Frog exercise - how to do it correctly to stretch muscles. “Frog” - a very deep stretch of the groin area! Will help better than a gynecologist Exercise frog squat

The principle of operation of the “lungs” physical exercise with stretching is to increase muscle tone, maintain active blood circulation and noticeably improve the functioning of the genitourinary system. In our article today we will look at how to do the “Frog” exercise and what muscle groups it affects.

How is the gymnastic exercise “Frog” useful?

The “Frog” exercise, despite its external “clumsiness,” is very useful for physical tone. Regular performance of this exercise significantly reduces the risk of joint diseases.

Prevention of varicose veins

Thanks to active blood flow, when performing the “Frog” exercise, the risk of venous diseases, the formation of vascular blood clots and varicose veins veins Many people use this physical technique solely for the prevention of these diseases. Please note that the Frog exercise cannot be performed if you already have vein problems.

Muscle strengthening

Frog exercises are great as a complement to a strict diet. During active weight loss It’s important not to exhaust your already stressed body grueling workouts, but do not forget that the muscles need to be tightened and kept in good shape. “Frog” is the best option for this. These exercises do not exhaust the body and set the “correct” muscle pace, strengthening and tightening the muscles. This is especially true for the leg and abdominal sections.

Normalization of pressure

Oddly enough, such a simple exercise as “Frog” can normalize blood pressure. Thanks to the smoothness of the workout and proper breathing, with regular use of this technique, there is a decrease in attacks of sudden surges in blood pressure. Therefore, “Frog” can be performed even in adulthood, observing all safety measures.

exercise Frog with jump

How to do the “Frog” exercises?

When choosing variations of “frog” exercises, first of all, you should be guided by desired result. This type of training allows you to effectively work out various muscle groups and maintain certain areas of your figure in tone.

Exercise "Frog" on the stomach

If you want to improve the tone of your back muscles, you should regularly perform the “Frog” exercise on your stomach. To do this, you need to lie on the surface with your legs apart and bend at the knees. Then slightly raise top part body and perform torso twisting for 10 minutes. This exercise requires a certain skill, which will come only with practice.

Frog on belly

Exercise "Frog" on the back

Performing the “Frog” exercise on the back is identical to the above-described workout on the stomach. The only difference is that your knees must be bent so that your feet rest against each other. In this case, twisting the upper body should be performed at the shortest distance from the floor. Using this technique as morning exercises allows you to start active blood circulation and tone the “sleepy” muscles.

frog on his back

"Frog" with weights

The use of weights when performing the “Frog” exercise is a fairly new phenomenon. You can use additional weight for any type of training - this will only increase the intensity of the load on the muscles. The only rule is that weights can only be used on the legs. Otherwise, “Frog” will not only lose its healing properties, but will also cause harm due to improper weight distribution.

Exercise "Frog" in yoga

The “Frog” exercise, better known as “Bhekasana,” has been used in yoga for quite a long time and, despite the complexity of its execution, is performed even by beginners. To perform this asana, you need to lie on the floor and completely relax for 5 minutes. Then, with our hands behind our back, we clasp our toes and pull them towards the lower back and fix the position for a couple of minutes. Please note that this type of “Frog” is performed while exhaling. This workout not only warms up all the muscles of the body, but also makes them more flexible and improves blood circulation.

Bhekasana (Frog pose) in yoga

yoga leg stretching

Exercise "Frog" for the press

The “frog” for the press allows you to achieve visible relief in the abdominal area in a short time. This kind of training activates all the abdominal muscles, but is accompanied by painful sensations.

To perform the exercise, you need to lie on a flat, hard surface with your stomach down and stretch your legs. Then slowly bend your knees and spread them apart. From the outside it looks like you are doing the splits, using bottom part housings. Repeat this exercise 15 times, 2 sets, keeping the execution smooth.

