Exercises for the spine at home: therapeutic exercises using the Dikul method. Neck stretching without machines. Therapeutic exercises for the spine at home, feel the effect Exercises for a sore back

A sedentary lifestyle leads to a variety of diseases of the spine and back. To maintain a healthy back, it is necessary to do therapeutic sets of gymnastic exercises for the spine. Even healthy people need daily morning back exercises for prevention purposes.

Exercising in the morning after waking up has many advantages:

  • help the body wake up faster, trigger all processes;
  • lift your spirits;
  • relax muscles, reduce pain;
  • the vertebrae are strengthened;
  • improve microcirculation;
  • can be used to prevent back diseases.

Basic rules for effective training

In order for back gymnastics to bring maximum benefits, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. Only constant exercise will help achieve the desired effect.
  2. You cannot make sudden movements; everything is done slowly and calmly. Exercise is needed to awaken the body and relax the muscles.
  3. Breathing should be calm and even.
  4. If any exercise causes pain, it should be skipped.
  5. Exercises for the spine should be carried out from the lower back to the neck.
  6. To prevent spinal diseases, one session a day is enough. When treating more serious problems, the average amount is 2-3 times a day.


When preparing the body for the upcoming load, you can use the same exercises as in the main part, but in a simplified version. Muscles should not be subjected to heavy load:

  1. Stand on your toes, stretch up. Bend down, arms hanging relaxed.
  2. Hands on the belt. Inhale – moving your arms back, exhale – starting position.
  3. Hold on to the back of the chair, rise on your toes.
  4. Walking with high knees.
  5. Lie on your back, make wide movements with your arms and legs at the same time. Repeat the same thing, turning over on your stomach.

Morning exercises based on yoga exercises

Simple exercises to awaken your body and tone your back muscles:

  1. Cat. Take a kneeling position, supporting yourself with your hands. Exhale – arch your back, lower your head. Inhale - bend over, raise your head. Do it smoothly and slowly. Repeat 10-12 times for 2-3 approaches.
  2. Downward facing dog. Focus on your knees and palms. Inhale – raise your pelvis, straighten your legs. Feet completely on the floor. Stay in this position for a minute and take a break. Do it three times.
  3. Upward facing dog. Starting position: lying on your stomach, resting on your elbows with your palms facing the floor. Exhale – move your shoulders back, straighten your chest. Raise your head and bend at the waist, lift your pelvis off the floor. Hold for a minute, rest. Do it 3 times.
  4. Crocodile. Take a position lying on your back with your arms out to the sides, palms up. Make a twisting movement - head to one side, legs to the other. Repeat on the other side. Repeat 10 times.
  5. Boat. Lie on your stomach, stretch out your limbs. Exhale – bend your back, raise your limbs as high as possible. Hold for 10 seconds, break – 1 minute. Do it three times.
  6. Bridge. Lying on your back, arms up. Focus on your feet and hands, lift your body to an arc position. The head is below the buttocks. Hold for a few seconds, breathe slowly. Perform 3 times with one-minute breaks.
  7. Child's pose. Focus on your knees and feet, buttocks on your heels. Exhale – bend forward, extend your arms straight or leave them along the body. The forehead touches the floor. The spinal column should be elongated. Stay for 1-3 minutes.

Exercises to strengthen your back must be done regularly, otherwise there will be no benefit.

Exercises for different parts of the spinal column

This gymnastics for the spine will thoroughly work out every department.

Cervical region

Basic exercises:

  1. Sitting at the table, rest your chin on your hands. Using muscle effort, try to reach your chin to your chest.
  2. Cross your arms behind your head, try to tilt your head back.
  3. Press your forehead against the wall and try to “move” it for a few seconds.
  4. Turns the head to the sides.

It should be done slowly to avoid pinching.

Thoracic region

What to do:

  1. Tilt the body left and right, the arm moves with the body.
  2. Rotation of the shoulder joint alternately back and forth.
  3. Place your hands in front of you, bend your elbows, palms at head level. Bringing and spreading hands. The work of the muscles in the chest and shoulder blades should be well felt.
  4. Lying on your stomach, arms extended forward, lift your chest off the floor. Hold for a few seconds.

