Bodyflex exercises for weight loss at home. Bodyflex exercises for beginners: pros and cons. Bodyflex exercise "Ugly grimace"

There are several breathing exercises designed to help fast weight loss. One of the most popular and effective is the system bodyflex (BodyFlex). It was created by American Greer Childers. After the birth of three children, she wore 56 clothing sizes. The unique bodyflex breathing exercises allowed her to lose weight to size 44 in less than three months. If you do not like exhausting fitness loads, you do not have the opportunity to visit regularly gym, then bodyflex- this is just what you need. Giving the respiratory system everything half an hour a day, in a week you will see how your body is transformed and your skin is tightened.

How bodyflex works

The bodyflex breathing gymnastics system combines specific aerobic respiration and certain types static loads close to yoga asanas. Aerobic respiration allows you to quickly saturate the body oxygen which, in turn, helps burn fat effectively. When bodyflex is used diaphragmatic breathing(inhale through nose, exhale through mouth). With the help of such breathing, oxygen actively enters the bloodstream and is delivered to the area of ​​the body in tension - this contributes to the effective breakdown of fats in this area. During bodyflex exercises, noticeably is accelerating, lymph flow increases, toxins, slags and other impurities are removed from the body. Due to the peculiarities of breathing, first of all, they leave body fat from the region belly(one of the most problematic areas) and significantly reduces the volume of the stomach.

Exercises contribute to the training of various muscle groups, model individual problem areas and the whole body as a whole, restore skin elasticity and help to effectively fight cellulite and wrinkles. Perhaps this is a unique set of exercises that allows you to tighten the skin of the face.

The bodyflex system combines three groups of exercises:

  1. Isometric(one muscle group involved)
  2. Isotonic(multiple muscle groups involved)
  3. Stretching(contribute to the development of muscle elasticity)

The main conditions for the effectiveness of the bodyflex system

First and main condition successful weight loss using the bodyflex system is regularity of classes. If you have started practicing it, be prepared to devote at least 15-20 minutes in a day. Agree, this is not so much in order to have a beautiful and toned body. Otherwise, if you stop doing bodyflex breathing exercises, all the kilograms thrown off quickly will return to you. There is no need to increase the intensity of exercise, moreover, it is believed that this can contribute to addiction, and, therefore, reduce the effectiveness of exercise.

Second indispensable condition- this exercise on an empty stomach. It is best to practice early in the morning, after waking up. This mode is considered the most effective and efficient. In addition, bodyflex will give you a boost of energy for the whole day. If you do not have such an opportunity, then wait at least 2-3 hours after eating.

Third condition- no need to subject yourself to strict diets, this is not necessary. In addition, the body will need energy to make up for the enormous costs during breathing exercises. It will be quite enough to give up sweet and starchy foods, and not to eat before going to bed, adhere to the principles. Eat often, but little by little. The optimal mode of eating is 5 times a day (three main meals and two light snacks).

Pros and cons of the bodyflex system

Main advantages bodyflex respiratory gymnastics systems:

  • Classes take only 15-20 minutes a day
  • Fast and noticeable results
  • Thanks to the bodyflex system, not only the body, but also the skin of the face is tightened.
  • You can start exercising at any age and at any level of physical fitness.
  • Can be practiced both at home and group lessons with a coach

Cons of the bodyflex system:

  • It is necessary to exercise regularly, otherwise the lost kilograms can return very quickly.
  • It is necessary to master the technique of breathing
  • Peculiar loud sounds when breathing
  • There are contraindications to bodyflex exercises

Who suits bodyflex

Bodyflex exercises are most effective for people who have sufficient the number of extra pounds (more than 5 kg.) If you have a slender physique and you just want to tighten your body, then the body flex will not suit you.

Breathing exercises perfect for young mothers who want to get in shape after childbirth. However, after the operation C-section you have to wait about 6 months.

Fundamentals of bodyflex breathing technique

In order to master staged breathing used in the bodyflex system, it is enough to carefully read the chapter dedicated to it in the book of its founder Greer Childers "Great Figure in 15 Minutes a Day" or watch a video instruction with Marina Korpan or Larisa Agapova.

