rapid muscle relaxation after exercise;​
  3. ​Monitor your posture and correct its violations in a timely manner.​
  4. ​Comprehensive treatment should include:​

​difficulty breathing;​

Method V.I. Dikulya

Does strength training help cope with the disease, or the positive experience of people who undergo rehabilitation using the V.I. method? Dikulya? A positive attitude and motivation to achieve a positive result undoubtedly allow the patient to cope with the difficult recovery period.​

​stand up, take a deep breath, raise your arms up, and as you exhale, sharply lower your arms down, as if shaking off water;​

​With a herniated disc, all exercises are performed slowly and smoothly. Before physical therapy classes, it is recommended to do self-massage of the lumbar region to prepare the muscles. Self-massage is best done with an ointment containing NSAIDs or chondroitin.​

​Smoothness when performing, otherwise injuries may occur.​

Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system occupy one of the leading places in terms of prevalence today. Spinal injuries are especially common. From year to year, statistics show a high increase in post-traumatic conditions. Not surprising. After all, the development of technology leads to an increase in injuries on the road and at work. Special rehabilitation measures have been developed for such patients.

Today, the method of Valentin Dikul is recognized as the most effective. Treatment of the spine using his method in almost 100% of all cases allows you to restore the affected segment of the spine and return the patient to motor activity.

News line ✆

The method he developed is a holistic system of exercises that heal and strengthen the entire body. All training, created on personal experience and knowledge, has been repeatedly tested by his followers in practice.

Before starting classes, you should familiarize yourself with the rules, which are an integral part of Valentin Dikul’s methodology.

For back pain

  1. Follow the recommended order of activities.
  2. Approaches should be carried out exactly as many as indicated in the program.
  3. Do not overload your body, gradually accustom it to training.
  4. Exercises must be performed regularly. Every other day if possible.

Reps and sets

  1. Strictly follow the required number of sets and repetitions.
  2. Carefully read the instructions on how to perform Dikul’s exercises. Classes without rest or with random breaks are unacceptable.


  1. Be sure to maintain full range of motion. This will allow you to work exactly those muscles on which the direction of the load is meant.
  2. This system excludes fast paces.
  3. The technique is based on slow, smooth, conscious movements. Jerks and sudden actions are unacceptable.

In most cases, Valentin Dikul’s technique allows you to restore the spine.

Exercises to strengthen back muscle tissue

These Dikul exercises effectively restore the joints of the spine, muscle functions of the cervical, shoulder, lumbar and thoracic regions, and improve overall well-being.

Strengthening the lower back muscles

The exercise involves lying on your back. Hands should be spread to the side, palms down. The upper section should not come off the surface. At this time, we very smoothly turn the left thigh to the right until it stops. The left leg comes off the surface, but remains tightly pressed to the right. You should stay in this position for 2-3 seconds. Then also smoothly return to the original state. The exercise is repeated on the left side with the opposite thigh.

It is recommended to perform 8 repetitions in 1 approach on the right and left sides. This system implies that during the first 2-3 lessons only 1 approach is performed. For the next 2-3, it is advisable to perform 2 approaches. And then, according to Valentin Dikul’s plan, 3 approaches are performed.

It is important not to forget about breaks. Rest between sets lasts 2 minutes.

Strengthening your back

Lying on the floor. The legs are spread apart so that the feet are at shoulder distance. Arms crossed over chest. It’s better to hold onto your shoulders for balance. As you inhale, slowly turn your body all the way to the right side. The left shoulder lifts off the floor. The legs and pelvis remain in a stationary position. Freeze for 2 seconds and return to the original position. This back treatment involves performing the exercise in the other direction.

8 times in each direction. For the first 2-3 lessons, one approach is enough. The next 2-3 sessions are carried out in 2 approaches. And then we move on to 3 approaches. Rest between them is 2 minutes. This system of repetitions and approaches guarantees excellent results.

Strengthening the lateral back muscles

Again - supine position. Connect your legs together, pull your socks towards you. It is recommended to place your arms to the sides, palms down. Without lifting your neck, shoulders and head from the floor, move both feet along the surface, performing a sliding movement. However, they cannot be lifted up.

