Twisting exercise with arms up. Crunches with straight arms. Bench crunches

  1. Starting position: the athlete lies down on the floor or fitness mat, legs bent at the knees, feet firmly on the floor, hands behind the head.
  2. As you exhale, smoothly lift your upper body without changing the position of your lower back and buttocks - they remain firmly pressed to the floor. The upper back should be slightly rounded, this will make it easier for you to concentrate on contracting the abdominal muscles.
  3. Smoothly continue lifting your torso until you feel the load reach its peak. Hold this position for a second to further statically contract the muscles.
  4. Start going down. The lowering of the body must be controlled. It is not necessary to lower yourself completely to the floor; it is better to stop about ten centimeters from it, when the abdominal muscles are most stretched. Working in such a reduced amplitude, you will increase the effectiveness of this exercise, since the load will be many times more intense.

Reverse crunches

An equally effective type of exercise is reverse abdominal crunches, which emphasize the bulk of the load in the lower part of the abs. The fundamental difference with the classic version is that in reverse crunches we contract the abs by lifting the legs, not the body. Reverse crunches can be performed either lying on the floor or lying on a special bench with your head up - there are no fundamental differences. This is done as follows:

  1. Starting position: the athlete lies on the floor or on an inclined bench, holding its upper edge with his hands. If you are doing the exercise on the floor, it is recommended to keep your arms straight down, they will help you better control the movement. Your legs should be slightly bent at the knees.
  2. Begin to raise your legs up, while exhaling and smoothly lifting your lower back from the surface - this will ensure the best contraction of the abdominal muscles.
  3. Gently lower your legs and lower back down while inhaling. It is better to work here according to the same scheme as in ordinary crunches - in a shortened amplitude with constant muscle tension.

Incline crunches

Almost every modern gym is equipped with a special bench with an incline of about 30 degrees for working out the abs, why not take advantage of it? Moreover, the exercise is as effective as classic lying crunches. This is done as follows:

  1. Starting position: sit on an incline bench, secure your legs between the bolsters at the top of the bench, cross your arms over your chest.
  2. As you exhale, begin to twist, slightly rounding your upper back. The biomechanics of crunches on an incline bench are almost identical to the classic version, so here we work in the same amplitude.
  3. Smoothly lower down, inhaling. Here you can work in the maximum possible amplitude with a slight delay on the bench, so it will be easier to “squeeze” the rectus abdominis muscle, each time starting the movement from the starting position. More experienced athletes can work this exercise using additional weights, holding a barbell disc or small dumbbell in their hands at solar plexus level.

Standing cable crunches

An interesting option for those who want to diversify their workload. The advantage of the block exercise machine is that the load is continuous, and the muscles are statically tense even in the top position. This is done as follows:

  1. Starting position: stand with your back to a block trainer or crossover, grab the handle with both hands (it’s most convenient to do it with a cable handle), place the handle behind your head at neck level.
  2. Start moving your body down, rounding the area of ​​your shoulder blades and tensing your abdominal muscles. You should lower yourself until your elbows touch your thighs. Take a short break in this position. Of course, the weight in the simulator should be set to low, otherwise you risk getting a spinal injury.
  3. As you inhale, smoothly begin to bend back while straightening your back. Here we work at full amplitude; a slight delay at the starting point is acceptable.

Crunches in a block machine while standing on your knees

Kneeling cable crunches are another exercise variation that requires an overhead pulley. The difference lies in the amplitude - here it is shorter, so it will be easier for many to feel the contraction of the abdominal muscles in this version. This is done as follows:

  1. Starting position: position yourself facing the pulley machine, grab the rope handle, and kneel down with it. Keep your back vertical and straight, and look forward.
  2. Begin to lower your body down, rounding your back and exhaling. As with standing crunches, try to touch your elbows to your feet. Hold this position for a moment, further tensing your abs.
  3. Gradually begin to unbend. You can work in both full and shortened amplitude; try both options and choose the one in which you feel the maximum load on the abs.