When performing gymnastics for the thoracic spine, you need to breathe as calmly and very slowly as possible.


Simple tasks:

  1. Bicycle - do it in both directions.
  2. Lying on your back, raise your legs 90 degrees. Perform crosses like scissors. A more difficult option is to raise your legs 30 degrees.
  3. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Inhale - raise the pelvis, exhale - lower it.
  4. Stand with your back to the wall, press yourself. Stretch up, hold in this position for several seconds, relax.

Important: complex gymnastics for the lumbar spine can only be performed after visiting a doctor.

Exercises for back problems

Separate exercises are needed for each problem so as not to cause even more harm.

Cervical osteochondrosis

The simplest exercises:

  1. Slowly turn your head right and left until it stops. Can be performed standing or sitting. There should be no pain.
  2. Tilt your head back, your right ear should touch your right shoulder. Carry out the same movements in the other direction.
  3. Touch your chin to your chest, turn your head, try to reach each shoulder.
  4. Lying on your back, raise your head, straining your neck muscles. Hold for a few seconds.

Before performing complex exercises against osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Thoracic osteochondrosis

Basic movements for this problem:

  1. Sit on a chair with a low back. Bend your back so that you can see the opposite wall.
  2. Sitting on a chair, hands on knees. Inhale - bend to the side, exhale - return to the starting position. The same in the other direction.
  3. Lying on the floor with your arms supported, bend your torso. It should rise a short distance from the floor.
  4. Straight arms along the body. Inhale - bring your shoulder blades together, exhale - return to the starting position.

Lumbar osteochondrosis

What you can do at home:

  1. Place your foot on a stool and bend your torso towards it. Do the same with the other leg.
  2. Lie on your back, bring your legs to your chest. Hold for a few seconds and return to the original position.
  3. Focus on your knees and palms. Extend your left arm and right leg at the same time and repeat in the other direction.
  4. Lie on your stomach, arms along your body. Try to raise your legs up, bending at the lower back.

Intervertebral hernia

If you have a herniated disc, all training must be very careful! It is best to start them after going to the doctor. Here is an example complex:

  1. Sit on a chair, keep your back straight. As you inhale, pull in your stomach, wait a couple of seconds, exhale and relax your abs.
  2. Lying on your stomach, forearms on the floor. Raise and lower your head.
  3. Walking in single file.
  4. Emphasis on palms and knees. Tilt your body forward with your arms extended. Place your buttocks on your heels. Return to starting position. This exercise is performed very slowly.


The following exercises are used to treat curvature of the spinal column:

  1. Lie on your back, hands behind your head, elbows together. Inhale - spread your arms, exhale - return to the starting position.
  2. Lying on your back, alternately bringing your legs to your stomach at the moment of exhalation. Inhale – return to the starting position.
  3. Lie on your stomach, lift your chest, arching your spine.
  4. Alternately raising your legs from a supine position.

Qigong gymnastics

The Chinese qigong technique for the spine is effective in inflammatory processes. It is necessary to perform the exercises slowly and smoothly, concentrating on internal energy. This is the simplest complex:

  1. Hands along the body. Inhale – lift to shoulder level. Exhale – lower, applying pressure to the air. Near your stomach, turn your palms towards you.
  2. Palms clasped behind the head, lean to the sides. Legs remain straight.
  3. Hands on the belt, thumbs in front. Turn your right elbow and body back, and use your left palm to “push” the air forward.
  4. Raise your arms straight up. Shift your body weight to your left leg and place your right leg on your toe. Tilt to the right. Repeat the same on the other side.
  5. Lie on your stomach, rest your chin on your palms. Pull the knee of the right leg towards the right elbow. Repeat the same on the left side.
  6. Turns the head left and right. Try to extend your gaze further, straining your eye muscles.


When you should not do therapeutic exercises for the spine:

  • exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • severe discomfort or pain during exercise;
  • any bleeding;
  • some diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • sudden movements, jumping, pushing, strong twisting are prohibited;
  • It is forbidden to start basic exercises without warming up;

If you perform gymnastics daily and correctly to strengthen your back, the effect will be noticeable after the first classes. You shouldn’t chase quick results, you need to relax and enjoy the process. Exercise not only works on your back, but also has a positive effect on your overall well-being.

