Bridge exercise: benefits, harm and technique. Gymnastic bridge and preparatory exercises What is a bridge in gymnastics

The bridge is gymnastic exercise, performing which you can strengthen your back muscles, straighten your posture, develop flexibility and improve blood circulation in the tissues surrounding the spinal discs.

In bodybuilding, the bridge is rarely used, since the very specifics of this sport mostly involve assessing the appearance of the athlete. For many people, the goal of going to the gym is to maximize beautiful body, but not always the maximum healthy.

Meanwhile, a strong back and flexible spine will allow any bodybuilder to achieve significantly greater results in training. And this is not to mention the fact that the main bonus of regularly performing the “bridge” exercise is the absence of back problems and good mobility.

Benefits of exercise

Good mastery of the bridge technique and its regular implementation leads to a number of positive changes in the body:

  • The muscles that straighten the spine (back extensors) are strengthened. These are long muscular “ropes” that run along the entire spinal column on both sides.
  • Lots of people training small muscles back and core, as well as muscles of the arms, legs and buttocks.
  • The flexibility of the spinal column and overall mobility of the body increases.
  • The abdominal muscles stretch, the chest opens.
  • Blood circulation in the tissues surrounding the intervertebral cartilage is activated. This prevents premature wear of the spinal discs.
  • A rush of blood to the head increases cerebral circulation and simulates mental activity.

In addition, when performed cleanly, this gymnastic element allows you to demonstrate your flexibility and physical fitness.


However, the bridge also has contraindications. It should not be done if:

  • diseases of the spine, gastrointestinal tract, high blood pressure or headaches;
  • pregnancy;
  • injuries or diseases of the joints.

You should master the exercise gradually, starting with its simplest variations. Then your body will have time to adapt to the hitherto unusual load.

Execution technique

Before we talk about how to stand on the bridge, let's determine what exactly the body position should be in this pose:

  • When performing a bridge, your back should be arched. A bridge with a straight back, made at the expense of the limbs, is incorrect.
  • The buttocks should be higher than the head and shoulders.
  • The limbs should be as straight as possible, the hands should be on the palms, and the legs should be on the feet. The distance between the palms (as well as between the feet) should be equal to the width of the shoulders. Achieving this level of performance is not easy, but we are now talking about the ideal option.
  • Breathing should be free, without delay.

In order to learn how to perform a bridge correctly, you need to consistently practice all the exercises leading up to it. Let's list these exercises, and then give a description of each of them. They are arranged in order of increasing difficulty:

  1. Straight bridge (you may have heard of this exercise called the “reverse plank”).
  2. Classic full version.

Actually, you can stop at the fifth point, however, there is no limit to perfection. Therefore, we move further towards complexity:

  1. Bridge along the wall down and up.
  2. Entering the bridge from a standing position.
  3. Lifting from the bridge to a standing position.

Lead-up exercises

Shoulder bridge

To perform this exercise, lie on your back and place your feet on the floor, bending your knees. Your arms can be extended along your body or folded over your stomach. This is the starting position.

When you can complete this exercise for 3 sets of 50 repetitions, move on to the next one.

Starting position: sitting on the floor, legs straight, extended in front of you. Palms rest on the floor on either side of the body, fingers pointing forward. Your back should be kept absolutely straight.

Next, lift your pelvis off the floor and straighten your body to a straight line. The feet in this position will rest on the heels, and the gaze will be directed upward diagonally. We do not press our head to our chin and do not bend our neck. The entire body is one straight line.

When you can do 3x40 times cleanly, move on.

Exit to the bridge from the bench

To practice this exercise, you will need a bench, low box, or other stable support. Sit on a bench, place your palms on the edge on either side of you. Walk your feet forward and lower your shoulders onto the bench. Rearrange your hands so that your palms are completely on the bench and your fingers are pointing towards your feet. In this case, the feet should be on the floor and the knees should be bent at right angles.

Rise up from the bench using the strength of your arms and arch your back as much as possible. You're almost on the bridge! Do 3 sets of 30 repetitions.

Take a ball or a small ottoman. Any low item will do. Sit on the floor and place the ball behind you. Then lie on it with the middle of your back.

Place your feet on the floor and bend your knees. Place your hands over the top on the floor near your head, fingers towards your feet. and lower your head down. From this position, straighten your arms and legs and arch your back as much as possible.

