Exercises for the spine and back pain. The best selection of exercises for the spine at home Exercises for the back in pairs

Reading time: 21 minutes

Lower back pain is one of the most common problems, which, according to statistics, affects every third adult. If you do not deal with pain in the back and lower back in time, you can subsequently develop a serious spinal disease.

We offer you a selection of effective exercises for lower back pain to relax and strengthen muscles, as well as to increase flexibility and mobility of the spine.

Lower back pain: what causes it and what to do?

Most common cause The occurrence of lower back pain is a sedentary lifestyle and poor development of corset muscles, which are not able to support the spine. In addition, the cause may be various pathologies, excessive stress, or simply a sudden awkward movement that provoked pain. Most of these problems can be neutralized with lower back exercises.

What can cause lower back pain:

  • staying in one position for a long time;
  • weak back and core muscles;
  • excessive loads or non-compliance with exercise technique;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • large excess weight;
  • improper diet and vitamin deficiency.

To prevent lower back pain from causing serious problems with the spine, must be fulfilled special exercises for the lower back, which will help relieve discomfort, reduce pain, improve the health of the body and serve as a good preventive measure. It is not for nothing that the basis of rehabilitation after back injuries is physical therapy and gymnastics for the spine.

Why it is useful to perform exercises for the lower back:

  • pain in the lower back is reduced due to muscle stretching and relaxation
  • the spine is strengthened and its flexibility increases
  • blood circulation increases, which saturates the joints and vertebrae with nutrients
  • strengthens the corset muscles that support the spine
  • posture improves
  • improves the functioning of the heart and lungs
  • hormonal levels are normalized
  • the risk of hernia, osteochondrosis and other pathologies is reduced
  • the functioning of the pelvic and abdominal organs improves

A set of exercises for lower back pain should include: muscle stretching exercises and muscle strengthening exercises. During exacerbations, tension in the muscles is observed, so first of all they need to be relaxed - for this, a muscle stretching complex is performed. To prevent lower back pain, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles. When strengthening the back muscles, the load on the spine decreases, since a significant part of the load is taken on by the muscle corset.

Rules for performing exercises for the lower back

  1. You should not force the load and overload your lower back with exercises in order to achieve your goal faster. Start with light loads, gradually increasing the duration of exercise.
  2. Exercises for the lower back should be done with the load and amplitude that is comfortable for you. Do not make sudden jerks or movements while performing exercises for the lower back, so as not to aggravate the problem.
  3. One or two workouts will not help solve the problem; try to perform a set of exercises for the lower back on an ongoing basis. It will be enough to train 3 times a week for 15-20 minutes.
  4. If you have a cold floor or cold weather outside, then dress warmly and lay a rug or blanket on the floor to prevent your lower back from getting cold.
  5. Perform exercises on a hard surface: a bed or soft mat is not suitable. During exercises lying on your back, your lower back should be pressed to the floor.
  6. Do not forget about breathing while performing a set of exercises for lower back pain. The training should be accompanied by deep, even breathing, each static exercise perform for 7-10 breathing cycles.
  7. If while performing any exercises you feel discomfort in the lower back or spine, then it is better to skip such exercises. If during the exercise you feel acute pain, then in this case it is better to stop training altogether.
  8. You should not perform the proposed set of exercises for the lower back during pregnancy, after a spinal injury or with chronic diseases. In this case, consultation with a doctor is required.
  9. Remember that if you have some kind of chronic disease, then a set of exercises for the lower back must be selected individually. For example, for scoliosis, exercises to straighten the spine are indicated, and for osteochondrosis and hernia, exercises to stretch it.
  10. If discomfort in lumbar region does not go away within a few weeks, consult a doctor. Lower back pain may be a sign of a serious illness. The sooner you begin the treatment process, the easier it will be to avoid irreversible consequences.

Exercises for lower back pain: stretching

We offer you stretching exercises for the lower back muscles, which are suitable for eliminating painful spasms and as a preventive measure. Stay in each pose for 20-40 seconds, you can use a timer. Remember to do exercises on both sides, right and left. If any exercise gives you discomfort or pain, then interrupt it; the workout should not bring discomfort.

1. Downward facing dog

From a position on all fours, move your buttocks back and up, stretch your arms, neck and back in one line. Imagine that your body has formed a slide: try to make the top higher and the slopes steeper. You can simplify the position a little by bending your knees and lifting your heels off the floor.

Take a lunge position, lower the knee of one leg to the floor and take it as far back as possible. The second leg forms a right angle between the thigh and shins. Stretch your arms up, feel a pleasant stretch in your spine. Hold this position and then move into pigeon pose.

From the lunge position, lower yourself into pigeon pose. Right pelvic bone cover your left heel. You can deepen the position by moving your left shin slightly forward. Pull your pelvis towards the floor. Place your forearms on the surface or lower your body to the floor or pillow - take a comfortable position, focusing on your flexibility.