Exercise "Frog" for stretching legs

To strengthen calf muscles and improving stretching, it is recommended to perform the “Frog” exercise from the “on all fours” position. Please note that the surface for training should be comfortable and not cause irritation or lint “burns”. Having taken the starting position, we move the knee joints apart as deeply as possible and fix the position for 30 seconds. Then bend the upper part of the body to the floor as much as possible and slowly bring the knees in the opposite direction. We repeat this exercise 10 times for 2-3 approaches.

Frog for leg stretching

Exercise "Frog" for buttocks

"Frog" for strengthening gluteal muscles- one of the easiest exercises to do. To begin, you need to squat down and spread your knees out to the sides as much as possible. It is important to keep your back straight and your hands on your waist. From this position, smoothly perform squats for 10-15 minutes, 2 sets at an interval of 20 minutes.

To avoid injuries or sprains, at the initial stage it is recommended to perform the “Frog” exercise under the guidance of a specialist. One lesson with a trainer is enough to remember the correct combination and carry out training at home independently and without harm to health.


How to do the “Frog” exercise correctly

Exercise "Frog" familiar to us from childhood. Remember in kindergarten Among other outdoor games, we moved forward in a line, jumping up from a sitting position and helping ourselves to push off the floor with our arms and legs at the same time?

Classic “Frog” – a more serious element physical activity, than a gaming option for kids, but it is also quite suitable for children.

How to do it, what are its benefits for our body if performed regularly, and what types of exercise exist? Find out everything right now.

What muscles are involved?

First of all - the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, pelvis, oblique abdominal muscles, gluteal and all the muscles that support the corset of the torso, back, starting from lumbar region before latissimus muscle. Also The muscles of the arms actively work - from the shoulder to the hand.

5 useful properties of the classic version

1. Strengthening the abdominal muscles.

The key to successfully completing the exercise is work muscle corset torso with a predominant load on the abs.

2. Strengthening the muscles of the arms and back, increasing the elasticity of the hips and buttocks.

The arms play the role of a support, on which, when lifting the legs, the entire weight of the body raised up falls, so over time, their strength and ability to withstand loads begins to grow. The muscles of the back, hips and buttocks tense every time the legs leave the ground, and also take on the load from the weight of their own body, strengthening from activity to activity.

3. Improved coordination.

Often, beginners, behind the apparent simplicity of the exercise, do not see the threat of losing coordination and overestimate their strength. When balancing on weak arms, you may lose your balance, sway too much forward or backward, and hit the floor with your face or tailbone. With each lesson, the functioning of the vestibular apparatus improves, concentration increases, and you become more and more in control of your own body.

4. Suitable for children.

In children's training, it is used as an element of acrobatics. When lifting the body, the muscles take on the load, but the joints and spine, on the contrary, are unloaded. Therefore, the exercise is extremely useful for children suffering from spinal curvature, scoliosis, etc.

5. Promotes weight loss and is indicated for all categories of exercisers.

The basis of the exercise is static load, its goal is to burn fat, i.e., calories, even at a low heart rate. In addition, the load on the abdominal and pelvic muscles stimulates the work of the intestines and endocrine glands. This leads to a more active metabolism, and as a result, to losing weight in the most natural and beneficial way. Suitable for people different ages and fitness levels.

4 movement options

A movement with this name exists in a variety of areas of fitness, sports and even dance., differing in execution technique and emphasis on different muscle groups. We offer an introduction to some of them.

During the first training sessions, in order to avoid injuries, it is necessary to perform the exercise on a shock-absorbing surface., place a pillow or soft rug.

1. The starting position is to squat down, resting on the palms of your hands and toes (this is exactly how a frog sits: hands with fingers apart on the inside, legs bent at the knees on the outside). Bend your arms slightly at the elbows, this will make the load on them “softer”. The bent knees of the legs should be at the level of the elbows and slightly pressed against them. Look forward, the whole body, from head to tailbone, forms a diagonal. Take a breath.

2. As you exhale, lift your legs off the floor and bring your soles together, as if forming a diamond with your legs. Lean on your arms slightly bent at the elbows. Your body should form a horizontal line. Hold the raised body for a few seconds.