© Makatserchyk -

Hanging crunches

A technically challenging but effective option for fans of old-school heavy training. Hanging upside down on the horizontal bar, it is quite difficult to concentrate on making a twisting movement rather than lifting the body, but this moment comes with experience. You should not do hanging crunches if you suffer from intracranial hypertension or increased intraocular pressure - this can aggravate the problem. This is done as follows:

  1. Starting position: the athlete hangs on the bar with bent legs, the whole body is lowered down, the back is straight, the hands are brought together at the back of the head. It is important that in the starting position the body does not sway and there is no inertia.
  2. Begin to lift your body up, exhaling, rounding your back and lifting your buttocks slightly up. Do not try to work at full amplitude and try to reach your knees with your head - there is little point in this. It is better to work up to approximately the level of parallel with the ground, at this moment the tension in the abdominal muscles will be maximum.
  3. Slowly lower yourself down while inhaling. If necessary, stay in the lower position for a couple of seconds to completely extinguish the inertia; start the movement from a stationary state.

Oblique crunches

This variation of the crunch places the bulk of the load on the obliques, making oblique crunches a great addition to any core exercise that uses the rectus abdominis. This is done as follows:

  1. Starting position: the athlete lies on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet pressed to the floor, arms crossed at the back of the head. We place the ankle of one leg on the knee of the other.
  2. We begin to move the body upward, exhaling and turning the body slightly to better feel the contraction of the oblique abdominal muscles. Try to reach the knee of your left leg with the elbow of your right hand. After this, switch your legs and try to reach the knee of your right leg with the elbow of your left hand.
  3. We do not go down completely, we work in a shortened amplitude, the oblique muscles should be “squeezed” throughout the entire approach.

© Andrey Popov -

Crunches with legs raised

A very interesting exercise due to the combination of static and dynamic loads; the abs are tense throughout the entire approach. This is done as follows:

  1. Starting position: the athlete lies on the floor, his back pressed to the floor. We raise our legs up so that they are approximately perpendicular to the body, and static tension in the lower part of the abs begins. Hands should be crossed at the back of the head.
  2. We begin a smooth movement of the body upward, while exhaling. We slightly round the thoracic spine and try to reach our knees with our heads. Keep your lower back motionless, without lifting it off the floor. Hold this position for a second.
  3. Smoothly lower down, inhaling. Here it is better to work in full amplitude, with a short pause in the starting position - this way the contraction of the abdominal muscles will be maximum.

© chika_milan -

Crunches on a fitball

If your gym has a fitball, you can diversify the load and try doing crunches on it. This exercise develops the neuromuscular connection well with the rectus abdominis, and it also statically works the buttocks and hamstrings, which will come in handy for many athletes. This is done as follows:

  1. Starting position: the athlete lies down on the fitball, feet resting on the floor, feet slightly apart, arms crossed at the back of the head.
  2. We begin to lift the body up, exhaling and slightly rounding the back. Do not let the ball change its position, this is the point of the exercise, at this moment a large number of muscles responsible for balance and stabilization are involved in the work.
  3. Smoothly return to the starting position, inhaling, and bend back a little to further stretch your abdominal muscles.

© Makatserchyk -

Typical beginner mistakes

Many abdominal exercises have their own technical nuances that you need to master in order to get the most out of them. Let's look at the most common mistakes, myths and misconceptions:

  1. You should not train your abs more than 1-2 times a week. Crunches are a fairly easy exercise, but even after it the body needs time to recover.
  2. By performing a large number of repetitions, you will not burn excess fat deposits on your stomach and get the coveted “cubes”. The optimal repetition range for crunches is 12-20; in combination with a diet tailored to your goals, this approach will give maximum results.
  3. Do not use too heavy a weight. If you do crunches with a disc or dumbbell, do not chase the weights, it is better to focus on mental concentration and contract the abdominal muscles more isolated, but involving no assistant muscles in the work.

Monthly training program

The Internet is replete with a huge number of training programs for the press. “Abs in a week”, “Abs in 7 minutes a day” and other nonsense that you shouldn’t waste your attention on. Below I propose a working program for the development of abdominal muscles, designed for a month (4 training weeks), the basis of which is various types of twisting. You can use it if you want to improve your muscle definition, make your abdominal muscles stronger and increase the number of repetitions you can perform without technical errors. The program is built on the principle of periodization, alternating heavy and light workouts. Within one week we do one heavy volume workout (for example, on Monday), and three days later (on Thursday) we do a lighter workout to keep our muscles toned. In total, there are eight workouts in a month.

Workout numberType of workoutExercises
1 Heavy1. Hanging leg raises: 4 sets of 10-15 reps.

