Exercise while lying on a towel roll. Healthy back with a towel roller: exercises for the spine. Lying down and losing weight is the essence of the Japanese weight loss method

Japanese doctor Fukutsuji studies problems of the spinal column and treats them. Based on experience and knowledge he developed, unique technique restoration of the natural position of the spine. Over time, patients began to notice that their waist size began to decrease. The doctor associates this result not only with fat burning, but also with the correct location of the ribs and pelvic bones.

  • Posture straightening;
  • Slight increase in height;
  • Reduction or complete elimination of back pain;
  • Strengthening the muscle corset;
  • Reducing waist size.

But, as with all any methods, these exercises have their contraindications. It is enough to abstain for people who have any injuries to the spinal column, back pain, spinal hernias, elevated temperatures, various bleedings, high blood pressure and poor health.

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Execution Rules

The roller is an important item for charging. To make a roller, it is advisable to take a regular cotton towel and twist it. To prevent it from falling apart under you, you need to tie it with a rope or fasten it with an elastic band. Important point– the length of the rolled towel should be predominantly the width of your back, and its height should be 10-15cm. If there are various diseases of the spinal column, then it is better to make the height of the towel smaller. Now you should choose the place where you will perform the exercises.

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A hard surface is best. It will be better if you choose a floor or a wide couch. For convenience and comfortable performance of gymnastics, do not forget to lay a fitness and yoga mat on a hard surface.

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Let's start performing gymnastic exercises. It must be remembered that the sequence of movements must be followed.

  • Sit on a hard surface, stretch your legs, place a rolled towel behind your back and slowly lie down on it. The roller must be positioned correctly. It should lie strictly under the navel. To independently check whether the towel is lying correctly, you need to point your index finger at the navel and draw a horizontal line along the skin of the abdomen to the sides of the abdomen. Your finger should touch the towel;
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bring the spots together so that they touch each other only with your thumbs. The heels should be apart. In order not to constantly be distracted by the correct placement of the feet, you can thumbs tie together with a string or elastic band;
  • Stretch your arms up with your palms facing you. Bring your little fingers together and slowly lower your hands behind your head. The position may seem awkward, but you should try to maintain it. You need to lie in this position for at least 5 minutes. If it doesn’t work out, then 2-3 minutes is enough to start. Then little by little the duration of the exercise should be increased. In this position, the spine takes a natural position and the spinal column is stretched and straightened;
  • After performing gymnastics, you should not get up quickly or abruptly. The bones and joints of the spine are located in a natural position, and with a sharp rise, there may be slight displacements of the bones, which will affect health. It is advisable to roll onto your side and lie down for a while. In this position, your body will return to its normal state. When you wake up and are ready, you can get up.

Once you get used to doing Dr. Fukutsuji's exercises, you can increase the size of the roller. But you should do this gradually and not rush. It is recommended to do gymnastics once a day. Frequent use may adversely affect your health.

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If you want to get the effect of losing weight and a slim waist, then a rolled up towel should be placed at the beginning of the ribs. To reduce waist size, it is better to perform the exercise in combination with breathing exercises. When performing exercises, the organs in abdominal cavity are located in the correct natural position, their blood supply improves and metabolism accelerates. To tighten the chest and strengthen its muscles, the roller should be placed under the chest. This will allow her to rise and pull herself up. It is important to know about complications that may arise during charging:

  • If the height of the towel is incorrectly selected, pain in the lumbar region may occur;
  • Tinnitus and headache;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea;
  • Possible darkening of the eyes and short-term loss of consciousness;
  • Acute back pain;
  • Spasms of individual muscle groups.

Many people would like to get rid of excess weight and make their posture more straight. But which way to choose for this? There are a huge number of them. And the most popular ones involve hiking in GYM's and in diets. But in this review The Japanese technique will be considered. It's quite simple. It can be performed at any age. It will be discussed in more detail in the review.

To reduce your waist, just a few minutes is enough

The Fukutsuji method, known to many as a way to lose weight, has gained wide popularity. There is a lot of information about him on the Internet. Using it, you can use a towel. Reviews from Japanese women about the technique are enthusiastic. According to them, it is enough to spend just a couple of minutes to reduce your waist by a few centimeters. At the same time, growth increases. In other words, using the Fukutsuji technique will help you achieve your goals in the shortest possible period of time. Not only will your waist be reduced, but your back will also become healthier.