Civilization does not have the best effect on the human spine. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, the spine has a lot of unpleasant consequences, where the main ailments are discomfort and back pain. In addition, the spine can be the cause of ailments and diseases.

For example, problems in the cervical region cause headaches, problems in the thoracic region cause heart pain, and problems in the lumbar region cause problems in the lower extremities.

To neutralize these symptoms, leading medical experts recommend daily exercise, which is suggested in many videos on Internet sites.

Exercises for the spine (back) have the following effects:

  • Strengthens the muscles of the cervical, lumbar and thoracic region, through various turns, stretching and squeezing;
  • Increases the elasticity of tendons and ligaments;
  • Corrects acquired and congenital disorders of the spine;
  • Improves blood supply to the spine;
  • Relieves tension in intervertebral discs and vertebrae;
  • Helps restore lost spinal functions;
  • Reduces the risk of intervertebral hernia;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which is similar to the effect of acupuncture.


Exercises to prevent spinal diseases are easy and simple. However, if performing exercises causes pain, you should immediately contact a medical specialist.

Video on the topic.

Exercises where gymnastic exercises are performed to warm up the back

  • Inhale and raise your arms up. We exhale, lower our hands;
  • We hold on to support (the back of a chair, etc.). We rise from our heels to our toes, then smoothly and slowly lower ourselves;
  • Hands are placed on the belt, legs are set shoulder-width apart. Inhale and move your arms back, bringing your shoulder blades together as much as possible. Exhale, and return to the starting position, where the elbows are brought together in front and the shoulder blades diverge as much as possible;
  • Walk with your knees raised high in place.

Exercises where gymnastic exercises are performed as basic exercises for the lumbar, cervical and thoracic spine (video lessons can be found on the Internet):

  • We stand straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale, raise your arms and stretch upward. Exhale, lower your arms and bend forward;
  • Hands down. We alternately tilt left and right, with our hands sliding along the body;
  • We stand straight. Turns are performed to the right and left, where the arms are relaxed and overwhelm the body as they move. The exercise should be done with smooth body movements.
  • Rotate your arms in a circle. This exercise for the cervical spine is called the “mill”.

    Final exercises for warming up the back (you can find video lessons on the Internet):

  • Circular movements of the head in one direction and the other (charging for the cervical region, performed smoothly, without sudden movements);
  • Circular movements of the lower back.
  • This set of exercises relieves the spine, strengthens the muscular system of the back, and stimulates blood circulation. Performed in any conditions, including the workplace.

Spinal stretch

Due to vertical load, the spine shortens during the day. Of course, this circumstance negatively affects the entire body as a whole. Exercise aimed at stretching the spine helps restore its original length, and therefore the healthy functioning of all organs.

Exercises are performed calmly and slowly, without sudden movements.

A complex for stretching the lumbar, cervical and thoracic spine consists of five exercises(you can find video tutorials on the Internet):

  • Face down, we are lying on the floor. Palms are placed under the chest. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Resting on the fingers of the lower extremities and palms, we lift and bend the body so that the back has the shape of an arc. The head is lowered, the hip joint is located above the head. Smoothly change the position of the body: lower the hip joint, raise the head;
  • Face down, we are lying on the floor. Palms are placed under the chest. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise the hip joint and rotate to the right and left, while dropping as low as possible;
  • In the position, legs are bent, sitting on the floor. We lean on our hands. Raise the hip joint to a horizontal position. Let's go back;
  • We lie on our backs and spread our arms out to the sides. Pulling to the chest, we clasp the bent knees with our hands. It is advisable to touch your chin with your knee;
  • Movement on all fours. Walking the entire room around the perimeter is quite enough.
    Begin to perform a set of these exercises two to four times. Subsequently, the repetitions increase.

Probably every person in his life has heard about the benefits of exercise. Special exercises for the back and spine are especially useful, because it is thanks to the spine that a person can move. The spine is a kind of supporting structure in the body; the condition of many internal organs depends on its health.

Back pain is quite common, especially after prolonged physical activity. Few people want to experience it for themselves. To prevent back pain, you need to regularly do gymnastics that strengthens the muscles.