Necessary fully learn the technique before than to proceed directly to the exercise. First, master the breath itself. When you understand how to breathe, you can begin to combine it with asanas.

The easiest way to master the breathing technique in the so-called "initial pose": feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, palms resting on the surface of the legs just above the knees, head straight, eyes looking forward, chin is horizontal to the floor.

Stage 1 breathing. Slow exhalation through the mouth. First, you need to slowly and completely exhale the air from your lungs through your mouth. You will have the impression that you are not exhaling it, but gradually squeezing it out of yourself, removing the remaining air. To do this, make your lips rounded, as if you are going to whistle. Then start exhaling slowly and evenly. As soon as you realize that there is no more air in your lungs, close your lips.

Stage 2 breathing. Rapid inhalation through the nose. Your lips are tightly closed. You need to take a quick and sharp breath through your nose, completely and sharply filling your lungs with air to capacity. When you do this, you will produce characteristic noise sounds that are a sign of proper breathing - it cannot be very quiet or silent. Fill the lungs and stop in this position, while the lips continue to be closed, the head is slightly raised up, we keep the air inside, we do not breathe through the nose.

Stage 3 breathing. Strong diaphragmatic exhalation through the mouth. Now you need to exhale all the air that has accumulated in your lungs with your mouth, but at the same time you need to use the diaphragm. It is necessary not only to exhale air with your mouth, but to push it out, straining your stomach, as if you are exhaling it with your abdominal muscles, from somewhere below. Before exhaling, your lips are still clenched; during exhalation, you tighten your stomach, press your muscles upwards and at the same time open your closed lips sharply and widely. This exhalation is usually accompanied by a characteristic loud “ppa-ah” sound. All attention is paid to the diaphragm, it is she who pushes the air.

4th stage of breathing. Hold your breath. This is the main and rather difficult part of breathing. After a sharp exhalation, close your lips tightly, in no case breathe through your nose, and begin to draw in your stomach. If you did everything right, then the stomach will easily go inside, under the ribs. The abdomen becomes concave internal organs also pulled up a little under the ribs. Draw it in slowly, slowly, counting to eight, while continuing to hold your breath. Most likely, at first you will not be able to hold your breath for 8-10 seconds (do as much as you can), but over time you will succeed.

5th stage of breathing. Inhale through the nose. After you have sucked in your belly and held your breath for eight to ten seconds, you can inhale through your nose. At the same time, relax and allow air to freely enter the lungs.

You should know that you must correctly perform all five stages of breathing- This is the key to success. After a few workouts, you will easily remember its sequence.

After learning the breathing technique, you can proceed directly to the exercises. The figure shows poses for training the face, abdominal muscles, legs, arms, back. It will involve all major muscle groups.

Probably, many have heard a sad anecdote story more than once when a young ladytalks in great detail about her magnificent figure with slim waist And slender legs, but complains that all this beauty for some reason swam with a thick layer of fat.

Unfortunately, this often turns out to be a very sad truth and does not even cause a semblance of a smile for many many people. Even more unfortunately, many despair and stop any resistance.

But manynevertheless, they continue to try to restore the lost figure, hope for success and are looking for more and more new ways and techniques that will return the former ideal proportions. One of the most popular ways to lose weight today is breathing.body gymnastics bodyflex.

On what principles does bodyflex work?

Of course, in an effort to lose weight, many hope for miracles. However, a miracle is a very great rarity, and magical transformations are found mainly in fairy tales. Therefore, having decided to do bodyflex classes, you should be aware that, although you don’t have to run around the park or around the stadium, you still need to make an effort.

Bodyflex is a breathing exercise based on aerobic respiration in combination with special exercises, which will allow you to stretch (and thereby load) certain muscle groups.

In fact, the technique is designed to enrich the body with oxygen and at the same time a slight load on problem muscle groups. In such methods (including bodyflex) exercise stress has a very low intensity, and oxygen is used as the main source of energy that provides muscle work.