Is the Japanese technique really effective?

Remove belly fat with a towel: reviews from inexperienced people say that they regard this as a miracle. Using the method, you can forget about previously acquired knowledge, attitudes and advice regarding weight loss. But a more savvy person will immediately begin to suspect the technique for the presence of some kind of trick or pitfalls.

You need to understand:

  1. Will the technique of the Japanese specialist Fukutskji really help remove belly fat with a towel? Reviews about this are not entirely clear.
  2. What result can be obtained by performing the required actions.
  3. How do people who have experienced the effects of the technique feel about it?
  4. What safety precautions must be followed to avoid injury.
  5. What is the best thing to do if you have back pain?

Method development

The Japanese specialist worked for several years to develop his famous method. As a result of his numerous studies and experiments, a book was published. 6 million copies of it were successfully distributed throughout Asia. Everyone wanted to know how to straighten your back and remove belly fat with a towel. The reviews clearly demonstrated this.

During the development of the technique, the specialist came to the conclusion that practically the most important reason for a wide waist is the unnatural location of the pelvic bones, as well as the hypochondrium. When they are “laid” correctly, the stomach will disappear, the chest will become more developed, the height will increase, and the back will straighten.

Actions to be taken

What steps should you take to remove your belly fat with a towel? They are not particularly complex.

  1. Using a towel, roll it into a tight roll. Its length should not be less than 40 cm, and its thickness should be about 10 cm. To prevent the roller from unrolling during the necessary actions, it must be tied with strong threads.
  2. Sit on a hard, horizontal surface. It should be understood that a soft bed is far from the most the best option. It is worth using a couch, a massage table or a simple tourist carpet, spreading it on the floor. We put the roller behind us.
  3. Gently and slowly lower your back. The roller must be supported with your hands. It should be located across the body under the lower back (exactly under the navel). This condition plays a very important role.
  4. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your feet “clubfooted” together. The big toes should touch. The heels should be placed at a distance of 25 cm from each other.
  5. Start outstretched arms Per head. They must be straight. The palms should be directed downwards and the little fingers should be connected to each other. The position is not very comfortable. And if you cannot straighten your arms completely, then there is nothing wrong with that. Let them lie as they are. Make sure your big toes and little fingers are touching. This important condition, which must be followed if you want to remove your belly with a towel.
  6. You need to lie in this position for five minutes.

Regular exercise is required

If you did everything correctly, the skeleton will immediately begin to take its natural position. You will be able to feel that your stomach is miraculously “retracted”. But you should know that such a process can be quite painful. If you find it difficult to lie on the cushion for five minutes, then start with less time. For example, from two minutes. Every day the time should be increased until it reaches the specified level. You will notice the first results in a month.

How to remove belly fat using a towel using the Japanese method? The main thing in this matter is regularity. If you want to achieve positive results in a short period of time, then you should perform simple actions every day.

What is the essence of the training?

This training process resembles stretching in its structure. In other words, the muscles and hypochondrium are stretched. By moving the roller under your ribcage, you will lift your chest. If the towel is placed under the ribs, the waist will decrease, becoming more expressive. Naturally, one week is not enough for the weight to go away and the back to become straight. But by continuing to do the exercise, you can get results without using diets and a variety of pills.

Have you decided to remove your belly with a towel? The results will not be visible at first. But it will help to find out about their availability. Measure your waist regularly. The longer you perform the steps described above, the faster they will melt. extra centimeters. The spine will straighten, pain in the lumbar region will disappear. But it should be understood that each organism is characterized by individuality. And it is not recommended to compare your results with others.

Feedback from experts regarding the use of the Japanese technique

Now it’s clear how to remove your belly with a towel using the Japanese method. Reviews from experts about it are in most cases positive. Doctors say that the waist is reduced and the posture is straightened in a short period of time. Due to this, the occurrence of most diseases is prevented. Internal organs receive a lower load. With the help of this technique, a more beautiful and athletic body is formed.

You should know that you can remove your belly using a towel using the Japanese method without fear of any harm to your body. The emotions and sensations from this are only the most positive. Experts recommend asking for help from loved ones at the very beginning when performing exercises. Due to this, it will be possible to prevent errors and incorrect execution of the technique. And the roller will be easier to roll. As experts said, there has not yet been a single patient who has not benefited from this method.