After pigeon pose, return to a low lunge and repeat these 2 exercises on the other leg. You can use yoga blocks or books:

To perform this very effective lower back exercise, sit in a sitting position with your legs extended in front of you. Cross your leg over your hip and twist your body in the opposite direction. This exercise not only allows you to stretch the muscles of the back and lower back, but also gluteal muscles.

5. Seated bends

Remaining in the same position, gently lower your back towards your feet. It is not necessary to make a full fold; it is enough to just slightly round your back to stretch the spine. In this case, it is advisable to lower your head on some support. You can bend your knees or spread your legs slightly to the side - choose a position that is comfortable for you.

6. Bending in the lotus position

Another very useful exercise for lower back pain is bending in the lotus position. Cross your legs on the floor and bend first to one side, holding for 20-40 seconds, then to the other side. Try to keep your body straight, your shoulders and body should not move forward.

7. Leg raise with a strap (towel)

Now let's move on to a series of exercises for the lower back while lying on the floor. Use a strap, tape, or towel to pull your straight leg toward you. During this exercise, the back remains pressed to the floor, the lower back does not bend. The other leg remains straight and lies on the floor. If you cannot keep your leg extended and pressed to the floor, you can bend it at the knee. Stay in this position for a while and move to the other leg.

By analogy, perform another effective exercise for the lower back. Lying on your back, bend your leg and pull your knee toward your chest. When doing this simple exercise The lumbar muscles are stretched very well and painful spasms are reduced.

9. Bent leg raise

This fitness exercise is very often used to stretch the muscles of the buttocks, but for stretching lumbar muscles it suits best in the best possible way. Lying on your back, bend your knees and lift them so that your hips and body form a right angle. Grab the thigh of one leg with your hands and place the foot of the other leg on your knee. Hold this position. Make sure your lower back is pressed firmly to the floor.

Another nice relaxing exercise for the lower back is the happy child's pose. Lift your legs up, bending your knees, and grab the outside of your feet with your hands. Relax and stay in this position. You can sway a little from side to side.

Now let's move on to an exercise for the lower back, which involves twisting the spine. Lying on your back, turn your arms and crossed legs to one side. The body seems to form an arc. In this exercise, a large amplitude is not important; you should feel a slight stretch in the lumbar spine. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds and turn to the other side.

12. Lying Back Twist

Another very useful and important exercise for the lower back, which will help relieve pain in the sacral area. Lying on your back, slowly rotate your pelvis and move your leg to the side, throwing it over the thigh of the other leg. The lower back comes off the floor, but the shoulders remain on the floor.

Another simple exercise for lower back pain. Lie on your stomach and move your leg bent at the knee to the side. The other leg remains extended, with both legs pressed to the floor.

Get on your knees and spread your legs to the side or close them. Exhale and slowly bend forward between your thighs and lower your head to the floor. This relaxing lower back exercise will make your entire body feel lighter, especially your back. This is a resting pose, you can stay in it even for several minutes.

You can also turn first to one side, then to the other, this will help to better stretch the lumbar muscles.

Lie on your back again and place a small pillow under your hips and knees, with your feet touching the floor. Relax in this position for a few minutes.

Exercises for lower back pain: strengthening muscles

Thanks to the proposed exercises, you can improve the mobility of the spine and get rid of discomfort in the lumbosacral region. In addition, you will strengthen your muscle corset, which will be an excellent prevention of lower back pain. Therefore, if you are often bothered by lower back pain, then be sure to take note of these exercises. Please note that it is not recommended to perform exercises to strengthen muscles during exacerbations.

1. Cat

The cat is one of the most useful exercises for the lower back and back in general. As you exhale, round your back, push your shoulder blades as high as possible and retract chest. As you inhale, bend well in the lumbar region, pointing the crown of your head toward your tailbone, and open your chest. Perform 15-20 repetitions.

In a standing position on all fours, while inhaling, we stretch our leg back, and while exhaling, we group ourselves, pulling our forehead to our knee. Try not to touch the floor with your foot. Perform 10-15 repetitions on each side.

3. Raising arms and legs on all fours

Remaining in a standing position on all fours, grab the opposite leg with your hand and bend at the lumbar region. The stomach is tucked, the muscles of the buttocks and legs are tense, the neck is free. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, maintaining balance.

Get down on your stomach and take a lying position. Bend your elbows and spread them to the sides. Lift your body up, lifting your chest off the floor. Try to lift your body while keeping your neck neutral. Hold in the upper position for 5-10 seconds and return to the starting position. Complete 10 reps.

A similar strengthening exercise lumbar region, only in this version the hands are behind the head, which complicates the position. Both of these lower back exercises are variations of hyperextension, but without the use of additional simulators. Also do 10 reps.

Remaining in a lying position on your stomach, alternately lift your opposite arms and legs up. Movements of the arms and legs should be as synchronous as possible. Stay in the extreme position for a few seconds, try to perform the exercise efficiently. Do not mechanically swing your arms and legs. Repeat the exercise on each side 10 times.

Take your hands back and clasp them together. At the same time, lift your shoulders, chest, shins and knees off the floor, forming an oblong boat with your body. The exercise is not easy, so first try to hold this position for at least 10-15 seconds. You can do several short approaches.