How is exercise beneficial for the back and spine?

Gymnastics is useful not only for children or teenagers, but also for adults. It can be practiced by both absolutely healthy people and people with various diseases. In the first case, there are practically no restrictions, in the second, you need to consult a doctor.

During sleep or rest, muscles become sluggish, stagnation appears in the body, internal organs receive less oxygen, and this reduces the efficiency of their work. A person feels lethargic, sleepy, tired. Gymnastics helps to “invigorate” the body, trains the heart muscle, and also strengthens the back muscles.

Regular gymnastics is especially recommended people with sedentary jobs. Such people often feel back pain; due to low mobility, the tissues begin to gradually atrophy and weaken, and the person gradually loses the ability to perform even simple physical activity. So, you need to do charging:

  • To relieve muscles.
  • To improve blood circulation.
  • For the prevention of back and spine pain.
  • For good mood, energy and vigor
  • To relieve pain and relax tense muscles.

What are the indications and contraindications for charging?

Much has been said about the benefits of exercise - it helps with scoliosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia and a number of other serious diseases of the back and spine. However, in case of illness, exercise should be special. All exercises must be agreed with your doctor.

Any exercise is, so you need to know in what situations they are contraindicated. We list the diseases for which exercise cannot be done:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Thrombosis.
  • Aortic aneurysm.
  • Chronic diseases in acute form.
  • Infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Heart and respiratory failure.
  • Bleeding.
  • Intoxication.
  • Brain circulatory disorders (acute form).
  • High body temperature.
  • Late stage diabetes mellitus.

People who have recently undergone surgery or injury should not exercise.

What basic rules should you follow when doing exercises?

When doing exercises, you should remember one main rule - don't harm your body. If something doesn’t work out, pain, severe shortness of breath and rapid fatigue begin, the exercise should be stopped immediately. People with poor physical fitness don't need to do a bunch of difficult exercises right away. Everything needs moderation, the main thing is to feel yourself and your body.

All exercises for the back and spine must be approved by a doctor. If you have serious health problems, some exercises are contraindicated. Let's highlight the basic rules that should be followed when charging:

  1. You cannot exercise if a person has any acute disease. First, treatment, then, when it gets better, you can start doing simple exercises.
  2. You should not take painkillers before exercising. These drugs dull the body's sensitivity, which means that a person can put a lot of stress on the muscles and ligaments without feeling it.
  3. You need to monitor your feelings. Severe pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness indicate that a person is doing something wrong. Classes must be stopped immediately.
  4. Before the main exercises, it is recommended to do a short warm-up, or warm up the muscles with hot water. This will prevent possible injury.
  5. Exercises should be performed smoothly and slowly. For a person exercising for the first time, it is better to choose light exercises.
  6. You should carefully study the technique of performing each exercise. Improper execution may result in injury.
  7. To achieve a positive result, you need to exercise regularly.

A properly designed set of exercises will help not only strengthen the spine, but also improve the health of the entire body. Doing the exercises incorrectly can lead to injury. The exercise therapy complex must be prescribed by a doctor.

Exercises for the back and spine

There are many exercises that can help train your back muscles and increase spinal flexibility. Many of them must be performed lying down, so it is advisable to purchase a special gymnastic mat. Let's look at the most popular exercises.