This is not a way to lose weight!

You cannot compare others who are capable of getting rid of extra pounds and the Japanese method. Removing the belly with a towel, improving posture, reducing the waist - these are the main advantages of Dr. Fukutsuji’s method. It has nothing to do with losing weight. And this should be understood. Getting rid of excess fat will not happen!

The method proposed by the Japanese specialist is a kind of static stretching training. Thanks to it, you can get rid of a variety of defects that your posture has. It will also be possible to relax especially tightly tense muscle fibers. It is through this that you can get an amazing effect.

There are a huge number of ways to lose weight. And you can look for them anywhere, but not in the Japanese doctor’s method. In addition, exercise can aggravate existing osteochondrosis, resulting in not only serious complications, but also severe back pain. It is for this reason that it is important to start performing the actions described in the technique with the help of loved ones.

People's reviews about the Japanese method

It was described above how to use a towel to remove your stomach and straighten your back. People's reviews of the technique may not be entirely clear. Some did the exercise several times. At the same time, they noticed that the waist decreased by a centimeter. Height was not measured. Quite interesting sensations were also noted. The first execution of the exercise was quite easy. Even if the spine could not be called healthy. At the same time, throughout the day, the posture was kept level by itself, not only when walking, but also when sitting position. There was no discomfort in the back after the second exercise. But these are isolated cases.

What can you get from regular training?

There are also reviews from those who regularly perform the exercises. Over the course of a month, their waist decreased by about 11 cm. Their tall height returned and their tummy disappeared. After the first classes, height and waist size may “walk” (decrease and return to normal sizes again). But with regular training, all parameters will be fixed in the position you need.

Judging by people's reviews, the stoop disappears and confidence in the gait appears. Due to this, your mood improves. Therefore, we can safely say that this is an effective Japanese method. Removing your belly with a towel (reviews demonstrated this perfectly) is quite easy, while receiving bonuses in the form of a straight posture and a great mood.

If you are interested in the Japanese method, it is first recommended to consult a doctor. Especially if there are any problems with the spine. The first lessons should be carried out using a small roller. Over time, its diameter can be increased to the required level.

It is not recommended to lie down for more than five minutes. This test, even for a completely healthy back, can be quite serious and harmful. After completing the exercise, you should not get up immediately. Slowly and carefully turn onto your side and stand up. Try to listen to what the sensations in your body are saying.

Let's summarize all of the above

So, we remove the belly using a towel roller. Let's summarize all of the above. What do you need to remember?

  1. When doing the workout for the first time, make sure someone is nearby. This will help you figure out exactly where to place the roller.
  2. Place the clock in a visible place so that it does not lie there longer than necessary.
  3. After five minutes, carefully roll the towel off to the side. Don't rush to get up right away. Lie down for about a minute, then sit up. After a minute, you can carefully begin to get up. There is no need to rush.
  4. If there is any feeling of discomfort, it goes away quite quickly.

By performing the exercise, the abdominal muscles are tightened. Doing exercises in the morning will give you a feeling of physical energy and lightness for the rest of the day.

When can a technique cause harm?

If you have serious problems with the spine, then using the Japanese specialist’s technique is not recommended. This will only worsen your condition. In such a situation, prevention of osteochondrosis will be required. Doctors recommend it to be carried out in several main areas.

  1. Form movement habits.
  2. Use assistive devices that will relieve stress on the spine.
  3. Increase the intervertebral distance. This will be most useful if the vertebrae have sagged.
  4. Start getting a massage, do self-massage.
  5. Create a competent training complex.

The Japanese technique is not able to provide assistance in any of the above areas. Therefore, one should not expect any benefit from it.

The secret of the technique is simple

What is the secret of the Japanese method that allows you to remove belly fat with a towel? Reviews, photos, execution techniques - you can familiarize yourself with all this as you read the review. And the secret of the technique is quite simple. With its help you can return the bones to the position in which they should be. This explains the reduction in waistline and increase in height. There is nothing complicated or supernatural in the method.