3. As you inhale, gently return to the starting position.

The described cycle is one repetition. 10-20 repetitions make up 1 approach. If you do 3 sets of 10-20 repetitions daily, then within 5-6 weeks the result of working on yourself will become obvious and will please you. You can carry out the exercise until you hold the position in the lift from several seconds to several minutes. This movement is great.


Avoid putting too much pressure on your arms at first and don't open your legs too wide when lifting, as you risk straining the muscles in your arms and legs. For the first training, simply pressing your knees to your chest while lifting your legs off the floor is also suitable.

This variety of crunch from the Bruce Lee Complex is often found in fitness programs for women. who do not exercise for the sake of building up muscle mass, A want to achieve from the training process flat stomach . Its goal is to strengthen and dry the abdominal muscles, and at the same time provide a slight stretch.

The frog exercise for the press is performed as follows:

1. Starting position – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Open your legs like a book, while bringing your feet together - a diamond is formed, while your knees drop down, but freely - do not try to press them to the floor. Hands - behind the head or crossed on the chest.

2. By tensing your abdominal muscles, lift your upper body, hold for 2 counts at the top point, and hold for 2 counts at the lowest point - your shoulders just barely touch the floor for a moment before lifting again. The abdominal muscles are constantly tense, but the knees and neck are as relaxed as possible.

Do 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions with a break of 30 seconds.

Peculiarity! If your abdominal muscles are weak, rest while performing the complex with outstretched arms to the floor at the back. This will relieve tension from the lower back, because... if the abdominal muscles cannot cope with the load, it is the lower back that takes on the entire burden, and as a result, it is greatly overstrained.

This movement is widely used in gymnastics. The benefits of a good leg stretch aren't just your graceful gait. This gymnastic movement improves mobility hip joints, increases blood circulation in the area abdominal cavity and pelvis, as a result – a reduction in the risk of many diseases. The frog exercise for the buttocks and legs is aimed at stretching the muscles of the inner thigh. This movement helps.

Execution sequence:

1. Starting position - on all fours, spread your knees to the sides, shin and thigh at right angles to each other.

2. Smoothly lower your forearms to the floor, arching your back as much as possible. It is better if you keep your feet on the floor correct position a training partner will assist. Stay in this position for 30 seconds and return to the starting position.

2 sets of 6-8 repetitions will help improve blood circulation in muscle tissue hips and groin, increase the flow of oxygen to them. You can do more if you feel you can.

Option for beginners, without back arching. Lie on your back, open your legs as much as possible, bringing your soles together. In the groin area there is no pain, but a feeling of stretching and warmth.

Important! Don't overdo it: be flexible and physical training your body. Inappropriate jerking will not do any good, but will only lead to unwanted injuries and throw you off your training schedule.

Regular performance of this exercise develops flexibility, stretches, strengthens the hips and buttocks, has a tonic effect on the whole body and a balancing effect on the hormonal system.

1. Starting position – lie on your stomach, bend your lower back. We clasp our toes with our hands, taking a boat position.

2. As you exhale, slowly and very carefully press your hands on your feet, trying to reach your heels to the pelvis. If stretching allows, we continue to press until the heels touch the floor. Don't lift your hips off the floor. While inhaling, return to the starting position. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

" Right

The “Frog” exercise has been familiar to us since childhood. Remember, in kindergarten, among other outdoor games, we moved forward in a line, jumping up from a sitting position and helping ourselves to push off the floor with our hands and feet at the same time?

The classic “Frog” is a more serious element of physical activity than a play option for kids, but it is also quite suitable for children.

How to do it, what are its benefits for our body if performed regularly, and what types of exercise exist? Find out everything right now.

What muscles are involved?

First of all, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, pelvis, oblique abdominal muscles, gluteal and all the muscles that support the corset of the torso, back, starting from the lumbar region to the latissimus muscle. Also The muscles of the arms actively work - from the shoulder to the hand.

5 useful properties of the classic version

1. Strengthening the abdominal muscles.

The key to successful execution of the exercise is the work of the muscular corset of the torso with a predominant load on the abs.

