Exercises to increase ankle flexibility. Ankle mobility exercises. Strengthening and prevention

By ankle we mean the entire leg from the knee down. The knee itself is not included in this concept. Let's talk about how to strengthen your ankle at home and in gym, and also why it is needed.

Why strengthen your ankle?

Remember the feeling when you twist your ankle. If it were not for the ligaments and muscles of the legs, we would do this at every step. Every time the joint would suffer. But this doesn't happen. The leg is held tightly by the calf muscles. We won’t go into detail about what other muscles form the lower leg and foot - this is not an anatomy lesson.

The first and main function of a strong ankle is to maintain the human body in an upright position. Because of this heavy load, the Achilles tendon is quite thick (you can feel it above each heel). The next function is to support walking and running.

People with weak calf muscles are more likely to twist their legs, they are more likely to fall and injure themselves. The ankle system plays an important role in this.

And finally, the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles organize the appearance of our lower leg. This is very important for bodybuilders. Therefore, they pump the calves from all sides.

What problems do the feet and legs have?

Many people are born with an anomaly in the structure of the foot - flat feet. It can be transverse and longitudinal, but this is not the main thing. It is important that in the first years of life special exercises help get rid of such deformation. With age, this mission becomes impossible. Adults whose legs are positioned incorrectly in a relaxed position require special orthopedic insoles.

Prevention of flat feet should be carried out in childhood by strengthening the foot and ankle.

What are the dangers of foot problems?

Incorrect positioning of the leg leads to deformation of the entire skeleton, starting from the knees. First they hurt, then the problem spreads to hip joint. Flat feet affect a person’s well-being and are often the cause of headaches and neck pain, incorrect posture. The joint suffers first. It is the joint that is responsible for our mobility and flexibility.

Now you understand how important it is to strengthen your ankle with early years. By the way, with flat feet the need for training the ankle muscles increases significantly. Because with a weak ligamentous apparatus, such people are at greater risk of twisting their leg than healthy people. It also hurts them to run for a long time.

Strengthening the lower leg and foot at home and in the gym

At home

There are many ways, let's look at 6 main methods that will keep the joint and ligaments in good health:

  1. Jump rope. You need to jump low and try not to land on your heel. IN this exercise hands, reaction. The ability to synchronously use many muscles of the body is enhanced. You need to jump on your toes, preferably on a soft surface and in shock-absorbing sneakers. If you have flat feet, jumping without shoes increases unwanted stress on the joint.
  2. Running on your toes. If you run, organize periods of running on your toes. For example, you run 5 km every other day. Run one kilometer only on your toes. You can break this kilometer into several sections throughout the route.
  3. Scatter the buttons on the floor. Arrange a competition with your other half to see who can collect the most buttons with their bare feet. Grab the buttons with your toes and transfer them to 2 jars. It's useful and interesting. Firstly, the motor skills of the toes develop, and secondly, certain areas of the brain also work.
  4. on a hill. You can use any threshold or put unnecessary books. Stand with your toes elevated so that your heels on the floor are lower than them. Now slowly rise to the maximum possible height on your toes and lower back down. Do this 30 times.
  5. For the next exercise you will need a bottle. She will need to be rolled on the floor with her foot. You can wear socks, or you can barefoot. This is a kind of rehearsal for foot massage.
  6. The most enjoyable activity is foot massage. We recommend using special massagers. As a last resort, you can do it yourself. Believe me, there is nothing more pleasant. Especially for girls.

In the gym

We strengthen the joint and ligaments by doing calf exercises.

In Smith

The good thing about the Smith machine is that it has a threshold that makes it convenient to train your calves. You can additionally put a footrest in the form of a small platform.

Stand on it with your toes (or on the threshold). The bar needs to be set at such a height that you can remove it from its locking position by slightly lifting it onto your toes.

In this machine you can fully lean on the barbell without fear of falling. Do 12-15 vertical oscillations with the maximum amplitude of contraction and stretching of the calves. Please note that the entire ankle is tense along with the calves.

Do the exercise in two approaches. If you're lifting your ankle, do the exercise with weights.

In the Gakk machine

Here you can swing your ankle both with your head up and down. Do what is most convenient for you. But remember that you cannot fully straighten your knees. Let's look at an example of getting into the starting position for a leg press:

  1. Hang the desired weight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Let your heels hang off the platform (that is, you place your feet on the bottom of it so that the support is on your toes).
  3. Squeeze the weight, but you don’t need to fully straighten your legs.
  4. This is the starting position. We begin to raise and lower the weight due to the movement of the ankle. Press as you exhale, lower as you inhale. We do it slowly.
  5. 2-3 sets of 15 times is quite enough.