Interesting! Bodyflex (bodyflex ) came up with and began to develop a large American housewife Greer Childers .

During bodyflex exercises, the so-called abdominal breathing (that is, diaphragmatic breathing) is used. After taking a breath, it is recommended to hold the breath for a few seconds, and during such a breath hold, a certain amount of carbon dioxide has time to accumulate in the cells of the body.

As a result, the arteries expand, and oxygen at the cellular level begins to be absorbed much better, thereby accelerating metabolic processes and improving overall well-being.

Interesting! During normal shallow breathing, the lungs are filled with air no more than half the possible volume.

Attention! Bodyflex ( bodyflex ) is a set of twelve exercises. The basis of the complex is breath holding and muscle stretching.

As for the time that is necessary for daily bodyflex exercises, it has been proven that a twenty-minute lesson can already be considered quite effective. However, experts warn that it is impossible to perform such breathing exercises for an excessively long time (more than an hour), and an hour is a lot, because, instead of a positive result, a completely opposite effect is possible. As a rule, a twenty-minute lesson is enough, but it is most often not worth increasing it to more than half an hour.

What is important to remember when starting bodyflex exercises

When doing bodyflex, it is very important to do it systematically, regularly and daily. Classes once a week will not bring any benefit to the figure. So one of the commandments when doing body flex is daily exercise.

Attention! When doing bodyflex, the result will be noticeable no earlier than after a few weeks of daily exercise.

Bodyflex experts advise first to achieve a steady decrease in the overall volume of the body and a persistent tendency to reduce weight, and only then move on to correcting individual problem areas.

It should be understood that the metabolic processes in the body must first be activated, that is, the metabolism must accelerate and improve. And only after the metabolism is activated, it makes sense to deal with problem areas, because with sluggish metabolic processes, no weight loss is possible in principle. And a decrease in total volumes is a confirmation of the improvement in metabolic processes and the body's readiness for changes.

When doing bodyflex are very important positive attitude, optimism, perseverance, consistency and patience - only in this case a positive result is possible.

As for nutrition during bodyflex, experts categorically do not advise going on any diet during this period. However, nutrition should be corrected and food should not be taken two or three times a day, but eat in small portions, but often enough (up to six times a day).

Attention! It is very important to conduct bodyflex exercises on an empty stomach, that is, at least three hours must pass after the last meal.

Choosing bodyflex exercises

When starting bodyflex exercises, you should understand what is being done and why.

  1. First, special breathing technique enriches the blood and all cells of the body with oxygen, activating metabolic processes necessary for successful weight management.
  2. Secondly, classes should be daily so that the body "gets used to the idea" that with extra pounds have to say goodbye.
  3. Thirdly, on initial stage restoration of normal metabolism and initial reduction in weight and volume should be achieved.

Attention! Even with a visually noticeable decrease in volume, the weight can decrease quite slightly, because the swelling of the tissues first disappears, and then when regular classes adipose tissue can be replaced by muscle, which is heavier. Therefore, with smaller volumes, the weight may not differ very much.

Three types of exercises are used in bodyflex exercises: isometric, isotonic and stretching.

Isotonic exercises are aimed at the work of any one muscle group and when performing such exercises, only this group actively works. When performing isotonic exercises, the muscles work intensively and stretch to their full length. To perform such exercises, the body needs a large amount of oxygen, so the oxygen demand of the whole body increases significantly. Isotonic exercises are aimed at increasing the elasticity of the tendons, improving blood circulation and training individual muscle groups.

Isometric exercises otherwise called static. When performing such exercises, it is necessary to apply muscle efforts in order to overcome the created resistance. Isometric exercises increase muscle strength, but do not have any positive effect on joint flexibility. Besides, static exercises do not provide positive impact to improve lung and heart function.

Stretching exercises These are exercises that increase muscle elasticity. That is, stretching exercises make the body more flexible and plastic. To perform stretching exercises, a good warm-up is very important, otherwise injuries are possible.

Attention! When doing bodyflex, all types of exercises are very important, so you should never refuse any type of exercise!

It must be remembered that only the complex use of breathing exercises and all the necessary types of exercises can ensure success.