  • Standing against the wall. The goal is to straighten your back and correct your posture. To do this, you should lean so that the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels touch the wall. You need to stand in this position for 15 minutes a day. It is important to do this evenly without distorting the body. This simple but very effective exercise will help the body “remember” how to maintain correct posture. Over time, the wall will not be needed; the person will train himself to walk, stand and sit in the correct position.
  • Back bending. You need to lie on your stomach with your arms extended along your body. Then you need to bend your back back while raising your legs without bending them at the knees. Repeat from 5 to 20 times depending on physical fitness.
  • Cat. Get on all fours. As you inhale, arch your back, fixing the body position for 2-3 seconds. Then, as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Lying on your back, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, bending your knees. Place your hands near your ears, fingers pointing toward your shoulders. We bend our back, resting on our feet and palms. It is advisable to fix the body in this position for some time. Then we slowly lower ourselves to the floor.
  • Plow. Lie on your back with your arms extended along your body, palms down. As you inhale, we begin to slowly raise your legs and lower back from the floor. As you exhale, continue to raise your legs so that your hips touch your chest and your feet touch the floor. You should stay in this position for 10 seconds and then slowly lower your legs to the floor.
  • In the lotus position. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed, elbows on your knees, and forearms and hands parallel to the floor. As you inhale, slowly turn your torso to the left, leaning back slightly, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Then we also make a right turn. You need to repeat the body turns 10 times in each direction. At the same time, the lumbar spine is strengthened.
  • Standing curls. The exercise is performed standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, and hands resting on the thighs. Without bending your knees, you need to bend your back as much as possible, bringing your elbows towards each other. You need to repeat the bends several times. This strengthens the lower back and increases the flexibility of the spine.
  • Sitting on the floor, place your right foot behind your left thigh. The left leg is straight. The right hand is lowered to the floor. As you inhale, slowly turn your torso to the right, so that the elbow of your left hand rests on the knee of your right leg. Do the twist several times, then change legs.

Charging must be done smoothly. If something doesn't work out, don't torture yourself. It is better to start with light physical activity. The main thing is to consult a doctor.

Some diseases of the musculoskeletal system are prevented in a fairly easy and affordable way. To do this, it is necessary to perform a certain set of exercises (physical therapy), maintaining regularity and correct execution technique. Charging for the back will allow you to:

  • avoid curvatures - lordosis or kyphosis in adolescence, when the spine is still quite plastic and can bend under uneven or incorrect loads;
  • avoid protrusion of intervertebral hernias;
  • strengthen the muscular frame to maintain the spinal column in an anatomically correct position;
  • get a surge of energy, ensuring a higher level of performance.

If exercises for the spine are performed regularly, then you can be sure that with age this part of the body will remain strong and healthy, but only if the set of exercises is carried out regularly and is part of life. In addition, the likelihood of occurrence is reduced.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the purpose for which the exercise is performed to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine. This can be therapeutic exercises to eliminate the symptoms of a particular disease, or preventive exercises for the back muscles.

This is important to consider, since the set of exercises will be completely different.

When is the best time to exercise?

Morning exercises for the spine allow you to stretch your joints and vertebrae. Therefore, if it is not possible to perform full-fledged gymnastics or for the cervical spine in the morning, then you should limit yourself to at least a light warm-up.

Also, if you have a sedentary lifestyle or work, you should arrange small physical exercises with an appropriate set of movements at your workplace. In all other respects, stick to a schedule that suits you.

The benefits of daily exercise

Experts recommend doing physical activity at least 3 times a week. Since a less frequent load on the muscle frame does not have the desired effect. It is especially useful to exercise in the morning and after back exercise.

If you exercise your muscle tissue daily, this will allow you to quickly form a fairly strong muscle corset. But it is he who maintains the spine in a physiologically correct position and prevents the formation of deviations in the normal functioning of the back. There is an exercise for pumping up the abs, in which the spine also plays an important role.

List of exercises

It is necessary to pay attention to the purpose for which charging is performed. If these are preventive purposes, then a complex for strengthening the back is suitable.

If exercise therapy is needed to eliminate the symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, then it is necessary to focus on those gymnastics that are suitable:

  • for the lower back;
  • for the cervical region;
  • for the thoracic spine.

In this way, you can strengthen the part of your back that is most affected by the disease.


This exercise is performed while standing on all fours. As you inhale, your back bends upward as much as possible. And as you exhale, you need to bend it down. At the same time, the lumbar and thoracic regions are worked out. The exercise is great for stretching the spine, so it should be performed in the morning and after prolonged sitting.

Downward facing dog

This yoga asana, which, despite its apparent simplicity, requires a careful approach to implementation.

Execution sequence:

  • you need to lie on the floor, bending your elbows and leaning on the floor at chest level;
  • while inhaling, raise your body so that your tailbone looks vertically upward, and lower your head down between your straightened arms;
  • Thus, the body and legs form a triangle, in which you need to freeze for at least 1 minute;
  • then return to the position lying on your stomach and relax your body muscles.