Some people find it more convenient to do the same exercise while standing on their feet. Choose the option that is most convenient for you.

Ankle pumping in a calf trainer

A very convenient machine for isolated work on the ankle:

  • You sit and there is no load on the spine.
  • You can focus on your shins, pumping the desired side.

There are many expanders for the hands. Unfortunately, they didn’t come up with something like this for legs. The way out of this situation is the “collect buttons” exercise. While you are trying to pick them up with your foot, the foot muscles are getting a great workout.

Lift development

Sometimes, people who practice ballet professionally need strong lifting development. This option is suitable for ballerinas, but it is very dangerous for unprepared people. We'll talk about how to develop calf raises.

The fact is that you need to stand not on the tips of your toes, but in the same way as you stand on your fists when doing push-ups. If we draw an analogy with our hands, then we will stand on the knuckles of the thumb and index finger. Got it? We find support to hold on with our hand, and in this way we try to stand on one leg, and then on the other.

You can also fill your legs using the techniques of Thai boxers and karatekas. This, on the one hand, strengthens the ankle, but on the other, it can lead to injury.

The ankle joint is a complex trochlear joint formed by three bones: the fibula, tibia and talus. Its main function is to support the human body in an upright position.

Ankle structure

The ankle, like any joint, is susceptible to diseases and injuries. The cause of injury may be insufficiently strong ligaments. Special gymnastics can help in the treatment, strengthening and restoration of the ankle.

A set of special exercises will help eliminate painful syndrome and strengthen the joint. It is important to remember that it is impossible to put too much strain on the sore limb, as well as to endure pain.

You can do it at home the following exercises for ankle:

Doing the exercise “” strengthens the ankle muscles well.

During exercise, you need to make sure that the inflamed joint does not strain. If during the exercise any discomfort appears, then you need to reduce the amplitude of the movement as much as possible, or completely abandon it.

With absence physical training classes should begin with a minimum number of repetitions, gradually increasing the load.

For injuries

Depending on the stage of treatment, the patient is prescribed special gymnastics complexes. The load should increase gradually. None sudden movements You can’t do it with your ankle.


During the period of immobilization (time of bone fusion), the injured ankle needs complete rest. The recommended exercises ensure complete blood circulation of the soft tissues in the injured area, excluding the formation.

All exercises are performed lying down:

  • flexion/extension of toes;
  • lifting/lowering, adduction/abduction of the injured leg;
  • muscle tension with a gradual increase in strength (isometric mode).

Walking with support on a cast leg gives excellent results. But the exercise must be agreed upon with the doctor. Attempting to stand up without permission is completely unacceptable. In this case, there is a high probability of disruption of the healing process of the damaged bone.


The gymnastic complex expands after the plaster is removed. The exercises are performed while sitting on a chair.

Exercise therapy at the post-immobilization stage helps restore limb function and includes:

  • performing flexion and extension movements with the foot;
  • rocking and rotation of the feet;
  • imitation of walking: the foot is rolled from heel to toe.
  • feet stand on tiptoes, we begin to abduct and bring the heels together;
  • put a rolling pin on the floor, now roll it, using first the outer, then the inner surface of the foot;
  • We place our feet on our toes and perform springy movements with them;
  • We try to grab a small object with our toes and hold it for a few seconds.

After the cast is removed, the ankle should be permanently worn, but the elastic bandage must be removed during exercise. When performing gymnastics, maximum care must be taken so as not to provoke pain. It is recommended to exercise two to three times a week.

To strengthen the ankle joint after bone fusion (ligament injury) and restore impaired functions, exercise physical therapy you need to continue for at least another month. The load on the ankle can be increased. This also applies to the execution time of the complex.

  • We stand straight. We alternately rise on the toe, then on the heel;
  • standing straight, we redistribute the body weight. First we put the load on one leg, then on the other;
  • perform squats (the foot is completely on the floor);
  • walking in place, first on toes, then on heels and outside feet;
  • perform lunges forward, loading the injured ankle.

A complex of therapeutic exercises is compiled by a specialist. The doctor also prescribes the frequency and duration of its implementation.


A sign of a weak ankle is frequent injuries. For example, women can “fall” even from low heels, and after a short walk a person’s middle and ring toe begin to hurt.