2 approaches of 20 times will be enough.

Classic bridge

This exercise is performed exactly the same as the previous one, only without the ball. In a backbend, you rise straight from the floor. At the same time, the head is freely lowered down, there is no tension in the neck. The distance between the legs (as well as between the arms) is equal to the width of the shoulders. Try to arch your back as much as possible and straighten your limbs completely.

We do 2 sets of 15 times.

Practicing the perfect bridge from a prone position can take some time. You can stay with this way of doing the exercise or make the task even more difficult.

Bridge complication

Having thoroughly practiced the classic version of the bridge, you can try to perform the exercise from a standing position.

Descent and ascent along the wall

Stand with your back to the wall at a distance of 2 steps from it. Bend back and press your palms against the wall. Point your fingers down.

Take small steps with your hands along the wall and thus lower yourself to the floor. You can step back a little with your feet so that the distance to the wall is comfortable. Stand on the bridge for a few seconds.

Now you need to climb back onto the wall with your hands. This is more difficult than descending and requires more effort. All movements are performed in reverse order. At the end point, you must return to the starting position - standing with your back to the wall.

Step back and forth 8 times, do 2 sets.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. Further:

  • Bend your knees and bend your pelvis forward, tilt your head back. You must see the space behind you.
  • When you feel that further deflection will lead to loss of balance, raise your arms and bend your hands so that your fingers are pointing back.
  • Move your arms back as far as possible, bend your back, move your pelvis forward and spring your legs. Your task is to overcome the fear of falling and land softly with your palms on the floor behind your back.
  • When your hands touch the floor, hold the bridge for a few seconds and lower yourself to the floor.

You can ask your partner to secure you by holding his hand under your back. This exercise requires good .

When you manage to complete it in 2 sets of 5 times in a row, you can proceed to the last step.

Raising to a standing position

So, the final task. Now you need not to fall into the bridge, but rather, to rise from it. Get back to the starting position. Push your hands off the floor, swing your pelvis forward and bend your legs. At the same time, using the powerful force of your abdominal muscles, lift your body to a vertical position.

You can try combining this and the previous movement. We go down into the bridge and rise out of it. Do the descent and ascent three times, rest a little and repeat the approach.

The correct technique for performing the gymnastic exercise bridge from a lying, standing position, the benefits of the element for the body.

About the benefits gymnastic elements for the condition of the back and posture is known to absolutely everyone. Everyone is familiar with one of the most simple exercises- a bridge. Despite familiarity with gymnastics, this element was performed last time in physical education lessons. To decide to strengthen your back with the help of gymnastic exercises, you need to know exactly the technique of performing a bridge.

First step. Performing a bridge from a lying position

For beginners the most simple option The exercise will be performing a bridge from a lying position. Before practicing standing, a mandatory warm-up of muscle groups not only in the back, but also in the whole body is required. This will help avoid damage that can occur with cold muscles. Setting up from a prone position is as follows.

  • You need to take a horizontal position - lie on your back on a flat surface.
  • Next, you need to bend your knees, moving your feet towards your buttocks.
  • Rest your hands on your palms, preferably positioned just above your shoulders. The fingers are turned towards the body.
  • Using muscle tension, you should gradually lift the pelvic area up. It needs to be raised so that the body bends in the back.
  • Having received a deflection, you need to straighten your legs at the knees and straighten your arms at the elbows.
  • To return from the rack to the starting position, it is advisable to first lower your shoulder blades to the floor. After the back, the buttocks descend.
  • To better consolidate the technique, you need to repeat the bridge exercise from a lying position several times.

Second step. We train to stand on the bridge from a standing position

For those who have become comfortable with the exercise from a horizontal body position, you can try to perform a more complicated version - from a standing position. Just like before a simpler bridge, you need to warm up and warm up your muscles.
It is not advisable to immediately try to stand on a bridge while standing, since not everyone will be able to complete this exercise the first time. For training you will need wall bars or a regular wall.