2. Crunches lying on the floor: 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

3. Plank: 3 sets of 45-90 seconds.

2 Lightweight1. Crunches lying on an incline bench: 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

2. Crunches in a block machine while standing on your knees: 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

3 Heavy1. Crunches while lying on an inclined bench with additional weights: 3 sets of 10-12 times.

2. Oblique crunches: 4 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

3. Plank: 3 sets of 60-90 seconds.

4 Lightweight1. Crunches lying on the floor: 5 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
5 Heavy1. Crunches while lying on an inclined bench with additional weights: 3 sets of 12-15 times.

2. Sit-ups: 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

3. Plank: 3 sets of 75-90 seconds.

6 Lightweight1. Crunches lying on the floor: 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

2. Reverse crunches: 2 sets of 12-15 reps.

7 Heavy1. Crunches while lying on an inclined bench with additional weights: 3 sets of 15-20 times.

2. Sit-ups with additional weights: 3 sets of 10 times.

3. Plank: 3 sets of 90-120 seconds.

8 Lightweight1. Crunches lying on the floor: 3 rounds of 12-15 repetitions.

Looking for a way to get six-pack abs of steel? Crunches are best suited for these purposes. Almost all variations of this exercise are isolation exercises, and your abs will be on fire after the third set.

During exercises, the entire abs works, but different parts of it are subject to different loads. Depending on what exercise the athlete is doing, one or another part of the abs is worked out with greater or less intensity. Therefore, in order for the entire muscle to develop evenly and quickly, it is necessary to train it using different techniques.

Depending on the twist option, the rectus, oblique or transverse abdominal muscles are worked. In addition, in some exercises the hips, arms, shoulders, etc. are involved in the work. Despite this, it is the abdominal muscles that are pumped best, since crunches are aimed at ensuring that the abs are 100% involved in the work. The participation of all other muscles should be minimal.

Twisting technique

In order for the exercises performed to produce results, and the spent energy not to fly into the air, it is necessary to follow the correct technique. In addition, with high-quality performance of all movements, the risk of injury is significantly reduced. Otherwise, the athlete may take a long unplanned break between workouts.

Straight crunches

This type of twisting is considered the easiest, so it is recommended to be done primarily by beginners.

Take starting position:

  1. Lie down on the floor.
  2. Press your lower back to the floor surface.
  3. Bend your knees so that a right angle is formed between your shin and thigh, and place your feet on the floor.
  4. Choose one of the options for hand position (extend in front of you, fold on your chest or place on the back of your head).
  5. Next, you need to raise your torso, tensing your abdominal muscles. Only the shoulders lift off the surface of the floor; the lower back remains pressed against it.


  • The distance between the chest and chin should be such that a fist can fit between them. You can't press your chin to your chest.
  • When lifting, the back is rounded, rather than the entire torso rising.
  • The feet stand firmly on the floor and do not come off.
  • At the highest point, you need to pause for a second and inhale as you lower down. The muscles remain tense.
  • Without allowing the press to relax, twisting is repeated in a similar way.
  • The required number of twists is performed.

Reverse crunches

Unlike straight crunches, this variation lifts the legs, not the torso.

Execution algorithm:

  1. We lie down on a bench or on the floor.
  2. We bend our legs at the knees and raise them. Your shins should be parallel to the floor and your thighs should be perpendicular.
  3. Hands are placed behind the head or holding the edge of the bench.
  4. Tightening your abdominal muscles, pull your knees towards your chest. When the legs reach the extreme point, the pelvis should be raised above the bench or floor.
  5. We pause for a second.
  6. Lower your legs and repeat the twist the required number of times.

When performing the exercise, you need to ensure that your legs are lifted only by the force of your abs. They cannot be extended, as the thigh muscles will also be involved in the work.

Lateral (oblique) twists

This exercise allows you to pump up your oblique muscles well.

Execution order:

  1. We lie down on the floor, bend our legs and turn to the left.
  2. We place our right hand behind our head.
    We place our left hand on the stomach closer to the right side.
  3. We exhale and, tensing the right oblique muscles, try to reach the right elbow to the right knee.
  4. At the extreme point, we pause for a second and return to the starting position.

This type of exercise is similar to straight crunches, but there are a few differences.