While lying on your stomach, move your arms back and grab your feet with your hands. The thighs, stomach, chest and forehead remain on the floor. Keep your shoulders away from your ears and don't strain your neck. Stay in this position for 20 seconds.

You can also do this version of this exercise for the lower back while lying on your side:

While lying on your stomach, lift your shins up and lift your knees off the floor. Grab your ankles with the same hands outside. Bend over as much as possible, lifting your hips and chest off the floor, placing your body weight on your stomach. Imagine that your legs and torso are the body of a bow, and your arms are a stretched bowstring. This exercise for strengthening the lower back is quite complex, so you can gradually increase its amplitude and execution time (you can start with 10 seconds).

From a lying position on your stomach, lift your body, leaning on your forearms and bending in your lower back and thoracic back. Stretch your neck, lower your shoulders, relax your neck and aim the top of your head up. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds. Sphinx pose also helps improve your posture.

If you feel uncomfortable doing this exercise or have lower back pain, you can do an alternative with pillows:

From a lying position on your stomach, lift your body, leaning on your hands and bending in your lower back and thoracic back. Straighten your arms, stretch your neck, aim your head up. Stay in the cobra for 20-30 seconds. You can spread your arms wide, this will make it easier to maintain the position. If you feel discomfort or pain in the lower back, do not perform this exercise.

Take a lying position on your back, legs bent at the knees. Lift your pelvis up, tensing your stomach and buttocks. Hold in the upper position for 5-10 seconds and return to the starting position. This exercise is useful not only for the lower back, but also for strengthening the buttocks and abs. Repeat the bridge 15-20 times.

13. Table pose

Table pose is another effective exercise for the lower back. Take a table pose and stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, repeat in 2 sets. Please note that the hips, stomach, shoulders, and head should be on the same line. The shins and arms are perpendicular to the body. This exercise also opens up the shoulder joints well.

An excellent strengthening exercise for muscle corset is the bar. Take a push-up position, your body should form one straight line. The arms are positioned strictly under the shoulders, the stomach and buttocks are tucked. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. You can repeat the exercise in 2-3 approaches.

From the plank position, assume the “low plank” position – resting on your forearms. The body maintains a straight line, the buttocks do not rise up, the back remains straight without bends or deflections. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. You can also repeat the exercise in 2-3 approaches. After doing the planks, lower yourself into child's pose and relax for 1-2 minutes.

Thanks again to the YouTube channel for the images. Allie The Journey Junkie.

7 videos for lower back pain in Russian

We offer you a selection of videos for the back in Russian that will help you get rid of lower back pain at home, strengthen your back muscles, and restore lost mobility of the spine. The workouts last from 7 to 40 minutes, so everyone can choose the right video for lower back pain.

1. For the lumbosacral spine (20 minutes)

2. Exercises for the lower back (7 minutes)

3. For lower back pain and strengthening it (14 minutes)

4. Improvement of the lumbosacral region (17 minutes)

5. Yoga-based lower back exercises (40 minutes)

Modern lifestyle, unfortunately, does not have the best effect on the health of the spine. Back exercises are simply necessary for every person today. We, modern women, spend a lot of time at the computer (both working and relaxing). In addition to a sedentary lifestyle, we often give up any physical activity. Pregnancy and the birth of a baby, who often has to be carried in your arms, can also aggravate problems with the spine. Our husbands also often lead sedentary image life or, on the contrary, engage in heavy physical labor. Both of these have a negative impact on your back health. This is how protrusions, hernias, scoliosis and other back problems develop. Special gymnastics will help prevent or reduce the manifestations of the above diseases.

The exercises for the spine that I want to offer you are a complex for strengthening the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions. It consists of elements therapeutic exercises, exercises for stretching, posture and strengthening the back muscles, as well as simple yoga asanas. This gymnastics for strengthening the back at home takes very little time (15-20 minutes), but has a very good effect. healing effect. It is recommended to do the exercises daily. Start with 6 repetitions, gradually increasing them to 10-15-20. The number of repetitions and complexity of the exercises can be controlled independently. Perform them slowly with maximum load.

Gymnastics for the cervical spine

Let's start with cervical region spine.

Exercise 1. Pull your chin toward the ceiling without throwing your head back. 6-10 reps.

Exercise 2. Turn your head to the right up to the shoulder. Keep your chin straight. We try to pull it back as far as possible, looking behind our shoulder. When turning, we also direct our gaze as far as possible to the upper right point. 6-10 repetitions in one direction, then in the other direction.

Exercise 3. Tilt your head to the right - towards the shoulder. 6-10 tilts. Then we place our palm on the head and relax the neck - it will stretch under the weight of the hand, there is no need to apply special pressure. Slowly count to 10-20. Then we perform these exercises on the left shoulder.

Exercise 4. Tilt your head down, stretch your chin to your chest 6-10 times. Then we place both palms intertwined in a lock on the back of the head. The weight of your arms will cause your neck to stretch. We count to 10-20.

