Exercises for youthful upper and lower eyelids and skin around the eyes. Raise the eyelids above the eyes - exercises and gymnastics on video Exercises for the muscles around the eyes

As sad as it may be, this moment The question is “how to tighten your eyelids?” worries many representatives of the fair sex.

Eyes are the most important part of the face; they largely determine the first impression that others have of us. Every woman tries to choose her makeup in such a way that her eyes appear even larger and more expressive.
But, unfortunately, the skin on our eyelids is very thin and delicate, and contains absolutely no fat. This is where the first wrinkles appear, often by the age of 25, and if a teenager uses cosmetics ineptly, even earlier.

By the age of 40, the ligaments connecting the upper eyelids with the levators also weaken(the muscles that lift them), all the eye muscles dry out and begin to atrophy. As a result, the wrinkled skin of the upper eyelids hangs over the eyes, visually making them smaller. The look becomes gloomy and tired, sometimes very heavy.

Rarely a woman can come to terms with the loss of beauty; most are looking for a way to preserve or return it.

How to tighten your upper eyelids? In this case, plastic surgeons offer their patients surgery – blepharoplasty. During this procedure, an incision is made along the natural fold line, through which excess skin and fiber are removed. But not everyone’s health and financial well-being allows them to go under the knife, and, besides, the result plastic surgery is not always predictable.

A way out of the situation could be performing eyelid exercises. After all, if any muscles of the body are weakened, they should be strengthened with the help of physical activity, the muscles of the eyelids are no exception. True, the effect of eyelid gymnastics will not be noticeable quickly. But still, with its help, with desire and patience, you can achieve very significant achievements.

Do eyelid exercises several times daily, and within a couple of months you will see noticeable results. The eyes will become more expressive and open, their puffiness will decrease, and visual acuity will increase.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to wait until the moment when you need to tighten your eyelids. Train them constantly from a young age, do not neglect cosmetic procedures, get good sleep - and the appearance of your eyes will please you for a very long time.

A set of strengthening and tightening exercises for the eyelids

It is better to do preventive and rejuvenating gymnastics while sitting on a chair in front of a mirror to see which muscles are working.

1. To warm up, do exercise that strengthens the muscles of the eyes and increases their mobility:

– Look ahead for a few seconds, then slowly move your eyes to the left all the way, after a few seconds - up, after - to the right and after a short pause - down. The eyes gradually turn clockwise. In each position, the gaze is fixed for a couple of seconds.
Do this for 5 circles and repeat in reverse order, moving your gaze counterclockwise.

2. Exercise for the upper eyelids “fast blinking”

– Raise your head up, direct your gaze to the ceiling, open your mouth and blink quickly for at least half a minute.

3. Exercise “on duty”

– Close your eyes tightly, count to yourself to three, then open them wide, looking into the distance. Then close your eyelids tightly again. The forehead and eyebrows remain motionless, only the upper ones work
Repeat 5 times in a row.

4. – Open your eyes, place your fingertips to your temples. Pull the skin back slightly, being careful not to stretch it too much. Quickly close and open your eyes for about half a minute. Make sure that your fingers do not move, only your eyelids move.

5. Next exercise, which helps tighten the eyelids, is called “Geisha”

– Close your eyes. Using the pads of your index fingers, hold the skin above the outer corners of your eyes, applying gentle pressure. Overcoming the pressure of your fingers, try to raise your upper eyelids as high as possible, hold them in this position for a couple of seconds, then lower them and relax.

6. – Repeat the previous exercise, placing the pads of your index fingers just above the inner corners of your eyes.

7. The “butterfly wings” exercise helps to remove drooping eyelids.

– Close your eyes and place your index fingers on your upper eyelids, perpendicular to the line of your nose or at an angle of 45 degrees to it. Overcoming the resistance of your fingers, open your eyes as wide as possible, and after a couple of seconds close them again. The eyebrows should not move.

8. Exercise for the upper eyelids “look at your nose”

– Tilt your head up as far as you can, and lower your eyelids as low as possible and stay in this position for 5 seconds. Then relax.