This exercise is ideal for relaxing the back muscles after a long period of standing, as well as for stretching the back of the thigh.

Upward facing dog

This exercise is also an asana pose. It is performed from a lying position on the floor face down. Your arms should be bent at the elbows, with your palms resting on the floor at chest level. As you inhale, your arms should straighten, raising your entire body, hips and legs. Only the top of the foot and hands should rest on the floor. In this exercise, the entire body forms a smooth arc with the torso positioned vertically. The head should look straight ahead. It is necessary to fixate in the pose for at least one minute, gradually increasing the time.

This exercise intensively affects the stretching of the spine.


This exercise is best performed in the morning in order to develop the joints of the spine. The technique should be smooth, with even breathing without delays. The interesting thing is that this is not one exercise, but a whole complex, divided into several stages:

When performing all stages, you must lie on the floor with your back down:

  • Stage 1 - spread your arms to the sides with your palms up, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, point your feet perpendicular to the floor. It is necessary to turn your legs from hip to foot, first in one direction and then in the other. At the same time, try to place your feet on the floor;
  • Stage 2 - the same starting position, only the legs are crossed at the ankles, one on top of the other. At the same time, the entire body turns along with the legs, first to one side, then to the other;
  • Stage 3 is similar to the second, only when turning the body, the head must be turned in the other direction. This way the neck and back are worked out;
  • Stage 4 - spiral twisting, in which the body with legs turns in one direction, and the head in the other. But the heel of one foot stands on the toes of the other, forming a chain;
  • Stage 5 - lying on your back, place one ankle on the other knee. On the count of 1, turn your legs in one direction, with the knee of the bent leg on the opposite side of the body. The head turns in the opposite direction;
  • Stage 6 - lying on your back, legs should be bent at the knees and feet on the floor. The spine is twisted, with the knees placed in one direction and the head turned in the other;
  • Stage 7 - lying on the floor and bending one leg at the knee, the other must be placed with the ankle on the thigh. At the same time, turn your head in one direction and place your legs in the other, without changing their relative position. That is, one leg that was bent should lie completely on the floor. And the second one is placed with the foot on the floor, while the bent knee looks up;
  • Stage 8 - lying on the floor, legs must be bent so that the feet are lifted off the floor. After this, turn your legs and part of your body to one side, placing your bent knees on the floor. At the same time, the head turns in the other direction.

Exercise “Crocodile” toes on toes, arms to the sides.

Exercise “Crocodile” with knees bent

Exercise "Crocodile" feet shoulder width apart

Exercise "Crocodile" leg on leg

Exercise “Crocodile”: the ankle of one leg lies on the knee of the other

Exercise "Crocodile" legs are lifted off the floor and bent at the knees


You need to lie on your stomach on the floor. Stretch your arms in front of you. Then try to raise your arms and legs at the same time, arching your back. At the same time, rock back and forth. Performing this exercise without some physical training is quite difficult. This puts a significant load on the back, so it is necessary to start with a small deflection, gradually increasing it and performing a greater number of repetitions of movements.


This exercise is well known to everyone since childhood. From a supine position, you need to bend your knees. At the same time, throw your arms back behind your shoulders, resting on the floor. Then try to bend the body so that it forms a friend. It is necessary to lock in the upper position for some time. The fixation time gradually increases. The gymnastic bridge is somewhat similar to, but their functions are slightly different.

Child's Pose

Lying on the floor on your side, you need to round your back, pull your bent knees as close as possible to your chest. Try to hug them with your hands. fixate in this position for a certain time.

Universal exercise for the back and spine

Universal exercises for joints and spine will help keep this part of the body healthy. It includes the following set of exercises:

  1. Lie on the floor on your back, stretch your arms up behind your head. As you exhale, raise your body with your arms raised up and stretch them to your toes. At the same time, the back is rounded as much as possible, and the spine is stretched.
  2. Get on the floor on all fours. The back should be parallel to the floor. At the same time, the arm and the crossed leg are raised to a position parallel to the floor. They are then lowered into place. And another pair of limbs rises. Movements should be smooth.
  3. For the cervical region, it is recommended to perform smooth turns of the head from side to side, with fixation at the extreme points for several seconds.
  4. Then you need to tilt your head back and forth, also with fixation in extreme positions.
  5. Tilts the head from side to side. First, the left ear is brought to the left shoulder, the head is fixed at this point. Then the right ear bends as far as possible towards the right shoulder - the head is also fixed for several seconds. In this case, the shoulders must be kept level, without lifting.