Another video lesson bodyflex for weight loss:

Bodyflex for women over 40

Contraindications for bodyflex exercises

You may get the impression that bodyflex classes are suitable for almost everyone. However, this opinion is erroneous, since there are both restrictions and contraindications for such activities. Neglecting contraindications for performing a set of bodyflex exercises can lead to very serious health consequences.

  1. Bodyflex classes are categorically contraindicated during pregnancy (in any trimester).
  2. For bodyflex is true general rule: at elevated body temperature and in any inflammatory processes, you should not do exercises in any case.
  3. Any serious load, including bodyflex, is contraindicated for glaucoma (this is a very serious eye disease that can lead to complete blindness).
  4. If increased intracranial pressure is detected, this should also be considered a categorical contraindication (at least until the full and stable normalization of intracranial pressure indicators).
  5. An unconditional contraindication for bodyflex exercises is (high blood pressure).
  6. Bodyflex exercises are contraindicated in heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, and any other serious disorders in the cardiovascular system.
  7. You should not engage in body flex in the presence of any - this can have unpredictable consequences.
  8. Any bleeding should be considered a contraindication for Boliflex exercises, however, such a contraindication in most cases is temporary, and after normalizing the state of the body, bodyflex exercises can be resumed.
  9. A contraindication for bodyflex should be considered taking certain medications, including antidepressants, hormonal drugs and even some birth control pills. With any appointment of any drugs, you should check with the doctor if bodyflex exercises are not contraindicated in the case of taking the prescribed drugs.
  10. You should not engage in bodyflex during exacerbation of any chronic diseases - this can worsen the course of the disease. During the period of remission, classes are possible only after an exhaustive consultation of the attending physician.

Attention! If you have any disease, especially if it has a chronic course, you should always consult with your doctor before starting bodyflex exercises.

Bodyflex is similar morning exercises, however, has a number of features. It is based on proper deep breathing combined with certain exercises. This system is recommended for morning time, preferably immediately after sleep and on an empty stomach, a glass of water or tea is allowed.

The complex contains 12 exercises aimed at all muscle groups, this will help to correct not one specific part of the body, but the silhouette as a whole. The whole complex will take no more than 15 minutes, each exercise is repeated three times. However, it is worth remembering that before proceeding to the exercises, you need to master, on which the entire system of the bodyflex program is built.

Complex of 12 exercises

1. "A lion"

This exercise is aimed at the face and neck area. We take the initial position, namely: legs 30-35 cm wide, slightly bend your knees, as if you want to sit on a chair, lean your palms just above the knees, as if hanging over them. Perform breathing exercises, but remember that all exercises must be done at the stage of holding the breath.

Gather your lips in a small circle, as if half a pipe, then open your eyes very wide, as if very surprised, and look up. This exercise will help tighten the muscles under the eyes. Simultaneously with these actions, try to lower the circle of lips down, while straining the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cheeks and nose. Next, we completely stick out the tongue, without relaxing the lips, this exercise directly affects the muscles of the neck and chin. This posture must be maintained for eight counts while holding the breath. Repeat this exercise 3 times.

2. "Ugly Grimace"

The exercise is aimed at tightening the neck and chin. To begin with, this exercise is worth trying to perform without the respiratory part. Stand straight and look in front of you, move the lower jaw beyond the upper one, as if depicting an incorrect bite, then stick out your lips with a tube as if you are trying to kiss someone, while stretching your neck until you feel the limit of tension, slowly raise your head up and look at the ceiling. Tension should be felt from the tip of the chin to the very chest.

After you master this part of the exercise, it must be combined with the respiratory part. Take the main breathing posture (legs 30-35 cm wide, slightly bend your knees, as if you want to sit on a chair, lean your palms just above the knees, as if hanging over them). Perform breathing exercises and while holding your breath (with your stomach drawn in under the ribs), straighten up, moving your arms back, while trying not to raise your shoulders and not tearing your soles off the floor. Then do the steps described earlier with the lower jaw forward. Repeat this exercise 3 times while holding your breath for eight counts.