9. – To relax the eye muscles, rub your palms together to warm them up. Close your eyes, but don't squint. Shape your palms into a boat shape and cover the eye area with them without touching the eyelids. Sit in this position until you feel that your eyes and eyelids have had enough rest.

It is recommended to perform such simple gymnastics for the eyelids twice a day, doing each exercise (except for the last) 5-6 times.
It can be done at home, setting aside just 15 minutes of time in the morning and evening, or even at work, especially if it involves sitting at the computer for many hours. So you will get double benefit– tighten your eyelids (or prevent them from drooping) and eliminate visual fatigue.

Every person is able to maintain external attractiveness for a long time and without significant financial costs. Of course, everyone gets old, this is... natural process, but it can be significantly slowed down through physical activity.
Professional athletes and just supporters active image lives keep fit and relief body for a long time, thanks to constant training.
Likewise, as a result of appropriate gymnastics, the atrophied muscles of the eyelids are strengthened and tightened.

And even if drooping eyelids are removed with blepharoplasty, the doctor will still recommend doing eyelid exercises in the future. This is not surprising, doctors remove only the effect, but the cause still remains, muscle atrophy and skin aging continue, and regular exercise is the only effective method their suspension.

Homemade tightening masks and lifting creams
Compositions based on simple food products, plant and essential oils, increasing the elasticity of weakened skin.

Is it possible to prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes?
The skin in the eye area is the thinnest, so wrinkles appear on it earlier, but you can try to delay this process as much as possible.

Gymnastics for the eyes that relieves tension and fatigue
Complexes simple exercises, helping to prevent pain, tearfulness and other signs of eye fatigue during prolonged work at the computer or knitting.

Bartsok-gymnastics course for the face

To prevent thin skin under the eyes from sagging, get rid of wrinkles around the eyes and maintain vision and eye health, all important structures, including the skin, must have a good blood supply. This is equally necessary for the delicate mechanisms of the eyeball and for the thin skin under the eyes. Therefore, it is possible to remove wrinkles around the eyes or tighten sagging skin under the eyes only by establishing good blood circulation in the eye area, which, naturally, will have a positive effect on vision. To restore normal blood circulation in the eye area, restoring the energy and health of the largest muscle located here, the orbicularis oculi muscle, is crucial. This muscle can be distinguished as separate muscles of the upper eyelid, muscles of the lower eyelid and the annular muscle, as well as several small internal muscles. Highest value for blood supply, and therefore for vision, and to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes or tighten the skin under the eyes, it has the annular muscle of the eye. We will train the annular muscle at the same time as training the eyelid muscles.

To prepare and perform the exercises you need: a mirror, attention and careful monitoring of the progress of the workout, as well as clean eyes and hands and, of course, the desire to achieve your goal. To learn how to perform the exercises correctly, without the risk of harming yourself, you will need 20-30 minutes. Performing the exercises in the future will take no more than a minute or a minute and a half using audio support each.

What these exercises can help you do:

  • opportunities to prevent or remove wrinkles around the eyes, restore smoothness to sagging skin under the eyes;
  • improving vision and eye health.

The causes of wrinkles around the eyes and sagging skin under the eyes, ways to prevent such wrinkles and all the exercises useful for eliminating them are described in the article “How to get rid of crow’s feet and wrinkles under the eyes.”

The exercises are done practically in an isometric form: strengthening the annular muscle of the eye should occur without stretching the skin.

The orbicularis oculi muscle is attached to the bone of the orbit and is woven into the skin of the eye area. Approaching the nose, the muscle narrows, and the annular muscle reaches its greatest width at the bottom and at the outer edge of the eye.

By straining, the muscle reduces the diameter of its ring, and the skin associated with it also rushes towards the center of the eye. The contraction of the muscle occurs mainly due to the formation of folds of skin at the outer edge of the eye. The right and left circular muscles can tense separately. Look at the photo to see how the annular muscle of the eye is located.

Weakening of the muscle primarily affects the formation of permanent wrinkles at the outer edges of the eyes and sagging skin under the eyes.

If you squint often, then over time the “crow’s feet” at the outer corners of the eyes become permanent and more and more pronounced. If you try to never use the annular muscle, the muscle will weaken and slide down, and the skin associated with it will create the notorious “paws” and folds of thin skin under the eyes.