Execution order:

  1. We lie down on the floor, press our lower back to it, bend our knees to a right angle. You can also sit next to a bed or bench and put your feet on it.
  2. We place our right hand behind our head, and place our left hand on the floor along the body.
  3. At the next stage, we lift our shoulder off the floor and try to touch our left knee with our right elbow.
  4. After contact we return to the starting position.

After this, we perform a similar exercise, working the other side.
It is necessary to remember that it is necessary to rise, straining the muscles, while exhaling, and to lower, on the contrary, while inhaling.

Double crunches

The advantage of this exercise over straight crunches is that here the load is evenly distributed throughout the entire abs. As a result, the lower and upper parts of the muscle are well worked out.

Execution order:

  1. We lie on our backs, press our lower back to the surface of the floor, bend our knees to a right angle, and place our feet on the floor.
  2. We place our hands behind our heads, but do not cross our fingers.
  3. As you exhale, pull your chest and pelvis towards each other.
  4. At the extreme point, we pause for a second and while inhaling we lower ourselves, without lowering our shoulders to the floor.

You cannot pull your head with your hands while doing the exercise. This can cause injury to the cervical spine. The load on the press is also reduced.

This exercise pumps up the abdominal muscles well, but in addition, the rectus femoris muscles also lend themselves to stress.

Execution order:

  1. We adjust the inclination of the bench so that the angle is from 30 to 50 degrees. The load level will depend on this.
  2. We sit on the exercise machine, secure our legs under the bolsters, and fold our arms across our chests.
  3. We lie down on the bench, lowering ourselves back.
  4. We take a deep breath, tense our abs and begin to lift our torso. The head and shoulders rise first, and then the torso.
  5. When the angle between the hips and the torso is 90 degrees, we stop the lift. This will be the highest point.
  6. We pause for a second and tense our abdominal muscles.
  7. Slowly lower your torso until it is parallel to the floor. This will be the lowest point.

You should not completely lower yourself onto the bench until the end of the set. It is necessary that the abdominal muscles are in constant tension.

Standing cable crunches

Crunches performed using a block simulator work well on the upper and internal muscle groups. At the same time, the exercise is completely safe for the lumbar region.

The exercise is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. We fix the rope handle on the simulator.
  2. We stand with our back to the projectile and pull the handle to the top of our chest.
  3. Exhale and bend your back, trying to pull the handle lower.
  4. We inhale and return to the starting position.

Crunches on a block machine while on your knees

With this exercise you will draw the upper cubes and obliques.

Execution order:

  1. We set the required weight.
  2. We stand facing the machine and take the handle so that our palms are turned inward.
  3. We take two steps back and kneel down.
  4. We tilt our torso down so that it is almost parallel to the floor.
  5. Raise your arms above your head so that the angle at your elbows becomes straight.
  6. We bend a little at the lower back and, as we exhale, lower our torso to the floor.
  7. At the bottom point, we try to tense our abs strongly and hold for a second.
  8. We go back and repeat the twisting the required number of times.

This type of crunch is more suitable for athletes with average training.

The exercise is performed in this order:

  1. We sit on the fitball and spread our legs to the sides.
  2. We roll down a little so that our back rests on the ball.
  3. We put our hands behind our heads.
  4. As you exhale, perform a twist, lifting your torso up.
  5. We pause for a second and tense our abdominal muscles.
  6. Let's go back.

During twisting, it is necessary to constantly keep the press under load. You also need to bend your back so that your abdominal muscles tighten as much as possible.

Not every gym has a Roman chair, so if an athlete manages to find this machine, then he can be considered lucky.

Exercise technique:

  1. We sit on the simulator. The buttocks should not protrude beyond the edges of the seat. We fold our arms over our chests and place our legs behind the support.
  2. We take a breath and lower ourselves back. We stop when the torso is slightly higher than the hips.
  3. From the lowest point we do a twist. When the most difficult section of the amplitude is passed, we exhale and stop. We pause for a second and lower ourselves.
  4. We do the required number of repetitions.
  5. Don't go too low while doing crunches. This can injure your lower back.

Using this version of the exercise, you can draw out the oblique abdominal muscles, achieve a flat stomach, and reduce the volume of the abdominal cavity.

Classically, the option is performed in this order:

  1. We sit on the floor, bend our knees and lean back a little.
  2. We lift our feet off the floor.
  3. We turn the body in one direction or the other. The legs remain motionless.
  4. Perform the required number of repetitions.