2. Strengthening the muscles of the arms and back, increasing the elasticity of the hips and buttocks.

The arms play the role of a support, on which, when lifting the legs, the entire weight of the body raised up falls, so over time, their strength and ability to withstand loads begins to grow. The muscles of the back, hips and buttocks tense every time the legs leave the ground, and also take on the load from the weight of their own body, strengthening from activity to activity.

3. Improved coordination.

Often, beginners, behind the apparent simplicity of the exercise, do not see the threat of losing coordination and overestimate their strength. When balancing on weak arms, you may lose your balance, sway too much forward or backward, and hit the floor with your face or tailbone. With each lesson, the functioning of the vestibular apparatus improves, concentration increases, and you become more and more in control of your own body.

4. Suitable for children.

In children's training, it is used as an element of acrobatics. When lifting the body, the muscles take on the load, but the joints and spine, on the contrary, are unloaded. Therefore, the exercise is extremely useful for children suffering from spinal curvature, scoliosis, etc.

5. Promotes weight loss and is indicated for all categories of exercisers.

The basis of the exercise is a static load, its goal is to burn fat, i.e., calories, even at a low heart rate. In addition, the load on the abdominal and pelvic muscles stimulates the work of the intestines and endocrine glands. This leads to a more active metabolism, and as a result, to losing weight in the most natural and beneficial way. Suitable for people of different ages and fitness levels.

4 movement options

A movement with this name exists in a variety of areas of fitness, sports and even dance., differing in execution technique and emphasis on different muscle groups. We offer an introduction to some of them.

During the first training sessions, in order to avoid injuries, it is necessary to perform the exercise on a shock-absorbing surface., place a pillow or soft rug.

1. The starting position is to squat down, resting on the palms of your hands and toes (this is exactly how a frog sits: hands with fingers apart on the inside, legs bent at the knees on the outside). Bend your arms slightly at the elbows, this will make the load on them “softer”. The bent knees of the legs should be at the level of the elbows and slightly pressed against them. Look forward, the whole body, from head to tailbone, forms a diagonal. Take a breath.

2. As you exhale, lift your legs off the floor and bring your soles together, as if forming a diamond with your legs. Lean on your arms slightly bent at the elbows. Your body should form a horizontal line. Hold the raised body for a few seconds.

3. As you inhale, gently return to the starting position.

The described cycle is one repetition. 10-20 repetitions make up 1 approach. If you do 3 sets of 10-20 repetitions daily, then within 5-6 weeks the result of working on yourself will become obvious and will please you. You can carry out the exercise until you hold the position in the lift from several seconds to several minutes. This movement is great.


Avoid putting too much pressure on your arms at first and don't open your legs too wide when lifting, as you risk straining the muscles in your arms and legs. For the first training, simply pressing your knees to your chest while lifting your legs off the floor is also suitable.

This variety of crunch from the Bruce Lee Complex is often found in fitness programs for women. who exercise not for the sake of building muscle mass, but want to achieve a flat stomach from the process of training. Its goal is to strengthen and dry the abdominal muscles, and at the same time provide a slight stretch.

The frog exercise for the press is performed as follows:

1. Starting position – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Open your legs like a book, while bringing your feet together - a diamond is formed, while your knees drop down, but freely - do not try to press them to the floor. Hands - behind the head or crossed on the chest.

2. By tensing your abdominal muscles, lift your upper body, hold for 2 counts at the top point, and hold for 2 counts at the lowest point - your shoulders just barely touch the floor for a moment before lifting again. The abdominal muscles are constantly tense, but the knees and neck are as relaxed as possible.

Do 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions with a break of 30 seconds.

Peculiarity! If your abdominal muscles are weak, while performing the complex, rest your outstretched arms on the floor from behind. This will relieve tension from the lower back, because... if the abdominal muscles cannot cope with the load, it is the lower back that takes on the entire burden, and as a result, it is greatly overstrained.

This movement is widely used in gymnastics. The benefits of a good leg stretch aren't just your graceful gait. This gymnastic movement improves the mobility of the hip joints, increases blood circulation in the abdominal cavity and pelvis, and as a result reduces the risk of many diseases. The frog exercise for the buttocks and legs is aimed at stretching the muscles of the inner thigh. This movement helps.