Regular training of the annular muscle without stretching the skin will make it stronger, increase the elasticity of the skin around the eyes and prevent or remove wrinkles around the eyes, tighten the skin under the eyes. Training will support normal local blood circulation, and, therefore, will have a positive effect on the quality of vision. By learning to control this muscle, you can easily remove residual muscle tension and freely use the muscle without fear of getting premature wrinkles around the eyes.

Exercise 1.

Preparing for the exercise.

Imagine where the orbicularis oculi muscle is located under your skin.

Use a mirror. Lift your lower eyelids up. The mirror will show you that you are squinting as if from the bright sun (bottom left photo).

Place your middle and index fingers on the edges of the eye socket (bottom right photo). The middle fingers should lightly press the skin at the edge of the eye socket with their pads, and the index fingers should be pressed against the middle fingers and also lightly press the pads on the skin next to the edge, although the index fingers may not be used at all. The remaining fingers can be curled, as in the photo, or raised up, if that is more convenient for you.

Lift your lower eyelids up again. To prevent your fingers from moving along with the skin, move them even closer to the eyeball, but do not touch it.

Try to lift your lower eyelids as high as possible. Feel the tension in the annular muscle. The more it tries to contract, the harder your fingers should press on the skin. The fingers should apply enough pressure so that the skin (and the fingers along with it) does not move horizontally towards the nose.

It is obvious that when the lower eyelids forcefully move upward, the upper eyelids will also move down slightly.

Remembering to carefully monitor what is happening with the help of a mirror, repeat this technique several times to adapt to the correct and confident execution of the exercise, helping the contraction of the annular muscle mentally (more mental help is required for the weaker, right or left muscle), and at the same time inhale. As you exhale, relax the muscle, moving your fingers slightly away from the skin. Feel the warmth of relaxation spread across your skin from your eyes to your ears.

Rest a little and do this again several times, now also paying attention to the fact that during the exercise the eyebrows should not move, the nose wrinkles or the upper lip rise: not a single muscle of the face, except the annular eye, should tense during the exercise. Perhaps it would be convenient for you to open your mouth slightly during the exercise.


While looking at yourself in the mirror, place your fingers on the edge of the eye socket. The fingers lie softly and only press slightly inward.

Remember that this is the main exercise to improve local blood circulation and get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. You should try to raise the lower eyelids as high as possible, but your fingers should press down on the skin at the edge of the eye socket so that the skin underneath cannot move.

Helping mentally, especially the weaker eyelid, as if lifting it with your hands, while inhaling, increase the strength of raising the lower eyelids to the limit. Hold the tension for 6 seconds, and then relax your eyelids at the same time as you exhale, moving your fingers away from your eyes.

You must learn to feel well not only the tension, but also the relaxation of the annular muscle of the eye: try after each approach to feel the warmth and relaxation that spreads from the eyes to the periphery of the face, like a wave from a pebble thrown into water.

During the exercises, watch carefully: all other facial muscles should remain relaxed. Perhaps, due to the peculiarities of your habitual facial expressions, at the same time as your eyelids, your eyebrows may try to rise or shift, your nose will wrinkle, your upper lip or the corners of your lips will rise.

It is convenient to practice regularly with audio accompaniment. “Audio Support: Exercise 1 for the Orbicularis Oculi Muscle” is designed for such an activity.

Exercise 2.

Reinhold Benz's Facebuilding includes another exercise for the orbicularis oculi muscle, which, according to Benz, is more effective in preventing wrinkles and tightening the skin under the eyes. In this case, the tension of the annular muscle is achieved due to the pressure of the upper eyelid on the lower. This exercise is convenient to perform when Exercise 1 is done easily and confidently, since the eyes will be closed and control of the face can be exercised only by kinesthetic sensations.

Preparing for the exercise.

Preparation consists of mastering the correct pressure of the upper eyelid on the lower eyelid, as well as controlling the immobility of the remaining facial muscles with the eyes closed.

Smoothly close your eyes around the eyeball. Start pressing your upper eyelid onto your lower eyelid. Feel that this pressure can be very diverse. Learn to press with the upper eyelid with equal force along its entire length. You also need to learn to press from top to bottom, on the lower eyelid, and not on the eye: the eyeball should not feel it at the strongest pressure.