This exercise affects the muscles of the lower abdomen and waist in general. Again, take a breathing position, follow the points of the breathing exercise and, while holding your breath, pull in your stomach and stand in the main pose for this exercise.

To do this, rest your left elbow on your left knee. Take your right leg with a stretched toe to the side, while transferring the entire center of gravity to your left leg, and keep your back straight. Next, you need to raise your right hand up and stretch as far as possible to the right. The arm must be aligned as much as possible, while stretching the muscles along the entire right side, from the waist to the armpit, will be felt. As in the previous exercises, this pose must be held for eight counts, then relaxed. Repeat this exercise 3 times on each side.

4. "Swallow" or "Pulling the leg back"

The exercise is aimed at strengthening and tightening the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. Take the basic pose for this exercise: stand in a cat pose (leaning your elbows and knees on the floor). Stretch your right leg back (it should be perfectly straight), without pulling the foot (the foot should be directed to the floor), the back should not bend, and the head should be parallel to the floor and you must look forward and in no case to the floor.

Next, it is necessary to complete all stages of the breathing exercise and at the stage of holding the breath and tightening the abdomen, the right leg, which is laid back, must be raised as high as possible, while it should remain straight, the toe should still not be stretched. After that, squeeze your buttocks as hard as possible and stay in this position for eight counts, lower your leg and restore your breath. Repeat this exercise 3 times on each leg.

5. "Scissors"

Exercise helps to strengthen lower part belly. To perform this exercise, you need to lie on the floor, on your back, put your hands under your buttocks with your palms down, straighten your legs. During the exercise, be sure to ensure that your lower back is firmly pressed to the floor, otherwise, with excessive tension, it can be damaged. The head should also be on the floor. Next, we perform a breathing exercise and at the stage of holding our breath we raise both legs about 10-15 centimeters from the floor, stretch our socks as much as possible and begin to do alternate crossings (the so-called “Scissors” exercise). Do not lift your lower back and head off the floor. Perform the exercise for 8-10 counts, then lower your legs and take a breath, repeat this exercise 3 times.

6. "Cat"

One of the most effective exercises in the entire system, it immediately involves the muscles of the back, hips and abdomen. Take a cat pose (sit down on the floor, leaning on your knees and palms), try to keep your back and arms perfectly straight, head parallel to the floor, look forward. Perform a breathing exercise while holding your breath and retracting your stomach, arch your back as high as possible, and tilt your head down. You should feel the stretch in your back muscles. After eight counts, return to the starting position and restore your breath. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

7. "Abdomen"

The exercise is aimed at the muscles of the upper and lower press. To perform the exercise, lie on the floor, on your back and bend your knees. During execution, the feet should be tightly pressed and be at a distance of 35 centimeters from each other. Reach for the ceiling with your hands, while keeping your head on the floor. After performing the breathing exercise, while holding your breath, carefully pull your stomach under the ribs and, without lowering your arms, tear off your head, shoulders and upper part back, try to rise as high as possible, while the lower back should remain pressed to the floor. We stretch our hands to the ceiling as much as possible, we can throw our head back a little and look at the ceiling behind us. We linger in this position for eight counts, then slowly and gradually return to the starting position. Exhale and relax, repeat the exercise 3 times, but the break between sets should not exceed 60 seconds. When performing this exercise, do not push off the floor, but rise smoothly, in no case press your chin to your chest, mentally glue your lower back to the floor and pull your stomach in as much as possible.

8. "Seiko"

Exercise strengthens and tightens the hips, removes excess fat. Get down on the floor, leaning on your knees and palms. Take your right leg to the right side so that it forms a right angle in relation to the body. Left leg do not bend at the knee, it should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees, lower the foot to the floor, keep your back straight and in no case bend or fall into left side. Next, we perform a breathing exercise and, as always, while holding the breath and pulling up the abdomen, we begin to proceed directly to the execution. It is necessary to raise the right leg parallel to the floor, then pull the leg forward as if trying to reach the head, but try to keep the leg perfectly straight and balance. Stay in this position for eight counts, then lower your leg and catch your breath, repeat the exercise 3 times on each leg.