Strengthening the thoracic spine

Exercise 5. Straight arms are intertwined behind the back, head tilted forward. We pull the shoulders down, hold them, and return them to their place. 6-10 reps.

Exercise 6. Hands at your sides. We raise our shoulders and pull them towards our ears, hold them, and lower them down. We do 6-10 repetitions.

Exercise 7. Hands on shoulders. The body is straight. Only works thoracic region. We turn it to the right as far as possible 6-10 times, then to the left.

Exercise 8. Now you can relax a little - hang down and relax. We feel like laundry on a line. Hands clasped in front of chest. Slowly count to 10-20.

Back exercises on the floor

Now let's move on to floor exercises. We will be doing exercises for the lower back and stretching the back muscles.

Exercise 9. This is a yoga exercise. Asanas “Upward Facing Dog” and “Downward Facing Dog”. We do them quite energetically (this is a kind of warm-up), but at the same time we take our time, completing both elements to the end. In Downward Facing Dog, we make sure that the legs and back are straight. Feet and palms shoulder-width apart or closer. In the exercise we stretch our chest towards the floor (the thoracic region should bend). We try to stand on the floor with our heels. If it is difficult, you can bend your legs slightly at the knees. From this position we make the transition to “Upward Facing Dog”. We hold the body with our hands, without resting it on the floor. We bend, but do not bend our lower back - we squeeze our buttocks. We stand on our toes without touching the floor with our knees. Then we go back to Downward-Facing Dog. And so 6-10 transitions.

If these exercises are too difficult for you, you can make them easier. Instead of the corner position - "Downward Facing Dog", perform the position from your knees - on all fours. Upward-facing dog can be facilitated by touching your knees to the floor. Over time, complicate the positions to the required level.

Exercise 10. Exercise "The Little Mermaid". Position - on all fours. Knees together. We swing the tail left and right 6-10 times.

Exercise 11. The same initial position as in the previous exercise. Only now lower the pelvis completely to the right and left. We perform 6-10 repetitions in each direction.

Exercise 12. "Kitty". From a position on all fours, we bend the thoracic region inward, then bend our back, like a cat. It is necessary to perform 6-10 repetitions of these elements, smoothly flowing into one another.

Exercises 13. Lie on your stomach. At the same time we raise our outstretched straight arms and legs. We try to raise them as high as possible, lifting the chest as well. We count to 10-20. Let's go down. We do 6-10 such lifts.

Exercise 14. "Camel". From a kneeling position, we bend back, arching our chest. We stretch our chests towards the ceiling, buttocks tucked. You can tilt your head back briefly, but this is not necessary. Hands on feet. After some time, you can lower them to the floor. This is a rather difficult exercise. So if you are a beginner, you can skip it. Monitor your feelings. You should not feel any pain or discomfort. Do everything very carefully.

Exercise 15. Lie on your back. We bend our legs at the knees. The back is straight. Lower your knees left and right. We perform 6-10 repetitions in each direction.

Exercise 16. Lying on your back, first pull your right knee to your chest, then your left. We do 6-10 repetitions.

Exercise 17. Lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees, clasp them with your hands and pull them to your chest, lifting your pelvis from the floor. We perform 6-10 repetitions.

Exercise 18. "Rollers". We squat down. We lower the pelvis to the floor. The knees are pulled up to the chest, we clasp them with our hands. We roll onto our backs all the way to our necks. Then we return to our haunches again. We perform the exercise intensively, not forgetting to round your back. 6-10 reps.

Exercise 19. "Twist". We sit on the floor. Straight legs in front of you. The right leg, bent at the knee, is thrown over the left. Left elbow on right knee. We push off from the knee. The back is straight. Rotate top part body to the right. We count to 10-20. Then we do the same on the left side.

Exercise 20. “Shiva’s Twist.” We lie down on the floor. The right leg is straight. Left leg, bent at the knee, pressing the foot to the right leg, lower it to the right. Only the lower part of the body is twisted. The top one is motionless. Right hand- on the left knee. The left hand looks to the side. Pull your shoulder blades to the floor. Shoulders lie flat on the floor. We breathe evenly. We are trying to relax in this position. Slowly count to 10-20. Then we do the same twist in the other direction.

Perform these exercises diligently and regularly. If it’s difficult, you can first do them every other day, then gradually move on to daily practice. Don't be lazy. Very soon you will feel better. The health of your back is in your hands!

In addition, you can master and.

Back exercises: video

Yoga for beginners. How to strengthen your back and have correct posture (video)

If you have serious problems with your spine, consult your doctor before performing exercises!

Medical statistics claim that: more than half of patients of all ages over 20 years old complain of back pain, over 60 percent of all work losses are associated with diseases.

Three quarters of our fellow citizens (including older schoolchildren and students) suffer from the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. But to this we must add about another 10 percent of the population - those who suffer damage to the musculoskeletal system and its basis - - caused by excessive, excessive physical activity. In other words, even classes physical therapy(gymnastics) and sports alone do not protect against diseases.