Close and open your eyes until you can correctly press your upper eyelid down along its entire length with as much force as possible. At the same time, learn to control with your eyes closed that your eyebrows do not try to fall along with your eyelids, and that the muscles of your cheeks and lips remain motionless.


Place your fingers on the edge of the eye socket in the same way as in exercise 1. Close your eyes. Press the skin at the edge of the eye socket with your fingers, increasing the pressure of your fingers as you increase downward pressure from the upper eyelid. There should be no movement of these fingers or the skin underneath them.

To make the pressure on the upper eyelid stronger, do this at the same time as you inhale. Feel the strong tension in the muscles and thin skin under your eyes. Count down 6 seconds. During tension, observe the immobility and relaxation of the remaining facial muscles.

As you exhale, move your fingers away from your skin and observe the warmth of relaxation spreading across your cheeks. It is not necessary to open your eyes before the next repetition; it is enough just to completely relax your eyelids.

Repeat the exercise 4-5 more times with breaks of 2-3 seconds between tensions.

Perhaps it would be convenient for you to study with audio accompaniment. “Audio Support: Exercise 2 for the Orbicularis Oculi Muscle” is designed for such an activity.

About the regularity of training.

To reduce wrinkles or get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, tighten the thin skin under the eyes, it is advisable to train 4-5 times a week, using both exercises. To remove wrinkles around the eyes, you need to gradually, over 2-4 weeks, increase the number of repetitions of tension to 10-12. If they only bother loose skin and wrinkles under the eyes, use exercise 2. With such regularity, a visible effect can be achieved after 2-3 months of training.

To maintain vision and normal blood circulation in the eye area, it is enough to train once a week or more often, but reducing the number of repetitions of tension to one or two. Exercise 1 is more suitable for this purpose.

Training the annular muscle will give you the ability to easily express emotions and use it for expressive facial expressions without the fear of getting wrinkles, as your skin will become more elastic.

You can learn all the techniques and exercises that help get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, prevent the appearance and enlargement of crow’s feet, help strengthen the thin skin under the eyes and eliminate wrinkles in Skype trainings.

Audio recordings can help with fatigue of the annular oculi muscle after training:

airy face

Immersion of the eyes

Eye exercises are best done in the evening to relieve fatigue. Before gymnastics, close your eyes for 10 minutes. Then apply a cold lotion on your eyes from a 1% solution of boric acid, chamomile or dill infusion. Hold for 15 minutes and start exercising.

Exercises for the eyes, eyelids, eyebrows - A set of exercises “evening” (before bedtime)

The starting position for all exercises is sitting.

Exercise 1. Close your eyes tightly with your hands, pause (count to 3). Then open your eyes wide and pause again. Repeat 5-6 times.

Exercise 2. Pull the lower eyelid towards the upper eyelid, looking forward. Pause for 2 seconds. Relax your eyelid as you lower it. Repeat 5-6 times.

Exercise 3. Slowly roll your eyes in a circle, first to the left, then to the right. Repeat 5-6 times, moving your eyes left, right, down and up.

Exercise 4. Slowly move your eyes to the left, pause. Then move your eyes to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times, consistently moving your eyes to the left, right, down and up.

Exercise 5. Shoot with your eyes, and thanks to these simple exercises the muscles around the eyes will become stronger.

Exercise 6. Close your eyes and remember something funny. React with facial expressions. Without opening your eyes, imagine a sad or serious story and again “fix” your reaction with facial expressions.

Exercise 7. Open your mouth and eyes wide, count to 3. Repeat 10 times. Then do these exercises by turning your head left and right. Relax.

Effect: these exercises strengthen eye muscles, reduce puffiness under the eyes, tone the skin, prevent the formation of wrinkles, smooth out “crow’s feet” - wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes.

Exercises for eyes, eyelids, eyebrows - A set of exercises “in between”

This set of exercises for the eyes, eyelids, eyebrows is recommended office workers. This set of exercises can also be used for eye fatigue, to relieve fatigue in the work process. The starting position for all these exercises is sitting at a table.