9. Pretzel

With this exercise, you can easily form a graceful waist and tone the muscles of the thighs. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs, then bend your left leg at the knee and bring it behind your right leg (it must be left straight), as if clinging to it. Keep your left leg close to you. The left hand must be taken behind the back, as if resting it on the floor and providing resistance. Place your right hand on your left knee. Perform a breathing exercise and at the stage of holding the breath, transfer the center of gravity to left hand, but right hand pull the left knee as close to the chest as possible, at the same time turn the body to the left and look back, thus, as if twisting at the waist. Freeze in this position for eight counts, then return to the starting position, perform this exercise in 3 sets on each side, changing the crossing of the legs.

10. "Diamond"

The exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the hands. To perform this exercise, you need to stand up straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, put your hands in front of you and touch only the fingers of both hands (not the palms). Elbows should be parallel to the floor, for this you can slightly round your back. Next, you need to perform a breathing exercise and at the stage of retracting the abdomen and holding your breath, try to focus as much as possible on the touching fingers. You should feel tension not only on chest, but also on the muscles of the hands, for this, try not to lower your elbows. Perform the exercise for eight counts, then relax and repeat the elimination three times.

11. "Boat"

This exercise is performed to strengthen and tighten the inner thigh. To do this, you need to sit on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible. Next, pull the socks over and to the sides, while leaving the heels on the floor and without bending the legs at the knees. Lean with straight arms behind you and do a breathing exercise, at the penultimate stage, lean in front of you. Stretch your arms above your head and put them on the floor, try to reach with your hands and the top of your head as far forward as possible. Perform this exercise very smoothly and as slowly as possible, linger in this position for 8 counts, then return to the starting position, repeat the exercise three times.

12. "Hamstring Stretch"

This exercise will stretch and strengthen back hips. To do this, you need to lie on your back, raise your legs, forming an angle of 90 degrees, pull your socks towards you, your feet should look at the ceiling. Stretch and wrap your arms around your legs as close to your feet as possible, arms should be straight, buttocks, lower back, back and head should be firmly pressed to the floor. Perform breathing exercises and at the stage of holding your breath, slowly begin to pull your legs to your head as close as possible, while leaving your legs absolutely straight and your buttocks pressed to the floor as much as possible, otherwise this exercise is pointless. Freeze in this position for eight counts, then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise three times.

Remember that when doing bodyflex, the main condition is regularity, long breaks for no particular reason will lead to the return of former forms, and in some cases even increase. Also, do not forget to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat quality food.

5 out of 5

The bodyflex exercise system is one of the most effective breathing exercises that promotes quick release from extra pounds. The author of this unusual program was the American Greer Childers. According to bodyflex reviews for weight loss, this method of dealing with excess weight really works.

Bodyflex exercises combine special breathing exercises and certain types of load. This breathing exercise is developed on the basis of aerobic breathing. It saturates the body with oxygen, which breaks down fat. Gymnastics for weight loss bodyflex is characterized by slow and at a calm pace , but despite this, it is several times more effective than strength exercises or strenuous running.

A set of exercises for weight loss bodyflex is divided into three groups: stretching, isotonic and isometric exercises. The latter involve only one muscle group, isotonic - several, and stretching exercises are designed to develop elasticity in the muscles.

The main advantages of gymnastics for weight loss bodyflex

These activities do not take much time. To achieve a positive result, it is enough to take 15-20 minutes daily. According to reviews of bodyflex for weight loss, 5-7 sessions can reduce the waist by 5-15 cm.

Bodyflex for weight loss is the only system of physical and breathing exercises, which trains the body and at the same time rejuvenates the face and neck. You can do bodyflex exercises at any age. In addition, no special conditions are needed: you can do the exercises yourself at home, or you can group training with a trainer.