The benefits of crunches

The benefits of crunches for the abdominal muscles cannot be disputed. When performing a set of exercises, you can achieve stunning results. The main thing is to follow the correct techniques.

These exercises also have benefits for the spine. When performing various types of twists, its flexibility improves, and as a result, its general condition. Blood flow increases, which delivers beneficial nutrients to the spinal discs.

Such exercises strengthen the tissues and prepare them for heavy loads. As a result, the risk of future injury is significantly reduced.

In addition, blood flow to internal organs improves, the functioning of the digestive system is stabilized, and memory improves.

Also, a strong abs keeps the spine healthy, because the stronger the muscle corset, the less load the skeleton receives.


Despite all the advantages of crunches, not everyone can do them. People with problems of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, and kidneys are at risk. For rheumatism, diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder, it is not recommended to do exercises that increase intra-abdominal pressure.

The one who walks can conquer the mountain!

Crunches bring great benefits not only to the muscles, but to the entire body. For a beginning athlete, the main thing is to figure out whether he can do such exercises before going to the gym or exercising at home. In the presence of dangerous diseases, an innocent desire to get in good shape can end very badly.

Don’t forget that abdominal exercises alone won’t do it. To avoid imbalance, it is necessary to work out other muscle groups. First of all, together with the abdominal muscles, you need to pump your back so that your torso develops harmoniously.

All types of twisting must be done smoothly and without jerking, tensing the abs as much as possible. Only in this case will you soon be able to see the result.

Be sure to read about it

The crunch exercise is extremely popular for working out the abs. Firstly, it is good because it can be performed at home without the use of special devices and simulators. Secondly, there is a wide variety of types of crunches that will allow you to effectively work out almost all parts of the abs. This exercise helps you to tighten your stomach in a simple way., and achieve sculpted abs.

Types of exercise and muscles involved

Depending on the type of crunch, they use the following muscles:

  • Straight abdomen.
  • Oblique (lateral).
  • Lower back (lumbar area).
  • Gluteal.
  • Hips.

There are the following types and variations of this exercise:, from which you can choose those that are better suited to achieving your goals:

As you can see from the list, there are many variations of the exercise that can be done both in the gym and at home. Which one to choose depends on your goals and overall training program. For home workouts, it is better to select exercises so that they work all parts of the abs and do not require additional equipment. To pump up your abs, crunches on the floor will be enough, the main thing is to alternate straight, lateral and reverse.

How to do crunches correctly

The exercise seems simple, but many people perform it with errors. If the twisting technique is incorrect, it will not only not help you get your abs in shape, but can also harm your health - primarily the spine. Therefore, before we begin Before training, you need to properly study the technique.

The classic version is done as follows:

Crunches on a horizontal bench - the press swings in the same way as on the floor, the legs can be placed on the bench itself or hook it onto its crossbar.

The most common mistakes:

Like any other exercise, crunches should be performed after warming up. Only a well-warmed body will allow you to train effectively and without the risk of injury. All exercises should first be mastered with your own weight and only then, if necessary, resort to weights. Correct technique always comes first, and only then does the weight or number of repetitions increase.

Crunches are great for working your abs, but you shouldn’t give up other exercises for your abdominal muscles. An excellent addition would be leg raises while hanging or lying on the floor (bench), bending the body down while standing (in the lumbar area), lateral knee pull-ups while hanging on a horizontal bar, exercises for the intercostal muscles and much more. It is worth alternating exercises for the rectus and other abdominal muscles so that the rectus has time to rest between approaches.

Many athletes recommend pumping up the abs at the beginning of the entire workout. This ensures that such an important part of the body does not end up being forgotten due to general fatigue during training. After pumping up the abs, you can move on to the rest of the exercises - on the arms or legs, depending on the day of the training. The abs should be trained 3-4 times a week, depending on the athlete’s preparation. Between training, you should take a day of rest to allow the muscles to fully recover.

The greatest effect of training will be given only in combination with proper nutrition and, depending on the tasks, strength or cardio exercises. To tighten your abs and remove excess fat, you will need to add general strength training and cardio exercises after them to your training. Moreover, the main emphasis will need to be on getting rid of excess fat, after which we will move on to working on muscles and definition.

Crunches are basic exercises for the abdominal muscles, especially the rectus abdominis. Weighted crunches are the key exercise for creating sculpted abs.