Exercise 1. Squeeze your eyelids tightly and count to 10, open your eyes wide and also count to 10, without wrinkling your forehead. Without turning your head, as if following with your eyes a slowly swinging pendulum, counting to 20. Then close your eyes and, counting to 3, start the exercise over again. Take it slow circular movements eyes, as if watching a large wheel spinning 2 times in one direction and 2 times in the other. Keeping your head straight and motionless, counting to 6, raise your eyes all the way up (do not wrinkle your forehead), and then lower them down for the same amount of time and close your eyes. Quickly, counting to 10, blink for each count, then sit with your eyes closed, counting to 6. Repeat each movement from this complex 3-4 times.

Exercise 2. Rest your elbows on the table, fingers of both hands at the outer corners of your eyes, perpendicular to the wrinkles. Secure the skin without moving it. Then slowly, as if overcoming resistance with effort, close your eyes. After closing, maintain the state of muscle tension for 2-3 seconds. Forcefully open your eyes. Relax your muscles. Repeat 4-6 times.

Exercise 3. Place the fingers of both hands on your closed eyelids so that the index fingers hold the outer corners of the eyes, the ring fingers hold the inner corners of the eyes, and the middle fingers hold the middle of the eyebrows. Without lifting your fingers, try to squint your closed eyes. Repeat 4 times.

Exercise 4. Raise your eyebrows as high as possible and count to 5 (this exercise strengthens your eyelids).

Exercise 5. Using your index fingers, press on the inner corners of your eyes. This exercise smoothes out the bags under the eyes. (see picture)

Exercise 6. Press your index and middle fingers to the outer edge of your eyebrow. Pull your fingers towards your hair. Look at the tip of your nose and close your eyes. Relax and repeat 10 times. Then do this with the other eye.

Exercise 7. Place the pads of 4 fingers on the skin under the eyes and press firmly to the edge of the cheekbone. Close your eyes, first a little, then harder, and hold for 6 seconds. Then sharply remove your fingertips and open your eyes.

Exercise 8: Form a “V” with your fingers and place them on either side of each eyebrow. Now try squinting both eyes, preventing their movement with your fingers.

Exercise 9. Place the pads of 4 fingers on the superciliary space. Raise your eyebrows 0.5 cm above the edge of the frontal skin, and press your fingers firmly to the skin. Close your eyes tightly, leaving them closed for 6 seconds. After that, relax.

Exercise 10. Grab the skin on both sides of your eyebrows and roll it between your fingers.

Exercise 11. Using your fingertips, pat your eyebrows back and forth several times to relieve tension.

Effect: blood supply to the tissues around the eyes improves and eye fatigue is relieved, flabby eyelids are strengthened, bruises around the eyes are reduced, swelling under the eyes disappears.

Wrinkles under the eyes, dark circles, swelling are the number one enemy for a woman’s beauty and self-esteem. Often, many of the fair sex simply ignore these imperfections under the eyes, attributing them to fatigue, thereby missing the moment...

In fact, each of us has the power to delay their appearance, the main thing is to take care of yourself in time! To do this, you don’t have to resort to expensive cosmetic procedures; you can choose an easy and affordable way – exercises against wrinkles around the eyes!

Before we begin eye exercises for wrinkles, a few words about why they appear? After all, if we know their root cause, we can prevent their occurrence!

Lack of sleep

In a dynamic rhythm modern life We often forget not only to eat, but also to sleep! Moreover, today many people believe that lack of sleep will not cause any harm to their health. In fact, this is far from the case! When a woman sleeps less than 6 hours, it is immediately visible on her face. Small wrinkles and bags form around the eyes, visually reducing the shape of the eyes and displaying internal fatigue. Ideally, you should sleep 8 hours. During healthy sleep, skin cells are regenerated and fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

Unbalanced diet

It is enough to look at the skin of the face to tell how a person eats. Without vegetables and fruits in the diet, the skin becomes dry and wrinkles and bags under the eyes appear. Excessive consumption of fatty, high-calorie and flour foods deteriorates the complexion and pimples may appear on the skin.