Therefore, we hope that the presented resource will be useful and necessary for any of us.

Preparing to start treatment exercises

Back pain should not be allowed to get out of control. Pay attention to alarms.

Before difficulties really arise in the form of pinching, osteochondrosis, dystrophic changes, something must be done in any case. But in most cases, unfortunately, we do not do this, since the need for intervention is realized only when absolutely necessary - when movements are not as free as before, when it is not so easy to get out of the car, bend over - straighten up, catch up tennis ball And so on. It becomes burdensome to sit at a desk for a long time or persistent complications arise after an unusual load, such as playing football or working in the garden.

All this is an alarm signal, which means that not everything is in order with the spine and it would be more prudent to do something, conduct diagnostics to treat it. If complications and back pain are persistent, then you need to see a doctor and undergo a thorough examination of all departments. You may be prescribed physiotherapeutic treatment to eliminate any complications that may arise.

It is also necessary to perform exercises and a treatment program at home in order to strengthen the success of the treatment. If the complications are not yet so great, you can get into shape with just training program. You need to do gymnastics if you answered “yes” to two or more of the questions below:

  • Do you exercise rarely or not at all?
  • Do you have a profession that requires sitting or one-sided workload?
  • Do you sometimes have back pain, especially after a long period of exercise?
  • do you feel like you are a little stiff in your back?

You should definitely visit a doctor if you have:

  • pain in the sacrum, leg or arm, especially if the body takes a forced gentle position;
  • offset ;
  • back pain when coughing, sneezing;
  • frequent attacks of back pain throughout the year;
  • pain at rest;
  • loss of strength in an arm or leg
  • disappearance or weakening of tactile sensations.

It goes without saying that this is just a rough overview, but maybe it will help you.

The order of performing the exercises is always built this way:

  • warm-up
  • improved mobility
  • strengthening
  • installation

There are several rules for recovery and strengthening
to follow:

  • exercises for the spine should not cause any back pain;
  • exercises are performed slowly, smoothly and never sharply or abruptly;
  • joints must allow movement; the limit of joint mobility must not be crossed by force;
  • exercises should also be carried out only within the range of joint mobility;
  • mobility only makes sense when the muscles have enough strength to hold the position

All people have different capabilities, so before you start exercising to improve your health, check yourself whether you are the type of person who bends poorly and is sedentary, whose muscles are easily shortened, or whether you are a mobile person with weak connective tissue, whose muscles, however, , weak. You should orient your exercise program with this in mind. However, there are also known exercises for which, in principle, are suitable for all people suffering from back pain, although individual deviations are possible. When in doubt, your body will decide which exercises are appropriate and which are not. If necessary, exercises are replaced with others that are more suitable.

Mobility exercises

1. Starting position - sitting, straight on a stool, tilt your head forward and slowly turn to the sides. ;

2. Starting position is the same, turn your head far to the side. Move your chin up and down.

3. Starting position - the same, arms to the sides. Rotate your arms so that your palms are facing up and down. The shoulders also rotate.

4. Starting position is the same, fingers clasped, arms extended upward. Alternately pull your arms in one direction and the other, or with one hand describe a large circle around the body.

5. Starting position - standing on all fours, fingers pointing forward, elbows slightly bent, chest should not sag, head is a continuation of the pelvis moving up and down. At the same time, try to keep the thoracic region motionless (imagine: you have a glass of water on your shoulders).

6. Starting position - A variant of the previous exercise for better exclusion from the movement of the chest: hands rest on the stool, stretched. Movement of the pelvis forward and backward. This exercise is designed specifically for the lumbar region.

7. Starting position - standing on all fours. Move the opposite elbow towards each other, then extend them. Don't swing, keep stable.

8. Starting position - standing on all fours. Alternately lean on the opposite hand. The other arm and leg are slightly relaxed and suspended (about 2 cm). Keep your back stable. Perform at walking pace (about 120 times per minute). This exercise is recommended for training the variable load on the back when walking.

9. Starting position - standing on all fours.

Stretch your leg and pull it to the side, simultaneously stretch the same arm far forward and pull it in the opposite direction.

You can perform this exercise from a standing position: put one leg on a stool, the other leg to the side.

Exercises for

Basic rules for stretching exercises: for the exercise to be effective, it must be long --- minimum 8---10 seconds. Start in a position where you feel a slight stretch, stay there for 8-10 seconds and increase the tension slightly. Repeat this increase 3---4 times.

1. I.p.--- while sitting on a stool, grab the seat with your hand, your back should remain stable.

For trapezius muscle: tilt your head forward in the direction opposite to that which should be tense, and turn it to the tension position. Your free hand holds your head firmly while you pull yourself away from your fixed shoulders (with a straight back).

2. For posterior muscles: tilt your head forward and turn to the Side. Hold your head with your hand. Pull yourself forward with a straight back.

3. For the muscles of the lumbar back. I.p. - lying on your back; grab your knees and pull them towards your stomach. The upper body is relaxed. Static tension occurs when the knees press on the arms, which, in turn, pull the knees even more towards the stomach.