Instead of a conclusion

This review examined the Japanese method. You can find out how effective it is by reading reviews. Some of them are also given in the article. However, it should be noted that in order to obtain maximum benefit, it is recommended to consult your doctors first. They will help you understand the effectiveness of this technique specifically for you and your case. But if you decide to do it yourself training process, then approach it with caution. Listen to your body. And if the back pain only increases, then stop doing the exercise. And don’t forget about regularity, if after completing the training you don’t feel back pain.

The Japanese are fighting obesity in every possible way. People with overweight They are fined and required to take special weight loss courses. Thanks to this, the percentage of obesity in the country is extremely low, it is only 3.5%.

Of course, no amount of intimidation will have an effect on a person if he himself does not want to take care of himself: his figure, appearance and health in general. Among the many effective methods of losing weight, one especially stands out - Japanese gymnastics with a back roller.

The technique was developed by Japanese doctor Fukutsuji, who for a long time was involved in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with spinal diseases. It was his enormous experience that helped create a set of exercises for the correct position.

According to the doctor, neither getting rid of spinal diseases nor the overall health of the body is possible if the pelvic bones and ribs are positioned incorrectly. He confirms his opinion with many years of observations and research.

Thus, gymnastics included exercises for stretching and straightening the spinal column– they became the most popular. The effectiveness of the technique was approved by doctors and confirmed by patients.

By exercising regularly, you can not only achieve normal functioning of the spine, but also to lose excess volume at the waist, strengthen muscles and make your figure more toned and slender.

Japanese gymnastics with a roller is not a grueling, hours-long workout. A tiny amount of time will suffice here. in order to start borrowing correct position.

You can start classes from 5 minutes. This is often enough to feel discomfort and even pain. This doesn't mean you have to endure everything. Let the first lesson last only a short time.

The first changes in a positive direction will become noticeable only after 2 weeks of regular training.

Pros and cons of gymnastics

The positive aspects of gymnastics include the following:

  • doesn't require a lot of space to practice. A small space is enough where a person can lie on the floor and stretch out to his full height;
  • minimum time spent– no more than 30 minutes a day;
  • no additional costs– to start practicing, you only need a towel and threads;
  • no harm to the body, especially in comparison with various diets and fasting;
  • strengthening the whole body– as the bones shift to the correct position, all organ systems begin to work more harmoniously;
  • technique promotes weight loss;
  • effectiveness confirmed a large number of patients;
  • exercises relieve muscle tightness, improve posture and can even slightly increase height;
  • gymnastics will help not only remove volume from the waist and abdomen, but also to strengthen the chest - just move the roller under your back.


Like any other technique, Japanese gymnastics with a roller has some contraindications. They are not absolute, you just need to consult your doctor before starting classes and make sure that the classes will not only be effective, but also safe for health.

This must be done if you have the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral;
  • scoliosis of any kind;
  • displacement of intervertebral discs – ;
  • problems with any ;
  • pregnancy and postpartum period within a month;
  • presence of neoplasms;
  • hypertension.

If you have any of the problems listed above, you need to be especially careful in following the technique of doing the exercises and starting exercises with 30 seconds. In this case it is necessary be sure to monitor your health and immediately stop exercising if severe pain and other negative manifestations occur.

How to make a towel roll yourself

In order to make a roller yourself, you will need a towel and thread. The towel is rolled into a tight roll with a diameter of 8-10 cm; it must be tightly wrapped with thread. Then the diameter can be increased to 15 cm.

It is better to start with a smaller diameter; you need to focus on your own parameters and degree of comfort. The smaller the diameter of the roller, the less the load on the spine. If you have a massage roller, that will work great too, as will a Pilates roller. The length of the bolster should be approximately the same as the width of the back.

Exercises with a roller for the spine

The desired effect depends on the position of the roller. For example, a cushion is placed under the lower back to get rid of volume in the abdominal area. Roll under the neck for osteochondrosis helps eliminate the negative manifestations of this disease and even get rid of it completely.