Execution sequence:

1. Starting position - on all fours, spread your knees to the sides, shin and thigh at right angles to each other.

2. Smoothly lower your forearms to the floor, arching your back as much as possible. It is better if a training partner helps you keep your feet on the floor in the correct position. Stay in this position for 30 seconds and return to the starting position.

2 sets of 6-8 repetitions will help improve blood circulation in the muscle tissues of the thighs and groin, increasing the flow of oxygen to them. You can do more if you feel you can.

Option for beginners, without back arching. Lie on your back, open your legs as much as possible, bringing your soles together. In the groin area there is no pain, but a feeling of stretching and warmth.

Important! Don't overdo it: consider your body's flexibility and fitness. Inappropriate jerking will not do any good, but will only lead to unwanted injuries and throw you off your training schedule.

Regular performance of this exercise develops flexibility, stretches, strengthens the hips and buttocks, has a tonic effect on the whole body and a balancing effect on the hormonal system.

1. Starting position – lie on your stomach, bend your lower back. We clasp our toes with our hands, taking a boat position.

2. As you exhale, slowly and very carefully press your hands on your feet, trying to reach your heels to the pelvis. If stretching allows, we continue to press until the heels touch the floor. Don't lift your hips off the floor. While inhaling, return to the starting position.

Benefits of leg stretching exercises for women

Good leg stretching is a special pride of the fair sex. In addition to the graceful and easy gait, beautiful posture, graceful and toned legs, leg stretching exercises are also useful for women because when they are performed regularly, the mobility of the sacrum and hip joints noticeably improves, blood circulation in the abdominal cavity and pelvis improves, and the likelihood of diseases of the genitourinary system decreases. In addition, elastic ligaments and a mobile pelvis will be very useful to you during pregnancy and will be the key to an easy birth.

It is important that good stretch The legs will strengthen the abs and leg muscles, making them more prominent and attractive.

However, if you haven’t exercised for a long time, you’re unlikely to be able to do the splits right away. Auxiliary stretching exercises for the legs will help you prepare for the cross splits. Today we will talk about one of these exercises - the Frog.

How to do the Frog exercise to stretch your legs

This exercise is aimed at stretching the muscles of the inner thigh and groin area from a sitting position. When performing it, it is important to monitor your breathing in order to improve blood circulation in muscle tissue and increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients. Don't over-exert yourself: stretch as much as your body flexibility allows. Excessive jerking can cause unwanted injuries.

To avoid this, it is best to perform this exercise in turn with a friend who will monitor the correct technique of the exercise, or with a fitness trainer.

Technique for performing the “Frog” exercise

  1. Get on all fours and slowly spread your knees to both sides so that your shin and thigh are at right angles to each other, and your pubic bone is perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Smoothly move your pelvic bones forward, lowering your forearms to the floor. The back bends backward as much as possible, the soles of the feet touch each other. It’s good if a friend helps you keep your feet on the floor in the correct position.
  3. Lock in this position for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  4. Do the required number of repetitions.

P.S. There is another lightweight version of the “Frog” exercise, in which you just need to lie with your back on the floor, spread your knees and shins as far as possible, while connecting the soles of your feet so that you feel a good stretch in the groin area. This version is suitable for beginners who have not yet managed to master back arches.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


The word frog - the name of such an unsympathetic and not at all graceful amphibian animal - has a very great importance in physical education, because this is also the name for different variations of the Frog exercise, which are incredibly beneficial for the body. These are special approaches for legs, abs, stretching for splits, and even one of the asanas in yoga. In addition, the frog pose is very beneficial for women's health - it significantly improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, therefore helps to avoid problems with the genitourinary system and promotes easy delivery.

Frog pose

This name combines several types of physical activity for pumping different muscle groups and correction of different parts of the body. There is a separate Frog exercise for the abs, inner thighs, and legs. The technique for performing each one is slightly different, but in the process of doing it, they all involve adopting a body position that is shaped like a frog. These exercises are very popular among professional athletes and dancers. The Frog pose is also a healing yoga asana, where there are also several variations of it.