Fast charging while sitting at the workplace for the back

Most city dwellers have to spend most of their working time sitting at an office desk. At the same time, it is quite easy to develop a disease of the musculoskeletal system. To avoid this, it is enough to perform a set of light exercises that will stretch your joints:

  • turning the head from side to side, back and forth, tilting to one shoulder then to the other;
  • rotating the head first in one direction, then in the other;
  • clasp your hands together, stretching them out in front of you and tilting your head into the distance between them. At the same time, round your back with a wheel, and stretch your arms as far forward as possible. In this case, the spine is stretched in the thoracic and cervical region;
  • place your clasped hands behind your back and bend your chest forward. At the same time, try to throw your head back, looking at the ceiling. Hold this position for a few seconds.

Exercises for the back and spine at the workplace (3)

Indications and contraindications for therapeutic exercises

It must be remembered that it is best to perform back exercises when the spine is healthy and does not experience any problems. At the same time, it is better to give up exercises like or other weights, and work with your own weight. But if there are deviations in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, then it is necessary to select only a suitable complex of exercise therapy. A physical therapy specialist can help with this.

But it is important to remember that any back disease, be it disc protrusion, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, spondylolysis and others - each of them has 4 stages. Loading the spine is permissible only at stages 1 and 2 of the disease.

At the 3rd stage, gymnastics is performed only to a strictly limited extent and under the supervision of a specialist. In case of grade 4 of any spinal disease, it is prohibited to perform exercise therapy.

To keep your back healthy, you need to monitor the condition of your spine and muscles.

In people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, problems with the musculoskeletal system often arise before the age of 35.

Everyone knows that disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so start doing simple exercises for the spine before problems arise.

When and how to do exercises for the back muscles

The main rule is exercises need to be done regularly.

It's better to exercise 15 minutes every day than 2 hours 3 days a week.

To get your body used to exercise, choose free time for it and do exercises in the morning or evening, this will prepare your back for stress and prevent diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

While charging watch your breathing, it should be smooth and deep.

At It is necessary to regularly perform exercises that develop and maintain the tone of the muscles of the back and abdomen and ensure normal functioning of the thoracic region.
  1. For the exercise, you will need a chair with a low back so that your shoulder blades rest on it. Bend back so that you can see the wall behind you.
  2. Sit on a chair, place your hands on your knees, inhale and bend to the right, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise by bending to the left.
  3. Lie on the floor, place your hands on the floor and try to arch so that your body lifts off the floor.

To train the spine and back muscles during exercise, include the following exercises in your exercises::
  1. Stand next to a chair, put one leg on it and bend over. Switch legs and repeat the exercise.
  2. Lie on your back and pull your legs towards your knees, hold this position for a few seconds, return to the starting position and relax.
  3. Get on all fours, simultaneously extend your right arm and left leg, then your left arm and right leg.

Regularly performing these exercises will help strengthen the lower back, improve blood circulation in the back, and ensure mobility of all segments of the lumbar region.


Scoliosis is a disease that affects people of different ages.

You need to fight this disease when the first symptoms appear; they are especially effective.

To prevent the appearance of scoliosis, it is enough to perform 3 exercises during morning exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, place your hands on the back of your head and bring your elbows together. As you inhale, spread your arms in different directions, and as you exhale, return them to the starting position.
  2. Starting position - lying down, bend your knees one by one and bring them to your stomach as you exhale. As you inhale, return to the starting position.
  3. Lie on your stomach, lift your chest. The exercise should be performed no more than 5 times.

Daily exercise is an effective way to prevent or treat spinal diseases.

The main thing to remember is a few rules: all exercises are performed smoothly, without sudden movements. Don't forget about warming up, and after doing exercises you need to allow your muscles to relax. For example, you can sit on your heels and tilt your torso down, try to touch your head to the floor. This will relieve muscle tension and tune in to other work.