  1. Lie on your back on a flat horizontal surface. The cushion is placed under the lower back so that it is just under the navel. This is not very convenient, but extremely effective.
  2. Spread your legs shoulder width apart, while the feet should be turned inward and touch each other with the big toes. The heels should be turned away from each other as much as possible.
  3. Hands clasped with little fingers You need to place it under your head so that your palms rest on the floor. This pose, just like the pose of the legs, is not the most comfortable, but this is precisely what the essence of the technique is based on - learning to relax even in the most uncomfortable position. After a few sessions, you will feel the true pleasure of relaxation.
  4. Fixing the body in this position, you need to hold out for at least 5 minutes first. If this is not possible, you can reduce this time to 30 seconds. Gradually you need to increase the time to the designated 5 minutes. Over time, it will be possible to increase the diameter of the roller.
  5. After completing the exercise you should rest in a lying position for about 5-10 minutes, roll onto your side and stomach, slowly kneel down without doing sudden movements, as this can lead to displacement of the vertebrae.


Regular classes Japanese gymnastics using a roller will bring all body functions back to normal, increase the level of health and elasticity of the body. You should not expect a sharp weight loss, since this technique is not designed for this, but eliminating extra centimeters from the stomach and sides - this is quite possible.

Japanese gymnastics is slow, measured, requiring no effort or stress, but no less effective for this.

Fast and sustainable weight loss, and even in the most problematic areas, is the dream of many. Exhausting diets and long-term physical activity are the set that is usually used, but not always successfully.

Especially when it comes to deposits on the waist and lower abdomen. This problem area often does not lend itself to any weight loss tricks, even when all other body shapes already look toned and slender.

What if you can lose weight quickly, and at the same time correct your posture, and maybe even increase your height? Can not be? But the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji thinks differently. He invented a technique that uses a back roller exercise as the main tool.

How it works

Dr. Fukutsuji, through long research, came to the conclusion that the main reason for the increase in fat deposits in the waist and abdomen is nothing more than a discrepancy between the skeleton in the hypochondrium and pelvis.

He confirmed his conclusions many times experimentally, and even published a book with a circulation of more than 5.5 million copies.

Moreover, the method is completely free and very simple. All you need is Japanese roller for the back, consisting of a rolled up towel, and a hard surface - preferably a gymnastics mat.

It is also worth stocking up on perseverance, because the exercise must be done every day, never skipping it.

Gradually, the skeleton will begin to regain its physiological position, the muscles will strengthen evenly and correctly, and the fat at the waist will begin to melt before our eyes.

Do not be alarmed if the first few sessions are accompanied by some pain, as long as it does not exceed the limits of tolerability.

The body was in forced incorrect positions for a long time, the muscles and ligaments were “accustomed” to maintaining this unnatural state and they will need time to recover.

In addition to reducing volume, a towel under the back using the Japanese method also corrects posture, increases the intervertebral distance to normal levels, which can even add a couple of centimeters to height, and also allows brown fat to form instead of white.

Brown fat is not stored on the body, but is burned by the body for energy.

Doing exercises

Like any physical exercise, the Japanese technique with a towel for the back should be used after preheating. This may include:

  • Tilts the head left and right, forward and backward.
  • Rotation of the arms in one direction and the other: first in the hands, then in the elbows, then in the shoulder joint.
  • Turn the body to the left and right from the position of the feet shoulder-width apart, the heels do not come off the floor, look straight ahead, arms are semicircular, clasped in front of you.
  • Tilts the body to the left and right.
  • Torso rotation in both directions from a shoulder-width apart position.
  • From the same position - rotation of the pelvis.

After a short warm-up, you can proceed directly to the exercise with a back towel.

First you need to decide on the surface. A bed or sofa will not work, they are too soft. It is ideal to perform the exercise on a gymnastic mat on the floor or on a massage table.

The roller must be made from a rolled towel, 7-10 cm in height - no more. The approximate initial length of the towel is 40 cm. The width of the roller should be no narrower than the lower back, and may slightly protrude beyond the edges of the body.

  1. Take a sitting position.
  2. Position the roller so that it is directly under the navel across the waist.
  3. Slowly lower yourself onto your back.
  4. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your knees facing each other so that your big toes touch each other. The heels should be at least 20 cm apart from each other.
  5. Extend your arms above your head, palms down so that your little fingers touch each other.

You need to lie in this position for 5 minutes. Oddly enough, this can be difficult at first, and the first sessions can be done for 2-3 minutes, gradually increasing the interval to 5 minutes.

After the allotted time has passed, carefully remove the roller from under you and lie quietly for a few minutes.