  • You need to position your back at a distance of a little less than a meter from the chosen assistant.
  • It is necessary to carefully monitor the position of the legs and arms - the feet should be at the same width shoulder joints, and your arms should be extended upward.
  • Next, you need to start bending back until your palms touch the wall.
  • With your palms resting on the wall, you need to start lowering further, gradually moving your hands a few centimeters lower.
  • As a result, your hands should be on the floor and your body should be in a stance position.
  • In order to master the technique of performing the element, it is advisable to repeat the exercise with the wall several times.
After you can easily bridge with the help of a wall, you need to proceed to the next stage of mastering the exercise. For subsequent training you will need a gymnastic mat. It is best that, in addition to the mat, there is a person who can provide backup when performing the element.
How to get on the bridge from a standing position:
  • first of all, you need to stand facing the belayer, if there is one;
  • the legs should be, as in the previous exercises, at the width of the shoulder joints;
  • Next you need to raise your straight arms up;
  • after your legs are positioned at the required level and your arms are raised up, you can begin to lean back;
  • at the moment of bending, the belayer should already easily support the back of the person performing the exercise;
  • It is advisable to go down as slowly as possible, excluding sudden jerks;
  • in order to return to the starting position, you need to push off the floor with your hands and use your back to rise, also being supported;
  • You should not refuse the help of the belayer until the technique of the gymnastic bridge element is fully mastered.
The most common mistake among beginners is to use only the lumbar and shoulder regions for the bridge, forgetting about the arms. They are the main ones in this exercise.

Third step. Learning to get up from the bridge to your feet correctly

For many, learning how to properly stand on a bridge is many times easier than returning from a stance to the starting position.

How to get up from the bridge to your feet?
  • A preparatory exercise is to transfer the weight in a standing position from your feet to your hands and vice versa. This can be achieved by gently rocking back and forth.
  • The first step in getting into a standing position is to transfer all the weight from your hands to your feet.
  • Next, you need to use your back to lift the entire body. To make this action seem simpler, you can imagine that someone is pulling upward on the top of your pants or by a string tied to your stomach.
  • It is not advisable to try to stretch your body forward, as the consequence may be falling to your knees. You must strictly lift your torso up.
  • The first time you need to get up from the bridge using a jerk. Further, when the technique of getting to your feet is successful without special effort, it is advisable to try to rise smoothly. But for a smooth lift, a stronger back and abdominal muscles are required.

About the benefits of the bridge and how often it should be done

The gymnastic bridge is one of the simplest exercises and stances. Despite this fact, the benefits of this element are considerable. The following positive changes occur in the human body.
  • The muscles that fix the spinal column become stronger and stronger. With the help of these muscles, the back bends and extends.
  • In addition to working out many spinal muscles, it also involves muscle groups shoulder girdle, arms, buttocks and legs.
  • The flexibility of the spine and back muscles increases.
  • The abdominal muscles are stretched.
  • The wear resistance of the vertebral discs increases, which occurs due to improved blood circulation in the tissues.

The best video tutorials. Learning to stand on the bridge with professionals

In order to receive not only recommendations, but also clear example execution various options racks, you should take the time to watch the video on how to stand on the bridge.

Many instructors working in gyms and fitness clubs claim that the gymnastic exercise “bridge” is the most useful and allows you to achieve the highest level fitness level muscle corset in the spine area. What is this opinion based on?

“Bridge”: the benefits and harms of exercise for human health

The brain, including the spinal cord, is the most important part of the human body. Therefore, supporting the muscular corset of the back and the flexibility of the spine provides significant benefits. Spinal injuries can leave a person confined to a wheelchair for life.

The spinal column is securely fixed by ligaments and muscle tissue. They serve as protection that protects bone elements, and, consequently, the spinal cord from injury.

In addition, thanks to the elasticity of the muscles, the mobility of the spine is ensured, and its deflections and straightening can be easily performed.

By providing the “bridge” exercise with flexibility of the spinal column and training the muscles by stretching the back, a person fully controls his movements, develops excellent coordination, preventing the development of diseases such as muscle atrophy, neuropathic pathologies, and osteoporosis.

By the way, a person’s breathing largely depends on the elasticity of the spinal muscles and the flexibility of the spine, since the mobility of the diaphragm is partially ensured by the work of the musculoskeletal skeleton. Therefore, the bridge exercise is useful for many diseases of the respiratory system. And support for the correct functionality of the spine and spinal cord guarantees deep sleep and reduction of nervous disorders.