How to sit in a frog

Since childhood, we have all been familiar with the technique of performing frog jumps, when we jump from a squatting position with our knees spread far apart. The classic basic frog pose is somewhat reminiscent of the starting position for such jumps. To accept it, you need to squat down, spreading your knees strongly in diametric directions. Place your hands parallel between your knees, bending your elbows slightly, and then try to raise your pelvis and legs. You can find many video tutorials online on how to sit in the Frog correctly.

Frog pose in yoga

One of the healing dynamic asanas in yoga is bhekasana or frog pose. It is an excellent way to massage the abdominal cavity, develop the legs, back, knee joints, indicated for gout, rheumatism, venous dilatation of the veins. However, this asana should not be performed by those who suffer from insomnia, have problems with blood pressure or have suffered spinal injuries.

The classic frog pose in yoga is performed like this:

  • Lie on your stomach, put your hands behind your back, lower your face.
  • As you exhale, stretch your legs, smoothly bend your knees, carefully bringing your heels towards your pelvis.
  • Hold your heels with your hands, and while inhaling, slowly raise your head and body, arching your lower back and pulling your elbows and shoulders back.
  • Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, lie back, relax.
  • In addition to the classic version of the asana, which is a little difficult and tough for beginners, there is an easier, simplified way of the frog pose, when only one leg is raised.

Frog exercise for stretching

This approach is constantly practiced by ballerinas and gymnasts, because the Frog stretch is a very effective preparation for the splits. It is one of the main exercises for developing body flexibility - it helps to quickly stretch muscles and ligaments, and makes even deep, rigid muscles stretch. internal muscles hips. Stretching exercises for cross twine include the Frog without fail. Stretching for longitudinal twine also often involves adopting a frog pose in combination with other basic exercises.

To do the Frog for stretching, you must first get on all fours and rest your hands on the floor, then smoothly spread your knees very wide, lower your upper body to the floor, while arching your lower back as much as possible. Hold this position for up to 30 seconds, then return to the starting position. A strong tension should be felt in the groin area, but in no case pain. Effective stretching for twine it is unacceptable after suffering spinal injuries, with inflammatory diseases of the back and joints.

Frog exercise for legs

It is easy to make your legs beautiful and toned if you regularly do the Frog exercise for legs. With its help, all the muscles of the thighs and legs are strengthened, but the knees are heavily loaded, so such approaches are contraindicated for people whose knees are not healthy. The technique for performing the exercise is not complicated:

  • Squat down, bringing your heels together and your toes pointing out to the sides.
  • Rest your fingers on the floor, place your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • As you exhale, smoothly straighten your legs without bending your knees, without lowering your heels, without lifting your toes from the floor.
  • As you inhale, sit back down.

Frog pull-ups

So called effective exercise for the abs, which will very quickly help remove caterpillar folds on the stomach, achieve a slender waist, and tone the abdominal muscles. Frog pull-ups are also good for training the legs, but their main value is that when correct execution Each approach works perfectly on every abdominal muscle. Due to the strong load on the peritoneum, this exercise is contraindicated for women who have recently given birth, people who have undergone abdominal surgery or have problems with the spine.

There are two variations of frog pull-ups:

  1. The classic method involves twisting the body. To do it, you need to lie on your back and bring the soles of your feet together, and bent knees spread as wide as possible. Having immobilized the lower back and pelvis, smoothly twist forward, keeping your hands on your chest or behind your head. The exercise should be accompanied correct breathing: lifting the body - exhale, lowering - inhale.
  2. The maximum load in the first version falls on the rectus abdominis muscles; for enhanced development of the obliques, there is a second variation of frog pull-ups - pelvic twists. The starting position is the same, only with this approach we immobilize the entire upper body, and lift and twist the pelvis, pulling the knees to the shoulders, straining the abdominal muscles with all our might.

Video: Frog exercise for the press

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