4. For the hip flexor muscles. I.p. - standing on one knee, the other leg bent at the knee in front. By moving the shin of the back leg back, internal rotation is created hip joint. Hands rest on the legs in front. The stomach and tension disappear; gradually move the thigh forward. Full tension of the hip joint occurs.

5. For extensor muscles. I.p. - standing, holding onto a support with one hand. Tighten your stomach and make the arch in your lower back disappear. Take your leg by the instep and pull it towards you so that the heel touches. Then gradually pull the hip back. Do not bend at the lower back!

6. For the flexor muscles. IP - lying on your back, legs extended forward. Raise your straight leg as high as possible. The second leg is straightened and remains lying down. Take the raised leg in the area, actively stretch your heel up. During the pause, you can slightly loosen or press your foot on your hands. Then try to reach with your heel again. The final goal: the extended leg is exactly vertical.

10. I.p. --- lying on your stomach, heels pressed to each other, arms along the body, thumbs hands out. Tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles. Squeeze your shoulders, raise your arms, lift your head away from the body, face down. Do not lift your feet off the floor.

You can vary your hand movements. For example, perform small striking movements or raise one arm forward and alternately “box” with your arms forward; you can put your hands forward (U shape).

11. I.p. --- lying on his stomach on the couch, grabbing the front edge with his hands. Slowly raise your closed legs, leave them slightly below horizontal and hold for about 6 seconds, then slowly lower them. Repeat 6 - 10 times.

12. I.p. - lying on your side, knees bent, lower arm extended upward, top hand rests on the floor in front of the chest, in correct position. Alternately bend and straighten your legs in weight. Don't swing.

13. I.p. - Same. The knees are bent first. Bottom hand And upper leg extended, the lower one remains bent, but should come off the floor, while the lower leg is raised higher. The upper hand is pressed to the lower leg, the elbow is slightly bent. The head looks back behind. Return to starting position. After several repetitions, turn in the other direction. Attention: the hip should not lean forward or backward!

14. I.p. - lying on your back. Place a flat cushion under your lower back. Spread your legs hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. The toes are raised as much as possible, the heels press on the floor. The arms are slightly raised, the hands are raised as high as possible at the wrist joint, the fingers are slightly bent, and the elbows are also slightly bent. Bench exercise. Raise your head, tuck your chin. In this case, strong pressure arises from the shoulders to the wrist, throughout, from the hip joint to the heels: the heels remain in place, the knees and elbows are bent, the back of the head is pulled away from the shoulders. This exercise has a tension effect on the entire axial skeleton, all the muscles of the back work together, and the muscle corset is strengthened. Note. If there are great difficulties in holding your head, you can leave it lying down, but not relaxed. should be tightened.

15. Modification of the previous exercise: for example, alternating pulling raises of the arms. One hand slowly moves up behind the head. Then the hands change
the tension is maintained.

16. I.p. - lying on your back. One hand rests on the opposite one, which is slightly bent. The other hand rests with the wrist joint and the heel of the other leg on the floor. This exercise has a strong impact on the abdominal muscles.

We will present to your attention a set of exercises for the back that will help strengthen the muscles and eliminate pain in this part of the body. The complex includes 7 simple but very effective exercises for the back and lower back, which will reduce pain in this area, and are also very useful for prevention for those who practice a sedentary lifestyle.

Before you start performing a set of exercises, you need to warm up. Warm-up should be 3-5 minutes, like in physical education lessons at school.

First, warm up your legs (raising your legs with a bend in the knee, wide lunges), then move on to your torso (bending in all directions and rotations), then warming up your arms (rotations in the shoulder, elbow and hand), and the final stage is warming up your neck (bending and rotating ).

For clarity, we suggest you perform the exercises outlined in the infographics.

ATTENTION! If you feel pain while doing the exercises, then you do not need to do this exercise so that this does not lead to negative consequences. Pain does not mean that you are closer to the cause of the pain!

Exercise 1

Eliminates pain in the lumbar region and strengthens the abdominal muscles.

Place an exercise mat on the floor. To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your back, put your arms along your body, and legs together. Raise your leg to a height of 10-15 cm from the floor and lock it in the maximum position until you feel tired. After a short break, perform the exercise with the other leg. Perform 5 lifts with each leg.

Exercise 2

Develops spine flexibility and also relieves lower back pain.

Lying on the floor, bring your knees together, then tilt them to the right, touching the floor, and tilt your head to the left. Then vice versa: knees to the left, and head to the right. In this case, the upper arm is retracted in the direction in which the head is turned. Perform 5 turns in each direction.

Exercise 3

Performs therapeutic and preventive back massage, and also increases the flexibility of the spine.

In a lying position, bend your leg at the knee and clasp it with your hands, pulling strongly towards you to touch your chest. Lock your leg in the maximum position until you feel tired. Then perform the exercise with the other leg, performing 5 repetitions on each leg.
You can also perform the exercise with both legs at the same time – 5 times.

Exercise 4

Strengthens muscles abdominals and backs.