By performing a gymnastic element 2-3 times a week, you can achieve the following results:

  • strengthen deep muscles back and increase the flexibility of the spinal column, improving posture;
  • increase blood flow to the cartilage tissue located between the vertebrae and, thus, reduce the risk of their premature wear;
  • eliminate the possibility of vertebral displacement;
  • eliminate calcium deposits in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae;
  • increase coordination of movements;
  • improve the functionality of joints;
  • increase lung volume as the chest expands.

However, you should not assume that the “bridge” exercise makes it possible to get rid of almost any problem associated with the spine. In fact, you can cause significant harm to the body by performing the element incorrectly. Excessive stretching can lead to significant pain and put the “athlete” out of action for a long time.

Despite the fact that in any school students are taught the exercise of how to stand on a “bridge”, there are contraindications to this type gymnastics classes. These are mainly diseases of the spinal column. Even if the exercise is recommended in combination physical therapy, it is better to master the element under the guidance of a competent instructor who is familiar in the smallest detail with the technique of performing the “bridge” exercise.

Why was the exercise technique forgotten?

Unfortunately, only rare visitors will be able to stand on the “bridge” now gym. In most cases, the focus is on developing a muscle group abdominals and hands

Naturally, abs on the stomach, massive shoulders and arms look very attractive. The convex relief allows him to be considered a “cool” guy and enjoy success among girls.

Fitness center instructors promote flexibility and support the idea of ​​training all muscles.

However, the “bridge” exercise, which is extremely useful for the buttocks and back, has ceased to be popular. It is difficult to perform without additional support; it does not fit well into the overall rhythm of the lesson. Therefore, preference is given to a set of elements that allow you to spend time in the fitness center, perhaps with less benefit, but fun and active.

The benefits of the gymnastic element are undeniable, but are forgotten as soon as a person leaves the walls of the school. Therefore, it would be useful to remember how to perform a “bridge” correctly.

Rules for performing a gymnastic element

An element is considered to be executed perfectly if 4 rules are met:

  1. With weakened muscles, when performing a gymnastic element, a person lifts the body, leaning on the limbs, but at the same time the torso remains almost straight. Perfect execution characterized by maximum bending of the back.
  2. One of the most important conditionscorrect position buttocks The pelvis should be raised high above the floor, much higher than the level of the lowered head. If the buttocks almost touch the surface, the exercise is performed incorrectly.
  3. Limbs must be straightened as much as possible. And for this, great attention should be paid to developing the joints, because simultaneous straightening of the arms and legs in a similar position is very problematic for a beginner.
  4. This exercise is performed with even and deep breathing. In this case, the load on the diaphragm is insignificant, and breathing will not be interrupted. Masters believe that calm, deep breathing is one of the main signs of correct technique.

Naturally, at first, in order to stand on the “bridge”, you will have to practice long and hard, starting with lifting your torso from a lying position. But as the flexibility of the spine increases and the muscular corset of the back strengthens, it will be enough to bend back, throwing your hands behind your head, and touching the floor with them.

A gymnastic bridge (attached springboard) is necessary for artistic gymnastics. This device is used during training and during competitions. It is definitely present in gyms educational institutions.

For some disciplines, this projectile is important only as an auxiliary device. In other cases, it is part of the main program and without it the athletes’ performances are impossible. What are these disciplines?

A gymnastic bridge (photo below) is sports equipment for activities related to jumping. Springboard and attached bridge are the names of the same device. The device increases the athlete's pushing power and allows him to cover a greater distance in the air than he could do by jumping from a hard surface. The design of the device has variations, but its operation is based on the principle of a spring. The greater the impact on the lever, the greater the recoil.


For exercises on the uneven bars, horizontal bar, balance beam or pommel horse, the gymnastic bridge plays a supporting role. With its help, athletes climb onto the main apparatus and begin their performance. The extension bridge is then moved to the side so that it does not interfere. At the same time, it means much more, since it is used in close conjunction with the main projectile. Without it, it is impossible to make any meaningful jump.

The working surface of the board, installed at an angle, tends to spring. The athlete takes a run and jumps onto the bridge. Under the weight of the body, the structure bends, the board, straightening, throws the athlete up. Having linear acceleration, he rushes forward and upward in an arc, groups himself and, placing his hands on the projectile, lands on his feet, having previously performed one or more pirouettes in the air.


The gymnastic swing bridge is usually found in two types. They are similar in principle of operation, but have design features. The most common are wooden bridges with a bent flexible plate that acts as a spring. Another option is a metal frame as a base, a pushing platform made of natural or synthetic materials and steel springs between them.