How to strengthen your ankle? You can use the following methods at home:

  • jumping rope. You need to jump low and land on your toes. It is advisable to exercise in sports sneakers and on a soft surface. If there is, then jumping without shoes will only increase the load on the foot;
  • running on toes;
  • Good training for the ankle: picking up small objects from the floor with your toes, for example, buttons or glass marbles.

Exercises for ankle joint With rubber band. You can buy it at the pharmacy. Exercises with a rubber band improve the condition of the muscles and ligaments of the ankle joint:

  • starting position - sitting on a chair or floor, feet together and connected with an elastic bandage. We place our feet on our heels and spread our toes, applying the necessary effort;
  • starting position - sitting on a chair or floor, feet crossed at the ankle area and tied with tape. Heel support. We spread our socks apart again.

This set of exercises to strengthen the ankle will help make weak ligaments stronger, eliminating accidental injury to the joint.

At the beginning of classes, you can use the services of an instructor, and later, as you master the complex, you can perform the exercises yourself at home.

Arthrosis is a serious disease characterized by the development of a destructive process in the cartilage tissue of the joint. Quite often, the disease affects the ankle area, and in the absence of adequate therapy, it can cause complete disappearance of cartilage and immobilization of the joint.

It is important to promptly seek help from a doctor who will prescribe comprehensive treatment. In addition to the use of medicines, they are particularly effective therapeutic exercises with arthrosis of the ankle joint.

Essence and causes of the disease

With arthrosis of the ankle joint, thinning of the cartilage tissue occurs, especially severe cases it is completely worn out. Along with the progression of the disease, intense pain appears, due to which the patient consciously or due to the inability to move the leg normally limits his movement. The result of this is even greater deformation of the joint.

Arthrosis most often affects older people, but the disease is often diagnosed in young people. The development of pathology can occur for various reasons:

  • changes caused by the patient's age;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • damage;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • hypothermia;
  • impaired blood circulation;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity.

Arthrosis brings a lot of discomfort. Most often, the patient is bothered by pain, which at first is barely noticeable and occurs only when walking and running. As the disease progresses to a more severe stage, the pain intensifies and begins to appear even in a calm state. There is a feeling of stiffness, and over time - deformation of the position of the foot. All this prevents physical activity, normal movement and significantly worsens the patient’s quality of life.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

During your visit to the doctor, the orthopedist (or surgeon) will take a medical history and examine the presence of hereditary diseases and injuries suffered in childhood. A significant role during diagnosis is played by the patient’s complaints and a description of the nature of the pain and its duration.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will order an x-ray; sometimes an MRI, ultrasound, or blood test is required, which will help identify the presence of an inflammatory process.

After carefully studying the research results, the specialist will prescribe treatment, main role in which taking medications plays a role.

However, due to the specifics of the disease, therapy must be comprehensive: an exclusively medicinal approach to treatment may not have a positive effect unless the patient changes his diet and starts exercising. therapeutic exercises.


Despite the fact that movements with arthrosis cause difficulties, exercise therapy is necessary. Gymnastics helps enhance the positive effects of therapeutic methods. The advantage is that you can perform special exercises at home on your own, after consulting with your doctor first.

Rules for performing exercise therapy

Before you start practicing physical therapy, you need to learn the following rules:

  1. You cannot do gymnastics when the disease is in the acute stage, especially if the inflammatory process has begun with arthrosis and swelling of the ankle has appeared. You can start doing exercises after finishing the course of taking anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Women during menstruation, patients with elevated body temperature, or during the rehabilitation period after surgery should avoid exercising.
  3. Don't start doing it right away difficult exercises, first you should warm up your muscles. First you need to start simple exercises, smoothly moving on to more complex ones.
  4. When choosing the intensity of the load, you need to take into account the stage of development of the ankle disease.
  5. Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the ankle joint should be regular.
  6. During exercise, you need to monitor your well-being. If it worsens or increases in pain, you should stop exercising.
  7. After finishing physical education, you should rest for a while - your pulse should normalize.

Important! A set of exercises should be selected individually for each person, taking into account the characteristics of the disease, level of endurance and well-being.

Objectives of exercise therapy at various stages of arthrosis

Physical therapy at different stages of arthrosis should have different tasks. So, during an exacerbation period you should not experience physical exercise, therefore the patient must remain in a calm state for 3–4 days.

After this period, you can begin to perform physical therapy exercises, which must meet the following tasks:

  • improve blood flow;
  • relieve muscle spasms;
  • normalize the functioning of the body.