Lie on your stomach, place your arms in front of you at chest level. Bend your knees and lift them 10-15 cm from the floor. Leaning on your hands, lift your upper body as much as possible. Try to keep your knees and pelvic area off the floor. Hold your body position in the maximum position for a few seconds. After this, return to the original position. 5 repetitions of the exercise will be enough.

Exercise 5

Strengthens the back muscles.

Get on your knees, rest your hands on the floor. First, bend your back down for a few seconds, and then up as much as possible. The exercise is performed in two blocks: the first - bending is done without stopping, the second - fixing for several seconds in the maximum position, in the top and lowest points. The first block is performed for a minute, the second should include 5 repetitions.

Exercise 6

Strengthens the muscles of the lower back and back.

Stay in the same position as after the previous exercise. Raise your leg and straighten it parallel to the floor, while keeping your neck and back straight. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and do the same with the other leg. The exercise should include 5 repetitions on each leg.

Exercise 7

Relieves stress from overstrained back muscles.

Stand straight, feet together, straighten, straighten your shoulders. Rise up on your toes, slightly lifting your heels off the floor, try to relax your back muscles. Stay in this position until you get tired. The exercise is performed in 5 approaches.

After completing the entire set of exercises, you need to stand up straight, spread your legs slightly, straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. As you inhale, smoothly rise up on your toes, while raising your arms above your head, hold in this position for a couple of seconds and then, as you exhale, smoothly lower to the starting position. Do 5 reps. This is a relaxing and calming exercise that will help tone the body after a set of exercises.

There is a joke:

“87% of young people suffer from back problems... It’s just that the remaining 13% don’t have a computer at home”

No matter what humor tells us, back problems occur at any age. Let's try to avoid them, or at least push them back to that late age when the need for physical activity will disappear by itself.

Just four easy back strengthening exercises will add confidence to your gait and save you from serious injury.

These exercises were developed by Roberta Lenard - personal trainer Massachusetts Fitness Center in Sommerville, USA.

Exercises to strengthen your back at home

Exercise one – hip bridge

How? We lie on our backs, bend our legs. The feet are pressed to the floor, at a distance equal to the width of your hips. The arms are relaxed and lie along the body. Tighten your gluteal muscles and, lifting your pelvis off the floor, lift your hips up. Make sure that your body is stretched into an absolutely straight line between your knees and shoulders. Hold the position for a few seconds and slowly lower back to the floor. The bridge is performed 12-13 times.

Why is this necessary? This exercise is a counterbalance to the sitting position (which is very popular nowadays), which puts too much pressure on the spine. We stretch the muscles of the thighs, stabilizing the spine (mostly in the lumbar region) and the abdominal and abdominal muscles (by the way, the exercise is a good way to get rid of the hated protruding tummy).

How to make the exercise more difficult? Lift one leg and extend it up towards the ceiling. The foot remains in a bent position, there is no need to “pull up your toes.” Make sure both thighs are at the same level. This is much more difficult - try to hold this for a few seconds, slowly lower yourself to the floor and repeat the same 5-8 times with the other leg.

Exercise two – “Dog and Bird”

We start like a dog - on all fours. Knees hip-width apart, hands with palms completely pressed to the floor, shoulder-width apart. Tighten your abdominal muscles and draw your stomach in so that your back does not bend and your hips do not move.

Now we get into the “bird” pose - stretch our right leg back and left hand forward. Hold this for 2-3 seconds, or more if you are still able to stand still. Change leg and arm. Repeat five six times.

Why is this necessary? This exercise supports muscle tone and improves coordination, which strengthens the spine, makes the gait firmer and stabilizes the work of the back muscles if you drive every day active image life and force your spine to overstrain without noticing it - dancing, walking, running, caring for a small, active child.

How to make the exercise more difficult? Gradually increase the time of “holding” the “bird” position to 10-12 seconds. Add load by periodically slowly raising and lowering your leg and arm.

Exercise three – side plank

How? Lie down on your right side, stretching your body in one straight line. We rest our elbow on the floor. Make sure your elbow is directly under your shoulder. Slightly straining your abdominal muscles, lift your hips off the floor. The neck is extended in line with the spine. You need to hold this position for 20-40 seconds. Then, turn over and repeat the same on the other side.

Why is this necessary? This exercise increases endurance, strengthens muscles and stabilizes the lower vertebrae, protecting you from daily physical overload (especially if you spend all day on your feet).

How to make the exercise more difficult? While holding the basic position described above, slowly lift your leg up and lower it down for 5-6 counts. Advice for those who are especially patient - hold your body not on your elbow, but by resting your palm on the floor. We do not bend the arm at the elbow, the palm is strictly under the shoulder.

Exercise four - lunges

How? Slightly tensing your abdominal muscles, step forward with your right foot. Hands on hips. The step should be large enough. The leg is bent at an angle of 90 degrees and the thigh is parallel to the floor. Perform the exercise 8-10 times.

After lunging with your right leg, return to a standing position and do the same with your left leg.