After using the Japanese method to remove your stomach and straighten your back, you can use a relaxing massage.

If you use a roller in the same way, folding it under the chest, the chest will become taller from the first use of the technique.

If you place a roller under the lower ribs, the waist will noticeably decrease and become more prominent against the background of the hips and chest.

Effects of the exercise

Using Dr. Fukutsuji's program, you can achieve the following effects:

  1. Straighten your back using the Japanese method.
  2. Strengthen your back and abdominal muscles.
  3. Remove excess deposits from the waist and abdomen.
  4. Add a few centimeters of height.
  5. Make the waist more visible.
  6. Give your entire body a more graceful shape.
  7. Feel energized and improve performance.

And all this is absolutely free. However, it is worth remembering that this technique is still aimed at restoring the position of the skeleton, and therefore has a number of contraindications.


You should be more careful when using a bolster under your back. Japanese method, If:

  • Sharp pain is felt when performing the exercise. This can talk about . If such a symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • There are headaches after using the technique.
  • You experience dizziness and the urge to vomit, a feeling of nausea.
  • There is high or low blood pressure - both immediately before the start of the exercise, and as a syndrome.

Absolute contraindications to performing exercises with a roller under the back.

For the past 20 years, the Japanese Fukutsuji method has been at the peak of popularity, allowing you to lose weight without extra effort. At first glance, the proposed technique causes distrust and bewilderment: you just need to lie down in a certain position for a few minutes and the centimeters on your waist begin to melt. Has it really been found? perfect way weight loss for the lazy?

In fact, with the exercise, not everything is so simple: it must be performed according to certain rules, and not everyone can do this. And the shortcomings, along with criticism of official medicine and negative reviews are also available. So you will have to understand the degree of its effectiveness and safety for health.

about the author

The Japanese doctor Fukutsuji is our contemporary, but practically nothing is known about him. Dealing with the treatment of the spine and joints, for 10 years he developed a system of exercise therapy to relieve back pain, practicing all the exercises from his own experience. As a result, the complex never saw the light of day for the only reason - from the variety of everything that he tried, he chose only one position, and the static one - with a towel roll. That's what showed best results and it relieved not so much of problems with the lower back, but of extra pounds and centimeters at the waist.

In the early 2000s. from the pen of a talented doctor the book “Lose weight lying down” was published. More than 6 million copies were published and sold in Asian countries. Many who tried the method of the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji thanked him for new life no back pain and overweight. The book was translated into other languages ​​and became widespread in Russia and the West.

However, there were also those who criticized Dr. Fukutsuji’s method with a roller, declaring not only its ineffectiveness (not everyone was able to lose weight by practicing it), but also that it was harmful to the spine (orthopedists, rheumatologists and neurologists often speak out about this). Despite this, the Japanese doctor is popular in his country, conducts online trainings and seminars, and educates patients correct technique performing your own exercise. According to the media, people from all over the world are flocking to him for help.

Essence of the method

Many include this exercise into their complexes and training programs, without even suspecting that this is Fukutsuji’s original method. However, he himself argued that it does not require additional physical activity, that is, it is not necessary to include it in morning exercises or an afternoon workout.

What is its essence? You need to lie down on a flat surface and place a cushion under a certain point on your back (most often a regular towel is used). A few minutes of this static pose - and the exercise is over. For greater efficiency, 3 provisions have been developed to solve different problems. Performed only once a day, but regularly.

Fukutsuji guarantees that in a month the waist size will become 2-3 cm smaller, after 2 - the saggy belly will go away, after 3 - it will begin to form beautiful abs. Everything is extremely simple and does not require any effort: diet and intensive training Not needed. According to surveys, in Asian countries this method has been tried by 70% of the female population and 20% of the male population.

In Russia and Western European countries, the Japanese method of losing weight with a towel is also very popular, although it is actively criticized for its low degree of effectiveness and for the unpleasant sensations that arise in the back during the exercise.

Mechanism of weight loss

How can a regular roller under your back help you break down fat on your waist, sides and abdomen? Fukutsuji used two tricks here. The first is at acupuncture points, because reflexology is one of the fundamentals oriental medicine. The impact is on them. But they are only an auxiliary factor. The doctor's main idea is to straighten pelvic bones, which, in his opinion, play an important role in the formation of a slim figure.