At the stage of remission, gymnastics has the following tasks:

  • restoration of joint mobility;
  • improvement of well-being;
  • increasing the body's endurance;
  • improving joint stability.

Ankle exercises

Most often, doctors advise performing the following exercises for arthrosis of the ankle joint:

  1. Using your hands, you need to move the ankle in the ankle area. It is necessary to slowly tilt the foot from one side to the other. Sudden movements should be avoided; a person should not experience discomfort.
  2. You should rotate your ankle joint against the clock and vice versa.
  3. In a sitting position, you need to cross your legs at the ankle area and rise on your toes, and then lower your foot to the floor.
  4. Sitting on a chair, you need to move your toes, trying to wrinkle an imaginary fabric.
  5. While sitting, you should curl your fingers in inner side feet.
  6. Feet are on the floor, heels together, toes apart. You should rise up smoothly and then lower down. The exercise is performed in sitting position.
  7. You need to walk on a pyramidal step.
  8. Place your feet on a low bottle or stick, and then roll back and forth.
  9. The “bicycle” exercise is performed with the feet.
  10. While standing, you need to perform shallow squats. Care must be taken to ensure that your feet do not leave the floor.
  11. A small step similar to the height of the foot is required. The toes should be on the step, the heel should be on the floor, the foot should be lowered and raised.
  12. Standing against the wall, you should fix your legs (feet should be together). You need to smoothly approach the wall with your body and then return to the starting position.
  13. When sitting down, your feet should be raised up and down.
  14. Lie on your back, bend your knees. Leaning your heels slightly on the floor, you should bend and straighten your legs.
  15. Sitting on a low chair, you need to imitate the process of walking in a sitting position, while you need to lift your toes and heels in turn.
  16. You should lie on your back, legs straight. We pull our socks towards ourselves, then away from ourselves.
  17. Feet are placed together thumbs move away from each other as far as possible, then move closer.

Important! Exercises performed in water are especially beneficial for the ankle joint: this way the leg is not overloaded when performing gymnastics.

Exercise therapy is considered effective if the patient’s well-being begins to improve, there is no pain, and joint mobility increases.

Treatment of arthrosis with gymnastics, in comparison with other therapeutic methods, does not require material costs. To forget about problems with the ankle joint forever, all you need is willpower and a little free time.

Weakness of the ankle ligaments is indicated by signs such as instability of the leg, especially in heels, frequent sprains and dislocations, pain in the thumb and middle toe even after minimal load. Usually the patient tries to solve an existing problem at home by applying pain-relieving ointments. The discomfort goes away, the injured tissues heal, but the problem itself does not go away, and the injuries recur. In order for recovery after damage to be complete, you need to know how to strengthen it. We offer several simple ways to strengthen the ankle.

Stretching as a variant of micro-gymnastics

With age, the ligaments of the ankle joint lose their elasticity in the absence of adequate load on the legs. Therefore, any inaccurate movement of the leg can lead to painful consequences and even pain in the foot area after normal exercise.

The easiest way to restore the elasticity of the ankle ligaments is to carry out regular micro-gymnastics aimed at stretching.

You can perform stretching exercises in any position, both lying down, sitting, and hanging, standing. For such gymnastics you do not need to wear a uniform or go to the gym. Everyone can take 10–15 minutes to devote attention to the rehabilitation of joint mobility.

Such a complex may include several exercises to choose from.

Curling your toes

You can start doing such movements without getting out of bed in the morning. Squeeze your toes as if you were trying to grab something. Immediately straighten your fingers, trying to spread them out and point them towards you. Perform repetitions at a fast pace.

You will immediately feel how the tendons on the sole and ligaments on the ankle work. Determine how many times you repeat this exercise based on how you feel. It will be enough to do up to 20 repetitions.

If the ligaments in the ankle joint are stiff, cramps may occur. Therefore, you need to control the voltage. During gymnastics, do not lift your heels off the surface and do not strain your knees.

Rotation of feet

Rotational movements of the ankle help not only improve the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus, but also work the joint itself, ensuring the flow of blood and nutrients to it and increasing the volume of joint lubrication.

Start rotating your feet to the right first. After repeating up to 10 times, do the same number of times in the opposite direction. Now try to rotate your feet in different directions at the same time, pointing them outward and then inward.

Such simple moves will help with both joint diseases and varicose veins. After them, fatigue and swelling go away. Therefore, it would be appropriate to repeat the rotations in the evening after a hard day of work.