Features of bodyflex exercises

Through aerobic respiration, oxygen enters the body in large quantities, saturating the blood. As a result, fats are broken down. By the way, thanks to bodyflex exercises, metabolism is accelerated and lymph flow is enhanced. This contributes to the rapid removal of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances from the body. Bodyflex for weight loss has a positive effect on the intensity of contraction of the gastric muscles Therefore, over time, the stomach decreases in size and, accordingly, you need to eat fewer foods to satisfy your hunger.

The uniqueness of these exercises lies in the fact that they are able to work effectively in two directions at once: reduce overall volumes and model specific problem areas: waist, hips, buttocks and others.

The results of bodyflex exercises

Bodyflex exercises for weight loss bring excellent results:

  • Getting rid of extra pounds;
  • cellulite reduction;
  • Reduction of volumes in problem areas;
  • Decreased nervous tension;
  • Improving the condition of the skin;
  • General rejuvenation of the body;
  • Improvement in general well-being;
  • Increased flexibility;
  • Acceleration of digestive and cleansing processes.

Basic rules for bodyflex exercises

First, regularity is of great importance. Training should be systematic. Only in this way will the necessary load on the muscles be ensured and the desired result will be obtained. The intensity of the loads is not so important - it is the constancy that directly affects the result. Secondly, bodyflex exercises should be carried out on an empty stomach. Optimal time in the morning, right after you wake up. If this is not possible, keep in mind that you can practice 2-3 hours after eating, not earlier. Finally, you need to abandon rigid diets. You can not combine bodyflex exercises with fasting or a strict diet. In the process of training, the body wastes a huge amount of energy that needs to be replenished.

Bodyflex exercises: contraindications

Bodyflex exercises should not be used for severe cardiovascular diseases such as: aortic aneurysm, pulmonary hypertension, heart failure 3-4FC. In addition, they are contraindicated for cerebral aneurysms, increased intracranial pressure, if there are implants in the spine, in the presence of acute infectious and inflammatory diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases, bleeding, tumor diseases, and pregnancy.

Breathing technique for bodyflex exercises

Before you begin to perform the exercises, you need to fully master the breathing technique. To learn how to breathe correctly, you need to take the initial position. In a standing position, spread your legs at a distance of 30-35 cm, rest your palms on your legs 3 cm above your knees. You should get a pose, as if you are going to sit down. In this case, the head should remain in a straight position, and the chin should be horizontal with respect to the floor. The gaze is directed forward. This position is ideal for learning to breathe correctly.

At the first stage diaphragmatic breathing exhale through the mouth. First of all, you need to learn how to exhale the air correctly. It is necessary that the exhaust air completely leaves the lungs. To do this, you need not just exhale it, but squeeze it out. To exhale like this, you need to round your lips and stretch them forward, as if you want to whistle. After that, slowly and calmly release the air through your mouth. Stop when you realize you can't squeeze a single drop out of yourself.

In the second stage of diaphragmatic breathing, you need to take a quick breath through your nose. Imagine that you don't have a mouth at all. Inhale sharply through your nose. To do this, you need to inhale as fully and sharply as possible. The lungs should be filled with oxygen as much as possible. With this kind of inspiration, there should be a noise effect. The louder the sound you make, the better. If you breathe silently, then you are doing it wrong. A strong and quick breath through the nose cannot be noiseless and quiet. Try to pull the air with all your might. When your lungs are filled to capacity, and you will not be able to inhale the air, you need to stop. Now you should switch attention to the lips. They should be tightly closed and not let out air. Raise your head a little. The nose shouldn't work. Imagine it doesn't exist at all. Keep all the air in.

The third stage of diaphragmatic breathing involves a sharp exhalation through the mouth from the diaphragm. In addition, you must push out all the inhaled air through your mouth. In this case, the stomach should be tense. To achieve the desired effect, open your mouth wide and sharply contract the muscles of the abdomen and diaphragm. At the same time, the lungs will contract, pushing out all the air. Exhalation must be accompanied by a whistling sound. Push the air as fast as you can.

The fourth stage is considered the most difficult part of the bodyflex breathing exercises.. It is necessary to perform the retraction of the abdomen and all exercises at the same time. Forget that you have a nose and a mouth. Inhale the air inward, straining your stomach.