Why is this necessary? Lunges improve coordination, which is key to maintaining a healthy spine while walking, running, climbing stairs, and standing for long periods of time. Also, the exercise stabilizes the muscles of the buttocks, which is also good news.

How to make the exercise more difficult? Try doing diagonal lunges immediately after classic straight lunges. For what? This change in leg position will force you to exert more effort. more effort to keep your balance and not lose your balance.

After a few advanced workouts, try holding your hands behind your head during lunges or holding dumbbells in your hands to increase the resistance.

The main thing is to remember that without an elastic and strong muscle corset, our spine is subjected to monstrous loads every day. This is not immediately noticeable, but by adulthood, ligaments, cartilage, and intervertebral discs seriously wear out. This is what causes an ugly hump in old age. Any “interruptions” in the functioning of the back lead to a whole bunch of diseases - from arthritis to poor vision.

Beautiful back and healthy spine– this is grace, a thin, defined, toned silhouette and a confident gait. So, don’t let your back experience technical difficulties - it will still tolerate you until old age! And daily 15-20 minutes of light exercise will save you from any painful surprises until you are very old!

Doing the above exercises will be enough to strengthen your back muscles and relieve pain, but for the most active I will show you 15 more interesting exercises for the back muscles. It will be very useful for office workers.

A set of exercises to strengthen the back muscles, helping to get rid of pain

Regardless of your age, you may experience discomfort in your lower back if you spend a lot of time in sitting position. I also encountered the same problem, and I decided to find simple, but effective exercises to strengthen the back muscles.

First, I bought a horizontal bar for the office, I thought hanging on the bar would help solve the problem, but it didn’t help. To be honest, it became easier for me when I started doing deadlift barbells with a weight of 100 kg, only then I was released. But after long break I immediately lifted 140 kg and my back started hurting again. Therefore, you should not immediately take heavy weights and give a load without prior preparation. Below you will learn how to cope with pain more simple methods and strengthen your back muscles.

I will say right away that if the pain increases every day, it is better to immediately go to the doctor. And with stable discomfort, strengthening the back muscles may well help.

Simple exercises for the back muscles


Another name for the exercise is snake pose. This is a good preventative yoga exercise for the back. Keep your legs together and stretch your shoulders up as much as possible.

The exercise is similar to what chiropractors use in their practice, but it is safer and can be performed without any external effort. When doing this, try not to lift your shoulders off the floor, but touch the opposite side with your knee.

Lying with your back on the floor, clasp your knees with your hands and pull them to your chest, while you can lift your lower back off the floor. You need to freeze in this position for 15-30 seconds.

Stretching on a fitball

This is a more exotic exercise due to the fact that you need equipment in the form of a fitball. Everything is simple here, you need to lie on your stomach on the ball and relax your back muscles. You can lie in this position as long as you like.

This is an even simpler exercise. Here you need to place your legs higher than your back to supply blood bottom part back and reduce pain.

Hyperextension stretches

Hyperextension exercises will help strengthen the spinal erectors. Lift your torso up so that it forms a straight line with your legs and stay in this position for 15-30 seconds. You can also perform this exercise dynamically.

Hip stretch

In the starting position, lying on your back, bend one leg at the knee and place the other under it. Pull your legs toward your chest to stretch the muscles in your hips and back.


This exercise is suitable for more advanced exercisers who go to the gym and do not have back problems. This exercise perfectly develops the back straighteners. But it must be performed before back pain appears, that is, it must be used as a preventative, not a therapeutic one.

Exercise "prayer"

To avoid back pain, you need to keep not only your back muscles toned, but also your abs. With the help of the “prayer” exercise, you can strengthen your abdominal muscles with almost no strain on your back.

Hyperextension on a fitball

And again an exercise with a ball. If you have a fitball and don’t like going to the gym, then you’re in luck again, there is an opportunity to replace hyperextension and strengthen the spinal erectors. Everything is simple here, in the initial position with your hands behind your head, bend down, stretching your back muscles, then rise up and so on for several repetitions.

The exercise is very similar to the previous ones, but we slightly change the angle of inclination. Pros, by changing the angle of inclination, are able to shift the load to different groups muscles. You can accept it as a choice of a convenient option. Most likely there is no such simulator at home, but it can be found in any gym. And at home you can do it lying on the floor. The dynamics will be less, but you will still be able to work your back muscles.

Pelvic lift

And again the pelvic lift, I already talked about it at the beginning of the article. From a supine position, push your pelvis up and hold in this position. If your back is fine and you want to progress, you can put weight on your stomach to make the exercise more difficult.

Work breaks

And now we get to the most important advice in the fight against back pain in office workers. Be sure to take breaks every hour. Get up from your chair and do a little warm-up. You can do bends and squats with your arms extended forward. You can just get up, walk and go back to work if you are afraid that your colleagues will look at you askance. But, on the other hand, do you want to avoid back pain or do you want your colleagues to not look at you with a smile? Here the choice is yours, but remember, you and your colleagues will feel back pain. We recommend: . Good luck!