They produce jumping gymnastic springboards in two sizes: for children and adults. In turn, they are divided: for training in educational institutions or amateur use and for professional sports.

The length of the base of adult models is usually 120-125 cm with a width of 50-60 cm. The push board (platform) has a size of 135x50 cm. The lifting height (angle of inclination) can be 10-30 cm and depends on the type of spring mechanism. This regulates the rigidity of the structure, on which the degree of rebound will depend. Children's models have smaller dimensions (100x50x20), they are optimally designed for body weight up to 30 kg.


The gymnastic bridge is installed on a hard, flat surface in the hall or on open area. To ensure stability from the bottom of the base, it must have rubber pads that reduce the likelihood of slipping. They must be securely and securely fastened.

A spring mechanism is installed between the pushing surface and the base frame. This may be a spiral made of hardened steel. Usually two rows of such springs are installed in the corners, but one more is possible - to increase dynamic acceleration. In another embodiment, the pushing force is provided by a plate wedge installed diagonally.

It, like the springs, can be attached rigidly or the position can be adjusted to change the degree of jumping ability of the structure. The jogging surface is additionally covered with carpet to increase comfort during jolts. Some models have markings for more accurate targeting desired zone boards.

Recently, companies involved in the production of sports equipment and inventory have been looking for ways to improve the designs of gymnastic bridges. Specialists are limited by the standards and requirements of the International Federation artistic gymnastics, but they are trying to experiment (springless designs). Their goal is to make gymnastic swing bridges more reliable, safe, wear-resistant, quiet, and most importantly, to ensure maximum return of rebound energy.


Since this equipment is used in professional sports and in educational institutions, this type of product is always subject to high requirements for the safety of materials and the specifics of use. A gymnastic spring bridge is often made from multilayer plywood (15 mm).

Solid wood of birch, cedar, and ash is used. In new developments, synthetic materials (combined carbon fiber, bakelite) are used for push surfaces. For more comfortable conditions of use, shock-absorbing padding (carpet, corrugated rubber) is often installed on top, which at the same time provides good grip and anti-slip.

The frame can be made of wood or lightweight metal structures. Between it and the push platform, sheet or wire coil springs made of hardened chrome-plated steel are installed. They are securely fastened with bolts and nuts into secret holes so that there are no protruding elements.

On this page of the online store site you can buy gymnastic bridges different types for performing jumps and other elements as part of training and competitions in artistic gymnastics.

Otherwise, such a projectile is called a springboard. It serves to enhance repulsion and allows the athlete to cover greater distances than when jumping from a hard surface.


  • Swing bridges. In another way, they are called spring due to steel springs, which are fixed between the base plane of the projectile and its supports, or an additional spring plate. The springs provide good elasticity, which is necessary for performing complex gymnastic elements that require a high “jump.” The bridge platform is made of high-strength birch plywood, resistant to stress and deformation. To prevent slipping, the platform is covered with carpet. There are models with a straight base and a curved one.
  • Extension bridges. The difference between these models and flip-up models is the absence of springs. Accordingly, they are used to perform other elements that do not require high jumps. They are also made of multi-layer birch plywood and covered with carpet. They are given rigidity by additional support between the base of the projectile and the platform.

Our catalog includes both relatively simple training models of bridges and professional ones that can be used in competitions. There are options from domestic and foreign manufacturers, such as Polsport or Pesmenpol.

Purpose of the projectile

A gymnastic bridge is an auxiliary equipment and is used for jumping onto apparatus, for example, parallel bars, logs, crossbar, etc., as well as for performing vaults and other elements. To protect the athlete from injury as much as possible, it must be highly durable and slip-resistant.

The bridge must be installed on a hard and level surface. For maximum stability of the base, rubber pads can be used, which are securely fixed and prevent slipping. The gymnastic bridge can be used both in indoor gyms and in open areas.

How to make an order?

From us you can purchase any number of gymnastic wooden bridges with delivery throughout Moscow, the region and other cities. To do this, add the item to your cart and complete your purchase, which, thanks to the most simplified form, will only take a few minutes.

Please note that when ordering sports equipment and inventory over a certain amount becomes available wholesale discounts, information about which is indicated directly on each product card. There you will also find detailed characteristics and descriptions of the bridges, including purpose, dimensions, materials, etc.