Insufficient fluid

The dermis needs water to participate in cellular renewal. Premature aging of the skin is also caused by a lack of hydration. The average daily consumption of pure water is 1.5-2 liters. At the same time, under no circumstances should you drink a lot of liquid before going to bed - this will only cause swelling on your face! Try to drink as little tea, coffee, and synthetic drinks as possible throughout the day.


Negative emotions make their destructive contribution to the condition of the dermis. When a person frowns or has a tense face, small wrinkles form. Try to protect yourself from stress. In any tense situation, repeat affirmations to yourself, convincing yourself that you are the most beautiful and young!

UV exposure

As you know, ultraviolet radiation accelerates the process of wrinkles. You can protect the area around your eyes with sunglasses and cream.


Poor quality cosmetics, as well as improper application of products around the eyes, worsen the condition of the skin. All cosmetical tools must be applied light movements without stretching or injuring the skin in any way!

So, dear ladies, take into account the factors we have just discussed. Now that you know why wrinkles form prematurely, let's move on to the practical part of self-care!

Gymnastics for wrinkles around the eyes

Exercising your facial muscles will give your skin a more youthful appearance. In fact, facial exercises are effective in reducing eye bags and firming the skin.

Exercises for wrinkles under the eyes take very little time - about 15-20 minutes a day, and the first results will be visible within a couple of weeks. Performing such exercises daily for the skin around the eyes will help the skin become more elastic, relieve puffiness of the eyelids and contribute to the gradual disappearance of wrinkles. Isn't this what every woman dreams of?

If bags under the eyes first appeared before the age of 45, this does not mean that they will remain forever. Don't miss the moment when you can easily get rid of them!

Facebook building with Yulia Kovaleva

Exercises for the facial muscles are absolutely free and available to every woman who has decided to take charge of herself and eliminate age-related signs from the skin of her face and neck! Among such techniques, Yulia Kovaleva’s original technique takes its rightful place. Doesn't have age restrictions and contraindications. The only condition is that it is better not to do it immediately after facial plastic surgery.

Attention! Before exercise, be sure to clean your face and hands, and tuck your hair under a bandage. Exercises for wrinkles around the eyes are best done in front of a mirror, taking a comfortable position.

Perform each exercise at a pace acceptable to you 15 times.

№ 1. Place the fingers of both hands slightly above the brow ridges. Using the pads, press lightly onto the skin and smoothly move it down. Work your facial muscles—at the same time as you palpate, raise your eyebrows. Each time you tense your facial muscles, hold for 5 seconds.

№ 2. Pull the skin of the outer corners of the eyes with your index fingers and fix this position. Keeping your eyelids half-open, make rotational movements with your eyes, first to the left, then to the right.

№ 3. Let's visually draw a figure eight with our eyes! Try to open your eyes wider. Draw a figure eight in front of you. After you have drawn the number, blink at fast pace 10 times, straining the eyelid. Then repeat the exercise again.

№ 4. Raise your eyebrows high, as if you were very surprised by something. Leave them in this position, helping yourself with the phalanges of your fingers (not the pads). Then close your eyelids forcefully. Without opening your eyes, squeeze and relax your eyelids tightly. This exercise is great for tightening the skin of the upper eyelids.

№ 5. Raising your eyebrows high, look up, squinting your lower eyelids. If you perform the exercise correctly, you will experience tension in the muscles of the lower eyelids.

№ 6. Exercise will not only help tighten your skin, but will also help improve your vision. Begin to open your eyes wide and close them tightly with tension. While doing this exercise, make sure that the rest of your face, especially your eyebrows and forehead, remains still. Only the eyelids should work.

№ 7. With your fingertips, touch your temples so that both little fingers are located near the outer corners of your eyes. Look into the distance, and then close both eyelids. While performing the exercise, do not strain your eyes too much and do not frown your forehead. The muscles of the eyelids should be used exclusively. Then tense those muscles. Use your fingers to start gently, without sudden movements stretch the skin. If you feel strong tension, freeze in this position for 5 seconds, then completely relax the eyelid muscles for 3 seconds. And then repeat this exercise again. Please note that this exercise should not be performed more than 3 times a week!