With this exercise, treatment of the spine is based on strengthening the lateral muscles of the lower back and abdomen.

In the accepted position, freeze for 2-3 seconds and carefully return to the original position. To strengthen your back, you should do the exercise in the other direction.

During this lesson, a system of repetitions and approaches is carried out, as in the previous exercise.

Strengthening the thoracic region

During the exercise, your legs should not leave the floor. Supine position. The legs are positioned shoulder width apart. You need to cross your arms over your chest, clasping your forearms with your palms. Without lifting your head, neck, and back from the surface, you need to lean to the left with a sliding movement. At this time, the legs and pelvis should be glued to the floor. After holding for 2-3 seconds, smoothly return to the initial state. The same thing happens in the other direction.

Strengthening your back

Stand up straight, straightening your back and neck muscles. Look straight ahead. Smoothly perform a slight incline. In this case, the position of the back should remain straight. The arms are lowered slightly and the knees are bent. During the exercise, the butt “sticks out” a little. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.

For this exercise, the system consists of 3 approaches containing 8 repetitions. For beginners, 1 approach is recommended. The rest break lasts 2 minutes.

Strengthening the hamstrings and back

Take a position on your stomach. Place your hands palms up. For correct neck position, the chin should touch the floor. The legs are fixed motionless. Lift your torso as far as possible while simultaneously raising your arms up. The neck position will be correct if you are looking in front of you. Freeze for 2-3 seconds and return to the starting position.

Treatment of the spine involves 8 repetitions. Beginners perform one approach. Rest - 2 minutes.

Strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles

Lie on your left side. The left arm is extended in front of you. The palm lies on the surface of the floor. The right hand should be raised up, touching the floor with the palm.

The exceptionally straight right arm and leg must be raised and pulled towards each other at the same time. The exercise involves working the neck. The head is raised, the gaze is directed straight ahead. 2-3 seconds are enough and slowly take the starting position.

To ensure effective treatment of the spine, perform this exercise on the right side.

One approach is 8 repetitions in one direction and then in the other. The break is 2 minutes.

Stretching the lumbar muscles

Lie on the floor. Relax your neck muscles as much as possible. The position of the spine is exclusively straight. Bend your legs, bringing your feet as close to your buttocks as possible. Then just as smoothly return to the original state.

Spinal treatment is based on 3 sets of 12 repetitions. For beginners - 1 approach. The break lasts 2 minutes.

Strengthening the abdominal muscles

Lie on the floor surface. Place your hands behind your head, bend your knees. Feet should rest on the floor surface. This exercise effectively uses the neck muscles. Without lifting your feet from the floor, raise your shoulders and head. You will feel how the neck muscles work, pulling your head and shoulders forward. You should hold for 2-3 seconds. In this case, it is recommended to tense the neck muscles. Next, smoothly take the starting position.

Perform 3 sets, each containing 12 repetitions. Beginners perform 1 approach. You should rest for 2 minutes.

Uniqueness of the technique

The set of exercises described above is aimed at strengthening the spine. This is not the only development of the talented author. An amazing doctor created entire systems of exercises for various parts of the spine, aimed at strengthening the muscular system.

Valentin Dikul's complexes are designed for people who have been injured and patients with serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

He developed effective preventive complexes for office employees and drivers. He didn’t ignore the children either.

Valentin Dikul’s method is based on the fight against illnesses and is aimed at defeating them. This is its uniqueness. Since many techniques see their goal as adaptation and adaptation of the patient to the role of a disabled person.

No need to treat joints with pills!

Have you ever experienced unpleasant discomfort in your joints or annoying back pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you or your loved ones have encountered this problem. And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

Surely you have tried a bunch of medications, creams, ointments, injections, doctors, examinations, and, apparently, none of the above has helped you... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, since they will lose clients! It was precisely this that Russia’s leading rheumatologists and orthopedists jointly opposed, presenting a long-known effective remedy for joint pain that actually heals, and not just relieves pain! with a famous professor.