Ankle flexion/extension

For a good stretch of the ankle ligaments, turn on home gymnastics Several exercises for flexion movements:

  • point the toes on your feet away from you, then pull them towards you;
  • repeat the exercises, pointing the toes of one foot towards you, the other - away from you, change the direction;
  • leaning on your heels, tilt your feet to the right, return to the starting position and repeat tilting to the left, try to touch the mat with the edge of the sole;
  • spread your feet in different directions, bring them together.

Repeat each action up to 10 – 15 times. This complex can be performed in a sitting or lying position.

Walking simulation

Another great exercise which can be performed even at the workplace. To do this, remove your high-heeled shoes and restore the natural position of your feet.

Place your feet side by side and begin to lift your feet alternately. In this case, the fingers remain firmly pressed to the floor. Try to pull your heels up as much as possible. Repeat the lifts as long as you have the patience, but 30 times will be enough.


Video - Exercises to strengthen the ankle

Raises on toes/heels

Restoring the elasticity of the ankle ligaments necessarily includes raising your heels and toes.

Start with calf raises. Lift your heels off the floor and stretch upward as much as possible. The tension should be felt calf muscles. At the top point, freeze for 10 counts and lower your entire foot. Repeat the lifts up to 30 times.

Now we begin to rise on our heels, for which we tear our socks off the surface. It is difficult to maintain balance in this position. Therefore, hold your hand on a wall or chair. You can complement the heel raises with upward swings of your arms - this will help maintain your balance.

If these lifts are difficult or painful, start with alternating lifts.

You can make the exercise more difficult. To do this, start doing rolls: first we rise on our toes, and after returning to the starting position we immediately rise on our heels.

An interesting interpretation of the exercise is an option using a hill. A step or thick book will do. We stand on the edge on our toes. On the first count, pull your heels up. After stopping, we immediately lower it to the floor. This moment is the most important, since without training it is problematic to perform it correctly. Therefore, do not try to repeat the action as much as possible, but do it as much as you can, but correctly.

This complex is used for initial stage recovery after injury. It is also interesting because it can be used in the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

Additional exercises with objects

If you're looking for more challenging ways to strengthen your ankle after an injury, try doing exercises with different objects. Remember that such loads are allowed in the later stages of recovery from an ankle injury.

Collecting Items

You will need small objects that you can grab with your toes. These could be buttons or pebbles, small toys or balls. We also need a container where we will collect these items.

We scatter the equipment on the floor. We sit on a chair and try to grab objects with the toes of one foot, then the second or both at once, and transfer them to the prepared container.

You can increase the load if you perform the movements while standing on one leg. At the same time, not only the ligamentous, but also the vestibular apparatus is trained.

Ball exercises

For training you will need a regular ball. It’s good if there are several of them and of different sizes.

The ball can be:

  • roll with the sole of one foot;
  • grab with both feet at the same time and lift;
  • move from place to place with your feet.

If possible, kick the ball with your feet, play football, and kick it into the goal. Such movements perfectly train the muscles of the lower leg and ankle tendons. Just take precautions to avoid re-injuring your leg.

Exercises with a jump rope

Jumping rope perfectly strengthens the ankle joint. You can jump on your toes or
landing on your entire foot. If you do not bend your knees, the ankle will receive maximum load.

Such training can only be carried out in sports shoes and by choosing the correct length of the rope. Keep in mind that people with severe obesity, problems with the spine and knees are strictly prohibited from jumping.

How much time to devote to such jumps is determined by the condition of the joints, as well as the pulse. Do not allow the number of heart beats to exceed 120 during exercise.

Workouts with an elastic band

An ordinary elastic bandage from the pharmacy is a great device to increase the load on the ankle during training.

Using this device you can perform the following exercises:

  1. Place your feet together and wrap them with a bandage. Without lifting your heels, try to stretch the bandage by spreading your toes to the sides.
  2. Cross your legs and place the backs of your feet together. Wrap them with a bandage again and spread your socks apart.
  3. Make a loop out of the bandage by looping it around the table leg. Place one leg into it and stretch the bandage in different directions: back, to the sides. Switch legs and repeat the movements.
  4. Place the loop behind the chair leg. Sitting on a chair, place both legs in the loop. Stretch the bandage by moving your limbs forward. Do the exercise with one leg, then the other.

In addition to such simple devices, you can also use professional ones. For example, exercise on a steppe, exercise bike, stepper.

Foot massage

Some patients think that complete ankle restoration is only possible in a rehabilitation center or sanatorium, where specialists know exactly how to treat joint diseases.