№ 8. Touch your fingertips to the top of your cheeks at the base of your temples. Tighten your chin muscles as if you were relaxing a very tight collar. Gradually increase the tension in the muscles of the neck, chin and temples. When you feel strong muscle tension, freeze in this position for a few seconds. Then completely relax all your muscles. And repeat the exercise again, without allowing the muscles to rest. It is best to do this exercise 10 times a day to achieve good results in a short period of time. Thus, you will not only strengthen the skin around your eyes, but also problem areas chin and cheekbones, the contour of the face will become clear.

№ 9. Close your eyes and close your eyelids tightly. Pay close attention to your facial expressions: your forehead and nose should be relaxed. Increasingly increase the tension of the eyelids. After the eyelid muscles have reached the maximum possible tension, freeze in this position without opening your eyelids for 5 seconds. Give yourself 3 seconds of rest and repeat the exercise again.

№ 10. Open your eyes wide, while increasing the tension of the eyelid muscles gradually. In this position, begin to tense your lower eyelids. Then close your eyes tightly for 1 minute and relax. Under no circumstances do this exercise forcefully. If you feel pain and discomfort, perform it at half strength, giving the muscles the opportunity to strengthen.

So we looked at a simple and accessible method for everyone to get rid of wrinkles. resort to facial gymnastics You can do it at any age, the main thing is not to be lazy. If you are determined to achieve results, then be patient and perform a set of anti-wrinkle exercises several times a day. The effect will not take long to appear! Our beauty is in our hands!

After 40 years, women begin to notice that the skin becomes less elastic and the corners of the eyes droop. Such changes can begin even at a younger age if a person has a genetic predisposition, special eye structure, or unusual facial features. If you are concerned about the answer to the question “How to tighten the upper eyelid?”, Read this article to the end.

Methods for lifting the upper eyelid at home

Don't know how to tighten your upper eyelid without surgery? Cosmetologists say that skin changes on initial stage can be stopped and reversed with simple .

Let's look at a few recipes effective means for eyelid lifting, which can be used at home.

Before using any eyelid lifting product, whether professional or homemade, be sure to make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to its components. To do this, apply a little mask to the skin of your wrist. If after 15 minutes no negative reaction follows, you can safely apply the product to your eyelids.

Exercises for the eyelids and skin around the eyes

If your eyelids have recently begun to droop, you can easily solve this problem with special gymnastics. you need to do it every day, and then the result will not take long to arrive.

Eyelid exercises will not take you much time and effort, but the effect will be noticeable after just a few sessions. Lightly massaging the eyelids with your fingertips will also promote rejuvenation. There is no need to stretch the skin much. All your movements should be as careful and careful as possible.

Plastic surgery

If gymnastics and homemade masks do not provide desired result, you can turn to plastic for help

surgeon An operation to change the shape of the eyelids and tighten them is called blepharoplasty. If you decide to take such a step, carefully consider all the pros and cons. The operation should be performed only by an experienced plastic surgeon with extensive experience and appropriate qualifications.

After surgical intervention the corners of the eyelids will rise, the skin will take on a healthy and well-groomed appearance. Usage modern technologies allows you to minimize the risk of developing any complications after blepharoplasty. The operation eliminates the consequences of age-related changes, but does not eradicate the problem forever. Over time, the eyelids will begin to droop again. To prevent this from happening, exercise regularly and take proper care of your skin.

Makeup secrets for drooping eye corners

Proper makeup will visually lift your eyelids and make your face visually fresher and younger. Let's look at a few professional secrets of makeup artists that will allow you to always look perfect.

  • Use eyeshadow in fresh shades - blue, green, purple.
  • Apply highlighter or light pearlescent shadows under the eyebrows. This will make your look lighter and lift your overhanging brow arches.
  • If you are using eyeliner, point the arrows in the direction outside eyes up.
  • For eyebrow makeup, use shadows rather than pencils. Also try to raise the eyebrow line as much as possible.
  • If you have a heavy chin, be sure to focus your makeup on your eyes.
  • Lighten darkened areas of the skin on your face using a corrector or highlighter.
  • Do not use too bright, aggressive colors in your makeup.

The natural aging process cannot be completely stopped, but you can slow it down as much as possible. Take care of your beauty, take care of your skin to prolong your youth.