An important point in abdominal training is the number of repetitions. For abs, this number depends on your goals. If you want to burn excess fat, then do not use weights and perform the set to failure. If you want to stimulate the growth of your abdominal muscles, use weights, and the number of repetitions should be about 20. To form relief, you need to alternate the first and second approaches from one session to the next.

Do not extend too much during crunches - this will stretch the abdominal muscles, and thereby reduce the tone of the anterior abdominal wall.

Types of crunches

Twisting on the floor.

Muscles involved: rectus abdominis, cranial part, in other words “upper abs”, good for burning fat.

This option is the most common type of crunch and uses all the abdominal muscles. In this case, minimal load is placed on the lower back.

Technique: Lie face up on the floor, bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees, place your hands behind your head, and spread your elbows to the sides. Using your abdominal muscles, begin to lift (not jerk) the shoulder girdle from the floor towards the pelvis. From the top point, slowly return to the starting position.

Twisting with rotation.

Muscles worked: rectus abdominis (mainly upper) with emphasis on obliques.

Technique: Using your abdominal muscles, lift your shoulders off the floor and lift your body towards your legs, but do not try to touch your thighs with your forehead or stomach. At the same time as you rise, slightly turn your torso to the right. Do the next repetition with a left turn.

Crunches on a bench with a downward inclination.

Muscles worked: Works the upper abs.

Technique: This exercise requires an incline bench. Lie on your back on a bench, bend your knees and place your feet under the support. Place your hands under your head, spread your elbows to the sides. Using your abdominal muscles, begin to lift your upper body and pull it toward your pelvis.

Crunches on the block.

Muscles involved: Abdominal work, suitable for stimulating muscle growth.

Technique: Choose a weight with which you will do 20 - 25 repetitions. Kneel down facing the pulley device, grab the handle of the pulley and begin to pull it down while bending towards the floor. The abdominal muscles should be in constant tension. Slowly return to the starting position.

Side crunches.

Muscles involved: working the obliques. This exercise is good for making your waist narrower.

Technique: Lie sideways on a bench so that the part of your body above your waist extends over the edge and you can freely bend your body up and down. Have someone hold your feet during the exercise. Bend at the waist, slowly lower yourself to the bottom position and just as slowly rise to the starting position.
In addition, this exercise can be performed on the floor, lying on your side, resting your elbow on the floor, begin to raise and lower your pelvis.

Reverse crunches.

Reverse crunches involve lifting the legs rather than the torso.

Technique: Lie on the floor and stretch your arms along your torso, or if you are doing this exercise on a bench, grab the edge of it with your hands, as shown in the figure. Bend your knees and lift your hips up until they are perpendicular to the floor. Using your abdominal muscles, pull your knees towards your chest. At the top point of the exercise, the knees should be as close to the chest as possible, and the pelvis should be completely raised above the floor, while trying not to straighten the legs, and do not perform reverse twisting using the thigh muscles.

Forearm: Crunches at the wrists

Working muscles:

The main working muscles are the flexors and extensors of the forearm.

Secondary - some other muscles of the forearm.



Hold a dumbbell in each hand.

Starting position - shells in lowered hands. Extending your wrists, move the dumbbells away from you to the sides.

Return to the starting position and, without stopping the movement, “twist” your hands at the wrists, pulling the dumbbells towards you.

Repeat the movement until you complete the last rep.


Movement occurs only in the wrist. Contract and stretch the muscles in both extreme positions.


Don't sacrifice amplitude for more weight. Fully contract your forearm on each rep.


The forearm muscles react to overload in the same way as other muscles. The recommended number of repetitions is 6–8.

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Body twists Lock your hands. Perform vigorous rotations to the right and left, but not to the limit, otherwise you can stretch your muscles (do not confuse stretching with warming up). Keep your back straight, head stretched

From the author's book

Crunches Starting position: hands on the neck, elbows straightened, shoulders touching the floor. Bend forward while twisting your upper spine. Only the upper back works. Do not bend your neck. If you perform the exercise correctly 30 times, you will feel a burning sensation.

From the author's book

Crunches with bent legs We've already done crunches. Some people may find this exercise easier. Starting position: hands on the chest, legs bent at the knees, shoulders on the floor. Reach for your feet. Only the upper back works here; you don’t need to lift your whole back from