But it turns out that the simplest method of rehabilitation is available to everyone. And this does not require a professional or specific approach. This is a complete foot massage. Moreover best massage- This is normal barefoot walking.

The main thing is to choose the right surface on which to walk. Definitely, linoleum or tiles are not suitable for such therapy. But rougher and uneven coatings will be ideal.

For training, you can use surfaces like:

  • straw or grass mats;
  • bamboo mats;
  • cork slabs;
  • sand;
  • small pebbles;
  • thick grass;
  • log paths.

Moreover, you can find such materials not only at the dacha, but even in the apartment. In addition, special massage mats with different surfaces are sold, which are convenient to use both at home and while traveling.

Think about how much time you spend in front of the TV. Try to devote at least half of this time to walking barefoot and within a couple of weeks you will feel an improvement in the condition of your ankle.

Ankle weakness is a very common problem. Its presence is evidenced by a tendency to twist the legs when walking in heels, frequent painful sprains, pain in the middle and ring toes even after light exertion. Typically, people with this pathology relieve discomfort with pain-relieving rubs and ointments, but this does not completely eliminate the problem. Meanwhile, you can strengthen your ankle at home. For this purpose, a specially developed set of exercises is intended, which we offer to the attention of readers.

Source: depositphotos.com

Walking on different parts of the feet

This exercise is known to everyone: it is with it that the warm-up begins in physical education classes in kindergarten and school. It’s very simple: while doing household chores, move around the apartment, alternately stepping on different parts of your feet. For example, walk to the kitchen on tiptoes and walk back to the room on your heels. Then you need to use the inside and outside of the feet. You need to perform the exercise barefoot. If the floor in the apartment is not very warm, you should wear thick socks or knitted slippers.

Circular movements of the feet

Sit on a sofa or chair with your legs extended and slightly elevated. Rotate your feet, keeping them suspended, first towards each other (inward), and then in the opposite direction. In order for the muscles and ligaments to receive the necessary load, you need to make 15-20 movements in each direction. However, this standard is individual. Experienced trainers advise performing the exercise until a slight burning sensation appears in the joints.

Walking barefoot

Walking barefoot is useful not only for strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the ankle. There are many acupuncture points on the feet, the impact of which strengthens the body’s defenses and improves the condition internal organs, reduces swelling and cramps, relieves the feeling of fatigue. In addition, this procedure helps improve blood circulation in the lower limbs and significantly reduce the risk of developing varicose veins.

To really benefit from this activity, you need to choose the right surface for barefoot walking. A floor covered with linoleum or tiles made from pressed raw materials based on synthetic resins is unlikely to be suitable for this. It has been established that walking on the following types of surfaces has a positive effect on the body:

  • grass or straw mats;
  • bamboo mats;
  • cork slabs;
  • boards made from solid trees of various species;
  • sand;
  • small pebbles;
  • dense short grass.

It may seem that cottage owners have more opportunities to use the right massage surfaces, but this is not the case. In any city apartment you can organize a training corner equipped with a mat or a shallow tray filled with smooth, medium-sized pebbles. Ready-made massage mats that have several areas with different surfaces are also very convenient. When purchasing such a device, you should give preference to a rug made from natural, environmentally friendly materials.

Lifting objects with your toes

This is another exercise, familiar from childhood, that strengthens the ankle. To complete this, you will need small hard objects (pebbles, glass balls, buttons, etc.) and a low container. Sitting on a chair, you need to collect objects from the floor, grabbing them one at a time with your toes, and transfer them to a basin or box.

The exercise can be performed standing on one leg (legs should be changed periodically). In this case, it will serve not only to improve the condition of the ankle, but also to train the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements.

Exercises with a rubber band

A pharmaceutical rubber bandage is one of the most successful devices for strengthening training. With its help, you can do exercises that have a positive effect on the muscles and ligaments of the ankle:

  • sitting on a chair, place your feet close to each other and tie them with a bandage, securing the knot on top. Now place your heels on the floor and lift your toes. In this position, try to spread your socks to the sides several times, stretching the bandage;
  • secure the bandage in the same way as in the previous exercise. Cross your feet, place your heels on the floor and again stretch the bandage several times, trying to move your toes as far apart as possible;
  • secure the bandage knot to a support (such as a cabinet leg). Place the toe of your foot into the resulting loop (the heel should be on the floor) and pull it towards you several times, overcoming the resistance of the bandage. The movements can be performed with each leg separately or with both legs together.