Over the course of many years of research, Fukutsuji came to the conclusion that with age, a person gains weight and becomes the owner of a round and saggy abdomen due to the fact that the pelvic and rib bones diverge. This is a consequence of aging and sedentary image life. If this process is made reversible, that is, returned to their original place, the problem of a plump waist and flabby abs will automatically go away. And this is quite possible with the help of an exercise with a roller. But straightening the skeleton takes a lot of time, so you will have to be patient for everything to fall into place. So this method is not suitable for fast.

In the book “Lose Weight Lying Down,” Fukutsuji colorfully described the results of regularly performing this unusual gymnastics in Japanese:

  • fat from the abdominal area will disappear;
  • the waist will be narrow;
  • the hips and buttocks will become beautiful (due to the return of the pelvic bones to their original position);
  • height (!) will increase, because the skeleton will stretch;
  • your posture will improve;
  • muscle flexibility will increase;
  • pain in the lower back, back, spine will go away;
  • the condition will be alleviated in diseases such as kyphosis and scoliosis;
  • Digestion will improve.

The exercise is a stretch that has a positive effect on the spine and intercostal ligaments. The muscles of the back and abdomen become more flexible, which increases their potential by 20%.

According to Fukutsuji, the roller exercise returns not only the bones to their original position, but also internal organs. In the course of his research, he found out that abdominal fat in the abdominal cavity moves them, which disrupts their functioning, hence the diseases associated excess weight. Therefore, the Japanese method is good not only for losing weight, but also for improving the health of the body.

But there is also a fly in the ointment: Dr. Fukutsuji’s opinion is his own, and has not yet been scientifically confirmed. Many specialists working with the spine criticize it, and some even claim that in certain cases the method is dangerous to health.


If the roller exercise works exactly as Dr. Fukutsuji claims (it moves bones and internal organs), it is clear that this is a serious process that will ultimately affect not only your figure, but also your health. And if initially there are problems with the spine, bones, joints and organs in the abdominal cavity, you should be careful with this one. Therefore, the Japanese method of losing weight has special contraindications that cannot be ignored. These include diseases:

  • spine: sciatica, intervertebral hernia, myositis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, protrusion, radiculitis, spondylosis, tumors, ankylosing spondylitis;
  • joints: bursitis, tendinitis, coxarthrosis, periarthritis;
  • bones: osteopathy and chondropathy;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver;
  • kidney

Negative reviews claiming that the Japanese method of losing weight is not only ineffective, but also causes back pain, are dictated in most cases by non-compliance with contraindications. If a person with protrusion of intervertebral discs begins to perform the exercise, this may result in the formation of an extensive hernia and disability. Therefore, if you have such diseases, you should consult your doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • simplicity of the method;
  • the ability to lose weight without dieting and intense training;
  • work on a specific problem area - stomach, waist, sides;
  • this is the development of a certified doctor, which inspires confidence;
  • concomitant improvement of digestion;
  • relief of certain diseases;
  • performed at home - no need for collective training or a personal trainer;
  • There is a towel in every home, so there is no need to spend money on purchasing special equipment.


  • presence of contraindications;
  • not suitable for everyone;
  • among side effects- severe back pain;
  • centimeters from the waist and fat from the abdomen disappear slowly;
  • many doctors are against this method.

Execution technique

Those who have decided to lose weight using a towel should carefully study the exercise technique. It must be done correctly to achieve results. Perhaps those who were unable to reduce their waist using a roller made mistakes that could result in back pain and lack of effect.


The sports equipment is a roller that can be rolled up from a regular medium-sized terry towel. It should be tight and rigid - for this it needs to be tied with a rope, which will prevent it from unwinding during training. The diameter is determined individually: for example, with a height of 180 cm and 100 kg of weight, it should be greater than with parameters of 150 cm and 60 kg.

Roll of terry towel tied with ribbon

How to properly place a roller

We spread a special rug or blanket on the floor. We lay the roller. We sit with our backs to him. And then it all depends on what position you are performing.

Position 1 - lumbar

We lie down on the cushion so that it falls into the lumbar cavity. To check the correctness of its position, you need to place the index fingers of both hands on the navel and draw semicircles with them, going down the sides under the back. As a result, they should rest in the center of the diameter of the rolled towel. This pose works to slim the waist and strengthen the pelvic bones.

Position 2 - subcostal

We lie down on the cushion so that it is under the ribs. To check the correctness of its position, you need to place the index fingers of both hands on the protruding bone of the lower rib and draw semicircles with them, going down the sides under the back. As a result, they will rest against the bottom edge of the rolled towel; its main part should be above this level. This pose works to lose weight in the abdomen and muscles. abdominals and returns the ribs to their place.

Position 3 - sternal

We lie down on the cushion so that it is under chest. To check the correctness of its position, you need to place the index fingers of both hands strictly under the chest and draw semicircles with them, going down the sides under the back. As a result, they will rest against the bottom edge of the rolled towel; its main part should be above this level. This pose works to straighten your posture directly with the spine.

How to position your arms and legs

  1. Feet - shoulder width apart.
  2. Bring your socks together. To prevent them from moving in different directions (it will be difficult to keep them in this position at first), you can secure them with a hair elastic.
  3. Bring your arms up so that they form a single straight line with your body.
  4. Place them behind your head, palms down.
  5. Connect your little fingers.

To lose weight with a towel, you will have to gradually master all 3 positions of the Fukutsuji exercise.

Weight loss program

Initially, prepare yourself for the fact that the Japanese Fukutsuji method is a long-term weight loss. But it is precisely this fact that guarantees a lasting result that will last a long time.

Is not interval training, so you need to practice every day, without missing a single day. If there is no load, the bones will begin to separate again.

Sample training program

With such a program using the Japanese method for 3 months, you can reduce your waist size by 5 cm, completely remove a sagging belly and straighten your posture. If you are satisfied with the results, you can stop training and keep your body in shape using other methods - using proper nutrition and regular sports activities. But most people continue to practice the Fukutsuji exercise to prevent diseases of the spine and joints and to avoid subsequent bone separation that occurs with age.

Dr. Fukutsuji in his book briefly mentions nutrition as an aid to weight loss in its development. This is explained by the fact that it only indirectly relates to the displacement of the pelvic bones and ribs, which are the basis of the method. And yet, people who practice this exercise give valuable recommendations on how to increase its effectiveness specifically in terms of weight loss.


  • do not exceed the daily caloric intake based on your individual data (height, weight, physical activity);
  • limit the consumption of harmful and high-calorie foods, or better yet, completely eliminate them from the diet;
  • drink enough water;
  • minimize salt, as it is harmful to joints;
  • eat strictly according to the regime.

As part of the Japanese method, focus on foods that are good for joints and bones - this will speed up skeletal recovery and minimize the risk of complications. The menu must include:

  • fish;
  • olive oil;
  • cherry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, strawberry;
  • low-fat dairy products: yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • broccoli;
  • green tea;
  • citrus fruits, kiwi;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • legumes

Foods containing collagen are beneficial for cartilage. Therefore, at least 2 times a week, the menu must include jellied fish, jellied meat and fatty broths. At the same time, do not forget to meet your daily caloric intake.


To enhance the effectiveness of the technique, you need to engage in sports that strengthen the spine and have a positive effect on the skeletal system as a whole. These include:

  • backstroke;
  • race walking;
  • skis;
  • oriental gymnastic practices: wushu, wushu, katsuzo nishi, etc.
  • all types of wrestling, boxing, martial arts;
  • football, volleyball, basketball;
  • Latin American dances;
  • tennis;
  • skiing;
  • horseback riding.

If you work with exercise machines, you need to know the load they put on your joints and spine. If in doubt, consult your trainer.

And further…

Fukutsuji is a representative of oriental medicine, for whom healthy image life is the norm. Describing his technique, he draws attention to the fact that for weight loss and the effectiveness of the exercise, it is important to be filled with positive energy and not commit bad actions that place a heavy burden on a person’s shoulders and do not allow him to straighten up in the literal and figurative sense of the word.

In addition to his wishes, you need to pay attention to the lifestyle you will lead. Physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol abuse - all this does not fit into the Japanese method and can reduce its effectiveness to zero.

Despite criticism of official medicine and negative reviews, many people from all over the world have lost weight and improved their health, thanks to simple exercise, just placing a cushion under the lower back. Perhaps you should try it too?